Anomaly Detection in Thermal Power Plant Using Probabilistic Neural Network
Anomaly Detection in Thermal Power Plant Using Probabilistic Neural Network
Anomaly Detection in Thermal Power Plant Using Probabilistic Neural Network
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4 authors, including:
Fahrudin Mehmedovic
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Abstract - Anomalies are integral part of every system's This paper presents one of the possible solutions to
behavior and sometimes cannot be avoided. Therefore it is the anomaly detection problem in boiler system using
very important to timely detect such anomalies in real-world probabilistic neural network. Given the complexity of the
running power plant system. Artificial neural networks are system, because of necessary simplification, only some
one of anomaly detection techniques. This paper gives a type characteristic sections and some characteristic process
of neural network (probabilistic) to solve the problem of variables were selected. All of the input data that are used
anomaly detection in selected sections of thermal power are coming from the system for monitoring and control
plant. Selected sections are steam superheaters and steam present in Thermal Power Plant "Tuzla", Bosnia and
drum. Inputs for neural networks are some of the most Herzegovina.
important process variables of these sections. It is
noteworthy that all of the inputs are observable in the real II. SELECTED SECTIONS OF THERMAL POWER PLANT
system installed in thermal power plant, some of which A thermal power plant, as a large and complex
represent normal behavior and some anomalies. In addition system, consists of multiple smaller systems that work
to the implementation of this network for anomaly together and ensure continuous electricity generation.
detection, the effect of key parameter change on anomaly This paper is focused on one of the main systems of every
detection results is also shown. Results confirm that thermal power plant and that is the boiler.
probabilistic neural network is excellent solution for
anomaly detection problem, especially in real-time The boiler is one of the most important systems in a
industrial applications. thermal power plant because of its role in electricity
generation [1, 2]. The boiler represents the entire system
I. INTRODUCTION that participates in the conversion of water into steam. A
single division of the boiler system into individual
With around 40% share in global electricity sections does not exist, because many sections are
production, thermal power plants are still significant connected and there is often no clear distinction between
power generation facilities, although their influence is them. In this paper, the division is made according to
reduced in favor of the renewable energy plants. available process images with certain corrections
Adequate control of thermal power plant units is concerning data availability.
necessary for the system to function properly, since
improper functioning of the system may result in A. Water-Steam System
electricity supply interruption and financial losses for This system is primarily engaged in converting water
electricity producers. into steam and consists of multiple subsystems with
One of the most important systems involved in separate functions. The system consists of multiple pipes
thermal power plant operation is the plant's boiler. and vessels. Heat exchange between different media
Pulverized coal combustion occurs in this system. Its occurs in this system in order to achieve optimal steam
combustion raises the temperature which helps feedwater parameters. The steam is driven further to the turbine
conversion into steam with needed parameters. Such propelling it, which is essential for electricity generation.
steam is driven further to the turbine system propelling it, Given that the quality and parameters of steam directly
which is essential for electricity production in thermal affect the electricity generation, anomaly detection in this
power plant. From the above, it is clear that the system is of great importance for the plant. The most
malfunction of any part in boiler system affects the important measurements of process variables related to
operation of thermal power plant. Outage of some part or steam are temperature, pressure and steam flow which
the whole thermal power plant unit can often be avoided directly affects the current power output.
with timely anomaly detection. B. Feedwater System
Many of those techniques are being researched and One of the important subsystems of the boiler is the
one of those are neural networks based anomaly detection system for its feedwater supply, because without the
techniques. If the neural network is created to detect feedwater supply there is no steam generation. After the
anomalies in the system, reaction time on the anomaly raw water is treated at the chemical water treatment plant,
could be significantly reduced. This would provide the water is stored in the feedwater tank. The water is
greater system stability and therefore fewer losses.
where C(x) denotes the estimated class of the x Specificity or true negative rate (TNR):
pattern x and m is the total number of classes in the
training samples. If the a priori probabilities for each ܴܶܰ ൌ (8)
class are not the same and the losses associated with ܶܲ ܶܰ
making an incorrect decision for each class are different,
the output of all the summation layer neurons will be x Precision (PR) or positive predictive value (PPV):
ܥሺݔሻ ൌ ܽݔܽ݉݃ݎሼ ሺݔሻܿݐݏ ሺݔሻܽݎ ሺݔሻሽǡ ܶܲ
(5) ܴܲ ൌ (9)
݅ ൌ ͳǡʹǡ ǥ ǡ ܿ ܶܲ ܲܨ
where costi(x) is the cost associated with misclassifying x Negative predictive value (NPR):
the input vector and aproi(x) is the prior probability of ܶܰ
occurrence of patterns in class c. ܴܰܲ ൌ (10)
ܶܰ ܰܨ
x F1 score:
After obtaining the actual classification results, some
way of quality assessment is needed for a certain type of ʹܶܲ
neural network. The purpose of the assessment is to ͳܨൌ (11)
ʹܶܲ ܲܨ ܰܨ
determine which type of neural network fits best for some
classification problem. Therefore the evaluation of
acquired knowledge is an important part of neural B. Result Validation
network application. During this process, it is needed to Result validation techniques are mainly linked to
determine which verification and validation measures neural networks if an input data set is not large enough.
will be used. Different types of these measures exist In addition to that, they are used to test a neural network
through specific application [14] and some of them are with some random sample from the data set. If the data
applied in this paper. set is large enough, which does not guarantee the neural
network will be trained properly. This is due to a
A. Result Verification
possibility of overfitting the network with a large number
There are several different measures used for result of similar instances. If that occurs, the neural network
verification. Majority of the measures are adapted to one- could treat some noise as an anomaly. In order to prevent
class classification. This corresponds to the aim of this this, some kind of result validation should be performed.
paper, because neural networks used for anomaly Result validation techniques can also show if the neural
detection in this paper are trained as one-class classifiers. network parameters are good enough. Commonly used
Table I provides an overview of possible outcomes of result validation techniques are: cross-validation,
one-class classification problem solution. There are four regularization, early stopping etc. Result validation
possible outcomes of anomaly detection. True positive techniques are not exclusively used with neural networks.
(TP) and true negative (TN) outcomes represent a correct They are also used with other anomaly detection
classification, while false negative (FN) and false positive techniques and with value prediction techniques.
(FP) outcomes represent an incorrect one. Both types of
incorrect classifications represent a hazard. False The most popular result validation technique is cross-
positives can cause an action which is not needed, but validation [15]. The idea is to separate the available data
false negatives are actually more dangerous because an into a training data set (usually 80% to 90% of the data)
anomaly would be ignored. and a test data set (the remaining 10% to 20% of the
data). The simplest form of cross-validation randomly
separates the available data into a single training set and a
TABLE I. POSSIBLE PUTCOMES OF ONE-CLASS CLASSIFICATION single test set. It is a risky approach, because an unlucky
PROBLEM SOLUTION split could lead to an ineffective neural network. A better
approach would be to repeat the previous procedure
Outcome Actual
multiple times, but this approach is also risky because
Behavior Normal Anomalous there is a chance that some instances could be used only
Desired Normal True positive False positive for training and never for testing, or vise versa.
Anomalous False negative True negative Therefore, a technique called k-fold cross-validation was