Song Identifier (Shazam) PDF
Song Identifier (Shazam) PDF
Song Identifier (Shazam) PDF
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. iii!
Description .....................................................................................................................................3!
MATLAB Simulation (Landa) ...............................................................................................................3!
Spectrogram using Fast Fourier Transform (Sood) ............................................................................4!
Audio Input (Sood)..................................................................................................................................7!
Input Cascade (Landa) ...........................................................................................................................7!
ZAM (Landa).........................................................................................................................................11!
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................16!
Figure 1: Plot of a match near the beginning (y-axis: delta, x-axis: windows in time).
Figure 2: Plot of a noisy match near the beginning (y-axis: delta, x-axis: windows in time).
Figure 3: Plot of a mismatch (y-axis: delta, x-axis: windows in time).
Figure 4: 2s spectrogram on Sting’s Desert Rose generated using MATLAB.
Figure 5: Output obtained when the FFT is tested with a 750 Hz signal and observed on the
logic analyzer.
Figure 6: Block diagram depicting the pipelining in the FFT. [1]
Figure 7: Full precision unscaled arithmetic. [1]
Figure 8: Input Cascade subsystem.
Figure 9: Simulation of the FFTOutput module in ModelSim.
Figure 10: SyncGen ModelSim test screenshot.
Figure 11: ZAM subsystem, consisting of the Searcher, the Muxes, the Memories, and the
Figures in Appendix A: ModelSim Test Diagrams
The goal of the system is to be able to identify a 2-second song given a 250ms clip. This clip can
be noisy or have other signals (such as banter) overlaid on top of it, yet still be recognized
(“zammed”) by our system as the correct song. If a clip doesn’t appear to have come from one of
the songs in the database, then the system tells the user that the clip did not match any song.
This goal is accomplished through the following process. First, the audio signals are supplied to
the system, sampled at 48kHz. These signals go through a spectrograph, which is generated by a
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) module every 1024 samples with a 512 sample overlay. The
signals are then passed to a peak detection module that generates slices – 45bit values that are the
concatenation of five 9-bit peak frequency bins in every Fourier transformation. The five
frequency bins are chosen in the following manner. We take five bin ranges, roughly 1–100,
100–200, 200–300, 300–400, and 400–500, and take the bin in each range that has the highest
amplitude generated by the Fourier transformation. A sequence of slices then forms a
fingerprint that is used to identify that particular audio sample. The fingerprint can have two
different lengths: the length of the fingerprint for the 2s song is 170, and the length of the
fingerprint for the 250ms clip is 22. Note that we changed the length of the fingerprint from 180
to 170 because we were planning to use 3 memories, for which 180 would have been too long.
These fingerprints are stored into two memories, one memory bank that is for the song
fingerprints and one memory that is dedicated to the clip fingerprint. The song fingerprint
memory bank contains enough space to store two songs, making our system able to determine
whether the given clip belongs to song 1, song 2, or neither. The clip memory is able to store the
fingerprint for one clip at a time, since the clip is not information that we need to use more than
once, unlike the song database.
The search module interfaces with the memories to detect whether a clip belongs to one of the
two songs. It does so by scanning the clip fingerprint through the song fingerprints while
calculating the fingerprint delta, which is a measure of the dissimilarity of the clip and the songs.
If the delta crosses a certain threshold upper bound, then we say that we have found a match,
and output the song memory bank number that yielded this match. If the delta never crosses
below the threshold, then we have found no match and output the result as memory bank 0
(which means that there is no memory bank that matched the clip).
The system presents the user with output on the LED available on the labkit. LED 6 and 7 show
the memory bank that stores the song that matches the clip if there is a match, or they are off if
there was no match.
Testing the System
The testing methodology is as follows. First, we have constructed a MATLAB simulation of the
system. The MATLAB simulation aimed to mimic what had eventually become the Verilog,
FPGA project. Running the MATLAB simulation yielded the result that this project was in fact
feasible, and that our error bounds were sufficient to distinguish two songs from one another and
from other songs. The testing methodology differed for the two components of the system.
Pranav designed and tested the FFT, including the various modifications that reduced the error
bounds (such as overlaying windows). Since the FFT is intrinsically bound to the hardware, and
the Xilinx tools generate part of it, it was mostly tested on the labkit itself using the logic
analyzer. The testing procedure entailed giving the FFT sample signals and checking the output
values. The audio sources were also designed and tested by Pranav, and entailed generating COE
files and both listening to them and passing them through the FFT to ensure the correct behavior
of both. The rest of the project was designed and tested by Yafim. The FFT output module,
fingerprint generator, searcher, memories, and multiplexers were tested in simulation using
ModelSim. Each component was tested individually, with the FFT output module – the buffer
between the FFT and the gateway to the rest of the system – being tested with fake FFT data as
input. The other components were tested with data that was generated from other components in
isolation. Furthermore, the components were also connected to one another and tested together,
with fake FFT data being provided to this system once again. The test Verilog file and the
simulation screenshots are provided in the appendix of this report. Finally, these components
were brought into the lab where Pranav and Yafim tested the interconnection of the audio input
and FFT with the FFT output module to complete the project.
Here we describe each part of the system in more detail. Please refer to Figure XI in Appendix A
for an overall ModelSim test screenshot which shows how the whole system works in
We first made a MATLAB simulation of the FPGzAm system. The MATLAB simulation
performed what was described in the overview in software, and was used to verify that this
system was feasible. A 2s sample from a song – Sting’s Desert Rose – was treated as the song
database, and the system was asked to “zam” a 250ms clip from within that 2s sample, the same
clip with noise, and a clip from a different song. The results indicated that the delta measurement
was comparable (in the 0–30 range) for the two matches but much higher (in the 90 range) for
the mismatch. Figure 1 shows the delta values for different offsets of a match near the beginning
of the song; Figure 2 shows the delta values for the same segment but with added white noise;
and Figure 3 shows the delta values for different offsets of a mismatch.
Figure 1. Plot of a match near the beginning (y-axis: delta, Figure 2. Plot of a noisy match near the beginning (y-axis:
x-axis: windows in time). delta, x-axis: windows in time).
INPUTS : clock enable(ce), forward inverse write enable(fwd_inv_we), fft_start(start), output
ready(rfd), foward_inverse(fwd_inv), clock(clk), real input(xn_re), imaginary input(xn_im)
OUTPUTS: output ready(rfd), done, busy, early_done(edone), input index(xn_index), real
output(xk_re), imaginary output(xk_im), output index(xk_index).
In order to transform the input audio from the time domain into frequency domain, a fast Fourier
transform is performed on the input audio samples. This produces a spectrogram that depicts the
intensity variation at different frequencies. This is done so as to make sure that the process of
fingerprinting is carried on the frequency domain which is a reliable method of differentiating
audio samples. This is because the FFT algorithm captures the spectrum for short duration events
which can be used to create fingerprints from each of the windows of the FFT which further
form the signatures which are unique to every audio sample. Another advantage of using the FFT
is that it is computationally faster than other transformation techniques.
The FFT algorithm is basically a computationally faster technique of calculating the discrete
Fourier transform the time domain signal. We do an FFT using the Cooley-Tukey algorithm
which is briefly described below.
The general formula for a DFT is:
In the Cooley-Tukey algorithm, we first decompose the DFT into two equal DFTs, with the
outputs added and subtracted together in pairs. We recycle values from the two DFTs into the
final calculation because of the periodicity of the DFT output. Examining how pairs of outputs
are collected together, we create the basic computational element known as a butterfly.
The figure below depicts the spectrograph produced by doing a FFT on a 2 second audio track
(simulated in MATLAB).
In Verilog, an FFT module was created using the core generator in ISE 8.1. The specifications of
the FFT were:
• Transform Length: - 1024
• Implemented in pipelined mode.
• Input data width: - 8 bits.
• Unscaled output.
• Output data width: - 19 bits.
• The outputs of the intermediate stages were truncated.
• The output was produced in natural order.
• It consisted of a clock enable (CE) pin which was active high at 48khz. This is because
the song input from the BRAM was sampled at 48khz.
• Also, in order to synchronize the input audio samples with the FFT a synchronous clear
(sclr) signal was used which resets both the FFT (except its internal buffers) and the
input of the audio signal when active high, thus acting as a master reset.
The FFT was initially tested with a 750hz test signal sampled at 48khz. Since a 1024 point FFT
is being carried out, the number of frequency range of each point of the FFT is:
Now since our test signal is 750 Hz, to find the bin in which the real and imaginary outputs of
this signal is stored we divide 750 by 46.875.
