Autodesk Maya Tutorial - Character Animation
Autodesk Maya Tutorial - Character Animation
Autodesk Maya Tutorial - Character Animation
This tutorial goes through the steps to add animation controls to a previously modeled character.
The character in the scene below is wearing clothes made with Cloth and the scenery has been
created with Paint Effects.
The following topics are discussed:
Creating skeletons,
Using Smooth Skin to bind a model to a skeleton,
Adding IK chains for efficient character control, and
Combining custom attributes and Set Driven Key to automate character controls.
A Taste of Maya
An animated character
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Note: Before you start: This tutorial requires Maya scene files. If you haven’t installed the tutorial files go to the “Try
Maya” section of the “Taste of Maya” CDROM to install.
Starting Maya: You can start Maya by double-clicking the Maya 2.5 Evaluation icon on the desktop or from Start
→ Programs → Maya 2.5 Evaluation → Maya.
In Maya: Once the tutorial files have been installed you will need to set the current project in order to access the Maya
scene files. To set the current project from within Maya select File → Project → Set... and Navigate to the directory
where you installed the Maya scene files. Select the directory: Maya_tutorial_data and press OK.
1 Open the file
3 In the side view build leg joints with Skeleton → Joint Tool as shown below
n start at the hip and place a joint at the knee, ankle, heel, ball and toe of the leg. There should be five joints
in total.
When you have placed all five joints press enter to complete the leg.
Tip: Hold the x key when placing joints to snap to the grid.
Start joint
knee joint
ankle joint
ball joint
end joint
heel joint
2 A Taste of Maya January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Questions? visit Character Setup
Note: To see your Maya display as pictured, press 6 to transfer to textured mode and Shading → Shade Options → X-
4 In the front view move the leg over so that it matches the geometry of the right leg
n Press w to use the move tool.
n Click on the right arrow of the manipulator to constrain the movement to the x-axis.
Use the MMB to move the leg to fit in the geometry
If you want to change the joint display size select Display → Joint Size and choose a different size
5 In the side view build the back with Skeleton → Joint Tool as shown below
n Place the first joint slightly above the hip joint. There should be eight joints in total.
End joint
Start joint
6 In the top view build the right arm joints with Skeleton → Joint Tool as shown below
n The arm is made up of five joints starting at the clavicle.
January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms A Taste of Maya 3
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Character Setup Questions? visit
End joint
shoulder joint
8 Select the shoulder joint and rotate and scale it so that the bones are oriented correctly with the
9 Select the right clavicle joint and shift select the joint at the base of the neck and Edit → Parent
n The clavicle is the joint above the shoulder, closest to the spine.
4 A Taste of Maya January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Questions? visit Character Setup
n To select a joint you can click LMB directly on the joint or you can click LMB drag across the bone below
it. For example to select the elbow joint you would click LMB drag across the forearm bone
11 Parent the right leg to the back skeleton by selecting the right hip joint followed by the joint at
the base of the back and Edit → Parent
12 Create the left leg by selecting the right hip and Skeleton → Mirror Joint
Do not select the feet surfaces at this step. They will be bound to the skeleton in a later step.
n Shift-select the root joint of the skeleton
The root joint is the joint at the base of the back that all of the other joints branch off from. When it is
selected and you move it all the other joints in the hierarchy will move as well.
n Select Skin → Bind Skin → Smooth Bind.
Tip: Use the z key to undo any joint rotations so the character is in the previous pose or use Skin → Go to BInd Pose.
January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms A Taste of Maya 5
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Character Setup Questions? visit
Start by selecting the toe joint and then shift selecting the ball joint, heel joint, ankle joint and then knee
Tip: This selection may be done easily in the Hypergraph or the Outliner.
Shift-select the right foot geometry
5 Skin → Bind Skin → Smooth Bind p, and set the following options:
Bind to: Selected Joints
Note: Because the feet are so big, this will keep them from getting skinned to joints that they shouldn’t be associated with.
2 Activate the IK Handle tool with Skeleton → IK Handle Tool p, and set the following options:
Current Solver: ikRPsolver
IK Handles give you control over the motion of several joints at once. IK Handles allow you to move one
object (the IK Handle) and have several other objects (joints) change position by rotating. This allows you
to animate a skeleton quickly as you only need to control one or two IK handles to get create lots of
3 Click on the right hip joint followed by the right ankle joint to add an IK chain to the right leg.
Press the y key to repeat for the left leg.
