Acl History PDF
Acl History PDF
Acl History PDF
DOI 10.1007/s00167-011-1756-x
Abstract The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) has often so complex and fraught with peril that they remained
entertained scientific minds since the Weber brothers pro- reserved for a chosen few, never gaining the level of pop-
vided biomechanical insight into the importance of the ACL ularity they are enjoying today. The increasing familiarity
in maintaining normal knee kinematics. Robert Adams with arthroscopy, popularised through Jackson and Dandy,
described the first clinical case of ACL rupture in 1837 and enhancements in surgical technology firmly established
some 175 years to date, followed by Mayo-Robson of ACL reconstruction as a common procedure within the
Leeds who performed the first ACL repair in 1895. At that realm of most surgeons’ ability. More recently, the principle
time, most patients presented late and clinicians started to of anatomic ACL reconstruction, aiming at the functional
appreciate signs and symptoms and disabilities associated restoration of native ACL dimensions and insertion sites,
with such injuries. Hey Groves of Bristol provided the has been introduced, superseding the somewhat ill-advised
initial description of an ACL reconstruction with autolo- concept of isometric graft placement. Double-bundle
gous tissue graft in 1917, almost as we know it today. His reconstruction is gaining in popularity, and combined extra-
knowledge and achievements were, however, not uniformly and intra-articular procedures are seeing a revival, but more
appreciated during his life time. What followed was a per- accurate and reliable pre- and post-operative assessment
iod of startling ingenuity which created an amazing variety tools are required to provide customised treatment options
of different surgical procedures often based more on sur- and appropriate evaluation and comparability of long-term
gical fashion and the absence of a satisfactory alternative results. Modern ACL surgery is united in the common goal
than any indication that continued refinements were leading of re-establishing joint homoeostasis with normal knee
to improved results. It is hence not surprising that real kinematics and function which may ultimately assist in
inventors were forgotten, good ideas discarded and untried reducing the prevalence of post-operative joint degenera-
surgical methods adopted with uncritical enthusiasm only to tion. This review hopes to provide an insight into the his-
be set aside without further explanation. Over the past torical developments of ACL surgery and the various
100 years, surgeons have experimented with a variety of controversies surrounding its progress.
different graft sources including xenograft, and allografts, Level of evidence V.
whilst autologous tissue has remained the most popular
choice. Synthetic graft materials enjoyed temporary popu- Keywords Anterior cruciate ligament ACL History
larity in the 1980 and 1990s, in the misguided belief that ACL reconstruction ACL deficiency
artificial ligaments may be more durable and better equip-
ped to withstand stresses and strains. Until the 1970s, ACL
reconstructions were considered formidable procedures, Anatomy and basic science: from ancient history
to the twentieth century
O. S. Schindler (&)
The history of ACL surgery is also the history of the dis-
St Mary’s Hospital, Clifton, PO Box 1616,
Bristol BS40 5WG, UK covery of the ligament’s function, the recognition of its
e-mail: injury pattern and the development of reliable methods in
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
assessing and diagnosing ACL injury. Hippocrates of the Autopsy of the knee revealed that the knee had become
Greek island of Kos (460–370 BC) although unaware of the septic and that the ACL had torn off the tibia with a portion
cruciate ligaments as such, was the first to suggest that knee of bone still attached to the ligament (Fig. 2). Many more
instability following trauma may be attributable to torn
internal ligaments [116]. Galen of Pergamon in Greece
(131–201 BC) is credited for providing the cruciate liga-
ments with their name, when, based on their appearance of
crossing over, he coined the term ‘ligamenta genu cruciata’
[92]. Over the following 2000 years, the cruciate ligaments
occupied a Cinderella status by receiving little attention in
scientific circles. In 1836 Wilhelm Weber (1804–1891)
Professor of Physics in Göttingen and Eduard Weber
(1806–1871) Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in
Leipzig were also able to show that sectioning of the anterior
cruciate ligament resulted in abnormal anterior–posterior
movement of the tibia, thereby providing an early descrip-
tion of the anterior drawer sign [297]. They also described
the exact anatomic position of the cruciate ligament complex
and demonstrated that the anterior cruciate ligament consists
of two distinct fibre bundles which are tensioned at different
times during knee motion (Fig. 1) In 1858 Karl Langer,
anatomist at the University of Vienna (1819–1887), not only
confirmed earlier findings by the Weber brothers, but pro-
vided the first detailed description of cruciate kinematics and
the ligaments torsional behaviour pattern [171].
The first description of a clinical case of ACL injury in
the English literature was provided by the Irish surgeon
Robert Adams of Dublin (1791–1875) [2]. In December of
1837, he observed the case of a drunken 25-year-old man Fig. 2 Earliest recorded drawing of a cruciate ligament tear (avulsion
who injured his knee wrestling and died 24 days later. injury), observed by Robert Adams [2]
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ACL ruptures are likely to have occurred before then, but and a further 10 months using a semi-rigid brace made of a
failure to recognise clinical signs and the absence of reli- ‘‘finely fitting laced stocking, made of Saxony broad cloth,
able assessment tools prevented their discovery. and a broad flat steel spring was sewed to the back of it’’,
In 1845, Amedeé Bonnet (1809–1858) Professor of Sur- neither patient regained entirely normal knee function.
gery at the Lyon University published his Traité des maladies Stark is often quoted as the first clinician to describe cases
des articulations [23]. He described three essential signs of ACL deficiency in the English literature. Wagner how-
indicative of acute ACL rupture, ‘‘In patients who have not ever pointed out, that the excessive hyperextension and
suffered a fracture, a snapping noise, haemarthrosis, and loss
of function are characteristic of ligamentous injury in the
knee’’, and thought that the pain that accompanied ACL
rupture was due to the stretching of its nerve supply. Through
cadaver experiments, Bonnet became aware that the anterior
cruciate ligament (ACL) was more likely to tear close to its
femoral insertion. He also described the subluxation phe-
nomenon, which later became known as the pivot-shift.
Although a surgeon, Bonnet advocated conservative man-
agement for ligamentous injuries with application of cold
packs in the acute stage. Through his own experiments, he
was aware of the detrimental effects prolonged immobili-
sation has on articular cartilage and hence encouraged early
motion exercises using a sliding frame [24] (Fig. 3). For
patients who continued to suffer from instability, he sug-
gested wearing of a long-leg hinged brace not dissimilar in
principle to modern stabilising braces used following injury
or surgery (Fig. 4). His ideas and suggestions on the treat-
ment of acute ligamentous injuries were far ahead of his time
but received little recognition in the English speaking world,
as most of his work remained un-translated.
