Application of Neuroscience On Architecture: The Emergence of New Trend of Neuroarchitecture

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Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research (KJAR) | Print-ISSN: 2411-7684 – Electronic-ISSN: 2411-7706 |

Volume 3 | Issue 1 | June 2018 | DOI: 10.24017/science.2018.1.62

Application of Neuroscience on Architecture:

The emergence of new trend of Neuroarchitecture
Mohammad Reza Maleki Qader Bayzidi
Department of Architecture Department of Architecture
Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University
Sanandaj, Iran Sanandaj, Iran

Abstract: Understanding and knowing neuroscience effectively or which parts of brain involves in planning
and its sub-branches applications as well as their and creativity process.authors are encouraged to use
interconnections has a significant effect on science referencing tools to automate the references and
development. Simoltaneous application of neurology, citations.
psychology and architecture gain a new trend named
“Neuroarchitecture” or “basic nerve architecture”. 2. RESEARCH PROCESS
This paper tries to consider this new trend through
qualitative research and descriptive analysis method 2.1. Resarch questions
based on library information analysis. In this way 1.what is neuroscience and what is its application in
current paper firstly deals with this subject background various fields of science?
and neuroscience definition and then refers to entry 2.what are measurement instruments and brain activities
areas of this subject to other sciences. Then basic visualization?
information related to human brain and measurement 3.what is neuroscience application on
instruments of neurology science will be presented. architecture(neuroarchitecture)?
This paper deals with neuroscience on economy,
education, aesthetics, and environment psychology in 2.2. Research methods
architecture areas. At the end concluding discussion Research method of current paper is based on qualitative
will be presented through analytic model of evaluation and descriptive analysis method as well as
neuroscience influence on architecture logical reasoning. It is based on studying and analyzing
(Neuroarchitecture) and its application method. library information, their comparison and interpretation
and conclusions. Qualitative research deals with
interpreting conditions and emphasizing on researcher
Keywords: Neuroscience, Psychology, role as a vital element of research results [2]. This
Neuroarchitecture, Architecture, Human Brain. research allows researchers to interact with subject and
use flexible ways to gather and analyze data, consider
1. INTRODUCTION phenomena studied through a comprehensive view [3].
We are witnessing significant growth of neuroscientists At first this paper considers “neurology science”
capabilities. These specialists directly investigate background and its application, then it reviews human
cerebral cortex activities on various time, places and brain medical information and its specifications. In the
frequencies. On the other hand integration of psychology following part it presents this science applied field in
and physiology leads to technique incorporation resulted architecture.
to amazing progress of understanding brain activities and
its different parts. Today many social sciences 2.3. Literature review
researchers use nervous imaging as a standard Neurology is the knowledge of studying fauna
instrument or approach. This concept application reaches structures, functions, and nervous system which is on
the peak when economy science begins to use nervous various levels from cellular and molecular to anatomy,
imaging techniques on its researches [1]. behavioral science and medical pathology. Neurology is
New method and combination of neurology with other the translation of an English word neuroscience but this
fields has been developed after disappointing from word usage in Persian is differed from English one.
traditional methods. Neuroarchitecture or basic nerve Neurology in Persian is the same as English word of
architecture is the result of integration of 3 fields of neuroscience but neuroscience is referred instead of
neurology, psychology and architecture which studies neurology.
effective, sensitive, recognitive and affective reactions to Dr. Raymond Damadian performed the first M.R.I Scan
environmental stimulus. Researches measures brain with his group inventive tool in a small laboratory in
activities changes by using technologies like magnetic Broklin of Newyork on 1977. I could observe alive brain
resonance imaging and eye tracking method and other
activity without any harmful rays or toxic chemicals.
ways to help us to understand effects of artifacts
And this is how neurology is created. The main purpose
environments on human behavior in his surrounding
of neuroscience is to extract hidden information from
individuals brain without using questions or can not be solved based on solely on discipline or
questionnaire or interview but information is directly specialty”[4]. Neuroscience is recognized as one of the
extracted. Several studies had been performed on the decisive and strategic sciences in future world. The
field of neurology and other fields during last years importance of this interdisciplinary field is mostly due to
which mostly deals with training, educational science, its potential findings effects on other scientific areas and
marketing and medical topics. Mahmood Talkhabi social fields. Eventually it will effect on all aspects of
(2012) studied difficulties and hopes of linking two field society life and welfare. During last two decades some
of neurology and education on his paper “alliance fields as social sciences, education, laws, morality, art,
between neurology and education: challenges and philosophy, medical, technology and engineering and
hopes”. He stated in concluding point that neuroscience architecture has been benefitted from neuroscience
give data as one of multiple approaches by which achievements and even it is possible that current process
instructors can reinforce and justify their scientific views of some fields face new challenges because of these
and thoughts. Mohammad Torabi name and Seyed findings. So necessity of training and investigating this
Kamal Kharrazi (2012) studied the intersection of subject is supposed as a national need. Hence
neuroscience, cognitive studies and medical education architecture science takes advantage of other sciences
on their paper under the title of “neuroscience, cognitive achievements like every other sciences and in turn it has
studies, new ways of medical education”. Firoozeh been applied on variety of areas. Table (1) briefly refers
Asghari and Bahman Zandi (2012) on their paper to the influence of neuroscience on other disciplines.
“language neurology, interdisciplinary studies on
linguistic” stated that studying this subject opens new 3.2. Neurosciences
gates of research for investigators about the first and This area studies the brain and its activities. Cognitive
second language learning biological foundations and on neuroscience is based on that mental activities derive
the other hand it plays a fundamental role on solving from brain activities thus explaining cognitive processes
problems of thousands of patients suffering from require gathering information about brain while
dysphasia. Saman Shekh Esmaieli and etal (2013) on psychology considers mental incidences independent of
their paper “types of researching neurobiology brain activities. The purpose of cognitive neuroscience is
marketing and its effects on marketing components” to understand the nature and structure of mental
found that development of neurobiology marketing is activities. The approach of this science toward brain is a
significantly effective on understanding customers processing one. It means that mental activities are
explained based on how to process the sub systems in
behaviors and could be effective on recognizing
which each of them is responsible of performing specific
customers tastes, their expectations and motivations,
mental activities like reading a word or sentence , visual
behavior anticipation and justification of success or
recognition of objects or humans, solving mathematics
failure of marketing massages. problems. These processor sub systems are explained
There is a few papers on architecture and neuroscience based on brain activities patterns and brain structural
which did not directly consider this subject but refers to information [5].
neuroscience through another major issue. One of these
papers belongs to Seyed Amir saeed Mahmoodi (1998) 3.2.1. The reason for suitability of neuroscience
under title of “training architecture a planning practice, method on studying human behaviors
using hidden talents of students”. Author introduces a Human brain is a precise and immediate predictor of
pattern on planning practice to utilize students talents his/her behavior.
with using two hemispheres of the brain About 95% of our decision happens on unconscious
characterizations. He studied the basic structure of level or unconscious brain. Excitement is one of key
planning and practices which could reinforce creative stimulant of human behaviors. Studying excitement and
power though training these practices and applying its visualization on brain is easy but expressing
students hidden talents. excitement is difficult.
Various foreign papers deal with applying neuroscience Human produce very lower added noise by comparing
and architecture contrary of internal researches. This speech because of this it is more applicable. Since
paper will refer to some of them. neuroscience directly deals with individual brain, it is a
suitable method.

