DC Electrification Supply System Design PDF
DC Electrification Supply System Design PDF
DC Electrification Supply System Design PDF
Dr Roger D White
Professional Head of Electrification
ATKINS United Kingdom
Railway electrification has in the past been dominated by Positioning of HV Supply Points
overhead contact wire and DC third/ fourth conductor rail
electrification systems. The historical reasons for this The number of feed points to the railway network will
have been the success of the DC traction motor and the depend upon the size of the railway system and the
necessity of a DC supply. Mercury arc rectifiers were capacity required at any particular point. On urban mass
originally used to provide rectification at substations with transit systems EHV supplies may not be available and
the DC power being transmitted to the traction equipment space for substations and feeders are difficult to obtain
by the conductor rail or overhead wire. Success in and expensive. It is sometimes necessary therefore to
producing mercury arc rectifiers capable of being provide the supply from local 33/66kV supplies. This is
operated on board the railway vehicle, enabled railway convenient from the supply authority viewpoint and
AC electrification systems to become a reality in the provides a high degree of supply integrity; however it
1950/60's. does raise two problems, control of the traction voltage
regulation and HV voltage harmonics.
It should be noted that DC is still the most common form
of railway electrification system in the world. Incoming Feeding Arrangement
The AC switchboard will have in addition to the
incoming breakers, local supply breakers and feeder
breakers to other substations. The local supply breakers
The Local Grid Network
provide the supply to traction transformer-rectifier units,
and auxiliary step down transformers, which are required
The HV AC incoming supplies from a National Grid or in the immediate vicinity.
Regional Electricity Companies (REC), or Railway
Generators provide the feed for the DC traction power The incoming supplies from the electrical utility will
substations. The local supplies for stations, tunnel- have its own protection provided by the Supply
cooling fans, auxiliary circuits including batteries, Company. The protection of supply cables require the co-
chargers and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) for operate with the Supply Company to agree on the relay
computers and signalling circuits are also provided by the settings necessary to achieve stability and discrimination.
Power is supplied into the railway network at several
The electrical supply is fed to the railway at typically points, and it is necessary to ensure that the incoming
132kV, 66kV or 33kV and the electrical power is then feeds are not paralleled. An interlocking scheme enables
(on larger systems) distributed through a separate AC the system to be fed from all power sources but ensures
network at a medium voltage of 33kV, 22kV or 11kV by that an electrical break prevents paralleling taking place.
the railway/metro. This supply is used to provide traction This arrangement gives the most reliable delivery of
power at regular intervals around the railway network. power to the railway even if one supply source fails
With light rail/super tram applications it is usually only completely.
necessary to provide the supply at a couple of points and
is therefore obtained directly from the electricity supply
A typical 11kV distribution network is provided On DC intercity lines, or freight routes, the positioning of
throughout this system where all the passenger stations incoming supply feeders and substations do not pose such
have 11kV switchboards. At each passenger station the a problem. Land is easier to come by and space is not at
11kV would be transformed to 415V 3 phase for a premium. Since each substation only supplies one or
domestic supplies. To give a high level of security of two trains and the acceleration/deceleration is slower, the
these supplies, duplication is provided at each location. positioning of supply points, substations, and the
specification of their capacity is relatively easy.
Providing the supply capacity for mass transit railways is
more complex as there can be up to 10 trains on a
In the design of a traction substation it is necessary to A 12 pulse rectifier therefore can be obtained by
take into consideration the following aspects:- connecting two separately fed phase displaced, 6 pulse
systems in series or parallel. The arrangement will
i. Traction sub station rating provide the necessary 30o displacement of the supply to
ii. Traction supply and converter arrangements provide a twelve pulse ripple when the respective
bridges are connected in series or parallel.
iii. DC Traction supply voltage
iv. The regulation of the DC traction voltage The arrangement of the windings during the design and
v. The characteristic DC short circuit fault current construction of the transformer determine the short
vi. The power factor of the traction rectifier unit circuit reactance, commutating reactance and the
vii. The production of harmonics in the input AC operating load loss due to winding resistance. These
supply current, and the distortion to the input design parameters are responsible for dominating the
supply voltage. DC short circuit fault current level, the operating DC
voltage regulation level, transformer efficiency,
1 Typical Traction Substation Rating: Design transformer and converter power factor and the level of
specification for Greenwich Traction Substation harmonics produced in the supply side.