James Stark, a general practitioner from Edinburgh
(1811–1890), observed two cases of cruciate ligament tears
in 1839 and 1841, respectively, describing some of the
typical signs of ligament rupture ‘‘… and felt something
gave way with a snap in the left knee; when raised, she
found she had lost all command over the leg’’ [274]. Stark
believed that damage to the cruciates would render the
Fig. 4 Early design of a knee brace/walking apparatus introduced by
knee ‘‘utterly useless’’. He treated both of his patients Bonnet to enable patients with chronic knee instability to ambulate
conservatively, but despite 3 months of immobilisation, [24]
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instability seen in Stark’s patients most probably suggests Notwithstanding Dittel’s observation that ACL tears may
that both suffered combined ACL and PCL injuries. occur in isolation following unidirectional force applied to
In 1875, the Greek Georgios C. Noulis (1849–1915) the tibia in postero-anterior direction, he was the first
gave a detailed description of what is now known as the clinician to become aware of the strong association
Lachman test, when he wrote, ‘‘… fix the thigh with one between injuries of ACL, medial collateral ligament and
hand; with the other hand hold the lower leg just below the medial meniscus.
knee with the thumb in front and the fingers behind; then, Three years later in 1879, the French surgeon Paul
try to shift the tibia forward and backward … when only Segond of Paris (1851–1912) provided a detailed descrip-
the anterior cruciate ligament is transected, this forward tion of signs and symptoms accompanying the rupture of
movement is seen when the knee is barely flexed’’ [219]. cruciate ligaments, including ‘‘strong articular pain, fre-
Stirling Ritchey of Washington DC rediscovered the test in quent accompanying pop, rapid joint effusion and abnor-
1960, but it was not until 1976 when Joseph Torg, in mal anterior-posterior movement of the knee on clinical
appreciation of his mentor John Lachman of Philadelphia examinations’’ [259]. Segond also described the so-called
(1956–1989), described it as the ‘Lachman test’ and pop- Segond fracture, a small bony avulsion on the lateral tibial
ularised its value in assessing ACL function [246, 285]. plateau which if present is commonly combined with an
Clinicians, curious as to how cruciate damage occurs, ACL tear. He commented that ‘‘This lesion is pathogno-
were hoping to find answers through cadaver experiments monic of torsion of the knee in internal rotation and slight
[23, 60, 120]. In 1876, Leopold Dittel of Vienna flexion of the lower leg and is associated with rupture of
(1815–1898) published on the examination results of a the anterior cruciate ligament’’. To fully appreciate Seg-
number of knee specimens which he had previously ond’s discovery, one should bear in mind that he was
exposed to extremes of motions [60]. Like Bonnet and unable to rely on radiographs, as Röntgen rays had not been
later Hönigschmied, he observed that the ACL most discovered.
commonly tore close to its femoral insertion, but occa- Between 1853 and 1917, physiologists and anatomists
sionally avulsed with a fragment of bone off the tibia, such as Hermann von Meyer (1815–1892) and Hermann
leaving the ligament essentially intact [23, 120] (Fig. 5). Zuppinger of Zürich, and Hans Straßer of Bern (1852–1927),
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further advanced our knowledge on the function of the cru- had hence gained a sophisticated understanding of the
ciates and their interplay with other internal and external functional behaviour of the cruciate ligaments.
knee structures [204, 277, 313]. These scientists recognised
the importance of the functional unit of ACL and PCL,
known as the ‘four-bar-linkage’, in providing normal rolling, Direct repair of the torn ACL: 1895–1990
gliding and sliding motion of femur on tibia, and that any
disturbance of this unit (e.g. ACL tear) would invariably In the ninetieth century when morbidity and mortality
disrupt this mechanism and create un-physiological move- associated with surgery was still high and antimicrobial
ment patterns. agents to combat sepsis not yet discovered, surgeons
In 1911 Rudolf Fick of Leipzig (1866–1939) described showed general reluctance to offer surgery for a condition
in detail the tension pattern of the two ACL bundles and as obscure as ligament disruption. This era was described
recognised that parts of the ACL were tensioned at all by Edgar Bick of New York as a time ‘‘when the [knee]
times, a finding that later led to the creation of the concept joint was considered a matter beyond the pale of the
of graft isometry [79]. In 1927 Bruno Pfab of Graz was ordinary rules of surgery’’ [17]. Injuries to ligaments often
able to demonstrate the blood supply to the cruciates [237]. remained unrecognised and symptoms of knee instability
In the following decades, further studies on the functional rarely attributed to a torn ACL [1]. In 1915 Richard Warren
anatomy of the ACL were produced by Otto Brantigan and of London (1876–1957) well aware of the ignorance of
Allan Voshell of Baltimore in 1941, LeRoy Abbott of San some of his colleagues wrote in his ‘Textbook of Surgery’,
Francisco (1890–1965) in 1944, Fakhry Girgis of New ‘‘Such cases are likely to be regarded as bad sprains, but
York in 1975, and Lyle Norwood and Mervyn Cross of when the abnormal mobility persists the joint should be
Columbus in 1979, defining the ACL as the primary explored and the ligaments sutured with chromic gut’’
anterior stabiliser and secondary rotatory stabiliser of the [295].
knee [1, 28, 99, 218] (Fig. 6). Although William Battle of St. Thomas in London
In the early 1970s, Victor Frankel of New York, Frank (1855–1936) was the first to publish the successful results
Noyes of Cincinnati and Jack Kennedy of London, Ontario of a single case of open ACL repair with a silk suture in
provided further insight into injury pattern and biome- 1900, it was in fact Sir Arthur Mayo-Robson of Leeds
chanics of ACL failure by assessing the effect of a number (1853–1933, Fig. 7) who had performed a similar surgical
of variables including age, and stress and strain upon the procedure on a 41-year-old miner 5 years earlier [14, 200].
physical ligament properties [84, 149, 151, 220]. By the Here too the ligaments were torn off the femoral side and
end of the twentieth century, the orthopaedic community secured via catgut ligatures. The patient was discharged after
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increase with time and therefore suggested that patients be satisfactorily reconstructed at a later date if the patient
should be examined as soon as pain and swelling have has sufficient disability. On the other hand, after successful
subsided and that surgical repair should follow in all cases repair of an acute rupture I have no hesitation in recom-
where rupture of the cruciate ligament is strongly suspected. mending return to active athletics, including football’’. It
Erwin Payr of Leipzig (1861–1946) took a different becomes clear that O’Donoghue did ‘‘not recommend
approach to repairing the ACL from Perthes [233]. Aware routine reconstruction’’ but instead proposed that in an
of the insufficient length of the proximal ligament remnant ‘‘acute injury, cruciate repair should be done routinely’’
he designed a procedure that was essentially a partial ACL and that ‘‘the time of the repair is vastly more important
reconstruction. A fascia loop was threaded through a than the severity of the injury’’. Through emphasising the
semicircular tunnel, positioned at the femoral origin of the need for early intervention following ligament injury if
ACL, and sewn against the tibial ACL stump (Fig. 9). In return to sport activities is desirable, O’Donoghue gave
1938 Ivar Palmer published his thesis ‘On the Injuries to ACL surgery an unexpected boost in the USA.
the Ligaments of the Knee Joint’, a detailed study on Suture repair continued to be practised way into the
anatomy, biomechanics, pathology, and treatment [232]. early 1980s and supported by good clinical results pub-
He advocated operating ‘‘at an early stage when it is gen- lished by David MacIntosh of Toronto and John Marshall
erally possible to restore anatomic conditions’’. Palmer of New York [186, 193]. Both devised a variation on the
used the Perthes’ technique and emphasised the importance Perthes technique with sutures being passed behind the
of repairing both bundles separately. lateral femoral condyle in a so-called ‘over-the top’ repair.
Don O’Donoghue of Oklahoma (1901–1992), a key In 1976 John Feagin of the Keller Army Hospital in West
figure in Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, popularised ACL Point, New York presented his 5-year results of 32 army
repair in the United States in the 1950 and 1960s [225, cadets who had undergone direct ACL repair [77].
