Answer Key Criminal Law - Ii
Answer Key Criminal Law - Ii
Answer Key Criminal Law - Ii
Points for consideration:
Identification of the appropriate offence.
Establishing the elements with the aid of appropriate judicial precedents.
Marks to be awarded on clarity and logical coherent line of argument of the examinee.
Marks for extra points for all three sub questions.
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Vasanth v. State of Maharashtra AIR 1998 SC 699
Kalarimadathil Unni v. State of Kerala AIR 1960 SC 1874
Rattan Lal v. State of M.P (2000)2 SCC 627
Virsa Singh v. State of Punjab AIR 1958 SC 465
Govindaswamy v. State of Kerala AIR 2016 SC 4299
Anda & Ors v. State of Rajasthan AIR 1966 SC 148
Labha v. State of Uttaranchal
Marks for extra points.
1. To attract the provisions of Section 304B IPC the main ingredient of the offence to be
established is that soon before the death of the deceased she was subjected to cruelty and
harassment in connection with the demand of dowry.
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2. The death of the deceased woman was caused by any burn or bodily injury or some other
circumstance which was not normal.
3. Such death occurs within seven years from the date of her marriage.
4. That the victim was subjected to cruelty or harassment by her husband or any relative of
her husband.
5. Such cruelty or harassment should be for or in connection with demand of dowry.
6. It should be established that such cruelty and harassment was made soon before her death.
7. The expression (soon before) is a relative term and it would depend upon circumstances of
each case and no straightjacket formula can be laid down as to what would constitute a period
of soon before the occurrence.
8. It would be hazardous to indicate any fixed period and that brings in the importance of a
proximity test both for the proof of an offence of dowry death as well as for raising a
presumption under Section 113B of the Evidence Act.
9. Therefore, the expression "soon before" would normally imply that the interval should
not be much between the concerned cruelty or harassment and the death in question. There
must be existence of a proximate or life link between the effect of cruelty based on dowry
demand and the concerned death. In other words, it should not be remote in point of time and
thereby make it a stale one.
10. However, the expression "soon before" should not be given a narrow meaning which
would otherwise defeat the very purpose of the provisions of the Act and should not lead to
absurd results.
13. The specific significance to be attached is to the time of the alleged cruelty and
harassment to which the victim was subjected to, the time of her death and whether the
alleged demand of dowry was in connection with the marriage.
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B.Points for consideration:
Identification of the appropriate offence
Whether a defence can be claimed? Focus on word ‘enticing’ and role played by the
Case law if any and advice given in accordance with the above points.
Marks for extra points
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