Political Science Faculty Win 2 Major CSU Awards

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CSU Political Science Alumni Newsletter • Autumn, 2004

Political Science faculty win 2 major CSU awards

Professor Scott Moore received one Valerie Assetto was one of five
of six campus-wide Cermak Advising individuals recognized with this year’s
Awards for 2004. Dr. Moore served as our Oliver P. Pennock Service Awards. In
undergraduate coordinator for the past announcing the award to the University
three years. His nomination specifically community, Provost Peter Nicholls
cited his leadership in rapidly adjusting wrote, “The Pennock Awards recognize
departmental procedures during a period exceptional individuals who have
of explosive growth in majors. The Chair’s nominating letter displayed continuing meritorious and outstanding achievement
read, in part, “He was immensely helpful in the training of during their service at CSU. The award program was established
a new chair, myself, to perform the various tasks chairs are as a tribute to Professor Pennock, who served as a distinguished
required to do in the advising process…. His vision of the professor of Civil Engineering in the 1920s.”
advising process is unique and important.”

In just the last three or

Two long-time members of the department Provost Nicholls went on to
note Dr. Assetto’s 22 years at
four years, the department’s faculty each were recognized with one of CSU. “Her primary research
average advising load per CSU’s most prestigious awards. emphasis is the international
tenure track faculty has gone relations and comparative
from the mid-twenties to politics of Central and Eastern
forty-one. Especially in a department with a Ph.D. program, Europe. She has come to specialize in environmental politics
that creates great pressure. In addition to advising MA and and has become an expert on water issues in Hungary.”
Ph.D. students, just about every faculty member had forty
undergraduates to advise—at a time when core curriculum Before coming to CSU in 1981, Dr. Assetto earned her B.A.
requirements had changed, two rule sets were actively in play, summa cum laude from Lehigh University and her M.A. and
and some students were understandably short on patience and Ph.D. from Rice University. The department’s nomination read,
understanding. in part: “Valerie Assetto’s greatest service contributions—often
unhearalded—have been in advancing the international mission
Scott initiated several reforms, simplified our check-sheet of the University. Commitment to international understanding
and introduced measures to slow down the growth in majors has marked her entire career, as illustrated by her teaching,
and upper division enrollments by non-majors. He also helped mentoring, and scholarship.” The nomination cited her
faculty members become more familiar with the writing and leadership role in the International Studies Association and the
math requirements, gathering helpful materials most of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.
faculty had not seen before.
On campus, Dr. Assetto has been central to the Russian and
The Chair’s letter continued, “Dr. Moore has a vision of East European Interdisciplinary Studies Program. In his
advising and its place in the University. He taught me that recommendation, Ken Rock, CSU Professor of History, wrote: “As
advising is a trade-off; the more time and effort that goes into coordinator she actively encouraged students to study abroad.
the quasi-legal activity of parsing rules, the less will go into She has conscientiously devoted much of her energy to teaching
advising students as human beings—young ones, often with her students about the complexities of Central and Eastern
enormous potential, who are trying to figure out the next European politics.” Specifically, Dr. Assetto was instrumental in
step in promising lives and careers.”• establishing the student exchange program with the Technical
University of Budapest.•
The People of Political Science
Outstanding Undergrads Faculty & Staff Notes
Valerie Assetto was promoted to the rank of Professor,
beginning with the Fall, 2004 term.

Maureen Bruner joined the departmental office staff, fol-

lowing the retirement of Earlene Bell in January. Maureen
had previously worked for the CSU bakery. Her daughter is
an incoming freshman at CSU this fall.

J. Leo Cefkin, long time member of the department faculty,

died in September at the age of 88. Leo was instrumental in
creating the Department, when it split off from the History
and Government Department in the 1960’s.

Dana Lindenmeyer was presented with

the department's Outstanding Senior award
at a department meeting in May.

Kyle Saunders (above) is the newest member of the fac-

ulty, having begun his tenure track appointment in August.
Kyle had been teaching at Northern Illinois University,
after receiving his Ph.D. from Emory University. He teaches
Nick Storelli-Castro was presented with quantitative methods and American politics. His published
the department's Outstanding Junior award research has appeared in major journals, including a recent
at a department meeting in May. item in Political Research Quarterly.

