Research Articles (51-67)
Research Articles (51-67)
Research Articles (51-67)
(Shakarganj Sugar Research Institute)
(Spent Wash)
(Distillary Plant)
(Press mud, Sludge, Ash, Spent wash)
polythene Sheet
100 50 selenium
20 ascorbic acid
40 150
ASCORBIC ACID IN COTTON (Gossypium hirsutum L.)
Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is one of the important cash crops. High temperature during the growing season of cotton is one of
the main factors that reduces its productivity. Although, cotton crop likes hot climate but very high temperature affects its growth and
yield badly. All stages of crop were adversely affected by high temperatures however, reproductive growth was found to be most
sensitive in this regard. The optimum temperature for growth and development of cotton crop is 27-32?C. In Pakistan temperature
during summer approaches about 50?C which reduces yield and deteriorates the quality of cotton crop. Flower and boll drop increases
due to high temperature and some flowers become sterile which results into less number of bolls per plant. High temperature badly
affects the process of photosynthesis so plant cannot make their food properly. By keeping in view this problem the present
investigations were carried out to improve heat tolerance in cotton by using selenium or ascorbic acid. Two independent experiments
were planted during 2013 and repeated during 2014 at the Agronomic Research Area, University of Agricultural Faisalabad. Seed of Bt
cotton cv. MNH-886 was used. First experiment comprised of heat stress imposition (H0= No heat imposition, H1= Heat imposition at
square initiation, H2= Heat imposition at flower initiation) and levels of foliar applied selenium (Se0= control (water spray), Se1= 50 mg
L-1, Se2= 100 mg L-1, Se3= 150 mg L-1). In second experiment same heat stress treatments were combined with four levels of foliar
applied ascorbic acid (A0= control (water spray), A1= 20 mg L-1, A2= 40 mg L-1 and A3= 60 mg L-1). For heat imposition the crop was
covered with polythene sheet. The results showed that heat stress badly affected the crop either it was imposed at squaring or flowering
stage but the reduction in yield was more when crop faced heat stress at flowering stage. Foliar application of selenium and ascorbic acid
minimized the harmful impacts of heat stress on crop and improved its performance. Highest level of foliar applied selenium (150 mg L-1)
and medium level of foliar applied ascorbic acid (40 mg L-1) improved the plants' defensive mechanism, leading to significant increase in
number of bolls per plant, boll weight, number of sympodial branches per plant and seed cotton yield.
4 3
131 398
2013 14
42 2
10 *
Role of salicylic acid under drought stress in okra crop
Present research work was conducted at Vegetable Research Area, Institute of Horticultural Sciences, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad during summer season (i.e. March to May) of two consecutive years, 2013 and 2014. This study was consisted of four different
experiments with main objective to find out critical growth stage (s) of okra to drought stress and to mitigate the harmful effects of
drought. Keeping in view results of our experiments we suggest following recommendations to the okra growers.
1) Avoid water stress at vegetative and reproductive stage in order to achieve good yield.
2) In case of stress at seedling stage, replanting is recommended to fullfil the plant population per unit area. Okra seedling has the
ability to fully recover from stress once irrigation is normalized.
3) In case of water shortage application of 2mM salicylic acid or 2mM ascorbic acid spray at 2 leaf + 4 leaf + flowering stage is
recommended to avoid sever reduction in yield and yield related traits.
4) Seed treatment with azotobacter @ 1.5g per 10g okra seed is recommended.
2012 13
25 20
The aim of this tudy was to detrine the effective irrigation method for profitable onion production. Results revealed that onion
growth and yield was superior under furrow irrigation followed by alternate furrow irrigation method. However, fixed furrow irrigation
method was found unsuitable for onion crop. Major reason of furrow irrigation system superiority was availability of more water to the
onion plant. However, under water shortage when farmer has little water to apply, alternate furrow irrigation will be the best option to
choose. Mulching significantly increased the efficiency of all irrigation methods by limiting evaporation. Results of experiment showed
similar results for alternate furrow irrigation with mulching as were observed in furrow irrigation without mulching. Among onion
varieties, "Robina" showed superiority in all vegetative parameters but interestingly non-significant differences were observed in yield
traits. Onion growth and yield increased as irrigation interval was reduced or as irrigation quantity was increased. Maximum values for
vegetative, bulb and yield parameters were recorded when 12mm irrigation was applied at one day interval. However, non-significant
variations were observed among various irrigation quantities when irrigation was applied at one day or two days interval. Variations
among irrigation quantities became significant when irrigation was applied at 3 days interval. Although 6mm irrigation on daily basis
increased all vegetative parameters, but splitting percentage was also increased. Thus, we recommend 6mm irrigation at two days
interval suitable under non-mulched conditions while 3mm irrigation at two days intervals under mulched conditions was suitable for
higher yields of quality onion.
