Conservation and Management of Mangroves in India, With Special Reference To The State of Goa and The Middle Andaman Islands

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Conservation and management of mangroves in India,

with special reference to the State of Goa and the
Middle Andaman Islands
R. Kumar

Measures taken to conserve and n India, mangroves occur on the West NEED FOR MANGROVE
manage mangroves, the problems Coast, on the East Coast and on CONSERVATION AND
that persist and some suggested Andaman and Nicobar Islands (see MANAGEMENT
actions to overcome them. Map and Table), but in many places Increasing human population in coastal
they are highly degraded. According areas is resulting in increased pressure
to the Government of India (1987), on mangrove ecosystems in many coun-
India lost 40 percent of its mangrove tries, with the growing demand for tim-
area in the last century. The National ber, fuelwood, fodder and other non-
Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA) re- wood forest products (NWFPs) (Saenger,
corded a decline of 7 000 ha of man- Hegerl and Davie, 1983). To ensure the
groves in India within the six-year conservation of mangroves for environ-
period from 1975 to 1981. In Andaman mental benefits, together with a sustain-
and Nicobar Islands about 22 400 ha able supply of various forest and other
of mangroves were lost between 1987 products to meet the day-to-day require-
and 1997 (see Table). ments of local people, appropriate man-
Growing awareness of the protective, agement of mangrove ecosystems is
productive and social functions of tropi- needed. Management can also open new
cal mangrove ecosystems has highlighted avenues for self-employment such as
the need to conserve and manage them ecotourism, fishing, beekeeping and
sustainably (FAO, 1994). This article dis- cottage industries based on mangrove
cusses the various measures taken by the forest products, helping to improve the
Government of India for the conserva- socio-economic conditions of the local
tion and management of mangroves, the communities.
problems that persist in spite of these
measures and some solutions to over- MANAGEMENT OF MANGROVES IN
come them. INDIA
The article is based in part on the field India has a long tradition of mangrove
experiences of the author since 1992 in forest management. The Sundarbans
the State of Goa and the Middle Andaman mangroves, located in the Bay of Ben-
Islands. gal (partly in India and partly in Bangla-

Area distribution of mangroves in India (thousand ha)

State/Union territory Government of India, 1987 Government of India, 1997

West Bengal (Sundarbans) 420 212.3

Andaman and Nicobar Islands 119 96.6

Maharashtra 33 12.4
Gujarat 26 99.1

Andhra Pradesh 20 38.3

Tamil Nadu 15 2.1

Orissa 15 21.1

Karnataka 6 0.3

Goa 20 0.5
Rajiv Kumar is a Divisional Forest
Officer in the Indian Forest Service, Kerala Sparse Nil
Rangat, Andaman and Nicobar
Islands, India. Total 674 482.7

Unasylva 203, Vol. 51, 2000


Mangrove sites
in India

ment. In its first meeting, the panel, which

consists of scientists, research scholars
and experts on the mangrove ecosystem,
emphasized the need to conduct a sur-
vey of the extent of existing mangrove
areas within the country. The govern-
ment subsequently introduced a scheme
for mangrove conservation and protec-
Mangroves tion, consisting of:
of Gujarat Sundarbans
mangroves • identification of selected mangrove
areas for conservation;
Mahanadi • preparation of a management plan;
• promotion of research;
• adoption of a multidisciplinary ap-
Krishna Godavari proach involving state governments,
Ratnagiri universities, research institutions and
Goa local organizations.
mangroves In 1979, the National Mangrove Com-
Andaman and mittee recommended areas for research
Nicobar Islands and development and for management
Cauvery mangroves
deltaic of the mangroves, which included the
mangroves following:
• nationwide mapping of the mangrove
areas, preferably by remote sensing
techniques coupled with land sur-
veys, and time series to assess the
rate of degradation of the ecosys-
• quantitative surveys of area, climatic
regime, rate of growth of forest trees
desh), were the first mangroves in the shall be the duty of every citizen of India and seasonal variations of environ-
world to be put under scientific manage- to protect and improve the natural envi- mental parameters;
ment. The area’s first management plan ronment including forests, lakes, rivers • assessment of suitable sites for re-
was implemented in 1892 (Chaudhuri and and wildlife. serve forests;
Choudhury, 1994). Recognizing the importance of man- • conservation programmes;
More recently, the concern of the Gov- groves, the Government of India set up • afforestation of degraded mangrove
ernment of India for the conservation of the National Mangrove Committee in the areas;
forests and wildlife was clearly demon- Ministry of Environment and Forests in • study of management methods, the
strated by a 1976 amendment to the In- 1976 to advise the government about ecology of mangroves, their flora and
dian Constitution, which states that it mangrove conservation and develop- fauna, their microbiology and the