226]. O’Donoghue had already gained experience with the Although initially 84% did well and returned to sporting
reconstruction of neglected ACL-deficient knees in 29 activities, at 5 years almost all patients suffered some
athletes using a modified Hey Groves technique [227]. degree of instability, two-thirds experienced pain and 17 of
Although his results were acceptable, he felt that ‘‘the rate the 32 had sustained a re-injury during the follow-up per-
of success is not sufficiently high to warrant the attitude iod. Feagin concluded that ‘‘long-term follow-up evalua-
that acute ruptures of the anterior cruciate need not be tions do not justify the hope … that anatomic repositioning
repaired under the misapprehension that the ligament can of the residual ligament would result in healing’’. His views
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of Frankfurt, aware of the disadvantages of traditional ACL reconstruction) without having seen a perfect result,
hinged knee braces, introduced his ‘‘parallelogram hinge but several have been much improved’’ [146]. Both
brace’’ in 1931 [276] (Fig. 14). The mechanism, which was authors, however, were mindful that such surgery should
based on a design by Schede & Habermann used in leg not be performed indiscriminately when they concluded
prosthesis, tried to emulate the changes of instant centre of that ‘‘the operations are usually grave and require the
rotation and thereby accommodating the natural rolling and highest craftsmanship, and should never be undertaken
gliding motion of femur on tibia [255, 276]. In 1945 without a sense of grave responsibility’’.
Thomas DeLorme of Chicago introduced the concept of With changes in life style especially towards the second
muscle strengthening through heavy resistance exercise half of the twentieth century, patients expectations rose and
and reported that ‘‘most dramatic results have been as evidence emerged on the relatively high failure rate of
obtained in cases of instability of the knee’’ [59]. conservative management, reconstructive surgery gradu-
Critics of ACL surgery were not only mindful of the ally gained wider acceptance. A major impetus towards a
extensile exposure necessary to facilitate surgery, but more pro-active approach in the treatment of ACL injuries
believed that it was essentially wrong to allow the dynamic was provided by Frank Noyes of Cincinnati in 1983 fol-
play of forces in the knee, which had lost stability, to lowing his publication on ‘the rule of thirds’ in patients
depend on a relatively fragile, isolated graft, running freely treated non-operatively [221]. He concluded that ‘‘one-
through the joint (Fig. 15). Constantine MacGuire of New third of the patients with this injury will compensate
York believed that reconstruction ‘‘could not give any adequately and be able to pursue recreational activities,
benefit other than that derived from the period of immo- one-third will be able to compensate but will have to give
bilisation following operation’’ [184]. Such objections, up significant activities, and one-third will do poorly and
however, did not dampen the overall enthusiasm, con- will probably require future reconstructive surgery’’.
firmed by an ever increasing number of publications on the
topic, focussing on modifications of surgical technique and
graft selection [13, 45, 68, 103, 137]. The mood was ech- ACL graft materials
oed by LeRoy Abbott who in 1944 wrote ‘‘The application
of a splint or plaster cast until such time as the lesion is Fascia lata (ilio-tibial band): 1914–1990
judged to have healed, satisfies the attendant, if not always
the patient. Rest and fixation, although sound in princi- Fascia lata remained a popular choice of graft for the best
ple,… often prove disastrous in those patients in whom the part of the twentieth century. In 1927 Charles F Eikenbary
supporting ligaments of the knee have been severely of Seattle (1877–1933) followed Grekov to become only the
damaged’’ [1]. Even Sir Robert Jones, one of the great second surgeon to use a free tissue graft to reconstruct the
promoters of conservative management, conceded in the entire ACL [68]. The procedure was ‘‘suggested as an
1923 edition of Jones & Lovett’s ‘Orthopaedic Surgery’ improvement over the Hey Groves or the Putti method’’ and
that ‘‘the writers have examined several of these cases (of utilised a medial para-patellar approach thereby avoiding
patellar tendon detachment or splitting which was standard
at the time [68, 114, 243]. Drill holes were placed through
the anterior surface of femur and tibia to simplify graft
introduction (Fig. 16). First clinical results of free tissue
grafts for ACL reconstruction were provided by Wilhelm
Jaroschy of Prague (1886–1938) in 1929 [138]. He reported
on two successful cases where grafts remained competent
and joint stability was maintained 9 months after surgery,
thereby diminishing concerns of impaired biological via-
bility thought to be associated with free tissue grafts.
William Cubbins and James Callahan of Chicago
became the key promoters of the Hey Groves procedure in
the United States. Both published extensively on their
technique of simultaneous ACL and PCL reconstruction
during the 1930s [45, 46]. In 1978 John Insall (1930–2000)
Fig. 15 Intra-operative photograph taken from Janik’s treatise on presented the ‘bone block ilio-tibial band transfer’, a pro-
cruciate ligament injuries published in 1955, which highlights the
cedure based on Jeffrey Minkoff’s and James Nicholas’s
extensive exposure used at the time to perform ACL reconstruction
with fascia lata (with kind permission of Walter De Gruyter, Berlin) ‘ilio-tibial band pull-through’ (ITPT) technique, first used
[137] at Lennox Hill Hospital in 1971 [128, 129, 217] (Fig. 17).
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Fig. 17 John Insall’s ‘bone block ilio-tibial band transfer’ first published in 1981 (with kind permission of Elsevier, Oxford) [129]
Insall detached the central portion of the fascia lata with its ‘‘impossible to duplicate the original anatomy exactly with
osseous insertion from Gerdy’s tubercle, re-routed the graft any form of graft’’ [128].
over-the-top of the postero-lateral femoral condyle through
the joint and secured the bone block with a screw just Meniscus: 1917–1990
below the tibial plateau. At a minimum of 2 years follow-
up, Insall reported that ‘‘although the results of the post- Even at the beginning of the twentieth century, surgeons
operative anterior drawer test are disappointing if one were already aware of the strong association between
hopes to restore the knee to normal, the improvement in the rupture of the ACL and meniscal damage. The treatment of
patients’ functional capacity is quite dramatic … and most choice for a torn meniscus was its removal and since it was
of these patients were engaging in strenuous sports without known that meniscal tissue consisted of avascular fibro-
brace protection.’’ Insall conceded however that ‘‘normal cartilage nourished by synovial fluid, it appealed to many
stability rarely if ever is restored’’ as he believed it to be as an almost ideal and readily available substitute for the
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ACL. In 1917 Hölzel, assistant to Max zur Verth of studies, Lange was able to confirm mucoid and cystic
Hamburg (1874–1941), reported on a patient with cruciate degeneration of meniscal implants and concluded that ‘‘a
deficiency, who was seen on a hospital ship during the war degenerative meniscus appears to be too poor to be con-
[119]. Zur Verth replaced the ACL with the torn lateral sidered for reconstruction, whilst a healthy meniscus would
meniscus, which he left attached distally, and sutured appear to be too good’’ [93, 169].
against the ligament remnants proximally. He commented Knowledge of the importance of the meniscus, the
that ‘‘As far as the replacement of the ligaments are con- consequences of its removal and reports on clinical failures
cerned free fascia lata graft would have been available. gradually prompted a shift in opinion [294]. This was led
Instead it was preferred to use the remaining aspect of the by publications of Jack Hughston of Columbus, Georgia
meniscus which was well anchored on the tibia. This (1917–2004) in 1962 who recognised the contribution of
spared the trouble of trying to attach the fascia to the tibia the meniscus to knee stability and those of Peter Walker of
which is not a very simple task’’. From his account, it New York in 1975, who defined the role of the meniscus in
would appear that zur Verth had already used the technique the force transmission across the joint [76, 123, 124, 188,
of grafting the torn ACL with fascia lata before Hey 258, 293]. Meniscus was finally abandoned as grafting
Groves but without formally publishing on it. material by the end of 1980s.