(Jubilee Line Extension)
Figure 5 Voltage Regulation of Train in Double Track Section without Track Sectioning Equipment
Figure 6 Voltage Regulation of Train in Double Track Section with Track Sectioning Equipment
Figure 8 Short Circuit Fault Current Double Track Section with Track Sectioning Equipment
Fourth Rail Systems: rails and ground will occur. These voltages are a
problem relating to leakage currents is potential hazard to passengers and railway staff when
overcome by the insulation of the fourth rail coming into contact with rail or anything connected to it
(London Underground UK) and the ground. Reduction of rail touch voltages can be
achieved by clamping the rail to ground if a dangerous
Running Rails as the return conductor: voltage is reached and resetting as soon as possible
Rail Nominally Insulated (Network Rail UK) afterwards. It is necessary to have quick detection of the
high voltage and then activate a "clamp", by a thyristor
Diode Earthed (Hong Kong MTRC, Sheffield
device, GTO device or contactor, to short out the
Super Tram)
Floating Negative Earth with Rail Potential
Control Devices ( Singapore MRT, Hong Diode Earthed System (Figure 10)
Kong LRT)
Substation Rectifier
DC System Voltage
Diode Earth
Figure 11 Typical Earth Currents and Rail Potentials in DC Negative Floating Return System
Statutory documents
ISBN 0105437743 Health and Safety at Work
Act 1974
SI 1989 No. 635 Electricity at Work
Relevant Standards
UK and European
European Standard EN 50122 Part 1 electrical
safety and earthing
European Standard EN 50122 Part 2 provision
against stray currents
BS 7430 Code of Practice for Earthing
BS7671 17th Edition of the IEE Wiring
Earth Wire
Telecoms PSU
Voltage Track circuit
Structure © R D White 2004
Earth Mat Station
Other traction equipment can use energy that is A local short circuit of the system will cause the
regenerated back into the DC electrification network. If collapse of the voltage. Under a remote short circuit the
there is no traction unit available to use the regenerative system voltage will not collapse as easily, therefore
energy, the system voltage will rise. It is vital the supply there is a greater chance of the train operating into the
voltage does not exceed that specified for the DC short circuit.
electrification network (reference section 3.4 Table 1).
It is necessary at times to cease regeneration or dissipate Interference between the train and the electrification
the energy in dynamic brake resistors. The inclusion of system
inverters at the substation along with the normal diode i. A train runs into an electrification system which is
rectifier equipment, enables the power to be returned isolated and earthed?
back to the supply system when other trains in the i Train System must detect that there is no voltage
feeding section cannot absorb it. and not initiate regeneration
i Train System should detect step change and
Currently there are a number of applications where convert to rheostatic brake or friction brake.
energy is being regenerated by traction units, with the
energy (allowing for receptivity) being returned to the ii. A train runs into an electrification system which is
DC electrification network. This energy is then utilised isolated and not earthed? and with no load for the
by other trains on the same network. regenerative energy:
i System must detect that there is no system
Technical Merits of Regenerative System voltage and not initiate regeneration
i. Reduction of heat produced in underground i Train System should detect step change and
metro systems. convert to rheostatic brake or friction brake.
ii. Elimination of brake resistors.
iii. Reduction of brake dust in tunnels.
i Under normal conditions: 60 volts rms. In The immunity concerns are related to high-energy surge
situations where there is no exposure to other on the overhead line, due to connection to the high
than technical staff to any direct contact with voltage power system. The relative slow response of the
signalling lines circuits, the limitation of 60V is diodes will provide a good immunity to fast transient
normally raised to 110V, as this voltage is a effects including the effects of lightning strikes to the
common supply voltage for signalling systems. overhead line.
i Maximum induced voltage occurring on lineside Immunity to RF fields will be high where diode
cable conductors will be 430V, the fault duration rectification is used, extra consideration will be required
not exceeding 200mS. where thyristor or other controlled devices are used.
Safety for humans Telecommunications Equipment Factors for Consideration with Induction
(Longitudinal Voltage) Calculations
AC LV and HV Systems
i. AC side harmonics in 3 phase supply
ii. AC voltage distortion
iii. Power Factor
iv. 50Hz Disturbance to users on the