P I N S: Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy With Calary January 2011
P I N S: Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy With Calary January 2011
P I N S: Parish of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy With Calary January 2011
Parish of Newcastle and
with Calary
January 2011
Sunday 2nd:
Calary 9.30am F.S. with Holy Baptism
St. Matthew’s 10.45am M.P. Ephesians 1: 3 - 14
Crèche Newcastle 12noon H.C. John 1: 1- 9
Sunday 9th:
Calary 9.30am M.P. Isaiah 42: 1 - 9
St. Matthew’s 10.45am H.C. Acts 10: 34 - 43
Crèche Newcastle 12noon M.P.
Sunday 16th:
Calary 9.30am F.S. John 1: 29 - 42
St. Matthew’s 10.45am M.P.
Newcastle 3.30pm Wicklow Gospel Choir
Sunday 23rd:
S.S. & Crèche Calary 9.30am H.C. 1 Corinthians 1:
St. Matthew’s 10.45am M.P. 10 - 18
S.S. & Crèche Newcastle 12noon M.P. Matthew 4: 12 - 23
Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday, with prayer for the sick, at 10.30
am in St Matthew’s followed by a cup of tea and chat in the McLean Room.
All welcome!
Tea & coffee are served in the McLean Room after each service in St. Matthew’s.
On Sunday 16th Wicklow Gospel Choir will sing in Newcastle as we join with
the local community in a service to mark the week of prayer for Christian unity.
You are welcome to tea over in the school after the service.
Holy Matrimony
Paul Joseph Daly and Claire Patricia Tierney, Ashlea, Leabeg Lane, Newcastle were
married on 10th December in Newcastle Parish Church. Paul and Claire were blessed with
a lovely day between the earlier snow and the very heavy snow which came just days after
their wedding.
We congratulate both these couples and wish them long and happy lives together and
God's blessing in their marriages.
On January 11th we will have a Quiz to make sure that our brains haven’t atrophied over
Christmas, so, sharpen up your wits and come along providing the weather is kind enough
to allow travel to Newtown.
Lunch in the Cottage for January will be on Thursday 20th. All welcome at €5 a head.
Table Tennis every Wednesday from 8pm in the McLean Room. Table Tennis will resume
in Calary from Thursday 13th in the Church Room. New players welcome to either group.
Youth Club
Events are being planned for the 14th and 28th January. Contact one of the leaders below
for more details.
Claire Adams 086 8479270 Paul McAndrew 085 7871541
Andrew Johnston 086 8616375 Yvonne Johnston 086 8508879