In 1927 Pfab was able to confirm through experiments
on sheep, that healing and integration of meniscal tissue Extensor retinaculum and patellar tendon: 1927—today
occurred when used in replacing the ACL [238]. Meniscus
was seen as a suitable ACL replacement graft until the late Mitchell Langworthy of Spokane, Washington (1891–1929)
1970s and promoted by a number of well-known Ortho- is reported to have been the first surgeon to replace the ACL
paedic Surgeons on both sides of the Atlantic [40, 131, using part of the ligamentum patellae [68]. Langworthy
177]. Their view is reflected by Bengt Tillberg of Linkö- never published on his method and suffered an untimely
ping in Sweden who, after having performed the surgery on death when he became the victim of a bullet from an unhappy
43 patients concluded that ‘‘The use of a meniscus for the patient in his private practice in 1929.
reconstruction of either cruciate ligament is considered to In 1928 Ernst Gold of Vienna presented the case of a
be simple, safe and effective’’ [284]. 27-year-old lady hampered with knee instability, who had
Although Max Lange of Munich (1899–1975) had torn her ACL skiing 2 years earlier [103]. Gold used a
experimented with meniscal tissue graft in the early 1930s, distally based strip of extensor retinaculum and medial
he remained critical upon its use. He upheld the view that border of the patellar tendon, brought into the joint through
meniscal tissue was ‘‘functionally unsuitable to replace a a tibial tunnel, and secured against the anterior–superior
ligament’’ as it was primarily designed to withstand com- aspect of the PCL with interrupted locking sutures
pression rather than tension and shear [169]. In histological (Fig. 18). At 7 months, the patient resumed normal
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activities including cross country walking with little pain. simpler and more physiological than those previously
Clinically her knee was stable and bending beyond 90. In described’’ [141] (Fig. 20). He used the central third of the
1932 Max zur Verth reported on the treatment of chronic patellar tendon which he left attached distally. The proxi-
ACL-deficient knees with a pedicled section of patellar mal part of the tendon was removed from the patella
tendon [314]. Zur Verth never presented his clinical results, together with a small block of bone. He then passed the
but Arnold Wittek of Graz (1871–1956), who had adopted graft ‘‘beneath the fat pad’’ into a femoral tunnel ‘‘placed in
the ‘zur Verth’ technique, presented 16 successfully oper- the intercondylar notch just posterior to the margin of the
ated cases in 1935 [303]. Just like Gold, he did not strive articular cartilage’’. To overcome the problem of insufficient
for true anatomic reconstruction as he attached the proxi- graft length associated with a pedicled patellar tendon graft,
mal end of the graft to the PCL. Jones had to move the attachment of the anterior cruciate
In 1936 the American surgeon Willis C. Campbell of ligament forward within the roof of the intercondylar notch.
Memphis (1880–1941), who coined the term ‘giving way’ in This resulted in an extremely non-anatomical and vertical
summarising the distressing signs of knee instability, pub- graft position and contradicted Jones’ earlier claims that his
lished the first of two articles in which he described the use procedure may be ‘‘more physiological’’.
of extensor retinaculum containing ‘‘very strong tendinous Modern biomechanical understandings and the principle
tissue from the medial border of the quadriceps and patellar of the ‘four-bar-linkage’, however, suggested that anterior
tendons’’ [32] (Fig. 19). This strip was threaded through positioning of the femoral tunnel away from its anatomic
tibial and femoral tunnels drilled in accordance to Hey foot print would, as shown by Müller, increase tension
Groves and sutured against the periosteum of the distal forces within the ligament graft in proportion with knee
femur. Campbell, like Dittel before him, noticed that ACL flexion and hence was likely to cause graft attenuation or
injuries are commonly associated with injury to the medial failure long-term [27, 203, 213] (Fig. 21). In addition,
meniscus and medial collateral ligament, a situation he Wirth and Artmann of Munich studied 100 knee specimens
called ‘terrible triad’, thereby predating O’Donoghue’s and found that distally based patellar tendon grafts were
description of the ‘unhappy triad’ [32, 33, 60, 225]. Camp- simply not long enough with only 13% reaching the ana-
bell was mindful that isolated reconstruction of the ACL in tomical insertion site of the native ACL on the femur
such cases might not provide the desired level of knee sta- [300]. Although Jones claimed generally good results at
bility and hence promoted combined reconstruction of ACL 2 years with none of his patients ‘‘regarded the knee as
and MCL, just as Smith had done several years before him. unstable’’, 50% of patients nevertheless presented a posi-
In 1963 Kenneth Jones of Little Rock, Arkansas, sug- tive anterior drawer sign. When Jones reviewed 83 of his
gested a new surgical technique which he ‘‘considered patients in 1980, almost 30% were lacking confidence and
Fig. 19 Illustrations taken form Willis Campbell’s publication on knee ligament repair published in 1936. He became the first American to use
extensor fascia and part of the patellar tendon to reconstruct the ACL (with kind permission of Elsevier, Philadelphia) [32]
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Fig. 20 Illustrations of the original ‘Jones Procedure’ as described by Kenneth Jones in 1963. Of note is the non-anatomical femoral tunnel
placement through the inferior part of the femoral trochlea (with kind permission of the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Boston) [141]
suffered residual symptoms [143]. Despite its shortcom- into the joint. This allowed Brückner to position a blind
ings, Jones’s technique gained widespread popularity par- ending femoral tunnel closer to the anatomic foot print of
ticularly in the United States and reconstruction of the the ACL in the intercondylar notch creating a more phys-
ACL with patellar tendon graft became known as the iological reconstruction and improved graft isometry. The
‘Jones procedure’. graft was pulled tight into the femoral tunnel and with the
In 1966 Helmut Brückner of Rostock, Germany knee positioned at about 40 of flexion, and secured with
described the use of the medial 1/3 of the patellar tendon wire sutures tightened over a small metal button. As an
which he left attached distally, whilst the proximal part was alternative technique Brückner recommended the use of a
lifted off the patella together with a thin sliver of bone [30] free central strip of bone-patellar tendon-bone graft (B-PT-
(Fig. 22). To overcome problems of insufficient graft B) taken from the contra-lateral knee in cases where the
length, which had forced Jones to compromise on the ipsi-lateral patellar tendon was compromised through pre-
femoral tunnel position, Brückner re-routed the patellar vious surgery. By 1969 he had performed 35 reconstruc-
tendon graft through a tibial tunnel, thereby essentially tions, 90% of which regained normal stability and 25%
shortening the distance between graft attachment and entry experienced minor discomfort after strenuous activities
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Fig. 22 ACL reconstruction utilising the pedicled medial section of a patellar tendon graft as devised by Brückner in 1966 (with kind permission
of Springer Science, Berlin) [30]
[239]. The Brückner technique remained relatively ‘Quadriceps tendon substitution’ technique published in
unknown at first but received wider attention through Enjar 1979 [193]. They utilised the distally attached central third
Eriksson of Stockholm, who in 1976 presented a series of of the patellar ligament, the pre-patellar expansion and part
72 patients, of whom 80% were stable at 1 year [74]. of the quadriceps tendon as a single graft, which they
Emerging evidence on changes of patellar kinematics pulled through a tibial tunnel and looped ‘over-the-top’ of
resulting in an increased tendency to patellar subluxation the lateral femoral condyle (Fig. 23).
and subsequent degeneration brought an end to utilising the In 1976 Kurt Franke of Berlin presented his experience
medial 1/3 of the patellar tendon in favour of a central strip of 130 ACL reconstructions using a free graft of the central
[196, 301]. third of the patellar tendon as previously described by
William Clancy of Madison, Wisconsin became a major Brückner [30, 83]. This was the first publication on clinical
proponent of patellar tendon for ACL reconstruction in the long-term results with a free bone-patellar-tendon-bone
United States [37]. Unaware of Brückner’s original work, (B-PT-B) graft in a large patient cohort, providing good
Clancy initially described an almost identical technique functional outcome in combination with a reliable and
using a pedicled patellar tendon graft. Although he reported reproducible technique. Following Franke’s publication,
encouraging clinical results with this technique, he even- B-PT-B was to become one of the most popular graft
tually converted to using a free tendon graft [38]. John sources and was further popularised through the work of
Marshall and associates chose a different approach to Eriksson in Europe and Clancy in the United States
overcome problems of insufficient graft length with their [38, 74].
