Regulation of Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketone Body Production
Regulation of Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketone Body Production
Regulation of Fatty Acid Oxidation and Ketone Body Production
This takes place in the liver where the fatty acyl-CoA formed in the cytoplasm may either
be oxidized in the mitochondria or converted into triglycerols of phospholipids by
enzymes in the cytoplasm. Fatty acyl-CoA are transferred from the cytoplasm to the
mitochondrial matrix via carnitine and once fatty acyl groups enter the mitochondria, they
are oxidized to acetyl-CoA.
So carnitine controls the rate of fatty acid oxidation. Carnitine acyl transferase is an
allosteric enzyme which inhibited by its modulator, malonyl-CoA, an intermediate in the
biosynthesis of long when there is large amount of carbohydrate intake, because the
excess glucose which cannot be oxidized or stored as glycogen is converted into
triglycerols for storage. This occurs due to the allosteric inhibition of the entry of fatty
acyl groups into the mitochondria.
In the mitochondria fatty acids may either be oxidized into CO2 and H2O via the citric
acid cycle or converted into ketone bodies which are carried to the peripheral tissues.
This is influenced by the availability of oxaloacetic acid which initiates the entry of acetyl
CoA into the citric acid cycle.
When oxaloacetic acid concentration is low, only a small amount of acetyl-CoA enters
citric acid cycle, favoring ketone body production. There is low concentration of
oxaloacetic acid during fasting or low carbohydrate intake. Fatty acid oxidation is
increased with formation of acetyl-CoA, which is converted via hydroxymethyl glutaryl
CoA into aceto acetic acid, hydroxybutyric acid, butyric acid acetone. These ketone
bodies are carried to peripheral tissues where they are oxidized into CO2 and H2O via
the citric acid cycle.
Energy Conservation:
The activation of fatty acids requires two ATP, so there is a deficit of 2 ATP per mole of
fatty acid oxidized. Each cleavage of a carbon-carbon bond yields 5 ATP. The acetyl
CoA produced is metabolized by the citric acid cycle to CO2 and H2O with production of
12 ATP for each acetyl CoA oxidized. A 16 carbon palmitic acid therefore will have the
following ATP yield: 7 cleavages ( 7 × 5 = 35 ) ; 8 acetyl CoA oxidized by citric acid
cycle ( 8 × 12 = 96 ) ; 2 ATP needed for activation; the total will be 35 + 96 = 131 – 2 =
129. Since 8000 cal. or 8 kcal. is needed for each ATP, then 129 × 8 kcal. = 1032 kcal.
Complete oxidation of palmitic acids yields theoretically 2340 kcal; 1032 ÷ 2340 × 100 =
44 % of standard free energy of oxidation of palmitic acid is recovered as ATP.
Due to the limited capacity of higher animals to store polysaccharides, any amount of
glucose ingested in excess of caloric requirement and storage capacity is converted to
fatty acids. Subsequently the fatty acids are synthesized into high caloric triglycerides
which are stored in the adipose tissues. From the quantitative point of view this is a
minor metabolic pathway, but because of the large amount of steroids derived from
cholesterol, the pathway of great significance.
Lipogenesis occurs mostly in the liver, although there are evidences to support that other
tissues and even adipose tissue itself, contribute to the process.
Any substance capable of yielding acetyl CoA is a potential source of carbon atoms for
the synthesis of fatty acids (Lipogenesis). There are three different systems for the
synthesis of fatty acids, all of which involve acetyl CoA, namely:
CH2 + ADP + Pi
Mn + +
Acetyl CoA acetyl CoA malonyl
Carboxylase coA
The malonyl CoA, immediate precursor of 14 of the 16 carbon atoms of palmitic acid is
formed by cytoplasmic acetyl CoA and CO2 through the catalyzing action of acetyl CoA
carboxylase. The carbon atom of CO2 becomes the distal or free carboxyl carbon of
malonyl CoA.
Acetyl CoA carboxylase contains biotin as its prosthetic group bound in amide linkage to
a lysine residue of enzyme protein, biocytin. Biotin is essential for the reaction as shown
by inhibition by avidin.
Neither the mitochondria nor the endoplasmic reticulum, represented by the microsome
fraction is capable of de novo synthesis of palmitic acid. However, they contain enzymes
capable of elongating the chains of fatty acids which already posses 12 to 16 carbon
Palmitic acid, the end product of cytoplasmic fatty acids synthetase system, may be
lengthened by two different types of enzymes systems; one in the mitochondria and the
other in the endoplasmic reticulum (microsomes).
In the mitochondria, there is an enzyme which catalyzes the elongation of the preformed
saturated fatty acid (palmitic acid) by successive addition of acetyl CoA units. The
mitochondrial systems does not require CO2 fixation and the products are C18, C20, C22, C24
fatty acids. This pathway is essential the reverse of the oxidation of fatty acids, except
the reduction of a-b-double bond to form the saturated fatty acid which occurs at the
expense of NADPH as reductant. Mitochondrial system will also elongate unsaturated
fatty acids. There are four steps.
acyl dehydrogenase
hydrase b-unsaturated acyl derivative
This system is active not only on intermediate chain length saturated fatty acids C12, C14,
C16 but also on unsaturated compounds, lengthening the 2 C atoms at each step.
The synthesis of fatty acid is distributed by : 1. Insufficient dietary intake. 2. Thiamine
deficiency, since thiamine pyrophosphate plays an important role in transforming
pyruvate into acetyl CoA.
Microsomal lengthening of both saturated and unsaturated fatty acyl CoA esters utilizes
the malonyl pathway rather than the acetyl CoA. The fatty acid is first converted to acyl
CoA. Acyl CoA reacts with malonyl CoA followed by the reduction of the a-b-double
bond utilizing NADPH. The intermediates are similar to those in the de novo synthesis
but does not employ ACP as acyl carrier.
Fatty Acid Transformations:
Fatty acids are taken from the diet and by lipogenesis from acetyl CoA. The composition
of fatty acid mixture in the diet vary in degree of saturated and chain length. Lipogenesis
favors the formation saturated over unsaturated as indicated by the hardening effect of
high carbohydrate diet, upon the fat depot. The liver produces fatty acid mixture
characteristics of the species, from out of the fatty acid mixture available.
(1) Those formed by the animal, de novo. Those in which all double bonds lie between
the seven C from the terminal methyl and COOH group. These are produced by
alternate desaturation and chain elongation, Example: oleic acid and palmitoleic acid.
(2) Those which cannot be made de novo. Here one or more of the double bonds are
situated within the terminal seven C atoms. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are
therefore indispensable in the diet, hence the term essential fatty acids. Example :
linolenic and arachidonic acid.
Children with serum lipid low in essential fatty acids, developed eczematous lesions of
the skin. Administration of linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids clears up the lesion. In
this connection, pyridoxine deficiency has also been noted to produce similar lesions.
And there seems to be a close relations between the vitamin and the unsaturated fatty
acids, because administration of either, cures the condition.
Essential fatty acids exert favorable effects on sex maturation, pregnancy and lactation.
They increase capillary resistance and lower capillary permeability. They also play a role
in the metabolism.
There are four groups of polyunsaturated fatty acids in man. Two are derived from
dietary linoleic and linolenic acids and two from mono unsaturated oleic and palmitoleic
acids, which are in turn derived from the corresponding saturated fatty acids. These four
groups can be recognized by the distance between the terminal methyl group and the
nearest double bond.