T01 04 Gil-Martin - Hernandez-Montes - GNP2020

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GNP 2020 – Kolašin, Montenegro, 10-14 March 2020

Luisa María Gil-Martín1 and Enrique Hernández-Montes2



This paper presents the influence of the lever arm in the strength design of RC slabs.
The two widespread used methods in the ultimate strength design of RC slabs subjected to
bending and torsional moments: the Field of Moments approach and the Sandwich method are
considered in this work.
The Field of Moments method is based on Mohr´s circle representation of both capacity and
demand. Once the resisting moments for each reinforcement direction are obtained, the
necessary areas of steel are obtained independently.
The Sandwich method presents a general formulation in which the slab is divided in three
layers. The inner one (or core) is responsible to withstand the out-plane shear while the other
external actions are reduced to in-plane or membrane forces (per unit length) acting at the
middle surface of the outer layers. In the Sandwich method, the areas of reinforcement in
tension are obtained considering the same compression block for both directions of rebars.
In order to avoid iterations, some versions of the Sandwich method obtain the in-plane forces in
the outer layers of the slab using as lever arm the distance between top and bottom
reinforcement in each direction. In doing so, significant differences may exit with respect to
the original method in regard to the principal compressive force (per unit of length), Fc, and to
the tension forces per unit length in both reinforcement directions, Nreinf1 and Nreinf2.
Differences between the Field of Moments method and two versions of the Sandwich method
due to the adopted value of the lever arm are analysed in this paper.
The lever arm has been proven to be a key factor for the strength design of RC slab. Several
examples are presented.

Key words
Strength design, RC slabs, lever arm influence.

Professor. Department of Structural Mechanics, University of Granada (UGR). Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva
s/n. 18072 Granada, Spain, mlgil@ugr.es
Professor. Department of Structural Mechanics, University of Granada (UGR). Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva
s/n. 18072 Granada, Spain, emontes@ugr.es

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice


The Field of Moments method (henceforth FoMM) proposed by Wood-Armer [1,2] and the
Sandwich method (SM), proposed by Broundum-Nielsen [3] are two widespread methods for the
ultimate strength design of RC slabs subjected to bending and torsion.
The FoMM defines the strength of a RC slab subjected to bending and torsional moments
but does not consider neither shear nor axial loads. On the contrary, the SM allows for the ultimate
strength design of a slab subjected to bending moments, torque, in-plane shear, out of plane shear
and axial loads. The FoMM is based on the Johansen´s normal moment yield criterion [1,2] and
has a simple formulation based on continuous mechanics. In this method, the resisting moments in
both directions of reinforcement necessary to guaranty that the capacity of a slab is not exceeded in
flexure by loading are obtained. On the other hand, the SM considers the slab divided into three
layers. In the SM, external actions (except transverse shear forces, which are withstand by the
central layer [4]) are resolved into membranes forces in both reinforcement directions at the middle
surfaces of the outer layers. These methods have been included in software packages and
standards: CYPE [5] and Canadian Code [6] include the FoMM [1,2] whereas that SAP2000 [7]
and CEB-FIP 2010 Model Code [8] opt for the SM [3].
In this paper, it is going to be assumed that reinforcement of the slabs in both outer layer is
placed in two orthogonal directions and that the slab is not subjected to transverse shear.
The lever arm is a key factor in the strength design of RC slab. In this paper its influence is
studied. Several examples are presented.


The Wood-Armer [1,2] method uses the normal moment yield criterion proposed by
Johansen [9].
The applied moments expressed by the unit of length (external loading) to which the slab is
subjected can be seen in Fig. 1a, in which m11 and m22 are bending moments and m12 is a torsional
3 mR11

α mRn
1 m22 1.0
a) b)

Figure 1. a) Applied actions to the shell element indicating positive sign. Adapted from [7]. b)
Resisting moment along a yield line for positive field of moments.

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The normal applied moments per unit of length along the yield line is obtained from a
Mohr´s circle representation of the external field of moments (i.e. m11, m22 and m12). Regarding the
uniaxial ultimate flexural moment in the reinforcement directions -per unit of length of the slab-
(mR11 and mR22, respectively), the FoMM assumes that they are principal moments and a Mohr´s
circle representation is built based on them.
The normal resisting moments along a yield line whose external normal is at an angle α with
axis 1 is represented in Fig.1b.
Imposing that, at any point of the slab and for all directions [10], the normal resisting
moment of the slab is bigger or equal to the normal applied moment, for both positive and negative
field of moments, the resisting moments in the reinforcement directions are obtained as follow:
mR11  m11  m12 mR11  m11  m12
mR 22  m22  m12 mR 22  m22  m12 (1)
5 5 5field
5 5of moments
5 5 5F ENegative
5 5 5field
5 5of 5moments
5 5F