Pressing the y key puts Maya back into the tool that was used last. In this case pressing y is the same as
selecting Skeleton → IK Handle Tool
6 A Taste of Maya January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Questions? visit Character Setup
4 Repeat for the arms by pressing the y key and clicking on a shoulder followed by the
corresponding wrist.
Tip: It is a good idea to rename the IK handles to keep the scene organized. Select an IK handle and rename it by clicking
on the name at the top of the channel box.
Note: Undo any transformations with the z key after you are finished testing.
January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms A Taste of Maya 7
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Character Setup Questions? visit
2 Select the right eye followed by the joint at the top of the head and Edit → Parent
4 Activate the IK Spline Handle tool with Skeleton → IK Spline Handle Tool, and click on the
stomach joint followed by the joint at the base of the neck
Note: You may test the IK Spline by selecting the IK handle and changing the value of the Twist attribute.
8 A Taste of Maya January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Questions? visit Character Setup
Note: The IK Spline is controlled by a curve. When you create the IK Spline, the curve will be parented to the skeleton. If
you select the curve and press F8 to change to component mode, you can move the CVs of the curve to control the
back further. Remember to press F8 when finished testing to return to object mode.
2 Select the root joint and Display → Object Components → Selection Handles
January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms A Taste of Maya 9
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Character Setup Questions? visit
Note: Selection Handles have the highest priority for selecting geometry. This means it will always be easy to select the root
Note: An extra attribute has now been added to the root joint. You should see it in the channel box.
5 Open the Set Driven Key window with Animate → Set Driven Key → Set p
Set Driven Key is a type of key available in Maya that allows you to connect an attribute from one object
to an attribute of another object. For example you could have a sphere and a cone. The sphere’s translate Y
could drive the scale Y of the cone. When you move the sphere in a defined range of values in the Y axis
the scale Y of the cone would change accordingly. To use the Set Driven Key window you need to have a
driver and a driven object to load. Once they are loaded you modify attributes on both the driver and driven
and key them with the key button in the Set Driven Key window.
7 Select the joint at the base of the neck followed by the joint at the base of the head and press
Load Driven
Click drag on the two driven joints and then on rotateX and press Key
base of head
base of neck
10 A Taste of Maya January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Questions? visit Character Setup
9 In the Set Driven Key window click on the Driver joint to activate it in the Channel Box and set
Head Turn to 10
If you click on the name of an object listed in the Set Driven Key window (either the driver or driven), it
will become the selected object and it’s attributes will show up in the Channel Box
10 In the Set Driven Key window click drag on the two driven joints to activate them and rotate them
about 30 degrees in X
You can use the rotate tool and constrain the rotation to the x-axis using the rotate manipulator or you can
type the value into the Channel Box.
12 In the Set Driven Key window click on the Driver joint to activate it in the Channel Box and set
the Head Turn attribute to -10
13 In the Set Driven Key window click drag on the two Driven joints to activate them and rotate
them about -30 degrees in X
Twisting the neck with Set Driven Key and a custom attribute
Note: You may test the setup by adjusting the Head Turn value between -10 and 10. To stop the arms from moving you may
keyframe the IK handles with s or turn Stickiness ON in the Attribute Editor under IK Handle Attributes.
January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms A Taste of Maya 11
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Character Setup Questions? visit
12 A Taste of Maya January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Questions? visit Character Setup
right_foot left_foot
Selection handles
n Only the following six nodes need to be animated: root, back, right_wrist, left_wrist, right_foot and left_foot.
n Keyframes can be set with s or with Animate → Set Key
January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms A Taste of Maya 13
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.
Character Setup Questions? visit
n Animation curves can be adjusted with Window → Animation Editors → Graph Editor...
n When setting keys, start with the root and feet nodes to block out the animation
The finer animation of the arms, back and feet rolling should be secondary
You can get a real-time playback with Window → Playblast
Note: There are other animation workflows covered in the Comic Book and Jellyfish tutorials.
You have now experienced how easy it is to prepare a character for animation in Maya. This includes the following
Creating joints and building skeletons,
Adding an IK chain to control arms and legs,
Using the IK Spline to the back for smooth and organic control,
Making custom attributes for finer control,
Set Driven Key to create relationships between nodes to simplify character control, and
Some basic animation concepts in Maya.
Character setup and animation can be very complex topics to cover. Alias|Wavefront offers a Character Animation
course that explores these topics in depth. For more information go to (Express Link to
14 A Taste of Maya January 2000, Alias|Wavefront, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited. All rights reserved. By using this tutorial, you have agreed to the terms
and conditions which can be found in the setup.exe file in the Install Tutorials folder of the Taste of Maya CD-ROM.