3.2.2. Basic information in relation to human brain

3. DISCUSSION Only 2% of body weight is consisted of human brain and
3.1. Neuroscience as an interdisciplinary studies consumes 20% of oxygen and 25% of blood glucose.
An interdisciplinary area is integrating knowledge, Medium weight of brain of mature individual is 1/3 to ¼
methods and experiences of two or more scientific and kilogram. Brain occupies about 80% of human skull and
expert area in order to understand and solve a the rest is filled equally by blood and spinal fluid. Live
complicated problem or multi facet social difficulties brain tissue is semi-solid like toothpaste and consists of
which is beyond the capacity and knowledge of one tangled deep grooves. This level is called brain
discipline or specialty. It is quoted from Klein and membrane and houses 100 milliard neurons.
Newel that “interdisciplinary studies are process of
answering to every problem, solving a problem or
studying extensive categories or complicated ones which
Table 1: The main branches of neuroscience [6].

Branch Explanation
Applying biology principles on study of genetic mechanism, physiology and behavioral
Behavioral neuroscience evolvement on human and animals
Cellular neuroscience Study of neurons on cellular level and their physiological characterizations
Clinical neuroscience Consisting expertise like neurology and psychology
Cognitive neuroscience Study of biological substrate, understand and emphasize on mental processing
Computational neuroscience Study the brain from information processing view or to use computer stimulus or
hypothetical model to assess function of nervous system
Cultural neuroscience Study of how brain ,mind and genes shape cultural values, improve skills and beliefs
Developmental neuroscience Study of process of creating and forming and renovating nervous system
It is a branch of neuroscience which study biology of nervous system by using
Molecular neuroscience molecular, genetical and related methods
It is a branch of biomedical engineering basics which is used to understand renovation
Neuroengineering and replacement of nervous system
Neuroimaging Using various techniques to assess brain structure and to understand its activities
It is one of the bioinformatic principles which relate nerves data structures with
Neuroinformatics computational models and analytical instruments
Study of parts of the brain related to comprehension, creating and acquiring language on
Neurolinguistics human
Neurophysiology Study of nervous system using physiological principles
An interdisciplinary branch assesses biology principles, collective process and
Social neuroscience behaviors including affective neuroscience branch
Systems neuroscience Nervous system science studies functions of neural circuits and systems
Neuromarketing Study of nervous system and its role on decision making for market
neuroarchitecture Study of planning environment effects on users of that environment