The output observed on the logic analyzer for the 750 Hz test signal is shown below, confirming
the proper function of the FFT.
Figure 5. Output obtained when the FFT is tested with a 750 Hz signal and observed on the logic analyzer.
This FFT is a pipelined FFT, that is, it starts producing outputs point by point in order from the
0th point until the 1023th point as soon as the outputs are available in each of the bin. It
consumes minimal space in BRAM by not storing any of the outputs in the memory, although it
uses the BRAM for its intermediate calculations which covers about 5% of the BRAM.
Unscaled Transform
The width of the output produced is 19 bits. This is because the output data is larger due to the
intermediate stages in the FFT. Also, since we are using an unscaled FFT, we do not check for
the overflow of data anywhere in the process, thus producing a large output. The fact that the
output data is large does not affect our algorithm since we just use the intensities in each of the
bins to compare and find the bin with the largest value and store the bin number, and not the
value itself. Also, the unscaled output leads to the generation of a more precise value of the
output, thus making the comparison of the intensities more precise. The numbers of bits in the
output for the unscaled transform are given by:
The figure below represents the result of using a full precision unscaled arithmetic.
Clock Enable
By dividing the system clock of the FPGA (27 MHZ), a 48 kHz clock is created. This clock is
fed into the clock enable signal of the FFT module. Its basic function is to control the rate which
the FFT accepts the input from the audio source (48kHz in this case). As a consequence, the
output produced is also at a rate of 48kHz.
Synchronous Clear
The synchronous clear is used as a master reset to reset the FFT explicitly at any point during the
transform. The same reset is also used to reset the address of audio samples. This synchronizes
the FFT and the input audio, thus avoiding any discrepancies during the search operation.
Output Intensities
For the purpose of comparison, we need to produce the intensities at different points in output of
the FFT in order to determine the point that has the highest value. This is done by squaring the
amplitude of the real and the imaginary parts of the output at each point and summing them to
produce the intensity. Therefore intensity I is given by:
50% Overlap
In order to make the search operation more comprehensive, we do a 50% overlapping FFT so as
to make sure that the output due to each input sample is taken into consideration while
fingerprinting an audio sample. Most importantly the 50% overlap ensures that the intensity at
point is comprehensively compared with other values. This is done by reducing the address of
the input audio by 511 samples every time it reaches a value of 1023 samples.
The audio input into the system during testing was created by taking two 2s audio tracks
1. Desert Rose – Sting
2. Boo Boom Pow – Black Eyed Peas.
These audio tracks were then interpolated to 48 kHz from 44.1 kHz, then using a MATLAB
script the WAV sample was converted to a COE file.
These files were then written into the block RAM of the FPGA by creating a ROM using the
FPGA. Thus two audio files were stored into the memory of the FPGA tat could be used to test
the system while avoiding any external noise.
In addition, a 2s 750Hz signal along with a 1s 2kHz followed by 1s 7kHz signal were generated.
These signals were used for the purposes of testing the system, and were not included in the final
The “InputCascade” module receives raw data from the FFT module and outputs fingerprint
slices. It consists of the following major components:
• FFT Output;
• Frame Buffer;
• Peak Detector.
Figure 8 shows a block diagram of this subsystem. Please refer to the diagram throughout the
description that follows, as the inputs and outputs, along with the various interconnects, are
specified there. Additionally, the Verilog source code of the Input Cascade is available in
Appendix B.
FFT Output
The “FFTOutput” (FFTO) is designed to interface with the FFT and produce the signal required
by the other components in Figure 8. This is a critical module, so let us describe it in detail. The
FFTO module’s state machine has three states.
State 2’b00 – is the “idle” state. While in this state, the FFTO keeps zeroes on the control outputs
“RDY” and “WE”, signaling that data from FFT is not available yet. FFTO module will be
forced to this state by applying “1” on its “RST” input.
It will change its state from 2’b00 to 2’b01 as soon it detects that all A9:A0 inputs are zeroes,
meaning that FFT module had just finished the Fourier transformation and is about to start to
output amplitude values for the first frequency bin.
State 2’b01 is the active state. While in this state, the FFT first analyzes what bin is currently
supplied by the FFT. If the FFT is not ready yet (the SYNC input is low) then it stays in this
If this is one of the first 512 bins, meaning that the FFT is still outputting bins from the positive
range, it takes the ten most significant bits (MSB) from the amplitude input [D18:D9] and stores
them into the Frame Buffer in address, defined by the nine least significant bits (LSB) of the
frequency bin input [A8:A0]. The “RDY” output is still “0”, and the “WE” output transitions to a
“1” for one clock cycle to perform the write.
If the MSB of the frequency bin (input A9) becomes “1”, meaning that the FFT is outputting the
negative range, then the “RDY” output becomes “1” signaling that the Frame Buffer is filled up,
and “WE” becomes “0” to disable further memory writing. The FFTO remains in state 2’b01
while both the A9 and SYNC inputs are “0”. If the A9 input is “1” the FFTO switches to the idle
state with a “1” on its “RDY” output.
It switches to state 2’b10 – the synchronizing state – while filling up the Frame Buffer. In this
state the FFTO sets “0” on its “WE” output and preserves the state of the “RDY”. It remains in
this state as long as there’s a “1” on its “SYNC” input. As soon as the “SYNC” input becomes
“0,” meaning the FFT will now change its outputs it switches back to the active state (2’b01).
Figure 9 depicts this process on ModelSim’s waveform window.
Frame Buffer
The Frame Buffer (FB) is a special kind of memory. Its input is a regular combination of the data
bus (DIN[9:0]), the address bus (ADDR[8:0]), and a control signal (“WE”). Its output is a 50 bit
wide data bus (DOUT[49:0]). It is synchronized by the “CLK” input and operates as follows:
• When “WE” = 1, it stores DIN to the ADDR location in memory;
• DOUT is 50’b0 if the ADDR>99, otherwise it’s a concatenation of the following five
memory locations: {ADDR, ADDR+100, ADDR+200,ADDR+300,ADDR+400}.
Peak Detector
The Peak Detector (PD) is synchronized to the 27 MHz clock. Its work is controlled by the
“ENA” input. When this input is low, the PD module sets zeroes on all its outputs and presets all
internal registers, as if there were a “1” on the “RESET” input.
When there’s a “1” on the “ENA” input the PD module works as follows:
• Five bytes of data (with each byte composed of 10 bits) are received from the Frame
Buffer (FB) module simultaneously; these are amplitude values from five frequency
ranges: 0-99; 100-199; 200-299; 300-399 and 400-499;
• The maximum amplitude for each range is computed separately: current amplitude of a
range is compared with the current MAX value for this range and if current value is
greater than the MAX, it becomes a new MAX and its frequency is stored;
• The first two steps are repeated 100 times, at which point there’ll be five FREQ values
defined, each one denoting the frequency of maximal amplitude for its range;
PD outputs concatenation of the FREQ values, which is the “slice” (SLICE[44:0]) and indicates
“slice ready” (SLICE_RDY=1)
Address Multiplexer
The purpose of Address Multiplexer (AMUX) is to dispatch access to the FB. When FFTO
writes data to FB, there should be no interference on FB’s address bus from PD. AMUX is
driven by its “WE” input allowing its “WADDR” (write address) inputs a path through to the
ADDR outputs when “WE” is high. When “WE” is low, AMUX passes its RADDR (read
address) inputs through.
Note: This module is universal, and is used in other parts of the project as well.
Appendix A includes screenshots of the “testInputCascade” module simulation. There are five
screenshots of testInputCascade – one for each phase (and the corresponding component in
Figure 8). Please refer to the captions of Figures I through V for more details about each screen
Generates a one-clock pulse on the positive edge of the control signal. Signals from the “learn”
and “search” buttons come through this pulse generation module. Figure 10 shows a ModelSim
test of this module.
This is the rest of the system. The ZAM subsystem diagram is depicted in Figure 11. There are
three additional modules:
• Memories (and multiplexers, described in the Input Cascade section)
• Searcher
This subsystem is connected to the InputCascade subsystem that was described in the previous
section. To provide context, Figure 8 is contained in the “Input Cascade” module of Figure 11.
ZAMFSM (Finite State Machine)
The FSM has 4 main states. There are 4 additional states, which are used for interfacing with the
memories, and will also be described. The register “stack” determines which state to return to
after we’ve performed the computation in the current state. There are also hard-coded constants
for where to write the song and clip, and the length of the fingerprint of each (170 and 22).
