UNIT 2 Going Places

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The village of Riace faced issues such as a shortage of jobs, a declining population as many left to find work elsewhere, and empty houses. It was becoming a ghost town.

Riace faced a shortage of jobs in the 1990s which caused many inhabitants, especially young people, to leave the village to find work elsewhere. As a result, the only school closed and there were very few shops or restaurants left.

Domenico Lucano welcomed refugees into the village and provided them with food and accommodation in exchange for work. He created an organization called City of the Future to house and employ the refugees to renovate empty houses. This helped boost the local economy and population.



GOING fu n c t io n s :

gram m ar:
expressing surprise
relative clauses (review);
which to refer to a whole clause;

omitting relative pronouns;
reduced relative clauses
vo c a bu la r y: groups o f people;
phrasal verbs (1)

R E A D IN G 5 All of these statements are incorrect. Read the

article again and find the lines which show they
1 Imagine you are going to live in another country. are incorrect. Then correct the sentences.
W h a t things do you have to get used to? Add two
1 M any p eo p le in the 1990s left Riace because
more things to this list. Then put the six things in
they didn't like it any more.
order of difficulty for you (1 = most difficult).
2 “The refugees didn't have to do anything to get
the climate П the language
food and accommodation.
the food i i □ 3 The refugees already spoke Italian.
local customs □ 4 N ew houses w ere built for the refugees.
5 A b o u t a hundred immigrants live in Riace now.
2 Compare your ideas with other students.
6 M o re local p eo p le are leaving Riace.
3 W ork in pairs or small groups. Look 7 M any politicians have criticised Lucano's ideas.
at the photos and these phrases from the article. 8 Lucano won the 2010 'W o rld M ayor' award.
Discuss what you think the article is about.
6 W ork with a partner and discuss
• a shortage of jobs
the following questions.
• the creation of workshops
• began to welcom e refugees 1 W h a t tw o questions would you like to ask:

• the renovation of houses a a resident born in Riace?

b an immigrant living and working in Riace?
4 L. flfcWil Read and listen to the article and check 2 Do you think things will continue to go well in
your ideas. Riace in the future? W h y (not)?

G la ss C h in a

room T o ys
Q y im a - S
f O Ju b o m

Refugees Bring New Life to a Village
Q iace is a small village in Calabria, which Riace is now home to between two and
is a very pretty region of Italy, but also three hundred immigrants, who live happily
quite a poor one. Riace once had a population alongside the locals. Most of the women make
of 3,000, but in the 1990s a shortage of jobs handicrafts to sell in local shops, while the men
meant that many of the inhabitants, especially renovate empty houses to rent to tourists. But it
young people, left the village to find work in is not only the refugees who have gained from
other places. The only school closed. There Lucano’s plans: Citta Futura also has 13 local
were no restaurants and very few shops. Many employees, which makes it the biggest employer
houses were empty. Riace was becoming a in the village. And because of the arrival of more
ghost town. But these days it’s a different story, children, the school is open again. Lucano, who
because of one man whose dreams have turned became mayor of Riace in 2004, has managed
Riace into a village with a future. to create jobs and to stop the villagers moving
One day in 1998, Domenico Lucano, a away, while at the same time helping some
teacher from Riace, was driving near the food and accommodation in return for work. The of the poorest and most desperate people in
sea when he saw a refugees also had to learn Italian. the world.
large group of people It was the beginning of a plan. Lucano created Many politicians have visited Riace hoping
on the beach. They an organisation called Citta Futura, or City of the that they can use Lucano’s ideas in their own
were refugees who Future. The idea was simple: Riace desperately towns and cities. The German film director Wim
had arrived by boat to needed more inhabitants and there were plenty Wenders also went there and was inspired to
escape problems in of people in the world looking for a home. The make a short documentary about the village
their countries. Lucano village began to welcome refugees from Somalia, called II Volo (The Flight). Lucano himself
had an idea of how to Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and other places. was voted third in the 2010 ‘World Mayor'
help these people and how they, in turn, might Lucano used buildings which had been empty for competition, and was praised for his courage
possibly help him save his village. He decided to years to house the new arrivals, and he created and compassion.
welcome them into the village and to give them workshops for them to work in.