The uniaxial ultimate moment at yield lines per unit width, for each reinforcement direction,
and for both positive and negative fields of moments can be obtained according to standard
flexural strength theory [11]. In the Wood-Armer method [1,2], based on the Johansen yield
criterion [9], the reinforcement crossing a yield line is supposed to yield in simple tension. So,
once the design moments are known, the thickness of the compressed layer is obtained from
equilibrium of axial forces, and the required reinforcement area per unit width of slab in each
direction of reinforcement can be obtained by calculating the moment relative to the center of the
compression block (see stress diagram in Fig.2)[11] as:

As ,i f y
As ,i f y  f cd ccomp ,i  ccomp ,i 
f cd
 
mRi  As ,i f y  d i  0.5 ccompi   As ,i f y  d i  0.5 s ,i y
A f
 (2)
 f cd 
d i f cd  mRi 
As ,i   1  1  2 2  for i=11 and 22
fy  d i f cd 

ccomp  (comp) 

h d


εcu 0 εs,ten
. Stress Strain

Figure 2. Strain and stress distribution in standard strength theory (positive bending).

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice

In Eq. (2), fcd is the concrete design compression strength and fy the yield stress of the
reinforcing steel.


This method has been widely studied in relevant literature [8,10,11,18,27]. The SM
considers the slab composed of three layers, see Fig. 3. The outer layers are responsible for
resisting bending, torsion, axial force and in-plane shear loadings while the middle layer is
responsible for resisting the out-of-plane shear (Fig.3).
The thickness of the outer layers affects the level arm and so the membrane forces.
Hereafter, the mechanical covers are a fixed data.
The method proposed by Broundum-Nielsen [3] also assumes the yielding of all
reinforcements crossing a crack. However, authors [14-17] proposed a verification based on
deformations, similar to the strain compatibility carried out for the strength design of beams, to
apply to both reinforcement directions [15] in order to obtain the actual strain in the rebars.
The original SM [3] obtains the thickness of the compressed outer layer considering the
predominant bending moment while the middle of the outer layer tensioned corresponds to the
centroid of the tensioned reinforcement. In doing so, the in-plane forces in each outer layer are
obtained as:
m11 m m
N11   ; N 22   22 ; N12   12 (3)
d pred d pred d pred
with dpred as the distance between the centroid of the compressed layer due to the predominant
bending moment and the corresponding tensioned reinforcement.
Once the value of principal compressive force (per unit of length), Fc, is obtained from
equilibrium of a portion of outer layer defined by axis 1 and 2 and a unitary length crack that forms
an angle θ with 1- direction. See Fig. 4. The thickness of the compressed outer layer is obtained as
Fc divided by the concrete design compression strength:
 Fc
ccomp  with Fc  N12 Tan  Cot   (4)
f cd

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2 Ct1

1 h
N11(top) N22(top) db1
N12(top) N12(top)

h 2

N11(bot) N12(bot) Cb2

Figure 3. a) Membrane forces in a Slab Element - Sandwich model. b) Definition of variables

related to the location of the reinforcement in the outer layers. Adapted from [16].
N22Cosθ 2
N12Cosθ 2
1 Fc Cosθ Sinθ
 θ

Nreinf1Sinθ N11Sinθ
N11Sinθ Nreinf1Sinθ
N12Sinθ N12Sinθ

Figure 4. Equilibrium of a portion of outer layer of a slab. Adapted from [15].

When the thicknesses of the outer layers are known, the membrane forces can be calculated
and the forces in the reinforcement (per unit of length) in both directions, Nreinf1 and Nreinf2, can
be obtained from equilibrium in Fig. 4, as:
Nreinf1  N11  N12 Cot  and Nreinf 2  N 22  N12Tan (5)

SAP2000 [7] introduces a modification in the original SM [3] and calculates the equivalent
in-plane forces per unit of length of the slab in the covers (or outer layers) as indicated in Eq. (5)
instead of from Eq.(3), see Fig. 9b.
m11 m22 m12
N11   N 22   N12  
db1  dt1 db2  dt2 Min [ db1  dt1  ,  db2  dt2 ] (6)

