I post here the complete schematic of my last Lrl that works in no-motion mode. I
have not yet definitive proof of how it works in real field, but it works perfectly
in my test field. It is essential to have a field where do the tests. In my case I
buried 5 silver coins and after about a month already they were revealed by my Lrl.
Then I buried a small gold bracelet and also after a few weeks was detectable by my
Lrl, although with less intensity. I must also remind you that the "phenomenon" is
not distributed evenly around the target but is greater in the North South
direction and over the target there is no signal and this confirms what Esteban
said. The most crical part is the sensor stage, it�s derived from a bug sniffer
that I have realized on a double side pcb consisting of six parallel rows on each
face. I put this circuit in place of the front end of a non well working Lrl and
this instrument was able to reveal the targets in my test field. The output was a
stable DC voltage and I thought
that the stage was an oscillator but also sensible to external signals. The
frequency was about 5 Mhz but by connecting the oscilloscope the oscillation
stopped. I think that the oscillation is caused by a parasitic coupling between the
TR3 collector and the TR1 base by means of the 2 strips in the lower side, one
under the TR3 collector and the other under the TR1 base. The proof of this is
that with another printed board with the inferior strips not well aligned with
superior strips there was no oscillation and I made this circuit working by putting
a small capacitor ( 1 pF) between the 2 inferior strips and by connecting the TR3
collector to the corresponding inferior strip. To verify the proper oscillation
you have to touch the input and the oscillation must decrease, if not the case the
oscillation is only between the TR2 and TR3 stage and capacitors C5, C6, C7 have
a value too large. If you have no oscillation by varying C6 try for C5 470 pF or
560 pF. The range between no oscillation and max signal is few picofarad and this
make very difficult to calibrate the stage. The presence of the "phenomenon" is
revealed by an increase of the signal. The �heart� of the stage is around TR1, part
of the oscillation signal go to ground by capacitors C1 and C2 and inductance L1
and the �phenomenon� reduces the signal that goes to ground and then a signal
enhancement at output of the stage. The stylus antenna picks up the signal that at
least partly it�s a E-field signal. The length of the antenna is approximately 30
cm and you can also use a brass tube. The optimal voltage at the output is about 3V
that is amplified and inverted about 3 times by IC3A, P2 is the sensitivity control
and IC3B is a comparator that drives a led and a buzzer. IC2A is a comparator that
drives the oscillator around IC2B, when the battery voltage goes under 16V the red
led flashes.