282- 259- 142-
(P1, P2 F1, F2, BC1, BC2 )
Additive, dominace and Epistatic
Heritability 12
259- 142-
Genetics of heat tolerance, yield and other economic traits in Gossypium hirsutum L.
For the successful development of highly heat tolerant plant material, breeding programs are essential. The data for genetic
studies was developed by crossing highly tolerant varieties VH-259 and VH-142 were crossed with highly susceptible varieties VH-282 and
DNH-40, and their back crosses and growing of F2, provided knowledge about the genetic basis of variation for heat tolerance. The data
sets were found suitable for different genetic models i.e. two, three, four, five and six parameter models for analyzing plant characters
evaluated under high and normal temperatures. The character studied at maturity were RCI %, chlorophyll contents, plant height, boll
shedding %, number of bolls per plant, number of seeds per boll, boll weight, yield of seed cotton, gin turn out, fiber length, fiber
strength and fiber fineness. Generation mean components i.e. m, [d], [h], [i], [j], and [l] revealed different responses of all six generations
for heat stress. The results revealed that all the characters were affected by both additive and non-additive type of gene action including
epistasis in some of the characters. Three types of epistasis i.e. additive into additive [i], additive into dominance [j] and dominance into
dominance [l] were important in almost all the characters studied during normal and high temperature conditions but genetic variance
analysis did not reveal the presence of epistasis. It was revealed that D and H components of variance control the characters
predominantly by the genes acting additively. Transcriptomic analysis was done using two heat stress tolerant genotypes VH-259 and
VH-142. The purpose of this experiment was to identify potential heat shock proteins in G. hirsutum and to see how they express at
different temperatures. For this purpose hetrologous approach was adopted which aims to use reported sequences of certain proteins in
related species and find them in target species. Here we selected sequences from G. raimondii and found them in G. hirsutum. Certain
HSP genes were identified in both genotypes using this experiment. Both these genotypes exhibited different pattern of heat stress
tolerance based on differential expression of genes in this experiment.
9436 2008
2008 50-
(P1, P2 F1, F2, BC1, BC2 )
Additive, dominace and Epistatic
Heritability 16
9436 50-
4D 2B 3A
English Article
In this study Fifty wheat lines were screened against water stress conditions using relative water contents and excised leaf water
loss as stress indices. Four wheat lines were selected as half were tolerant and half were susceptible. Further populations like F2 and
back crosses were developed after crossing these lines into two crosses. Cross Chakwal-50 × 9436 was used to detect QTLs under water
stress conditions using parents and F2 population. Photosynthetic rate, relative water contents and cell membrane thermo-stability,
excised leaf water loss and 1000-grain weight was used to detect QTLs. Water stress was developed by restricting irrigation.
Morphological data was collected at anthesis stage and 1000-grain weight was measured at maturity. DNA was collected from parents
and F2 population using CTAB method. 30 ISSR (inter simple sequence repeats) were screened and four highly polymorphic and
reproducible markers used for survey of F2 population. These four primers then labeled with florochrom dyes. After PCR samples were
run on capillary electrophoresis to detect florochrom and peaks generated by computer program. Every peak was considered as band.