State “IDLE” is the idle state, where the FSM is not performing any actions.
State “LEARN” is the state when the user has pressed the “learn” button that was converted to a
pulse and we have received this pulse. In this state, the memories get filled. IDX1 and IDX0
choose the memory bank to write into by controlling the start address of the fingerprint in the
memory. The mode signal is an indicator that determines whether the system is currently
learning, or if it’s done learning and can accept another song.
State “ZAM” is the state when the user has pressed the “zam” button, which was handled
similarly to the “learn” button. In this state, it writes a fingerprint of 22 slices into the clip
memory. The “stack” register forces the FSM to transition into the “SEARCH” state after the
memories are filled.
State “SEARCH” sets the enable signal for the search module. The FSM stays in this state until
we receive the “stop” or “reset” signal. The “stop” signal arrives from the Searcher, and indicates
that it has performed the search to completion.
The four states that interface with the memory are FRM_WAIT1, FRM_STORE, FRM_WAIT2,
State “FRM_WAIT1” waits for the slice ready signal to be asserted. When it is asserted, it
transitions into the “FRM_STORE” state, where the frame is stored into the appropriate memory
and the appropriate memory bank if we’re storing a song fingerprint. This state essentially sets
the appropriate write enable signal. We then transition into the “FRM_WAIT2” state, where we
wait for the slice ready signal to drop again (indicating that the FFT passed into the negative
frequency bins), and then moving on to the “FRM_NEXT” state where we increment the address
if we’re not at the last address, or the state stored in the “stack” register if we’re at the last
Figure 11. ZAM subsystem, consisting of the Searcher, the Muxes, the Memories, and the FSM.
I have created a ModelSim simulation to test the FSM. The simulation testZAMFSM does the
• After reset, the “learn” signal is applied with idx = 2; this puts the FSM in “LEARN” mode:
it fills 2sec memory with 170 slices, starting from address 170 (which corresponds to the
second memory bank);
• It then sets idx = 1 and issues another learn signal: FSM enters the “LEARN” mode
again and fills 2sec memory with 170 slices, starting from address 0 (which corresponds
to the first memory bank);
• Then, the “search” signal is applied, causing FSM to switch in “SEARCH” mode, where it
first fills the 250ms memory with slices and then goes into “ZAM” mode, starting the
• Finally, the “stop” signal is asserted, emulating the “searcher done” signal, causing the
FSM to return to its “IDLE” state.
The screenshot of this simulation can be found in the appendix as Figure VI. This procedure is
shown in detail in Figures VII–VIII.
The memory is self-descriptive and is based on the BRAM module. The BRAM size is chosen
using the parameters and is set to be 512x45 for the song memory and 22x45 for the clip
memory. I’ve included a screenshot of the test in Figure
The Searcher consists of four states. In the “IDLE” state, the Searcher is idle and is waiting for
the enable signal, at which point is transitions into the “WORK” state.
In the “WORK” state, it draws on the contents of mem1 and mem2, the two memories (for the
song and clip, respectively), into the five ranges. It goes along and calculates the delta values
described in the overview for each range, resulting in five delta values. These deltas are
calculated just by adding one if there is a difference in the current contents of the two memories,
and then the five deltas are summed into the total delta. It then increments the address so that this
is done for 22 calculations of delta. It then transitions into the “NEXT” state.
In the “NEXT” state, if delta is less than the threshold, then we output the value of “res” which is
the result memory bank. If delta is not less than the threshold, then we shift the addresses over to
compare the next offset, clear all of the deltas, and transition into the “WORK” state. If the
address reaches the end of mem1, then instead of transitioning into the “WORK” state, it
transitions into the “DONE” state and holds its result until the enable signal drops. If we’ve
passed the point of the first memory bank, then we change “res” to point to the second memory
The result is that we take the clip and compare it to every possible window of size 22 in the
songs in both memory banks. If we ever cross the threshold into the match territory, then we
output the memory bank in which we’ve found this match. Otherwise, we output that we didn’t
find a match.
Please refer to Figure X in Appendix A for the search ModelSim test, which searches for the
following: Two phases, expected result 01. First fill up both memories with test data:
Mem1: 0-------18+++39----------------------------509
Mem2: 0+++21
We have created a Shazam clone on the FPGA. We have entered two songs into the database of
songs, and also used them against one another as the clips. We only tested these against one
another, but the system worked. We have included functionality that would allow for the system
to handle noise and still be able to identify the tracks, but we did not get a chance to test it on
hardware, since our COE files filled the memory.
For the checkoff, we demonstrated that FPGzAm distinguishes between the two tracks – Boom
Boom Pow and Desert Rose – and that it shows no match when the song is not in the database.
[1] Xilinx, “LogiCORE IP Fast Fourier Transform v7.1,” XFFT Datasheet, April 19, 2010.
Appendix A contains timing diagrams that contain a lot of detail. These have been inserted into
the document in landscape mode, so that the detail would be more visible to the reader.
Appendix B contains Verilog code for all of the modules in the design. The only exceptions are
the generated FFT code and the generated COE code.
InputCascade.v 2010-12-10
// Yafim Landa
// Written for 6.111, Fall 2010
// Description: This is the Input Cascade, which corresponds to Figure
// 8 in the accompanying report. It contains the SyncGen, and all of
// the other modules are located in FingerprintGen.v.
wire fft_we,fft_rdy;
- 1/3 -
InputCascade.v 2010-12-10
wire[8:0] abus,fft_adr,fpg_adr;
wire[9:0] dbus1,dbus2,dbus3,dbus4,dbus5,fft_dat;
module FFTOutput (
input reset, clk27M, clk48K,
input [18:0] fft_amp,
input [9:0] fft_idx,
output reg [9:0] amp,
output reg [8:0] bin,
output reg we,
output reg rdy);
- 3/3 -
FingerprintGen.v 2010-12-10
// Yafim Landa
// Written for 6.111, Fall 2010
// Description: Contains the components needed for InputCascade to work.
module AddressMux
#(parameter WIDTH=9)
(input wire write,
input wire [WIDTH-1:0] waddr,raddr,
output wire [WIDTH-1:0] addr);
module FngprintGen
(input reset,clock,enable,
input wire [9:0] din1,din2,din3,din4,din5, //data
output wire [8:0] adr, //addr
output reg [44:0] fingerprint,
output reg ready);
if (reset) begin
fingerprint <= 0;
ready <= 0;
//set cur freq to the bottom of bands
//skip DC component (freq=0)
f1c <= 0; f2c <= 100; f3c <= 200; f4c <= 300; f5c <= 400;
f1 <= 0; f2 <= 0; f3 <= 0; f4 <= 0; f5 <= 0; //reset max freq
a1 <= 0; a2 <= 0; a3 <= 0; a4 <= 0; a5 <= 0; //reset max amp
else begin
if (enable) begin //FFT done, frame spectrogram in buffer
- 2/3 -
FingerprintGen.v 2010-12-10
if (f1c < 100) begin
ready <= 0;
- 3/3 -
ZAMFSM.v 2010-12-10
// Yafim Landa
// Written for 6.111, Fall 2010
// Description: This file contains the Searcher and FSM modules as shown
// in Figure 11 of the accompanying report.
