Non Performing Assets and Profitability of Scheduled Commercial Banks

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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)

e- ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 19, Issue 9. Ver. VIII (September 2017), PP 01-11

Non Performing Assets and Profitability of Scheduled

Commercial Banks
*Fareed Ahmed1 & Dr. Akhilesh Tripati2
(Research Scholar, SOM, Poornima University, Jaipur,
India) Chief Manager, SBI, Jaipur
Corresponding Author: *Fareed Ahmed

Abstract: Since the global financial crisis of 2008-09, the asset quality and profitability of Indian banking
deteriorated. The Gross NPA ratio rose sharply to 7.5% in FY16 compared to 2.2% in FY09. Once the account
is classified as NPA, income from NPA is not recognized on accrual basis and the unrealized interest that was
taken to Profit and Loss account on accrual basis shall also be reversed as the policy of income recognition.
Operational effectiveness of the banks is affected by the quality of advances, which in turn has an impact on the
profitability, cost effectiveness, liquidity, and solvency position of the banks. Hence, an attempt was made to
study the impact of NPAs on the bank’s performance. Data was collected on Scheduled Commercial Banks in
India from RBI reports, and simple correlation and regression applied in order to establish linkages between
selected variables—Profit, ROA, ROE, Cost to Income ratio and Provisions, and NPA. The results of statistical
analysis indicate that NPAs have insignificant inverse relationship with profit, significant negative impact on
ROA, ROE, and a significant positive impact on Cost to Income ratio and Provision. As such, NPAs put
detrimental impact on the bank’s performance.
Keywords: Cost to Income Ratio, NPA, Provisions, ROA, ROE
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Date of Submission: 16-09-2017 Date of acceptance: 28-09-2017
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I. Introduction
The growth story of Indian banking industry is quite interesting and fascinating both in terms of
extensive branch network spread across the country and wide range of services to the clientele over the years.
The post reform era has brought many changes in accounting standards like introduction of Asset Classification
and Income Recognition. One of the major challenges the banking industry is facing is mounting Non Performing
Assets (NPAs). The NPAs is an important prudential indicator to assess the financial health of the banking sector.
During the last five financial years, from April 2011, there was an alarming increase of distressed assets of the
Indian banks. The gross NPAs of Scheduled Commercial Banks reached an alarming figure of ₹611948 crore,
amounting to 7.6% of total advances as at March 2016. Besides NPAs, the restructured standard advances
accounted for 3.9% of total advances, thus overall the stressed advances rose significantly to 11.5% of total
advances as at end March 2016.
Among the bank-groups, Public Sector banks are particularly struggling with high NPAs and they
continue to face the dual problem of significant asset quality stress and inadequate capitalization, which impact
the growth. They continue to have distinctly higher stressed advances at 14.5% of total advances. The huge NPAs
and their continued unmitigated increase in absolute terms have had an adverse impact on the banking system and
hence an attempt has been made in this paper to assess the impact of NPAs on bank performance.

Non-Performing Asset (NPA)

An asset becomes non-performing when it ceases to generate income for the bank. Earlier, a non-
performing asset was defined as a credit facility in respect of which the interest or instalment of principal or both
have remained due for a specified period of time, which was reduced from four quarters to one quarter in a
phased manner. Due to the improvements in the payment and settlement system, recovery climate, upgradation of
technology in the banking system, etc., it has been decided to dispense with past due concept with effect from
March 31, 2001. With a view to moving towards international best practices and to ensure greater transparency, it
has been decided to adopt the 90 days overdue norms for the identification of NPAs from the year ending March
31, 2004. Banks are required to categorize non- performing assets further into three categories on the basis of the
period for which the asset has remained non-performing and the reliability of the dues: Sub-standard Assets,
Doubtful Assets, and Loss Assets.
Substandard Assets