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
Quadriceps tendon: 1984—today hamstring tendons [66]. He was not concerned with ana-
tomic reconstruction, since he used a single femoral tunnel
With time however, it became apparent that harvesting drilled through the medial femoral condyle and two tibial
autogenous patellar tendon graft was not an entirely benign tunnels placed in the anterior aspect of the tibial spines. No
procedure but associated with postoperative problems such as clinical cases using his technique were ever reported.
patellar fracture [264], patellar tendon rupture [195], flexion In 1934 Riccardo Galeazzi (1866–1952) of Milan pio-
contracture, patellar tendonitis and anterior knee pain [3, 222, neered anatomic ACL reconstruction with semitendinosus
230, 253]. Mindful of the potential morbidity associated with tendon which he left distally attached to the pes anerinus
patellar tendon harvest some surgeons started experimenting [91]. Using a three incision technique, he threaded the
with using a central section of the quadriceps tendon. In 1984 tendon through 5-mm tunnels, placed according to Hey
Walter Blauth of Kiel became the first to publish on the use of Groves’ original description (Fig. 25). Patients were im-
quadriceps tendon for chronic ACL deficiency [21]. The graft mobilised in a cast for 4 weeks and remained partially
was harvested with a triangular-shaped bone block distally weight bearing for 6 weeks. All three patients in his series
whilst the proximal part was divided into two strands thereby fared well even though follow-up was very short. Despite
facilitating a double-bundle reconstruction. Blauth positioned being forward thinking, Galeazzi’s surgical ingenuity
one bundle trans-femorally and the other ‘over-the-top’ of the remained obscured by language barriers as most of his
lateral femoral condyle (Fig. 24). Between 1982 and 1984, he work was published in lesser known Italian journals.
operated on 53 patients with apparently good results. In the Harry Macey (1905–1951) staff surgeon at the Mayo
United States John Fulkerson of Farmington, Connecticut Clinic in Rochester, unaware of Galeazzi’s earlier publi-
became the key promoter of quadriceps tendon which he cation, presented a similar but simplified ‘two-incision’
considered to be superior to any other graft source [90]. technique for the use of semitendinosus tendon [183]. The
Quadriceps tendon, however, never gained the same level of knee was exposed via an S-shaped lateral para-patellar
popularity as patellar tendon or hamstrings despite experi- approach whilst the hamstring tendon was severed through
mental studies confirming their excellent mechanical prop- a small stab incision at its musculo-tendinous junction
erties as a tendon graft [275]. Today the use of quadriceps (Fig. 26). He did not report on any clinical cases. A vari-
graft continues to occupy a fringe position and remains a ation on Macey’s technique was offered by James
suitable alternative in the revision setting or when other graft McMaster of Pittsburgh in 1974 [201]. He reported on
sources are compromised [54, 96, 271]. using pedicled gracilis instead of semitendinosus tendon,
which he fixed to the lateral condyle with a staple.
Hamstring tendons: 1927—today In 1950 Kurt Lindemann of Heidelberg (1901–1966)
developed the concept of ‘dynamic reconstruction’ by
In 1927 Alexander Edwards of Glasgow suggested an attempting to take advantage of the stabilising effect of the
operation he had performed on a cadaver whereby both muscle–tendon unit, a principle first explored by Hey
cruciate ligaments were replaced with the proximally based Groves in 1917 [113, 176]. Lindemann utilised proximally
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Merle d’Aubigné of Paris (1900–1989) described his encouraged early mobilisation thereafter. The idea of early
techniques and results of ACL reconstruction with distally mobilisation was later expanded upon by Donald Shel-
based semitendinosus tendon graft in 1957 [52]. He was bourne of Indianapolis, who, in 1992, created his concept
followed by Max Lange, who had used the original Hey of ‘‘accelerated rehabilitation’’ [260, 261].
Groves technique since the 1940s and was one of the first Reports on the use of human allografts in other areas of
surgeons to publish clinical long-term follow-up results Orthopaedics were able to confirm their mechanical, bio-
[93, 169]. Out of 50 isolated ACL tears, he reported logical and functional comparability to autologous tissue
excellent outcomes in 82% following early reconstruction grafts [130, 234, 298]. In 1984 Konsei Shino of Osaka
and in 62% when surgery was delayed. Although Lange studied the mechanical properties of both allografts and
was satisfied with his results achieved with fascia, he autografts in a dog model without finding any significant
changed over to using hamstrings as the operation required differences [262]. Two years later, his group became one of
less exposure and soft tissue dissection and therefore the first to publish clinical results of 31 patients who had
reduced the surgical trauma to the patient [170]. In the received allogenic reconstruction of the ACL utilising
United States, Kenneth Cho of Washington DC also mainly anterior tibial and calcaneal tendon grafts [263].
adopted distally attached semitendinosus as graft source After a minimum follow-up of 2 years, all but one patient
and in 1975 reported overall good results and no residual had been able to return to full sporting activities. Further
anterior drawer sign in 5 out of 7 patients [36]. Cho publications by Richard Levitt and associates of Miami
believed that ‘‘the preservation of the tendon sheath and who reported excellent results in 85% of cases at 4 years
its intact distal insertion may help to retain some of the with patellar and Achilles tendon allografts and Jacques
vascularity, rendering it more compatible with the intra- Defrere & Anne Franckart of Liege who had similar results
synovial environment’’. in their group of 70 patients at 4.5 years with patellar
In 1982 Brant Lipscomb of Nashville started using both grafts, paved the way for allografts to achieve relative
semitendinosus and gracilis tendon as a double-strand left popularity particularly in the United States [55, 174].
attached to the pes anserinus [178]. Six years later, fol- Unfortunately, the increased risk of viral disease trans-
lowing on from Lipscomb’s experience, Marc Friedman of mission (e.g. HIV, Hepatitis C) associated with allografts
Los Angeles pioneered the use of an arthroscopically in the 1990s created a significant setback for this technol-
assisted four-strand hamstring autograft technique, which, ogy. Sterilisation methods were developed to reduce this
despite several smaller modifications, set the standard for risk, but radiation in particular affected the collage struc-
ACL reconstruction with hamstrings for the next 25 years ture and with it the mechanical properties of the graft [244,
[86]. Long-term follow-up studies have since confirmed 270]. Allograft reconstruction has only recently regained
almost equivalent results regarding knee function and some of its ground through the introduction of improved
prevalence of osteoarthritis, independent of the choice of ‘graft-friendly’ sterilisation techniques, although it is still
graft tissue [118, 247]. not possible to definitively eliminate the risk of viral
disease transmission [209, 245]. Today allograft tissue
Allografts: 1929—today remains an attractive and reliable alternative to autograft in
the primary and revision setting despite the rather consid-
Allograft reconstruction of the ACL was an attractive erable cost implications [107].
