https://doi.org/10.18280/jesa.520112 ABSTRACT
Received: 10 November 2018 The electrolysis process of water with electrolyte (NaOH) produces oxy-hydrogen (HHO)
Accepted: 7 January 2019 gas that can be used as an energy source to solve the shortage problem of fossil fuel and
reduces the environmental pollution. In this study, HHO dry cell generator was designed,
Keywords: fabricated and tested experimentally to investigate its performance. The hybrid internal
HHO gas, engine performance, gas combustion engines using HHO is considered one of the most important studied
emissions applications. The engine performance and gas emission are investigated for two different
engines; 150CC old engine with carburetor and 1300CC new engine with Electronic
Control Unit (ECU). The results recorded the consumption of the fuel is reduced by 14.8 %
for 150CC engine and 16.3 % for 1300CC engine. HHO gas reduced the emission gases by
33 % and 24.5 % reduction in CO and 27.4 % and 21 % reduction in HC for 150CC and
1300CC engines respectively.
1. INTRODUCTION HHO gas [16, 17]. All researchers in the field of hybrid vehicle
engines with HHO gas claimed lower fuel consumption,
World demand of energy is very high relative to the supply higher engine performance and lower gas emission than
amount from the traditional sources especially the fossil fuel individual gasoline or diesel engines [18-27].
which is considered the start point of world crisis [1-3]. By this way, Wang et al. [28] improved the performance of
Increase in fossil fuel consumption results in decreasing its gasoline engine by hydrogen-oxygen mixture addition. They
save amount, environmental pollution, global warming with compared the addition of hydrogen and hydroxygen with three
climate change and health thread impacts [4-6]. So researchers volume fractions (0, 2 % and 4 %) with excess air ratio
studied the fossil fuel usages, applications and claimed it can variation on the engine performance and engine emission at
be reduced by replacing it with another fuels and renewable 1400rpm and a MAP of 61.5kpa under lean conditions. After
energy sources or supporting it by secondary fuels as a hybrid adoption of ECU, the blending of hydroxygen with gasoline
system [7-11]. Hydrogen as a hybrid with fossil fuel; gasoline, engine results in higher percentage of the thermal efficiency,
diesel and LPG, had attention in research field and also the brake means effective pressure and NOx emission than the
commercially (BMW company) due to its combustion conventional engine and hybrid gasoline with hydrogen
advantages [12, 13]. Hydrogen has limited applications due to engine at lean conditions with lower CO emission.
its explosion nature causing a catastrophe. HHO gas is a EL-Kassaby et al. [29] designed, optimized and fabricated
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases with theoretical ratio HHO dry cell. They studied the effect of variation of the
2:1 produced from water electrolysis process. HHO gas used catalyst type and its quantity. They used two catalyst materials,
in the last years as a hybrid with internal combustion engine sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. The effect of
fuels instead of hydrogen due to it is safer in use with good HHO gas on the performance of Skoda Felicia 1.3 GLXi
combustion properties and easy to be created onboard. Oxy- (1300CC) engine and the exhaust gas emissions was studied.
hydrogen, hydroxyl, H2/O2, Rhodes gas and Browns gas, all They produced 18l/h of HHO gas from their designed
these are alternative names for HHO gas. Oxy-hydrogen gas is generator. The engine performance enhanced after HHO gas
considered a cornerstone in reducing the fuel consumption and addition with fuel such that 10% increase in thermal efficiency
at sometimes completely dispensed with as a cradle energy and 34%, 18%, 14% 15% reduction in fuel consumption,
source. HHO gas can be obtained from dry cell and wet cell carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides.