These bands were used to construct genetic linkage map. A total of 61 bands were mapped into 12 linkage groups (LG). The numbers of
bands in each group were ranged from 3-10 with an average distance of 32 cM. A total of 390 cM distance was covered by all the groups
produced in this experiment. The average distance between contiguous bands was 6.5 cM. In QTL analysis, a total of three QTLs were
identified, one QTL for photosynthetic rate on chromosome 3A, one for cell membrane thermo-stability on chromosome 2B and one for
relative water contents on chromosome 4D. These QTLs were identified under water stress conditions. These QTLs could be used to mold
wheat genome into water stress tolerant wheat genome. Tolerant lines (Chakawal-50 and Mairaj-08) could be used in further studies. F2
population developed by the cross of Chakawal-50 and 9436 could be used for genetic gains in upcoming breeding programs. QTLs which
were identified in this study could be verified in other environments as well as in different genetic backgrounds. These QTLs could be
used in upcoming breeding programs for breeding wheat against water stress conditions.
55.5 21.70
4.2 80.3
19.16 2.31
010045 010054 010046
09914009992 009929009921 010045010046
42 10
(leaf firing)
stomatal conductance transpiration
memberance thermostability
N-48-94 R-2304-2
UM-2 ZL-11271
UM-2 ZL-11271
Heat stress alone and in combination with drought is limiting maize production by negatively affecting the plant growth and seed
development. The issue of heat tolerance can be accomplished through genetic management approach as development of heat tolerant
varieties for once would be a cheap input technology for low income small land holding farmers like Pakistan. In view of the above, the
present research was conducted in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad and Agronomic
Research Institute, Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan. For this purpose, the seeds of one hundred maize inbred
lines collected from various research organizations were planted in two sets, one under normal and the other under high temperature
conditions in a plastic tunnel for the purpose of screening against heat at reproductive stage. Based on the actual and relative values for
various physio-morphological plant traits, one heat tolerant (ZL-11271) and one heat susceptible (R-2304-2) parents were selected and
crossed to develop six basic generations (P1, P2, F1, BC1, BC2, F2) in subsequent cropping seasons. All these generations were then
evaluated under both field and heat-stressed conditions. Results revealed statistically significant differences (P?0.01-0.05) for all the
characters except anthesis-silking interval. Generation mean analysis of plant traits recorded under normal conditions revealed both
additive and dominance gene action for leaf temperature, cell membrane thermo-stability, stomatal conductance, leaf firing, plant
height, ear leaf area, days to maturity, ear length, kernels per ear, 100-grain weight and grain yield per plant. For all these traits except
stomatal conductance, dominance effects were more pronounced than additive estimates. Only additive gene action was revealed for
transpiration rate, days to tasseling and days to silking under normal conditions. Days to silking and days to maturity had dominance
gene action while traits like leaf temperature, cell membrane thermo-stability, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, leaf firing, plant
height, days to tasseling, ear leaf area, ear length, kernels per ear, 100-grain weight and grain yield per plant revealed both additive and
dominance gene actions under heat-stressed conditions. Additive genetic effects were greater in magnitude for leaf temperature, cell
membrane thermo-stability and stomatal conductance while estimates of dominance genetic effects were higher in case of transpiration
rate, leaf firing, plant height, ear leaf area, ear length, kernels per ear, 100-grain weight and grain yield per plant under heat-stressed
regime. It can be concluded that traits like cell membrane thermo-stability, ear leaf area and kernels per ear may be given priority in
breeding strategies for achieving improvement in maize grain yield under high temperature circumstances.
