Legal Education in Bangladesh Needs Paradigm Shift PDF
Legal Education in Bangladesh Needs Paradigm Shift PDF
Legal Education in Bangladesh Needs Paradigm Shift PDF
com/english) / Law
Legal Education in
Bangladesh Needs Paradigm
Updat e: 2012-08-25
The count ry’s legal educat ion and advocacy regulat ory body,
Bangladesh Bar Council (BBC) has lit t le headache regarding t he legal
educat ion except t ight ening t he syst em of enrollment for
advocat es but in most developed and developing count ries Bar
Council is a heavy handed regulat ory body of legal educat ion as well
as Advocat es.
So, imposit ion of a sort of rest rict ion t o t he Law Schools of privat e
universit ies regarding enrollment of st udent s by UGC, MoE and BBC
joint ly is crucially imperat ive. Also coordinat ion among t hese t hree
bodies can expedit e bet t er regulat ion of legal educat ion and
Also, Bar Council’s jurisdict ion and powers may be widened over t he
Law Colleges and law Schools inst ead of UGC and MoE or
est ablishing a Nat ional Council of Legal Educat ion as proposed by
Qudrat -e-Khuda Educat ion Commission Report , 1974.
In developed count ries, st udent s are int roduced wit h t he let t ers of
law and emphasized on t he spirit of law. They are reminded t oo t hat
law is what t he lawyers are and lawyers are what t he law schools
t each t hem. But our law st udent s are memorizing some sect ions
before t he exam t o cut good figure in t he exam.
Basically lect ure met hod is followed in t eaching law and not a single
universit y in Bangladesh has clinical legal educat ion, law clinics or any
ot her forms of pract ical legal educat ion.