through electrolysis process [14]. Wet cell designed as plates Vemula [30] investigated the performance and emission of
submerged in water, while in dry cell the water runs through 149cc, 4stroke spark ignition single cylinder engine with HHO
the plate. Wet cells have higher gas production but it required gas at low engine speeds from 700 to 1500rpm. Specific fuel
more current nevertheless dry cell more adapted to operate consumption and total fuel consumption of the engine are
with moving engines since the electrolyte volume content is decreased from 5 % to 12 % with addition of HHO gas. Brake
smaller and sealed [15]. thermal efficiency increased by 5-10 %. Carbon monoxide
Electric power (amperage and voltage), metal plates decreased by 20 % and NOx decreased by 62 %. Rajasekaran
(charged terminals and neutrals); number, area and material, et al. [31] investigated 150CC single cylinder engine fueled by
electrolyte type and percentage; these are main components of gasoline engine and liquefied petroleum gas. This
HHO generator responsible for the electrochemical ionization investigation was extended to introduce HHO gas to these
reactions and splitting the bonds in H2O molecule to form engines. In both experiments the incorporation of HHO gas
results in decrease in fuel consumption and emissions. abnormal adsorption to gases, liquids and solids, making it to
Experimental results show introducing HHO to gasoline and be used as an additive to other fuel to improve the
LPG engines results in decrease in fuel consumption by 9.6 % environmental quality [37].
and 15.7 %, CO concentration reduction by 27.5 % and
52.1 %. Sunil Raj et al. [32] studied a single cylinder air cooled 2.2 General design and constructional parameters of HHO
100CC spark ignition petrol engine conducted by HHO gas. generator
They observed smooth and stable operation of the engine with
HHO gas and a reduction in carbon monoxide and Generally, HHO dry generator is composed of metal plates,
hydrocarbons percentage. stainless steel is preferred due to its good electrical, thermal
Musmar and Al-Rousan [33] studied the gasoline engine and physical properties, specifically stainless steel 316L is
emissions with effect of HHO gas. The tested engine was used in this study, with certain number and dimension
Honda G200 (197CC) and the measurements recorded at determined according to the design and the application.
different speed. Gasoline engine hybrid with HHO gas resulted Stainless steel is anti-corrosive metal with melting point 1375-
in increase of engine efficiency, reduction of NO and NOx 1400 oC.
about 50 %, reduction of CO concentration about 20 % and The plates are connected to the electric DC power source
fuel consumption reduction between 20 % to 30 %. Al-Rousan such that, for one stack generator, one plate has positive charge
[34] alone studied the same engine with two different sizes of (anode), one plate has negative charge (cathode) and the
HHO generators (B and C types). He defined the cell size as a reminders are neutral. Numbers of neutral plates is determined
ratio of cell surface area and piston area with optimum ratio according to the design in order to divide the source voltage
20:1, and the needed water volume is 1.5 times the engine equally between cells with reasonable value.
capacity. Every two successive plates formed a closed compartment
CI engines integrated with HHO gas was studied by Yilmaz with the aid of rubber gasket. The rubber gaskets ensure a good
et al. [35]; their results recorded an increase in torque by sealing of any plate to touch the neighbor plate and guarantee
19.1 %, a reduction in CO and Hydrocarbons (HC) emissions the water and gas existence inside the generator. Rubber has
percentage by 13.5 % and 5 % respectively and a reduction in thickness tolerance under pressure force with final thickness
specific fuel consumption by 14 %. Karagöz [36] studied the 3mm is reasonable to satisfy a convenient current resistance
diesel engine response to the introduction of different levels of and suitable space permitting the HHO gas to escape freely in
hydrogen [0 %, 40 % and 75 %] into intake manifold of engine. the required direction.
The tested diesel engine was single cylinder with volume The plates have down small holes for equalizing the water
1163CC and compression ratio 14.7 at 1300rpm engine speed level in the cells and to permit the electrons to flow under
and full load. Increasing hydrogen percentage results in voltage drop with small friction and heat generated. Also there
improvement of break thermal efficiency by 1.26 % and 2.1 %. are upper large holes permitting the gas to vent, these hole in
The percentage of decrease carbon monoxide 25 %, 60 % and uppermost to increase the surface area of contact with water
hydrocarbons 30 %, 60 % by using hydrogen as a secondary and to speed up the gas out. If the plate design has a rectangular
fuel were; also unusual decrease up to 70.7 % of smoke shape, then the smaller edge length is oriented to be the path
emission was obtained at 75 % hydrogen concentration. of HHO gas.