Unasylva 203, Vol. 51, 2000


biochemistry of organic matter and system) as a priority area for forestry forest areas for non-forestry purposes.
sediments. research. The Environment (Protection) Act,
On the basis of the National Mangrove 1986 has had a crucial role in the conser-
Committee’s recommendation, 15 man- Legislative framework vation and management of mangrove
grove areas were identified for conser- In India, a legislative framework for the ecosystems. It declares a Coastal Regu-
vation. The Government of India has conservation and management of man- lation Zone in which industrial and other
provided guidance and financial assist- groves is already in place. The Indian activities such as discharge of untreated
ance to states and Union territories for Forest Act, 1927 and the Wildlife (Pro- water and effluents, dumping of waste,
the preparation and implementation of tection) Act, 1972 provide protection to land reclamation and bunding are re-
Management Action Plans for the con- flora and fauna. Although they do not stricted in order to protect the coastal
servation and development of these man- specifically mention mangroves, these environment. Coastal stretches are clas-
grove ecosystems. Most of these plans acts can also apply to the conservation sified into four categories, and man-
are now being implemented. The plans of the flora and fauna of mangrove eco- groves are included in the most ecologi-
broadly cover survey and demarcation, systems. Since 1927, the Indian Forest cally sensitive category (see Box on
natural regeneration in selected areas, af- Act has been applied to the mangrove p. 52, in the article by L. Hein).
forestation, protection measures, fenc- forests of the Sundarbans, which have Enforcement of the legislative mandates
ing and awareness programmes. been declared as a reserved area (Naskar is a prime need (Untawale, 1992).
The government also supports research and Mandal, 1999).
by academic institutions for development The Forest Conservation Act, 1980 SITUATION IN GOA
of mangrove ecosystems on a sound states that no forest area shall be diverted Of Goa’s total land area of 370 000 ha,
ecological basis. The National Forest for any non-forestry purpose without the mangrove area is 500 ha, having
Policy, 1988 lists effective conservation prior approval of the Government of declined sharply from a recorded
and management of natural forest eco- India. This act has proved very effective 20 000 ha in 1987 (see Table).
systems (including the mangrove eco- in preventing diversion of mangrove Some 178 ha of the best mangrove area

