Animal Farm

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Animal Farm
George Orwell

Guide written by John Mahoney

A Literature Guide for GCSE

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Plot summary

Plot summary
The animals of Manor Farm, mistreated
by the farmer Mr Jones, are told of
a dream by Old Major,
a well-respected boar. Conflict occurs between Snowball
Old Major’s dream is and Napoleon, and it becomes
of a time when animals obvious that Napoleon has ambitions
will be free to control to rule alone. The animals labour
their own destinies together, taking inspiration from
without interference the titanic efforts of
or exploitation by man. the horse Boxer,
who adopts as his
motto: ‘I must
work harder’. They
find learning very
hard work and
most of them give up.

Old Major dies, but his dream is kept
alive by the pigs Napoleon and
Snowball. One night, driven by anger
and hunger, the animals, led by
Napoleon and Snowball, rise up and
drive Farmer Jones and his wife from
the farm.

The animals rename the
farm Animal Farm and create
Seven Commandments by
which they agree to be
ruled. Snowball is active in
committees and in helping
to educate the animals.
Napoleon takes on the education of
a litter of puppies, isolating them
from the other animals.

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Plot summary
Plot summary
Jones and some neighbouring farm
workers attempt to win the farm
back but are beaten off. The final
conflict between Napoleon and
Snowball comes when the animals
vote about building a windmill.
Snowball is accused of betraying
the revolution and Napoleon sets his ‘secret police’,
the dogs he has been ‘educating’, onto Snowball,
who has to flee for his life.

6 8
Once he has Napoleon and his pig
undisputed control henchmen open up trade
of Animal Farm, with the human beings
Napoleon proves and the novel ends with
an even more Napoleon and the other
brutal ruler than pigs playing cards with
Farmer Jones. the local farmers in Mr
Jones’s farmhouse.

The Seven Commandments
are re-written and discarded 9
one by one. Finally, all that The starving animals,
is left is a statement that looking in through the
‘All animals are equal, but windows, are unable to
some animals are more distinguish the men from
equal than others’. the pigs. Old Major’s
dream has turned into
a nightmare.

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Who’s who in Animal Farm

Old Major

Who’s who
Old Major represents both Marx and Lenin in that he
introduces the fundamental theories and ideals on
which the revolution is to be based. One Marxist theory
expressed is that an animal’s labour has more intrinsic
value than is required for its own needs. The surplus
is stolen by parasitic man. There is irony here in the
way in which Napoleon eventually steals the results
of the animals’ labour for his own needs. It is also
ironic that, under Mr Jones’s authority, the farm was
less productive than it is after the revolution and that consequently
there was less for Mr Jones to steal.

The ‘Lenin’ side of Old Major’s character is shown in the part of his
speech which reduces complex philosophy to fundamental
propositions or maxims which everyone can understand. There is
also a parallel between the homage paid to Old Major’s skull by the
animals and the exhibition of Lenin’s embalmed body in Red
Square, Moscow. However, notice that Old Major’s identification
with Lenin is not complete: he dies before the Rebellion, whereas
Lenin led the October Revolution. In this respect, Snowball (mainly
identified with Trotsky) takes on the Lenin role.

In many ways, Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, the
tyrannical ruler of the USSR after the Russian
Revolution. However, as his name suggests, Napoleon
is made up of characteristics which many dictators
have shared throughout history. One criticism of this
characterisation might be that Napoleon is unbelievable
because he has no redeeming features. However, bearing

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in mind why Orwell wrote this novel, it is perhaps wrong to expect

the characters to be rounded or fleshed out. The novel is a political
satire or allegory, and it is a feature of such writing that events are
simple and characters two-dimensional in order to put the author’s

Who’s who
message across in the most effective way.

Although Napoleon may have no redeeming features morally, he

has qualities which make him stand out from the other pigs. He is
described in Chapter 2 as ‘a large, fierce-looking Berkshire boar
with a reputation for getting his own way’. He and Snowball are
described as ‘pre-eminent among the pigs’ before the Rebellion.
Napoleon succeeds in building up support from the animals even
before the machine of propaganda (Squealer and Minimus) and
terror (the dogs) is in place.

Lacking the idealism of Old Major or Snowball, Napoleon is a

political opportunist. His ruthlessness and determination more
than make up for his lack of intellect — as is the case with
many dictators.

Looking at Animal Farm as an allegory of the Russian
Revolution, Snowball represents Trotsky. Like
Trotsky, Snowball is a brilliant speaker and is the
intellectual inspiration for the revolution. He is
described in Chapter 2 as ‘a more vivacious pig than
Napoleon, quicker in speech and more inventive’. He
works sincerely and selflessly for the benefit of all the
animals. Orwell makes fun of some of Snowball’s behaviour,
but nevertheless clearly intended Snowball to represent a
hopeful alternative to Napoleon. He is not perfect, however. He is
part of the group of pigs that steals the apples and the milk.