Human brain is divided into two parts based on one part of the mind. If you ask someone to be present at the
classification: unconscious and conscious. Professor thought room in order to find a solution to a problem,
Zaltman from Harvard university added new elements to then this part will be involved. Creative layer indeed
Freuds hypothesis through enjoying his theory of begins with breaking paradigm. Main mechanism of
unconscious mind. According to Zaltman interpretation , creative layer is changing frameworks, breaking
unconscious mind orders but conscious mind obeys. You frameworks and connecting non-linkable topics to each
make decision by your unconscious mind but conscious other.
mind rationalize this decision. Indeed 95% of our Researches performed in neuroscience show that brain
decisions origins from unconscious mind and only 5% is consists of 3 different parts with distinct structures
from conscious one. Zaltman believes that research Figure 2) which each of them have a distinctive function
institution has reached to extempore layer or and purpose, although these parts are in connection with
costumer/consumer reasoning by applying usual and each other and interact [7] :
customary questionnaire which is only 5% of the matter 1-lizard brain or cortex : its expertise is thinking. This
while 95% are ignored. Psychologists use iceberg part of brain processes the logical data and its inferences
example in this regard. Usually we see a small part of offers to other parts. Voluntary works, learning and
iceberg but its huge part is under the water and we logical decisions are performed by leadership of this
cannot see it. Conscious mind is the known part out of part.
iceberg but unconscious mind is that huge part under the 2- Mid brain : it is involved with memory and its duty
water (Figure 1). is processing excitements and feelings and offers the
A prominent psychologist Ned Hermann believes that result of its work to other parts.
mind consists of 3 layers including: 1-extempore layer 2- 3- Old brain or Reptilian brain: its duty is decision
wisdom layer 3-creativity layer. Extempore layer is the making. This part of brain deals with human survival
elementary and surface level and accessible part of mind. and saving it. This part continues this duty for millions
Wisdom layer is a logical, farsighted and computational of years because of this it is so-called reptilian brain.
Table 2: Old Brain Stimulants [11].

Row Old brain characterization Explanation

1 Agocentric Old brain only tickling its survival selfishly

Old brain is aroused when something changes. This brain cannot decide
without conflict. Conflict is formed through two methods as good as
1. story telling: old brain likes listening to story and a fabulous real story
2 Sensitive to conflict can vary it. For example your solution story to solve a problem helps
audience to have a feeling that he needs the same solution and changes.
2. visual tools: we only could remember 10% of what we hear verbally after
passing 72 hours but rate of remembering increases to more than 65% after
adding picture.
The old brain has a skeptic and incredulous nature and helps us to continue
3 Skeptic and incredulous our life more than thousand years. It should be fed by tangible and objective

4 Old brain is more alert automatically at the beginning and end of reaction.
The importance of first and last Old brain is aroused in case of changing these conditions

Vision nerve act 25 times faster than auditory nerves and they are directly
The importance of sense of sight connected to brain. 60% to 80% of all transferred information to brain is
5 and see pictures through vision pictures. New brain analyzes words but old brain analyzes
6 Thrilling Old brain is aroused by excitement and feelings. Cares to the five senses

Gaining pleasure and peace, Delicious foods, gas coolers, beautiful and expensive cars and…will not
7 avoiding pain and sadness being sold if it was not so.

Most of involuntary and basic decisions are made by old

brain like breathing [8].
The most important point is that scientists concluded that
most of human decisions are made by old brain. For
example why people claim liking bitter coffee while
drinking sweet coffee? The reason is that we usually use
our new brain to answer while being questioned and we
try to present the best and most logical possible answer.
But our old brain has more influence on our performance
when we are drinking coffee in real situation.
Neuroscience has shown that old brain could be aroused
and by 7 stimulus and reacted to them which shortly are
explained in table (2).

