2019 - Comparison - Grid Forming Converter Control Strategies
2019 - Comparison - Grid Forming Converter Control Strategies
2019 - Comparison - Grid Forming Converter Control Strategies
Abstract — Grid-forming converter control strategies have This paper describes briefly power electronic converter
become an important alternative to classical synchronous control strategies for grid-parallel and island operation, the
machines in order to stabilise the power electronic (PE) behaviour of synchronous machines, as well as selected grid-
dominated power systems. The paper compares selected grid- forming converter control strategies, such as virtual
forming converter control strategies against each other and synchronous machines (VSM), direct AC voltage control
against state-of-the-art grid following control as well as against (DVC) and droop control. The paper elaborates especially on
the behaviour of a synchronous generator and ideal voltage and the understanding of characteristics within the short-term
current sources, by simulation test cases with small example dynamic behaviour of generating units, which are essential to
networks. The main objective is to identify the core of grid-
make a stable operation of a large power system possible.
forming behaviour, by the same time to identify the mechanism
that may inhibit stable operation of power systems with high PE For the analysis presented in the paper, the behaviours of
penetration. The results underline the need of grid-forming the introduced control strategies are investigated by means of
controls in cases of PE dominated power systems and indicate computer simulations and compared against each other. In
that only the control designs which show a strong initial addition, the behaviour of ideal sources, i.e. ideal voltage
response within a quarter period following on changes in sources and current sources, is included into the comparison
terminal voltage magnitude or phase angle can supply a power for a theoretical investigation.
system with high penetration of PE in a satisfactory manner. A
definition of grid-forming behaviour is introduced, and possible Chapter II gives an overview of converter control
tests for grid-forming behaviour suggested. strategies. The investigation for comparison of selected
control strategies is described in Chapter III, results are
Keywords — Converter control, grid-following, grid-leading, presented and explained. Discussion of the results and
grid-forming, virtual synchronous machine, droop control, direct conclusions are drawn in Chapter IV. Chapter V provides a
voltage control, enhanced current control, power system stability, future outlook.
high penetration
The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 1 of 9
Revised Reprint of Paper No. WIW19-145 of the 18th Wind Integration Workshop
so, additional droops can be used to enable operational 1) Virtual Synchronous Machines
characteristics, such as Q(U) or P(f) characteristics. Voltage Typical representatives of grid-forming control concepts
controls realised in this way respond relatively slowly. Only are virtual synchronous machines (VSM), in which equations
when detecting a network fault, the state-of-the-art controls are implemented in the control that partially or completely
activate a fault-ride-through (FRT) mode, in which the voltage emulate the behaviour of a synchronous machine (see for
is regulated with a fast proportional reactive current response example the virtual synchronous machine “VISMA” [9][10],
in the outer loop, as required by most grid codes nowadays or the “synchronverter”[11][12]).
(e.g. [2]). By a slight enhancement of the control concept, such
fast proportional voltage control in the outer loop can be Virtual synchronous machines reproduce the physical
enabled working in continuous operation (not state-of-the-art behaviour of real synchronous machines including their
today). A frequency-sensitive mode (FSM) or limited advantageous grid-forming capability. Depending on the
frequency-sensitive mode (LFSM) as required by modern grid implementation however, the disadvantages of the
codes (e.g. [2]) can be added in the outer loop to adjust the synchronous machine can be included in the VSM as well,
setpoint of the outer loop active power controller. namely their ability of oscillations which can lead to
oscillatory instability in the event of insufficient damping, and
B. Grid-Leading Converter Control (with fix frequency) the risk of losing the transient stability.
Grid-leading control concepts are those concept, which 2) Droop Control in the Inner Control Loop
build the voltage thereby predetermine the voltage angle and For use in stand-alone grids and microgrids, recently
keep the frequency fixed. This type of control is typically done droops have been established in the inner loop, enhancing the
in small island and offshore grids, in which the voltage is otherwise rigid V/f control by f/P and V/Q characteristics. By
formed exclusively by one converter. Usually, a so-called V/f means of the droop functions, a common operating point is
control is used, in which the voltage is regulated and the established by parallel converters and thus a “multi-master”
voltage angle or the frequency is given by an oscillator (see operation is possible [13]. In some publications, such droop
e.g. [3]). The V/f control is used e.g. in the offshore HVDC control concepts are also referred to as virtual synchronous
converter of HVDC connections to offshore wind farms. If machines without inertia (VSM0H, e.g. [14]). Applications in
additional converters are connected to the stand-alone grid photovoltaic diesel hybrid diesel networks on islands have
(such as the wind turbines in an offshore wind farm), already been successfully implemented in practice (e.g.
nowadays these converters are equipped with grid-following [15][16]).