//define states
reg [3:0] state;
parameter IDLE = 0; //wait for "enable" go high
parameter WORK = 1; //compares mem2 to mem1+offset
parameter NEXT = 2; //increments offset
parameter DONE = 3; //wait for "enable" go low
//defien constants
parameter MAXMEM1 = 509; //179; //number of the last frame in 2sec
parameter MAXMEM2 = 21; //number of the last frame in 250ms
parameter THRSHLD = 50; //match threshold: res <= 1 if delta < THRES
//define variables
reg dlt1,dlt2,dlt3,dlt4,dlt5;
reg [6:0] delta;
reg [1:0] res;
else begin
case (state)
IDLE: begin
if (enable) begin
adr1 <= 0;
adr2 <= 0;
done <= 0;
dlt1 <= 0; dlt2 <= 0; dlt3 <= 0; dlt4 <= 0; dlt5 <= 0;
delta <= 0;
res <= 1;
result <= 0;
state <= WORK;
else state <= IDLE;
WORK: begin
delta <= delta + dlt1 + dlt2 + dlt3 + dlt4 + dlt5;
dlt1 <= (din1[8:0] != din2[8:0]) ? 1 : 0;
dlt2 <= (din1[17:9] != din2[17:9]) ? 1 : 0;
dlt3 <= (din1[26:18] != din2[26:18]) ? 1 : 0;
dlt4 <= (din1[35:27] != din2[35:27]) ? 1 : 0;
dlt5 <= (din1[44:36] != din2[44:36]) ? 1 : 0;
NEXT: begin
if (delta < THRSHLD) result <= res;
if (adr1 >= MAXMEM1) begin
- 2/5 -
ZAMFSM.v 2010-12-10
done <= 1;
state <= DONE;
else begin
adr1 <= adr1 - MAXMEM2 + 1;
adr2 <= 0;
dlt1 <= 0; dlt2 <= 0; dlt3 <= 0; dlt4 <= 0; dlt5 <= 0;
delta <= 0;
state <= WORK;
module ZAMFSM (
input reset, clock, frame, learn, start, stop,
input wire [1:0] idx,
output reg mem1, mem2, srch, mode,
output reg [8:0] addr );
if (reset) begin
state <= IDLE;
mem1 <= 0;
mem2 <= 0;
srch <= 0;
mode <= 0;
cntr <= 0;
LEARN: begin
if (idx == 0) state <= IDLE;
else begin
case (idx)
1: addr <= 0;
2: addr <= 170;
default: addr <= 340;
mode <= 1;
stack <= IDLE;
state <= FRM_WAIT1;
length <= CNT2SEC;
state <= FRM_WAIT1;
ZAM: begin
addr <= 0;
- 4/5 -
ZAMFSM.v 2010-12-10
mode <= 0;
stack <= SEARCH;
length <= CNT250MS;
state <= FRM_WAIT1;
//write cycle
FRM_WAIT1: begin //wait for "frame"=1
state <= frame ? FRM_STORE : FRM_WAIT1;
FRM_STORE: begin //store the frame
mem1 <= mode ? 1 : 0;
mem2 <= mode ? 0 : 1;
state <= FRM_WAIT2;
FRM_WAIT2: begin//wait for "frame"=0
mem1 <= 0;
mem2 <= 0;
if (cntr < length) state <= frame ? FRM_WAIT2 : FRM_NEXT;
else state <= stack;
FRM_NEXT: begin
addr <= addr + 1;
cntr <= cntr + 1;
state <= FRM_WAIT1;
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_////////_/////// _//// _/
_// _// _// _/ _// _/ //
_// _// _//_// _//// _// _/ _// _/// _// _//
_////// _/////// _// _// _// _// _// _/ _//
_// _// _// _//// _// _////// _// _// _/ _//
_// _// _// _/ _// _// _// _// _/ _//
_// _// _///// _////////_// _//_/// _/ _//
// Please note: this project should compile and run, however, it is missing
// the generated FFT module and COE modules. To compile and run this project,
// please generate these files as described in the accompanying report.
// Switch Debounce Module
module debounce (input reset, clock, noisy, output reg clean);
reg [18:0] count;
reg new;
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tv_out_ycrcb, tv_out_reset_b, tv_out_clock, tv_out_i2c_clock,
tv_out_i2c_data, tv_out_pal_ntsc, tv_out_hsync_b,
tv_out_vsync_b, tv_out_blank_b, tv_out_subcar_reset,
clock_feedback_out, clock_feedback_in,
analyzer1_data, analyzer1_clock,
analyzer2_data, analyzer2_clock,
analyzer3_data, analyzer3_clock,
analyzer4_data, analyzer4_clock);
input clock_feedback_in;
output clock_feedback_out;
// RESET Generation
wire pwr_reset, btn_reset, reset;
SRL16 reset_sr(.D(1'b0), .CLK(clock_27mhz), .Q(pwr_reset), .A0(1'b1),
.A1(1'b1), .A2(1'b1), .A3(1'b1));
defparam reset_sr.INIT = 16'hFFFF;
debounce db1(.reset(pwr_reset), .clock(clock_27mhz), .noisy(~button_enter),
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assign reset = pwr_reset || btn_reset:
// I/O Assignments
// VGA Output
// assign vga_out_red = 8'h0;
// assign vga_out_green = 8'h0;
// assign vga_out_blue = 8'h0;
// assign vga_out_sync_b = 1'b1;
// assign vga_out_blank_b = 1'b1;
// assign vga_out_pixel_clock = 1'b0;
// assign vga_out_hsync = 1'b0;
// assign vga_out_vsync = 1'b0;
// Video Output
assign tv_out_ycrcb = 10'h0;
assign tv_out_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_i2c_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_i2c_data = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_pal_ntsc = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_hsync_b = 1'b1;
assign tv_out_vsync_b = 1'b1;
assign tv_out_blank_b = 1'b1;
assign tv_out_subcar_reset = 1'b0;
// Video Input
assign tv_in_i2c_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_fifo_read = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_fifo_clock = 1'b0;
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assign tv_in_iso = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_i2c_data = 1'bZ;
// tv_in_ycrcb, tv_in_data_valid, tv_in_line_clock1, tv_in_line_clock2,
// tv_in_aef, tv_in_hff, and tv_in_aff are inputs
// SRAMs
assign ram0_data = 36'hZ;
assign ram0_address = 19'h0;
assign ram0_adv_ld = 1'b0;
assign ram0_clk = 1'b0;
assign ram0_cen_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_ce_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_oe_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_we_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_bwe_b = 4'hF;
assign ram1_data = 36'hZ;
assign ram1_address = 19'h0;
assign ram1_adv_ld = 1'b0;
assign ram1_clk = 1'b0;
assign ram1_cen_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_ce_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_oe_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_we_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_bwe_b = 4'hF;
assign clock_feedback_out = 1'b0;
// clock_feedback_in is an input
// Flash ROM
assign flash_data = 16'hZ;
assign flash_address = 24'h0;
assign flash_ce_b = 1'b1;
assign flash_oe_b = 1'b1;
assign flash_we_b = 1'b1;
assign flash_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign flash_byte_b = 1'b1;
// flash_sts is an input
// RS-232 Interface
assign rs232_txd = 1'b1;
assign rs232_rts = 1'b1;
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// rs232_rxd and rs232_cts are inputs
// PS/2 Ports
// mouse_clock, mouse_data, keyboard_clock, and keyboard_data are inputs
// LED Displays
assign disp_blank = 1'b1;
assign disp_clock = 1'b0;
assign disp_rs = 1'b0;
assign disp_ce_b = 1'b1;
assign disp_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign disp_data_out = 1'b0;
// disp_data_in is an input
// User I/Os
assign user1 = 32'hZ;
assign user2 = 32'hZ;
assign user3 = 32'hZ;
assign user4 = 32'hZ;
// Daughtercard Connectors
assign daughtercard = 44'hZ;
// Logic Analyzer
// assign analyzer1_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer1_clock = 1'b1;
// assign analyzer2_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer2_clock = 1'b1;
// assign analyzer3_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer3_clock = 1'b1;
// assign analyzer4_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer4_clock = 1'b1;
//Assign wires registers in the top module
wire clock ;
assign clock = clock_27mhz;
reg rstart;//reg that is used for controling the start of the FFT
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wire ready; // wire for the ready signal used in the ac97 codec.
wire [9:0] n_index,k_in;// n_index is the index of the input and k_in is the
output data index.
wire signed [18:0] k_re, k_im;// k_re is the real part of the output and k_im
is the imaginary part of the output.
wire signed [38:0] sq_summ;// takes the value of the sum of squares of the
real and imaginary part in order to compare the intensities during search.
wire reset1=1'b0// reset1 is used the module where the 48khz is generated.
