Band QTR 3
Band QTR 3
Band QTR 3
Junior High Band | Senior High Band
Ensemble Contest
Ensemble contest will be held
on March 12th at NCE. Sign-up
for ensemble contest is now
taking place. Any student in
9-12th grade is eligible to
participate in ensemble
JH Honor Band
The JH Honor Band will be
held on March 23rd in
Mahnomen. Students Welcome to Quarter 3
interested in being in the JH
At the start of every quarter look forward to a band newsletter
Honor Band should contact
Mrs. Shultz. Final participants updating you on band event for the quarter. If you would rather
for this event are chosen by receive your newsletter electronically, please send me an email.
the honor band committee. Quarter 3 is quite possibly my favorite quarter of the year. Now is
when we get to really focus on the fundamentals of making music
District Honor Band and diving into our spring literature. 1
Quarter 3 January 12, 2018
Solo Contest
Thank you parents for being so generous regarding donating to
solo contest this year! There was even enough goodies left over to
treat the end of the night workers. I’m also grateful to those
students who worked on their afternoon off to help the contest
run smoothly. We are lucky to have a supportive community!
Great job as well to all our solo participants this year.: Tyra,
Katelyn, Aries, Dylan, Lily, Tapanga, Clarissa, Jhana, and Brianna.
Pepband Events
We are starting off the winter pep
band season off with a bang! Northland Honor Band
We’ve had four games so far this
season. Listed below are the Congratulations to the Northland Honor Band members who
remaining pep band games for
rehearsed and performed a concert on November 20th. Way to
this quarter. Call time at the
represent Win-E-Mac! Pictured below from left to right are Aries,
school is 6:50pm. (We will play
whenever the JV game is done.) Katelyn, Katrina and Dylan.
✦ Jan. 30 GB Ada-Borup
✦ Feb. 20 BB Crookston 2