■ TRAIN TO THiNK 2 Here are things people said to Domenico

Lucano when he was about to start his project.
Distinguishing fact from opinion W ork in pairs and find good questions that he
P e o p le o fte n h a v e d is a g r e e m e n ts b e c a u s e th e y c o n fu s e could ask to separate opinions from facts.
o p in io n s w ith fa c ts . A f a c t is s o m e th in g tru e f o r w h ic h th e re is
u s u a lly p r o o f. A n o p in io n is a th o u g h t o r b e lie f a n d m a y n o t All the young people are moving away.
b e tru e . W h e n y o u w a n t to k n o w i f w h a t s o m e o n e is s a y in g is O ur town has no future.
r e a lly tru e , it's im p o r t a n t to a sk th e r ig h t q u e s tio n s to h e lp y o u
s e p a ra te o p in io n s fr o m fa c ts . 12 I'm sure these refugees are trouble makers.

1 Read the two statements (A). W h a t is the purpose b on 't invite these people to our village.
of the question (B) that follows each of them? They're poor and will only create problems.
1 A T e e n a g e rs n e v e r w a n t to t r a v e l a n y w h e re w ith th e ir
p a re n ts . It's a bad idea to put people from different
В Does that mean that there has never been a young countries together. They might not get on.
person who liked travelling with their parents?
2 A I'm c o n v in c e d lis te n in g to m u s ic k e e p s y o u h e a lth y . These people can't survive in our village.
В W h at evidence is there that proves you are right? There's ju s t no work for them.

GRAM M AR 5 W hat does this refer to in each of the

second sentences below? Rewrite the pairs
Relative clauses (review) of sentences as one sentence.
1 Read the sentences from the article about Riace. Look
0 A lot o f tourists visit. This is good for
at the underlined parts. Then complete the rule by
the town.
writing А, В, C or D.
A lot o f tourists visit, which is good for
A Riace is in Calabria, which is a very pretty region of Italy.
the town.
В Lucano used buildings which had been empty for years
1 Some people go and live in another country.
to house the new arrivals.
This is not always easy.
C They w ere refugees who had arrived by boat.
2 You have to learn new customs. This can be
D Lucano, who became mayor of Riace in 2004. has challenging.
managed to create jobs.
3 Some p eop le are nervous about strangers.
This makes life difficult for new arrivals.
R U L E : W e use a defining relative clause to identify 4 Sometimes there are differences in culture.
an object (which / that), a person ( who / that), a This often results in misunderstandings.
place (w h ere) or a possession (w hose). W ithout this
information, it's hard to know who or what w e’re talking
about, (e.g. Sentences1______ and 2_______ )
W e use a non-defining relative clause to add extra
Groups of people
information. W e don't need this information to
understand the sentence. W e put commas around it. Complete each sentence with a word from
(e.g. Sentences 3_ _____and 4_______ ) the list.
the audience motorists pedestrians
residents the crew the staff em ployees
Complete each sentence with w ho, w hich
em ployers immigrants politicians
or th a t. Are they defining or non-defining relative
refugees inhabitants
clauses? Then discuss the statements with a partner.
0 People who watch a play / film / concert are
1 I don’t understand p e o p le ____ decide to
the audience .
go and live in another country.
1 People who walk on a street are called
2 Sometimes p eop le d on’t like strangers come
and live in their town.
2 A group of people who work for an organisation
3 A stranger is just so m eo ne________ isn't your friend yet.
a re ______ ____
4 Sometimes it's just a person’s appearance ------- makes
3 People who drive cars are c a lle d ----------
us like them or not.
4 A group of people who work on a plane or ship
3 Join the sentences to make one sentence by including are_____ __ __
a non-defining relative clause. Put commas in the 5 ___are people or animals that live in a
correct places. specific place.
6 People who are paid to work for other people
0 The p eop le w ere tired. They had come a long way.
are c a lle d _____ _____
The people, who h ad come a long way, were tired.
7 People who work in politics are called
1 The locals gave them food. The locals w ere -kind.
2 Rome is an exciting place. It is my favourite city. 8 ___are people who leave their own
3 I’ve been reading a book by W illiam Boyd. Boyd is one of country because it’s too difficult or dangerous to
my favourite writers. live there.
4 M y neighbour Rubens has been living here for ten years. 9 __________ pay others to work for them.
Rubens is from Guatemala. 10 People who live in a certain place are the

which to refer to a whole clause 11 _______ are people who come to a different
4 Read the two sentences from the article. W h at does country to live there permanently.
w hich refer to in each sentence?
1 Riace is a small village in Calabria, which is a very pretty
region of Italy.
2 Citta Futura has 13 local employees, which makes it the
biggest employer in the village.
Migration in nature