3) Direct Voltage Control
Since grid frequency is fixed when such control is used, it
cannot be used to indicate power imbalances between The Direct Voltage Control (DVC) represents a further
generation and consumption, or to allow power distribution development of the proven grid-following voltage-oriented
based on frequency deviation (P/f droops, primary control). In vector current control towards a grid-forming control
the case of frequency-fixed grids with grid-leading regulation, [17][18][19][20][21]. The direct voltage control is not to be
theoretically the power can be divided between several grid- mistaken for the dc voltage control of a voltage source
leading converters by means of power/voltage angle droops or converter (VSC) or the direct modulation regulation of a
superordinate voltage angle regulations to implement a power modular multi-level converter (MMC). The main features of
system regulation, as outlined for example in [4][5][6][7]. the DVC are [19]:
The grid-leading V/f control concept can be enhanced by A separation is made between the slow reactive power
additional droop functions to a grid-forming droop control [3], control in the outer control loop and a downstream,
compare Section II.C.2. fast proportional voltage control.
Fast voltage regulation is carried out continuously and
C. Grid-Forming Converter Control without dead-band, both in normal operation and in
Grid-forming control concepts can build the grid voltage the event of fault.
and simultaneously synchronise with other converters or
generators. Thus, they can work in parallel operation while The integrators in the inner loop are removed, i.e.
building the grid voltage. Varies implementation concepts for there is no current control with PI controllers.
grid-forming controls have been suggested by different Without the integrators in the inner control loop,
authors in the recent years, such as virtual synchronous reactive current (for voltage control) and active
machines, droop control, direct voltage control or enhanced current are not fixed, but result from the voltage
current control. Those are briefly explained in the following difference between the controlled inverter voltage and
subsections. the terminal voltage (or the grid impedance).
ENTSO-E divides power park modules into three classes, The active current or the active power is mainly
from which Class 1 (in future renamed to Class 3) can be controlled by the q component of the inverter voltage,
understood as grid-forming, because it includes requirements and thus by the angle between the inverter voltage and
which mean a grid-forming behaviour in its consequence the terminal voltage.
(namely to create system voltage, to contribute to inertia and
to support first cycle survival) [8]. Further requirements for 4) Enhanced Current Control
Class 1 are to contribute to fault level, to act as sink for In this concept, the DQCC converter concept is extended
harmonics and unbalances and to prevent adverse controller by adding a df/dt control (synthetic inertia, SI) in the outer
interactions. control loop and realising a continuous proportional voltage
control in the outer control loop [22][23].
The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 2 of 9
Revised Reprint of Paper No. WIW19-145 of the 18th Wind Integration Workshop
The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 3 of 9
Revised Reprint of Paper No. WIW19-145 of the 18th Wind Integration Workshop
contrast, the current source (Figure 2, pink) keeps its current By replacing the reactive power control with a voltage
constant and does not support voltage. Because of constant controller in the outer loop of the PE-GU DQCC, the response
current at lower voltage, the power injected by the current is improved with respect to voltage support. The initial
source is reduced after the voltage step. The converter with response is just marginal, but reactive power is increased in
DQCC and power control (Figure 2, light green) keeps its the following seconds (Figure 3, dark green curve). An
power constant. For achieving this, it increases current output, additional FSM does not impact the result in this test case
but does not support the voltage magnitude. (Figure 3, orange). Establishing a continuously acting fast
proportional voltage control in the outer loop improves the
voltage support further (Figure 3, purple), an initial response
in the instantaneous reactive power becomes notable within
the first quarter period. An additional SI does not have an
impact in this test case (Figure 3, red).
DVC (Figure 4, brown), VSM and droop control show a
fast and strong response (starting within the first quarter
period following the voltage change). The VSM tends to
oscillate slowly similar to the SG, because of its internal
inertia emulation (Figure 4, yellow). The behaviour with
droop control (Figure 4, blue) is close to that of the ideal
voltage source.
The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 4 of 9
Revised Reprint of Paper No. WIW19-145 of the 18th Wind Integration Workshop
shows just a marginal transient and then keeps the power The DVC shows an initial response of medium magnitude
constant (Figure 5, light green). (Figure 7, brown). Again, VSM and droop control show a fast
and strong reaction. The response of the VSM (Figure 7,
FSM and fast acting voltage control in the outer loop do yellow) is similar to that of the SG with damped low frequency
not show an effect (see Figure 6, orange and purple). The SI oscillations. The behaviour of the droop control (Figure 7,
causes a small initial response (Figure 6, red). blue) is closer to that of a voltage source.
