Character Study-Miriam
Character Study-Miriam
Character Study-Miriam
Hebrew #4813 & Greek: #3137: rebellion, loved by Yahweh
Miriam & Mary are the same name
Numbers 26:59, I Chronicles 6:3 from
the priestly tribe of Levi.
(Jochebed) Her Mother’s name means
Yahweh is glory.
Exodus 2:7-9
Character traits:
Care taker of her brother
Quick thinker-solution oriented
Micah 6:4 this scripture speaks of God's placement of Moses, Aaron and
Miriam in leadership over Israel. They are a remembrance to God's people.
(A memorial for future generations)
A servant - Philippians 2:3-4
Proven in character to lead others Philippians 2:22
Called to accountability
Must be in relationship with the LORD
A student of the Word - 2 Timothy 2:15
Submitted to the governing leadership that God has placed in
authority over us
Unified in the Spirit - Ephesians 4:3-6
Leaders have a great responsibility to impart, build up and equip the next
generation to move into their destiny in Christ.
Leadership is first God appointed in our spirit. Second the LORD will speak
to the governing leadership of the church and appoint you. 1Timothy 4:14,
The Bible says 'Let men say who you are. ‘We do not have to declare a title
over ourselves or strive for things, God's timing is perfect. They will see the
fruits in our lives. Matthew 7:20
Numbers 12:13-15; Moses the one whom the offense was against cried out
to the LORD for healing and mercy for Miriam. Moses forgave Miriam and
God's compassion is seen here and heeds the cries of his servant Moses.
The LORD speaks out a discipline of 7 days outside the camp for Miriam.
(#7= finished, completion, an end1)
Miriam had the hearts of the people. Numbers 12:15 they recognized
her as a leader and did not move until she was restored into the
Deuteronomy 24:9 - Miriam is an example again to future
generations of her disobedience. God will discipline his leaders when
a spirit of jealousy & pride come into the camp.
Miriam’s' death - Numbers 20:1: not much is spoken of Miriam after
the judgment of leprosy for 7 days and restoration.
What can we learn from Miriam’s life? Write a few thoughts about Miriam and
what has God shown you about Miriam.
Author: Lora Rozkowski is a licensed minister, teacher & business owner
For more information send an email to:
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