DOI: 10.9790/487X-1909080111 1 | Page

Non Performing Assets and Profitability of Scheduled Commercial
With effect from March 31, 2005, a sub-standard asset would be one, which has remained NPA for a period less
than or equal to 12 months. Such an asset will have well defined credit weaknesses that jeopardise the liquidation
of the debt and are characterised by the distinct possibility that the banks will sustain some loss, if deficiencies
are not corrected.
Doubtful Assets
With effect from March 31, 2005, an asset would be classified as doubtful if it has remained in the sub-standard
category for a period of 12 months. A loan classified as doubtful has all the weaknesses inherent in assets that
were classified as substandard, with the added characteristic that the weaknesses make collection or liquidation in
full – on the basis of currently known facts, conditions and values – highly questionable and improbable.
Loss Assets
A loss asset is one where loss has been identified by the bank or internal or external auditors or the RBI
inspection but the amount has not been written off wholly. In other words, such an asset is considered
uncollectible and of such little value that its continuance as a bankable asset is not warranted although there may
be some salvage or recovery value.

II. Provisioning
In conformity with the prudential norms, provisions should be made on the NPAs on the basis of
classification of assets into prescribed categories. Taking into account the time lag between an account
becoming doubtful of recovery, its recognition as such, the realisation of the security and the erosion over time
in the value of security charged to the bank, the banks should make provision against substandard assets,
doubtful assets and loss assets and banks were also asked to make provisions towards standard advances as
prudent measures.

III. Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to assess the impact of NPAs on the performance of Scheduled commercial banks.

IV. Review of Literature

This section covers a snapshot of the previous studies on impact of NPAs on the financial performance
of the banks, by various researchers. A high level of NPA puts strain on a bank net worth because banks are
under pressure to maintain a desired level of Capital Adequacy and in the absence of comfortable profit level,
banks eventually look towards their internal financial strength to fulfill the norms thereby slowly eroding the net
worth. (Barge, 2012) [1]
NPA affects the profitability, liquidity and competitive functioning of Public and Private Sector Banks
and finally the psychology of the bankers in respect of their disposition towards credit delivery and credit
expansion. In a study examining the impact of NPAs on profitability and other financial parameters in selected
public sector banks in the state of Haryana, it was concluded that impact of NPAs on the performance of the
banks is manifold. „Profitability‟ is the worst affected by NPAs followed by „Credit deployment and investment
policy‟, „Achievement of capital adequacy ratio level‟ and reduction in „Productivity‟. (Chhikara, 2007) [2]
One of the studies investigated the impact of asset quality on performance of the private commercial
banks in India. The relationship between the asset quality management proxies and profitability nexus were
precisely examined. The results showed that a bad asset ratio is negatively associated with banking operating
performance, after controlling for the effects of operating scale, traditional banking business concentration and
the idle fund ratio. (Chisti, 2012) [3]
Researchers [4] (Aziz, Ibrahim, & Kamaruddin, 2009) focused on the relationship between profitability
performance including Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM) against
NPLs and loan recovery income for four banks in Malaysia. The test indicated that there is a significant impact
of NPLs on profitability performance for foreign banks whereas for local banks it depends on the individual
bank. It was also observed that NPAs result in loss of interest income, the current profit is reduced, as banks
have to make provision for NPA. Capital adequacy ratio is also affected as it is directly related to the quality of
assets. It also affects the liquidity position of bank as also recycling of funds due to asset liability mismatch.
Banks at times have to borrow at high cost to fulfill their commitment/obligations, which increases the cost of
funds. The credit rating of the bank also gets affected due to high NPA and consequently business prospects in
the country and abroad. (Vora, 2007) [5]
Some studies also dealt with the concept of NPAs, its magnitude and impact. The profitability of all
public sector banks affected at very large extent when NPAs work with other banking strategic variables and
also affect productivity and efficiency. It has shown that the NPAs and profitability and productivity are
negatively related. Statistically results revealed that the present level of NPAs in public sector banks affects
fifty percent profitability of the banks and its impact has increased at very large extent when it works with other
strategic banking variables. The high value of co-efficient of determination shows high degree of explanation of
variability in the productivity and efficiency of public sector banks in terms of business per employee and
operating profit per employee. (Yadav, 2011) [6]
V. Methodology
The study relates to Scheduled Commercial Banks and covering the period from 2008-09 to 2015-16
(Eight years). Over the past seven years since the global financial crisis (2008-09), the Indian banking sector has
depicted a distinct performance. Hence 2008-09 is selected as base year. The main sources of secondary data
used in the study are from Statistical tables relating to banks, RBI Bulletin, RBI Reports, etc. Simple correlation
and regression tests have been carried out. In order to identify the strength of relationship between selected
independent and dependent variables and NPA, R2 value is computed. To assess the significance of regression
equation, we calculated F-value. To examine the statistical significance of selected independent variables on
NPA, t-test is computed.