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Snowball’s character is a study of a sincere revolutionary who is

out-manoeuvred by a more ruthless and cunning opponent. He
becomes obsessed with the windmill and spends hours working on
his designs for it. He does not realise that the other animals are

Who’s who
not able to understand his ideas for renovating the farm or his
hopes for the future. He is completely unaware of Napoleon’s plans
to overthrow him and he runs away without a fight when the
inevitable happens. Snowball’s ideas are misappropriated and
his character vilified by Napoleon in order to deceive and betray
the animals.

Squealer is one of the four pig founders of the new
society formed after the revolution. Like Napoleon, he is
an opportunist. It is not clear how much of his
propaganda is the work of Napoleon and the other pigs,
and how much of it is his own. Squealer is presented as a
small fat pig, nimble in mind and body. He thrives with the
growth of the new society and achieves high status within it. He
plainly enjoys his work, which is essential to Napoleon’s success.
At the very first mention of Squealer it is said that he could ‘turn
black into white’, and this is his job as head of Napoleon’s
propaganda machine. He is the equivalent of the vast media
machine that presented the government’s version of events in the
USSR. All dictatorships have used a similar device.

Squealer deals in half-truths, omissions and plain lies. He feeds the

illusions that help the workers to endure their harsh existence. His
purpose is to stifle public understanding or awareness of real events
and so forestall any challenge to the pigs’ power.

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Boxer is an enormously strong horse upon

Who’s who
whom the work of the farm, and therefore its
survival, depends. He is a gentle giant and his
philosophy is simple, based on the dignity of
labour. He is not very intelligent and is described
by Orwell in Chapter 1 as ‘not of first rate
intelligence, but he was universally respected for his
steadiness of character and tremendous powers of
work’. He is exploited by whoever runs the farm and, because
of his
crucial importance in the farm work and his lack of any sort of
critical perception, he unwittingly contributes to the exploitation
of other animals.

Boxer represents the ordinary worker: decent, honest and

essential to the success of any social system. Such a worker is
inevitably exploited under a dictatorship or totalitarian regime.
Even after his death, Boxer’s favourite slogans, ‘work harder’ and
‘Napoleon is always right’, are used cynically to control the other
animals. He never realises that the ideals of the revolution are being
corrupted, but at least he is spared the sight of pigs and men
becoming indistinguishable in the final scenes. Boxer’s experiences
under the regime at Animal Farm show what can happen when the
actions of those in power are accepted unquestioningly.

Benjamin is a cynic – one who doubts the sincerity or
ability of those around him. He is also sceptical – he
doubts the truth of many theories or facts. Benjamin
learns to read, but he consistently refuses to put this
skill to any useful purpose. Only at the final collapse of
Animalism (‘All animals are equal, but some are more

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equal than others’) does Benjamin agree to read the

Commandment(s) to the animals. By then Muriel, the usual reader,
is dead. Benjamin can be seen as representing the uninvolved
intellectual who achieves nothing, despite his wisdom. He is also a

Who’s who
great survivor: ‘the oldest animal on the farm’ in Chapter 1, and
still there at the end. Do not, however, forget his loyalty to Boxer
and his frantic attempts to save him.

Clover is the maternal figure of the farm. Her good sense is sound
if limited, and complements Boxer’s qualities of simple goodness
and strength. More than any other, she is the animal who displays
sympathy and kindness. She is disturbed in a way that the others
are not by the outrages which take place on the farm. However,
she is a survivor and is a source of comfort and strength for the
oppressed animals. She, like Boxer, represents the ordinary person
who is unwittingly manipulated and exploited within a dictatorship.

Dogs and sheep

The dogs and the sheep are each treated as a group, not as
individuals, and each group reveals qualities traditionally
associated with the animal. Dogs and sheep clearly represent two
important groups in Soviet society (or any dictatorship): the secret
police suppressing opposition through fear and intimidation, and
the easily manipulated, slogan-chanting masses.

Mr Jones
Mr Jones is the cause of the rebellion at the farm in the same way
that Czar Nicholas II was, in very simple terms, the cause of the
Russian Revolution. Mr Jones has fallen on hard times, and so there

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is some excuse for his drunkenness, but his brutality to and

neglect of the animals are less excusable. Mr Jones is the most
fully developed of the human characters but is still little more than
a stereotype.