// --
wire learn_pulse, zamit_pulse;
wire[44:0] slice, data180, data22;
wire slice_rdy, we180, we22, search, search_done;
wire[8:0] wr_addr, rd_addr180, addr180;
wire[4:0] rd_addr22, addr22;
InputCascade inp1 (
.reset(reset), .clock(clock_27mhz), .fft_clk(kclk),
.fft_amp(sq_summ[24:6]), .fft_idx(k_in),
.ready(slice_rdy), .slice(slice));
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AddressMux #(.WIDTH(9))
amux180(.write(we180), .waddr(wr_addr), .raddr(rd_addr180), .addr(addr180));
BRAM #(.SIZE(9), .WIDTH(45))
mem180 (.clock(clock_27mhz), .we(we180), .addr(addr180), .din(slice),
AddressMux #(.WIDTH(5))
amux22(.write(we22), .waddr(wr_addr[4:0]), .raddr(rd_addr22), .addr(addr22));
BRAM #(.SIZE(5), .WIDTH(45))
mem22 (.clock(clock_27mhz), .we(we22), .addr(addr22), .din(slice),
// AC97 driver
fft_audio acc(clock_27mhz, reset, volume, from_ac97_data, to_ac97_data,
audio_reset_b, ac97_sdata_out, ac97_sdata_in,
ac97_synch, ac97_bit_clock);
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// 0
// Learn pulse (1 bit)
// Zamit pulse (1 bit)
// FSM state (4 bits)
// Search done (1 bit)
// Result (1 bit)
// 00000
// Write enable signal we180 (1 bit)
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// Write enable signal we22 (1 bit)
assign analyzer2_data = {14'b0,~led[6],~led[7]};
assign analyzer2_clock = clock_27mhz;
// First range
assign analyzer3_data = sq_summ[24:9];//{data180[7:0],data22[7:0]};
assign analyzer3_clock = clock_27mhz;
// Addresses
assign analyzer4_data = {6'b0,k_in};//{rd_addr180, rd_addr22};
assign analyzer4_clock = clock_27mhz;
initial begin
index <= 8'h00;
// synthesis attribute init of index is "00";
pcm_data <= 20'h00000;
// synthesis attribute init of pcm_data is "00000";
always @* begin
if (reset) next_count1 = 0;
else next_count1 = (count1 == 563) ? 0 : count1 + 1; // next_count will
start incrementing if only if count1 is not equal to 523.
assign kclk = (count1 == 563); // output of the clock divider is the
1 when count is 523.
input clock_27mhz;
input reset;
input [4:0] volume;
output [15:0] audio_in_data;
input [15:0] audio_out_data;
output ready;
reg audio_reset_b;
reg [9:0] reset_count;
if (reset) begin
audio_reset_b = 1'b0;
reset_count = 0;
end else if (reset_count == 1023)
audio_reset_b = 1'b1;
reset_count = reset_count+1;
wire ac97_ready;
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ac97 ac97(ac97_ready, command_address, command_data, command_valid,
left_out_data, 1'b1, right_out_data, 1'b1, left_in_data,
right_in_data, ac97_sdata_out, ac97_sdata_in, ac97_synch,
// generate two pulses synchronous with the clock: first capture, then ready
reg [2:0] ready_sync;
always @ (posedge clock_27mhz) begin
ready_sync <= {ready_sync[1:0], ac97_ready};
assign ready = ready_sync[1] & ~ready_sync[2];
output ready;
input [7:0] command_address;
input [15:0] command_data;
input command_valid;
input [19:0] left_data, right_data;
input left_valid, right_valid;
output [19:0] left_in_data, right_in_data;
input ac97_sdata_in;
input ac97_bit_clock;
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output ac97_sdata_out;
output ac97_synch;
reg ready;
reg ac97_sdata_out;
reg ac97_synch;
initial begin
ready <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of ready is "0";
ac97_sdata_out <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of ac97_sdata_out is "0";
ac97_synch <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of ac97_synch is "0";
// Latch user data at the end of each frame. This ensures that the
// first frame after reset will be empty.
if (bit_count == 255)
l_cmd_addr <= {command_address, 12'h000};
l_cmd_data <= {command_data, 4'h0};
l_cmd_v <= command_valid;
l_left_data <= left_data;
l_left_v <= left_valid;
l_right_data <= right_data;
l_right_v <= right_valid;
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else if ((bit_count >= 56) && (bit_count <= 75))
// Slot 3: Left channel
ac97_sdata_out <= l_left_v ? l_left_data[19] : 1'b0;
l_left_data <= { l_left_data[18:0], l_left_data[19] };
else if ((bit_count >= 76) && (bit_count <= 95))
// Slot 4: Right channel
ac97_sdata_out <= l_right_v ? l_right_data[95-bit_count] : 1'b0;
ac97_sdata_out <= 1'b0;
input clock;
input ready;
output [7:0] command_address;
output [15:0] command_data;
output command_valid;
input [4:0] volume;
input [2:0] source;
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reg [3:0] state;
initial begin
command <= 4'h0;
// synthesis attribute init of command is "0";
command_valid <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of command_valid is "0";
state <= 16'h0000;
// synthesis attribute init of state is "0000";
case (state)
4'h0: // Read ID
command <= 24'h80_0000;
command_valid <= 1'b1;
4'h1: // Read ID
command <= 24'h80_0000;
4'h3: // headphone volume
command <= { 8'h04, 3'b000, vol, 3'b000, vol };
4'h5: // PCM volume
command <= 24'h18_0808;
4'h6: // Record source select
command <= { 8'h1A, 5'b00000, source, 5'b00000, source};
4'h7: // Record gain = max
command <= 24'h1C_0F0F;
4'h9: // set +20db mic gain
command <= 24'h0E_8048;
4'hA: // Set beep volume
command <= 24'h0A_0000;
4'hB: // PCM out bypass mix1
command <= 24'h20_8000;
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command <= 24'h80_0000;
endcase // case(state)
end // always @ (posedge clock)
endmodule // ac97commands
// 6.111 FPGA Labkit -- Hex display driver
// File: display_16hex.v
// Date: 24-Sep-05
// Created: April 27, 2004
// Author: Nathan Ickes
// 24-Sep-05 Ike: updated to use new reset-once state machine, remove clear
// 28-Nov-06 CJT: fixed race condition between CE and RS (thanks Javier!)
// This verilog module drives the labkit hex dot matrix displays, and puts
// up 16 hexadecimal digits (8 bytes). These are passed to the module
// through a 64 bit wire ("data"), asynchronously.
// moudle for hex display.
module display_16hex (reset, clock_27mhz, data,
disp_blank, disp_clock, disp_rs, disp_ce_b,
disp_reset_b, disp_data_out);
// Display Clock
// Generate a 500kHz clock for driving the displays.
reg [4:0] count;
reg [7:0] reset_count;
reg clock;
wire dreset;
// Display State Machine
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reg [7:0] state; // FSM state
reg [9:0] dot_index; // index to current dot being clocked out
reg [31:0] control; // control register
reg [3:0] char_index; // index of current character
reg [39:0] dots; // dots for a single digit
reg [3:0] nibble; // hex nibble of current character
// End reset
disp_reset_b <= 1'b1;
state <= state+1;
// Initialize dot register (set all dots to zero)
disp_ce_b <= 1'b0;
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disp_data_out <= 1'b0; // dot_index[0];
if (dot_index == 639)
state <= state+1;
dot_index <= dot_index+1;
// Latch dot data
disp_ce_b <= 1'b1;
dot_index <= 31; // re-purpose to init ctrl reg
disp_rs <= 1'b1; // Select the control register
state <= state+1;
// Setup the control register
disp_ce_b <= 1'b0;
disp_data_out <= control[31];
control <= {control[30:0], 1'b0}; // shift left
if (dot_index == 0)
state <= state+1;
dot_index <= dot_index-1;
// Latch the control register data / dot data
disp_ce_b <= 1'b1;
dot_index <= 39; // init for single char
char_index <= 15; // start with MS char
state <= state+1;
disp_rs <= 1'b0; // Select the dot register
// Load the user's dot data into the dot reg, char by char
disp_ce_b <= 1'b0;
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disp_data_out <= dots[dot_index]; // dot data from msb
if (dot_index == 0)
if (char_index == 0)
state <= 5; // all done, latch data
char_index <= char_index - 1; // goto next char
dot_index <= 39;
dot_index <= dot_index-1; // else loop thru all dots
always @(nibble)
case (nibble)
4'h0: dots <= 40'b00111110_01010001_01001001_01000101_00111110;
4'h1: dots <= 40'b00000000_01000010_01111111_01000000_00000000;
4'h2: dots <= 40'b01100010_01010001_01001001_01001001_01000110;
4'h3: dots <= 40'b00100010_01000001_01001001_01001001_00110110;
4'h4: dots <= 40'b00011000_00010100_00010010_01111111_00010000;
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4'h5: dots <= 40'b00100111_01000101_01000101_01000101_00111001;
4'h6: dots <= 40'b00111100_01001010_01001001_01001001_00110000;
4'h7: dots <= 40'b00000001_01110001_00001001_00000101_00000011;
4'h8: dots <= 40'b00110110_01001001_01001001_01001001_00110110;
4'h9: dots <= 40'b00000110_01001001_01001001_00101001_00011110;
4'hA: dots <= 40'b01111110_00001001_00001001_00001001_01111110;
4'hB: dots <= 40'b01111111_01001001_01001001_01001001_00110110;
4'hC: dots <= 40'b00111110_01000001_01000001_01000001_00100010;
4'hD: dots <= 40'b01111111_01000001_01000001_01000001_00111110;
4'hE: dots <= 40'b01111111_01001001_01001001_01001001_01000001;
4'hF: dots <= 40'b01111111_00001001_00001001_00001001_00000001;
reg signed [38:0] sum; // red for the sum of squares of the real and the
imaginary part
always @* begin
sum = ((k_im)*(k_im))+((k_re)*(k_re)); // sum is produced squaring the
iamaginary and the real parts and adding them up.
