Haematology - 3 .Year Students - Dr. Burhan A. Mohammed
Haematology - 3 .Year Students - Dr. Burhan A. Mohammed
Haematology - 3 .Year Students - Dr. Burhan A. Mohammed
E. Reticulocyte
After the expulsion of the nucleus a large somewhat basophilic a nuclear cell remains
which when stained with new methylene blue, is seen to contain a network of bluish
granules. This network is responsible for the name of the cell and consists of
precipitated ribosomes. As the bone marrow reticulocyte matures the network becomes
smaller, finer, thinner, and finally within 3 days disappears. About 1% of reticulocytes
enter the peripheral circulation.
Size: 8-10µm in diameter
Nucleus: the reticulocyte does not contain a nucleus.
Cytoplasm: faintly basophilic (blue).
F. Mature erythrocyte
Size: 7-8µm in diameter
Cytoplasm: biconcave, orange-pink with a pale staining center occupying one-third of
the cell area.
Regulation of Erythropoiesis
Erythropoietic activity is regulated by the hormone erythropoietin which in turn is
regulated by the level of tissue oxygen. Erythropoietin is a heavily glycosylated
hormone (40% carbohydrate) with a polypeptide of 165 amino acids. Normally, 90% of
the hormone is produced in the peritubular (juxtaglomerular) complex of the kidneys
and 10% in the liver and elsewhere. There are no preformed stores of erythropoietin and
the stimulus to the production of the hormone is the oxygen tension in the tissues
(including the kidneys). When there is tissue air hypoxia due to:
-Low blood hemoglobin levels (e.g., anemia)
- Imped oxygen release from hemoglobin for some structural or metabolic
- defects (e.g., the hemoglobinopathies)
- Poor blood flow as in severe circulatory defects.
- Low atmospheric oxygen (e.g., high altitude)
Erythropoietin production increases and this stimulates erythropoiesis by increasing the
number of progenitor cells committed to erythropoiesis.
Erythropoietin accelerates nearly every stage of red cell production:
• It increases the rate at which the committed stem cells divide and differentiate
• It increases the rate of cell division
• It speeds up the incorporation of iron into the developing red cells
• It shortens the time cell maturation, and
• It hastens the entry of reticulocytes into the peripheral circulation Similarly, increased
oxygen supply to the tissues due to:
• Increased red cell mass (e.g., polycythemia)
• Ability of hemoglobin to release oxygen to the tissues more readily than normal
reduces the erythropoietin drive.
Ineffective erythropoiesis/Intramedullary hemolysis
Erythropoiesis is not entirely efficient since 10-15% of erythropoiesis in a normal bone
marrow is ineffective, i.e., the developing erythroblasts die within the marrow without
producing mature cells. Together with their hemoglobin, they are ingested by
macrophages. This process is substantially increased in a number of anemias.
Megaloblastic Erythropoiesis
Megaloblasts are pathologic cells that are not present in the normal adult bone marrow,
their appearance being caused by a deficiency in vitamin B12 or folic acid or both
leading to defective DNA synthesis. In Megaloblastic erythropoiesis, the nucleus and
cytoplasm do not mature at the same rate so that nuclear maturation lags behind
cytoplasmic hemoglobinization. This nuclear lag appears to be caused by interference
with DNA synthesis while RNA and protein synthesis continue at a normal rate. The
end stage of Megaloblastic maturation is the megalocyte which is abnormally large in
size (9-12µm in diameter)