EHS Operational Manual-Updated
EHS Operational Manual-Updated
EHS Operational Manual-Updated
1 of 115
EHSOM - 24 Barricading 46
EHSOM - 25 Reptile Bit 47
EHSOM - 26 DG Set’s 48
EHSOM - 27 Occupational Health & Welfare 50
Check that the cable grips are used and that the earth
7. cable is fitted with some slack so that it is the last to be Electrical Engineer
pulled out.
8. No improvised junctions, nails, silver paper, etc Electrical supervisor
Ensure that the correct type and rating of fuses are
1 Electrical Engineer
Fuses usually blow for a reason. The reason shall be
2 Electrical Engineer
discovered before a fuse is replaced.
Nails, screws, wire or silver paper must never be used to
3 Electrical Engineer
replace fuses. It is illegal as well as very dangerous.
All wiring shall confirm to specified regulations.
Temporary wiring causes accidents and shall be
1. avoided. All switchgears shall be freely accessible and Sr.Electrical Engineer
being locked in the ‘OFF’. Whether EHSds shall protect
all electrical installation
All electrical installations shall be provided with ELCB
2. type shock guards Electrical supervisor
No working on the energized equipment or live is Electrical supervisor
IP -44 to be used & all electrical equipment shall be of IS
2 Electrical Engineer
DB box shall have identification cover & to be kept
3. Electrical supervisor
Master list of authorized Electrician along with the Electrical supervisor
certificate shall be maintained.
Minimum horizontal & vertical clearance to be
5. Electrical supervisor
maintained from power line
PPE to be used while working on electrical equipment Electrical supervisor
1. Distribution equipment utilized within the temporary Electrical
electrical distribution system shall incorporate the following Engineer
features: -
a) Flexibility in application for repeated use:
b) Suitability for transport and storage:
c) Robust construction to resist moisture and damage and
d) Safety in use.
2. All cabling shall be run at high level whenever possible and Electrical
firmly secured to ensure it does not present a hazard or Engineer
obstruction to people and equipment.
3. The installation on site shall allow convenient access to Electrical
authorize and competent operatives to work on the Engineer
apparatus contained within.
1. The site mains voltage shall be as the Electricity Utility Electrical
supplies. 400V 3-phase 4-wire system. Engineer
a) Single-phase voltage shall be as the Electricity Utility
supplies. 240v supply.
2. The following voltage shall be adhered to for typical Electrical
applications throughout the distribution system: Engineer
i) Fixed plant – 400V 3 phase
ii) Movable plant fed via trailing cable over 3.75 kW – 400 3
iii) Installation in site buildings – 230V single phase
iv) Fixed flood lighting – 230V single phase
v) Portable and hand tools – 115V single phase
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vi) Site lighting - 115V single phase
vii) Portable hand lamps – 115V single phase
3. When the low voltage supply shall be energized via the Electrical
Employer’s transformer, any power utilized from that source Engineer
shall he either 400v 3 phase or 24O v 1 phase as
4. Protection shall be provided for all main and sub-circuits Electrical
against excess current, residual current and earth faults. Engineer
The protective devices shall be capable of interrupting
(without damage to any equipment or the mains or sub-
circuits) any short circuit current that may occur.
5. Earthing and bonding shall be provided for all electrical Electrical
installation and equipment to prevent the possibility of Engineer
dangerous voltage rises and to ensure that faults are rapidly
cleared by installed circuit protection.
6. Only plugs and fittings of the weatherproof type shall be All users
C-EHSOM-01 Check list for 3 years
Electrical Safety
Before connecting a regulator, stand to one side, and momentarily open the
5 valve and then close it immediately. This procedure, called “cracking” the
valve, is done to clear the valve of dust or dirt that could enter the regulator.
Open valves slowly by hand to avoid gauge damage. If a specific tool is
6 required to open the valve, leave it in position so that the flow of gas can be
stopped quickly in an emergency.
7 Lift and move cylinders properly
Close the gas cylinder valves when not in use such as during breaks, lunch,
or end-of-shift to avoid leaks.
Avoid getting any oil or grease on the cylinders or regulators/gauges,
particularly those containing oxygen, to avoid fire or explosion.
Storage is not required for single cylinders of fuel gas and oxygen ready for
use with regulators attached secured to a proper cart.
Associated Records
C-EHSOM-04 Checklist for welding 3 years
and cutting
Sheet No. 10 of 115
1. All drivers, operators and banks man of the mechanical plant
and equipment must be competent to perform their duties.
Drivers and operators should have been trained not only in the
2. correct operation of the plant and equipment but also in the
EHS Dept.
limitation of its use, and the hazards, which exist if it is not
used properly.
It is recommended that all the Plant Operators must hold Plant/Equipment
3. heavy vehicle driving license. Dept.
All lifting appliances with a lifting capacity of more than one tone shall, where
practicable, be fitted with Automatic Safe Load Indicators which shall be kept in an
2. operable condition at all times the lifting appliance is in use. Checks shall be made to
ensure that Automatic Safe Load Indicator is properly calibrated and is functioning
All lifting appliances shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions and shall be subject to a regular preventative maintenance programme
The operators of lifting appliances shall conduct daily inspections of their respective
4. lifting appliances with the result of the inspections being recorded and kept available
for inspection by the Employer’s Representative.
Lifting Gear includes chain slings, wire, rope slings, or similar gear and a ring, link,
book, plate. Clamp, shackle, swivel or eye bolt.
Ii shall be ensured that all lifting gear shall be in good condition and shall be tested
2. and certified every six months, with the Safe Working Load being stamped or clearly
displayed upon it. Records of test shall be kept available.
