Instrucational Unit Final
Instrucational Unit Final
Instrucational Unit Final
Instructional Unit
Grade level: 3rd grade
Subject/curricular focus: English
AASL Standards: I. A. 2. Recalling prior and background knowledge as context for new
III. D. 1. Actively contributing to group discussions.
IV. B. 4. Organizing information by priority, topic or other systematic scheme.
V. A. 1. Reading widely and deeply in multiple formats and write and create for a variety of
VI. A. 1. Responsibly applying information, technology, and media to learning.
I. B. 3. Generating products that illustrate learning.
I. C. 4. Sharing products with an authentic audience.
SOL and local curriculum: English 3.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of
fictional text and poetry. l) Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction.
3.6 The student will continue to read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. c)
Preview and use text features.
Time – number of lessons, time of each lesson, number of weeks, etc.: 5 lessons (30 minute
lesson with 15 minutes left for check out).
Information Literacy model (if appropriate): Visual literacy & technology literacy
Level of collaboration or co-teaching: Could be co-taught or collaborated with teacher if desired.
Assessments – pre, formative, and summative:
Preassessment: brainstorming fiction & nonfiction book titles (T-Chart) before the start of the
first lesson (recalling prior knowledge I. A. 2.)
Formative assessment: book sorting with worksheet: T-Chart for fiction vs. nonfiction
(Organizing information by topic IV. B. 4.)
Summative assessment: Use Buncee or Powerpoint to share learning of fiction vs. nonfiction
(Generate product to illustrate learning I. B. 3.)
Books and resources:
-video clip
-text feature posters
-Stellaluna book by Janell Cannon
-Bats book by Elizabeth Carney
-collection of fiction & non-fiction books (10 per table x 5 tables)
-fiction vs. nonfiction worksheet (see attached)
-IPADS or computer lab time
-Buncee or PowerPoint
Activities: T-chart for fiction/nonfiction titles, watching fiction/nonfiction video clip, instruction
on nonfiction text features (text features poster), hearing Stellaluna & Bats-determining genre for
each book with evidence, book sorting with recording on fiction/nonfiction worksheet, use
buncee/powerpoint to display learning, complete exit ticket.
Outside resources needed for support of the unit: lesson on how to use buncee and powerpoint
before start of the unit. Lesson on how to use catalog to locate books within the library.
Ideas for differentiation, remediation, extension:
Differentiation: Students will bring a fiction & nonfiction book they previously read in class with
their teacher to show for their prior learning connection. Students will be able to use the text
features posters during the independent practice (sort) & assessment. Students will get teacher or
para support during independent practice and assessment. Students will get preselected pictures
and images and/or word box with preselected words to use for the assessment.
Remediation: Guided practice with the librarian identifying fiction/nonfiction books and finding
evidence in the story. Another read aloud pair example of fiction vs. nonfiction.
Extension: Students could write their own fiction or nonfiction book including all the elements
needed to qualify for the genre.
Goals & Objectives:
Goal: For students to create new understanding of fiction & nonfiction books.
1.) By the end of the lesson, students will activate prior knowledge about fiction &
nonfiction books.
2.) By the end of the lesson, students will identify text features of nonfiction books.
3.) By the end of the lesson, students will classify 2 books read aloud into fiction or
nonfiction and explain their reasoning.
4.) By the end of the lesson, students will locate fiction & nonfiction books in the library.
5.) By the end of the lesson, students will organize 4 books into categories of fiction or
nonfiction and explain their reasoning.
6.) By the end of the lesson, students will construct one technology-based product
summarizing their learning of fiction & nonfiction.
By the end of the Formative - librarian Day 2- Activity- After read aloud,
lesson, students will observation during group students will share thinking & rationale
classify 2 books read discussion for book classifying (Bats &
aloud into fiction or Stellaluna) in group discussion.
nonfiction and explain
their reasoning.
By the end of the Formative & performance- Day 3- Activity - Students will sort
lesson, students will librarian observation & books at their table into categories of
organize 4 books into worksheet fiction & nonfiction. Work will be
categories of fiction or recorded & explained in sentences
nonfiction and explain explaining their thinking/evidence on
their reasoning.
their worksheet.
By the end of the Formative- librarian Day 3 – Activity – Students will share
lesson, students will observation during group their worksheets with the class: book
organize 4 books into discussion & guided title, fiction or nonfiction, evidence or
categories of fiction or questioning rationale for that category. Librarian
nonfiction and explain will lead discussion through
their reasoning.