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test.v 2010-12-10
// Yafim Landa
// Written for 6.111, Fall 2010
// Description: This is the test jig for all of the components, with the
// exception of the FFT, for which sample values have been generated.
//500MHz generator
module gen2ns(output reg pulse);
initial begin
pulse = 1;
forever #1 pulse = ~pulse;
//100MHz generator
module gen10ns(output reg pulse);
initial begin
pulse = 1;
forever #5 pulse = ~pulse;
gen10ns clk1(.pulse(clock));
FrameBuffer frbf(.clock(clock), .we(fft_we), .addr(abus), .din(fft_dat),
.dout1(dbus1), .dout2(dbus2), .dout3(dbus3), .dout4(dbus4),
AddressMux amux(.write(fft_we), .waddr(fft_adr), .raddr(fpg_adr),
FngprintGen fgen(.reset(reset), .clock(clock), .enable(fft_rdy),
.din1(dbus1), .din2(dbus2), .din3(dbus3), .din4(dbus4),
.adr(fpg_adr), .fingerprint(result), .ready(ready));
integer d,up;
integer cnt;
initial begin
fft_rdy = 0; fft_we = 0; fft_dat = 0; fft_adr = 0;
reset = 1; #25reset = 0;
//simulate FFT
d=0; up=1;
for (cnt=0; cnt<512; cnt=cnt+1) begin
d = up ? (d+1) : (d-1);
if (d==1) up = 1;
if (d==50) up = 0;
fft_adr = cnt[8:0];
fft_dat = d[9:0]; //cnt[9:0]; //
fft_we = 1; #5fft_we=0;
fft_rdy = 1;
#1000 //wait for 100 clocks to generate a fingerprint slice
#20 $display("...done");
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test.v 2010-12-10
module testZAMFSM();
reg rst, frm, lrn, srch, done;
wire clk, we2sec, we250ms, zam, lrn_mode;
wire [7:0] mem_adr;
gen10ns clk1(.pulse(clk));
integer cnt;
initial begin
frm = 0; lrn = 0; srch = 0; done = 0;
rst = 1; #25rst = 0;
lrn = 1;
for (cnt=0; cnt<185; cnt=cnt+1) begin
#23frm = 1; lrn = 0; #23frm=0;
srch = 1;
for (cnt=0; cnt<30; cnt=cnt+1) begin
#23frm = 1; srch = 0; #23frm=0;
#53 //searching...
//signal "done" from SearchModule
done = 1; #25done = 0;
#60 $display("...done");
module testSearcherFSM();
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test.v 2010-12-10
reg rst, srch;
wire clk;
reg[44:0] d1,d2;
wire[7:0] a1;
wire[4:0] a2;
wire result,done;
gen2ns clk1(.pulse(clk));
//module Searcher(reset,clock,enable,din1,din2, adr1,adr2,done,result);
Searcher src1(.reset(rst), .clock(clk), .enable(srch), .din1(d1), .din2(d2),
.adr1(a1), .adr2(a2), .done(done), .result(result));
integer cnt;
initial begin
d1 = 100; d2 = 100;
srch = 0;
rst = 1; #25rst = 0;
srch = 1; #7400srch=0;
#60 $display("...done");
module testSearcher();
reg rst, srch;
reg [7:0] adr1;
reg [4:0] adr2;
wire clk;
//bram inputs
reg we1,we2;
wire[7:0] abus1;
wire[4:0] abus2;
reg [44:0] dat1,dat2;
//bram outputs
wire[44:0] d1,d2;
//searcher outputs
wire[7:0] a1;
wire[4:0] a2;
wire result,done;
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test.v 2010-12-10
gen2ns clk1(.pulse(clk));
AddressMux #(.WIDTH(8))
amux1(.write(we1), .waddr(adr1), .raddr(a1), .addr(abus1));
BRAM #(.SIZE(8), .WIDTH(45))
mem1 (.clock(clk), .we(we1), .addr(abus1), .din(dat1), .dout(d1));
AddressMux #(.WIDTH(5))
amux2(.write(we2), .waddr(adr2), .raddr(a2), .addr(abus2));
BRAM #(.SIZE(5), .WIDTH(45))
mem2 (.clock(clk), .we(we2), .addr(abus2), .din(dat2), .dout(d2));
integer cnt;
initial begin
adr1 = 0; adr2 = 0;
we1 = 0; we2 = 0; srch = 0;
rst = 1; #5 rst = 0;
module testFFTOutput();
reg rst, srch;
wire clk,syn;
reg[18:0] d1;
reg[9:0] a1;
wire[9:0] ampl;
wire[8:0] freq;
wire we,ready;
gen2ns clk1(.pulse(clk));
gen10ns clk2(.pulse(syn));
FFTOutput ffto(.reset(rst), .clk27M(clk), .clk48K(syn),
.fft_amp(d1), .fft_idx(a1),
.amp(ampl), .bin(freq), .we(we), .rdy(ready));
integer cnt;
initial begin
d1 = 0; a1 = 0;
rst = 1; #25rst = 0;
for (cnt=0; cnt<1024; cnt=cnt+1) begin
if (cnt==16) d1 = 512;
else d1 = 0;
a1 = a1+1;
#60 $display("...done");
module testZam();
wire clock1,clock2,learn_pulse,zamit_pulse;
reg reset,learn,zamit;
reg[18:0] k_re;
reg[9:0] k_in;
wire slice_rdy,we,we22,search,lrn_mode;
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test.v 2010-12-10
wire [44:0] data, data_out,data_out22;
wire [7:0] wr_addr,rd_addr, mem_addr;
wire [4:0] rd_addr22, mem_addr22;
wire zero,one;
assign zero = 0;
assign one = 1;
gen2ns gen1(.pulse(clock1));
gen10ns gen2(.pulse(clock2));
InputCascade inp1 (
.reset(reset), .clock(clock1), .fft_clk(clock2), .fft_amp(k_re),
.ready(slice_rdy), .slice(data)
ZAMFSM fsm1 (
.reset(reset), .clock(clock1), .frame(slice_rdy),
.learn(learn_pulse), .start(zamit_pulse), .stop(search_done),
.mem1(we), .mem2(we22), .srch(search), .mode(lrn_mode), .addr(wr_addr));
AddressMux #(.WIDTH(8))
amux180(.write(we), .waddr(wr_addr), .raddr(rd_addr), .addr(mem_addr));
BRAM #(.SIZE(8), .WIDTH(45))
mem180 (.clock(clock1), .we(we), .addr(mem_addr), .din(data),
AddressMux #(.WIDTH(5))
amux22(.write(we22), .waddr(wr_addr[4:0]), .raddr(rd_addr22),
BRAM #(.SIZE(5), .WIDTH(45))
mem22 (.clock(clock1), .we(we22), .addr(mem_addr22), .din(data),
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test.v 2010-12-10
integer cnt,cnt1;
initial begin
learn = 0; zamit = 0;
reset = 1; #25reset = 0;
learn = 1;
for (cnt1=0; cnt1<200; cnt1=cnt1+1) begin
k_re = 0; k_in = 0;
for (cnt=0; cnt<1024; cnt=cnt+1) begin
)) k_re = 512;
else k_re = 0;
k_in = k_in+1;
learn = 0; #25zamit = 1;
for (cnt1=60; cnt1<90; cnt1=cnt1+1) begin
k_re = 0; k_in = 0;
for (cnt=0; cnt<1024; cnt=cnt+1) begin
)) k_re = 512;
else k_re = 0;
k_in = k_in+1;
zamit = 0;
#60 $display("...done");
module testSyncGen();
wire clk, pulse;
reg rst, signal;
gen2ns gen1(.pulse(clk));
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SyncGen snc1 (.clock(clk), .signal(signal), .pulse(pulse));
integer cnt;
initial begin
rst = 0;
signal = 0;
#7rst= 1; #17rst = 0;
for (cnt=0; cnt<10; cnt=cnt+1) begin
#11signal = 0; #7signal = 1;
signal = 1;
#7rst= 1; #17rst = 0;
for (cnt=0; cnt<10; cnt=cnt+1) begin
#11signal = 0; #7signal = 1;
#60 $display("...done");
module testMem();
wire clock1,clock2,learn_pulse;
reg reset,learn;
reg[18:0] k_re;
reg[9:0] k_in;
wire slice_rdy,we,lrn_mode;
wire [44:0] data, data_out;
wire [7:0] wr_addr, mem_addr;
wire zero,one;
wire [1:0] dummy;
wire [7:0] switch;
assign zero = 0;
assign one = 1;
gen2ns gen1(.pulse(clock1));
gen10ns gen2(.pulse(clock2));
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InputCascade inp1 (
.reset(reset), .clock(clock1), .fft_clk(clock2), .fft_amp(k_re),
.ready(slice_rdy), .slice(data)
ZAMFSM fsm1 (
.reset(reset), .clock(clock1), .frame(slice_rdy),
.learn(learn_pulse), .start(zero), .stop(zero),
.mem1(we), .mem2(dummy[0]), .srch(dummy[1]), .mode(lrn_mode),
AddressMux #(.WIDTH(8))
amux180(.write(we), .waddr(wr_addr), .raddr(switch[7:0]), .addr(mem_addr));
BRAM #(.SIZE(8), .WIDTH(45))
mem180 (.clock(clock1), .we(we), .addr(mem_addr), .din(data),
integer cnt,cnt1,sw;
assign switch[7:0] = sw[7:0];
initial begin
learn = 0; sw = 0;
reset = 1; #25reset = 0;
learn = 1;
for (cnt1=0; cnt1<220; cnt1=cnt1+1) begin
k_re = 0; k_in = 0;
if (cnt1 == 180) learn = 0;
#60 $display("...done");
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// Yafim Landa
// Written for 6.111, Fall 2010
// Description: This is the labkit used to test that the memories are
// being filled with the correct slices from the Input Cascade, and that
// exactly 180 memory addresses are filled. Notice that this is an
// alternate labkit file.