All lifting gear shall be visually inspected before any use and if any L defects are
3. found then it shall be removed from site and cut into
Pieces in order to ensure that it is not used in a defective state.
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All lifting gear shall be properly stored arid not let lying on the ground where it could
be damaged or used in an unsafe manner
It shall be ensured that during the course o1 any lifting operations the following
minimum requirement shall be followed:
Only thoroughly trained and experienced persons are allowed to sling loads and give
directions to crane operators.
A standard code of hand signals shall be adopted for controlling the movement of
2. the crane and both the driver and the signaler shall be thoroughly familiar with the
The driver of the crane shall respond to signals from only the appointed signaler but
3. shall obey the stop signal at any time no matter who gives it.
Before commencing any lifting operations the ground conditions on which the crane
4. is to stand shall be investigated in order to ensure that the load bearing capabilities
are adequate.
No loads shall be slewed over public areas without stopping pedestrians and
vehicles first.
6. No unauthorized persons shall be allowed into the lifting zone.
7. No person shall he allowed to ride the hook of the crane or the loads being lifted.
8. All crane hooks shall be fitted with an operable safety catch.
Wherever practicable all loads shall have tag-lines attached in order to ensure that
the load can be controlled at all times.
Provision shall he made to ensure that the lifting slings or chains can he safely
removed from the loads once they have been landed.
Associated Records
C-EHSOM-15 Checklist for 3 Years
Heavy vehicle
Associated Records
C-EHSOM- 05 Checklist for personnel 3 years
protective equipment
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Prior to commencement on site the piling contractor needs
to have information relating to the condition of the land. All
surveys and examinations must be carried out by
competent persons and any information relating to
previous land uses must be obtained and made available.
The position and location of underground services, voids
and watercourses should be establiEHSd prior to work
commencing. Confirmation of such whereabouts should be
by reference to all relevant information as provided by the
Client/ Planning Supervisor or from information received
from statutory authorities.
All loads which are to be lifted must only be lifted using the
correct slings and signaling techniques which are set out.
All piling rigs, side boom and other lifting equipment shall
have a certificate before entering the work site. These
equipments shall be inspected on regular basis.
Driven Piles:
Tripod Piling
The general area of the rig must be kept as clear as
Tripods must not be used unless a current test and
examination certificate is available, and kept on site.
The safe working load must be clearly marked on the
winch, a current certificate of test and thorough
examination for the winch provided.
o Ensure that all lifting equipment has third party test
certificate and the operator has a valid competency
certificate / authorization.
o Pile driving rig should be tested for sound construction
and proper records be maintained.
o The rope winch and other parts of drive should be of
proper design and all the moving parts should be well
o Proper arrangement should be used for checking the
Pulley. Use cage and Service Crane for working at height.
o All persons working on the Piling Operation must wear
Safety Helmets (i.e. Helmets with Chin Strap).
o There is a risk of fracturing of the rope due to shock
loading. The ropes used should be examined at least
once in months.
o Never swing the load over moving traffic.
o Piles should not be stacked too high.
o Pile cage/ muck not to be loaded on the barricades
o Ensure that all pile bores are covered with grating.
o All excavated areas to be highlighted with caution tape.
o Tyre wash to be ensured before vehicle enters road.
Hammers: Use guide ropes when positioning a hammer. Stand clear when
starting and operating .All personnel should be at ground level
during Piling Operation.
Associated Records
C-EHSOM- 07 Check list for Safety 3 years
Requirements for Piling
Guardrails and toe boards are required for any scaffold EHS Dept
over five feet high. Flooring shall be solid from side-to-side
and secured in place with cleats.
Scaffolds must not be moved with employee(s) or
12.. EHS Dept
materials on the scaffold.
Ladders, boxes, etc., must not be used on scaffolding to
13.. EHS Dept
increase working height.
14. Scaffolding shall be secured at intervals of 15 feet to a
EHS Dept
solid support. Securing will be by wire, cable, or rope
Associated Records
C-EHSOM- 03 Checklist for 3 years
10. Welding operations require that approved eye protection, Safety supervisor
welding shields, and gloves be worn at all times.
12. Only authorized personnel under proper supervision shall Safety supervisor
perform welding and cutting operations.
14. Always use soapy water instead of matches to check for EHS Dept
leaks in hoses, fittings, and valves in welding operations.
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15. Proper eye protection shall be worn when observing Safety supervisor
welding or cutting operations, also when chipping slag.
Oxygen acetylene torch units shall be lit with proper ignition EHS Dept
16. equipment and not with matches or cigarettes. Oil in any
form shall be kept away from sources of oxygen.
S.No Task
Drive vehicles at safe speed limits displayed on road (max. 50 kmph in city
1 conditions) and need to be in good operating condition; avoid frequent use of clutch
and brakes. Use seat belts.
Always maintain the optimal speed limits gear – wise (normally shown as green zone
in the speedometer).
Follow the Manufacturers recommendation for tyre pressure, fuel and air ratio, fuel
quality (e.. octane no. in case of petrol), lube quality, loading etc.
Carry out maintenance as per Manufacturer recommendations for maintenance as
4 per Manual / Checklists; always purchase Fuel, additives, lubes, spares to be
purchased from Company authorized outlets only.
5 Ensure that rear mirror, horn, back horn, hand brake are in working condition.
6 Do not use mobile phones while driving.
Possess documents like Driving License, Certificate of Registration, Fitness
7 Certificate, Pollution Under Control Certificate etc. Ensure that the person driving is
not colour blind.
8 Ensure that no other person sits on the vehicle except driver.
Whenever reversing the vehicle ensure that there is always someone to guide the
movement of vehicle.