VI. Findings and Discussions

The gross non-performing advances (GNPAs) of Scheduled Commercial banks continued to display
increasing trend and increased by 9 times in 7 years from ₹68328 during the year 2009 to ₹611948 crores during
the year 2016. The GNPA ratio of all SCBs sharply increased to 7.6% as of March 2016 compared to 2.2% in
2009. Looking at the y-o-y growth of GNPAs there has been a significant rise in FY16. The annual rate of growth
in gross NPAs which was 21.34 % in 2009 and fluctuated during the study period and stood at 88.70 % in 2016.

Impact of NPA on Banks‟ Performance

The NPAs have adverse impact on various parameters of bank performance. These are discussed below:

Asset (Credit) contraction

The increased NPAs put pressure on recycling of funds and reduce the ability of banks for lending more NPAs
constitute a real economic cost to the Nation in that they reflect the application of scare capital and credit funds
to the unproductive uses. The funds locked up in NPAs are not available for productive uses or recycling. As
such this staggering proportion of gross NPA of ₹611948 crore as at end of March 2015 are not available for
deployment and multiple credit creation process.

Provisioning requirement
Provisions towards NPAs are regarded as a controlling mechanism over expected loan losses. There is an effect
on the Balance Sheet of the bank since NPAs need to be provided for and prudential regulation and accounting
standards provide specific guidelines for loan loss provisioning in the banking industry and banks have to
provide provisions ranging from 15% to 100% depending on the category of NPAs. So, hard earned money from
Performing Assets has to be diverted towards meeting the provisioning needs of NPAs and eventually NPAs to
be written off against capital and reserve. If adequate provisioning is not made against NPAs, it will impair the
Bank‟s capital base, thus reducing the protection available to depositors. The details of provisions made
towards NPAs and cumulative provisions held at the end of each year are furnished in Table No. 2 The net
provisions made during the period 2009-2016 have shown fluctuating trends. NPAs put detrimental impact on
the profitability as banks stop to earn income on one hand and attract higher provisioning compared to standard
assets which have direct bearing on the profitability of the banks.

Impact on Income
 Interest Income
Non-performing Assets do not generate income as interest to be accounted only on receipt basis and moreover,
if advances become NPAs as at close of any year, the unrealized interest accrued and credited to income
account, should be reversed or provided for. Apart from this, uncollected fees, commissions and other income
that due to any circumstances have accrued in NPAs during past periods should be reversed or provided for.
When a bank does not really receive interest, there is loss of flexibility and the bank loses the opportunity to
redeploy the income stream for a better purpose. Banks are losing interest income of about ₹ 46812 crore a year
(Average yield@ 10% on average Gross NPA of ₹468124 crore during 2015-16).
 Burden of Provisions and Write off
Besides interest loss, banks profitability is affected adversely because of providing of doubtful debts and
consequent to writing it off as bad debts. SCBs have lost an income of ₹494000 crore on account of NPAs
during the study period. (Table. 2-4).
 Return on Assets
Return on assets is defined as net profit divided by average total assets. It gives an idea of the efficiency of the
management in using its assets to generate earning by measuring a banks profit per currency unit of assets. This
is the main indicator of profitability used in international comparisons and it is one among the guidelines of RBI
for performance analysis of banks. NPAs reduce earning capacity of the assets and thereby Return on Assets
(ROA) also gets affected. It may be noted that the SCBs have registered lower returns on assets after global
crisis and shown decreasing trend during the period 2009 to 2016 except the year 2011. The performance of the
banks is said to be good if the ROA exceeds 1.25 %. The average return on assets of the SCBs is 0.93% for the
study period with minimum ROA of 0.40% during the year 2016 and a maximum of 1.10% during 2011. SCBs
are losing interest income on GNPAs and on realization of which, SCBs could have improved average ROA of
SCBs for the study period by another 70 basis points to make it 1.63 (Table-5).

