Parking Management System
Parking Management System
Parking Management System
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 8 Issue V May 2020- Available at
Abstract: In society, we may spend 5 to 10 minutes trying to find a place in a parking space. Parking spaces are everywhere, but
they are highly inefficient. According to a study done by Inrix, the authority on vehicles and transportation, over 70 billion
dollars are wasted every year searching for parking. In that process, we waste 3.6 billion hours of time and 1.7 billion gallons of
fuel. That is a lot of wasted resource. In this project, I propose a parking management system, which consists of hardware and
software modules. On the hardware side sensors and cameras. On the software side, java modules are implemented with efficient
data-management. To test the system, I have modeled different possible actions of the drivers and ensured that the proposed
parking system performs perfectly. This system can be used in any large parking structure in the modern smart cities. Some
examples are hospitals, companies, downtown, airports, malls, events etc.
Keywords: Parking Management, Smart Cities, Internet of Things, Sensor System, Image Sensors, Smart Buildings
Most of the car parking are inefficient nowadays as transport industry boom day by day. many government found that visitors are
increasing as of that parking space is big deal for them. traffic problems are also major concern as more no of cars are running on
road than their capacity. in country like india which is populated and crowed parking space is big problem .also driver search for
empty parking space but result are not in favour . so, this car parking system helps to manage cars on road and in parking space .
A. Android
An operating system that comprises of modified linux kernel which is mostly used in touch screen phones. It was developed initially
by Android Inc, but later on bought by Google. Basically android app is coded in java or kotlin and rest features are supported with
different technologies like as for database sql is used, for interface javascript, etc.
B. Java
Java is a general purpose object oriented language. Its open source and works on different platforms. The framework and classes
makes it to use for android development.
For storing, retrieving and manipulation of data in a database we require software which can perform them all. MySQL comes in
two editions they are: Some features of mysql are: 1) Their Cross platform support. 2) MySQL uses standard SQL. 3) It can be
compiled multiple platforms 4) MySQL is free and easy to download and use. These are the main technologies that are going to be
implemented in the application and some of more may be later on depending upon the requirements for the betterment of it
A. Signup/Login
The sign-up/login module will be controlling the user sign up where the user’s voice and other necessary details such as given below
will be recorded in database.
1) Username
2) Password
3) Phone Number
4) Email Id
5) City
B. Location
In this module, the application offers users to give the location where they want to use the services, provided by us. To use the
location services, the app must request location permissions There are two ways through which any user can give their location
1) Current Location
2) Choose Location (manually on map)
C. Select Vehicle
The application will prompt user to choose their vehicle type, then choose the model from the various models available in market, as
the pricing will differ model by model of the vehicle.
D. Time Slot
The user has to book the time slot in which they will be available for the services.This helps in multiuses of parking space. At the
selected time, it will be easy to reach and park the vechicle and will perform the desired work as per client..
In this work, I have successfully developed a smart parking management system. The system consists of hardware compone and
software modules which closely interact with each other. Using this system, drivers of cars can park quickly, and wi save fuel, time
and money. The experimental result shows very fast runtime and high success rate. This approach can save billions of wasted
dollars in the US alone. The saved fuel, time and money can be reapplied in more productive places. By causality, it will help the
environment as well
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