Artifact 1
Artifact 1
Artifact 1
Savannah Bakker
Bon Air Elementary School - 5th Grade
Teaching Scenario
The students in my 5th grade class have a wide range of abilities. Three students in the
class have IEP’s. Two of the students have already been diagnosed with specific
learning disabilities, and a few other students in the class are in the process of being
tested now, since next year they will be going to middle school. A few students in the
class get an accommodation to have tests read aloud to them. Overall, the class
sometimes struggles with motivation and focusing. Many of the students do not try
their hardest on assignments and tests because they are not motivated to be
successful or simply cannot stay focused long enough to thoroughly read the
questions. Earlier in the school year, the students were tested over their reading
standard about story elements. The class averaged around 32% on that test. Due to
this, my cooperating teacher and I decided that I should reteach story elements for my
teacher work sample, specifically focusing on plot and how the plot affects the story. I
implemented four mini lessons about story elements and a review station during my
reading block for a week in order to help the students improve their understanding of a
tricky topic.
Day 1: Back to the Basics…
1.5 The candidate identifies and implements appropriate modifications and accommodations to enable
all students to reach their potential. (I-2; IDS2)
1.6 The candidate identifies and implements appropriate assistive technologies to meet individual
learning needs.
1.7 The candidate articulates legal rights and needs of students as outlined in IEP’s, Section 504
plans, and another documents. The candidate’s teaching shows evidence of intentional promotion of
students’ rights and needs.
1.8 The candidate designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning
experiences, making appropriate content accessible to all learners. (I-1; IDS1)