A stand of low Rhizophora

trees in the Sundarbans
mangrove forest


Unasylva 203, Vol. 51, 2000


at Chorao, Goa has been declared as In the past, fuelwood and poles were on the importance of mangroves and
Reserved Forest under the Indian Forest extracted from mangroves on a small the need for their preservation;
Act, 1927 to protect and conserve the scale to meet local demand including, in • protection measures to keep vigil on
mangrove forests. Subsequently, in addition to household use, the fuelling possible destruction of mangroves.
1988, this area was declared a bird sanc- of a power station at Port Blair, three
tuary under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, major plywood industries and the gov- MANGROVE CONSERVATION AND
1972. ernment’s steam vessels. Limited extrac- MANAGEMENT ISSUES
Afforestation work to restore degraded tion did not cause any damage to the Most of the challenges to mangrove for-
mangrove areas started in Goa in 1985- government mangrove forests, but in the ests observed in Goa and the Middle
1986; by the end of 1996-1997 the pro- revenue areas (areas managed in such a Andamans are also relevant to other parts
gramme had covered 876 ha (Forest way as to allow local people to benefit of India. These include both natural haz-
Department of Goa statistics). from extraction of forest products) the ards and destructive human activities.
In 1988, the Government of Goa destruction of mangroves is conspicu- However, the gravity of the problems
formed a State Level Steering Commit- ous. Some areas have been reclaimed for varies from area to area.
tee to oversee the development of the agriculture and settlements (Andaman
mangrove forest. In 1990, the state gov- and Nicobar Islands Environment and Natural hazards
ernment set up a Multidisciplinary Forest Department, 1997). The natural threats to mangroves ob-
Project Formulation Team to facilitate Since 1987, as a result of growing served in Goa and the Middle Andaman
the preparation of a Comprehensive awareness regarding the conservation of islands include the following:
Action Plan for the development of the mangroves, the Andaman and Nicobar • cyclones, typhoons and strong wave
mangrove ecosystem. The same year, the Administration has banned extraction of action (Naskar and Mandal, 1999),
government decided that no construction mangrove wood. The plywood indus- especially in the geographically vul-
or development would be allowed in the tries, power station and government nerable Andaman and Nicobar Is-
area earmarked by the Forest Department steam vessels have since switched over lands;
for mangrove conservation, and declared to diesel. • browsing and trampling by wildlife
that 15 mangrove species should not be The strategy adopted in Andaman and (e.g. deer, which are numerous in the
felled for a period of ten years. Nicobar Islands for the conservation and Middle Andamans) and livestock
A five-year Mangrove Management management of mangrove forests is as (goats, buffaloes and cows), which
Plan for Goa was prepared in 1991-1992 follows: are often left to graze freely, espe-
and implemented with financial assist- • full protection of the mangrove flora cially in areas close to human habi-
ance from the Government of India, and and fauna by banning the extraction tation;
100 ha of mangroves were planted each of mangrove wood from government • infestation by barnacles which attach
year as planned. A second five-year forests; to young seedlings, interfering with
Management Plan is currently under • identification of potential mangrove respiration and photosynthesis and
implementation. areas for declaration as national parks delaying seedling growth (Hong,
and sanctuaries; 1996);
SITUATION IN ANDAMAN AND • restoration of degraded and critical • damage by oysters to the young
NICOBAR ISLANDS mangrove areas by planting of suit- leaves and plumules of Rhizophora
Andaman and Nicobar Islands comprise able species; and Ceriops plants;
572 islands in the Bay of Bengal, with a • identification of endangered man- • crabs, which attack young seedlings,
total area of about 825 000 ha. The coast- grove species and full protection for girdle the root collars and eat the
line is about 1 962 km. The area under their rehabilitation; fleshy tissues of the propagules – a
mangroves is 96 600 ha (Government of • checking encroachment, destruction serious problem in the Middle
India, 1997). The Middle Andaman Is- and reclamation of mangrove areas; Andamans, although not noticed in
lands comprise an area of 99 800 ha, of • monitoring changes in mangrove Goa;
which 23 400 ha or 23.4 percent are area, floristic and faunal composi- • gastropods that eat young leaves and
covered with mangroves (Environment tion and physiography; flowers of mangroves, a big prob-
and Forest Department records). • raising awareness among the public lem in the Middle Andamans;

Unasylva 203, Vol. 51, 2000


• insect pests such as wood borers, • encroachment on publicly owned For Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a
caterpillars (which eat the mangrove mangrove forest lands, e.g. cultiva- suitable enactment is necessary to stop
foliage and damage the wood as tion of paddy observed on govern- felling of mangroves in revenue and pri-
well) (Naskar and Mandal, 1999) and ment land along estuaries in Goa, vate areas (Andaman and Nicobar Is-
beetles; which involved uprooting of natural lands Environment and Forest Depart-
• weeds such as Acrostichum aureum and planted seedlings; ment, 1997).
and Acanthus species, which often • lack of interest of private landown- Other measures that can help to reverse
occupy deforested mangrove areas ers (village communities and indi- some of these problems include vigilance
and restrict the regrowth of economic viduals) in conserving and develop- in the field, jetties and harbours during
mangrove tree species; ing the mangroves on their lands; the fruiting period to control the illegal
• drying and mortality of mangrove • illegal large-scale collection of man- collection of mangrove fruits; strict im-
trees (e.g. approximately 1 ha of grove fruits (Xylocarpus granatum, plementation of antipollution laws; a ban
Bruguiera trees at Shoal Bay in the Xylocarpus moluecensis, Nypa on dragnet fishing in areas where there
South Andamans; 50 ha of Avicennia fruticans and Heritiera littoralis), are seedlings less than five years of age;
trees at Tarmugli Island; big patches which hinders their natural regenera- and the establishment of a speed limit for
of mangroves at Baludera in the tion (collection is organized by local barges in areas with young mangrove
Middle Andaman Islands). agents in the Middle Andamans for seedlings.
To reduce infestation by barnacles, tall export to the mainland, where the
nursery-grown seedlings should be used fruits are probably used in produc- CONCLUSIONS AND
for planting, as the leading shoot of tall tion of medicine); RECOMMENDATIONS
seedlings remains above the water level. • discharge of industrial pollutants into Many of the problems observed during
More mature seedlings are also less vul- creeks, rivers and estuaries, which is the field study in Goa and the Middle
nerable to attack by oysters, crabs and a major problem in some regions of Andamans, particularly those caused by
gastropods. the world but is relatively less severe humans, can be traced to the following
Intensity of insect infestation is higher in Goa and the Middle Andamans; root causes, which need to be addressed
under monocropping but can be control- • the traditional use of dragnets in fish- if mangroves are to be sustainably con-
led by raising mixed plantations (Siddiqi ing, which often hampers regenera- served:
et al., 1992). tion of mangroves because young • the poverty of the local inhabitants,
seedlings get entangled in the nets which forces them to depend on man-
Problems caused by humans and are uprooted; groves for their fuelwood, timber and
The following are some of the human • movement of barges (used in Goa fodder requirements even if collec-
activities that have resulted in damage to for carrying iron ore) which give rise tion is illegal;
mangroves in Goa and the Middle to strong waves that sometimes dam- • increasing population, resulting in
Andaman Islands: age the young mangrove seedlings; more pressure on mangroves;
• indiscriminate tree felling and lop- • obstruction and diversion of water • lack of education and awareness re-
ping, mainly for fuelwood, fodder for culvert construction, e.g. at garding the importance of man-
and timber, especially in areas close Shyamkund in the Middle groves, and ignorance of rules and
to human habitation; Andamans, where it resulted in the regulations regarding conservation
• indiscriminate conversion of man- drying and death of about 0.5 ha of of mangroves;
groves on public lands for mangroves (personal observation). • improper planning of development
aquaculture (e.g. for prawn culture The government of Goa has already activities such as aquaculture, agri-
at Chorao, Goa) (editor’s note: see banned felling of 15 species of man- culture, construction for human
the article by L. Hein on the effects groves for a period of ten years under the habitation, mining and industrial-
of shrimp culture on mangroves in Goa, Daman and Diu Preservation of ization;
eastern India), agriculture, mining Trees Act, 1984. This protection is de- • short supply of fuelwood, timber and
(e.g. along the Mapusa estuary in sirable for all mangrove species, but the fodder at affordable prices;
Goa), human habitation and indus- need for a total ban on mangrove felling • absence of a systematic survey of the
trial purposes; or lopping may be periodically reviewed. area and the ownership of the land

