Research and Development Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046, Tamil
Nadu, India.
Department of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 641 046, Tamil Nadu, India.
Department of Biotechnology, K.S.R. College of Technology, Tiruchengode - 637 215,
Tamil Nadu, India.
Article Received on
16 Feb. 2020, An attempt was made to isolate and characterize subsequently identify
Revised on 08 March 2020,
Accepted on 29 March 2020 Streptomyces spp. from turmeric plantation soils collected from
DOI: 10.20959/wjpps20204-15962 different agroclimatic zones of Tamil Nadu, India for the present study
with respect to the production of bioactive secondary metabolites. Soil
*Corresponding Author samples were collected from different places such as Coimbatore,
M. Nithya Dharmapuri, Erode, Salem and Viluppuram districts of Tamil Nadu in
Research and Development which 100 soil samples were collected and subjected to screen for the
Centre, Bharathiar
isolation of Streptomyces spp. The results indicated that the population
University, Coimbatore - 641
density of Streptomyces spp. in turmeric soils was found to be more in
046, Tamil Nadu, India.
Coimbatore (14.7x103 cfu /gm soil dry wt) region followed by Erode
(13.7) and lesser in Viluppuram (9.0) region. The population density of Streptomyces spp.
was interrelated with the nutrient status of turmeric soils which is positive correlated. A total
of 25 isolates of Streptomyces were obtained from soil samples on starch-casein agar and
subjected to purify them for their antagonistic activity against rhizome rot disease causing
pathogenic microorganism Pythium aphanidermatum. Based on the morphological,
biochemical and physiological parameters, a total of five potential isolates were picked up
and identified as Streptomyces spp. Based on the in vitro performance, CS12 isolate was
Turmeric is the most popular spice crop in the world which is produced from rhizomes of the
commercially cultivated turmeric plant (Curcuma longa L) belongs to the family
Zingiberaceae. It is an important profitable plant in India. Indian turmeric is considered the
best in the world in terms of high quality and disease free (Chattopadhyay et al., 2004).
Moreover, it has been reported that turmeric has antimicrobial and anticancerous activities;
besides, biopesticidal and biofungicidal properties are well documented in the current
context. The plant prefers a warm humid climate with well distributed rain fall and moderate
sunshine hours along with temperature and relative humidity. Being an inter-crop,
sometimes; monoculture crop and annual crop pattern of life cycle, it provides a stable
microclimate for harbouring a number of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of turmeric.
Turmeric soil contains a variety of microorganisms and most of them are beneficial to the
plant growth by producing a wide range of growth regulators and antibiotic like substances
(Ponmurugan et al., 2002). Among the soil microorganisms, Streptomyces plays an important
role in terms of production of an array of bioactive secondary metabolites, many of which
have antibacterial or antifungal properties including antagonistic activity (Wellington et al.,
1994) and other inhibitory activities (anti-tumor, anti-fungal, anti-viral) or may function as
herbicides/weedicides (Sanglier et al., 1993). Streptomyces spp. are widely used in industry
due to their ability to produce numerous chemical compounds including antibiotics, enzymes,
organic acids, and anti-tumor compounds as well (Berdy, 1995). The most promising role for
bioactive secondary metabolites extracted from Streptomyces spp. relies upon defense
mechanisms against pathogenic organisms.
turmeric export to various foreign countries and also turmeric quality due to this disease
infection (Reddy, 2007, Ponmurugan et al., 2014). Infected plants show a stunted growth,
new leaf turn to yellow in colour with curling of leaf buds. Due to this disease incidence, a
heavy crop loss is recorded which in turn affect the overall quality of the turmeric powder. In
order to control the disease, fungicides like mancozeb and companion are being
recommended by soil drenching method in the soil (Karvy, 2015). Soil drenching of
fungicides lead to deleterious effect on beneficial microorganisms and also affect the soil
health. Further, chemical control is erratic and expensive one. Biological control of rhizome
rot diseases along with plant growth promotion is a viable alternative method of disease
control. In this contest, Streptomyces spp. belongs to actinomycete group is the best candidate
for controlling the plant pathogen (Chang et al., 2006; Fernando et al., 2007). The present
study aims at the isolation, screening and characterization of biologically diverse strains of
Streptomyces from turmeric soils for the production of bioactive secondary metabolites
subsequently tested against P. aphanidermatum.
The results on biochemical characterization indicated that pigment production was very well
observed in most of the Streptomyces spp. On the other hand, most of the isolates were
efficient in hydrolyzing starch, gelatin and casein. The results coincided with the report of
Ravel et al. (2000). All the strains were found to be efficient in terms of hydrolyzing starch,
gelatin and casein contents. The strains were showed negative response upon indole
production but positive response on catalase test. Production of hydrogen sulphide and nitrite
reduction showed positive result in majority of the isolates (Table 2).
The growth of Streptomyces isolates on medium adjusted with different pH revealed that a
better growth was recorded between pH 8.0 and 8.5 (Table 3). This pH level may be
correlated with soil pH which may be used for the growth of organisms. The optimum
temperature for the growth of Streptomyces isolates was 25°C followed by 28°C (Table 3).
Among the different carbon sources tested, starch was found to be suitable for maximum
growth followed by maltose. On the other hand, potassium nitrate and ammonium nitrate
were found to be suitable for optimum growth followed by sodium nitrate and casein
hydrolysate (Table 3). It is due to the complexity of the organisms during the growth.
Production of antifungal metabolites have been known to be influenced by components of
medium and cultural conditions such as pH, temperature, carbon and nitrogen sources
(Augustine et al., 2004).
Table 3: Effect of biotic and nutrient factors on the growth of Streptomyces isolates
obtained from turmeric plantation soils of Tamil Nadu, India.
Isolates of Streptomyces
CS12 DS23 ES101 SS1 VS47
Optimum pH 8.3 8.8 8.5 8.5 9.0
Optimum temperature (°C) 25 25 28 27 30
Glucose* ++ + + ++ ++
Fructose* ++ + + ++ ++
Maltose* ++ ++ ++ + +
Sucrose* ++ - - - ++
Starch* ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Cellulose* ++ ++ - - -
Ammonium nitrate** ++ ++ ++ + ++
Sodium nitrate** ++ + + + ++
Potassium nitrate** ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
Casein hydrolysate** ++ + + + ++
++ Prominent growth
+ Moderate growth
- No growth
* Carbon sources
** Nitrogen sources
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