Figure 1: conscious and unconscious mind [9].

in location recognition, but it has less precision in time
recognition and the activities of the brain cannot be
investigated instantaneously in the millisecond.

EEG: Electroencephalography: electrodes on a

person's head are investigated with the use of special
warheads. Brain waves are recorded at very short
intervals. Some new E.E.J's can record brain waves up
to 10,000 times per second. In the E.E.J, the activity of
the brain rest mode is recorded. Then the person is
exposed to a stimulus or message. This situation causes
Figure 2: conscious and unconscious mind [10]. changes in the electrical response of the brain. With
comparing the electrical activity of the brain in both
states, rest and duty (providing stimulant), we can
3.2.4. Onboxing investigate the specific function of brain in relation to
An expression which means taking pictures or recording the stimulus precisely. One of the limitations of
a video of the stages and details of opening a product electroencephalography is its inability to recognize the
from the box and checking its accessories and the precise location of stimulation of neurons in the brain.
product itself is expanding rapidly. These films or photos This limitation, especially in the lower parts and old
are available to the public in a virtual environment. The structures of the brain, is further enhanced due to the
popularity of this video is the product of mirror neurons. inability of the electrodes to capture electrical signals in
The attraction and effectiveness of Onboxing is the the lower parts of the brain (Figure 3).
same; when you see that someone is doing something,
you feel that you are doing the same action and enjoy a MEG: Magneto encephalography: like the E.E.J
real action. The example of Onboxing in architecture is method, it is also limited to activities that are performed
pictures and videos that a designer does by software such on the surface of the brain and cannot detect activities
as 3DMax, Root and Rhino before making a project. that are carried out inside the depth of brain. Although
the use of this method is very expensive and has some
3.2.3. Familiarity with brain mirror neurons limitations, few studies indicate relationship between
Cells that are responsible for the biological foundation specific frequencies with controllable cognitive
of cognitive responses are called neurons. In our brain, functions such as object detection, evaluation of
there are more than 100 milliard neurons and trillions of linguistic memory and recalling specific incidents. Since
connections between neurons. Mirror neurons, as its this method is costly, the best use is to measure activity
name suggests, is a neuron that activates when a living in the locations that we know that these specific
creature performs an action or when it is seen that the activities are processed in that location of the brain.
action is done by the other one. Therefore, the mirror
neuron reacts in the observer neuron in a way as though QEEG: Quantitative Electroencephalography: QEEG
it were doing it by itself. Mirror neurons have necessary or quantitative electroencephalography is a kind of
potential to understand behavior, imitative learning and E.E.G that provides the quantitative analysis of waves.
the simulation of the behavior of other people. These With this method, brain waves are recorded in different
neurons enable us to understand the thoughts and eye states closed or open, and in the time of doing
emotions of others (empathy). cognitive tasks such as reading, and after complicated
calculations are done, the activity of each wave is
3.2.5. Neuroscience tools represented by a numerical value and also a colorful
The six following methods are more reliable and secure map. With studying these figures and their maps with a
than other methods for measuring and illustrating brain natural and reference model, it is possible to survey and
activities: study the function of the brain. The advantages of this
method include lack of its negative effects (non-
FMRI: Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging : radiation, radioactive injection or other harmful
Application imaging is related to brain magnetic methods) and the ability to check the function of the
resonance and is the brain's most advanced scan tool. entire brain.
This technique measures the magnetic properties of
blood hemoglobin (a part of the red blood cell that is Facial Coding: facial decoding is a method that uses
supposed to carry oxygen). In other words, it measures facial muscle changes to evaluate advertisements.
the amount of oxygen blood in the brain. When the brain Various studies have demonstrated that when frowning,
carries out a special task, that part of the brain will need smiling and other excitements, different types of facial
more fuel. The fuel of brain is oxygen and glucose. muscles are activated. Therefore, knowing the
Hence, if a part of brain has more activity, it will also composition of the different muscles of the face,
increase its fuel consumption and the oxygenated blood instantly you can figure out what kind of emotion a
collection will illuminate in a red light in that part of the person has; is he upset or happy? Does he feel hate or
brain. anger? In this way, WebCam registers the emotional
Investigating these interactions, neuroscientists realize responses of the image viewer through a computer when
which part of the brain is used at any given time. This he or she is looking, and then it analyzes the unconscious
method is 10 times more accurate than the ANSI device and intricate emotional indexes to achieve a deeper
understanding of the emotional involvement of an have an effect on the activity of the brain and
addressee. consequently, on the manner of shopping behavior.