5- 2011- 2011- L-7076 L-8171 2011- 2016- 2011- 2008-
2008- 10
200,100,0 2 1,0
5- 2008
The present studt was planned to investigate the role of silicon application in alleviating the Na+ toxicity and growth improvement
in wheat. Ten wheat genotypes (Lasani-2008, AARI-2011, Sehar-2006, AAS-2011, Faisalabad-2008, Punjab-2011, Millat-2011, L-7076,
L-8171 and SARC-5) were grown in ½ strength Hoagland nutrient solution with two salinity levels (100 and 200 mM NaCl) and two silicon
levels (1 and 2 mM H2SiO3 ) in wire house for 30 days. Two wheat varieties i.e. Faisalabad-2008 as salt tolerant and Millat-2011 as salt
sensitive were selected on the basis of ionic composition and biomass production, then the interactive effect of salinity and silicon (Si) on
physiological and biochemical attributes of both selected wheat varieties was investigated by growing in solution culture using same
level of silicon and salinity. Another pot experiment was carried out to study the role of Si on the yield of both selected wheat varieties
by applying two salinity levels (10 and 20 dS m-1) and two silicon (H2SiO3) levels (78 and 156 mg kg-1) with their respective control. The
results of present study explains that salinity significantly (p > 0.05) affected all the growth parameters of wheat genotypes. The
Faisalabad-2008 and SARC-5 produced the maximum biomass, accumulated high K+ and low Na+ in their shoots, resultantly maintained
high K+: Na+ ratio and identified as salt tolerant genotypes. The Millat-2011, L-7076 and L-8171 yielded less biomass, accumulated high
Na+ and low K+ in their shoots, resultantly maintained the lowest K+: Na+ ratio and emerged as salt sensitive genotypes. Addition of
silicon (Si) improved the salt tolerance of all wheat genotypes having capability to accumulate Si in their plant tissues particularly in salt
stress condition, while Faisalabad-2008 and SARC-5 found to be efficient Si accumulator genotypes maintaining higher Si: Na+ ratio in
their the shoots. More influential effect of Si was found in the treatments where Si was applied @ 2 mM under salt stress conditions. Si
improved water status, photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll contents and reduced electrolyte
leakage significantly in both the varieties. The salt tolerant variety performed better than salt sensitive. Addition of Si alleviate the
harmful effects of salinity by increasing the activities of anti-oxidant enzymes. Faisalabad-2008 variety showed better activities of
antioxidant enzymes as compared to Millat-2011. The effect of silicon (Si) was found to be time-dependent and became stronger as the
experiments continued. It has shown more positive results at stem elongation/jointing stage as compared to tillering stage. Silicon (Si)
alleviated the ion toxicity and enhanced salt tolerance of wheat by altering the uptake and micro distribution of mineral ions,
maintaining ion balance and ion homeostasis in its chlorenchyma cells. Silicon (Si) application improved plant height, number of tillers,
number of spikes, number of grains per spike, grain yield per plant and biological yield in both wheat varieties by improving K+: Na+
ratio. Salt-tolerant variety (Faisalabad-2008) maintained better growth and yield compared to salt-sensitive variety (Millet-2011) under
saline conditions. It can be established that silicon (Si) application is found to be beneficial in water and soil culture under both saline
and non-saline condition. The beneficial effect of silicon (Si) in plant growth is attributed to Improved K+: Na+ ratio in plant tissues,
formation of phytolith within plant body, improved plant water status, improved chlorophyll contents and enhanced activity of
anti-oxidant enzymes. Therefore, it will be suitable to recommend Si application as fertilizer after optimizing proper and economical
source of Si in the saline field.
Effect of biochar in improving the nodulation, growth and
yield of Rhizobium inoculated mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)
Biochars have often been associated with improving soils in nutrient poor and generally acidic soils. The effectiveness of biochars,
combined with rhizobial inoculation for crop growth under high pH, calcareous soils of Pakistan is poorly understood. A series of
experiments were thus conducted to evaluate the combined effect of biochar and rhizobial inoculation for improving the growth,
nodulation and yield of mung bean under the conditions of high pH and calcareous soil common in Pakistan. Therefore, the overall goals
of this integrated research project were; to characterize biochar produced from various raw materials/feed stocks, to isolate and screen
Rhizobium from mung bean nodule samples, to evaluate the potential of Rhizobium in biochar amended soil to improve growth,
nodulation and yield of mung bean, to identify and characterize selected rhizobial isolates, to evaluate the synergistic potential of
biochar and rhizobia for improving the nitrogenase activity in legume-Rhizobium symbiosis and to study the effect of biochar and
rhizobial inoculation on soil microbial diversity. It was concluded that increased plant growth in response to soil amendment with
biochar is based on the type of char, i.e., CSB application increased growth of mung bean more compared to WSB and RSB. Further, use
of rhizobial inoculant in biochar-amended soil is a good strategy for improving growth, nodulation and productivity of mung bean.
