Ge Gaa Fets and TMD Finfets For The Applications Beyond Si-A Review
Ge Gaa Fets and TMD Finfets For The Applications Beyond Si-A Review
Ge Gaa Fets and TMD Finfets For The Applications Beyond Si-A Review
Ge GAA FETs and TMD FinFETs for the applications beyond Si- A review
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ABSTRACT Two parts of work are included in this paper. In the first part, the novel Ge gate-all-around
field effect transistors (GAA FETs) are introduced and discussed. Fabrication of Ge GAA FETs requires
only simple top-down dry etching and blanket Ge epitaxy techniques readily available in mass production.
First, a novel process to etch away the defective Ge near Ge/Si interface from epitaxial Ge grown on
SOI achieves a nearly defect-free channel, good gate control triangular gate, larger effective width than
rectangular fin, and have low punch-through current through the Si substrate. By dislocation removal,
the defect-free Ge channel can be formed on nothing. The p-channel triangular Ge GAA FET with fin
width (W fin ) of 52 nm and Lg of 183 nm has Ion /Ioff = 105 , SS = 130 mV/dec, and Ion = 235 µA/µm
at −1 V. Next, due to the highest electron mobility (2200 cm2 /Vs) on (111) Ge surface, the n-channel
triangular Ge GAA FET with (111) sidewalls on Si and Lg = 350 nm shows 2 times enhanced Ion with
respect to the devices with near (110) sidewalls. Electrostatic control of SS = 94 mV/dec (at 1 V) can
be further improved if superior gate stack than EOT = 5.5 nm and Dit = 1×1012 cm−2 ·eV−1 is used.
The Ion can be further enhanced if the line edge roughness (LER) can be reduced. Second, a feasible
pathway to scale the Ge MOSFET technology by using a novel diamond-shaped Ge GAA FET with
four {111} facets is also reviewed. The proposed dry etching process involves three isotropic/anisotropic
etching steps with different Cl2 /HBr ratios for forming the suspended diamond-shaped channel. Taking
advantages of the GAA configuration, favorable carrier mobility of the {111} surface, and nearly defect-
free suspended channel, nFET and pFET with excellent performance have been demonstrated, including
an Ion /Ioff ratio exceeding 108 , the highest ever reported for Ge-based pFETs. The TMD FinFET devices
are reviewed in the second part of this paper. The TMD FinFET channel is deposited by CVD. MoS2
covered on Si fin and nanowire resulted in improved (+25%) Ion of the FinFET and nanowire FET. The
PFETs also operated effectively and the N/P device Vth are low and matched perfectly. The proposed
heterogeneous Si/TMD 3DFETs can be useful in future electronics. Furthermore, a 4 nm thin transition-
metal dichalcogenide (TMD) body FinFET with back gate control is also proposed and reviewed. Hydrogen
plasma treatment of TMD is employed to lower the series resistance. The 2 nm thin back gate oxide
enables 0.5 V of Vth shift with 1.2 V change in back bias for correcting device variations and dynamically
configuring a device as a high performance or low leakage device. TMD can potentially provide sub-nm
thin monolayer body needed for 2 nm node FinFET.
FIGURE 1. Schematic flow for Ge triangular/diamond-shaped FETs and rectangular FinFETs. (a) Ge and grown on (001) SOI. (b)-(b)” fin patterning and
etching using isotropic Cl2 /HBr for triangular(b)’/diamond-shaped (b)” fins and anisotropic Cl2 /O2 (b) for rectangular fins (c) Anisotropic etching using
Cl2 gas only, (d) Isotropic Cl2 / HBr etching. (e) & (e)’ Gate formation with high k/metal gate stack.
FIGURE 7. Id-Vg of the triangular Ge GAA FET (device A) with Ion /Ioff =
FIGURE 4. Fin formation by anisotropic dry etching. “d” decreases with 1.6× 104 and SS = 94mV/dec. The EOT=5.5nm is obtained from planar
increasing side etching. (d: contact width between Ge and Si.) devices, and Dit =1×1012 cm−2 eV−1 is extracted from the simulation (solid
as 105 and SS of ∼130 mV/dec are obtained for the trian- For diamond-shaped structures, Figs. 8 show the TEM
gular Ge GAA FET. The large Dit of 2×1012 cm−2 eV−1 images of the fabricated diamond-shaped GAA FET and
for EOT of 5.5 nm is responsible for the SS. Furthermore, rectangular FinFET. The short diagonal is defined by the
the mobility of the planar devices on (111) Ge is 2 times of hard mask width, and the length of the long diagonal is
that on (100) Ge. In order to achieve high performance Ge 1.41 times of the hard mask width. The suspended height
n-FET, Ge fin with (111) sidewalls are fabricated to take the can be designed using the Ge thickness and hard mask
FIGURE 11. (a) Id-Vg curves and (b) Id-Vd curves of a hybrid 2D electronics
3DFETs; (c)(d) the Ion improvements of the hybrid Si/Mos2 channels 3D
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MIN-CHENG CHEN received the Ph.D. degree WEN-FA WU was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan,
in electrics institute from National Chiao Tung in 1967. He received the B.S. degree in elec-
University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 2004. He is cur- tronics engineering from National Chiao Tung
rently a Research Fellow with the National Nano University, Taiwan, in 1990, and the Ph.D. degree
Device Laboratories, Hsinchu. His current research from the Institute of Electronics, National Chiao
interests include nanoelectronic semiconductor Tung University, in 1994. In 1994, he joined
devices integration and characteristics. the National Nano Device Laboratories, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, where he has been a Researcher, since
2003. He has authored or co-authored over
120 journal or conference papers. His research
interests include advanced nano CMOS devices
and technologies, thin film devices and technologies, and nanotechnologies.
CHIH-CHAO YANG received the Ph.D. degree JIA-MIN SHIEH received the Ph.D. degree
from National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, in in electro-optics from National Chiao Tung
2007. He is an Associate Researcher with the University, Taiwan, in 1997. He is currently the
Emerging Device Division, National Nano Device Deputy Director General with National Nano
Laboratories. His research interests now include Device Laboratories. His current research focuses
the development of monolithic 3-D integrated cir- on developing low-cost, third-generation Si and
cuit and device for Internet of Things. He is now CIGS thin-film solar cells, Si quantum-dot pho-
utilizing low thermal budge pulse laser processes, tovoltaic/photonic/electronic devices, monolithic
including laser crystallization, laser activation and 3-D nanoelectronics and circuits, and low power
laser silicide, for fabricating high performance and sensors for IoTs.
sequentially stacked logics and memories. Such
3-D sequential integration technology is the key to realize high performance,
rich function, power efficient, and low cost 3DIC.