After these reviews, this work aims to shed the light on Generator has accessories: two acrylic end cover plates with
HHO gas through the design and fabrication of different thickness 12mm one of them has inlet water hole and the other
models of HHO gas dry generator. Also, enabling efficient, has outlet gas hole, bolts, washers, nuts, fittings, bubbler,
affordable and robust use of HHO gas generator for vehicle connectors, non-return valve, hoses and tank. The tank ensures
petrol engines (old and new). continuous feeding of electrolyte to the generator that
guarantee cooling of the generator. A bubbler is a container
partially filled with water and HHO gas is fed through its
2. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND PROCEDURES bottom, and obligatory rises through the water before
continuing its passage. The bubbler is important to avoid
2.1 HHO gas characteristics backfires from reaching the electrolyzer and is required for
drying and purification of HHO gas from water vapor before
HHO gas has the nature of implosion due to its atomic reaching to the power applications [38]. Non-return valve
structure, when a pure gas burned consequently the vacuum is between the electrolyzer and bubbler is safety essential in the
immediately formed causing this implosion. Flame backfire case.
temperature of HHO gas varied according to the receipting
materials. Open air gas flame temperature about 135 °C, 2.3 Operational parameters of HHO generator
applying the gas flame to the aluminum and brick causes
temperature to reach up to 702 °C and 1704 °C respectively. According to the required amount of HHO gas and available
HHO gas flame is awfully directional and the molecular electric power source the number of cells and stacks are
structure of some materials can be changed by HHO gas determined; also the effective area of the plates is calculated.
influence. Auto-ignition of HHO gas occurs at about 570oC at The number of cells and the electrolyte concentration has
STP. The theoretical energy level of HHO gas has about direct effect on cell voltage. The voltage of each cell can be
60,000 Btu/lb. HHO gas is odorless, colorless and lighter than calculated as the source voltage divided by the number of cells
air; it does not need oxygen for burning meanwhile the gas (from reviews; Faraday 1.24V, Brown 1.48V and Boyce 2-3V
internally contains the oxygen. Due to the wide range of for one cell) [38]. According to Boyce approximated 2V value
flammability and high burning velocity (1000 times of petrol for each cell make the generator working conditions are
vapor) the HHO gas permits the use of lean air-fuel mixture appropriated without heating.
with acceptable emissions and combustion efficiency. It has The gap between plates and the operation cell temperature
must be taken into consideration when cell amperage was efficiency of the electrolysis process. Number of plates, plates
evaluated. Pure water in default has a high resistance to current metal, plates dimensions, type of electrolyte and its
flow so this resistance must be decrease by adding certain concentration and distance between plates; all these design
amount of electrolytes. The concentration of the electrolyte in parameters professionally affects the efficiency, durability and
water highly affect on the cell amperage determination. During the productivity of HHO gas generators. The operational
the operation, if the electrolyte concentration slight increases parameters, pressure, temperature, amperage and voltage,
due to heat generation consequently the current increases in must be taken into consideration. Before installation of the
response. generator in any application its performance must be
The quantity of HHO gas depends on the water efficiency investigated individually. In this study, different generators are
to pass the current and the amount of current succeeded to designed, fabricated and tested; 5, 7, 9 plates single stack
travel through the plate surface area. Faraday highlight, each generators, 13 plates two stacks (2 negative and 1 positive
square inch of plate surface area can support 0.54 amps of plates) generator and 19 plates 3 stacks (2 negative and 2
current. Faraday's first law to calculate the theoretical positives plates) also 7 plates single stack generator was tested
maximum production of HHO gas [38]; with different electrolyte concentrations (sodium hydroxide,
NaOH), as shown in Figure 1. All these models were
(1) fabricated generally without targeted application but to
investigate the behavior of HHO generators and to evaluate
their performance to obtain the finger print of any generator.
where, V is volume of gas (l), R is ideal gas constant =
In each case the amount of HHO gas, amperage and
0.0820577 l.atm/(mol.K), I is current (A), T is temperature (K),
temperature were measured. Experimental measurements
t is time (s), F is Faraday's constant = 96485 Coulombs/mol, P
required; voltmeter, K-type thermocouple, clamp meter,
is ambient pressure (atm) and z is number of excess electrons
graduated cylinder, bottle and stopwatch. The amount of
(2 for H2, 4 for O2).