1 Е 2 И З П И Look at the photos and the maps. Which animals in the F U N C T IO N S

photographs make which journeys in the maps? Discuss your ideas.2 6
Expressing surprise
2 Г Э Н Н Listen to a radio interview. Check your ideas. W rite 1, 2 1 ill. Listen again to the
and 3 in the boxes. radio interview. W h a t phrases
are used to express surprise?
3 С »)IK H W h at do these numbers refer to? Listen again and check.
Can you think of any other
1 18,000 3 2,000 5 70,000 phrases?
2 more than a million 4 250,000 6 2,000,000 1 __________ (distance)!
2 __! G o o d heavens.
4 Correct these sentences. Listen again to check.
3 It's , isn't it?
1 Grey whales swim to Alaska to have their babies there.
4 W o w . That’s
2 Grey whales can be found near Alaska in the winter.
5 That's_____ .
3 The Mara River is at the beginning of the wildebeests'journey.
4 The Mara River is full of hippos. 2 W ork in A B pairs. A thinks of
5 Arctic terns do their journey only once in their lifetime. something surprising that he/
she knows. (You can invent
6 People know how the terns always arrive at the same place.
something if you want!) A
5 SPEAKING W ork in small groups. Answer these questions. gives the information to В. В
uses one of the expressions in
1 W h ich of the animal facts you heard do you think is the most
Exercise 1 to reply, and asks
a follow-up question. Then A
2 Do you know about any other animals or birds who undertake and В change roles.
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•« ► A

B e c c a ’s Blog: It isn’t a holiday |y| Homesickness

Fro m London You know those Hollywood films where
the foreigner is living a nice, easy,
After a few weeks you’ll start to miss
all kinds of things (and people) from

to Lyon comfortable life in another country?

Well, forget it - that’s not how it is. You
back home. That special food, that TV
programme, the friends who you used to
Five not-so have to do all kinds of things like open hang out with. Well, it’s a phase you have
good things a bank account, find somewhere to live, to go through. If you’re really homesick,
about living pay bills, and so on. These things aren't go home. Otherwise, keep going, the
abroad easy and they take time. homesickness won’t last forever.

Language problems y | Not everyone is happy

Regular readers of my blog already know that
Before I came, I thought my French was that you’re there
I’m a student living and studying in France
for a year. Overall it’s turning out to be a pretty good. But being here isn’t like Mostly people are kind to me and happy
great experience. But today I’ve decided French at school was. People talk to me to see me. But there are exceptions.
to write about some of the challenges that like they talk to each other - fast! There’s Sometimes I go somewhere and
living abroad can bring. Here we go. new vocabulary which you have to pick someone says something like: ‘Oh, no,
up - the first time I went to a hairdresser, another English person!’ It’s not nice to
I didn’t know what to say! Speaking hear, but you have to put up with it. I find
French all day wears me out. Often, at it’s best to try and ignore that stuff and
night, I’ll watch anything on TV in English! concentrate on the nice people I meet.
Anything! Still, overall, I’m very happy to be here
and I have no regrets at all about
You might not like it coming. Sure there are problems but you
It’s possible that after all the excitement can run into problems wherever you are.
of moving to another country, you The experience gained by living abroad
become one of those foreigners who is is invaluable. Living abroad is fun and a
unhappy abroad. I ran into some people huge learning opportunity too. It’s made
who couldn’t wait to leave France after me more aware of the world.
just a few weeks. Well, there’s no country
in the world that suits everybody, right?
It’s always a risk.
\ , '£' 1

1 Look at the photo and the title o f the Phrasal verbs (1)
blog, and make notes on the following. 1 Complete these sentences from the blog. Use the correct
1 W h e r e d o you think the wom an is?
form of the phrasal verbs from the list, then go back to the
blog to check your answers.
2 W h e r e d o you think she’s from ?
3 W h a t is this blog en try about? put up with bring ab ou t run into turn out
hang out with p ic k u p go through | w ear out
2 Read the blog and check your ideas. 1 You have t o ___________a lot o f new vocabulary.