proposition as it avoids the need of graft harvest and
associated donor site morbidity and prevents weakening of Synthetics: 1903—today
external ligament and tendon structures which contribute to
overall joint stability. Eugene Bircher of Arau in Switzer- The use of synthetic materials has intrigued surgeons for
land (1882–1956), better known for his pioneering work on over 100 years. It was hoped that readily available ‘off-the-
arthroscopy, conveyed his experience with kangaroo ten- shelf’ synthetic grafts could be developed which are
don as an augment as well as a sole graft in 1929 and was stronger than soft tissue equivalents, and simplify the
followed by Micheli from Italy who published his results operation by avoiding graft harvest and associated donor
4 years later [18, 19, 206]. Kangaroo tendon, however, site morbidity. Themistokles Gluck of Berlin (1853–1940),
remained a rare choice, and like other xenografts, never pioneer of joint arthroplasty, successfully bridged tendon
gained any real popularity. Bircher was also one of the first defects with plaited catgut in 1881, but did not take his
clinicians to promote a more progressive rehabilitation discovery further [100]. Fritz Lange of Munich
regime following surgery, just like Bonnet had done for the (1864–1952) suggested silk sutures as prosthetic ligaments
conservative management in the previous century [18, 24]. to stabilise ‘wobbly’ knees in 1903 [165]. Lange had
He used a sliding frame during the initial 10-day period already used silk as early as 1895 for the treatment of
instead of the then traditional plaster of Paris, and paralytic feet and in 1907 reported on 4 cases of ACL
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
deficiency, which he stabilised by using ‘‘artificial liga- fascia in ACL reconstruction [167, 168]. Lange was
ments made of silk’’ in conjunction with the tendons of mindful that joint stability could not be achieved by silk
semitendinosus and semimembranosus placed extra-artic- alone, which he saw merely as a foreign body scaffold
ularly [166] (Fig. 28). The silk was slowly surrounded by providing initial strength whilst inducing a process of lig-
fibrous tissue, and Lange praised the ‘‘wonderful ability of ament healing and re-growth. Karl Ludloff of Frankfurt
the silk to produce fibrous tissue under functional stress’’, a (1864–1945) had followed a similar approach when in
finding confirmed through histological investigations by 1927 he used a strip of fascia wrapped around a thick
Max Borst a few years earlier [25]. central silk suture to replace the ACL in a 23-year-old
Alwyn Smith of Cardiff was critical of silk after a farmer who had come off his motorbike [182] (Fig. 29). He
patient suffered with synovitis which only settled once was meticulous in trying to place both tunnels at the centre
Smith had removed all silk from the joint [268]. A similar of the anatomical foot prints of the ACL and kept tunnel
experience prompted Max Herz in 1906 to declare that diameters small enough to obtain a tight fitting graft.
‘‘The silk ligaments were too beautiful an idea; the Ludloff refrained from any form of graft fixation as he
attempts to copy something from nature had failed’’ [110]. believed that the graft should be allowed to establish
Although both Herz and Smith realised that silk cannot equilibrium of tension. Like Bircher, Ludloff encouraged
survive when used in isolation within the intra-articular early mobilisation from day 14 and walking from day 25
environment, they failed to appreciate the fibrogenic onwards. The patient was reviewed at 5 months, after
potential of silk when placed in direct proximity to colla- having gone back to his duties as a farmer, presenting
gen rich tissue. Fritz Lange’s grandson Max (1899–1975), minimal loss of flexion and a negative anterior drawer sign.
who also became Professor of Orthopaedics in Munich, Edred Corner of St Thomas in London (1873–1950)
achieved clinical success by utilising silk augmented with presented the case of a 29-year-old man, who injured his
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knee playing football and subsequently complained ‘‘of stability. The production of the Dacron ligament device
pain, and weakness in the knee joint, which gives way was finally discontinued in 1994.
suddenly, letting him down’’ [43]. Corner employed a In 1973 Proplast, a porous Teflon graft claiming to
novel technique by passing a loop of silver wire through offer enhanced fibrogenic properties, became one of the
the lateral condyle which was interlaced with a similar loop first synthetic graft materials to receive FDA approval, but
brought through the tibia to form a new ACL (Fig. 30). clinical performance was disappointing [305]. David Jen-
Post operatively the patient was advised to wear an appa- kins of Cardiff began to use flexible carbon fibres to
ratus ‘‘to limit his knee movement’’. The latter broke and reconstruct the ACL in the mid-1980s [140]. The carbon
with it the wire loops, but no information was disclosed was thought to act as a temporary scaffold, encouraging the
upon the patient’s fate. ingrowth of fibroblastic tissue and the production of new
The second half of the twentieth century saw a myriad collagen. More often than not however, fragmentation of
of different synthetic ligament graft materials appear. In carbon occurred creating unsightly staining of the syno-
1949 Rüther of Germany reported disappointing results vium and foreign body reaction. Not unsurprisingly in the
following the implantation of a synthetic ACL made of hands of most investigators, carbon fibre ACL recon-
Supramid, a polyamide derivative [252]. Olav Rostrup of struction provided for rather inconsistent and often unre-
Edmonton, Alberta started using synthetic grafts in humans liable results especially when used in isolation [251].
in 1959 after having successfully implanted Teflon grafts Angus Strover of South Africa demonstrated more prom-
into dogs knees [72, 249]. He saw synthetics primarily as ising results with collagen-coated carbon fibre which he
augmentation devices to support fascia or tendon and felt published in 1985 [279]. He noticed that when placing
that Teflon or Dacron were ‘‘not the ideal material’’ and ‘‘carbon fibres either within the remnants of the original
hence did ‘‘not recommend its wide-scale or indiscriminate ligament or within a sheath of fascia and maintained in the
use’’. Stryker nevertheless made Dacron as a ligament retro-synovial situation, no carbon debris appears within
replacement device commercially available in the 1980s. the joint cavity, and a normal-looking cruciate ligament
Richard Wilk of Burlington and John Richmond of Boston results’’.
reviewed 50 patients following ACL reconstruction with Awareness of the potential biological and biomechanical
the Stryker Dacron ligament in 1993 and recorded a shortcomings of using a single type of synthetic material
significant deterioration of ligament failure rate from 20% prompted attempts to combine materials of favourable
at 2 years to 37.5% at 5 years [299]. Wolfgang Maletius characteristics. Strover and associates developed the ABC
and Jan Gillquist of Sweden reported their 9-year follow-up (Activated Biological Composite) ligament in the mid-
results in 55 patients in 1997 [189]. By that time, 44% of 1980s, which combined the advantages of polyester in
grafts had failed, 83% had developed radiographic signs of terms of durability, based on the success of Dacron vas-
osteoarthritis and only 14% presented with acceptable cular grafts, and those of carbon in terms of its fibrogenic
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potential [280]. Carbon and polyester were interwoven in a Munich examined the mechanical properties of 51 different
type of plaited arrangement, positioned through a tibial commercially available polymer ligaments under physio-
tunnel distally and over-the-top proximally and secured logical conditions and found only one type to meet basic
with bollards placed through prefabricated ligament loops. testing requirements [241, 242]. It was eventually conceded
The ABC ligament enjoyed a period of relative success in that in vivo functional stresses applied on the knee exceed the
the 1980 and 1990s but like all other synthetic grafts biomechanical properties of the new ligaments in the long
eventually became obsolete. term [22, 136]. Improved results with intra-articular recon-
In the late 1970s, Jack Kennedy of London, Ontario struction using autologous grafts finally saw the end of
introduced a ligament augmentation device made of poly- synthetics in ACL reconstruction, a trend Ejnar Eriksson of
propylene, which became known as the ‘Kennedy-LAD’ Stockholm had already anticipated in 1976 by saying syn-
[150] (Fig. 31). The concept arose from observations that thetics are ‘‘like shoestrings, they eventually break’’ [75].