Return on Equity
Return on Equity is an indicator of the profitability of banks from the shareholders point view. It is a measure
of accounting profits of book equity capital. The price of shares largely depends upon ROE, in the absence of
speculation. The ability of the banks to attract fresh capital in the market depends upon this indicator. The ROE
of all scheduled commercial banks has decreased during the period 2009 to 2016 in consonance with the
profitability and exhibited almost similar trends as that of ROA. The average ROE of the SCBs 11.86 % for the
study period and it could have been 22.16 % on realization of income lost. (Table-5).

Cost to Income ratio

The ratio reflects the ability of a bank to generate revenue from its expenditure. It captures the impact of off-
balance sheet operations and is, thus, a better measure of efficiency than the cost to assets ratio. The Cost to
income Ratio has increased from 44.68% in 2009 to 47.35 % in 2015 indicating poor efficiency. However, as
per the international best practice norm, banks should strive to achieve cost-income ratio of less than 35%.
Therefore, SCBs in India, with the cost to income ratio of 47.35% (2016), needs to cover a lot of ground to
achieve international competitiveness and meet the best practice norm in rendering banking services (Table-5).

Operational Cost
The operational cost of the banks will increase due to increase in the NPAs. Monitoring cost of the NPAs is too
high. Both the preventive and curative measures for reducing the NPAs attract high expenses. The NPAs in one
hand ceases to generate any income from interest and on the other hand it creates loss on account of cost
towards effective management of NPAs.

Banks are in a business where liquidity is of prime importance. Increasing NPAs not only critically affect the
liquidity of the banks but also force the banks to maintain more liquid assets thereby increasing cost. As fund is
blocked in bad assets the bank is bound to borrow money or mobilize deposits for the shorter period of time in
order to maintain minimum cash in hand which results additional cost to the banks. The lending capacity of the
banks is adversely affected due to their inability to recycle the resources. Hence, every time NPAs increase,
deposits are mobilized to fund the incremental NPAs thereby increasing interest expenditure. As per RBI
guidelines, banks have to maintain the minimum amount in statutory reserve ratios SLR and CRR (Presently
SLR and CRR of 20 % and 4% respectively). So, the banks not only have to fund the NPAs but for every ₹100
of such assets, banks have to mobilize about ₹132 resources to meet statutory reserve requirements.

Solvency and Capital Adequacy

Since the loans and advances issued by the banks is a principal part of the net assets, loan defaults are a primary
cause of potential losses. The solvency of a bank is exhibited by Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) which is
directly related to quality of assets. The CAR is defined as the ratio between the total banks capital and its risk-
weighted assets. The CAR reveals the health and solvency position of a bank. NPAs have adverse impact on
CAR. Decline in the profitability and liquidity ultimately affects the solvency position of the banks.

Liability Management
In the light of high NPAs, Banks tend to lower the interest rates on deposits on one hand and likely to levy
higher interest rates on advances to sustain NIM. This may become hurdle in smooth financial intermediation
process and hampers banks‟ business as well as economic growth.

Reserves and Surplus and Net worth

As there is reduction in the net profit on account of NPAs, the Reserves and Surplus and Net worth also get
adversely affected.

