Student Handout - 2020
Student Handout - 2020
Student Handout - 2020
Student Handout
Units: 5 Credits
Student Handout
I. SIP Introduction
1) Theme:
The Summer Internship Programme (SIP) forms an important component of education at IMT.
It is an attempt to bridge the gap between the professional world and academic institutions. At
IMT Nagpur, students undertake an 8 to 10 week SIP with an organization during the
intervening period between close of Term III and commencement of Term IV. The SIP requires
that the students undergo the rigor of professional work both in form and substance. It provides
an opportunity for students, to satisfy their inquisitiveness to know how the business is carried
in real world and exposes them to technical skills required to conduct business.
For proper co-ordination and ensuring organized and smooth conduct, every student would be
under the guidance of an IMT faculty. Besides, a representative of the industry / organization
where the student undergoes the SIP would also guide the students and assist the faculty in
monitoring the student’s progress.
This year due to the outbreak of Covid-19, AICTE has made it mandatory to pursue SIP in
a work from home format. Therefore, it is expected that the student shall not travel and will
not communicate face to face with the outsiders for the purposes of SIP. All the work
assigned by the industry mentor needs to be completed from home only.
2) Types of Assignments:
SIP is a vehicle for introducing students to real-life work culture, which cannot be simulated
in the classroom. Therefore, SIP assignments are necessarily organization’s need based and
depend on the interest of the student & the organization. Students are encouraged to take up
assignments which are multi-disciplinary, involve team effort, are mission and goal oriented,
and are time bound. Solutions to various problems confronted in the assignment might be open
ended, involving an element of decision making in the face of insufficient data and uncertain
3) SIP Guidelines
1. The student interns are expected to get in touch with the faculty mentor at least once
over phone / email before the beginning of the SIP or within 3 days from the
commencement of SIP.
1. The student will remain in touch with his/her faculty mentor via appropriate means of
communications like emails, telephone etc.
2. Faculty member will guide the students as and when required.
1. Upon returning from the SIP, students are expected to meet the faculty mentor within
7 days with the final report.
1. Interim and Mid-SIP Report: (One copy to be submitted to Academic Program Office
Interim report needs to be submitted within 2 weeks of the commencement of the SIP, to the
Academic Programs Office, as per pro-forma attached. Students must also ensure to attach the
scanned copy of the visiting card of the company guide in the report, failing which the report
will not be accepted.
The students may send the interim report to APO over email at
This forms the basis for further communication to students and SIP host organization on their
work progress and monitoring.
Similarly, Mid-SIP Report duly signed/ approved by the company guide needs to be submitted
within 5 weeks of the commencement of the SIP, to the Academic Programs Office, as per pro-
forma attached. The report must be scanned and send electronically at
Care must be taken to ensure that all information provided in these reports are accurate.
2. Project Report:
It should satisfy the needs of the Organization in context and form. In general,
a. One copy of Project Report is to be submitted to the company guide and one copy to APO.
The submission date for the same shall be annoumced in due course. Delay in submission
will result in penalty in term of deduction of marks.
b. A completion certificate (on Company Letterhead) from either the project supervisor in
the Company or the HR department of the Company stating that the intern has completed
the project assigned; needs to be attached in the final report . The report is not acceptable
without the completion certificate.
**To facilitate the evaluation of the report, students are required to add the following
descriptions to the report:
i) Functional working of the department and its integration with other departments.
ii) Relevance of the project in the context of overall company objectives and strategies
with a holistic approach cutting across various functional areas.
The final report should consist between 20 and 40 A4 sized pages and should be spiral
bound.The prescribed font for the normal text in the report is 12, Times Roman, with a spacing
of 1.5. Chapter headings and the section headings should have a font of 14, Times Roman. The
font size of text inside the tables should be 10. Tables and Figures in the report should be titled
and seriallynumbered.
(centered, Font:16,Times Roman,bold)
SIP project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
PGDM Programme
(centered, Font:12,Times New Roman, bold)
Supervisors: 1. Company Guide
2. Faculty Guide
(centered, Font:12,Times New Roman, bold)
For further clarification, you can discuss the format with your Faculty Guide or Chairperson,
PGDM programme.
Important Note: A soft copy needs to be submitted along with a hard copy. Under no
circumstances the hard copy submitted to the Institute will be returned back. The project will
be broadly evaluated on the originality & ingenuity of the ideas & analysis provided.
The project reports have to be different, even if the students have pursued internships in the
same organization/ function / project. Plagiarism of any sort will lead to severe punishment.
Intern’s success in value addition to the SIP host organization would enable them to nurture a
long-term relationship, which could be of immense use to intern from the view point of
professional association and other course-related assignments/ projects in Term IV, V and VI.
On returning from the SIP, Students should compare their assignment with those carried out
by their batch-mates. Wherever feasible, comparative study of different industries of different
units in the same industry could be attempted by pooling together the database created by the
entire class and publishing the results. Apart from giving the student-authors, academic
distinction, such study or collective research would be of immense use to a large number of
people – student managers, faculty members, researchers, industries, consultants etc. Such
documents could be updated every year and over a period of time would enable us to create a
unique industrial database at our Learning Resource Centre (LRC).
Upon completion of the final draft of Project report, candidates need to get the approval from
the faculty guides before submitting the same to APO.
3. Project Presentation:
The presentations will be scheduled within 2 weeks from the date of submission of the final
report. Each student will be given 15-20 minutes for the presentation. Two Faculty members
will evaluate each project presentation.
correspondence in this regard. If the Company appraisal is not submitted as per the schedule
notified by APO, the student will be awarded ‘zero’ in this component.
Interning students will have to comply with the requirements of SIP as a course by receiving
an initial debriefing, reporting & communicating with the faculty mentor on their project. An
assessment report (weightage 10%) will be internally filled by the faculty mentor on the
compliance of students to these requirements at the institute.
IMT expects that the student shall at all times during SIP conform to the rules and regulations
of his/her place of work and be professional in his/her conduct.
For any further clarifications you are welcome to contact Faculty Guide and/or Programme
Many interns are required to do surveys for summer projects. Here are a few broad
guidelines for the survey methodology, which may be useful:
i) Face-to-face Research
Here choices are: Face-to-face interviewing, conduct hall tests, street surveys,
specific location and in-home interviews.
-Customer satisfaction studies
-Pre-press campaigns
-Pre & post PR effectiveness
-Editorial research
-Post exhibition research
-Panel research
This methodology is not only used for assessing web site and Internet related issues
but can be used to research many areas, potentially restricted only by target sample.
Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur
Internship Schedule at the organization:
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………
Signature of Project Guide /Approval over email Signature of the Student
Date: ………………………
Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur
About Internship :
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………
Signature of Project Guide/Approvel over email Signature of the Student
Date: ………………………