Corn Growth and Development: March 2019
Corn Growth and Development: March 2019
Corn Growth and Development: March 2019
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Corn Growth
and Development
As the corn plant develops, it undergoes physical and biochemical changes, which impact its response to
different management decisions. By understanding these changes, management inputs can be made more
efficient. The purpose of this chapter is to highlight corn growth stages.
The rate that corn grows and develops changes during
Dry Matter - Corn
the season. Young corn plants increase in weight 100
slowly, but as more and more leaves are produced, the
% of Total Dry Matter in the Plant
growth and development, and ultimately influence yield. Grain Husks, Lower Ear Shoots Leaf Sheaths
If water, nitrogen, or other resources become limiting, Cob, Shank, Silk Stalk, Tassel Leaves
especially when the plant is rapidly growing, yield is Dry Matter - Corn
often reduced. Other factors can also stress corn plants,
% of Total Dry Matter in the Plant
thereby limiting growth and reducing yield. Disease and 40
insect infestations can interfere with water and nutrient 30
uptake or severely damage the plant to the point of yield 20
loss. Weeds have many effects on corn growth, including 15
causing the down regulation (nonexpression) of many 5
genes during the weed-free period and creating direct Ve V6 V12 V18 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
competition for water, nutrients, and light (Moriles et 0
40 60
80 100
al., 2012). Stress from temperature and water impacts
nutrient availability and susceptibility to pests. Figure 5.1 Dry-matter accumulation in corn plant
over time. (Courtesy: Iowa State)
Many management decisions consider the stage of
growth and development of the crop. For example, some pesticide products are labeled for use only at
R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
Blister Milk Soft Dough Dent Mature
Leaf Collar
VE V2 V4 V6 V12 VT R1 R6
Vegetative Stages Reproductive Stages
VE Emergence R1 Silking
V1 First leaf R2 Blister
V2 Second leaf R3 Milk
V(n) nth leaf R4 Dough
VT Tassel R5 Dent
R6 Maturity (Black Layer)
Table 5.1 Growth and development stages in corn. (Adapted from Ritchie et al., 1993)
Vegetative Stages Reproductive Stages
VE Emergence R1 Silking - silks visible outside the husks
V1 First leaf collar R2 Blister - kernels are white and resemble a blister in shape
V2 Second leaf collar R3 Milk - kernels are yellow on the outside with a milky
inner fluid
V3 Third leaf collar R4 Dough - milky inner fluid thickens to a pasty consistency
V(n) nth leaf collars visible R5 Dent - nearly all kernels are denting
VT Tasseling - last branch of tassel is completely visible R6 Physiological maturity - the black abscission layer has
fully expanded and with no visible leaf collar are not included. For example, a plant with 3 collars would
be called a V3 plant, although more than 3 leaves may be showing on a plant (Fig. 5.3). It is important to
note that the number of leaves vary depending on the corn hybrid and environmental conditions. In South
Dakota, early season (maturity rating < 95 d) can begin reproductive development after the V12 stage. It is
not uncommon for late maturing hybrids (RM > 100 d) to develop more leaves after the V12 growth stage.
At about V6 stage, the small lower leaves are torn from the plant due to increasing stalk and nodal root
growth. This loss of lower leaves needs to be taken into consideration when determining the vegetative
stage. Reproductive stages begin at silking (R1) and end at maturity or “black layer” (R6).
Under warm, moist conditions, corn will germinate and emerge 4 to 6 days after planting. Optimal
temperature and soil water are critical at this time. Germination and emergence are delayed when soil
water is limiting because the seed needs to imbibe water to germinate. Alternatively, too much water
also delays emergence and root development. In residue-covered soils or if spring air temperatures are
low, germination may be slow due to cool soil temperature. Temperatures below 50°F may delay seed
germination. Ideally, corn should be planted at a depth of 1.5 to 2.0 inches. Shallow planting (< 1.5 inches)
into warmer soil can accelerate emergence but may result in poor root development. Planting deeper than
2 inches may result in first leaves emerging below the soil surface.
