(Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem) : Like Our Page For Entry Test Material & Admission Updates

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(Mathematical Induction
and Binomial Theorem)
Look Exercise 8.1. The Questions are like this:

1. 1+5+9+….+(4n-3) = n(2n-1)
2. 1+3+5+….+(2n-1) = n² and so on..

On the right side of equality, the formulas of Sum of series are given
and to the left side of equality nth term/General Term of series is given.
In Question 1, nth term is (4n-3) and formula for sum of series is n(2n-
1). an= (4n-3)
Sn = n(2n-1)
Given is a1=1, a2=5 and a3=9.
Now if you put n= 1,2 and 3 in an you will get 1,5 and 9 respectively.
If you put n=1 in Sn, you will get the first term as it is. S1=a1
S1= 1[2(1)-1]= 1
If you put n=2 in Sn, you will get the sum of first two terms of series.
S2= 2[2(2)-1]= 6
If you put n=3 in Sn, you will get the sum of first three terms of the
series. S3= a1+a2+a3
S3= 3{2(3)-1] = 15

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I hope this is clear to you. Now in MCQ’s, they will give you left side of
the question and you have to guess the right side from the options.
1x3+2x5+3x7+…..+nx(2n+1)= ?
( )( ) ( )( )
a) b) c)____ d)_____
Now to guess which is the right option, do following steps:

Calculate S1, S2 and S3 by S1=a1 , S2=a1+a2 , S3= a1+a2+a3

S1=3, S2= 13 , S3= 34
Now put n=1, 2 and 3 in all the given options and check for which
option your answers matches with S1, S2 and S3 you first calculated. It
will be the answer. In above question option b is correct. Check
minimum 3 values by putting n. Practice it maximum.
-Binomial Expression:-
An algebraic expression consisting of only two terms is called a binomial
For Example:
(x + y)2= x2+2xy+y2=2C0x2+2C1xy+2C2y2
Binomial Theorem:-
This theorem gives a formula by which any power of a binomial
expression can be expanded. It was first given by Sir Isaac Newton.
Important Points:-
1) There must be two terms or made them two.
e.g. a+b or (a+b+c) (a+(b+c))
2) Power must be positive integer. e.g. Z={0,1,2,3,….}
3) Last term of binomial theorem exists.
4) Total number of terms of binomial expansion is always one more
than index. i.e. n+1
e.g.  No. of terms in (x+y)2 is 2+1

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Easy Way to learn this theorem:-
Words:- Power or a wali term ko mila k power pehly, a wali term ki
power me se aek km or b wali term ki power me izafa krna hae, Mtlb ye
k pehli 2 laqmo ko km krna hae or tisri ko brhana hae. Or Last pe, pehli
term se 0! , Second pe 1! And so on. Divide krna hae…
In general:-
( )
(a+b)n= + + + ⋯+
! ! ! !
Let us have an example:-
( ) ( )( )
(x+y)2= + + = +2 + (Answer)
! ! !
Even Binomial Coefficient:-
If r=0,2,4,6,8…. then nCr is called even places or even binomial
Odd Binomial Coefficient:-
If r=1, 3, 5, 7, 9… then nCr is called odd places or odd binomial
Sum of Binomial Coefficients:-
Example:- Find the Sum of binomial Coefficient in the binomial
expansion of (x+y)5?
Solution:- Sum of Binomial Coefficient= 25=32 (Answer)
Sum of Even Binomial Coefficients is equal to sum of odd binomial
C0+nC2+nC4+…+nCn= nC1+nC3+nC5+…+nCn-1=2n-1
Example:- Find the sum of Even Binomial Coefficients of (2x+3y)6 ?
Solution:- Sum of Even Binomial Coefficients=26-1=25=32(Answer)
Sum of all exponents in (x+y)n= n2+n

