Use of Biomethane As A Sustainable Fuel
Use of Biomethane As A Sustainable Fuel
Use of Biomethane As A Sustainable Fuel
Since biomethane is chemically identical to natural gas, it can be used for the
same applications as natural gas. It can be used for electricity generation, water
heating, space heating, cooking as well as to fuel vehicles.
CASE STUDY : Australia
Australia’s report card on reducing its greenhouse gas emissions is not exactly glowing, but there
are ample opportunities to get it on track during this period of rapid change in the energy sector.
Gas provides nearly one quarter of Australia’s total energy supply. Around 130,000 commercial
businesses rely on gas, and it delivers 44% of Australia’s household energy to more than 6.5 million
homes which use natural gas for hot water, domestic heating, or cooking.
Gas has lower greenhouse emissions than most other fuels, and the gas used in power generation
has about half the emissions of the current electricity grid. Even so, natural gas can do more to
help Australia meet its carbon-reduction targets.
An industry document released last year, Gas Vision 2050, explains how new technologies such as
biomethane and hydrogen can make that happen, by replacing conventional natural gas with low-
emission alternative fuels.
There are untapped opportunities to produce biomethane using municipal sewage sludge, red meat
processing waste, residues from breweries and distilleries, food waste, and poultry and cattle
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency is currently supporting the Australian Biomass for
Bioenergy (ABBA) project. The Australian Renewable Energy Mapping Infrastructure (AREMI)
platform will map existing and projected biomass resource data from the ABBA project, alongside
other parameters such as existing network and transport infrastructure, land-use capability, and
demographic data.
The Chemistry Behind Biogas.
Biogas technology amongst other processes (including thermal, pyrolysis, combustion and
gasification) has in recent times also been viewed as a very good source of sustainable
waste treatment / management, as disposal of wastes has become a major problem
especially to the third world countries.
The effluent of this process is a residue rich in essential inorganic elements like nitrogen
and phosphorus needed for healthy plant growth known as biofertilizer which when
applied to the soil enriches it with no detrimental effects on the environment.
– The content of biogas varies with the material being decomposed and the environmental
conditions involved.
– Potentially, all organic waste materials contain adequate quantities of the nutrients
essential for the growth and metabolism of the anaerobic bacteria in biogas production.
However, the chemical composition and biological availability of the nutrients contained
in these materials vary with species, factors affecting growth and age of the animal or
– Various wastes have been utilized for biogas production and they include amongst
others; animal wastes, industrial wastes , food processing wastes, plant residues etc.
– Many other wastes are still being researched on as potential feedstock for biogas
Paper As A Bio-Waste.
Waste papers are readily available from schools, offices, printing presses, factories etc.,
and in some developing countries are littered on the street as waste. These already
constitute a nuisance with the poor waste management system prevalent especially in the
third world countries. Therefore, using it as feedstock for biogas production will be a
cheaper source of energy generation as well as a good waste management option.
According to a study it revealed that paper waste is a very good biogas producer, with
effective retention period of 77 days, its gas flammability ceased for a period of two
weeks before resumption. It was concluded that the paper waste would require some
form of treatment like co-digesting it with animal wastes to impart sustained gas
Cellulosic wastes are generally known to be poor biogas producers because of their poor
One treatment method for improving the biogas production of various feedstocks is co-
digesting them with animal and/or plant wastes.
• The paper waste (PW) was soaked in a plastic water bath overnight to
allow for partial decomposition by aerobic microbes [19], and the pH
was noted.
• For the PW-A, 8kg of the paper waste was mixed with 27kg of water,
while for the PW: CD, 4kg each of paper waste and cow dung were
blended and mixed with 27kg of water, bringing all of them to water
to waste ratio of approx. 3:1.
• The two variants were charged into the 50L metal prototype
digesters as originally weighed out.
A Review
Technical Parameters of Biogas for engine performance.
Technical parameters of biogas are very important because of their effect on the
combustion process in an engine. Those properties are:-
• Ignitability of CH₄ in mixture with air: CH₄: 5...15 Vol. %, Air: 95...85 Vol. %
• Mixtures with less than 5 Vol. % and mixtures with more than 15 Vol. % of CH₄
are not properly ignitable with spark ignition.
• Combustion velocity in a mixture with air at p = 1 bar: cc = 0.20 m/s at 7% CH₄,
cc = 0.38 m/s at 10% CH₄
• The combustion velocity is a function of the volume percentage of the burnable
component, here CH₄. The highest value of cc is near stoichiometric air/fuel
ratio, mostly at an excess air ratio of 0. 8 to 0.9. It increases drastically at higher
temperatures and pressures.
