Evs Airpollution
Evs Airpollution
Evs Airpollution
We deem it a pleasure to acknowledge our sense of gratitude to our project guide
Professor Mira Das under whom we have carried out the project work. Her
guidance and timely advice encouraged us with constant flow of energy to
continue the work.
In preparing the project we have been helped by our professors and lab faculties.
Throughout the project many people have helped us in completing the project on
time for which we will always be grateful for their suggestions and comments.
We take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude for their cordial
support, valuable information which helped us in completing the project. A
particular thanks to our group members who helped us in completing the project.
This is to certify that report entitiled “Analysis and interpretation of the air
pollution data and calculation of air quality index for Bhubhaneswar city” is
submitted by group-3 of Mechanical-“F” in the subject “ENVIRONMENTAL
STUDIES” is a bonafide record of the work under supervision and guidance of our
Professor Mira Das. The project work, in our opinion , has reached the requisite
standard fulfilling the requirements for this topic.
The results contained in this report have not been submitted in part or full to any
other University or Institute for any grading purpose.
Head of Department,
TITLE Page No.
Introduction 05
What is RTI? 07
Conclusion 18
Refernces 19
Air pollution is a mixture of natural and man-made substances in the air we
breathe. It is typically separated into two categories: Outdoor Air Pollution and
Indoor Air Pollution.
Outdoor air pollution involves exposures that take place outside of the built
environment. Examples include:
Fine particles produced by the burning of fossil fuels (i.e. the coal and
petroleum used in energy production)
Noxious gases (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide,
chemical vapours, etc.)
Ground-level ozone (a reactive form of oxygen and a primary component of
urban smog)
Tobacco Smoke
In some instances, outdoor air pollution can make its way indoors by way of open
windows, doors, ventilation, etc.
The AQI is an index for reporting daily air quality. It tells you how clean or polluted
your air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for you. The
AQI focuses on health effects you may experience within a few hours or days after
breathing polluted air. EPA calculates the AQI for five major air pollutants
regulated by the Clean Air Act: ground-level ozone, particle pollution (also known
as particulate matter), carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.
For each of these pollutants, EPA has established national air quality standards to
protect public health .Ground-level ozone and airborne particles are the two
pollutants that pose the greatest threat to human health in this country.
An AQI value of 100 generally corresponds to the national air quality standard for
the pollutant, which is the level EPA has set to protect public health. AQI values
below 100 are generally thought of as satisfactory. When AQI values are above
100, air quality is considered to be unhealthy-at first for certain sensitive groups
of people, then for everyone as AQI values get higher. To make it easier to
understand, the AQI is divided into six categories:
One of the formal definitions of air pollution is as follows – “The presence in the
atmosphere of one or more contaminants in such quality and for such duration as
is injurious, or tends to be injurious, to human health or welfare, animal or plant
life”. It is the contamination of air by the discharge of harmful substances. Air
pollution can cause health problems and it can also damage the environment and
property. It has caused thinning of the protective ozone layer of the atmosphere,
which is leading to climate change.
Modernisation and progress have led to air getting more and more polluted over
the years. Industries, vehicles, increase in the population, and urbanization are
some of the major factors responsible for air pollution. The following industries
are among those that emit a great deal of pollutants into the air: thermal power
plants, cement, steel, refineries, petro chemicals, and mines.
Air pollution results from a variety of causes, not all of which are within human
control. Dust storms in desert areas and smoke from forest fires and grass fires
contribute to chemical and particulate pollution of the air. The source of pollution
may be in one country but the impact of pollution may be felt elsewhere. The
discovery of pesticides in Antarctica, where they have never been used, suggests
the extent to which aerial transport can carry pollutants from one place to
another. Probably the most important natural source of air pollution is volcanic
activity, which at times pours great amounts of ash and toxic fumes into the
Listed below are the major air pollutants and their sources:
Ozone- occur naturally in the upper layers of the atmosphere. This important gas
shields the earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. However, at the
ground level, it is a pollutant with highly toxic effects. Vehicles and industries are
the major source of ground-level ozone emissions. Ozone makes our eyes itch,
burn, and water. It lowers our resistance to colds and pneumonia.