10 Always park the vehicle in such a way that the front faces towards the main exit-way.
Do not install unauthorized LPG / CNG cylinders and kits as it is highly unsafe as
well as illegal.
In case of leakage in fuel system, vehicles shall not be parked within 6 m of any
12 source of ignition or fire. Never park vehicles near to sources of high heat.
13 Never be near the vehicle / use a phone during fuel refilling.
In case of any emergency, look whether the vehicle doors are operable; if not, then
14 push open / break the Door with any heavy metal object and come out. Help co-
passengers. Dial emergency number 100, if required.
Ensure that at least One number each of dry powder type fire extinguiEHSrs are
provided in service vans.
Ensure that any compressed gas cylinders carried in service vans are secured
properly and nobody smokes during travel.
Whenever transporting, any heavy equipment/materials which extrudes out of the
vehicle, put a red flag to caution the public.
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Whenever a transit mixer or any other HTV is standing at the site near an
excavation, ensure that stoppers are provided at the wheels.
While transporting concrete or water ensure that a flap is put on the manhole while
moving to avoid spillage of concrete or contaminated water on the road.
Manual Handling
To prevent injuries,
Proper posture
Regular exercise
Lifting / lowering,
Pushing / pulling,
Grip: A good grip makes maximum use of the palm of the hand, the ball of the
thumb, and base of the fingers.
Back: The back must be kept straight to maintain its most natural and strongest
position. This means that the knees and ankles must be bent and the chin kept well
into the chest. The body must be positioned as close to the load as possible so as
to act as a counterweight.
Feet: The feet should be apart the width of the hips with one foot slightly in front of
the other so that a natural lead off is obtained.
Proper Lifting
2. Use a wide-balanced stance with one foot slightly ahead of the other.
When lifting, keep your lower back in its normal arched position and use your
legs to lift.
Pick up your feet and pivot to turn – don't twist your back.
5. Lower the load slowly, maintaining the curve in your lower back.
Avoid lifting above shoulder height. This causes the back to arch, placing heavy stress on
the small joints of the spine.
Do not catch falling objects. Your muscles may not have time to coordinate properly to
protect the spine.
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Good housekeeping is an important element of accident prevention. It shall be of
primary concern to all engineers and supervisors. Good housekeeping shall be
planned at the beginning of the job and carefully supervised and followed to the final
clean up. Housekeeping shall be the concern of all supervisor and each workman,
and not left for any special group. Working will be more efficient when the work area
is neat and orderly al all times.
General Housekeeping Rules
Floors, Aisles, and Ladders
All slip and trip hazards have been eliminated. If you see a potential hazard,
stop and fix it on the spot.
Floors are clean and free of excessive debris.
Any cleaning schedules are maintained.
Aisles should not contain obstructions; a width of 3 feet shall be maintained.
Any grates or floorboards should be firmly secured.
The openings to stairways and ladders should be kept clear and free of
Personal Protective Equipment
Gloves are available and worn where needed.
Safety glasses are worn at all times on the shop floor.
Safety side shields are worn at all times.
Hearing protection is available (at 85db) and required (at 90db) in designated
Respirators are to be kept clean and worn whenever painting in the spray
Safety Procedures
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No food and/or drink should be kept or consumed in the site area.
Long pants are to be worn at all times. Extremely dirty garment should be
Safety equipment should be maintained by the specific workers it has been
assigned to. Individually assigned safety equipment is for individual use only.
Fire Protection
Exits should never be obstructed for any reason.
All exterior doors should be maintained in a workable order.
Fire extinguishers are not to be blocked or used as hangers. Easy access
must always be maintained.
EHSlving and stacked materials must always be at least 18” below any
sprinkler heads.
Hazard Communication
All containers must be labeled as to their contents.
MSDS’s books must be kept organized and up to date with all current
Chemicals must be properly stored when not in immediate use.
Any spills must be cleaned up immediately.
Compressed Gases
Compressed gases must always be stored away from any heat sources.
Tanks should be secured (chained) to prevent accidental tipping.
Covers must be kept on the top of tanks not in use. They should be fastened
hand tight.
Air hoses cannot be damaged and must be used properly and accordingly.
All electrical cords used in the shop will have a ground cord. If the ground is
damaged, it must be repaired or replaced.
Frayed, cut, or damaged electrical cords must be disposed of and replaced.
Electrical breaker boxes are not to be blocked, a distance of 36” should be
kept around the boxes.
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Electrical cords should not be strung over metal shelving, tables, parts, etc.
Electrical cords should not be used around liquids or in wet areas.
Temporary wiring should only be used with portable tools. Extension cords
are to be coiled and hung when not in use.
Electrical panels are to be kept closed at all times.
Storage Area: all material shall be maintained in neat stockpiles for ease of
access. aisles and walkways shall be kept clear of loose materials and tools
Work Areas: loose materials, waste, etc... shall be cleaned immediately. This
shall be especially important in aisles and in the vicinity of ladders, ramps.
stair, and machinery. Tools and loose material shall be removed immediately
if a hazard is created.
Areas used by personnel; Empty bottles, containers and papers shall not be
allowed to accumulate where lunches are eaten on the jobsite. Waste
disposal can shall be provided.
Oil and Grease: Spills of oil, grease or other liquid shall be removed
immediately or sprinkled with sand.
Disposal of Waste: An effective means of preventing litter is the provision of
suitable receptacles for waste, scrap, etc. Combustible waste, such as oily
rags, paper, etc. shall be stored in a safe place such as covered metal
container and disposed of regularly.