3 Read the blog again and answer the 2 Being homesick is a phase that you have t o __________—

questions. 3 It's not nice to hear p e o p le criticise you, but you have to
1 W h a t is Becca doing in France?
4 Sometimes you miss the friends you used t o ----------
2 W h y does she say that it 'isn’t a holiday'?
5 Speaking another language all d a y --------- m e ----------
3 W h y is she sometimes tired at the end of
6 Living abroad is ___________to be a great experience for me.
the day?
7 I ___________some p e o p le w h o w anted to leave France.
4 H o w w e re som e o th er foreigners
different from her? 8 Living abroad c a n ___________ some challenges and difficulties.

5 H o w does she suggest dealing with

homesickness? Pronunciation
6 H o w does she deal with comments about
Phrasal verb stress
her that she doesn't like?
Go to page 120.

2 Which of the phrasal verbs means: Reduced relative clauses
0 make (someone) very tired w e a r out 3 Read these sentences. W here could you put the
1 meet (without having arranged to) words th a t is and w h o is? Then tick the correct
2 learn (informally) box in the rule.
3 tolerate ----------- 1 I’m a student living and studying in France.
4 experience (a difficult situation) 2 The experience gained by living abroad is
5 have a particular result invaluable.
6 spend time with -----------
7 make happen RULE: W h e n relative clauses begin with a relative
pronoun + the auxiliary ve rb be, w e can omit:
3 Answer the questions.
A only the relative pronoun
1 W here do you like to hang out? And who with? В the relative pronoun + the ve rb be.
2 W hat wears you out?
3 Have you ever run into a teacher outside school?
4 Can you think of any habits someone you know has
4 Cross out the words / phrases in italics that can
that you have to put up with? be left out.

5 W hat difficulties does someone have to go through Footballers 1wbo com e from other countries to play
when they leave school and start university? in the U K often have problems. Some of the players
6 Do you think it's possible to pick up new words 2who are playing in the U K now are quite young and
from listening to English-language songs? so they easily feel homesick. A nd then there are things
like food - p eop le 3wbo were brought up on spicy
food or exotic fruit don’t always like typical British
food. But the biggest problems 45
that they face seem
GRAM M AR to be the weather and the language. The country sthat
they come from might be very hot, which the U K isn't.
Omitting relative pronouns
It isn’t always easy for players 6*w ho come from Brazil
1 Read the two sentences from the blog. W here or Mexico, for example, to adapt to the grey skies and
can you put th a t in each sentence? Is th a t the short winter d a y s 7 that they experience in England.
subject or object of the relative clause? Then A n d not all the foreign players learn English very well -
complete the rule with the words su bject the ones 8who do, tend to find it easier to adapt.
and o b je ct. Ш Ш Ш Е Я Ш Е }
1 It's a phase you have to go through.
2 I concentrate on the nice people I meet.
RULE: W h e n the relative pronouns that I which Learning from other cultures
/ who are the 1_______o f a defining relative clause,
th ey can be omitted. But if they are the 2_______ o f 1 Imagine you live in another country. Put the
the defining relative clause, th ey can’t be omitted. things in Becca’s blog (А, В, C, D, E) in order
(1 = the most difficult, 5 = the least difficult).

2 Read these sentences. Put a tick ( / ) if you can 1 □ ^ □ 3 □ 4 П

omit the pronoun in italics, or a cross (X) if you
2 Choose the options that are true for you in these
can’t omit it.
statements. Make notes about your reasons.

1 You’ll miss the friends who you
1 I'd like //wouldn't like to visit other countries.
used to hang out with.
2 I'd like / /wouldn't like to live in another country.
2 I ran into some people who

couldn't wait to leave.
I’ve decided to write about some of the
□ 3
I'm interested / I'm not interested in other cultures.
Knowing about other cultures helps / doesn't help

challenges that living abroad can bring.
You become one of those people
□ 5
me understand my own culture.
/think / /don't think it's good to have people from
who wish they'd stayed at home. □ other countries living in my country.

5 There’s new vocabulary which

you have to pick up.
There's no country in the world
□ Compare your ideas about Exercises 1
and 2 with the class. How similar or different are

that suits everybody. □ you?


1 Look at the photos. W h a t do they all have in common?

2 ь. « д н и Read and listen to the article and check

your answers.

Nomadic People
Most of us are used to living in the same place - every day, all year round,
we go ‘home’. But for some people around the world, home is a place that
moves. Here are three groups of people who have a nomadic way of life.