However, the degree to which these inoculants impart benefits to plant growth can vary with the biochar production conditions, biochar
application level, soil conditions and rhizobial strains used. Moreover, biochar application was shown to increase the percentage in the
microbial community of root-associated microbes that exhibit plant growth-promoting activities.
1985 20
172 58
Taxonomic identification as key component for effective
implications of predatory mites of family Phytoseiidae in IPM
The development of a successful pest management program solely relies on the accurate description of the concerned biocontrol
agent. Usually these descriptions are based on taxonomic studies; those are derived from morphological criteria of species identification.
From Pakistan as well, considerable work regarding systematics of family Phytoseiidae has been done by a number of researchers. Wali
Muhammad Chaudhri and his coworkers in 1965 laid the foundation of the field of Acarology and explored this important predatory
family from different regions of this country. Later, many researchers contributed towards the phytoseiid fauna of Pakistan and in this
instance, 172 species were originally described. In this study, complete and updated compilation of Phytoseiidae from Pakistan is
presented along with their bio-geographical information. Different taxonomic keys separating species within each genus are given, which
will be very helpful for potential readers to identify their specimens. However, improved descriptions and illustrations of some
phytoseiid species which were previously poorly described and their identity was uncertain is given with their updated taxonomic status.
Some species like Neoseiulus barkeri and Neoseiulus paspalivorus within the genus Neoseiulus and Amblyseiulella parahavea within the
genus Amblyseiulella have been described and illustrated for the first time from Pakistan. It will not only facilitate future acarologists of
Pakistan to use this information for species identification and incorporating them for the management of different pest complex but is
also be a scientific resource for world acarological communities to approach phytoseiid fauna of Pakistan.
5, 10, 15, 20
(Azadirachta indica) 10 86 4 2
40.68 120
(Acetyle choline esterase, carboxyl esterases, acid
3 chitosan
in view the prominence of lactoferrin (Lf), the current study was aimed at its isolation from the milk of cow, buffalo, goat and camel, as
well as the industrial cheese whey, collected from milk industry. The milk of different animals was collected from University of
Agriculture dairy farms and subjected to different heat treatments. Whey was separated from raw as well as heat-treated milk. The
precipitation of whey samples was done using ammonium sulfate, and it was purified by Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (Bio-Rad).
The cation exchange resins (SP-Sepharose and CM-Sephadex C-25) alongwith fast protein liquid chromatography were used.
Antibacterial effect of Lf isolated from all the sources was evaluated against E. coli and S. aureus through disc diffusion assay and finally it
was used as pathogen controlling ingredient in meat sausage. The isolated Lf was characterized through SDS-PAGE. The HPLC analysis
was carried out for further characterization of Lf isolated from all the sources. Overall, lactoferrin isolated from indigenous animals
including cow, buffalo, goat and camel was found to be very effective against food borne pathogens and can be used as a bio
preservative in different ready to eat meat products. Lactoferrin from camel milk is most potent to reduce burden of food borne
illnesses. Further investigations are needed to explore more cheap and inexpensive technologies to extract lactoferrin and other similar
proteins from milk whey. Potency of lactoferrin can be a good tool for decontamination of meat and meat products which is not in
practice in Pakistan inspite of having excellent milk resources. Commercial availability of lactoferrin both as preservative agent and
nutraceutical in different forms is necessary to get benefit from our local recourses, reduce import burdens and improve food safety
situation in Pakistan.
Freez Dry
Freez Dried Samples
Samples 40
Anti Tibactaial, Antioxidant, Accinhibitory Antithiombotic Antibacterial
antimicrobial, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer potential. In current research investigation, WSPE obtained from
yoghurts prepared from cow, buffalo, sheep and goat milk proved to be active against hypertension, oxidation, bacterial activity,
inflammation, thrombosis and cancer at various rates. Moreover, during storage all activities increased except antioxidant and
antibacterial. Antioxidant activity increased till 5th day and later decreased. In short, fermented dairy products, enriched with
bio-functional peptides have the potential to combat multiple ailments. As Pakistan is the 4th largest milk producer in world, dairy
products especially fermented ones should be encouraged in daily diet to curtail various lifestyle related diseases through diet based
therapy. For further studies, it is suggested to isolate the individual peptides and determine their amino acid sequence and respective
potential against different ailments. Other microorganisms can also be exploited for fermented dairy products having higher level of
proteolytic activity.
