Scilab Familiarization
Scilab Familiarization
Scilab Familiarization
1. Objective(s):
This activity aims to familiar with the various basic features of Scilab.
2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
At the end of this activity, the student shall be able to
1. Explore the basic features of Scilab
2. Define a function and plot it
3. Discussion
Scilab is an open source, cross-platform numerical computational package and ahigh-level, numerically
oriented programming language. It can be used for signal processing,statistical analysis, image
enhancement, fluid dynamics simulations, numerical optimization, andmodelling, simulation of explicit
and implicit dynamical systems and (if the corresponding toolboxis installed) symbolic manipulations.
Scilab is one of the two major open-source alternatives to MATLAB, the other one being GNUOctave.
Scilab is similar enough to MATLAB that some book authors (who use it) argue that it is easy to transfer
skills between the two systems. Scilab however puts less emphasis on(bidirectional) syntactic
compatibility with MATLAB than Octave does.
4. Resources:
To perform this activity, a computer workstation with Scilab is required. The control systems toolbox is
5. Procedure:
NOTE: Install Scilab. Scilab is numerical computation software that anybody can freely download.
Available under Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, Scilab can be downloaded at the following address:
It is possible to come back at any moment with the keyboard's arrow keys ← ↑ → ↓ or with the mouse.
The left and right keys are used to change the instructions and the up and down keys are used to come
back on a previously executed command.
Preferences (in Scilab menu under Mac OS X) allows you to set and customize colors, fonts and font
size in the console and in the editor, which is very useful for screen projection.
Clicking on Clear Console clears the entire content of the console. In this case, the command history is
still available and calculations made during the session remain in memory. Commands that have been
erased are still available through the keyboard’s arrow keys.
To interrupt a running program, you can:
• Type pause in the program or click on Control> Interrupt in the menu bar (Ctrl X under Windows and
Linux or Command X under Mac OS X), if the program is already running. In all cases, the prompt “ --> “
will turn into “ -1-> “, then into “ -2-> “…, if the operation is repeated.
• To return to the time prior to the program interruption, type resume in the console or click on Control >
• To quit for good a calculation without any possibility of return, type abort in the console or click on
Control > Abort in the menu bar.
The editor
Typing directly into the console has two disadvantages: it is not possible to save the commands and it is
not easy to edit multiple lines of instruction. The editor is the appropriate tool to run multiple instructions.
Any file can be saved by clicking on File > Save as.
The extension “ .sce “ at the end of a file name will launch automatically Scilab when opening it (except
under Linux and Mac OS X).
Online help
To access the online help, click on ? > Scilab Help in the menu bar, or type in the console:
PART 2 Solving Differential equations
Course: ECE 006 Experiment No.: 1
Group No.: Section: EC51FB1
Group Members: Date Performed: 05/13/20
Monville, Christian B. Date Submitted: 05/13/20
Parilla, James Karl G. Instructor:
Tavares, Karl Andrei A. Engr. Sheila Valondo
6. Data and Results:
7. Conclusion:
Monville: Based on the experiment made, Scilab can be used as a substitution to the MATLAB software.
It being a freeware, it is more accessible to everyone who doesn’t have the means to buy a license for
use. Scilab is useful for anyone who needs a software for calculations, and who needs a graphical
interpretation or the plot of a given equation. Using this software, our group were able define a function,
execute ODE and plot the integral of the given function.
Parilla: While familiarizing the Scilab simulator, it was hard for me because it is a new environment.
There is a lot of setting, features and command to be used and i am not familiar yet in its programming
language. It was a challenge because while I'm trying the example there's some error but in the end it
works. Also I was able to explore the various basic features of Scilab and define a function then plot it.
I can therefore conclude that Scilab could help us in a lot of areas like signal
processing,statistical analysis, image enhancement, fluid dynamics simulations, numerical optimization,
andmodelling, simulation of explicit and implicit dynamical systems.
Tavares: In conclusion it was quite complicated to identify the each tools but using Scilab displays a new
way to represent the practice of manipulation of vectors, matrixes, functions, graphs and etc. It promotes
user friendly numerical computations to elaborate data computations and programming graphics. It gives
a lot strong possibilities and utilization for some problems.
LEARNING 1 2 3 4 Points
The program returns
Create a A program for The program works
The program works, results that are
program that will electrical system was but the results are
the results are expected and with
simulate the created but does not doubtful or are
credible but the little or no variation
performance of work or results vary inconsistent when
interface is difficult to from reality and with
electrical system significantly from trials are repeatedly
use user friendly
(MP 1) reality done
Determine the
effect of
component The data gathered
An investigation was A sufficient amount The data gathered
values of was analyzed very
made but contains of data were was analyzed but
electrical system well and valid
insufficient data or gathered but was not does not support the
to the conclusions were
limited trials. synthesized properly. conclusions made.
performance of drawn.
the system
(MP 1)
Total Score
Mean Score = (Total Score /2)