• Temperature at which CH₄ ignites in a mixture with air Ti = 918K ... 1023 K -
Compression ratio of an engine, ‗e‘ at which temperatures reach values high
enough for self-ignition in mixture with air(CO₂ content increases possible
compression ratio) e = 15...20
• Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio on a mass basis at which the combustion of CH₄ with
air is complete but without unutilized excess air
Problems to use Biogas in I.C. Engines
• H₂S is acidic and if not removed can cause corrosion of engine parts within a
matter of hours. It is easy to remove H₂S, by passing the gas through iron
oxide (Fe₂0₃ -rusty nails are a good source) or zinc oxide (ZnO). These materials
can be re-generated on exposure to the air, although the smell of H₂S is
CO₂ is high corrosive when wet and it has no combustion value so its removal is must
to improve the biogas quality. The processes to remove CO₂ are as follows
CO₂ removal from biogas can be done by using chemical solvents like mono-
ethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine and tri- ethanolamine or aqueous solution of
alkaline salts, i.e. sodium, calcium hydroxide and potassium. Biogas bubbled through
10% aqueous solution of MEA can reduce the CO₂ content from 40 to 0.5- 1.0% by
volume. Chemical agents like NaOH, Ca(OH)₂, and KOH can be used for CO₂
scrubbing from biogas. In alkaline solution the CO₂ absorption is assisted by agitation.
NaOH solution having a rapid CO₂ absorption of 2.5-3.0% and the rate of absorption
is affected by the concentration of solution.
Removal of H₂S
• This fuel and air mixture does not auto ignite due to high octane number. A small
amount of diesel, usually called pilot fuel is injected for promoting combustion. The
primary fuel in dual fueling system is homogeneously mixed with air that leads to
very low level of smoke.
• Dual fuel engine can use a wide variety of primary and pilot fuels. The pilot fuels are
generally of high cetane fuel. Biogas can also be used in dual fuel mode with
vegetable oils as pilot fuels in diesel engines.
• Introduction of biogas normally leads to deterioration in performance and
emission characteristics. The performance of engine depends on the amount of
biogas and the pilot fuel used. Measures like addition of hydrogen, LPG, removal
of CO₂ etc. have shown significant improvements in the performance of biogas
dual fuel engines.
• The ignition delay of the pilot fuel generally increases with the introduction of
biogas and this will lead to advance the injection timing. Injectors opening
pressure and rate of injection also are found to play important role in the case of
biogas fueled engine, where vegetables oil is used as a pilot fuel.
• The CO₂ percentage in biogas acts as diluents to slow down the combustion
process in Homogenous charged compression ignition (HCCI) engines. However,
it also affects ignition. Thus a fuel with low self-ignition temperature could be
used along with biogas to help its ignition. This kind of engine has shown a
superior performance as compared to a dual fuel mode of operation
Biogas in Dual Fuel Engine applications
• In this case, the normal diesel fuel injection system still supplies a certain amount of
diesel fuel. The engine however sucks and compresses a mixture of air and biogas
fuel which has been prepared in external mixing device. The mixture is then ignited
by and together with the diesel fuel sprayed in. The amount of diesel fuel needed for
sufficient ignition is between 10% and 20% of the amount needed for operation on
diesel fuel alone.
• Operation of the engine at partial load requires reduction of the biogas supply by
means of a gas control valve. A simultaneous reduction of airflow would reduce
power and efficiency because of reduction of compression pressure and main
effective pressure. So, the air/fuel ratio is changed by different amounts of injected
• The dual fuel engine cannot operate without the supply of diesel fuel for ignition.
• The fuel injection jets may overheat when the diesel fuel flow is reduced to 10% or
15% of its‘ normal flow. Larger dual fuel engines circulate extra diesel fuel through the
injector for cooling.
• To what extent the fuel injection nozzle can be affected is however a question of its‘
specific design, material and the thermal load of the engine, and hence differs from
case to case.
• A check of the injector nozzle after 500 hours of operation is recommended
Biogas in HCCI Engine applications.
• In biogas diesel dual fuel mode, the presence of CO₂ in biogas lowers the thermal
efficiency however, in biogas diesel HCCI (BDHCCI) mode CO₂ reduces high heat
release rate. The break mean effective pressure (BMEP) in BDHCCI mode is in the
range of 2.5 bar to 4 bar. The smoke and Hydro Carbon (HC) level were also low
when the biogas is used as a primary fuel for BDHCCI mode.
• The study concludes the biogas production from organic wastes, its
‘composition and properties for use in I.C. Engines. Different techniques for
CO₂, H₂S scrubbing are discussed, among which water scrubbing is a simple
continuous and cost-effective method for purification.
• Attention is also focused for making biogas as alternate fuel in Diesel Engines
and dual fueling is recommended to be the best one for biogas CI operation.
Drop of CO₂ in biogas for dual fueling increases the thermal efficiency.
• In biogas HCCI mode, the presence of CO₂ controls the high heat release rate;
hence the durability of engine components will not be affected.