Biometrics: the biometric systems use human biological

and behavioral attributes to identify, and they can be
further used as complementary to previous approaches
such as E.E.G. There are two types of biometrics in
biometric evaluation. A) Behavioral Techniques: In this
method, one of behaviors of a person is analyzed, for
example, an individual's analysis through signature. B)
physical and physiological characteristics: It is often
more precise analysis such as fingerprints and eye iris,
thermal diagram of the face, heart rate variability (GSR),
respiration rates, muscle tension, body temperature,
Heart Rate Variability and …
Zoravicki (2010), Kening et al. (2008) and Calvert et al. Figure 3: EEG [13].
(2004) categorized the types of tools used in
neuroscience researches into techniques that record It's the same in architecture, for example, when we put a
metabolic activities. Moreover, tools that measure nice architectural design drawn by a senior university
electrical activity in the brain can be observed in the student on a table and ask some architects to score this
Figure (4). design that the name of university student is written on,
the results of the grades will be completely different if
3.3. The application of neurology in the architectural the name of one of the contemporary architects is
economy replaced by the name of the university student. It's the
Neuroeconomy is the name of a new branch of same psychological impact on decision making. It is
knowledge, a point of intersection of psychology, possible to study and do research about how to present a
economics and neuropsychology, and its purpose is to design of architecture (Prasanth), how to express and
survey human economic decisions from the perspective defend the design, how to interact with an employer and
of these sciences. In these matters, human behavior is many other matters whose results can be a new window
evaluated under the category of benefits and profits, and in the architectural economy and marketing.
their responses. In fact, Neuromarketing is the direct
results of this field of knowledge [11]. Product designers 3.4. Application of neurology in architecture
try to understand customer preferences to design education
products that have the most attraction for the target Design is a complex multifaceted process in which
market. It is clear that consumers are influenced by the hands, eyes and mind collaborate together.
society, culture and their basic expectations. Moreover, Understanding specific cognitive processes and forms of
most of their unconscious attitudes are influenced by knowledge used in creative ways is essential.
previous uses. The use of brain imaging techniques can Neuroscience provides valuable tools for thinking
enable product designers to recognize consumers' analysis and design processes that complement
preferences and wishes and present more attractive traditional design research. Neuroscience testing is for
products to the market [12]. According to Maureen studying creative processes, visualization and learning
(2011), the first experimental study of neuronal skills in the fields of art and design. The purpose of this
marketing was carried out in 2003 and it was published experiment is to identify the processes of design activity
in the next year. In this experiment, a group of people and the role and functions of the different areas of the
drank Coca-Cola or Pepsi, and at the same time, their brain at design time. Researches in the field of design
brain was scanned using a functional magnetic resonance show that in two broad areas, lack of studies is seen: 1)
imaging (FMRI), an appropriate methodology for neurological research in design; and 2) empirical
discovering the active parts or regions of the brain. research in the aspects of design visualization.
Finally, it was concluded that when people knew the Human brain is composed of two hemispheres that
brand of the product that they were consuming, the behavioral characteristics are derived from. Researchers
certain parts of their brains were activated whereas the in the sciences of neurology and psychiatry believe that
certain parts of the brain would not be activated if they the characteristics of two brain hemispheres are very
did not know it. According to this study, when people different and consider human behavior as the result of
realized that they were consuming Coca-Cola, they said referring to these hemispheres [15]. The two
that they preferred Coca to Pepsi, and the anterior lobe hemispheres of the brain can be seen in figure (1) and
of the brain was activated, an area that associates their characteristics can be known. As we can see, the
between attention and accuracy, controls short-term right hemisphere of the brain can be described as a space
memory and coordinates thinking, especially planning. hemisphere which deals with the matters of
When people did not recognize the used brand, they imaginations, emotions and space, and the left
reported that they preferred Pepsi and the structure of the hemisphere is introduced as a verbal hemisphere which
system that was responsible for either emotional or is more closely related to the matters of language, logic,
instinctive behavior was activated. These findings and computations [16].
showed that emotional stimuli or those product brands
Figure 4: Classification of Neurological Instruments [14]