// Switch Debounce Module
module debounce (input reset, clock, noisy, output reg clean);
reg [18:0] count;
reg new;
clock_feedback_out, clock_feedback_in,
analyzer1_data, analyzer1_clock,
analyzer2_data, analyzer2_clock,
analyzer3_data, analyzer3_clock,
analyzer4_data, analyzer4_clock);
input clock_feedback_in;
output clock_feedback_out;
// RESET Generation
wire pwr_reset, btn_reset, reset;
SRL16 reset_sr(.D(1'b0), .CLK(clock_27mhz), .Q(pwr_reset), .A0(1'b1),
.A1(1'b1), .A2(1'b1), .A3(1'b1));
defparam reset_sr.INIT = 16'hFFFF;
debounce db1(.reset(pwr_reset), .clock(clock_27mhz), .noisy(~button_enter),
assign reset = pwr_reset || btn_reset;
// I/O Assignments
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// Audio Input and Output
assign beep= 1'b0;
assign audio_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign ac97_synch = 1'b0;
assign ac97_sdata_out = 1'b0;
// ac97_sdata_in is an input
// VGA Output
assign vga_out_red = 8'h0;
assign vga_out_green = 8'h0;
assign vga_out_blue = 8'h0;
assign vga_out_sync_b = 1'b1;
assign vga_out_blank_b = 1'b1;
assign vga_out_pixel_clock = 1'b0;
assign vga_out_hsync = 1'b0;
assign vga_out_vsync = 1'b0;
// Video Output
assign tv_out_ycrcb = 10'h0;
assign tv_out_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_i2c_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_i2c_data = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_pal_ntsc = 1'b0;
assign tv_out_hsync_b = 1'b1;
assign tv_out_vsync_b = 1'b1;
assign tv_out_blank_b = 1'b1;
assign tv_out_subcar_reset = 1'b0;
// Video Input
assign tv_in_i2c_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_fifo_read = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_fifo_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_iso = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_clock = 1'b0;
assign tv_in_i2c_data = 1'bZ;
// tv_in_ycrcb, tv_in_data_valid, tv_in_line_clock1, tv_in_line_clock2,
// tv_in_aef, tv_in_hff, and tv_in_aff are inputs
// SRAMs
assign ram0_data = 36'hZ;
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assign ram0_address = 19'h0;
assign ram0_adv_ld = 1'b0;
assign ram0_clk = 1'b0;
assign ram0_cen_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_ce_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_oe_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_we_b = 1'b1;
assign ram0_bwe_b = 4'hF;
assign ram1_data = 36'hZ;
assign ram1_address = 19'h0;
assign ram1_adv_ld = 1'b0;
assign ram1_clk = 1'b0;
assign ram1_cen_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_ce_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_oe_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_we_b = 1'b1;
assign ram1_bwe_b = 4'hF;
assign clock_feedback_out = 1'b0;
// clock_feedback_in is an input
// Flash ROM
assign flash_data = 16'hZ;
assign flash_address = 24'h0;
assign flash_ce_b = 1'b1;
assign flash_oe_b = 1'b1;
assign flash_we_b = 1'b1;
assign flash_reset_b = 1'b0;
assign flash_byte_b = 1'b1;
// flash_sts is an input
// RS-232 Interface
assign rs232_txd = 1'b1;
assign rs232_rts = 1'b1;
// rs232_rxd and rs232_cts are inputs
// PS/2 Ports
// mouse_clock, mouse_data, keyboard_clock, and keyboard_data are inputs
// LED Displays
// assign disp_blank = 1'b1;
// assign disp_clock = 1'b0;
// assign disp_rs = 1'b0;
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// assign disp_ce_b = 1'b1;
// assign disp_reset_b = 1'b0;
// assign disp_data_out = 1'b0;
// disp_data_in is an input
// User I/Os
assign user1 = 32'hZ;
assign user2 = 32'hZ;
assign user3 = 32'hZ;
assign user4 = 32'hZ;
// Daughtercard Connectors
assign daughtercard = 44'hZ;
// Logic Analyzer
// assign analyzer1_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer1_clock = 1'b1;
// assign analyzer2_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer2_clock = 1'b1;
// assign analyzer3_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer3_clock = 1'b1;
// assign analyzer4_data = 16'h0;
// assign analyzer4_clock = 1'b1;
//wire clock_48khz;
//divider out_48khz(clock_27mhz, reset, clock_48khz);
//wire [19:0] pcm_data;
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//tone750hz tone_750(clock_27mhz, clock_48khz, pcm_data);
wire kclk;
wire clock ;
assign clock = clock_27mhz;
wire r_f;
assign led[0] = ~(r_f);
wire d;
assign led[1] = ~d;
wire done ;
assign led[2] = ~done;
wire busy;
assign led[3] = ~busy;
wire e;
assign led[4] = ~e;
wire ready;
assign ready = 1'b1;
sevenhz hz(.clk(kclk),.ready(ready),.pcm_data(tone));
k_clk cllk(.clk(clock),.reset(reset),.kclk(kclk));
wire [7:0] from_ac97_data, to_ac97_data;
myfft my_fft(
.ce(kclk), // clock enable FFT at 48khz
.fwd_inv_we (1'b0), // forward transform
.rfd(r_f), // ready for data output, not used
.start(1'b1), // always starting
.fwd_inv(1'b1), // forward transform
.dv(d), // data valid output not used
.done(done), // done output
.clk(clock_27mhz), // fft clock
.busy(busy), // busy output
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.edone(e), // early done
.xn_re(tone), // 750 tone
wire btn_lrn, lrn_pulse;
debounce db0(.reset(pwr_reset), .clock(clock_27mhz), .noisy(~button0),
SyncGen sync1 (.clock(clock_27mhz), .signal(btn_lrn), .pulse(lrn_pulse));
wire dummy[1:0];
wire zero,one;
assign zero = 0;
assign one = 1;
InputCascade inp1 (
.reset(reset), .clock(clock_27mhz), .fft_clk(kclk), .fft_amp(k_re),
.ready(slice_rdy), .slice(slice));
ZAMFSM fsm1 (
.reset(reset), .clock(clock_27mhz), .frame(slice_rdy),
.learn(lrn_pulse), .start(zero), .stop(zero),
.mem1(we), .mem2(dummy[0]), .srch(dummy[1]), .addr(wr_addr));
AddressMux #(.WIDTH(8))
amux180(.write(we), .waddr(wr_addr), .raddr(switch[7:0]), .addr(addr));
BRAM #(.SIZE(8), .WIDTH(45))
mem1 (.clock(clock_27mhz), .we(we), .addr(addr), .din(slice), .dout(data));
// Logic Analyzer Settings
// CK0 CK0()
// amps(k_re) A1(1-0),A0(7-0)
// bins(k_in) C3(1-0),C2(7-0)
// we A3(7)
// lrn_pulse A3(6)
// slice A3(0),A2(7-0)
// addr D0(7-0)
// Address (8 bits)
assign analyzer3_data = {8'b0,addr};
assign analyzer3_clock = clock_27mhz;
// Read address (8 bits)
// Write address (8 bits)
assign analyzer3_data = {rd_addr,wr_addr};
assign analyzer3_clock = clock_27mhz;
module sevenhz(
input wire clk,
input wire ready,
output reg [7:0] pcm_data
reg [8:0] index;
initial begin
index <= 8'h00;
// synthesis attribute init of index is "00";
pcm_data <= 20'h00000;
// synthesis attribute init of pcm_data is "00000";
always @* begin
if (reset) next_count1 = 0;
else next_count1 = (count1 == 563) ? 0 : count1 + 1; // next_count will
start incrementing if onlt if count1 is not equal to 27 mill.