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Examples:- Find the sum of all exponents of (a+x)3?
Solution:- Sum of all exponents=32+3=12 (Answer)
 The binomial coefficient of the term equidistant from the beginning
and the end are equal i.e nCr=nCn-r
 General term/Specific Term of (a+b)n: Tr+1=nCr an-r.br
a) Tr+1 is the (r+1)th term from beginning and (n-r+1)th term from end.
b) Value of r is one less than number of term
c) nCr is the binomial coefficient of (r+1)th term.
 rth term of (a+b)n : Tr=nCr-1.an-r+1.br-1
 nth term of (a+b)n: Tn=nCn-1.abn-1
 Last term/(n+1)th term of (a+b)n:Tn+1=bn
Middle term/s
a) The middle term in the binomial expansion of (a+b)n depends upon
the value of n
b) If n is even then there is only one middle term. i.e +1

c) If n is odd then there are two middle terms i.e ( )

 Coefficient of Middle terms:
a) If n is even then binomial Coefficient of middle term is nCn/2
b) If n is odd then binomial Coefficient of middle terms are nC(n-1)/2 or
 pth term from the end in the Binomial Expansion of (a+b)n is
(n-p+1)th term from the beginning.
Properties of nCr
1) If n is even then greatest coefficient= nCn/2
2) If n is odd then greatest coefficient=nC(n-1)/2 or nC(n+1)/2
3) If 0<r<n , n,rԑN, then nCr=n/r.n-1Cr-1
4) nCr+nCr-1=n+1Cr

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n n
5) Cx= Cy x=y or x+y=n
6) If l,m are integers then sum of coefficients in the expansion of
(lx+my)n is (l+m)n


 Binomial Series is valid if it is convergent.
 In convergent series, next term is smaller i.e we can neglect bigger
terms of order x4, x5,…….

 Binomial series converges if,
|x|<1 or -1<x<1 or x Є(-1,1)

1. (1+3x)-7 , Series is convergent if x=?
Applying condition,
|3x|< 1  |x|<
2. (1- x)1/2 , Series is convergent if x=?
Neglect –ve sign
| x| < 1  |x|<
3. (3+4x)-2
In this case, first take out 3 common and then check
3-2(1+ x)-2 Now, | x|< 1  |x|<
Some particular cases of expansion (1+x)n when n<0

Binomial Expansion (r+1)th term

(1+x)-1 (-1)rxr

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(1+x) (-1)r(r+1)xr
(1+x)-3 ( )( ) r
(-1)r x
(1-x)-1 xr
(1-x)-2 (r+1)xr
(1-x)-3 ( )( ) r

-Entry Test Type MCQ:-

Q#1: The number of terms of (a-b)17 is:
A) 2 B) 17 C) 18 (Correct) D) 20
Solution: The total terms in binomial expansion is n+1
In this case: n=17 so Total terms =17+1=18 (Answer)
Q#2: The middle term in the expansion of (x+y)30 is:
A) 13th B) 14th C) 15th D) 16th (Correct)
Solution: As we know that n=30
so middle term will be ( +1)th  =( +1)th =16th (Answer)
Q#3: The binomial coefficient of 21st term in the expansion of (a+b)23 is:
A) 1771 (Correct) B) 2891 C) 3421 D) 1563
Solution: As 21st term is asked so r=20
Using the general term formula:
Tr+1= nCr. an-r.br
T20+1= 23C20 . a23-20b20
T21= 23!/20!. 3! a3b20
T21= 23.22.21/6 a3b20
T21= 23.11.7 a3b20
T21= 1771 a3b20 (Answer)
Q#4: The total number of terms in the expansion of (1-x+x4)4 is:
A) 5 B) 15 (Correct) C)10 D) 8

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Solution: As we know that:
Total number of terms in (x1+x2+…..+xr)n is n+r-1Cr-1
whereas r= no. of terms
( )( )
And also for trinomial expansion total terms is
In this case:
M#1: (1-x+x4)4
As r=3 so Total number of terms 4+3-1C3-1= 6C2=15 (Answer)
( )( ) ( )
M#2: Number of terms in trinomial expansion= = =15 (Ans)