Protruding Nails: Protruding nails shall either be removed or bent over. This
shall be done as this hazard develops.
Lighting Adequate lighting shall be provided in or around all work areas,
passageway. stairs, ladders and other areas used by personnel.
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1. Ensure the availability of separate measuring cans (of different capacities – 1 liter, 2-
liter. 5-liter) and funnels for the issue of the various grades of oils.
2. Placement of oil drums, cans in tray should be so ensured to facilitate collocation of
spilled over oils is easy.
3. Availability & use of appropriate pumps / transfer equipment for the transfer of spilled
oil should be ensured.
4. Separate jerry cans for intermediate storage of oil, if replaced, should be used.
These cans should be kept in trays with proper identification and pumps should be
used to draw out required quantity of oil into handy container. Ensure the containers
are having lid to avoid spillage during handling.
5. Top up oil using correct sized funnels.
6. The fresh left over oil should be kept/poured back into the respective containers kept
in the maintenance section / sub store-using funnel to avoid spillage.
7. In case of any spillage of oil, wipe with wasted cotton & throw it in the designated
8. Keep the records of the oil issued / returned.
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Preventive maintenance of jacks and hydraulic hose; housekeeping done and PPE’s used
Master wedges as to set before use. After certain repetition wedges as to changed as
manufacturers specification
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Before starting any construction with the use of concrete, prepare a plan including the
1. Specification of steel and concrete and other material to be used,
2. Technical details such as method of safe placing and handling of material
3. Sequence of steps required for completion of the construction
4. Ensure that the formwork and shores used for concrete work are structurally safe
and are properly braced or tied so as to maintain the position and shape of the
5. That the formwork structure used for concrete work has sufficient cat-walks and
other secure access for inspection if the structure is in two or more tiers.
6. Ensure that all machinery used are in perfect running conditions and periodic
maintenance is also being carried out; noise exposure is to be kept to the minimum
and ear protection is also to be used as required.
7. Ensure that there is no undesired spillage of concrete during the work; in case
spillage takes place, collect the same and dispose properly.
8. Ensure that the personnel wear the necessary PPEs such as Gum Boots.
The concrete of required strength shall be prepared in the centralized
batching plant as per approved mix design in the casting yard. The concrete shall be
transported in transit mixers to the pouring location. Slump in concrete shall be kept
between 100 mm to 150 mm at pouring location and the slump shall be checked
regularly at the pouring location.
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The concreting shall be done using concrete pump with flexible hose or
bucket. The compaction of concrete shall be done using needle type vibrators with
60 mm / 40 mm diameter needles. To check the quality of concrete, cubes shall be
taken for testing compressive strength as per IS: 456-2000 at pouring locations. For
testing of permeability as per contractual requirement, concrete cylinder shall be
taken from pouring location.
Some of the safety rules those are followed and practiced by all of our employees
related to construction activities listed as follows:
Report all injuries to your Site-in-charge immediately, no matter how slight
they may be.
If in doubt about the safe or proper way to do a job, talk to your site
incharge before starting.
Be on the alert for unsafe conditions or acts. Correct those, which you
can be, correct and report the rest to your site-in-charge immediately.
Be familiar with your surroundings, the operations, and the locations of
other personnel. Know the emergency phone numbers and the location of
first aid kits, fire extinguiEHSrs and other emergency equipments.
Do not leave your work area unless your work or personal needs require
When you are relieved from your job that has unusual, partially, or fully
concealed hazards, inform your replacement. Be specific and make sure
they understand the location and nature of the hazards they face.
Horseplay on the job is prohibited. Do not distract or interfere with another
person who is performing his / her job. This is when injuries can occur.
Don’t run on the job except in an emergency. When walking through a job
site, warehouse, or shop, be alert for tripping hazards, hoses, cables,
projecting materials, and uneven walking surfaces, and be aware of safety
rules and procedures at the site. Safety rules are designed to protect you.
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Do not report for work under the influence of intoxicants, alcohol, illegal
drugs, or any substance that can affect your capability to work.
Do not enter or allow others to enter areas, which have been barricaded.
Wear safety harness in all elevated areas that require fall protection.
Alert employees in the area that equipment will be turned off and locked out.
Turn off the machine or equipment and its energy control device.
Then release or block any stored energy. Before maintenance or servicing work can
Check that power is off by turning controls “on” and trying to start the equipment.
Tell employees to stay a safe distance away while locks or tags are removed.
Tell affected employees that locks/tags are off and the equipment is ready for use.
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1. All maintenance personnel are issued a suitable lock (or locks). The lock has the
individual worker's name and other identification on it. Each worker has the only key to the
2. The worker checks to be sure that no one is operating the machinery BEFORE turning off
the power. The machine operator is informed before the power is turned off. Sudden loss of
power could cause an accident.
3. Steam, air, and hydraulic lines should be bled, drained, and cleaned out. There should be
no pressure in these lines or in reservoir tanks.
4. Any mechanism under load or pressure, such as springs, should be released and
5. Each person who will be working on the machinery should put a lock on the machine's
lockout device(s). Each lock must remain on the machine until the work is completed. Only
the worker who placed the lock should remove his/her lock.
6. All energy sources which could activate the machine must be locked out.
7. The main valve or main electrical disconnect must be tested to be sure that the power to
the machine is off.
8. Electrical circuits must be checked by qualified persons with proper and calibrated
electrical testing equipment. An electrical failure could energize the equipment, even if the
switch is in the off position. Stored energy in electrical capacitators should be safely
9. CAUTION: Return disconnects and operating controls to the off position after each test.
10. Attach accident prevention tags which give the reason for placing the tag, the name of
the person placing the tag, how he/EHS may be contacted, and the date and time the tag
was placed. No one removes the lock without proper authority.