I T h e Tuareg stricter borders, severe droughts and 3 A b o rig in e s

urbanisation, nomadic life became
In the central part of northern more difficult in the 20th century. The Aboriginal people of Australia
Africa, which is mostly desert, you This led many Tuareg people to settle have been living there for 40,000
can find the Tuareg people, who call in towns and cities. years, since long before Europeans
themselves ‘Imohag’, meaning ‘free Sometimes the Tuareg people are arrived. But they are not one single
people’. Most of the Tuareg people called ‘the blue people of the Sahara’, group - for example, there are over
are found in Mali, Niger and Algeria, because of the blue turbans 200 different languages spoken by the
although some can also be found in that the men wear, which often gives Aborigines.
Libya and Burkina Faso. However, their skin a blue colour.
being nomadic people, they regularly
cross national borders. 2 T h e Shahsavan
They have their own language
(Tuareg), which is spoken by around This tribe lives in an area of
1.2 million people, but many Tuareg northwest Iran and eastern
people also speak Arabic and/or Azerbaijan.There are approximately
French.The Tuareg people are mostly 100,000 of them. In the spring, the
Muslim, although some traditional Shahsavan move from their winter
beliefs remain from before the arrival home in Azerbaijan to their camps
of Islam. near Mount Sabalan, about 200
In the past, the Tuareg people kilometres south, for the summer.
moved around the desert areas with Their journey usually takes around
their cattle, mainly between places three or four weeks. Each day, they
where water could be found. Due to travel from midnight to midday, when
the formation of new countries and the heat begins to prevent further The Aborigines are hunters and
travel.Traditionally, the women and gatherers, almost always on the move.
children travelled on camels, and Principally it is the women who
the men rode horses or walked, but gather food and care for children,
increasingly the Shahsavan are using while the men are the hunters.They
lorries and tractors.
have very few possessions, and the
W hen they reach their destination,
ones they have are mostly light, since
everyone (including children) is
they need to keep moving in search
involved in setting up the main camp,
of food and to maintain a balanced
consisting of various types of tent.
diet (they eat seeds, fruit and
They stay there until September, when
vegetables, as well as small animals,
the return journey begins.
snakes and insects).
Many of the Shahsavan believe that
However, they occasionally
their way of life is dying out, that their
decide to settle somewhere and
grandchildren will not do the annual
form villages.
migration any more.

3 According to the article, which group (or

1 only travels twice a year?

Hi James,
2 doesn't own many things?
3 speaks more than one language? How are you doing? Hope you’re OK!
4 sometimes lives together in villages? Well, here I am at last - living in northern Canada with the
5 moves from one country to another? nomadic Inuit people. You know that I’ve been wanting to do
6 has seen their lifestyle change? this for years, and my dream has finally come true. I’m over
the moon to be here.
VOCABULARY Match the highlighted words in
the article to the definitions. I got here ten days ago and met a family who said I could go
along with them to hunt. I’ve already done some amazing
1 the places where one country ends and another things - sleeping in an igloo, for example, and watching the
begins Inuit people go hunting for fish and for small animals.
2 on a journey or trip, the place you want to get to
The most difficult thing to deal with, of course, is the cold.
3 all the things that you eat
There’s also the fact that you have to keep moving every
4 times when it doesn't rain and there is little or
few days to find food. The way they hunt is interesting. The
no water
Inuit make a hole in the ice and hope that a seal will appear
5 mainly so that they can catch it. I went hunting with my host dad
6 things that people have and keep a couple of days ago - he showed me how to make a hole
7 that happens once every year and then we stood for six hours in the freezing cold, waiting
8 stay, continue for a seal to appear. It never came. I got so fed up. But then I
thought: ‘Hey, the Inuit people do this every day, sometimes
waiting for ten hours. And sometimes they catch a seal, and
S P E A K IN G sometimes they don’t. What’s my problem?’ What amazes
W ork with a partner. Discuss the following me most about them is their patience, and my own is getting
questions. loads better!
1 Do you know of any other groups o f p eop le who Well, I’ll write and tell you more about how I’m getting
are nomadic? W h a t do you know about their on with things when I can. Hope you’re well!
All the best,
2 W h a t do you think might be the advantages and
disadvantages of a nomadic lifestyle? Karen.
3 The article says that many o f the Shahsavan believe
that their grandchildren won't live in the same way.
W h y do you think that might be?