Q#5: The coefficient of the term involving x5 in the expansion of

− ? A) 15309 B) -15309 C) -15309/8(Correct) D) 15309/8

The coefficient of the term involving xm in the expansion of
(xp+(a/xq))n is Tr+1=nCr an-r.br whereas r=
( )
Apply the trick: r= = =5
So T5+1= 10C5 (x2)10-5.(-3/x2)5= -15309/8 (Answer)

Q#6: The term free from Z in the expansion of + is:

A) 5/4 B) ¼ C) 9/4 D) 4/5

The coefficient of the term involving xm in the expansion of (xp+(a/xq))n
is Tr+1=nCr an-r.br whereas r=

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Here in this case m=0 as independent term/term free from
variable/constant term contain x0 always so that:
( )
r= = =2
T2+1= 10C2 (z/3)4.(3/2z2)2 =5/4 (Answer)

Q#7: The term free from t in (4t+5/t)8 is?

Using trick: r= np/p+q r= 1(8)/1+1 4
so Tr+1= T5  5th term (Answer)
Q#8: Total number of terms in the expansion of (x+z)50+(x-z)50 are?
Trick: Total terms of (x+y)n+(x-y)n are:
1) If n=odd then total terms are (n+1)/2
2) If n=even then total terms are (n/2)+1
In this case: (50/2)+1= 26 (Answer)
Q#9:The coefficient of x5 in the expansion of (1+x2) (1+x)4 is?
Using binomial theorem on (1+x)4
So coefficient of x5 is 4 (Answer)
The coefficient of terms x100 in the expansion of (1-x)-3 is?
Using the formulas:
( )( ) ( )( )
(r+1)th term of (1-x)-3 is  = 5151

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If the coefficient of (2r+4)th and (r-2)th term in the expansion of (1+x)18
are equal?
Using the property”
nCx=nCy  n=x+y
so: 2r-3+r-3=183r=18r=6 (Answer)
Q#12:The sum of coefficient of last 3 last term in the expansion of
Explanation: The last term of the binomial series does not exist so can’t
be determined.
Q#13: If the coefficient of x2 and x3 in the expansion of (3+ax)9 are same
then a=?
Using the formula:
Tr+1= nCr. an-rbr
Tr+1= 9Cr (3)9-r(ax)r
For x2 T3= 78732(ax)2
For x3 T4=61236(ax)3
As the coefficient are equal so that:
 a= 9/7 (Answer)
Q#14:The greatest positive integer divides 11n-10n-1 is?
Put n=1 it gives the notation n=0
Put n=2 it gives the 112-10(2)-1= 121-20-1=121-21=100
which means greatest integer is 100.. (Answer)

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If S(n)= n -n+41 is a proposition then which of the following is not prime
A) S(1) B) S(1) and S(10) C) S(10) D) S(41)
On putting the value of n from the given options and satisfies the
so option D is satisfying.
S(41)= (41)2-(41)(41)
As we know that prime number is one which has at most 2 divisor i.e
itself and 1.
In this case there are three divisor of 1681 i.e 1681 ,41 and 1 (Answer)
If a3+b3+c3+….+(2n-1)3=n2(2n2-1) then value of (a,b,c)=?
Put n=1 in both (2n-1)3 and n2(2n2-1) and get the answer.
As in this case (2(1)-1)3=1 so n2(2n2-1) is also 1
Put n=2 in both notation so:
(2(2)-1)3=27 so n2(2n2-1)=1+27=28
Put n=3 in both notation so:
(2(3)-1)3=125 so n2(2n2-1)=1+27+125=153
so (1,27,125)= (a3,b3,c3)
taking cube root on both sides so:
(1,3,5)=(a,b,c) (Answer)

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