produced HHO gas is measured manually using water
displacement from bottle in the graduated cylinder and
2.4 Experimental work on HHO generators
The plates are fabricated from stainless steel 316L with
dimension 140×100×1mm. According to the design and
available power the number of active plates, neutral plates, and
number of stacks are determined. The thickness of the used
rubber gasket is 4mm between each two mean plates and
between the extreme plates and the acrylic cover. This
thickness with tightening the cell by nails and nuts was
decreased to 3mm. 12V battery was used as a power source.
According to Bob Boyce 2V average for each cell is a good
a- Materials required for b- 19 plates, 3stacks
electrical pressure value for durable working conditions.
generators construction (6cells)
Experimental test of 7 plates (6 cells) generator with different
electrolyte molarity is performed firstly to choose the most
suitable electrolyte concentration of the remaining
experiments. From the experimental results electrolyte
molarity 0.125 shows good efficiency so it is applied to all
generators. The average working time of each experiment is
approximately one hour. The experimental results are shown
in Table 1. The experimental set-up and showed results turn
out the reader for actually figuring out the pros and cons of the
c- 13 plates, 2 stacks (6
d- 9 plates, 1 stack (8cells) adopted systems.
cells) From the experimental measurements shown in Table 1, at
fixed cell voltage and plate area, the amperage is controlled by
Sodium Hydroxide (electrolyte) concentration.
It can be observed, a directly proportion relationship
between the electrolyte temperature and the cell amperage,
which is considered generator obstacle. The increased current
through the cell causes the generator become hotter which is a
closed loop results in bad efficiency [38]. The electrolyte
heating causes the increase of the electrolyte concentration
e- 7 plates, 1 stack (6 cells) f- 5 plates, 1 stack (4 cells) with time as the amount of NaOH is constant while the amount
of the water reduces due to evaporation. This problem can be
Figure 1. Photograph of different HHO generators and solved by reducing the concentration of NaOH in water at
construction materials starting such that after certain working time the electrolyte
temperature reached its maximum value and the designed
The design of HHO generators varies according to the current is reached. This solution is simple but the amount of
application, required energy from the output HHO gas, and HHO gas at starting is very low till reached the required
available electrical power. Every design has limited operating conditions, also the determined electrolyte
operational conditions and performance according to the concentration is evaluated by trials.
Table 1. Performance of different HHO generators and effect if molarity variations
Table 1 shows, from point of view of gas productivity to Sodium hydroxide, NaOH or lye, and potassium hydroxide,
used power ratio, 13 plates two stacks with 0.125 electrolyte KOH, are the best additives choices as catalysts. The
molarity had been preferred. The generator with 5 plates has percentage of the catalyst is a main factor in evaluating the cell
abnormal behavior due to the cell voltage has 3V which is very current. There is a boundary to this concentration percentage,
large value compared to the standard cell voltage that results the gas production increases with catalyst concentration until
in high temperature and amperage. The ambient temperature the limit 28 % (weight). Subsequently any increase in the
is considered a main factor in determining the resistance of the concentration produces a reduction in gas production. Every
water so it was measured in all tests. time of experimental preparations, start with water, add the
The plate area must be optimized such that the grater area catalyst slowly, stirring and let the mixture to cool between the
means the grater produced gas due to the enlargement in the additions [39].