Shareholders‟ Confidence
Normally, shareholders are interested to enhance value of their investments through higher dividends and
market capitalization which is possible only when the bank posts significant profits through improved business.
The increased NPA level is likely to have adverse impact on the bank business as well as profitability thereby
the shareholders do not receive a market return on their capital and sometimes it may erode their value of
investments. As per extant guidelines, banks whose Net NPA level is 5% & above are required to take prior
permission from RBI to declare dividend and also stipulate cap on dividend payout.

In the context of severe competition in the banking industry, the banks with high NPAs at disadvantage for
leveraging the rate of interest in the deregulated market and securing remunerative business growth in the
competitive money and capital markets, inability to offer competitive market rates both to depositors and

Public Confidence
Credibility of banking system is also affected greatly due to higher level NPAs because it shakes the confidence
of general public in the soundness of the banking system. The increased NPAs may pose liquidity issues which
is likely to lead run on bank by depositors. Thus, the increased incidence of NPAs not only affects the
performance of the banks but also affect the economy as a whole.

There is a perceptible change in the complexion of banks since when the prudential norms came into force. The
SCBs have developed a tendency to expand investments in preference to credit. This change has an adverse
impact on the performance of the economy with cascading effects as flow of credit towards the productive
ventures for creation of assets, employment etc., has not been at the desired level.

Economic Value added

Economic Value Added or EVA is a tool that bankers can use to measure the financial performance of their bank.
EVA has only been used in the U.S. banking industry since 1994 and is not as well-known as other measures of
bank performance. As developed by Stern Stewart & Co., EVA in 1989 is calculated as a company‟s “net
operating profit after taxes” (NOPAT) minus cost for the equity capital employed by the company. The cost of
equity capital employed by a company is equal to the company‟s equity capital (reported on its balance sheet)
multiplied by a percentage return that the company‟s shareholders require on their investment. Expressed as a
formula: EVA=“Net Operating Profit after Taxes” – (Capital x% WACC).

So, the economic value addition (EVA) by banks gets upset because EVA is equal to the net- operating profit
minus cost of capital on account of NPAs. When the return on equity is less than the cost of equity, the negative
spread leads to a negative EVA.

Market Value Added (MVA)

Market value of invested capital refers to the market value of equity capital and debt capital, but the market
value of debt is not easily available, as debts are not generally traded. Thus, the definition of MVA can be stated
MVA = Market Capitalisation -Net worth.
Where, Market Capitalisation is the product of closing share price and number of outstanding shares as on that
date ((i.e.) date of Balance sheet).
As the advance becomes NPA, it ceases to earn interest income and major income of public sector banks is
interest income on advances as compared to private sector banks, which will have generally a good contribution
of Non-interest income in their income. As such loss of interest income by Public Sector Banks will have
impact on their share values

Statistical Analysis
In order to examine the relationship and impact of NPAs have with certain variables like Net Profit, ROA, ROE,
Cost to Income Ratio, and Provisions, Simple correlation and regression tests have been carried out and the
results are discussed in the following paragraphs. In order to identify the strength of relationship between
dependent variables and NPA, R2 value is computed. To assess the significance of regression equation, we
calculated F-value. To examine the statistical significance of NPA on dependent variables t-test is computed.

Impact of NPAs
Impact of NPAs on Net Profit
H1: There is no significant relationship between NPA and Net profit.
NPAs explain only 12 % of variation of net profit of SCBs as shown by the R2. Therefore, this means that some
other factors not included in this model explain 88% of net profit of SCBs. The relationship is negative and the
regression coefficient (-) 0.038, is tested through the „t‟ test and the results show that it is insignificant as the p-
value is greater than the significance level (0.402>0.05). It reveals that NPA has insignificant negative effect
on Net profit of SCBs. Hence, the hypothesis that there is no significant impact of NPAs on Net profit is
accepted.Net Profit consists of income earned by the banks, which includes interest income & other non-interest
income. Since the total advances are increasing so interest income is increasing and there is continuous increase
in non-interest income which are responsible for insignificant negative impact of NPAs on profits.