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o Plates shall be fabricated of size of 2 mtr x 2.5 mtr with rectangular channel
o It should be supported 40mm angle bracings of angle
o Base girder shall be provided with 2 legs for anchoring of board. The base
girders should be of ISMB 250.
Boards shall be painted as per requirement. Wherever possible, back side of the
barricades shall be used for providing Work / EHS instructions to personnel through
stencils etc.
o Loading and unloading of boards shall be done by crane.
o Tag line shall be used to avoid swelling of board during loading and unloading.
o The boards shall be shifted desired location by dumper.
o During unloading of boards at desired area the traffic shall be restricted with
the help of traffic marshals and placing traffic cones.
Fixing of boards
o Proper care shall be taken during fixing of boards.
o The workers shall be provided with reflective jackets.
o Anchoring of board shall be made by 25mm dia reinforcement nails.
o Slot cuts shall be provided for anchoring one board to adjacent board.
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o While manually fixing of barricading board, the area shall be covered with
caution tape and traffic cones. Traffic marshal shall be available for traffic
Barricading Light
For convenience of traffic, blinker shall be provided through out edge of the
barricading board. In certain cases, blinkers are also to be provided (e.g. at
important and busy intersections). Ensure that the blinkers are on. In case of
deviation / damaged bulbs, appropriate penalty shall be levied.
1. Carry out pre-operation checks as prescribed by the Manufacturer before the DG Set
is operated; Check for Fuel leakage, Cooling system leakage, and lubrication seal
2. Check Fuel level, oil level & battery (Green Indication) and availability of signage
“High Voltage” Keep Diesel Drum at identified places; ensure that there is no
leakage and spillage from the diesel storage
3. In case any diesel spills / leaks, immediately clean the area with any suitable
absorbent media (cloth, jute, saw dust etc.) and put the same in designated waste
4. During running of DG set, check the Oil pressure, temperature below red limit &
Voltage around 440 volts; ensure optimum loading (80%) for efficient output
5. In case of any abnormality press Emergency button.
6. Check for any red indication during DG set running
7. Use PPE’s whenever required
8. Ensure that there are no emissions taking place from the ground level/ silencer and
the chimney / stack is ok.
9. Check that the Fire ExtinguiEHSrs are in place
10. Follow the instructions of Engineer, including for maintenance activities
11. In case, the acoustics door has to be opened for any inspection purposes, ensure
that ear plugs / muffs are used.
12. Monitor fuel consumption as per manufacturer’s recommendations and carry out
periodic maintenance.
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13. Add coolant as per required ratio in the system.
1. Never open the door of the acoustic enclosure without reason
2. Do not throw oily clothes at any places except designated bins.
3. Do not waste Oil/Diesel/Grease & water
4. Do not throw Oily water in soil.
5. Do not use any liquid or Aerosol cleaners
6. Do not wear loose clothes and sleepers
7. Do not smoke inside the premises.
Applicable for communication to the Maintenance and Servicing Agency for the DG Set.
Collect used / spent lubrication and engine oils in small leak-proof containers after
maintenance / servicing activities after every 250 hours or as required; while handling
ensure that there is no spillage.
Ensure that the used oil generated is stored in leak proof drums and the same is applied as
ANTI RUST on steel structures. Maintain records for the same.
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Hazards to health on a construction site can arise from the use of a number or
materials, substances and processes if they are not properly controlled. Some of the
more serious risks are caused by the inhalation of dusts, fibers, toxic fumes, by the
misuse of chemicals, lasers and radioactive isotopes. Excessive vibration and
excessive noise can also cause ill health Main’ man-days are lost as a result of
dermatitis. Tenosynovitis, bronchitis and rheumatism.
Healthy working conditions shall be maintained for all workers. In particular attention
to the effects of noise, dust, air pollution and the use of chemicals shall be paid. If it
is not possible to remove the cause of harm then suitable and sufficient Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) shall be provided to those workers who could be
If the use of PPE is the only means of providing protection then it shall be ensured
that all the workers affected are properly trained in the use of the PPE and that
adequate supervision is provided to ensure its proper use.
If Peak noise levels exceed 120d13(A) then the wearing of suitable hearing protectors
shall he Mandatory.
Consideration shall always he given first to reducing the noise level at source. Examples
of noise reduction methods include:-
• More efficient silencers on compressors and maintenance of exhaust systems:
• Fitting acoustic lining to machinery panels:
• Use of Acoustic screens and EHSds to protect other
• Sitting of noisy plant away from the workplace,
Where it is possible to reduce the noise level to which the worker is exposed. the workers
shall be provided with suitable and sufficient hearing protection to protect them .All the
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workers affected shall be properly trained in the use of the Hearing Protection and that
adequate supervision is provided to ensure its proper use.
Prevention of mosquito breeding
Measures shall be taken to prevent breeding at site. The measures to be taken shall
i) Empty cans, oil drums, packing and other receptacles, which may retain water
shall be deposited at a central collection point and shall be removed from the site
ii) Still waters shall be treated at least once every week with oil in order to prevent
mosquito breeding and water storage tanks shall be provided.
Objective: Minimise the generation of waste/ maximise the internal and external
C Metal scraps
F Construction debris
G Excavated soil
I Pb-Acid Batteries
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Sheet No. 54 of 115
G Excavated Collected and transferred 1 away from the pit To be used for Site Engineer
soil through dumpers used for in stable mode , to Backfilling only
leveling , refilling pile cap be stored in moist (100 %), No
from avoid air uncontrolled
pollution disposal.
