Comparison of Hamlet and Claudius
Comparison of Hamlet and Claudius
Comparison of Hamlet and Claudius
There are many examples of betrayal in the play Hamlet. In these examples
betrayal leads to the destruction of relationships. Claudius is the king of Denmark
and he will do anything to stay that way. His wife Gertrude loves her son Hamlet
and Claudius knows that. In order to stay king he must please Gertrude, therefore
he pretends to love Hamlet in front of Gertrude but behind her back, he plots to
murder Hamlet. "I will work him To an exploit, now ripe in my device, under the
which he shall not chose but fall. And for his death no wind of blame shall
breathe"1. Gertrude's trust is betrayed by Claudius at that moment because
Gertrude believes that Claudius loves Hamlet, when in fact, he despises him and
wishes death upon him. Claudius is not the only character that betrays in the play
Hamlet. Hamlets makes Ophelia believe that he loves her for a long time, until one
day he tells her things that break her heart. Because Hamlet suspects that someone
is listening to his conversation with Ophelia, he acts like a mad man and says cruel
things to Ophelia. "Virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of
it. I loved you not."(III, i, 118-120) All the promises he had made to her before that
day are now broken; he has betrayed her trust. Hamlet and Claudius betrayed
someone that they were supposed to love. Because of this betrayal the relationships
they had ended in a sad tragedy.
However, selfishness is not the only factor in the downfall of these relationships.
Lack of love also plays a major role. Throughout the play, Gertrude and Claudius
seem to be very much in love, they are constantly kissing and hugging but when
their relationship is observed more closely, it is obvious that this is not the case.
The marriage between Gertrude and Claudius takes place just two months after the
death of Gertrude’s past husband. Although at times Claudius seems to love
Gertrude, in the final act of the play he proves that he does not and never did love
her. When Gertrude picks up the poisoned goblet of wine, Claudius knows that she
will die if he does not do something but his only words to prevent her from
drinking the poison are, "Gertrude, do not drink."(V, ii, 272). If he would have
said, "Gertrude, it is poison, do not drink" she would not have died , but he did not
love her enough to ruin his reputation to save her life. Much like Claudius, Hamlet
seems to love Gertrude at the beginning of the play but later on Hamlet
accidentally kills Polonius, Ophelia's father, and feels no remorse for doing so.
Soon after Polonius's death Ophelia goes mad. hamlet does not care at all, he does
not even seem to notice. If Hamlet loved Ophelia he would have tried to help her
get through the hard time she was having, but he did not. A relationship can only
be good and last for a long time if both the parties are in love. Hamlet and Claudius
did not truly love Gertrude and Ophelia and that is the tragic reason for the end of
these relationships.
Although relationships can sometimes be very happy, they can sometimes become
failures and fall apart if there is betrayal, lack of love and selfishness. This is the
case in the relationships between Ophelia and Hamlet and Gertrude and Claudius.
Relationships are a very important part of everybody's life. To keep these
relationships from being destroyed there must be a sense of trust, love and
selfishness. It is also important to have other things in a relationship like, honesty
and compassion. Having a good relationship takes a lot of work and a lot of time,
both parties must be willing to give these things up and sometimes even give up a
little part of themselves.