Scott Moore (below) traveled to India last winter, where he

studied ... and posed for a great snapshot.

Last year's Outstanding Junior, Rebecca

Young (above) is back in the news as this
term's President of Pi Sigma Alpha, CSU's
chapter of the national Political Science
Honorary Society. After a hiatus of several
years, an active student group is going
again. See the T-shirt ad on page 3.

PoliGRAM • Autumn, 2004 • page 2

Undergraduate Alum Updates
1970s Boulder. She is a member of the CSU Alumni Association
Rick Collins (B.A., 1976) is the Secretary’s Regional Board.
Representative for Region 8, U.S. Department of Labor
and works out of Denver. He joined the Arizona House of Jamie Crisp (Liberal Arts B.A., Political Science minor,
Representatives staff after receiving his Masters degree from 1999) completed law school at Ohio Northern University
Arizona State University in Public Administration (1978). and is practicing law in Wapakoneta, Ohio.
He was Arizona Governor Jane Hull’s Chief of Staff for her
entire tenure (1997-2002). Michael Dohr (B.A., 1994) is

Ambassador Robert G. Get a Poli Sci T-shirt! Staff Attorney for the Office
of Legislative Legal Ser-
Loftis (B.A,, 1979) has been Students in the department have revived our chapter of Pi vices for the Colorado State
promoted in the Department Sigma Alpha, the national Political Science Honors Society. Legislature in Denver. He
of State to a position It’s a great group of students (see the item on Rebecca graduated from Northeastern
corresponding to a two star Young, page 2). To raise some funds, they’re selling this T- University School of Law in
rank in the military. His new shirt. As you can see, their sense of humor is in fine shape. 1997.
responsibility is to negotiate,
and in some instances re- Cory Gardner (B.A., 1997) is
negotiate, status of forces Legislative Director and Gen-
agreements for American eral Counsel for U.S. Senator
personal serving overseas, and Wayne Allard (R-CO) in Sena-
to work on the U.S. interface tor Allard's D.C. office.
with the International Court
of Criminal Justice. Navy Lt. Jon Hamm (B.A.,
1996) began graduate work
George William Sherk (B.A. “Political Science” is on the front. Beautiful, high quality T’s, in International Affairs at
1972, M.A. 1974) See p. 4. printed locally. Order S-M-L-XL in pine or charcoal. $15/shirt plus The Catholic University in
$2 shipping. Send to the department (Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Washington, D.C. this fall.
1980s Science, Campus Delivery 1782, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1782).
Gregg Fraser (B.A., 1985) is Team Leader and Senior Staff Tim Maney (B.A. 1991) served as a staffer for
Attorney for the Office of Legislative Legal Services for the Congressman Joel Hefley (R-CO), the RNC, and for numerous
Colorado State Legislature in Denver. Federal and state political campaigns including Bush/Quayle
’88 and ’92, and Bush/Cheney ’00. He is currently the
Richard Schweigert (B.A., 1984) is Chief Financial Officer Director of Congressional and Public Affairs for the U.S.
for the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (CCHE) Chamber of Commerce.
in Denver. An alum of our legislative internship program,
he returned to CSU to appear as a guest speaker for Prof. Cecilia Martinez (B.A. 1996, M.A. 1999) See page 4.
Staayer’s class last spring.
Frank Marton (B.A., 1990) is Regional President of
Joel Smiley (B.A., 1989) went on to get an MPA (CU, Novartis AH for Eastern Europe, having previously worked
1995) and is now the Executive Director of the Chesterfield for the financial services company AIG in Hungary, The
Community Development Corporation which is the Indus- Czech Republic and Russia. He is currently based in
trial Development Authority for the City of Chesterfield, MO, Hungary.
the second largest city is St. Louis County.
Brian Neilson (B.A., 1999) completed an MBA at the
Mike Smith (B.A., 1983) is a candidate for the Colorado University of St. Thomas and studied as a Graduate Research
House of Representatives in District 26. He has received Scholar with the Hansard Society at the London School of
Colorado's Outstanding Young Lawyer Award. Economics this summer.