probabilities of bubbles escaping from the plates but the
greater current is required that causing high power 2.6 HHO gas quantifications
requirement and heating the electrolyte. It is suggested that the
face area of the plates between 2 to 4 in2 per ampere of current The exhaust gases from the experimental tests were
[38]. The electrolyte heating is a bad effect as it drives a water analyzed in mass spectrometer. HHO gas is a combustible gas
vapor mixes with the gas and is fed to the engine, diluting gas composed of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases with
concentration and lowering the waited power from the hybrid volumetric ratio (stoichiometric) 66.66 % hydrogen to
engine with HHO gas. In the electrolysis process the liquid 33.33 % oxygen (2/3:1/3). HHO gas has abnormal behavior
water transforms to HHO gaseous state through a phenomenon since it is not composed of only hydrogen and oxygen but has
neither evaporation nor separation and with less energy. additional heavier species. Experimentally, HHO specific
weight is 12.3g/mol but numerically it has 11.3g/mol with
2.5 HHO gas generator corrosion 8.8 % difference in specific weight corresponds to 60.79 %
hydrogen (H2, 2 atomic mass unit (amu)) to 30.93 % oxygen
Distilled water has high current flow resistance, so if it used (O2, 32 atomic mass unit (amu)) and other heavier, high
alone as a working fluid in the electrolysis process no gas will reactive and stable species resulted from bonding of 5.87 %
be produced. However, catalyst materials (electrolytes) must hydrogen and 2.94 % oxygen [40].
be added to the distilled water to increase its conductivity. The
additive catalyst materials must be carefully chosen to avoid 2.7 Experimental work on hybrid internal combustion
any undesirable effects. Salts, as one of the proposed additive engines and HHO gas
to water, enhance the electrolysis rate but results in corrosion
and chlorine gas. The corrosion is clearly shown if a tap water The unconventional added fuel for the traditional internal
was used instead of distilled one, and its effect is tremendous combustion engines fuels speaks to lessening fuel utilization
if the materials of generator plates can be corroded or with low and toxin outflows emission created by these engines. This
grade. Figure 2 shows the cell corrosion after working 28 part of study aims to boost engines performance and to scale
hours under potential voltage 110V (to accelerate the back fuel consumption by combination the traditional gasoline
corrosion effect), tap water with salt as a catalyst and low engines with HHO gas at the engine intake. This application
grade stainless steel plates. Many substances can be used as a of HHO gas is considered one of the most important
catalyst of the water in the electrolysis process but large applications.
numbers of them have disagreeable influences. The experiments are performed on two engines; Dayune
150CC as old engine and Mitsubishi Lancer 1.3GL as new one,
the engines detailed specifications are shown in Table 2. In
order to show the effect of HHO gas, the performance of
engines with and without HHO generators are evaluated and
compared under constant load conditions with engines speed
variation from 1100rpm to 2500rpm for 150CC and from
1250rpm to 2500rpm for 1300CC. Bob Boyce prescribed the
optimum amount of oxy-hydrogen varied between 0.25 and
(a) Plates before (b) Generator after (c) Plates after 0.5 liter per minute for each 1000cc of engine [38]. So, the
corrosion corrosion corrosion tested engines capacity required 0.0375-0.075 l/min and
0.325-0.65 l/min of HHO gas for 150CC and 1300CC gasoline
Figure 2. Photos of generator corrosion engines respectively. From investigations and several trials,
Bob Boyce prescription of the optimum amount of oxy-
hydrogen required for each engine is valid for large engines principle each compartment of 150CC and 1300CC HHO
volume and not applicable to small engines. So, the required generators has 1.5V and 1.71V respectively. According to Bob
generators are 9 plates (140*100*1mm) one stack for 150cc Boyce the average voltage of any compartment must be around
and 13 plates two stacks each stack 7 cells for 1300cc 2V for optimum and durable operation. During the engines
(140*100*1mm). operation the battery alternator changes the voltage by range
from 13.5 to 14V. By this way, the compartment voltage
Table 2. Engines specifications becomes 1.71V and 1.96V respectively which are reasonable.