Nutrient deficiencies, especially phosphorus (P), are common early in the growing season if soil is cool and
wet. The application of starter fertilizer will usually prevent this problem. If fertility levels are sufficient,
early season nutrient deficiencies often disappear and usually do not reduce yield. Scouting fields for weeds
are crucial during early growth.
Tasseling (VT)
The tasseling stage occurs 2 to 3 days before silking (Fig. 5.5). At
this stage, the plant has reached full height and the last branch
of the tassel is fully visible, but silks have not yet emerged from
the ear shoot. The length of time between VT and R1 (silk
stage) varies depending on the corn hybrid and environmental
conditions. Pollen shed usually takes place from late morning
to early evening. At this stage, the impact of a hailstorm can
be very severe compared to any other corn growth stage, since
all leaves have emerged. Any damage to or complete loss of the
Figure 5.5 Corn at the VT (Tasseling )
tassel may result in very poor to no grain formation.
growth stage. Courtesy: Howard F. Schwartz,
Silk (R1) Stage Colorado State University,
The emergence of silk (R1) marks the first stage of the reproductive period (Fig. 5.6). Every potential
kernel (ovule) on the ear grows its own silk. Silks begin to elongate soon after the V12 stage. At the R1
stage, the silks emerge and capture pollen shed from the tassel. Pollen captured by the silks fertilizes ovules
on the cob within 24 hours, which then develop into kernels. Pollen shed typically occurs during early
or mid-morning, when moisture and temperature conditions are favorable. This stage is one of the most
crucial reproductive stages and unfavorable environmental conditions can severely reduce yield. Dry (low
humidity) and hot (> 95°F) conditions result in reduced fertilization because of the drying of the exposed
silks and killed pollen. With no fertilization, ears are barren.
Silks grow at a rate of approximately 1.5 inches a day. The silks
continue to grow until pollen is captured and germinate or
until they degrade as they mature. Environmental conditions
such as drought stress can result in delayed silk elongation and
emergence. Generally, silks remain receptive to pollen for up
to 10 days after silk emergence, though they start to deteriorate
only five days after emergence. Under favorable environmental
conditions, there is synchrony between pollen-shed and silk
emergence making silk receptivity of little concern. Insect
Figure 5.6 Corn shortly after silk emergence.
pests, such as corn rootworm destroy silks through feeding
This growth stage is called R1 or silking.
and can produce reduced yields. To minimize losses, fields Courtesy: Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado
should be scouted for corn rootworm beetles at silking (R1) and State University,
controlled if populations exceed the economic threshold.
Potassium (K) uptake is complete at silking, but nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) uptake continues. If N
and P are limiting, the plant will attempt to compensate by moving these nutrients from older leaves into
upper leaves or the developing grain. At this stage, N- and P-deficiency symptoms can be observed in
lower leaves. Unfortunately, nutrient application either at this time or later in development will not make
up for these deficiencies.
The GDD accumulation for a single day is the average of the low and high temperature, minus 50°F. The
calculation subtracts 50°F because corn plants have limited growth below 50°F. If the low temperature for
any given day is < 50°F, the low temperature is defined as 50°F, and if the temperature is > 86°F, the high
temperature is defined as 86°F. This method of calculating GDD is often referred to as the (86,50) system.
Different pests or crops have different critical values. Example calculations are provided in Chapter 10.
GDD are calculated for each day beginning with the day after planting. The GDD accumulation for the
growing season varies depending on the location and year. The number of GDD required for the corn
plants to reach a particular stage of development is fairly consistent. Tables 5.2 and 5.3 show the GDD
needed for a plant to reach a certain vegetative or reproductive stage. The duration of the growing season
for corn hybrids is directly related to their GDD requirements, with late-maturing hybrids or long-season
hybrids requiring more GDD than shorter-season hybrids. The U2U (Usable to Useful) Project website can
be used to calculate the date of different growth stages based on the hybrid and planting date.