1990s Mark Oswell (B.A., 1991) - see page 5.

Gwen (Landwehr) Benevento (B.A. 1994) currently
serves as Deputy Legal Counsel to Governor Bill Owens, Catherine Shanks (B.A.‚ 1991) worked in Denver before
Colorado. Prior to taking that position, she spent five years completing her MA in Liberal Studies/Global Affairs. In
on the policy staff for U.S. Senator Wayne Allard in Wash-
ington, D.C., and then returned to attend law school at CU Continued, see "Undergrad," page 4

PoliGRAM • Autumn, 2004 • page 3

Graduate Alum Updates Undergrad Alums (cont.)
1970s 1998, she started working for the U.S. State Department as
George William Sherk (B.A., 1972, M.A., 1974) practices a Foreign Service Officer, and is now serving a 3-year tour at
law in the Denver area. His article, "The management of the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Interstate Water Conflicts in the 21st Century," appeared in
the NYU Environmental Law Journal. 2000s
Heather Ayn Andrews (B.A., 2001) recently completed an
1980s M.A. in International Relations at The Catholic University of
Kevin O’Connor (M.A., 1982) is Deputy (and recently, Act- America in Washington D.C.
ing) Chief, Prevention Branch, Division of Viral Hepatitis for
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Penny S. Burke (B.A., 2003) interrupted her plans for law
school when she was offered a position with the Lt. Governor
1990s that lead to a Staff Assistant position in U.S. Senator Wayne
Kaye Bragg (Ph.D., 1993) has been promoted to Full Allard’s (R-CO) Englewood office.
Professor at California State University, Bakersfield. She has
just returned from leading a study tour to China. Nate Carr (B.A., 2001) is Legislative Assistant for the
Office of Legislative Legal Services for the Colorado State
Molly Varnadore Campbell (M.A., 1993) gave birth to Legislature in Denver.
Sean Patrick Campbell this June 11. Molly teaches at Bay De
Noc Community College in Escanaba, Michigan. Justie Coyne (B.A., 2004) is a first year law student at the
University of Denver this fall.
Shu-Hsiang Hsu (PhD, 1994), after serving as visiting
associate professor in the department 2002-2004, has Joe Dinnetz (B.A., 2004) was admitted to the MPA program
returned to Taiwan, where he is Vice President of Taiwan with the Graduate School of Public Affairs at CU Denver,
Technological Institute. where he will focus on Environmental Law. He works for the
Department of Public Health and Environment in Denver.
Bryan Austin Jameson (MA spring 1999) is working on
Stan Matsunaka’s congressional campaign In Colorado’s 4th Alexandria Kachadoorian (B.A., 2002) will be a third year
district, which includes Fort Collins. Bryan previously served law student at UCLA this fall. This summer she clerked in the
a term in the Colorado legislature. L.A. office of a major Wall Street firm.

Cecilia Martinez (B.A. 1996, M.A. 1999) is Executive Bryan Kreykes (B.A., 2004) received a Deborah Barney
Director of Senator John McCain’s nonprofit educational Award last spring, and is now a first year law student at New
organization, The Reform Institute. As a campaign reform York University.
advocate, she appears frequently in national news outlets.
She is an alumnus of the American Council of Young Political Sarah Pfeiffer (B.A., 2004), an Honors grad this spring,
Leaders, with whom she traveled to Hungary and Poland. received an internship in the marketing department of the
Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.
John Redifer (Ph.D., 1994) teaches Political Science at
Mesa State in Grand Junction and has been quoted in the Chad Repko (B.A., 2002) has been accepted to the Thomas
statewide press on the tamarisk eradication issue facing the Jefferson School of Law (in San Diego) and will begin studies
western slope. in January.