biological grafts are affected by temporary degeneration
and loss of strength before being fully incorporated and
that the LAD would protect the biological graft during this Extra-articular ACL reconstruction: 1913—today
vulnerable phase. Kennedy created the notion of load
sharing, as he was hoping the LAD would reduce stresses The complexities of intra-articular reconstructions were
and strains on the natural graft and prevent early graft often fraught with peril and clinicians were eager to find
failure [153]. Lars Engebretsen and associates of Trond- ways to simplify stabilising procedures for ACL deficien-
heim in Norway commenced a large randomised controlled cies without opening the joint. This idea was fostered by
study in 1990 to assess the merits of the LAD compared to Henry Milch of New York (1895–1964) who in the early
acute repair and reconstruction with autologous B-PT-B 1930s promoted the principle that ‘‘a torn ACL left little if
[73]. He enrolled 150 patients into the three treatment arms any disability whilst the medial or tibial collateral ligament
and produced follow-up results of up to 16 years. Both is of the utmost importance in the stability of the knee’’
acute repair and repair with the LAD provided for failure [207, 208].
rates of up to 30%, and the authors hence discouraged any
form of repair other than autograft reconstruction [64]. The
Kennedy-LAD together with the Leeds-Keio and the
LARS ligament became nevertheless one of the very few
synthetic grafts which gained more widespread popularity
and which have remained in use as augmentation devices
up to this day.
Various other synthetic ACL grafts, including Gore-
Tex, PDS, Eulit, and Polyflex, were introduced during
the same period [136] (Fig. 32). Clinicians, however,
became over-optimistic regarding the clinical long-term
performance of most of these materials, as their in vitro
behaviour showed fatigue resistance on cyclic loading
beyond the limit of human endurance [250]. The hope of
finding a reliable and durable off the shelf ACL replacement
was soon dampened by a flood of reports on an increasing
amount of fatigue failures, including graft re-rupture,
chronic synovitis, tunnel widening through osteolysis, for-
eign body reaction, and poor incorporation of the synthetics
into host bone [127, 265, 304]. In 1981 Wolfgang Plitz of
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Werner Müller [70, 133, 181, 213, 286, 287] (Fig. 36). Although most extra-articular procedures diminished or
Conscious of the notion of isometry and the failure of most obliterated pivot shift and Lachman manoeuvres, they
extra-articular procedures to provide stability throughout a provided for temporary stability only, as the repairs even-
full range of motion, James Andrews of Columbus, Geor- tually stretched-out [62]. Extra-articular reconstructions
gia devised his ‘‘mini reconstruction’’ in 1983 [10]. He gradually fell out of favour when reports emerged about
formed an anterior and posterior bundle of the ITB which their unpredictability to satisfactorily decrease tibial sub-
he tenodesed against the lateral femoral epicondyle so that luxation [82, 152, 212, 296]. In a landmark paper, Jack
the anterior part would be tight in flexion and the posterior Kennedy reported in 1978 on 52 patients following extra-
in extension. In 1981 Jakob described the ‘reverse pivot articuar stabilisation with only 47% achieving good to
shift sign’ introducing the concept of postero-lateral rota- excellent results [152]. This was echoed in the same year by
tory instability [134]. By this time, clinicians had created a Russell Warren and John Marshall of the Hospital of Spe-
classification of all variations of straight and rotatory knee cial Surgery in New York, who, after reviewing the results
instabilities, appropriate tests to define them, and a plethora of 86 patients, concluded that ‘‘as a general rule, extra-
of surgical remedies to treat them [56, 129, 213]. articular surgery without attention to the cruciate ligaments
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Fig. 42 ‘‘Anatometric’’ double-bundle reconstruction according to Müller. The AM bundle is placed in a 4 mm trough at the isometric point
(open circle) and none of the remaining fibres attach anterior to the transition line (line) (with kind permission of Springer Science, Berlin) [214]
recognised that ‘‘reconstitution of relatively normal function reconstruction with split patellar tendon [214]. The free
would require the new cruciate ligament to consist of two tendon graft emerged from a single tibial tunnel, with one
separate bundles’’ [182]. Palmer had already performed leg being placed intra-osseously, whilst the other was
double-bundle ACL repairs in the 1930s claiming good positioned over-the-top of the femoral condyle (see
results, but his technique failed to find wider acceptance [232]. Fig. 42). Up to this point, traditional single-bundle recon-
Karl Viernstein and Werner Keyl of Munich pioneered struction techniques had aimed to replace the antero-medial
double-bundle ACL reconstruction with a proximally bundle, thereby predominately restoring antero-posterior
detached semidendinosus and gracilis graft in 1973 [289]. laxity. The addition of a postero-lateral bundle was hoped
In the description of their technique, the tendons were to address any remaining elements of rotational laxity.
routed through a single tibial tunnel into two separate The first publication on a double-bundle ACL recon-
femoral tunnels and sutured against each other at the exit struction in the English literature was provided by William
(Fig. 44). Viernstein and Keyl noted that by placing the Mott of Jackson, Wyoming in 1983. He created double
femoral tunnels close to the anatomic foot prints of the tunnels in both tibia and femur through which he placed a
native ACL bundles, they were able to emulate the natural free semitendinosus graft, a technique he called the
twisting between the two graft bundles during flexion. In ‘‘semitendinosus anatomic reconstruction’’ or STAR pro-
1990 Müller introduced his ‘‘anatometric’’ double-bundle cedure [211]. He was followed by Walter Blauth of Kiel,
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passage of time’’ [5]. In 1943 he suggested securing free tunnel thereby stopping the tendon from slipping through
fascia graft with small bone wedges harvested from the [30, 239] (Fig. 49). Hans Pässler of Heidelberg did much to
anterior tibia and driven alongside the tendon into the introduce press fit graft fixation to a wider audience. He
tunnel. Although his technique was flawed through posi- adopted Brückner’s original idea and converted it for the
tioning tunnels centrally within the joint, his idea of graft use of soft-tissue grafts by knotting hamstring grafts at the
fixation anticipated the principles behind interference end [231].
screws by many decades (Fig. 47). Broader awareness that In 1927 Arnold Wittek introduced, what is believed to
the ‘‘mechanically weak link of the reconstructed graft is be the first intra-articular screw fixation of an ACL liga-
located at the fixation site’’, as suggested by Masahiro ment graft when he utilised a torn medial meniscus to
Kurosaka of Kobe, Japan however did not emerge until the replace the ACL [302] (Fig. 50). In 1970, Kenneth Jones,
1980s and gave rise to the development of a plethora of who was using distally attached patellar tendon, described
ligament fixation devices [161, 194] (Fig. 48). a method for fixation of the femoral bone block by means
Brückner, whilst still using the then traditional suture of a 2.4 mm Kirschner wire ‘‘drilled across the femoral
fixation on the femoral side, left a slightly oversized tri- tunnel and into the opposite femoral condyle’’ [142]. He
angular bone block attached to the inferior part of a free was aiming to traverse the base of the femoral tunnel and
patellar tendon graft which he press-fitted into the tibial thereby stopping the graft from being dislodged. In his
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
Fig. 48 Drawing depicting various methods of graft fixation at tibia and femur (with kind permission of Elsevier, Philadelphia) [194]
opinion, it was not essential that the wire went directly in 1983, who utilised standard 6.5 mm AO cancellous
through the bone plug itself. This technique received wider screws of 30 mm in length which he passed from outside-in
attention with the introduction of the Transfix device for alongside the bone blocks of B-PT-B grafts [164] (Fig. 51).
