Practicle File SQL Faculty: MR Surendra Namdeo

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Practicle File


Faculty : Mr Surendra Namdeo

Submitted By :
Shiraz Khan
MCA II sem
Question 1:- Consider the relationship EMPLOYEE

Attributes are:

E_id Varchar2(20),
F_Name Varchar2(15),
M_Name Varchar2(15),
L_Name Varchar2(20),
Address Varchar2(100),
Salary Number(10,2),
Date_of_Birth Date

Where address field contain the value in following format

i.e. F-189;Near Ram Mandir;M.P.Nagar;Bhopal;M.P.;462002;


Create.sql :-

create table szk_employee

(e_id varchar2(20),f_name varchar2(15),m_name varchar2(15),l_name varchar2(20),address
varchar2(100),salary number(10,2),date_of_birth date)
check (e_id like 'E-%');

desc szk_employee;

create table szk_employee

(e_id varchar2(20) check (e_id like 'E-%'),f_name varchar2(15),m_name varchar2(15),l_name
varchar2(20),address varchar2(100),salary number(10,2),date_of_birth date);

Insert.sql :-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0002', 'Mohd', 'Shiraz', 'Khan', '175;31;Sharda Nagar Colony;Bhopal;M.P.;462001','40000', '23-dec-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0001', 'Syed', 'Zamran', 'Husain', '31;001;Guru Nanak Colony;Bhopal;M.P.;462001','70000', '09-jan-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0003', 'Mrs', 'Nandini', 'Sharma', '11;1;Gandhi Nagar Colony;Bhopal;M.P.;462001','9000', '01-feb-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0004', 'Mrs', 'Pushpa', 'Dewi', '19;07;Prem Nagar Colony;Bihar;U.P.;422007','10500', '21-feb-1950');

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0005', 'Mr', 'kamlesh', 'Jhadav', '19;07;Lalu Nagar Colony;Bihar;U.P.;422007','10500', '28-mar-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0006', 'Mohd', 'Jamal', 'Khan', '15;5;Arera Colony;Bhopal;M.P.;462001','10001', '07-jan-1982');

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0007', 'Mohd', 'Junaid', 'Khan', '115;4;Itwaqra Nagar Colony;Bhopal;M.P.;462001','40000', '21-jul-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0008', 'Mohd', 'faiz', 'Khan', '75;6;Mubaiya Nagar Colony;Bhopal;M.P.;462001','12000', '2-dec-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0009', 'Mr', 'Deepak', 'Nath', '17;4;Ambani Colony;Gwalior;M.P.;462005','13000', '23-nov-1973');

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0010', 'Mrs', 'Anjlina', 'Jolie', '007;07;OLd Model Colony;Mumbai;Mhr.;462881','150', '1-apr-1979');

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0011', 'Mr', 'Ricky', 'Martin', '006;06;Old Model Colony;Mumbai;Mhr.;462881','10001', '2-apr-1980');

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0012', 'Mohd', 'Tom', 'Cruice', '09;06;Film Colony;Agra;M.P.;462007','10003', '17-jul-1960');

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0013', 'Mr', 'Sunder', 'Yadav', '1;04;Rabdi Nagar Colony;Bihar;U.P.;421007','10200', '28-may-1950');

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0014', 'Sir', 'Don', 'Brademan', '7;4;Mahatma Nagar Colony;Gujrat;M.P.;421034','10001', '28-may-

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0015', 'Mr', 'Tarun', 'Sharma', '23;111;TT Nagar;Bhopal;M.P.;421014','1700', '18-may-1979');

constraint .sql :-

alter table szk_employee

add constraint pk_em primary key (e_id);

Drop table.sql :-

drop table szk_employee;

querries.sql :-

Q1:- Get employee number of employees who belong to the U.P.

select * from szk_employee

where substr(address, instr(address,';',1,4)+1, instr(address,';',1,5)-(instr(address,';',1,4))-1) like 'U.P.';

Q2:- Get Full Names of employees, concatenate the column F_Name, M_Name and
L_Name. Rename the new column heading as ‘FULL NAME’.

select concat(concat(concat(concat(f_name,' '),m_name),' '),l_name) "Full Name" from szk_employee;

Q3:- Find out the youngest and oldest person from employee table.

