Government's Content Strategy Is The Linchpin of Citizen Experience
Government's Content Strategy Is The Linchpin of Citizen Experience
Government's Content Strategy Is The Linchpin of Citizen Experience
We all can relate to the need for governments to deliver a better customer
experience, whether it’s getting the right envelopes in your mailbox or connecting
veterans with healthcare commensurate to their selfless sacrifices.
And while content strategy alone can’t fix broken business processes or improve the
quality of healthcare, it’s absolutely critical to helping citizens locate, understand, and
connect with public services. It’s a tool to help government employees better deliver
the right information at the right time to the right people.
Why is the need greater than ever before for good content strategy? Because
citizens usually need a specific piece of information, but the total pool of content to
choose from has become bloated and chaotic. People want to engage, but often,
incoherent content strategy prevents it.
Very few people get excited when they have to visit
The problem for us consumers is that, as citizens, our choices in getting access to
government information and services are limited. If I’m unhappy with Amazon’s
household items subscription service, then I can switch to Target’s. If I’m mad at
Netflix for raising prices, then I can dump them for Hulu.
But we only have one government, and we only get to impact how it’s run
tangentially through our votes every few years — and, shocker, digital strategy isn’t
typically part of a candidate’s platform. There is only one U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs and each state has only one Department of Motor Vehicles. With
brands, we tend to have some loyalty and thus some inherent satisfaction that we’ve
been allowed to make a choice to align ourselves with that brand. But the lack of
choice in obtaining public services immediately puts government at a customer
experience deficit, so it needs to work overtime to meet expectations that citizens
bring with them as private sector consumers. Because there are no other
alternatives, the citizen’s alternative when they have a bad experience is to entirely
People’s previous experiences, despite the sector from which they came, influence
their expectations for future service interactions. Big private sector companies
have, as McKinsey puts it, “spoiled” customers with seamless user experiences,
raising expectations to new heights.
It’s no secret to government that citizens’ expectations are so high — the Obama
administration issued an executive order to agencies requiring they create customer
service plans to develop more “competent and efficient” service for the American
people. The Trump administration has directed the executive branch to continue
those efforts in the President’s Management Agenda, which includes a section on
bringing customer satisfaction scores up to be on par with the private sector. The
Office of Management and Budget also announced earlier this year it will bring
back the Obama-era Federal Customer Service Awards program.
Government agencies are trying, but they aren’t quite yet living up citizens’
expectations, even though many government agencies have budgets larger than top
scorers in the American Customer Satisfaction Index. For example, Trader Joe’s,
with an annual revenue of $13 billion, has an ACSI score of 85.4. Compare that to
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which has a requested
fiscal year 2019 budget of $41 billion and scores only a 60 on the ACSI. In fact, 80
percent of federal agencies deliver poor customer service to citizens (contrasted to
only 20 percent of private companies who rate that poorly), according to the 2018
Federal Customer Experience Index by Forrester.
The faster that technology changes the ways in which we interact with information
and organizations, the more expectations grow.
Content strategy is particularly important when citizens are in crisis, such as after a natural disaster.
The content and IT systems used to connect citizens with government services have
been subject to many policy shifts, leadership whims, and Band-Aid fixes over time.
For example, there’s an abundance of disconnected, outdated, disorganized and
duplicated content out there across the top-level dot-gov and dot-mil domains. Many
government sites contain hundreds or even thousands of pages that no one ever
reads — too often, progress is measured in the number of resources published and
not in how well any given piece of content is designed to serve the users.
Despite all the focus on CX, most of the guidance on how to get it done has been
nebulous, and the importance of content strategy has not been emphasized enough.
The “Improving Customer Experience with Federal Services” portion of the PMA is
only one page and lists four short bulleted strategies:
The product owners for IT systems, which are now the primary means of delivering
information to citizens, are often subject matter experts in the field (e.g., healthcare,
science) and not digital strategists. Furthermore, governance is loose if not entirely
lacking from most of these systems — if someone has an idea to add even
more content, the web team does it, despite the potential negative impact on users.
Something has to give, or all this talk about improving experiences will continue to be
limited to pockets of bright light instead of a government-wide institutional change.
This resource from the Census Bureau demonstrates how to use plain language.
Some agencies already doing this, but a government-wide focus on create once,
publish anywhere (COPE) content strategy would help government engage citizens
regardless of platform or device — whether through progressive web apps, voice
assistants, augmented reality interfaces, or traditional websites.
Modeling content needs, and defining content types and attributes, will help structure
content — to essentially treat it as data — that can be deployed anywhere. Content-
first design — not stakeholder-first design, legislator-first design, political appointee-
first design, or technology platform limitation driven-design — is the key to having
good information when and where citizens need it, even on relatively static annual
Without content strategy, citizens often may feel lost. For example, I’ve worked on
several government websites meant to deliver federal policy information to state- and
local-level professionals in a field — but the content is structured in a way that’s so
unclear the top visits come from a general public audience desperately seeking help
with potentially life-or-death situations. To improve this, government can start by
taking these steps:
1. Conduct more (for many, any at all) user research, including deep analytics reviews,
to better understand how your content is or isn’t serving target audiences.
2. Interview stakeholders and document findings about how content does or doesn’t
help advance agency goals, then find the sweet spot between agency goals and user needs.
3. Develop government-, agency-, and program-wide content strategy statements and
plans that include guidance on user-focused content principles and governance.
4. Create a user-driven content model, then audit and adapt content to fit the model,
including structuring the content as data points that can be pushed out to multiple platforms.
5. Meet with IT and communication teams to adopt technology and outreach practices
that fulfill dissemination needs based on what you learn from user research.
6. Ensure content adheres to plain language standards, even if stakeholders think
jargon is OK for their audiences.
7. Use techniques such as card sorting and tree testing to ensure content is organized
in a way that matches users’ mental models — and focus on users’ top tasks and questions,
not hawking lengthy PDF reports.
8. Remember that most users are probably finding content through search engines, not
the home page (yes, this is still a problem in government!) — and ensure metadata and UI
elements support that user journey.
9. Federate more site searches, and actually make them work — too many government
site searches crawl only a portion of the site or don’t support Boolean logic.
10. Help guide users by recommending similar content and related tasks to the content
they consume initially (bots can be helpful here too, as USCIS has found out).
Have you had an experience with government that could have been improved by
good content strategy? I’m always interested to hear about new cases. Email
me or give me a shout on Twitter.
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