Most people rely on brain left hemispheric commands 3.5. The application of neurology in architectural
because it is possible to express words and remarks aesthetics
through the left hemisphere and to use it for rational Neurotic (neurological anesthetics) is a relatively new
thinking and reasoning in solving day-to-day problems area in the cognitive sciences of nerves that includes
[17]. neonatal aesthetic experience, especially in visual arts.
In design, most of analyses and decisions are the result Neurotic researches are done with the use of
of using the left hemisphere. But paying attention to the photographic techniques and neurophysiology such as
characteristics of the right hemisphere of the brain which M. R. I, the function F.M R. I and
include spatial, non-verbal, and visual thinking, a person electroencephalography. Neuroscience has recently
can use the hemisphere in the design process through helped a lot in revealing aesthetic features. Science, art
employing hidden talents in the production of ideas and and creativity are not really clear in different people.
space imagination. The flourishing of hidden talents is Parallel studies on the characteristics of art and the
possible through the appropriate and simultaneous principles of brain organization have been highlighted
application of the two brain hemispheres. The way of through neurotic studies. Beauty as a mental experience
activation of both brain hemispheres during design can be examined through comprehensive studies in the
process as a diagram of the information flow between areas of neuroscience, psychology, humanities and
them is introduced as simultaneous attention to design cultural perspectives. In addition, there are undoubtedly
issues in the Figure (5). As it was already mentioned, in other factors such as cultural foundation. In
this interactive pattern, the studies and analyses that the neuroscience, it is believed that art refers to divergent
left hemisphere usually carries out should coincide with goals for problem solving [19]. An artist concentrates on
visual studies and the use of other perceptions which are ordinary events deeply every day and uses the abilities of
the functions of the right hemisphere of the brain. the upper cortex, but ultimately what makes work
Finally, with the use of this template and the artistic, apart from creativity, is an outlet from the
characteristics of both hemispheres, decision making emotional system at the bottom surface of the brain
about the major and minor aspects of a matter is cortex. In fact, artists use the combined properties of
accomplished and achieving to a unique and better visual features in order to produce aesthetic components
answer becomes possible [18]. Figure (6). [19]. Nowadays, the controversial matter of neurotic
does not limit only to the areas of physiology,
psychology and sociology [20].
Figure 5: Characteristics of the Two Hemispheres of the Human Brain [18].

Figure 6: Introducing an Interactive Iattern in the Design Process for Using Latent Talent [18].