(select b.m_name,b.date_of_birth from

szk_employee a, szk_employee b
where a.date_of_birth < b.date_of_birth
select b.m_name,b.date_of_birth from
szk_employee a, szk_employee b
where a.date_of_birth > b.date_of_birth)


(select b.m_name,b.date_of_birth from

szk_employee a, szk_employee b
where a.date_of_birth > b.date_of_birth
select b.m_name,b.date_of_birth from
szk_employee a, szk_employee b
where a.date_of_birth < b.date_of_birth);

Q4:- Get employee id and name that belong to the Bhopal city.

select * from szk_employee

where substr(address, instr(address,';',1,3)+1,
instr(address,';',1,4)-(instr(address,';',1,3))-1) like 'Bhopal';

Q5:- Get employee name and date of birth. (Date of Birth should be in format

select concat(concat(concat(concat(f_name,' '),m_name),' '),l_name)"Full

Name",to_char(date_of_birth,'dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss')"BirthDay" from szk_employee;

Q6:- Delete all employees from employee where city is Bhopal.

delete szk_employee
where substr(address, instr(address,';',1,3)+1,
instr(address,';',1,4)-(instr(address,';',1,3))-1) like 'Bhopal';

Q7:- List all the employees who are located in ‘TT NAGAR’ colony.
select * from szk_employee
where substr(address, instr(address,';',1,2)+1,
instr(address,';',1,3)-(instr(address,';',1,2))-1) like 'TT Nagar';

Q8:- Find the names of all employees having ‘S’ as the first letter in their names.

select concat(concat(concat(concat(f_name,' '),m_name),' '),l_name) "Full Name" from szk_employee

where(concat(concat(concat(concat(f_name,' '),m_name),' '),l_name) Like 'S%') ;

Q9:- Find the list of all employees whose salary is greater than value 10,000.

select * from szk_employee

where (salary>'10000');

Q10:- Insert one row into employee table. Where DOB is ‘10/Dec/1987 18:20:23’.

insert into szk_employee

(e_id, f_name, m_name, l_name, address, salary, date_of_birth)
values ('E-0016', 'Mohd', 'Mohnish', 'Khan', '155;32;Kargar Nagar Colony;Bhopal;M.P.;462001','10000', '10-
dec-1987 18:20:23');
Question 2 :-Below is a format of tables, creates it and does the related queries given.

CLIENT_MASTER (client_no#, name, address, city, pincode, state, bal_due).

PRODUCT_MASTER (product_no, description, sell_price, cost_price).

SALESMAN_MASTER (salesman_no, name, address, city, remark).

SALES_ORDER (order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status).

SALES_ORDER_DETAIL (order_no, product_no, qty_ordered, qty_disp, product_rate).


Create.sql :-

create table szk_client_master

(client_no varchar2(10) check (client_no like 'C-%'), name varchar2(20), address varcahr2(30), city
varchar2(10), pincode varchar(7),state varchar(15), bal_due number(10,2));

create table szk_product_master

(product_no varchar(10) check (product_no like 'P-%'), description varchar(30), sell_price number(10,2),
cost_price number(10,2));

create table szk_salesman_master

(salesman_no varchar(5) check (salesman_no like 'SM-%'), name varchar(20), address varchar(40), city
varchar2(10), remark varchar(30));

create table szk_sales_order

(order_no varchar(10) check (order_no like 'O%'), order_date date, client_no varchar(5), salesman_no
varchar(5), order_status varchar(10));

create table szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no varchar(10), product_no varchar(5), qty_order varchar(4), qty_disp varchar(4), product_rate


insert.sql :-

insert into szk_client_master

(client_no, name, address, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
values ('C-0002', 'Shiraz', '178 Sharda Nagar','Bhopal', '462001','M.P.', '50000');

insert into szk_client_master

(client_no, name, address, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
values ('C-0001', 'Zamran', '31 Guru Nanak Colony','Bhopal', '462001','M.P.', '70000');

insert into szk_client_master

(client_no, name, address, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
values ('C-0003', 'Amit', '1 Parag Nanak Colony','Indore', '442001','M.P.', '10000');

insert into szk_client_master

(client_no, name, address, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
values ('C-0004', 'Sania', '30 idgah hill Colony','Bhopal', '462001','M.P.', '40000');

insert into szk_client_master

(client_no, name, address, city, pincode, state, bal_due)
values ('C-0005', 'sachin', '12 broke Bond Colony','Bombay', '542001','Maharastra', '25000');

