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Thermochimica Acta
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Article history: In order to obtain a novel thermo-fluid with both turbulent drag reducing and heat transfer enhance-
Received 17 October 2012 ment (compared with drag-reduced flow) abilities, we have prepared a viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluid
Received in revised form 14 January 2013 (VFBN) using viscoelastic aqueous solution of cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride/sodium salicylate as
Accepted 21 January 2013
base fluid and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) as nanoparticles. The thermal conductivity and
Available online 8 February 2013
shear viscosity of the prepared VFBN with various particle volume fractions, temperatures and con-
centrations of the base fluid were then experimentally investigated. The results show that thermal
conductivities of the tested VFBNs are significantly higher than that of the corresponding base fluid
Viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluids
Thermal conductivity
and increase with increasing particle volume fraction and fluid temperature, demonstrating potentials in
Viscosity heat transfer enhancement. A modified Li–Qu–Feng model (Y.H. Li, W. Qu, J.C. Feng, Chinese Phys. Lett. 25
Carbon nanotubes (2008) 3319–3322), which includes the effect of liquid layering, particle clustering, particle shape factor,
Surfactant solution Brownian motion and viscosity of base fluid, is proposed in the present paper to predict thermal con-
ductivity of VFBNs containing MWCNTs. The results predicted by this modified Li–Qu–Feng model show
excellent agreements with the measured data. The VFBN with MWCNTs shows a non-Newtonian fluid
behavior in its shear viscosity, and its shear viscosity increases with the increase of particle volume frac-
tion and decrease of temperature. It is expectable that the prepared VFBNs may also have drag-reducing
ability in turbulent flows.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0040-6031/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
Fig. 1. Verification of the applied THWM system for the measurement of thermal
Fig. 3. Typical SEM pictures of diluted MWCNT1. (a) The morphology of twisted Choi et al. [7], while slightly higher than that of Xie et al. [8]. This
MWCNTs. (b) A branch structure of MWCNT. discrepancy may be caused by the differences in CNTs’ specifica-
tion and dispersion situation. There are four concentrations of the
base fluid, which are 0 ppm (distilled water), 50 ppm, 200 ppm and
3.2. Thermal conductivities of VFBNs containing MWCNTs 1000 ppm aqueous CTAC/NaSal solution, respectively. Each original
aqueous solution is used as the base fluid to prepare a category of
At first, the thermal conductivities of the viscoelastic base flu- nanofluids, which contain 0.05 vol%, 0.2 vol%, 1.0 vol%, 1.6 vol% and
ids of the prepared VFBNs, i.e. aqueous CTAC/NaSal solutions, as 3.5 vol% of MWCNTs, respectively. On one hand, as shown in Fig. 5,
a function of the fluid temperature are plotted in Fig. 4. It shows the four categories of VFBNs all show a similar enhancement trend
that both amplitude and variation trend with temperature of the in the thermal conductivities with the increase of volume fraction
thermal conductivities have little differences between CTAC/NaSal of MWCNTs.
solutions and distilled water. Therefore, we can make sure one On the other hand, the VFBNs with denser aqueous CTAC/NaSal
important point that the enhancement of thermal conductivity of solution as base fluids show slightly higher thermal conductivities
VFBN, as shown in the following section, is not due to the addition than those with base fluids of lower concentrations. This phe-
of CTAC and NaSal into water. nomenon can be explained by the changes of surface tension of
The thermal conductivities of VFBNs with MWCNTs (MWCNT1) different concentrated base fluids, which contain the additions
particles at 299.15 K as a function of particle volume fractions are of both dispersant and CTAC/NaSal. Fig. 6 depicts the variations
shown in Fig. 5. Overall, the thermal conductivities of the above in surface tension (measured by BZY-1 surface tension meter,
nanofluids increase monotonously with the particle volume frac- Shanghai HengPing Instruments Factory, China) versus concen-
tions, and are significantly higher than that of the corresponding tration of aqueous CTAC/NaSal solution. It shows that, with the
base fluids. It indicates that flow of the prepared VFBNs should increase of solution concentration, the surface tensions of base flu-
have better convective heat transfer performance as compared ids in two categories decrease rapidly: from 42 mN/m for distilled
with its viscoelastic base fluid. For the case of 1000 ppm aque- water (containing dispersant TNDIS) to 32 mN/m for 1000 ppm
ous CTAC/NaSal base fluid, the thermal conductivities are increased CTAC/NaSal solution. It is well known that the interfacial resistance
by 16.9% and 30.6% at 1.6 vol% and 3.5 vol% nanoparticle volume between CNTs and matrix primarily depends on surface wettability.
fractions, respectively, which are much smaller than the results of And the surface wettability is determined by the value of surface
Author's personal copy
Fig. 7. Effect of temperature on thermal conductivities of VFBNs at different volume Fig. 9. Comparisons between experimental results and predictions by theoretical
fractions of MWCNTs (MWCNT1). models for different kinds of VFBNs at 299.15 K.
Author's personal copy
Table 2
Five models for thermal conductivity evaluated in the present paper.
Models Equations
kp +2kf +2(kp −kf )ϕ
Maxwell [26] ke = k
kp +2kf −(kp −kf )ϕ f
kp +(n−1)kf +(n−1)(kp −kf )ϕ
Hamilton–Crosser [27] ke = kp +(n−1)kf −(kp −kf )ϕ
Jang–Choi model [28] ke = (cos2 )ˇkp ϕ + (1 − ϕ)kf
kpn +2kf +2ϕeff (kpn −kf ) ϕ cp
Li–Qu–Feng model [29] ke = k + eff
kpn +2kf −ϕeff (kpn −kf ) f
kpn +(n−1)kf +(n−1)ϕeff (kpn −kf )
ϕeff cp KB T
Modified Li–Qu–Feng model ke = kpn +(n−1)kf −ϕeff (kpn −kf )
kf + 2 3rc
Since the motivation of preparing VFBN is to combine the (a) The base fluid of aqueous solution of CTAC/NaSal shows no
enhanced thermal performance of nanofluid and the turbulent drag essential difference in its thermal conductivity as compared
reducing ability of viscoelastic fluid, after measuring the thermal with water.
conductivity of our prepared VFBNs, it is necessary to study the (b) Overall, the thermal conductivities of the prepared VFBNs
rheological properties before exploring the characteristics of tur- are enhanced with increasing temperature and nanoparti-
bulent flow and convective heat transfer of such fluids. The base cle volume fraction, showing a potential ability of enhancing
Author's personal copy
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