Unasylva 203, Vol. 51, 2000


under mangroves, facilitating en- Cumbarjua canal. However, in the Witzig & Company Pty Ltd, Mullumbimby,
croachment on this land; Andaman and Nicobar Islands no large- NSW 2482, Australia.
• difficulties of protection because of scale mangrove restoration works have Naskar, K.R. & Mandal, R.N. 1999.
the scattered geographic distribution been taken up in the last three years. Ecology and biodiversity of Indian
of mangroves; Mangrove conservation and reforestation mangroves, 1: 3-348. Dehradun, India,
• acute shortage of government staff programmes along the central west coast Milton Book Company.
and other infrastructure. of India have resulted in increased pub- Saenger, P., Hegerl, E.J. & Davie, J.D.S.
Mangrove conservation and develop- lic awareness regarding the importance 1983. Global status of mangrove
ment efforts undertaken by the Govern- of mangroves; control of intertidal ecosystems, Commission on Ecology Papers
ment of India, the Government of Goa mudbanks; opening of new avenues for No. 3. Gland, Switzerland, IUCN. 88 pp.
and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands forestry and social forestry activities; Siddiqi, N.A., Khan, M.A.S., Islam, M.R.
Administration have so far been success- increased biomass along the estuaries, & Hoque, A.K.F. 1992. Underplanting –
ful in reducing the degree of problems, which has influenced biological produc- a means to ensure sustainable mangrove
but there is scope for further improve- tivity; and increased bird and other ani- plantations in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J.
ment. mal life (Untawale, 1996). ◆ Forest Science, 21: 1-6.
Some suggested actions include the Untawale, A.G. 1992. Rehabilitation of
following: coastal wetlands of India. In M. K. Wali,
• people’s involvement in mangrove ed. Ecosystem rehabilitation, ecosystem
management on public lands and analysis and synthesis, 2: 333-348. The
related benefits; Hague, the Netherlands, Academic
• programmes to raise people’s aware- Publishing.
ness of the importance of mangroves, Untawale, A.G. 1996. Restoration of
e.g. through films, exhibitions, mangroves along the Central West Coast of
newspapers, magazines, posters, Bibliography India. In Restoration of mangrove
stickers, brochures, banners, semi- ecosystems, p. 111-112. Japan, ISME. ◆
nars, nature camps, birdwatching, Andaman and Nicobar Islands
study tours in the mangrove forests, Environment and Forest Department.
establishment of mangrove parks in 1997. Management Plan for Conservation
the mangrove areas close to towns, of Mangrove in Andaman and Nicobar
and the celebration of Mangrove Islands, p. 1-6.
Conservation Day, with essay com- Chaudhuri, A.B. & Choudhury, A. 1994.
petitions, debates and drawing com- Mangroves of the Sundarbans. Vol. 1.
petitions; India. The IUCN Wetlands Programme.
• incentives for sustainable manage- Bangkok, Thailand, IUCN.
ment of mangroves on private and FAO. 1994. Mangrove forests management
village community land; guidelines, p. 46, 169-191.
• enforcement of environmental pro- Government of India. 1987. Mangroves in
tection laws; India – Status report, p. 52-55. New Delhi,
• research on problems related to pests Ministry of Environment and Forests.
and diseases and on appropriate Government of India. 1997. The State of
management of the mangrove eco- Forest Report. Forest Survey of India, p. 5-
system; 6, 38. New Delhi, Ministry of Environment
• restoration and rehabilitation of de- and Forests.
graded mangrove areas. Hong, P.N. 1996. Restoration of mangrove
Large-scale mangrove restoration and ecosystems in Vietnam: a case study of Can
rehabilitation programmes have been Gio District, Ho Chi Minh City, p. 82-95.
taken up in Goa along the Mandovi, The International Society for Mangrove
Zuari, Chapora estuaries and the Ecosystems. Produced for ISME by John