Mitsubishi Lancer
Dayun engine
Single cylinder, 4- 4 cylinders, 4 –
Engine type
stroke, air-cooled stroke, water-cooled
Start type Electric & kick Electric
150CC 1298CC
displacement (cc)
Naturally aspirated
Ignition system CDI
petrol 4G13
Bore 0.062 m 0.071 m
Stroke 0.0495 m 0.082 m
9.5:1 compression
Clearance volume 2.23168 x 10-5 m3
5 speed manual a- Dayun engine 150CC b- Dayun 150CC
No. of gears 5
Single cylinder straight
8.5 kW
Maximum power 55kW@6000rpm
Maximum torque 108Nm@3000rpm
13L with 20W50 50L, EFi fuel
Fuel tank capacity
fuel type system
d- Mitsubishi Lancer
c- Dayun 150CC
After the generators have been installed with engines, the 1300CC
average cell efficiency was recorded at different engine speed
and electrolyte concentrations. The cell efficiency depends on Figure 4. Photograph of the experimental setup of
the cell productivity of HHO gas with certain calorific value different engines with HHO generators
as cell output energy and the time of induced electrical power
as cell input energy. Figure 3 shows the effect of 1300CC HHO gas generator can work with old vehicle engines
tested engine speed (1500 and 2000rpm) and catalyst operated by carburetor and with modern vehicle engines
concentration (5, 10 and 20g/L) variations on average cell operated with computer (ECU). The performance of old
efficiency. Catalyst concentration 5g/L of NaOH gives higher vehicle engine enhanced immediately with HHO gas
efficiency at different engine speeds. incorporation with simple modification which is the changing
of the jet to a smaller diameter. Whenever, in modern vehicles
the system needs a lot of modifications to reasonably work
with HHO gas. Due to the combustion advantages of HHO gas,
it causes the improvement of gasoline burning in the engine
cylinder results in increase in engine performance. The vehicle
computer is guessing the same amount of oxygen in the
exhaust gases and increases the fuel rate to reach its normal
stabilized operation conditions. By this way HHO gas has no
improvement to the engine performance waiting the
adjustment of the vehicle computer. So, vehicle ECU is
connected to oxygen sensors to control the fuel consumption.
The range of the oxygen sensor 0.2-1V (low value means the
mixture is too lean) depending on the amount of oxygen in the
Figure 3. Average cell efficiencies with using different exhaust gases is transmitted to ECU to adapt the fuel rate. So,
NaOH concentrations at different engine speeds after HHO installation, the voltage output from the oxygen
sensor must be changed.
The installation of the generators with engines have certain There are some additional accessories must be incorporated
precautions such as, chose the place that exposed to air cooling with ECU and oxygen sensors to ensure the effect operation of
and away from heat engine and rotating parts as shown in HHO gas as shown in Figure 5. Mass air flow sensor (measure
Figure 4. HHO gas directed to engine through pipe fixed at the the amount of air in the intake and send the signal to ECU to
air intake manifold. Safety precaution requires connection of introduce fuel according to the corresponding air to fuel
flash back arrestor in the way of HHO gas from the generator mixture ratio), Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor (measure
to the air manifold of engine to separate the engine and the vacuum pressure in the intake and send the signal
generator in case of flash back. The two engines are controlled instantaneously to ECU according to this value), these sensors
by 12V battery and according to the voltage distribution
help the engine to operate properly and must be adapted in case content of the HHO/air/fuel mixture. Also, shorter combustion
of HHO gas to reduce the fuel consumption, influence ignition time and high flame speed results from HHO gas addition to
timing and increase the engine performance. In some cases, the gasoline engines results in high thermal efficiency and a
researchers preferred using Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer reasonable amount of combustion energy was transferred to
(EFIE) to emphasize the engine modifications and to ensure useful power. One of the supreme advantages of HHO gas, it
the reduction of fuel consumption with HHO gas but it increases the octane rating of any fuel added with it and so
increase the system complications. As shown in Figure 5, ECU enhances the characteristics of the low grade fuel and delays
has a great control function to save the consumed fuel and to its ignition to approach TDC in safe similar to the high octane
increase the mileage with HHO gas. The data of these sensors fuel.
are recorded during the experiments to show the state of fuel
consumption and the effect of HHO gas.
In all tests, the engine performance was recorded with and
without HHO gas and compared. Code reader diagnostic
scanner tool, tachometer (for engine speed measurement), K-
type thermocouple (for exhaust gas temperature measurement),
voltmeter, clamp meter and flow meter are equipment used in
experimental work. In all experimental tests, for both engine
cases, the ambient and engine temperatures are normal, the
engines were at idle states and the code reader diagnostic
scanner tool reading had no problem code.