H Used -- Compaction sale to -
electrical contractor.
plastic and
us waste
I Pb-Acid To be stored properly in To be sold to either
Batteries identified area recycles as manufactures
per batteries /dealer /
( Management & Handling ) authorized/recycler
rules ,2000 as per rules.
Sheet No. 56 of 115
None of the waste as above shall be stored other than the specified location.
Waste shall not be thrown in nallah causing public obstruction or private party &
Government land.
Construction debris shall be sold to contractor with instruction for disposal on
municipal and sites only
Use PPE while handling the waste
No burning of waste at site shall be permitted.
Allocate sufficient space and resources for effective and efficient waste
Segregate different types of waste as they are generated.
Use containers suitable for their contents. Consider using colour coding.
Use containers suitable for their contents. Check that containers are not corroded or
Minimise the risk of accident spillage’s or leaks. Provider covers and bunds to
prevent evaporation and spillage of waste.
Ensure that waste cannot blow away. Avoid mixing different types of wastes unless it
is known that mixing is harmless and will have no adverse effects on the subsequent
management of the waste.
The general construction waste could be:
o Debris
o Mud
o Reinforcement pieces
o Cement
o Concrete blocks
o Wood
o Hazardous chemicals
o Oil
o Plastics
o Tiles, blocks, bricks, etc
Sheet No. 57 of 115
o Damage during unloading
o Delivery of material to in appropriate areas of site
o Accepting incorrect deliveries, specifications or quantity.
o Exceeding EHSlf lives
o Damage or contamination from incorrect storage
o Loss, theft and vandalism
o Damage or spillage through incorrect or repetitive handling.
Minimise the disposal cost by reusing or recycling waste that is generated on sites. This can
be done easily if the wastes are properly segregated.
Examples of materials arising as wastes on site that may be reused or recycled are given
Concrete Recycle for use as aggregate in new
Excavation spoil Recycle for use as fill
Reuse for landscaping
Top soil Reuse for landscaping
Timber Reuse e.g.: for shuttering/hoarding
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Recycle chipboard
Metals Recycle
Architectural features Reuse
Clay, concrete pipes, Reuse
Plastics Recycle in consultation with the suppliers
Construction site, construction camps and all other sites (access roads,
storage areas…) shall be kept clean at all times;
Littering shall be prevented by supply of adequate containers emptied on a
regular basis;
Re-use and recycling opportunities shall be systematically investigated;
Separation at source shall be implemented, eg by designating a separate
waste disposal area where different types of waste can be brought and
Temporary storage of waste on site shall be limited to designated weather
proof and scavenger proof areas; waste sorting and temporary storage area
shall be regularly controlled;
Final disposal facilities (landfill, incinerators), if already existing, shall be
compliant with local (licensed) and international environmental standards;
Where new disposal areas are created, an environmental impact study of
disposal commensurate to the size and importance of the infrastructure shall
be carried out including alternative analysis, potential impacts and
management regarding soil, ground and surface
water contamination and closure and reclamation measures;
On site burning, burying or dumping of any waste materials, vegetation, litter
or refuse shall not be permitted, as a general rule;
Sheet No. 59 of 115
Have minimal effect on non target species and the natural environment be
used in a way to prevent development of resistance in pests.
Topsoil management
Store topsoil1 removed from the site;
If different categories of topsoil exist, they shall be stored separately; topsoil
stockpiles height must be limited 2 in order to minimize composting; storage
shall be located so as to ensure good conservation and minimize damage
linked to moisture retention, dust or erosion;
Erosion management
Sensitive erosion areas should be identified, and location of works minimized
in these areas;
Where possible, and depending on local conditions, it is recommended that
works in sensitive erosion areas to be restricted to the dry season ;
Stabilize slopes that are disturbed during construction to prevent erosion
through runoff;
Traffic and movement over stabilized areas shall be controlled.
- In case of a brown field site, liabilities shall be addressed in the contractual
-Demolition waste shall be adequately sorted and disposed of to minimize their
volume (potential reuse) and contamination by hazardous waste.
Sheet No. 61 of 115
1. Both above categories of waste s shall be disposed off to Pollution control boards
authorized scrap contractor who are granted to collect, transport, receive, and
process these hazardous waste.
2. Before disposal the spent oil drums/batteries shall be checked for any leakage of
acid or oil and if any leakage is found corrective actions shall be taken accordingly.
3. In case of inter state transport, necessary “No objection certificate” shall be
taken from respective pollution control board.
2. Batteries generated from the (UPS, remote, sensors, torch, vehicle, plants &
equipments etc)
1. The waste batteries just after replacement with new one shall be shifted to
designated storage area.
2. Care shall be taken to see that during transferring acid spillage does not take
3. The personnel handling the batteries should always wear proper types of gloves.
4. If nos. of batteries is more then trolleys may be used.
1. Waste batteries storage area shall be acid proof to prevent any soil
2. All used pb- acid batteries shall be stored
Inventory and purchase department would look for batteries with longer life and also
be advised to look for the following type of batteries not procured.
Alkaline manganese batteries for prolonged use in extreme conditions e.g.
temperatures below 0C or above 50C) containing more than 0.05% of Mercury
by weight;
All other alkaline Manganese batteries containing more that 0.025% of Mercury
by weight. (Alkaline Manganese button cells & batteries composed of button cells
are exempt)
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The Concerned department head shall review the activities and required resources. It will be
ensured that wherever possible recycling reuse of the material is done so that the natural
resources such as energy, water, paper, iron and steel are used in a conservative manner.