2000s Maralina Schoenfelder (B.A., 2002) is serving with an

Donna Lybecker (Ph.D., 2003) accepted an appointment Army unit in Afghanistan.
as assistant professor at Penn State University, Altoona.
Jill VandenBosch (B.A., 2001) is the Executive Director of
Bill Salka (Ph.D., August 2000) is Assistant Professor the bi-partisan Caucus of Women Legislators. She recently
of Political Science, Eastern Connecticut State University, completed a Masters in Public Affairs at the University of
where he teaches American Government and Politics, Massachusetts Boston and hopes to pursue a Ph.D.
Research Methods, and Environmental Politics.
Jason Wolfe (B.A., 2000) is Director of Policy and Research
Kevin Spears (M.A., 2003) accepted a position as a Study for the Special District Association of Colorado, in Denver.
Abroad Coordinator at Kansas State University.

PoliGRAM • Autumn, 2004 • page 4

arena, internships within local, state and Federal governments

Inside the Beltway are important, but there are also other organizations with
vast roles in politics.

Earlier this year, Dr. Many students wouldn't consider working for a non-govern-
Chaloupka asked me if I mental organization (NGO) / non-profit. The pay is usually
would contribute to PoliGRAM minimal and the issues can be very controversial, but since a
by writing a bit about myself lot of these NGOs have limited staffs “intern power” is crucial.
as a Ram Alumni.
Lobbying firms are another step into politics. Every state has
Although this would be quite them and some organizations have them ‘in-house’. Depending
easily done by blending upon the size and management styles within the firm, an
resume, biography and a few intern may find themselves filing and copying; or they may
short stories, I knew that as a actively contributing to a major campaign/project. Don’t limit
student or alum, I rarely read yourself to seeking only the marquee firms. •
those pieces myself. Honestly,
who wants to hear about Mark Oswell (B.A., 1991) served eight years in the Marine Corps
Mark Oswell (B.A., 1991) some alum that’s thinks and is now the National Media and Constituent Affairs Officer
they’ve made it big in the for the Office for Law Enforcement within the National Oceanic
world as you sit in your room eating cold Blackjack Pizza and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine
slaving over yet another Constitutional Law project? Fisheries Service in Silver Spring, MD.

So, instead I’ve opted to contribute in a different way.

Working within the Washington, DC “beltway” has allowed
me access to many opportunities and to many people.
In D.C.—Politics is life. With 462 majors and second
Everywhere you go from a Wizards game sitting behind Wolf majors, Political Science is
Blitzer to an event on “The Hill” with Congressmen, politics one of the ten most popular
dominates the scene.
majors on the CSU campus.
Although, I’ll try to line up a majority of local CSU Alum to
assist me in my endeavor, I’ve decided to venture beyond
the CSU-realm to get solid pieces of advice, interesting
stories and information that’s going to help my fellow CSU
Rams advance their careers. Once you graduate and leave Ft. Your 15 minutes of fame!
Collins, you’re not always going to be surrounded by Rams. We'd love to include your listing in the next PoliGRAM. Or
But you still need—Knowledge to go places, right? maybe you would like to write a short article, like Mark
Oswell did for this page. Just send a note to Bill Chaloupka
My first line of thought focuses on: INTERNSHIPS. at williamc@colostate.edu or at Political Science, CSU, Fort
Having taken the State Capitol Internship with Dr. Straayer Collins, CO 80523-1782.
during my senior year, I quickly learned their value. Now
that I’m working “in the system” I’m hiring my own interns
and quickly learning how invaluable they are.

Flipping burgers, bouncing at a local watering hole or being

a camp counselor all pay, but unless you plan on owning Ph.D. student honored
your own McDonald’s or Managing Camp Kinawaka—they
give little in the form of valuable experience. Nicole Freiner, who is continuing to work on her disserta-
tion, has received an impressive fellowship. She is an ABD
Internships can be found not only on the legislative side Research Fellow with the Kettering Foundation in Toledo,
of politics, but on all sides. In the Executive branch of the Ohio, while finishing her PhD. Nicole taught several courses
Federal government, each ‘Department’ and in most cases for us during her time here. We’ll miss her, but we're de-
each ‘Administration’ has on Office of Legislative Affairs. lighted about her new post.

For Poli Sci majors looking to maneuver into the political

PoliGRAM • Autumn, 2004 • page 5

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