assign kclk = (count1 == 563); // output of the divider is the 1 when
count is 27 mill.
input clock_27mhz;
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input reset;
input [4:0] volume;
output [15:0] audio_in_data;
input [15:0] audio_out_data;
output ready;
reg audio_reset_b;
reg [9:0] reset_count;
if (reset) begin
audio_reset_b = 1'b0;
reset_count = 0;
end else if (reset_count == 1023)
audio_reset_b = 1'b1;
reset_count = reset_count+1;
wire ac97_ready;
ac97 ac97(ac97_ready, command_address, command_data, command_valid,
left_out_data, 1'b1, right_out_data, 1'b1, left_in_data,
right_in_data, ac97_sdata_out, ac97_sdata_in, ac97_synch,
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// generate two pulses synchronous with the clock: first capture, then ready
reg [2:0] ready_sync;
always @ (posedge clock_27mhz) begin
ready_sync <= {ready_sync[1:0], ac97_ready};
assign ready = ready_sync[1] & ~ready_sync[2];
output ready;
input [7:0] command_address;
input [15:0] command_data;
input command_valid;
input [19:0] left_data, right_data;
input left_valid, right_valid;
output [19:0] left_in_data, right_in_data;
input ac97_sdata_in;
input ac97_bit_clock;
output ac97_sdata_out;
output ac97_synch;
reg ready;
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reg ac97_sdata_out;
reg ac97_synch;
initial begin
ready <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of ready is "0";
ac97_sdata_out <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of ac97_sdata_out is "0";
ac97_synch <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of ac97_synch is "0";
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// Generate the ready signal
if (bit_count == 128)
ready <= 1'b1;
if (bit_count == 2)
ready <= 1'b0;
// Latch user data at the end of each frame. This ensures that the
// first frame after reset will be empty.
if (bit_count == 255)
l_cmd_addr <= {command_address, 12'h000};
l_cmd_data <= {command_data, 4'h0};
l_cmd_v <= command_valid;
l_left_data <= left_data;
l_left_v <= left_valid;
l_right_data <= right_data;
l_right_v <= right_valid;
input clock;
input ready;
output [7:0] command_address;
output [15:0] command_data;
output command_valid;
input [4:0] volume;
input [2:0] source;
initial begin
command <= 4'h0;
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// synthesis attribute init of command is "0";
command_valid <= 1'b0;
// synthesis attribute init of command_valid is "0";
state <= 16'h0000;
// synthesis attribute init of state is "0000";
case (state)
4'h0: // Read ID
command <= 24'h80_0000;
command_valid <= 1'b1;
4'h1: // Read ID
command <= 24'h80_0000;
4'h3: // headphone volume
command <= { 8'h04, 3'b000, vol, 3'b000, vol };
4'h5: // PCM volume
command <= 24'h18_0808;
4'h6: // Record source select
command <= { 8'h1A, 5'b00000, source, 5'b00000, source};
4'h7: // Record gain = max
command <= 24'h1C_0F0F;
4'h9: // set +20db mic gain
command <= 24'h0E_8048;
4'hA: // Set beep volume
command <= 24'h0A_0000;
4'hB: // PCM out bypass mix1
command <= 24'h20_8000;
command <= 24'h80_0000;
endcase // case(state)
end // always @ (posedge clock)
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endmodule // ac97commands
// 6.111 FPGA Labkit -- Hex display driver
// File: display_16hex.v
// Date: 24-Sep-05
// Created: April 27, 2004
// Author: Nathan Ickes
// 24-Sep-05 Ike: updated to use new reset-once state machine, remove clear
// 28-Nov-06 CJT: fixed race condition between CE and RS (thanks Javier!)
// This verilog module drives the labkit hex dot matrix displays, and puts
// up 16 hexadecimal digits (8 bytes). These are passed to the module
// through a 64 bit wire ("data"), asynchronously.
// Display Clock
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// Generate a 500kHz clock for driving the displays.
reg [4:0] count;
reg [7:0] reset_count;
reg clock;
wire dreset;
// Display State Machine
reg [7:0] state; // FSM state
reg [9:0] dot_index; // index to current dot being clocked out
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reg [31:0] control; // control register
reg [3:0] char_index; // index of current character
reg [39:0] dots; // dots for a single digit
reg [3:0] nibble; // hex nibble of current character
// End reset
disp_reset_b <= 1'b1;
state <= state+1;
// Initialize dot register (set all dots to zero)
disp_ce_b <= 1'b0;
disp_data_out <= 1'b0; // dot_index[0];
if (dot_index == 639)
state <= state+1;
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dot_index <= dot_index+1;
// Latch dot data
disp_ce_b <= 1'b1;
dot_index <= 31; // re-purpose to init ctrl reg
disp_rs <= 1'b1; // Select the control register
state <= state+1;
// Setup the control register
disp_ce_b <= 1'b0;
disp_data_out <= control[31];
control <= {control[30:0], 1'b0}; // shift left
if (dot_index == 0)
state <= state+1;
dot_index <= dot_index-1;
// Latch the control register data / dot data
disp_ce_b <= 1'b1;
dot_index <= 39; // init for single char
char_index <= 15; // start with MS char
state <= state+1;
disp_rs <= 1'b0; // Select the dot register
// Load the user's dot data into the dot reg, char by char
disp_ce_b <= 1'b0;
disp_data_out <= dots[dot_index]; // dot data from msb
if (dot_index == 0)
if (char_index == 0)
state <= 5; // all done, latch data
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char_index <= char_index - 1; // goto next char
dot_index <= 39;
dot_index <= dot_index-1; // else loop thru all dots
always @(nibble)
case (nibble)
4'h0: dots <= 40'b00111110_01010001_01001001_01000101_00111110;
4'h1: dots <= 40'b00000000_01000010_01111111_01000000_00000000;
4'h2: dots <= 40'b01100010_01010001_01001001_01001001_01000110;
4'h3: dots <= 40'b00100010_01000001_01001001_01001001_00110110;
4'h4: dots <= 40'b00011000_00010100_00010010_01111111_00010000;
4'h5: dots <= 40'b00100111_01000101_01000101_01000101_00111001;
4'h6: dots <= 40'b00111100_01001010_01001001_01001001_00110000;
4'h7: dots <= 40'b00000001_01110001_00001001_00000101_00000011;
4'h8: dots <= 40'b00110110_01001001_01001001_01001001_00110110;
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4'h9: dots <= 40'b00000110_01001001_01001001_00101001_00011110;
4'hA: dots <= 40'b01111110_00001001_00001001_00001001_01111110;
4'hB: dots <= 40'b01111111_01001001_01001001_01001001_00110110;
4'hC: dots <= 40'b00111110_01000001_01000001_01000001_00100010;
4'hD: dots <= 40'b01111111_01000001_01000001_01000001_00111110;
4'hE: dots <= 40'b01111111_01001001_01001001_01001001_01000001;
4'hF: dots <= 40'b01111111_00001001_00001001_00001001_00000001;
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