Nitrogen oxide (NOx)- causes smog and acid rain. It is produced from burning
fuels including petrol, diesel, and coal. Nitrogen oxides can make children
susceptible to respiratory diseases in winters.
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)- is a gas produced from burning coal, mainly in thermal
power plants. Some industrial processes, such as production of paper and
smelting of metals, produce sulphur dioxide. It is a major contributor to smog and
acid rain. Sulphur dioxide can lead to lung diseases.
PM2.5 refers to the atmospheric particulate matter that has a diameter of less
than 2.5 micrometres which is about 3% of the diameter of human hair.
The particles in PM2.5 category are so small that they can only be detected with
the help of the electron microscope. These are smaller than PM10 particles. PM10
are the particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers and they are also called fine
particles. An environmental expert says that PM10 is also known as respirable
particulate matter.
Due to small in size both PM2.5 and PM10 particles act as gas. When you breathe,
these particles they penetrate into the lungs, which can lead to cough and asthma
attacks. If the level of PM2.5 is high in the air mist or fog increases and the
visibility is affected. The worst effect of these particles in the air is on children and
the elderly people.
Type: Nitrogen oxide (NO); Nitrogen dioxide (N02); Nitrous oxide (N20) ; Nitrate
Effects on Humans and Environment: Form the secondary pollutants: peroxy
acetyl nitrate (PAN) and nitric acid (HNO3); suppression of plant growth and
tissue damage; cause irritation to eyes, viral infections like influenza; nitrate form
in atmosphere impairs the visibility whereas in soil promotes the plant growth.
6. Metals and other inorganic Compounds
Types: Lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
Types: Dust, soil, sulphate Salts, heavy metal salts, Fire particles of carbon (soot),
silica, asbestos, Liquid sprays, mist etc.
9. Photochemical oxidants
Measures taken by State Government to control Air Pollution
In a bid to abate air pollution from the burgeoning number of industries, Odisha
State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) has initiated a scheme of installing online
emission monitoring system (EMS) for measuring air pollutants in industries.
In the first phase of the project, SPCB has directed 29 large industries to install
online stack and ambient air quality monitoring system in their plants and
transmit real time data to SPCB server through an advanced communication
system like GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). The GPRS network should
consist of a GPRS device enabled with GSM SIM card and transmit data through
existing mobile phone network. The industries are also directed to display the
real-time air quality data through an electronic display board in front of their
gates for public information.
Talking about the new technology for maintaining air quality, Dr. A K Swar, Senior
Environmental Engineer with the OSPCB said that “the SPCBs and industries in the
country have been monitoring ambient air quality by High Volume Samplers and
stack monitoring by stack monitoring kits since last few decades. These devices
are semi-automatic in nature and do not have capability to generate/transmit real
time monitoring data automatically to SPCBs. The revised National Ambient Air
Quality Standards notified by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) on
11th November, 2009 introduced some critical parameters which require
sophisticated online monitoring system for accuracy. Also, since the number of
polluting type of industries in the State has increased it was felt appropriate to
introduce online monitoring system for highly polluting large scale industries.”
The new technology has introduced an innovative concept called ‘Y Cable’ which
captures online data prior to landing at the plant’s local computer and transmits it
through GPRS device to the server of the board directly without any lag,
eliminating the scope for manipulation. “Such a technology is being used in India
for the first time” says Dr Swar. He further adds that “the GPRS network can
simultaneously send real-time data to SPCB server, server of the industry and
electronic display board installed in-front of the factory gate. Once we install the
system at our office, the system will be linked with Central Pollution Control
Board’s website. Such measures will introduce more accountability on the part of
industries and bring about transparency in the work of SPCB and other
At present the server is receiving real time data from stack and ambient air
quality monitoring systems of ten industries and the rest nineteen industries are
in the process of connecting with the server of the Board. The system is under
trial and may need a few months time for connecting with the website of SPCB,
Odisha for public view.