An in-depth study to formulate research based public agricultural extension
policy guidelines in the Punjab, Pakistan
The universe of the study was Punjab province which is considered as the food basket of Pakistan. Multistage sampling technique
was used in selection of the respondents. Two separate interview schedule were assembled for both category of the respondents
(farmers and agricultural officers). Data were collected through personal interviews with the help of validated and reliable research
instruments. Collected data were analyzed through computer software i.e. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Additionally, key
informant interviews were administered of selected agricultural extension experts and policy makers. The district officers of five selected
districts were also interviewed. Moreover, focus group discussion with rural women, informal discussion and observation were also the
part of study. The results showed that there are number of actors i.e., public and private departments involved in the provision of
agricultural extension services to the farmers. The results revealed that farmers demanded information from agricultural extension
officers regarding all aspects of crop production from sowing of seed to post-harvest practices along with selection of inputs and more
accurate information on weather pattern and marketing. Lecture method along with group discussion was the most common extension
method being followed in the field. Promotion of sustainable agricultural practices was not up to the mark. Mandate of agricultural
extension is only limited to the promotion of crops and the recently introduced kitchen gardening programs. Rural women and youth are
neglected by the agriculture department (extension). According to agricultural extension officers, non-extension duties, interference
from district administration, poor service structure, poor research-extension linkages, lack of facilities for field operations and lack of
in-service and pre-service trainings are the significant barriers hampering their working efficiency. Respondents reported high input
prices and market uncertainty are the most prominent factors in decreasing crop yield. Respondents also show interest in using internet
based information communication technologies (ICTs) to access agricultural information. It is suggested that proper attention should be
paid towards the needs of the farmers by agriculture department (extension). In this regard timely and accurate information should be
provided to the farmers and bottom up approach should be followed. Mandate of agricultural extension should be broadened and
proper attention should be paid towards the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices. Revamping of the agriculture department
(extension) is needed and organizational issues should be tackled on priority basis. Additionally, the Punjab agricultural extension
department should operate as a professional provincial organization and should be separated from district administration setup and its
role should be clearly defined. Policy should be legislated by Government of Punjab by taking all stakeholders on board and it should be
implemented in its true spirit so that agricultural extension could contribute in agricultural development as well as welfare of people.
FFS 2004
Probability Sampling Techniques
Statistical 80
Inferential Statistics Descriptive
Analysis of Long Term Impact of Farmer Field School Regarding Integrated Pest
Management for Cotton Growers in Punjab, Pakistan
The present research study was designed to assess the long term impact of Farmer Field School (FFS) regarding Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) on cotton crop in selected project districts like Vehari, Lodhran, D.G Khan and Bahawalpur districts of the Punjab
province. Probability sampling techniques was used for this study which included stratified and simple random sampling technique. Total
sample size of 392 (232 from treatment group (58 from each district), 80 from exposed group (20 from each district) as well as 80 from
control group (20 from each district) was selected for data collection. Structured interview schedules were used for the collection of
data. The collected data was analyzed by using appropriate computer operated statistical software. Both descriptive and inferential
statistics was used for analyzing data. The data obtained through analysis was tabulated for interpretation of desired results. Results
showed that trained group made tremendous changes in the post agronomic and plant practices. The knowledge level of the trained
group was enhanced even due to the FFS based IPM program. Results indicated that there was a significant difference between the pre
and post knowledge of FFS based IPM practices and Cotton Ecological System Analysis. The study recommended that that the IPM-FFS
trained can be good source for transferring the obtained knowledge. Regarding this, the reintroduction to IPM-FFS graduates about
transfer of knowledge to other farmers of community is important. It was also concluded that trained farmers showed positive change in
agreement level that FFS-IPM practices help to reduce pesticide application at various stages of cotton. There was a highly significant
change in the level of agreement of trained group from pre training to post training. The results indicated the success of the training
program which left the farmers to improve the thinking about the alternative insect pest control method.