Who’s who
Pilkington and Frederick
Pilkington and Frederick represent types of man, but also different
nations. Pilkington is a gentleman farmer whose farm, Foxwood, is
badly managed because he spends all his time enjoying country
sports. Frederick is aggressive, efficient and extremely cruel to the
animals on his farm, unlike Pilkington who is merely neglectful.

There is an obvious link between Frederick and Germany: Frederick

the Great was a famous Prussian king, and ‘Pinchfield’ (i.e. ‘steal
land’) is a reference to Hitler’s territorial ambitions. Pilkington,
therefore, must represent the Allies, particularly Britain and
France – ‘Foxwood’ sounds British, with its suggestions of hunts
in the countryside. Note the way that Napoleon sides with first one
and then the other. This is the equivalent of Stalin’s treaties with,
in turn, Nazi Germany and the Western Allies.

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About the author

Animal Farm, written in 1943–44 and

published in 1945, is now considered by
many to be George Orwell’s finest novel.
Although he wrote fiction successfully in

About the author

the 1930s, his other outstanding novel,
Nineteen Eighty-Four, also an attack on

George Orwell
totalitarian regimes like the USSR, was not
published until 1949. Orwell’s best-known
books from prior to Animal Farm are
sociological and political non-fiction and reflect his own life and views
very strongly.

Born Eric Blair in 1903, he was educated at Eton and took up a

conventional colonial career with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma.
He found this sort of work intolerable and left the force in 1927: his life
there is charted in Burmese Days (1935). He returned from India with a
hatred for imperialism and lived for several years in Paris and London,
taking any employment he could. He was quite poor, earning modest
sums as a journalist and a private tutor, taking casual jobs and attempting
to run a village store. Orwell wrote two startling accounts of the life of
the poor during this period: Down and Out in Paris and London (1933)
and The Road to Wigan Pier (1937).

In 1936 Orwell married and, hoping to help the left-wing republican

government in their fight, he and his wife moved to Spain, as did a
number of other socialists from around Europe. Despite ill-health,
Orwell volunteered in 1936 to fight in the Spanish Civil War against
Franco’s Fascists: his experiences, which included being wounded, are
recounted in Homage to Catalonia (1938).

The Soviet Union supported the Communist opposition to Franco, and

as Orwell was always a left-wing thinker and an opponent of privilege,
we might expect him to take a favourable view of the Soviet Union, as

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many in Britain did at the time. However, he was a passionate believer

in justice, freedom and equality, and far too honest to pretend that
Stalin’s Soviet Union encouraged these. In Spain he had joined (by
mistake, as much as anything) a Trotskyite group, POUM, which the

About the author

Russian-controlled Communists suppressed, though they were, in a
sense, ‘on the same side’. He was appalled when, in August 1939,
Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression pact which encouraged
Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

By the time that Orwell came to write Animal Farm, the Soviet Union
had joined the war against Nazi Germany and patriotic Britons were
not expected to criticise our brave allies. Orwell was not surprised
when his regular publisher, Victor Gollancz, refused the book. In a
letter to a friend in February 1944 he wrote, ‘it is so not OK politically
that I don’t feel certain in advance that anyone will publish it’. By the
time Secker and Warburg published it in August 1945, the war was
over and suspicion between the West and the USSR had returned.

Animal Farm deals with how people behave before, during and after
revolutions in general, and Orwell makes general political points, but
there is no doubt that he is specifically attacking the Soviet Union. In a
preface to the Ukrainian edition in 1947 he wrote, ‘And so for the past
ten years I have been convinced that the destruction of the Soviet myth
was essential if we wanted a revival of the Socialist movement’. He went
on to write, ‘I proceeded to analyse Marx’s theory from the animals’
point of view’, though it was necessary in the novel to alter the exact
chronology of events. The final scene with the farmers, he explained,
was based on an event that was taking place as he began writing the
book: the Tehran conference of 1943 between Roosevelt, Churchill and
Stalin: ‘I personally did not believe that such good relations would last
long; and, as events have shown, I wasn’t far wrong’.

George Orwell died in 1950.