Table 5.2 Comparison between leaf collar and FCIC1 corn growth staging systems for a 120-day (RM2) hybrid
Days after GDUs after
FCIC Leaf Collar Description Days/Stage GDUs/Stage
Seeding Seeding
---Emergence – Vegetative Stages---
- V0 Seeding to Germination 5 – 10 100 – 150 5 – 10 100 – 150
- VE Coleoptile Opens 2–4 66 7 – 14 166 – 216
V2 V1 1st Leaf Collar 3 66 10 – 17 232 – 282
V2 2nd Leaf Collar 3 66 13 – 20 298 – 348
V4 V3 3rd Leaf Collar 3 66 16 – 23 364 – 414
V5 V4 4th Leaf Collar 3 66 19 – 26 430 – 480
V6 V4 4th Leaf Collar 3 66 19 – 26 430 – 480
V7 V5 5th Leaf Collar 3 66 22 – 29 496 – 546
V8 V6 6th Leaf Collar 3 66 25 – 32 562 – 612
V9 V7 7th Leaf Collar 3 66 28 – 35 628 – 678
V10 V7 7th Leaf Collar - - - -
V11 V8 8th Leaf Collar 3 66 31 – 38 694 – 744
V12 V9 9th Leaf Collar 3 66 34 – 41 760 – 810
V13 V10 10th Leaf Collar 3 66 37 – 44 826 – 876
V14 V11 11th Leaf Collar 3 66 40 – 47 892 – 942
V15 V12 12th Leaf Collar 3 66 43 – 50 958 – 1,008
V16 V13 13th Leaf Collar 3 66 46 – 53 1,024 – 1,074
V17 V14 14th Leaf Collar 3 66 49 – 56 1,090 – 1,140
V18 V15 15th Leaf Collar 2 48 51 – 58 1,138 – 1,188
V17 17th Leaf Collar 2 48 55 – 62 1,234 – 1,284
V18 18th Leaf Collar 2 48 57 – 64 1,282 – 1,332
V19 19th Leaf Collar 2 48 59 – 66 1,330 – 1,380
V20 20th Leaf Collar 2 48 61 – 68 1,378 – 1,428
V(n) nth Leaf Collar - - - -
VT Tassel Extended – No Silks 4 100 65 – 72 1,478 – 1,528
All values are approximations, as the values may vary over years, production environments, and locations. (Adapted from
USDA-FCIC, Corn Loss Adjustment Standard Handbook, 2007)
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), operated by the United States Department of Agriculture, Risk Management
Relative maturity (RM)
References and Additional Information
Darby, H., and J. Lauer. Critical stages in the life of a corn plant, Plant Physiology.
Moriles, J., S. Hansen, D.P. Horvath, G. Reicks, D.E. Clay, and S.A. Clay. 2012. Microarray and growth
analyses identify differences and similarities of early corn response to weeds, shade, and nitrogen
stress. Weed Science. 60(2):158-166.
Nafziger, E. 2013. Corn. Illinois Agronomy Handbook. Crop Science Extension and Outreach. Urbana, IL.
Nielsen, R. L. 2013. Grain fill stages in corn. Corn News Network, Agronomy Department, Purdue
University. West Lafayette, IN.
Ransom, J. G.J. Endres, D.R. Berlund, G.J. Endres, and D.A. McWilliams. 2014. Corn growth and
management: Quick Guide. North Dakota State University Extension Service, Fargo, ND.
Ritchie, S.W., J.J. Hanway, G.O. Benson, and J.C. Herman. 1993. How a corn plant develops, Special Report
No. 48, Iowa State University.
THE U2U PROJECT: Useful to usable (U2U): Transforming climate variability and change information
for cereal crop producer.
rted in part b
uppo y:
Nleya, T., C. Chungu, and J. Kleinjan. 2016. Chapter 5: Corn growth and development. In Clay, D.E., C.G.
Carlson, S.A. Clay, and E. Byamukama (eds). iGrow Corn: Best Management Practices. South Dakota State
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