Because the frequency in the test system is kept constant
by the Thevenin equivalent, the power output of all realistic
DUTs turns back to their pre-event value. Only the ideal
uncontrolled sources do not adjust their power output.
Figure 6: Response of DUT on voltage phase angle step The following figures depict the results for the total power
generation (sum of instantaneous power of all generating units
in p.u. based on installed generation MVA capacity), the
voltage magnitude (in p.u. based on nominal voltage) and
frequency (in Hz) at the load bus, the injected instantaneous
power and the instantaneous reactive power of the DUT (in
p.u. based on rated MVA of the DUT). The instantaneous
power is calculated from the space phasor quantities. In
steady-state the instantaneous power corresponds to active
power and the instantaneous reactive power corresponds to
reactive power.
Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the behaviour of the SG and
the PE-GUs using different control strategies. In all cases, a
frequency drop is observed after the transients have decayed.
The black curve corresponds to the case in which the DUT is
a SG. In this situation, the two SGs share evenly the load
change. For the PE-GU cases, it can be seen that all control
strategies except the DQCC with Q control have a final
steady-state contribution to either the additional active or
reactive power or both. DQCC with V control provides a
response to the increase of reactive power demand whereas
the active power output remains almost constant during the
event in both transient and steady state time frames. If
observing the transient behaviour, then the FSM and the fast
voltage control do not have substantial instantaneous response
in active power. This is due to fact that the current control
loops ensure that the active current is steadily increased thus
avoiding the initial current “kick”. The response in this
situation is highly dependent on the selection of the inner
Figure 7: Response of DUT on voltage phase angle step control loop parameters, as will be highlighted in the next test
case. With respect to the steady state response, the FSM and
The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 5 of 9
Revised Reprint of Paper No. WIW19-145 of the 18th Wind Integration Workshop
the fast voltage control respond adequately to the load change, (red) and the DVC (brown) control concepts. All these control
sharing the load mismatch with the SG. methods provide responses in active and reactive power in
both the short-term and the steady-state time frames. The
DQCC with fast voltage control, FSM and SI provides good
response within the steady state range; compared to the DQCC
without SI, the active power response is improved by
employing the fast reacting SI in the transient period. The
VSM and the DVC perform similarly to each other, both
outperforming the SG in terms of maximum frequency
deviation. It is noted that further parameter tuning can still be
made in order to closely match the performance of the SG (e.g.
inertia, damping parameters). The droop control seems to
perform well, although it is noted that the droop coefficients
were set in a way that results in a large share of active power
taken by the PE-GU with droop control, resulting in a small
frequency deviation following the load step. Figure 11 shows
the frequency of the droop control in more detail, together
with the speed of the parallel synchronous generator. Both
respond reasonable and in a stable manner. The frequency of
the power system is dominated by the droop control, with the
SG oscillating against it.
time frame. As such, within Figure 13, the load change to make sufficient action of slower controllers possible in the
scenario with a 100% PE penetration is applied to PE-GU with subsequent time frames.
DQCC with P and Q control (light green), DQCC with P and
V control (dark green), DQCC with P and V control and with
FSM (orange), and DQCC with fast voltage control in the
outer loop and FSM (purple). With slow DQCC, a fast
response in instantaneous power and instantaneous reactive
power following the load change is made possible (the
response is notable within the first quarter period). It is
nevertheless observed that, although stable within short term,
the DQCC-PQ, DQCC-PV and DQCC-FSM are unable to
recover in the long term to a stable operating point. The
DQCC with fast voltage control and FSM is the only one PE-
GU concept depicted in Figure 13, that is able to ride through
the transient and continue stable operation.
The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 7 of 9
Revised Reprint of Paper No. WIW19-145 of the 18th Wind Integration Workshop
The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 8 of 9
Revised Reprint of Paper No. WIW19-145 of the 18th Wind Integration Workshop
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The original version of this paper was presented at the 18th Wind Integration Workshop and published in the workshop’s proceedings.
18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power
Plants), Dublin, Ireland, 16-18 October 2019. Presented in Session 4A.
Reprint version revised by authors after the 18th Wind Integration Workshop; text revisions are marked in green. Page 9 of 9