By the end of the Formative & performance- Day 3- Activity- Students will use the
lesson, students will teacher observation as students catalog to find fiction & nonfiction
locate fiction & locate books books located within the library.
nonfiction books in the
By the end of the Summative & performance – Day 4 – Summative assessment –
lesson, students will media product – use rubric to students will create a media
construct one assess presentation (buncee or PPT) to
technology-based explain differences of fiction and
product summarizing nonfiction to summarize unit learning.
their learning of fiction
& nonfiction.
How can I share this with others, so they can also learn about the differences between fiction &
Students will complete the self-assessment in addition to receiving their score from the
summative assessment. At their next library time, students who had a score below 7 (or desired
from their self-assessment) will be given time to make changes to their slide(s) and resubmit.
Lesson Day 2: Students will recall everything they learned about fiction & nonfiction from the
previous lesson. Students will be called on to share while the librarian records fiction &
nonfiction facts using popplet on the smart board. The librarian will map two popplets: one for
fiction & one for nonfiction. This activity will give a whole class overview of fiction vs.
nonfiction. Then, students will hear two stories. First, the librarian will read a fiction story,
Stellaluna & then a nonfiction story, Bats. The librarian will not tell students what genre each
book was. In table groups, students will discuss what genre each book was & what features
(evidence) the book had to make it fiction/nonfiction. Groups will be called on to share with the
Skills: Identify text features specific to the topic, such as title, heading, and pictures.
Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction.
NSLS: I. A. 2.
III. D. 1.
IV. B. 4.
V. A. 1.
VI. A.
SOL: 3.5 l & 2.6 c
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will classify 2 books read aloud into fiction or
nonfiction and explain their reasoning.
Assessment: Formative assessment- Students will answer guiding questions during read aloud:
Bats & Stellaluna.
Formative assessment - After read aloud, students will share thinking & rationale for book
classifying (Bats & Stellaluna) in group discussion.
Lesson Day 3: Students will spend the first two minutes sharing what they learned about
fiction/nonfiction from the previous lesson. Students will be seated at tables in the library. On
their tables will be a selection of different books. Students will be given the fiction/nonfiction
worksheet to complete (*see attached file). Students will pick 4 books from their table to sort
into groups for fiction or non-fiction. Students will list the titles on their worksheet and answer
the questions. Students will look at the pictures/illustrations to help determine the genre.
Students will pick two books (one fiction & one nonfiction and write a sentence for each
explaining how they knew it was fiction/nonfiction). Once completing the worksheet, students
will share at their table which books were fiction (or nonfiction) and what evidence in the book
proved that. Next, the librarian will lead a class discussion on what they noticed and learned
during their sort activity. The librarian will use guiding questions to lead students to realize that
books are marked and organized in their location in the library according to their genre. Students
will then go on a book hunt in the library. Students will use the catalog to look up a topic of their
choice. They will find and locate a book (fiction or nonfiction) related to their topic within the
shelves. Through this activity students will be able to see the visual organization of fiction versus
Skills: Identify text features specific to the topic, such as title, heading, and pictures.
Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction.
NSLS: III. D. 1.
IV. B. 4.
V. A. 1.
SOL: 3.5 l & 2.6 c
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will locate fiction & nonfiction books in the
By the end of the lesson, students will organize 4 books into categories of fiction or nonfiction
and explain their reasoning.
Assessment: Performance assessment- Students will sort books at their table into categories of
fiction & nonfiction. Work will be recorded & explained in sentences explaining their
thinking/evidence on their worksheet. Students will share their worksheets with the class: book
title, fiction or nonfiction, evidence or rationale for that category. Librarian will lead discussion
through questioning.
Performance assessment- Students will use the catalog to find fiction & nonfiction books located
within the library.
Lesson Day 4: Students will have used PowerPoint and buncee in previous library lessons in
preparation for this unit/assignment. Students will use PowerPoint or buncee (in computer lab or
on iPad/tablets) to create 1-2 slide(s) explaining the characteristics and differences between
fiction & nonfiction books. They must include at least 3 pictures and 5 text boxes (with at least 1
word in each) to define book characteristics specific to that genre. Students can use any
appropriate and relevant pictures they would like. They will be allowed to use pictures of books
covers, if desired. The rubric will be shared with students before they begin their assessment. To
wrap up, a few volunteers will share their buncee/powerpoint creation with the rest of the class.