insert into szk_product_master

(product_no, description, sel_price, cost_price)
values ('P-0001', '1.22 Floppy', '1100', '1000');

insert into szk_product_master

(product_no, description, sel_price, cost_price)
values ('P-0002', '1.44 Floppy', '1200', '1100');

insert into szk_product_master

(product_no, description, sel_price, cost_price)
values ('P-0003', 'CD Drive', '8000', '6000');

insert into szk_product_master

(product_no, description, sel_price, cost_price)
values ('P-0004', 'Combo Drive', '10000', '8000');

insert into szk_product_master

(product_no, description, sel_price, cost_price)
values ('P-0005', '80 GB Hard Disk', '7000', '5000');

insert into szk_salesman_master

(salesman_no , name, address, city, remark);
values ('SM-0001', 'Amitesh', '11 Bond Colony','Bombay', '542001','Good');

insert into szk_salesman_master

(salesman_no , name, address, city, remark);
values ('SM-0002', 'Imran','13 Guru govind Colony', 'Indore', '442001', 'Excellent');

insert into szk_salesman_master

(salesman_no , name, address, city, remark);
values ('SM-0003', 'Madan, '111 Nehru Colony', 'Bhopal', '462001', 'Very Good');

insert into szk_sales_order

(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O000001', '10-jan-2006', 'C-0005', 'SM-0003', 'Wait');

insert into szk_sales_order

(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O190012', '18-mar-2006', 'C-0001', 'SM-0002', 'Deliver');

insert into szk_sales_order

(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O000002', '11-jan-2006', 'C-0004', 'SM-0003', 'Wait');
insert into szk_sales_order
(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O000003', '21-feb-2006', 'C-0002', 'SM-0001', 'Wait');

insert into szk_sales_order

(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O000004', '19-mar-2006', 'C-0003', 'SM-0002', 'Deliver');

insert into szk_sales_order

(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O000005', '22-feb-2006', 'C-0001', 'SM-0002', 'Deliver');

insert into szk_sales_order

(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O000006', '15-mar-2006', 'C-0001', 'SM-0002', 'Deliver');

insert into szk_sales_order

(order_no, order_date, client_no, salesman_no, order_status)
values ('O000007', '25-mar-2006', 'C-0001', 'SM-0002', 'Deliver');

insert into szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O000001', 'P-0001', '1', '1.22 Floppy', '1100');

insert into szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O190012', 'P-0003', '3', 'CD Drive', '8000');

insert into szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O000002', 'P-0001', '2', '1.22 Floppy', '1100');

insert into szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O000003', 'P-0005', '1', '80 GB Hard Disk', '7000');

insert into szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O000004', 'P-0001', '1', '1.22 Floppy', '1100');

insert into szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O000005', 'P-0004', '3', 'Combo Drive', '10000');
insert into szk_s_odr_detail
(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O000006', 'P-0003', '2', 'CD Drive', '8000');

insert into szk_s_odr_detail

(order_no, product_no, qty_order, qty_disp, product_rate)
values ('O000007', 'P-0005', '5', '80 GB Hard Disk', '7000');

alter table szk_client_master

add constrain pk_cm primary key (client_no);

alter table szk_product_master

add constrain pk_pm primary key (product_no);

alter table szk_salesman_master

add constrain pk_smm primary key (salesman_no);

alter table szk_sales_order

add constraint pk_soo primary key (order_no);


alter table szk_sales_order

add constraint fk_soc foreign key client_no
references szk_client_master (client_no));

alter table szk_sales_order

add constraint fk_sosm foreign key salesman_no
references szk_salesman_master (salesman_no));

alter table szk_s_odr_detail

add constraint fk_sodo foreign key order_no
references szk_sales_order (order_no));

alter table szk_s_odr_detail

add constraint fk_sodp foreign key product_no
references szk_product_master (product_no));

drop constraint.sql :-

alter table szk_sales_order

drop constraint fk_soc;

alter table szk_sales_order

drop constraint fk_sosm;

alter table szk_s_odr_detail

drop constraint fk_sodo;

alter table szk_s_odr_detail

drop constraint fk_sodp;

drop table.sql:-

drop table szk_client_master;

drop table szk_product_master;

drop table szk_salesman_master;

drop table szk_sales_order;

drop table szk_s_odr_detail;

queries.sql :-

Q1:- List the entire client who are located in BHOPAL city.

select * from szk_client_master

where city='Bhopal';