Energy usage:
Ensure that any electrical gadgets are switched off when not required. In the offices all lights
and fans will be switched off when not required. Use daylights to the maximum extent. Use
28 / 36 watt tubes and CFL’s instead of bulbs.
Only required DG sets will be operated depending on the load requirements. The work will
be planned in such a way that there is maximum usage of power generated based on the
load requirements.
Do not keep your machinery in idle running conditions. Ensure that maintenance is being
carried out from time to time.
Water usage:
Remember, Water is precious; use it judiciously and only as required
If you find a tap running unnecessarily/ leaking, close it – every drop is precious
Check the valves, joints, taps, pumps etc. checked at least half yearly for leakages/
problems and rectify it at the earliest.
Ensure that there is no overflowing from tanks / reservoirs.
Mop floors with wet cloth instead of washing with water.
Control the flow rate of valves / water in toilets & taps while usage.
Clean utensils, cups & diEHSs etc. with minimum quantity of water; soak it in water for some
time before washing.
While cleaning of the empty containers, drums etc. ensure that minimum quantity is used;
take care there is minimum spillage and no unnecessary wastage.
Use water sprinkling / drip for watering of plants.
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Where possible water will be recycled. Any water leaving the premises will be collected in a
pit so that it can be utilized for dust suppression for spraying on the road.
Responsibility: Store
Management actions:
On construction site, and in the construction site, toilet facilities with adequate
waste water treatment must be provided;
All domestic wastewater shall be treated on site, or discharged into a
conservancy tank for removal from the site and appropriate treatment or
directly into the municipal sewerage system, if its performance is acceptable;
Depots/workshops/vehicles washing areas and concrete swills must be
placed and constructed in such a way to limit pollution of groundwater and
surrounding areas; the runoff shall be collected (channels) and treated
adequately (silt/oil separator, sediment basins…);
Natural run off shall be diverted away from the construction site and towards
storm-water drains where these are available. Appropriate measures to
prevent silt and sand entering the drainage system or water courses must be
taken (silt screens, straw bales…);
Wastewater and storm water discharges (including water from groundwater
pumping systems) shall be monitored regularly to ensure that the World Bank
limits are not exceeded; the parameters to be monitored will depend on the
characteristics of the site, but always include pH, TSS, oil and grease, and
coliform bacteria.
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Every day morning before the Site operation starts, water spraying should be
done to the entire site.
Proper Spray system should be used so that water can be utilized in effective
way without wastage.
Care should be taken so that sprinkler is not placed in the top of the Cement
Every two hours this cycle should be continued so that dust can be under
If possible landscaping should be carried out with minimum cost, since grass
can prevent dust. This can be practiced looking into the soil conditions of site.
Sprinkle water on top of the Metal/Coarse aggregate which will also help in
settling the dust while transferring metal for concreting / batching plant /
The approach road to the site can also be watered using sprinkler system to
reduce the dust.
Dust Absorber / bags / collectors can be placed near the Batching plant or
near by the concrete mixer to reduce the dust.
The top of the Fine aggregate / sand can be sprinkled with water in a mild
way to bring down the dust under control.
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Workers should not allowed emissions of fugitive dust from any transport,
handling, construction or storage activity to remain visible in atmosphere
beyond the property line of emission source.
Do not block or shut vents or construction returns.
Prohibits smoking inside the construction
Do not dispose of food waste or food wrappers in your work area.
Dispose of contaminated waste in receptacles that are emptied daily.
Do not over water plants. Remove dead leaves. Break up dirt around the plant to
avoid mold overgrowth in the dirt.
Clean-up water spills immediately.
Report water intrusion and sewage problems IMMEDIATELY to the Environment
Minimize accumulations of paper, cardboard, and other cellulose-based materials.
Clean your work area routinely.
Do not burn candles or have other scent-producing materials in the work area.
Avoid portable humidifiers.
The workers shall provide a wash pit or a wheel washing and/or vehicle
cleaning facility at the exits from work sites such as construction depots and
batching plants. At such facility, high-pressure water jets will be directed at
the wheels of vehicles to remove all spoil and dirt.
The workers shall cover loads of dust generating materials like debris and soil
being transported from construction sites. All trucks carrying loose material
should be covered and loaded with sufficient free- board to avoid spills
through the tail board or side boards.
Where it is not practicable to comply with the exposure standard for noise solely
through other control measures, administration control measures are used. These
measures reduce the noise to which a person is exposed by means of work
arrangement, including
Personal hearing protectors shall be used only as an interim measure while control
of excessive noise is being achieved by engineering control measures. The removal
of personal hearing protectors for even short periods of time can significantly reduce
their effectiveness and result in inadequate protection. Due to the difficulties of
wearing personal hearing protectors for long periods of time in certain environments,
regular brief periods in quiet areas, without personal hearing protectors, should be
This is regardless of how long the person spends in the hearing protection area.
Where sign posting is not practicable, attach prominent warning notices to tools and
equipment indicating that personal hearing protectors must be worn when operating
them. The different types of hearing protectors available are earmuffs, earplugs,
canal caps etc.
Identify the probable noise generating equipments, machines and operations.
Following are the common noise sources
Control of Noise
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Use of pneumatic Pic/ Breaker with the exhaust silence and also with the
dampened chisel.
Renew dumper trucks exhaust silencer.
Reroute dumper through the quieter site areas.
Diesel Generators Set: the noise from DG set should be controlled by
providing an acoustic enclosure or by treating the room acoustically.
Equipment maintenance should be carried out at regular interval.
Position at 12 meter distance from the high level noise equipment/operation
an “ear Protection boundary’ by using signs. Ear protection like Ear muffs
must be worn.
