Processing of Grain-Size Functionally Gradient Bioceramics For Implant Applications
Processing of Grain-Size Functionally Gradient Bioceramics For Implant Applications
Processing of Grain-Size Functionally Gradient Bioceramics For Implant Applications
This paper reports work on the processing of functionally gradient alumina bioceramics with
a continuously decreasing grain size across the thickness, with the view of ultimately utilizing
high-quality nano/ultra®ne powders only at the surface of an implant to provide superior
wear and mechanical properties. A model of disc geometry is used to examine the feasibility
of producing this brand of materials. Wet processing/ball milling and sequential slip casting
procedures were used to de-agglomerate alumina powders and deposit green layers of
varying particle sizes from 50 to 250 nm. Both pressure-less sintering and hot pressing were
evaluated as high temperature sintering/consolidation processes. The results indicate that
pressure-less sintering may not be suitable. Hot pressing, however, achieved very promising
results producing near fully dense product with a grain size that gradually changes across its
# 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers
Figure 2 Percent theoretical density for layers A±D, green, pressure less sintered at 1350 C for 120 min, hot pressed at 1350 C for 30 min and hot
pressed at 1400 C for 30 min.
theoretical density of each layer for all the processed measured to be 382 + 98 nm. It is believed that this grain
materials is presented in Fig. 2. It can be seen that hot size can be reduced to below 100 nm by increasing the
pressing was essential in achieving high densities which pressure during hot pressing which would result in a
is highest at 1400 C (30 min). The micrographs in Fig. 5 reduction in the required hot pressing temperature, [23]
clearly demonstrates that highly dense materials with a and also the addition of grain growth inhibitors. The
®nal grain size that increases from the surface inward grain sizes of all layers for all the processed materials are
have been successfully produced by hot pressing at summarized in Table I. It can be seen that hot pressing at
1400 C for 30 min. 1400 C for 30 min achieved a similar grain size in each
The average grain size in the surface layer was layer to that pressure-less sintered at 1350 C for 120 min
Figure 5 Grain-size functionally gradient alumina ceramic produced by hot pressing at 1400 C for 30 min.
while at the same time achieving near full density. Hot the original particle size is greatest for the 50 nm layers
pressing at 1350 C gave the best results in terms of grain (layer A) and least for the 250 nm layers (layer D).
size; however, the bulk density of this specimen was only The differences in grain size from one side to the other
95.6% of theoretical. It is well known that the grain can result in differences in strength and hardness (the
growth rate is inversely proportional to grain size [24]. smaller the grain size the higher the strength and
Accordingly, it is expected that after sintering or hot hardness according to the Hall±Petch equation).
pressing, the ®ner the original particle size the larger the Microhardness measurements were therefore conducted
relative grain growth experienced. This was observed for to probe into the mechanical response of our near full
all our processed materials where the ratio of the ®nal density (i.e. 1400 C hot pressed) processed material. It is
grain size after hot pressing or pressure-less sintering to well known that in general, wear resistance may increase
T A B L E I Effect of pressureless sintering and hot pressing on the grain size of individual layers
Process Temperature Time Final grain size Final grain size Final grain size Final grain size
( C) (mins) in layer A (nm) in layer B (nm) in layer C (nm) in layer D (nm)
sintering 1350 120 376 + 51 451 + 92 495 + 59 599 + 59
Hot pressing 1350 30 301 + 56 338 + 48 372 + 74 429 + 58
Hot pressing 1400 30 382 + 98 463 + 44 497 + 97 577 + 78
Figure 6 Micro-hardness as a function of distance beneath the surface of the 1400 C hot pressed disc, showing a smooth transition in the hardness
from surface to bulk layer (i.e. layers A±D, each layer * 1 mm).
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