Q2:- Change the cost price of ‘1.22 FLOPPIES’ to 948.65.

update szk_product_master
set cost_price='948.65'
where description='1.22 Floppy';

Q3:- List the names, city and pin code of clients who are not in the state of ‘Maharastra’.

select name, city, pincode, from szk_client_master

where not state='Maharastra';

Q4:- Determine the maximum and minimum product prices, Rename the output as
Max_Rate and Min_Rate respectively.

select max(sell_price) "Max-Rate", min(sell_price)'Min_Rate"

from szk_product_master;

Q5:- Find the date, 15 days after today’s date.

select sysdate+15 from dual;

Q6:- Display the order_date in the format ‘DD-Month-YYYY’ e.g. 12-May-2004’.

select to_char(order_date, 'dd-month-yyyy') "Order Date"

from szk_sales_order;

Q7:- Print the description and total qty sold for each product.

 select qty_disp,sum(qty_order)”Sum” from zh_s_odr_detail

group by qty_disp;

Q8:- Find the names of clients who have purchased ‘CD Drive’.

select from szk_client_master c, zh_sales_order s, szk_s_odr_detail so

where so.qty_disp='CD Drive'
c.client_no=s.client_no and s.order_no=so.order_no;
Q9:- Find the product_no, and description of non-moving products. i.e. products not being

(select product_no, description from szk_product_master)

(select distinct product_no, qty_disp from szk_s_odr_detail);

Q10:- Find the customer_name and address for the client who has placed order no.

select, c.address from szk_client_master c, szk_sales_order s

where s.order_no='O190012'

Q11:- Find the names of clients who have placed orders worth Rs. 10,000 or more.

select name from zh_client_master

where (client_no in (select client_no from zh_sales_order
where (order_no in (select order_no from zh_s_odr_detail
group by order_no
having sum(product_rate)>10000))));

Q12:- Find out the products, which have been sold to ‘AMIT’.

select pm.product_no, pm.description

from szk_client_master c, szk_sales_order s, szk_s_odr_detail so, szk_product_master pm
and c.client_no=s.client_no and s.order_no=so.order_no and pm.product_no=so.product_no;
Question 3:-
STUDENT (roll_no, name, year, branch)
SUBJECT (sub_code, sub_name, class_hour, department)
INSTRUCTOR (instructor_id, name)
SECTION (secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)
GRADE_REPORT (roll_no, secidentifier, grade);


create table szk_student

(roll_no varchar(13) check (roll_no like '0112CA0510__'), name varchar2(20), year varchar(4), branch

create table szk_subject

(sub_code varchar(6), sub_name varchar(30), class_hours varchar(20), department varchar(10));

create table szk_instructor

(instructor_id varchar(10) check (instructor_id like 'I-%'), name varchar(20));

create table szk_section

(secidentifer varchar(10), sub_code varchar(6), semester varchar(5), year varchar(2), instructor_id varchar(10));

create table szk_grade_report

(roll_no varchar(13), secidentifier varchar(10), grade varchar(4));



insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051040', 'Shiraz Khan', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051058', 'Zamran Husain', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051043', 'Smita Dubey', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051042', 'Shweta Sengar', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051052', 'Varuna Sharma', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051016', 'Harish Singh', 'I', 'MCA');
insert into szk_student
(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051005', 'Anshul Gite', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051003', 'Amit Gupta', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051032', 'Priyanka Soni', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_student

(roll_no, name, year, branch)
values ('0112CA051028', 'Pawan Dubey', 'I', 'MCA');

insert into szk_subject

(sub_code, sub_name, class_hours, department)
values('201','Operating System', '8:00am-9:00am', 'CA');

insert into szk_subject

(sub_code, sub_name, class_hours, department)
values('202','DBMS', '9:00am-10:00am', 'CA');

insert into szk_subject

(sub_code, sub_name, class_hours, department)
values('203','Data Structure', '10:00am-11:00am', 'CA');

insert into szk_subject

(sub_code, sub_name, class_hours, department)
values('204','CONM(Maths)', '11:00am-12:00am', 'CA');

insert into szk_subject

(sub_code, sub_name, class_hours, department)
values('205','Accounting', '12:00pm-1:00pm', 'CA');

insert into szk_instructor

(instructor_id, name)
values ('I-01', 'Ms Swati Joshi');

insert into szk_instructor

(instructor_id, name)
values ('I-02', 'Mr.Surendra Namdeo');

insert into szk_instructor

(instructor_id, name)
values ('I-03', 'Mr.O.P.Sharma');

insert into szk_instructor

(instructor_id, name)
values ('I-04', 'MR.T.K.Bhatacharya');

insert into szk_instructor

(instructor_id, name)
values ('I-05', 'Ms Shweta Mam');