The EMS would keep a check on air pollutants such as PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2,
CO in the ambient air and PM, SO2, NO2, HF from stack emissions. The 29
industries which are directed to install EMS include pollution intensive industries
such as integrated steel, sponge iron plants, thermal power plants, cement plants,
fertilizer plants, paper mills, aluminium smelter, aluminium refinery etc.
Measures we can take to control Air Pollution
1. Carpooling: Reduce traffic-based air pollution and congestion by starting car
pool lanes for those cars and four wheelers that have three or more passengers to
encourage people to go for carpooling. Meanwhile, citizens too should take
initiative and car pool with friends, colleagues, family wherever possible.
2. Use bicycles: Mark out bicycle lanes in residential colonies as well as on all
roads in Delhi to encourage safe travel by bicycles. Meanwhile, citizens should
also be encouraged to use bicycles.
5. Fuel-efficient cars: Encourage more fuel efficient four wheelers with better
mileage per litre through road tax and sales tax incentives in addition to CNG
requirement. Citizens should opt for more efficient and smaller cars that can run
on CNG as alternate fuel.
6. Bigger trucks: Encourage six-axle trucks rather than the typical four-axle ones
to increase the pay load per truck to reduce the number of trucks on roads.
Trucks going to other destinations must not be allowed to pass through Delhi and
only use the bypass.
7. Road signs: Improve the poor road signs so that people do not travel extra to
locate their destinations. All the signs must be signposted at two or three places
well before the turning rather than at the last minute.
8. Maintenance of roads: Better maintain roads to complexes such as Nehru Place
to reduce the time a four wheeler spends on plying on such poor roads.
9. Shared taxis: The transport department should encourage shared taxi services
by developing a taxi sharing website and set up taxi stands and cabs to offer
reduced fares for shared service. This is other than the facilities Ola and Uber
10. Burning waste: Burning of leaves, old tyres or any items in the open should be
made a punishable offence in NCR with a fine of Rs10,000 per incident as this is a
major cause of air pollution. Citizens should be asked to report such incidents to
helpline numbers and emails.
12. Power backup: Inverters should be encouraged for back up supply and diesel
generator sets should not be allowed to run in Delhi-NCR till the AQI level comes
below 200.
13. Dump sites: Landfills should be better managed by the government to ensure
there are no fires there.
The health of the public, especially those who are the most vulnerable, such as
children, the elderly and the sick, is at risk from air pollution, but it is difficult to
say how large the risk is. It is possible that the problem has been over-stressed in
relation to other challenges in the field of public health.
As we have seen, there are considerable uncertainties in estimating both
exposures and effects and their relationships. It may be, for example, that the
effects of long-term exposure to lower concentrations of air pollutants could be
more damaging to public health than short-term exposure to higher
concentrations. For this reason alone, local authorities could take action to assess
and improve local air quality. It is not sufficient to wait for an episode of severe air
pollution and then try to deal with its effects.
Another reason for action on air pollution is that we do not know the contribution
which exposure to air pollutants may make to deaths from, for example, heart
disease. In many countries heart disease is a leading cause of death and even a
small contribution from air pollution could mean a significant and important
effect on public heath.
On an individual level, the risk to health from air pollution is very much smaller
than that posed by active cigarette smoking or accidents. It is also true that
healthy individuals are rather unlikely to be affected by exposure to the
concentrations of outdoor air pollutants in many European countries on most
days of the year. However, the old and the young, and especially those suffering
from respiratory or heart diseases, are the groups who are most vulnerable to the
effects of air pollution. It is only right that cost effective action should be taken to
provide them with clean air, which The Times of 1881 described as "the first
necessity of our existence."
Asian journal of atmospheric environment
Air Quality Index-A Comparative study for assessing the air quality
Bhubaneswar air quality index report
Times Of India Newspaper