In two recent decades, scientific and experimental Feelings are different from the aspects of aesthetic
approaches related to neuroticism have been experience and cognitive processes of rewarding in
concentrated and focused by scientists. The analysis of persons. This distinction means the concepts of beauty
quantitative and qualitative data extracted from brain, pleasure and evaluation that is related to the emotional
from the aspects of structure, programming and and cognitive components of an aesthetic experience. In
interpretation, leads to clearer insight about researches this study of neuroticism, participants are usually asked
(neuropsychiatric) more than the emotional and logical to have aesthetic evaluation about a visual stimulator and
features of this phenomenon. The present studies are to judge it from the aspects of beauty and ugliness
useful through the analysis of different domains and explicitly. Cavobatta and Zeki (2004) used the fMRI to
research methods in cognitive neurosciences and they study the nerve of communication in aesthetic perception
are not limited only to FMRI, ERP and transcranial and when various categories were observed from
magnetic stimulation [21]. The level of literacy, painting (landscapes, wildlife, portraiture, etc.), the
emotional intelligence, and specific social and cultural responses of the participants (beautiful, Neutral or ugly)
characteristics are potential confounding factors were recorded. The results of the nuclear imaging
affecting the quality of the aesthetic perception of showed that stimulus was judged as beautiful, ugly and
individuals in nerve studies The serious effect of the neutral, different activities were recorded in the
combination of emotions and the clear vision of the orbitofrontal cavity of the brain (OFC). Orbitofrontal
activity of the cerebral cortex has long been analyzed in cortex (OFC) is the area of frontal lobe front cortex in
the theories of Wittgenstein, Lukacs and Freud [22]. the brain that involves in the cognitive process of
Neuroticism as a term developed by Zeki (1999) studies decision making. The observed activities in the OFC
the neurotransmission of beauty perceptions in art. decreased from baseline when people judged the ugly
Neuroticism can be descriptive or empirical. Descriptive stimulant and in contrast, when the highest active level
neuroticism is the study of the relationship between in the OFC was activated, the stimulant was beautifully
brain exercises and aesthetic experience. Data and judged.
results are categorized in qualitative type. In the In the study of Jacobsen et al., a study was done with the
experimental neuroticism, like other empirical sciences, use of fMRI, the activity of the interstitial region was
the matters of the quantity and the production of data are significant in the aesthetic experience [27]. In this study,
considered. The method used by Zeki is to study the participants were asked to evaluate abstract geometric
neuronal mechanism of brain response to art and shapes whose level of symmetry and complexity had
consequently, the aesthetic experience of a complex been manipulated. It was observed that symmetry with
subject. On the other hand, the results of neurological stimulus complexity had affected aesthetic judgment
researches related to the perception of beauty are significantly. The imaging results showed that there was
observed heterogeneously. Such a disagreement may be a difference in comparison between the two modes.
due to the absence of a consistent consensus in the Activity in the involved areas in visual-motor processes,
definition of ''aesthetic experience''. Therefore, before i.e., interplanetary groove and abdominal premolar
empirical findings are analyzed, it is important to cortex increased [28]. The beauty of the shown
determine our intended aesthetics [23].. Insistence on the symmetrical patterns had been perceived more than their
similar hypotheses of Zeki and its conceptual strength, non-symmetrical ones. This was due to the continuous
the study of basic nerve mechanisms, the aid of the brain activities of the interplanetary groove for symmetry and
response to art, and the definition of aesthetic experience beauty judgment [21]. This activity intensifies when
are considered as a complex problem [24]. An aesthetic people guess the intention of artistic activity or see the
experience is to allow a viewer to percept, touch and feel consequences of actions. The pleasure that people gain
an art work and each one activates the emotional, from looking at beautiful objects are automatically
dynamic and cognitive mechanisms in its own turn. The transferred to the brain reward system. For example,
aesthetic experience of a visual artistic art with visual fascinating faces will activate areas in the brain, even
analysis begins with an actuator and then leads to levels without thinking about the charm of these faces. A
beyond processing. This processing progress may lead to similar answer to music and even architecture is seen.
an aesthetic experience based on some of the biological The role of expectations has also been studied in our
and visual mechanisms that modify and change due to enjoyment of artworks. People rated the abstract pictures
some factors such as subject, personal inclinations, that had the museum label more valuable than the similar
awareness and prior knowledge and familiarity with the pictures labeled by the computer. If It is imagined that a
subject. picture is labeled by the museum, it will make people
There is considerable disparity in the results of studies consider it more luxurious. It is proved that even
that have attempted to clarify neural connections in knowing the title of an artwork can deepen aesthetic
relation to beauty emotions. One of the reasons for these experience. The originality of art works can have more
differences is the lack of consensus on the definition of effect than its copies on aesthetic pleasure. In fact, neural
aesthetic sense. Therefore, it is very important to refer responses to the original and copies of the Rembrandt
to the definition of the concept of aesthetics before portraiture have been observed.
analyzing empirical findings, and then a criterion is Neuroticism is in its early days. The concepts and
considered to compare them. Some researchers have priorities of this science are evolving. The scope of this
used the brain to study the psychology of aesthetics [25], science goes beyond the traditional notions of cognitive
and some have used beautiful objects to analyze the neuroscience such as perception, feeling, attention,
properties of the brain [26]. conception, and decision making. The greatest challenge
. for neuroticism specialists is to overcome psychological
inferences based solely on the location of neuronal types,” Zuckerman says. “You need people to keep the
activity. These results should be used as a production of books and make laws and have families, and you need
neuroticism theories rather than validating a theory. your adventurers like Columbus to explore and find
excitement.” [38]
3.6. Application of neurology in environment
Experiences are created through stimulation of the
senses. These sensations send neural impulses among the
nerves to the brain where they are decoded. The brain
depends on several important chemicals that allow for