Unasylva 203, Vol. 51, 2000


Worldwide distribution of mangroves

Mangroves are found along many of the country reporting. This information will be will be updated regularly. The long-term
coasts in the tropics and subtropics, but the analysed in a special study on the status of plan is to develop this Web site further to
total area of mangroves in the world is not mangrove forests worldwide as part of FRA provide links to maps and other databases
well known. Recent estimates range from 2000. Countries that have not provided in- dealing with different aspects of mangroves.
16.5 million hectares (FAO, 1994, based on formation on their mangrove resources, but The aim is to concentrate on providing in-
figures from the early and mid-1980s) to that are known to have mangroves, will be formation on aspects not covered by other
16.9 million hectares (IUCN, 1983), 18.1 contacted again to ensure comprehensive cov- organizations and to fill important gaps in
million hectares (Spalding, Blasco and Field, erage. information falling under FAO’s mandate.
1997) and 19.9 million hectares (Fisher and In addition to providing information on
Spalding, 1993, cited in Spalding, Blasco the current status of mangroves, the aim is
and Field, 1997). In many of these studies, to compare these data with information from
countries with small areas of mangroves previous assessments or other sources in
have been excluded. order to analyse recent trends in area losses
A new study launched by FAO seeks to and gains (through planting efforts).
provide updated, reliable and comprehen- Readers are encouraged to provide inputs
sive information on the worldwide distri- to this study in terms of additional infor- Bibliography
bution of mangroves. mation relating to current and/or past as-
As part of the Global Forest Resources sessments of mangrove areas, preferably on FAO. 1994. Mangrove forest management
Assessment 2000 (FRA 2000), spearheaded a national scale, but also subnationally guidelines. FAO Forestry Paper No. 117.
by FAO in collaboration with member coun- where such information is available. Infor- Rome. 319 pp.
tries, donors and other partners, all countries mation should be sent to Mette Løyche Fisher, P. & Spalding, M.D. 1993. Protected
have been asked to provide a breakdown of Wilkie, Forest Resources Development Serv- areas with mangrove habitat. Cambridge,
their forest area into forest types, using their ice, FAO Forestry Department, Viale delle UK, World Conservation Monitoring
own classification system. Since mangroves Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy Centre. (draft report)
are a distinct and relatively uniformly de- ( IUCN.1983. Global status of mangrove
fined forest type, specific information on man- A database and specific country informa- ecosystems. Commission on Ecology Papers
groves from most countries in which they exist tion will be placed on the FAO Web site as No. 3. P. Saenger, E.J. Hegerl and J.D.S
has been received as part of the FRA 2000 soon as they are available. The database Davie, eds. Gland, Switzerland,
International Union for Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources.
Mangroves in Aurora
Spalding, M.D., Blasco, F. & Field, C.D.,
Province, the
Philippines eds. 1997. World Mangrove Atlas.
Okinawa, Japan, The International Society
for Mangrove Ecosystems. ◆

Unasylva 203, Vol. 51, 2000

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