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Historical background
The Russian Revolution of 1917 was really two revolutions, like the
animals’ Rebellion and Battle of the Cowshed, although in Russia
different people took part. The February Revolution was a spontaneous
response to suffering and hunger (and also to Russian disasters in the
First World War) and led to a moderate government. The October

Historical background
Revolution established the Bolsheviks (Communists) in power, with
Lenin supreme and Trotsky and Stalin both prominently placed.
As with the Battle of the Cowshed, the October Revolution occurred
after conservative forces attempted to re-capture St Petersburg;
Trotsky, like Snowball, distinguished himself by his generalship.
By the time of Lenin’s death (1924), the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR) was firmly established and the leadership was the
subject of a power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky (Napoleon
and Snowball).
One of the major differences between the two was that Trotsky
believed in the international co-operation of workers, leading to world
revolution, while Stalin advocated ‘socialism in one country’. This is
reflected in Animal Farm, as are the stages by which Trotsky became a
non-person (literally being air-brushed out of history by doctoring
photographs) and was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1929. He was
eventually murdered in Mexico in 1940.
The old Russian Empire had been largely agricultural, with a large
peasant population, but the Soviet Union moved towards increasing
industrialisation and vast collective farms. Orwell depicts the treatment
of peasants who opposed collectivisation (joining small farms together
under state control) in the episode with the hens who oppose
proposals to take their eggs. In Animal Farm, the knoll can be seen to
represent Russian feeling for the land, for Mother Russia, and the
windmill represents industrialisation.
An over-simplified, but basically accurate examination of Soviet life
before the Second World War reveals three further tendencies:

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G The early free debates of political ideas were succeeded by a

totalitarian dictatorship banning free speech: ‘totalitarian’ means
centrally controlled by only one party.
G Industrial progress was charted in a series of Five-Year Plans, the
successes of which were exaggerated, but which became more

Historical background
realistic and more aimed at international trade as time went on.
G Finally, all hints of opposition were ruthlessly suppressed: the secret
police (OGPU) and show trials awaited Stalin’s enemies.
You will find equivalents of all these in Animal Farm.
In the late 1930s, conflict between Nazi Germany and the West became
increasingly likely. The Soviet Union attempted to play one against the
other, as Napoleon does with Frederick and Pilkington. The pact
between Germany and the USSR, agreed in 1939, was suddenly broken
when Hitler’s troops invaded Russia in 1941. The destruction of the
country was savage, but, with heroic resistance, notably at the siege of
Stalingrad, the Soviets forced a German retreat the following year:
paralleled in the Battle of the Windmill. The Soviet Union was thus
drawn into war on the side of the Western Allies.

Lenin, like Old Major, was a powerful orator.

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Themes and images

Revolution and corruption
Animalism, the revolutionary doctrine adopted by the
animals, is based on Old Major’s teaching in the same
way that Communism was originally based on the
teachings of Karl Marx. However, Communism can mean
different things to different people and in different
societies. Specific Communist countries are as much
influenced by individual leaders and particular national
characteristics as they are by political doctrines.

Themes and images

It is a mistake to consider Animal Farm as a satire only on Communism.
Animalism is interchangeable with a range of ‘isms’: fascism, socialism,
conservatism, flat-earthism and so on, in that it is not so much the doctrine
that is corrupt or faulty, as the individuals in power. Old Major, despite his
good intentions, fails to notice a crucial point: while his ideas may be
sound and his intentions high-principled, corrupt individuals will find ways
to twist them to their own purposes. What happens in Animal Farm shows
this. Corruption means moral deterioration, which is exactly what happens
to Old Major’s ideals once Napoleon puts them into practice.

Animal Farm plots Napoleon’s corruption and his decline into most of the
seven deadly sins: pride, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, laziness, and desiring
others’ goods. Corruption is also evident through the destruction of the
Seven Commandments and the enforcement of the one Commandment:
‘All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others’. This
clearly shows how elitist the pigs have become and how the ideals of
Animalism have become a thing of the past.

Throughout the story, events are rewritten
according to the prevailing political needs of
the pigs. This is an effective way of staving off
nostalgia, or the tendency to romanticise the
past. In Animal Farm, the pigs manage to turn
nostalgia on its head by referring to the bad
old days of life under Mr Jones. They make the

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past seem worse than it actually was in order to make their own brutal
excesses seem less shocking to the animals. The control of books, of
thought and of history is a vital weapon in the armoury of authoritarian
political systems.

The constitution of Animal Farm is contained in Seven Commandments.

These are slowly corrupted over the course of a few years, and their
original meaning is changed. Eventually, none of Old Major’s revolutionary
principles are left and the remaining Commandment, which is the creation

Themes and images

of the corrupt pigs, is simply a licence for the pigs to do as they please.

Orwell was conscious of the interaction between opinion and language. He

said of Animal Farm that it was, ‘The only one of my books I really sweated
over’. He said his aim was ‘to fuse political and artistic purpose into one
whole’. In that sense, he was himself engaged in a kind of propaganda
exercise, wanting his readers to learn from the story.