Impact of NPAs on ROA

H2: There is no significant negative impact of NPA on ROA.
Analysis indicates NPAs explain 97 % of return on assets of SCBs as shown by the R2. The findings show that
there is an inverse relationship between NPAs and ROA and it is statistically significant as the p-value is less
than the significance level (0.000<0.05) and the coefficient value is (-)0.134. It reveals that NPA has negative
significant effect on ROA of SCBs and hence we reject the hypothesis. Therefore, it is evidently proved from
the analysis that GNPAs have an inverse impact on ROA of banks, that means the bank can have an increasing
trend of ROA by the effect of the declining trend of GNPAs ratio (Table-7).

Impact of NPAs on ROE

H3: There is no significant negative impact of NPAs on ROE.
The NPLs explain 96.7% of return on equity of SCBs as shown by the R2. The findings show that there is an
inverse relationship between NPAs and ROE and the coefficient value is (-) 1.963, which is statistically
significant as the p-value is less than the significance level (0.000<0.05) It is concluded that NPA has significant
effect on ROE of SCBs and results confirm that there is significant negative impact of NPAs on ROE contrary
to hypothesis.

Impact of NPAs on Cost to Income Ratio

H4: There is no significant positive impact of NPAs on Cost Income Ratio.
The variation to extent of 79% in Cost to Income Ratio of SCBs was explained by the NPAs as shown by the R2.
The relationship is positive and statistically significant as the p-value is less than the significance level
(0.003<0.05). A unit increase in NPLs would lead to a 0.50 units increase in Cost to Income Ratio of SCBs.
This indicates that NPA has significant effect on Cost Income Ratio of SCBs and increase in NPAs lead to cost
inefficiency in the SCBs (Table-9).

Impact of NPAs on Provisions

H5: There is no significant positive impact of NPAs on Provisions.
The non-performing loans explain 98.6% of provisions of SCBs as shown by the R 2. It is observed that there is
significant positive relationship as the p-value is less than the significance level (0.000<0.05). A unit increase in
NPLs would lead to a 0.51 units increase in provisions of SCBs. It reveals that NPA has significant positive
effect on provisions of SCBs and rejects the hypothesis (Table-10).

VII. Conclusion
NPAs have become major challenge for the bank industry, particularly since the global financial crisis
and have adverse impact on performance. It was observed that the high level of NPAs trembles the confidence
of investors, depositors, lenders etc. It causes poor recycling of funds, which in turn will have adverse effect on
the deployment of credit. The non-recovery of loans affects not only further availability of credit but also
financial soundness of the banks.
The high incidence of NPA has cascading impact on all important financials of the banks viz., Profits,
Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Dividend Payout, Provisions, Cost to Income ratio, Net Interest Margin,
EVA, MVA etc., which are likely to erode the value for all stakeholders including Shareholders, Depositors,
Borrowers, Employees and public at large. The results of statistical analysis indicated that NPAs have
insignificant inverse relationship with profits, significant negative impact on ROA, ROE and significant positive
impact on Cost to Income ratio and Provision. Thus, the NPAs have deleterious impact on various parameters of
bank performance.

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[4]. N. F. b. A. Aziz, I. b. Ibrahim and M. b. I. @. Kamaruddin, "The Impact of Performing Loans (NPL) towards Profitability
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[5]. S. Batra, "Developing the Asian Markets for Non-Performing Assets; Developments in India," in 3rd Forum on Asian Insolvency
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[6]. K. Vora, "Management of NPA and Role of Asset Reconstruction Company, Recent Trends in Banking," 2007.
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vol. 4, no. 1, 2011.
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) is UGC approved Journal with Sl.
No. 4481, Journal no. 46879.

Fareed Ahmed. “Non Performing Assets and Profitability of Scheduled Commercial Banks.”
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) , vol. 19, no. 9, 2017, pp. 01–11.

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