decoding to occur in order to facilitate an emotional
response. Among these chemicalsare the
neurotransmitters including acetylcholine, dopamine,
epinephrine, norepinephrine, and serotonin [29]. In order
for a person to be mentally and in turn physically
healthy, these neurotransmitters must remain in balance
with one another. Imbalances may result in the
development of psychological disorders. Medicine is
typically prescribed to help regain balance and decrease
effects of the diseases. Synthetic stimulants, however,
tend to lose of effectiveness over time causing only a
temporary change[30]. This is because they function as
dopamine agonists, “mimicking the action of dopamine
rather than replenishing the inadequate supply.” [31]
Experience caused by the physical environment can also
lead to an alteration in the production of each
neurotransmitter through natural stimulation. While one
is a substance that triggers a euphoric reaction
synthetically, the other allows for the body to naturally
“engineer” this euphoric feeling “through exposure of
images and activities that stimulate a strong emotional
response.” [32]
Due to the differences in our genetic makeup, this strong
emotional response can be achieved in quiet opposing
ways. Dr. Marvin Zuckerman argues that these
emotional responses as well as our behavior are
dependent on a sensationseeking trait. Writing over 200
articles and book chapters [33]. Zuckerman contends
that this trait is defined by the “seeking of varied, novel,
complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and the
willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financials
risks for the sake of such experiences.” [34] In his
article, Sensation Seeking in England and America:
Cross-cultural, age, and sex comparisons, [35] he argues
that it can be measured and scaled based on a person’s
reaction to risk. While Zuckerman Sensation Seeking
Scale (SSS) is heavily reliant on the participant’s
response to a question, psychopharmacological studies
were done in attempt to find a biological explanation for
the differences between low and high sensation seekers.
It was concluded that dopamine, the neurotransmitter
associated with the pleasure system of the brain as well
as enjoyment and motivation, is strongly correlated to
the SS trait [36]. Depending on the classification of
personality type, low sensation vs high sensation,
particular experiences lead to the increase in dopamine
to reach a “mental high”. For HSS, thrilling experiences
lead to pleasure due to them being able to handle the
high levels of stimulation and risk, while for LSS, these
experiences lead to anxiety. LSS find pleasure in
experiences that are stress reducing, while HSS find Figure 7: Genetic Differences of Humans [43].
these places to be boring due to the lack of stimulation
[37]. Evolutionary speaking, both of these personality
types are necessary. “In a diverse society, you need both
Roger Ulrich is also responsible for defining the field of
evidence-based design (EBD), “the deliberate attempt to
base health care building design decisions on best
available evidence.” [39] This evidence is based off of
the studies done such as his own as well as ones
conducted during the Woods Hole Conference. In
addition, research conducted by environmental
psychologists have also aided in the delineation of 3
main principles of stress reduction: social support,
control, and the integration of nature into the design
[40]. EBD has become very popular in the healthcare
design field in the last decade. By putting the focus on
the experience of the patient, architects are able to
decrease their stress levels. This decrease in stress allows Figure 8: Glaciar Skywalk.
the body’s immune system to feel a sense of euphoria
due to the dopamine increase. Triggering the emotional
centers, nerve chemicals and hormones are released that
alter how the immune cells fight disease.
Glaciar Skywalk,This arch pathway is situated on a cliff
edge in Jasper, Canada. Offering a breathtaking view of
the surrounding landscape, the Glaciar Skywalk, is
described to be equivalent to “a rollercoaster in the
park.” Lofted 918 feet in the air, the visitor receives a
rush of adrenaline when they transition from the thick
steel structure to the thin glass membrane, creating a
“strange sensations that you’re practically standing on
air.” [41]
Amusement Parks, The thrill of the extremes brings Figure 9: Amusement Parks.
many HSS to locations like this. Brightly colored rides,
with continuous looping structures stimulate visually.
Rides use elements of scale as well as sudden change
such as giant drops to create an adrenaline rush. Not only
is the experience of dropping at great speeds fear
inducing, but the small compressive carts tied with the
idea that you cannot escape until completion also elicits
Paimio Sanatoriums, Designed by Alvar Aalto, this
project integrates nature and architecture in order to
11chievi a healing effect. Light was a central aspect to
the project due to the contention, which was later
proven, that light aids with healing. The site and material
were both crucial in 11chieving this tranquil effect.
Soothing colors were also to ease the strain and further
relax tuberculosis patients [42].
Vals Spa, Located in the mountains of Switzerland, this
design strives to connect architecture with the site as
well as create relaxing effects through the interplay of
dark vs light, open vs closed space. The flowing
circulation allows one to move from exterior space to the
inside with ease.
Figure 10: Therme Vals.
reduce error rates as much as possible. The purpose of
this paper is to depict a clear and comprehensive picture
of neuroscience, as well as to demonstrate the practical
and empirical aspects of the tools of this science in the
field of architecture. A better understanding of
neuroarchitecture (neurological architecture) may
increase our knowledge of the basic concepts related to
human and the environment. In the Figure 12, the
neuroarchitecture is shown as an interdisciplinary
orientation and the scientific fields of its subset. Figure
13, the areas of application of neuroarchitecture as a
particular orientation and in architecture as general
orientation have been specified.
In spite of implicit utility, neurological architecture
(neuroarchitecure) is still in its early stages, and many
studies and researches have to be done in this regard. In
spite of the growth of its concepts, there are still many
questions and ambiguities in the use of its concepts and
Figure 11: Paimio Sanatorium. tools. This paper explains about this method and its
applications in architecture apart from the literature
review, definitions and tools. It is hoped that this article
4. Conclusion has been able to solve a small part of the study vacuum
At the present time, the traditional techniques of in this area and to give some solutions in its practical
research methodology such as questionnaires, scrolling application and implementation.
and survey forms are less used. Many researches use
penetrating techniques in the depths of the minds of
individuals so that they can achieve to realities and can

Figure 12: Neuroarchitecture as an interdisciplinary orientation and the disciplines of its subcategories.

Figure 13: Areas of use neuroarchtecture.

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