the suspension of hamstring grafts designed by Eugene The screw produced an ‘‘interference fit, whereby it actu-
Wolf of San Francisco and Donald Grafton of Naples in ally engages both the side of the bone block and the screw
1998 [39, 105]. hole in a more or less cogwheel fashion’’. Interference
Aperture fixation with interference screws was origi- screws gained wider attention through Kurosaka’s work on
nally described by Kenneth Lambert of Jackson, Wyoming the fixation strength of various fixation methods, which he
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including BPTB, and has become one of the most popular [48, 49] (Fig. 54). He reported the use of a carbon fibre
fixation methods in ligament surgery altogether. Although prosthesis supplemented with a MacIntosh lateral extra-
critics have highlighted theoretical biomechanical disad- articular substitution in 8 patients with good results at
vantages of suspensory fixation compared to aperture 1 year. Dandy later admitted that the good results might
fixation including windscreen wiper and bungee effect, have been due to the extra-articular reconstruction rather
clinical results between the various fixation methods than the carbon fibre ACL replacement, which often dis-
however have not highlighted significant differences [117]. integrated with time [49].
Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction in those days was a
complex and challenging procedure as neither sophisti-
Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction: 1980—today cated instrumentation nor camera and monitor units pro-
viding for appropriate magnification were available. In
In the early parts of the twentieth century, ACL surgery addition, the close proximity between the surgeon’s eye
was still considered by most surgeons a formidable pro- and the rod lens system created a constant danger of de-
cedure. This is reflected in the treatise on ‘Internal sterilisation, nota bene accurate placement depended on
Derangements of the Knee-Joint’ by Timbrell Fisher, who hand-eye coordination monitored by arthroscopic visual-
in 1933 appealed for prudence when considering ACL isation of the tunnel entry points [49]. Studies comparing
reconstruction as ‘‘we must bear in mind that an operation, open with arthroscopic techniques finally confirmed the
which may appear easy, when performed by a master of benefits associated with arthroscopically performed ACL
technical methods, may present extreme difficulty to the reconstruction in terms of lessened post-operative mor-
average surgeon’’ [80]. In the 1950s, prior to the advent of bidity, improved cosmesis, increased speed of recovery and
operative arthroscopy, Willy König of Hannover and Li enhanced range of motion [29]. Initially, the procedure
from Russia had already performed trans-articular recon- required a two-incision technique [57]. One incision was
struction of the ACL without opening of the joint, by either needed to facilitate graft harvest and tibial tunnel prepa-
relying on anatomical land marks or on radiographic con- ration, whilst a second incision placed over the outside of
trol and guidance for positioning of femoral and tibial the femur was required to position a ‘rear-entry-guide’
tunnels [158, 175] (Fig. 53). The increasing familiarity around the posterior aspect of the lateral condyle for out-
with knee arthroscopy popularised by Robert Jackson of side-in drilling of the femoral tunnel. The introduction of
Toronto, Canada (1932–2010) and David Dandy of Cam- arthroscopic drill and off-set guides allowed for femoral
bridge, England in the 1970s together with improvements tunnel preparation either through the tibial tunnel (trans-
in arthroscopic instrumentation allowed surgeons to con- tibial) or through the medial portal, making a second
sider more and more intricate operative procedures to be incision unnecessary.
performed via keyhole [47, 132]. David Dandy performed By the end of the 1990s, most surgeons had adopted the
the first arthroscopically assisted ACL reconstruction at single-incision technique for arthroscopic ACL recon-
Newmarket General Hospital on the 24th April 1980 struction [106]. However, criticism emerged about
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
potential disadvantages of femoral tunnel placement using required opening of the joint. The treatment of the ACL-
single-incision, trans-tibial techniques, especially in cases of deficient knee has seen many changes since Adams
single-bundle reconstruction [15, 88, 229]. In a study pub- described the first a clinical case of ACL rupture 175 years
lished in 2001, Markus Arnold and associates of Nijmegen in ago. Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction has since become a
Holland found it impossible to position the femoral tunnel at standard procedure for almost every knee surgeon, but we
the anatomical foot print when using a single-incision tech- are in danger of becoming complacent. It is essential that
nique due to restrictions in drill-guide placement [11]. In we all continually review our own results and carefully
1993 Stephen Howell of Davis, California developed a spe- assess the values and merits of new techniques and tech-
cific drill guide (Howell 65 tibial guide) used in conjunc- nologies in order to offer our patients the best treatments
tion with radiographic control to overcome such problems available. We should however not forget Jack Hughston’s
believing that the tibial tunnel holds the key in correctly advice that there is no knee injury which could not be made
positioning the femoral tunnel [121, 122]. Although refine- worse by inappropriate surgical management.
ments in surgical technique might safeguard against notch It is intriguing to review the pioneering work of Hey-
impingement, single-incision ACL reconstruction remains Groves and Smith as it anticipated many of the modern
more likely to result in a vertically orientated, non-anatomic ideas on graft obliquity and anatomic reconstruction, and in
graft, unable to effectively control rotation [15, 159]. Thus many respects, the surgical philosophy of ACL recon-
prompting some researchers to re-consider the benefits of a struction has come full circle. Many advancing ideas were
revised two-incision technique [95, 98]. dismissed, or forgotten only to be re-discovered, often
without giving credit to the original inventors. We should
hence not lose sight of the achievements of our surgical
Conclusion forefathers and be encouraged to become familiarised with
the historical developments as it may assist us in the pursuit
The number of injuries to the ACL has risen exponentially, of, what Ivar Palmer called, the restoration of the physio-
since the days when only a fall from a horse could send the logical joint.
cavalry officer into early retirement due to an unstable
Acknowledgments The author would like to convey his admiration
knee. High-speed travel and an ever increasing enthusiasm and gratitude to Wolfgang Plitz of Munich and David James Dandy of
for sports are to be blamed for this development. From a Cambridge, for their friendship and for providing invaluable advice
healthy scepticism towards surgery in the nineteenth cen- and support. Furthermore special gratitude is extended to David
tury to an ever increasing plethora of operative solutions, Young of Melbourne, Peter Myers of Brisbane, and Leo Pinczewski
of Sydney, for their patience in conveying the craft of ACL recon-
simplified by a myriad of surgical aids and implements, we struction, to Freddie Fu and Carola van Eck of Pittsburgh, and Werner
have come a long way, and many of us may not even Müller of Bale for their kindness and co-operation and to Jon Kar-
remember the challenging days when ACL surgery lsson of Möndal for his encouragement and advice in preparing the
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc
manuscript. Last but not least appreciation is given to all the pub- the anterior cruciate ligament with the quadriceps tendon].
lishers who have kindly permitted the reproduction of all historical Unfallheilkunde 87:45–51
illustrations. 22. Blazina ME (1978) Biomechanical discussion on the polyflex
ligament in late reconstruction of injured ligaments of the knee.
In: Schulitz KP, Krahl H, Stein WH (eds) Late reconstruction of
injured ligaments of the knee. Springer, Berlin, pp 22–32
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