Civil En g in eerin g – S cien ce a n d Pra ctice



In Eq. (2) 3 it is clear that in the FoMM [1,2] the lever arms and the necessary areas of steel
for each reinforcement direction are obtained independently. On the contrary, in the SM [8], the
lever arm is the same for both reinforcements of each outer layer (see Eqs. (3) and (5)).
Moreover, the thickness of the compressed block due to the predominant bending in the SM
[3] , given by Eq. (4), can be re-written as [3,14-16]:
 Fc N Tan  N12Cot   N reinf1  N reinf2    N11  N 22 
c   12  (7)
f cd f cd fcd
Expression (7) can be used for both top and bottom outer layers of the slab. Because the in-
plane compressive axial force when reinforcement is required in the opposite layer (i.e.: N 11 and/or
N22 in Figure 3) is negative (compression), the following is true:

N reinf1  N reinf2    N11  N 22 

N reinf1  N reinf2 
f cd fcd
Regarding the FoMM [1,2], the thickness of the compression block can be deduced from
Eq. (2), for both positive and negative bending, as:
As ,i f y N reinf,i
ccomp ,i   for i=1 and 2 (9)
f cd f cd

From comparison of Eqs. (8) and (9), it is clear that the depth of the compressed block
corresponding to the SM [3] is always greater than the one obtained from the FoMM [1,2].
Consequently, reinforcement yielding is more probable if the Wood-Armer method [1,2] is used
for the ultimate strength design of the slab. This is due to the fact that the underestimation of the
thickness of the compression zone leads to the overestimation of the lever arm of the internal
forces associated with the resisting moments.
The above is in agreement with remarks in [18], which state that the Wood-Armer approach
[1,2] can be unsafe for slabs in bi-axial bending due to the consideration of each set of
reinforcement independently.



As commented before, SAP2000 [7] set in advance the level arm, obtaining the membranes
forces from Eq. (6). Once the membrane forces are known, this commercial software applies
independently the SM to each reinforcement [8,23].
In order to quantify the influence of the lever arm (LA) in the strength design of RC slabs,
the lever arm in the slab of Table 1 has been modified as follow: both covers in the top layer (the
one compressed due to the predominant bending), Ct1 and Ct2 in Fig. 10, have been multiplied by a
parameter β. For convenience, in this case β varies from 0.05 to 2.00.

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Table 1. Example 1 of slab. Adapted from [16].

External actions: m11  100 kNm / m m22  250 kNm / m m12  50 kNm / m
h  300 mm f ck  30 MPa c
 1.5
Geometry of the slab: Ct1  Cb2  50 mm f yk  500 MPa  s
 1.15 
Ct2  Cb1  70 mm
𝜆=0.8 ϵcu=0.0035 (see Fig.2)
For the slab in Table 1, values of the principal compressive force (per unit of length), Fc,
and the tension forces per unit length in both reinforcement directions, Nreinf1 and Nreinf2, obtained
using the SM [3] with the membrane forces obtained form Eq. (6) have been plotted in Figure 5 as
a function of the level arm, LA. In Fig. 4 LA=Min [(hCb1 βCt1), (hCb2 βCt2)], see Fig. 3b.
Fc (kN)
-1000 Bottom layer (SAP2000) (BN)


Top layer
LA (m)
0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22

Nreinf (kN)

2500 Nreinf2(bot) β=1

(SAP2000) β=0.2
2000 (BN)
1500 Nreinf1(bot)


LA (m)
0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22

Figure 5. Influence of the level arm in the strength design of the RC slab of Table 1. a) Principal
compressive force in outer layers. b) Tension forces per unit length in both reinforcement

The lever arm corresponding to the procedure of SAP2000 [7] and the one obtained using
the SM [3] are indicated in Figure 5. This figure shows that the lever arm has a great influence in
the strength design of RC slabs.
As can be seen in Fig. 5, the application of the SM independent for each direction using the
membrane forces given by Eq. (5), as SAP2000 [7] does, leads to a significant increase of the
necessary area of reinforcement respect to the original method proposed by Broundum-Nielsen [3]
(around 60% in the case of slab in Table 4, see Fig. 5) [16].

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A clear difference exits between the way in which the depth of the compression block in the
slab is obtained. In the FoMM [6,7] a different depth is associated with each set of reinforcement,
leading to a lower thickness of the compression block than in the case of the SM [8], in which an
unique depth for both sets of reinforcement is considered. This is relevant because both the lever arm
of the internal forces and the strain at the reinforcement can be unsafely affected.
In order to avoid iterations, some attempts have been done of applying the Broundum-
Nielsen formulation [8] individually as in the software SAP2000 [7]. To do so the lever arm needs
to be set in advance. This approach must be applied with caution because it has been proved in this
paper the lever arm has a great influence of the strength design of RC slab.


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