Political Science Faculty Win 2 Major CSU Awards
Political Science Faculty Win 2 Major CSU Awards
Political Science Faculty Win 2 Major CSU Awards
Ambassador Robert G. Get a Poli Sci T-shirt! Staff Attorney for the Office
of Legislative Legal Ser-
Loftis (B.A,, 1979) has been Students in the department have revived our chapter of Pi vices for the Colorado State
promoted in the Department Sigma Alpha, the national Political Science Honors Society. Legislature in Denver. He
of State to a position It’s a great group of students (see the item on Rebecca graduated from Northeastern
corresponding to a two star Young, page 2). To raise some funds, they’re selling this T- University School of Law in
rank in the military. His new shirt. As you can see, their sense of humor is in fine shape. 1997.
responsibility is to negotiate,
and in some instances re- Cory Gardner (B.A., 1997) is
negotiate, status of forces Legislative Director and Gen-
agreements for American eral Counsel for U.S. Senator
personal serving overseas, and Wayne Allard (R-CO) in Sena-
to work on the U.S. interface tor Allard's D.C. office.
with the International Court
of Criminal Justice. Navy Lt. Jon Hamm (B.A.,
1996) began graduate work
George William Sherk (B.A. “Political Science” is on the front. Beautiful, high quality T’s, in International Affairs at
1972, M.A. 1974) See p. 4. printed locally. Order S-M-L-XL in pine or charcoal. $15/shirt plus The Catholic University in
$2 shipping. Send to the department (Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Washington, D.C. this fall.
1980s Science, Campus Delivery 1782, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1782).
Gregg Fraser (B.A., 1985) is Team Leader and Senior Staff Tim Maney (B.A. 1991) served as a staffer for
Attorney for the Office of Legislative Legal Services for the Congressman Joel Hefley (R-CO), the RNC, and for numerous
Colorado State Legislature in Denver. Federal and state political campaigns including Bush/Quayle
’88 and ’92, and Bush/Cheney ’00. He is currently the
Richard Schweigert (B.A., 1984) is Chief Financial Officer Director of Congressional and Public Affairs for the U.S.
for the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) Chamber of Commerce.
in Denver. An alum of our legislative internship program,
he returned to CSU to appear as a guest speaker for Prof. Cecilia Martinez (B.A. 1996, M.A. 1999) See page 4.
Staayer’s class last spring.
Frank Marton (B.A., 1990) is Regional President of
Joel Smiley (B.A., 1989) went on to get an MPA (CU, Novartis AH for Eastern Europe, having previously worked
1995) and is now the Executive Director of the Chesterfield for the financial services company AIG in Hungary, The
Community Development Corporation which is the Indus- Czech Republic and Russia. He is currently based in
trial Development Authority for the City of Chesterfield, MO, Hungary.
the second largest city is St. Louis County.
Brian Neilson (B.A., 1999) completed an MBA at the
Mike Smith (B.A., 1983) is a candidate for the Colorado University of St. Thomas and studied as a Graduate Research
House of Representatives in District 26. He has received Scholar with the Hansard Society at the London School of
Colorado's Outstanding Young Lawyer Award. Economics this summer.
Cecilia Martinez (B.A. 1996, M.A. 1999) is Executive Bryan Kreykes (B.A., 2004) received a Deborah Barney
Director of Senator John McCain’s nonprofit educational Award last spring, and is now a first year law student at New
organization, The Reform Institute. As a campaign reform York University.
advocate, she appears frequently in national news outlets.
She is an alumnus of the American Council of Young Political Sarah Pfeiffer (B.A., 2004), an Honors grad this spring,
Leaders, with whom she traveled to Hungary and Poland. received an internship in the marketing department of the
Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.
John Redifer (Ph.D., 1994) teaches Political Science at
Mesa State in Grand Junction and has been quoted in the Chad Repko (B.A., 2002) has been accepted to the Thomas
statewide press on the tamarisk eradication issue facing the Jefferson School of Law (in San Diego) and will begin studies
western slope. in January.
Inside the Beltway are important, but there are also other organizations with
vast roles in politics.
Earlier this year, Dr. Many students wouldn't consider working for a non-govern-
Chaloupka asked me if I mental organization (NGO) / non-profit. The pay is usually
would contribute to PoliGRAM minimal and the issues can be very controversial, but since a
by writing a bit about myself lot of these NGOs have limited staffs “intern power” is crucial.
as a Ram Alumni.
Lobbying firms are another step into politics. Every state has
Although this would be quite them and some organizations have them ‘in-house’. Depending
easily done by blending upon the size and management styles within the firm, an
resume, biography and a few intern may find themselves filing and copying; or they may
short stories, I knew that as a actively contributing to a major campaign/project. Don’t limit
student or alum, I rarely read yourself to seeking only the marquee firms. •
those pieces myself. Honestly,
who wants to hear about Mark Oswell (B.A., 1991) served eight years in the Marine Corps
Mark Oswell (B.A., 1991) some alum that’s thinks and is now the National Media and Constituent Affairs Officer
they’ve made it big in the for the Office for Law Enforcement within the National Oceanic
world as you sit in your room eating cold Blackjack Pizza and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine
slaving over yet another Constitutional Law project? Fisheries Service in Silver Spring, MD.
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