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_section

(secidentifer, sub_code, semester, year, instructor_id)

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051058','Sec-C','A');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051040','Sec-C','A');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051043','Sec-B','C');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051042','Sec-B','A');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051052','Sec-A','B');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051016','Sec-A','A');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051005','Sec-A','B');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051003','Sec-B','B');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051032','Sec-B','A');

insert into szk_grade_report

(roll_no, secidentifier, grade)
values ('0112CA051028','Sec-C','B');
primary key:-

alter table szk_student

add constrain pk_stud primary key (roll_no);

alter table szk_subject

add constrain pk_sub primary key (sub_code);

alter table szk_instructor

add constrain pk_inst primary key (instructor_id);

alter table szk_grade_report

add constraint pk_grd primary key (grade);

alter table szk_section

add constraint pk_sec primary key (secidentifier);


alter table szk_section

add constraint fk_sec foreign key instructor_id
references szk_instructor (instructor_id));

alter table szk_section

add constraint fk_sec1 foreign key sub_code
references szk_subject (sub_code));

alter table szk_grade_report

add constraint fk_gr foreign key roll_no
references szk_student (roll_no));

alter table szk_grade_report

add constraint fk_gr1 foreign key secidentifier
references szk_section (secidentifer));

drop constraint:-

alter table szk_section

drop constraint fk_sec;

alter table szk_section

drop constraint fk_sec1;

alter table szk_grade_report

drop constraint fk_gr;

alter table szk_grade_report

drop constraint fk_gr1;

drop table:-
drop table szk_student;

drop table szk_subject;

drop table szk_instructor;

drop table szk_section;

drop table szk_grade_report;

Q.1 Retrieve the names of all senior students of (III year(V sem)) of branch ‘CA’.
select name from szk_student
where year='III';

Q.2 Retrieve the names of all subject taught by Prof. King in 1998 & 1999.
select distinct su.sub_name from
szk_subject su, szk_instructor i, szk_section se
where ((se.year='1998' or se.year='1999') and'Prof. King')
and su.sub_code=se.sub_code and i.instructor_id=se.instructor_id;

Q.3 For each section taught by prof. King, retrieve the course number, semester, year.
select distinct se.secidentifer, se.sub_code, se.year, se.semester from
szk_subject su, szk_section se, szk_instructor i
where'Prof. King'
and su.sub_code=se.sub_code and i.instructor_id=se.instructor_id;

Q.4 For each section find number of students who took the section.
select secidentifier, count(roll_no)”No Of Students” from szk_grade_report
group by secidentifier;

Q.5 Retieve the name and transcript of each senior student, branch in ‘CA’. A transcript
includes subject name, subject code, semester, year and grade for each subject
completed by the student.
select distinct, su.sub_name, su.sub_code, s.year, se.semester,
se.year, gr.grade
from szk_student s, szk_subject su, szk_section se, szk_grade_report gr
where (s.year='II' or s.year='III') and s.roll_no=gr.roll_no and
se.secidentifer=gr.secidentifier and su.sub_code=se.sub_code
order by su.sub_code;

Q.6 Retrieve the name of student, department in which student have grade A in their
select name, branch from szk_student
where (roll_no in (select roll_no from szk_grade_report
where grade='A'));

Q.7 Create a view that has the roll no, student name and their grade.
create or replace view student_detail
as(select s.roll_no,, g.grade from
szk_student s, szk_grade_report g
where (s.roll_no=g.roll_no));

select * from student_detail;

Q.8 Create a view that has name of prof. who taught in 1999 and 2000.
create or replace view prof_98_99
as(select, se.year from szk_instructor i, szk_section se
where (se.year='1998' or se.year='1999') and

select * from prof_98_99;

Q.9 Retrieve the name of student, department in which student not have grade A in their
select, s.branch, g.grade from szk_student s, szk_grade_report g
where not g.grade='A' and s.roll_no=g.roll_no
order by g.grade;

Q.10 Retreive name and Id of all the Instructors.

select * from szk_instructor;

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