Incase of no baseline measurement exists following shall be the maximum at
200 ft from the construction limit or nearest affected building
At all times
Commercial 85
industrial 90
Noise emission limit for construction equipment used during nighttime hours (9 P.M
to 6A.M) measured at 50 feet from the construction equipment shall not exceed the
values given in the table given below.
Management actions:
If possible, maintenance or establishment of a vegetated buffer zone is
considered as best practice;
Regular maintenance of equipment (lubrication); - Appropriate noise
abatement accessories (silencers, mufflers, acoustic linings, shields…) shall
be put in place;
If possible, noisy stationary equipment such as pumps, generators,
compressors or saws shall be sited as far as possible from residential areas
and/or operated in EHSltered locations (eg partly finiEHSd buildings) ; it is
recommended to use topographic features to provide shielding;
Periods when the environment is least sensitive (e.g. during normal working
days in a residential area) shall be selected for noisy activities; it is
recommended to systematically avoid noisy activities at night time;
A schedule of noisy activities (e.g. use of pile drivers, jack hammers, rock
drills or for blasting activities) shall be drawn up when construction takes
place in close proximity of particularly sensitive environments including
schools, hospitals, residential area, sensitive ecosystems…
A monitoring program shall be implemented for measure of sound level at key
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If relevant, buildings within the potential damaging zone of a blast shall be
surveyed and existing cracks recorded; Subsequent monitoring should be
implemented if necessary.
• To verify the results of the impact assessment study with respect to the proposed projects.
• To study the trend of concentration values of the parameters, which have been, identified
as critical and planning the mitigate measures.
• To check and assess the efficacy of pollution control equipment.
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A comprehensive environmental monitoring program that has been prepared for the purpose
of implementation at site
Air Pollution Monitoring
The Stack emissions from the DG Set shall be monitored once in a six month for NOx &
SO2, by External agency. The ambient air at the site shall be monitored every month for
RSPM, SPM; The Fugitive Emissions shall be monitored once every six months.
Electrode holder
Sheet No. 85 of 115
Area free from combustible material
Cordoning of welding / Gas cutting is in progress
at height
9. provision of fire extinguiEHSrs
Smoldering fires are religiously extinguiEHSd
after day’s work.
Stacking of cylinders not near live wires, battery
charging rooms/oil rooms
Storing of gas cylinder like DA, Oxygen full and
empty etc.
13. Proper handling of gas cylinder
14. Condition of regulator hose, torch etc.
RESPONSIBILITY …………………………………….
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Sheet No. 106 of 115
Is all control levers within the piling machine
clearly marked?
2 Where driven piling is being carried out:
Are piles being stacked in a safe and
secure manner prior to use?
Are hand lines being used to control
sheets when lifting?
Sheet No. 110 of 115
1 Protective clothing (coveralls, aprons, etc.)
available and used if needed.
2 PPE is properly stored, clean and in good
3 Use of safety belt while working at height.
4 Safety goggles during Welding /Gas cutting
/grinding etc.
5 Proper types of gloves are used for appropriate
type of works.
6 Appropriate eye protection is available and
used if hazard present.
7 Appropriate hand protection is available and
used if hazard present.
8 Safety nets are in use wherever required.
9 Common life line provided wherever linear
movement at height is required.
10 Proper fall arrest system is deployed at critical
work places
1 Whether the cutting & bending machine
properly grounded?
2 Is emergency stop switch provided with cutting
and bending machine?
3 Whether the workmen provided with PPE’s i.e.
safety helmet, shoes, hand gloves and safety
belt etc?
4 Whether safe means of access and suitable
walkway provided for reinforcement
1 Is there a safe means of access to the working
I have received the permit and gone through the conditions of the permit Instructions in the
permit are explained to the persons engaged in the work the above overleaf. I clear and
permit the agency on work to carry out the work. I understand that any violation on the
conditions here in the permit will make the Permit invalid.
Work Completion Status:
Time of work finiEHSd …………………….. / dt:……………further time extension or addition
work permit , if necessary ……………………………………………………………………………
Signature Signature
Permit No:
Date: Time:
Site Location:
The location of the work:
Name of Engineer/ Supervisor on the job:
Description of Work to be performed:
Description of Excavation Equipment to be used:
Specific Personal Protective Equipment Required
Specific Site Safety Equipment Used (Barricades, Warning Tape, Fencing, Etc.):
Sheet No. 114 of 115
Excavation Checklist
Site Safety Survey Conducted
Utilities Located (telephone, water, sewage, sprinkler system, etc.)
High Voltage in Excavation Area
Underground Tanks in Excavation Area
Natural Gas Pipelines Located
Personal Protective Equipment is On-Site
Barricades and Other Safety Equipment is On-Site
Hazardous Atmospheres Present or Possible (refer to Confined Space Procedures)
Welding to be Performed (Complete Hot Work Permit)
Asbestos Containing Materials Involved (Contact EH&S prior to Commencing)
Excavation will be longer than 24 hours
Water Accumulation is Imminent
I have received the permit and gone through the conditions of the permit Instructions in the
permit are explained to the persons engaged in the work the above overleaf. I clear and
permit the organization / agency on work to carry out the work. I understand that any
violation on the conditions here in the permit will make the Permit invalid.
Signature Signature
(Permit Holder) Permit Issued By
I have received the permit and gone through the conditions of the permit Instructions in the
permit are explained to the persons engaged in the work the above overleaf. I clear and
permit the agency on work to carry out the work. I understand that any violation on the
conditions here in the permit will make the Permit invalid.
Work Completion Status:
Time of work finished …………………….. / dt:……………further time extension or addition
work permit , if necessary ……………………………………………………………………………
Signature Signature
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