1: Test
2: Service
3: Increment coin counter
F1: Nu chassis SW1 (alternative Test)
F2: Nu chassis SW2 (alternative Service)
DirectInput steering wheels with both paddle shifters and positional shifters are
supported, fully configurable from segatools.ini.
Start or A: Start
Select or B: View Change
X or RB: Shift Up
Y or LB: Shfit Down
Left Trigger: Brake
Right Trigger: Accelerate
Thumb Sticks: Steer
Inputs from both thumb sticks are summed together. A single stick alone will only
turn the simulated wheel half way through its range of motion.
Some items are marked FIXME; future Segatools enhancements will remove those items
from the checklist.
2. Make sure your ISP isn't "helpfully" slathering every unregistered domain you
attempt to visit with ads. If it is then set your PC up to use Google DNS (see
Google for details). Specifically, the domains "mobirouter.loc" and "dslrouter.loc"
must *fail* to resolve. (FIXME)
4. The data release contains an app\ directory and an amfs\ directory. Unpack the
Segatools IDZ distribution into app\bin.
5a. In the [vfs] section, set amfs= to the complete path to the amfs\ subdirectory
in the download
5b. Create an empty directory somewhere on your filesystem and put the complete
path to that directory in the appdata= setting of the [vfs] section (note, this
isn't Windows APPDATA, this is SEGA APPDATA).
5c. In the [dns] section, set default= to your computer's hostname or LAN IP. Do
not put here, the game specifically checks for and rejects loopback
addresses. This setting controls the address of the network services server.
5d. Set the region setting in the [ds] section to 4 if desired. This will make some
user interface elements English.
6. Right click start.bat and run it as Administrator. I think you need to run it as
admin at least once, but once you have done that you can run the game as a regular
7. When you want to exit the game, go to the operator menu and select SYSTEM TEST
MODE. This will cause the game and its background "amdaemon" process and its other
background "ServerBox" process to cleanly shut down (on a real arcade cabinet this
would send you into a system test mode provided by the Nu system software).
Hopefully you should reach the title screen without too much difficulty. At this
point you can press 2 or 3 a few times to add some credits, then *hold* the Enter
key for a few seconds to scan a card and start a credit. A random card ID will be
written to DEVICE\felica.txt the first time you do this.