Engine 150CC
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS OF ENGINES Figure 6. Break power efficiency (%) versus engine speed
PERFORMANCE WITH HHO GAS (rpm) with and without HHO
speeds with a reduction in the consumed fuel amount with In all tests, the temperature of the engines exhaust gases
addition of HHO gas to the engines. HHO gas helps the engine increases as the engines speeds increase nevertheless for
to reach the required power and mileage with smaller fuel engines with HHO gas the temperature is lower than the
amount. The reduction in fuel is approximately 14.8 % for conventional engine. Figure 10 records the exhaust gas
150CC and 16.3 % for 1300CC. Figure 9 shows, as the engine temperature and explains the reduction in case of engines with
speed increases the specific fuel consumption decreases while HHO gas. In each cases, as the engine speed increases the
for engines with HHO gas this decrease is obvious. The values exhaust gas temperature increases but with lesser amounts in
of specific fuel consumption for engines with HHO gas are case of HHO gas utilization due to the enhancement in the
lower than for the same engine without HHO gas at the same combustion with the formation of H2O as a combustion result
engine speed. that helps in decreasing the exhaust gas temperature. Also the
presence of HHO reduces the consumption amount of the fuel,
lean mixture phenomenon, causing a drop in the temperature.
Engine 150CC
Engine 150CC
b- Engine 1300CC
With the same previous steps, many real tests and trials with
different HHO generators, measurements and different
engines performance evaluation are performed experimentally
on different internal combustion engines. All experimental
results are recorded and adapted to increase the engines
performance. The results were promising and depend on the
engine year model and driver behavior as shown in Table 3.
3.2 Engine gas emissions and efficient fuel burning and results in the reduction of
emission percentages.
The exhaust gases are analyzed using gas analyzer for The unburned fuel, means hydrocarbons (HC), emitted with
engines without and with HHO gas. The results indicate a emission gases due to the incomplete burning. Figure 12
reduction in gas emissions for engines with HHO gas. shows HC is decreased as the engine speed is increased. HC
HORIBA automotive emission analyzer MX-002 (MEXA- percentage for engines blending HHO gas with air and fuel
324J) is an emission gas analyzer device used to measure the mixture was lower than the conventional engines. HC is
concentrations of CO and HC in the engine exhaust gases. The decreased due to the increase of the fuel oxidation; as oxygen
gas analyzer readings are shown in Table 4. That records CO is already exist with sensible percentage in HHO gas, which
and HC readings for 150CC and 1300CC engines with and results in fewer quenching distance, wide-ranging
without HHO gas. flammability and high combustion efficiency. The reduction
in HC percentage for 150CC and 1300CC with using HHO gas
Table 4. Gas analyzer readings of CO and HC emission are 27.4 % and 21 % respectively. By comparison with earlier
gases works [29 & 30] have the same engine volume but different
models, and approximately at the same test conditions, the
150CC engine present work for 150CC shows greater reduction in fuel
Emission without Reduction consumption and gas emissions but for 1300CC lower
with HHO
HHO percent % reduction in fuel consumption and higher reduction in gas
CO 2.45 % 1.64 % 33 % emission.
HC 985ppm 674 27.4 %
1300CC engine
Emission without Reduction
with HHO
HHO percent %
CO 0.57 % 0.43 % 24.5 %
HC 180ppm 142ppm 21 %
b- Engine 1300CC
Engine 150CC Figure 12. Hydrocarbons concentration (ppm) versus engine
speed (rpm) with and without HHO
Table 5. Uncertainty analysis
Engine speed Engine speed error Engine load Engine load error Engine power uncertainty
(rpm) (UES) (N) (UEL) (UEP)
Maximum engine
2500 ±50 100 ±1 ±0.41
Minimum engine conditions 1100 ±50 20 ±1 ±0.12
Cell current Cell current error Cell voltage Cell voltage error Cell power uncertainty
(A) (UI) (V) (UV) (UCP)
Maximum HHO cell
11 ±0.02 14.1 ±0.01 ±0.178
Minimum HHO cell
4 ±0.02 12 ±0.01 ±0.126
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