We will summarize all we have learned about fiction vs. nonfiction.
Skills: Identify text features specific to the topic, such as title, heading, and pictures.
Differentiate between fiction and nonfiction.
NSLS: I. B. 3.
I. C. 4.
IV. B. 4.
VI. A. 1.
SOL: 3.5 l & 2.6 c
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will construct one technology-based product
summarizing their learning of fiction & nonfiction.
Assessment: Summative assessment – students will create a media presentation (buncee or PPT)
to explain differences of fiction and nonfiction to summarize unit learning.
Unit Timelines
Third grade meets once a week for their library time (30 minutes for instruction from a 45-
minute time period).
Evaluation Pieces:
1-Student Exit Ticket
2-Teacher Feedback
3-Librarian Self-Evaluation
Student Exit Ticket: At their next library time (or as time permits during the final day of the
unit), students will complete an exit ticket.
Exit Ticket:
What did I learn from the unit?
What was helpful to me during the unit?
What was not helpful to me during the unit?
Teacher Feedback: Classroom teachers will answer the following questions on a printed sheet of
paper with candy attached to it. I chose this over a google form because I can hand it to the
teacher in person at library pick up time and have a conversation with them. This way I could get
verbal feedback in case they never return the paper. I thought the candy might increase my
chances of getting them to complete it. I tried to keep it short, so it wouldn’t seem like a lot of
work for them to complete. I would also share the students’ buncee creations with the teacher.
One, I wanted to display my ability as a media specialist to share one type of media that can be
used to assess content. Perhaps this can spark teacher interest to partner with me in another SOL
topic. Two, I wanted to share student data on their understanding of the SOL so the teacher can
use this data to drive her/his instruction moving forward.
Teacher questions:
What have your students shared with you about our unit on fiction vs. nonfiction? Please be
honest and share: the good, the bad & the ugly.
Are you noticing any difference in their comprehension of fiction & nonfiction? What about text
Did me supporting this SOL (English 3.5 & 3.6) help you? What could I have done differently
for it to be more beneficial for you?
I would love to collaborate with you further on another topic. Please share with me how I can
best support you. Any upcoming units you need help with?
Librarian Self-Evaluation
AASL Standards:
How did the assessments show student learning? Do I need to change or adjust any assessments
if repeated?
Do any materials need to be changed? Did I have enough materials & were they diverse enough?
How did the timing and pace of the unit work out? Not enough days? Too many?
Is this unit worth doing again in the future? If so, what changes need to be made moving
**After all three pieces of the evaluation are completed I will designate a time and date to sit
down and have a unit reflection. During this time, I will look at student assessment scores,
student self-assessments, exit tickets, teacher feedback & my own reflections. I will combine all
this information to determine the successfulness of the unit. Then, I will adjust anything as
needed for repeating the unit in the future.
Summary Paper:
I thought my lessons were appropriate for my audience of third graders. I tried hard to
choose materials & books on their reading level. I thought about their academic level when
choosing wording in instructions, directions & questions. I tried to make the lessons active and
not too complex as children that age have short attention spans. I thought the media slides for the
assessment would be a good fit for their age. I hoped student interest would be motivated by
creating a product on the computer to show their learning versus a test or other assessment.
My plan absolutely changed from when I started with brainstorming. Ideas of relating to
SOL content came easy but thinking of ideas for library incorporation were harder. I had to use
professor feedback & refocus my thinking with a library lens. Two examples of changes were:
adding locating fiction/nonfiction books in the library & showing students that book spines with
call numbers can help you distinguish fiction from nonfiction. These two parts really added to
the unit and incorporated the library into the content perfectly. The library was a perfect place to
do this unit as the physical space of the library shows the visual organization & separation of
fiction from nonfiction. This process forced me to retrain my thinking with library instruction at
fully intend on teaching this when in the library one day. I hope to find a teacher at my future
school who will collaborate with me on it. If not, I can complete it within the library solo and
share it with the teachers. Hopefully, it will inspire them to collaborate in the future by
displaying my strengths as a media specialist & ability to relate to SOL content. One take away
from this unit that I wasn’t expecting, was how much I loved buncee. I will absolutely use it in
Cannon, J. (1993). Stellaluna. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Carney, E. (2010). Bats. Washington D.C.: National Geographic.