3 W h y does Karen not use the expressions in Exercise

2 in her email?
An informal email 4 Imagine you are spending two weeks living with
1 Read Karen's email and answer the questions. one of the nomadic tribes mentioned in the article.

• Choose which of the three groups you are living with.

1 H o w long has she been with the Inuit people?
• Decide what things in general have been good / not
2 W h e n did she try to catch a seal?
so good about your experiences so far.
3 W h a t does she say strikes her most about
• Decide on one specific thing about their life that has
the Inuit?
really impressed you.
2 Which word or phrase in the email means:
5 You're going to write an email to an English-
1 a great deal speaking friend.
2 I have finally arrived
• M ake sure to start and end your email appropriately.
3 agreed that I could accompany them
• Talk generally about your experiences first. Then
4 I am extremely happy move on to more specific details.
5 my experiences here • W rite 150-200 words.
6 one or tw o days ago
• Check your writing to make sure that your language is
not formal.




Part 4: Key word transformations ■ в а в ^

1 For questions 1-6 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the
word given. Here is an example (0).

0 I think taking the 8 pm train is the best idea.

I'd prefe r to take the 8 pm train.

1 I've been studying all day and I'm really tired.

Studying all day has really________________________ out.
2 I wish I hadn't gone to bed so late.
I ________________________ to bed so late.

3 I got really annoyed by Paul and Dave laughing all the time.
Paul and Dave kept laughing,________________________ me.

4 I don't know how you tolerate him.

I don't know how you____________ him.
5 Oh no! I didn't post my letter on the way home.
I ________ ______my letter on the way home.

6 Getting up early in the morning is the worst thing.

I ....................................... up early in the morning.

Part 2: An article ш и .ш и и Ц

2 You have seen this announcement in an international teenage magazine.

Where is it?
Why do you wont to go there?
W hat would you do there?

The best article w ill be published in next month's magazine

W rite your article in 140-190 words.


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are four extra words.
refugees turned out wandering puzzled stuck residents guilty
staff rushing go through motorists ran into worn out crawl

1 Sally was -slowly around the shop looking for a present for her mum's birthday.
2 I hadn't seen M arie for ages, but yesterday I her at the cinema.
3 I saw a docum entary about ____ fleeing across borders to escape the war.
4 I'm so happy that I passed my driving test. It was awful and I wouldn't want to that again!
5 You haven't done anything wrong - you don't have to f e e l_____ _______________about anything, O K ?
6 M r Sawyer runs a small business. H e has a _____________________ of four people.
7 They are all lo ca l______________________ M ost o f them live in the streets near us.
8 M y little sister can’t walk yet, but she c a n ............ .............. ...... really fast!
9 I w a s _____________________ by my friend's reaction - 1couldn't understand w hy she laughed.
10 The beginning o f the film was ve ry sad, but it a ll__ :___________________well in the end.

2 Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in the list, either with to + infinitive, or with a gerund ( - in g form).
Use two of the verbs twice.
do go live fall

1 Yesterday my friends decided _ __ _________________ to the beach to play volleyball.

2 M y brother says he remembers _________ ______ __ _ out of bed when he was tw o years old.
3 Jack always forgets_______________ ____ his homework and then gets in trouble.
4 I want in Paris one day.
5 I don’t mind the washing up at home.
6 I hate being in an em p ty house. I can't im agine_______ ____ __________alone.

3 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 I really like that guy which plays Sam on TV.

2 M y brother Julian that lives in N ew York is coming to stay with me.
3 It isn't a film makes everyone laugh.
4 The man what plays the drums in the band is on the left in the photo.
5 M y brother broke my phone, what means he has to buy me a new one.
6 She’s the runner won the gold medal.

4 Choose the correct options.
1 A Next week Rebecca's going to run a 15-kilometre race. That's quite a / really distance.
В Yes, it is. A n d she only started running a month ago, too. That's amazing /daring.
2 A I heard that you got 95%. That's O K I phenomenal. W e ll done!
В Thanks. I could hardly believe it. A nd my parents thought it was incredible /quite.
3 A I'm betting /bet you can't say 'G o od morning' in five different languages.
В W e ll, you're right - of course I can /can't.
4 A You can / will never manage to stay off the Internet for tw o days.
В M m, I think you're right, but I dare /can dare you to stop using MY SCORE
email for a week!
0-9 29

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