Propaganda is the spreading of a particular idea, doctrine, policy or

opinion, with the intention of influencing people. How were Boxer, Clover
and the other animals so deceived that they elevated Napoleon to the
status of a demi-god? To achieve this, the pigs used the tools of
dictatorship — the manipulation of emotions such as fear, anger and
patriotism; the giving of misinformation; and the control of basic
necessities like food and education — which can be used to ‘persuade’
individuals to take the propagandist’s point of view. All Squealer’s
speeches are propaganda, as are Napoleon’s and the poetry of Minimus.
So too, though less obviously, are speeches by Moses the raven.

The power of the written word and development of mass communications

mean that it is essential for any would-be dictator or power-hungry
politician to gain control of the media. The failure to use one’s mental
capacity, by allowing others to think for you and by being, like Muriel the
Goat, satisfied with the ‘rubbish heap’ as the main source of news, is a
disservice not only to oneself but to the whole of society.

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Text commentary
Chapters 1–3

Chapter 1
Animal Farm is described on the title page as ‘a fairy story’. You
may well wonder why: there are no fairies in it and, though the
story is not naturalistic, it evidently deals with the real world of
ideas and politics. Perhaps George Orwell wanted to disarm
criticism, to pretend that it was a children’s book, because he
encountered much opposition to the political message. Or
Text commentary perhaps it was just an ironic joke. There are, in fact, several
terms that you should consider in relation to Animal Farm, and
these are discussed below.
G An animal fable is an ancient form of story (associated mainly
with Aesop) in which animals behave in a way that is half-human
and half-animal. Usually they adopt a human version of their
traditional animal qualities.
G Satire is criticism using oblique, frequently amusing means.
Though often humorous, satire can be quite vicious and the main
intent is to ridicule: many satirists would claim that they wish to
reform vices by this ridicule. Orwell ridicules the pursuit of power
by placing it in a farmyard.
G An allegory is a story which conceals its main meaning beneath
the surface of a quite different narrative. Many people interpret
parables in the Bible as allegories. The essential feature of an
allegory is that each main person or event in the surface story

should have an equivalent in the hidden story.

Mr Jones was safely out of the way

Like the other human characters, Mr Jones plays a minor role

in the book. Having introduced him as a drunken, neglectful

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Explore farmer, the narrative concentrates on the animals.

Can you think of Jones’s brutality to the animals is the reason why they
reasons why Orwell plan revolution, and later, the threat of his return to
focused his attention
Animal Farm helps to reinforce the pigs’ authority.
on the animals and
gave the humans such His drunkenness is paralleled later by the pigs’ over-
minor roles? indulgence in drink. Mrs Jones is introduced with even
fewer words; asleep and snoring next to her worthless
husband, she seems, by association, to be equally worthless.

Old Major has had a dream important enough to be shared

with the other farm animals. From his appearance, and because
of his past history, it is obvious that Old Major is greatly
admired by the other animals, so they will listen to what

Text commentary
he has to say with respect. The name Major itself implies
some seniority and rank.

Significantly, Old Major’s vision for the future has its origins in a
dream. However, it is one thing to have a dream and quite
another thing to see it translated into reality. It is ironic that an
animal who has apparently been well cared for should be
the one who dreams of freedom from human oppression.
Like Karl Marx, who spent years in study at the British
Museum perfecting his theories, Old Major has had more time
to think than most of the animals. It becomes apparent later in
the novel that Old Major had not in any way considered that the
ideas he presented would be used by others to achieve
Explore their own selfish desires.
Consider the extent
to which the sheep
are a caricature of The mood of the first meeting is optimistic. It establishes
‘the average people’ the characters of the story and sets the scene for
in society, who do not the revolution.
think for themselves,
preferring instead to
place blind trust in the The sheep have no individual identity and merely
decisions of those they follow whoever directs them; they behave as one would
believe to be their expect a flock of sheep to behave. Note that because of
natural superiors.
their docile nature they play a crucial part in the story.

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Boxer the horse has two companions: Clover, a mare, and

Benjamin, a donkey. Boxer and Clover are like a long-married
couple. Clover is established as a gentle and maternal
character. Her most prominent quality is sympathy, in
contrast to the callousness of the pigs. Benjamin is cynical
about the events both before and after the revolution.
He has misgivings about Old Major’s dream and about the pigs’
later conduct, but does nothing to prevent the abuses that
follow. Despite his exterior cynicism, he is deeply devoted to
Boxer. The unspoken nature of his affection makes it more
convincing, especially when compared with the pigs’ frequent,
insincere declarations of good intent later in the story.

Text commentary

Comrades, you have heard about the
strange dream

Old Major indicates that he is nearing the end of his life.

His age and maturity give his words great importance.
He graphically describes the life of a farm animal. He uses
plain, simple language, with repetition and short
sentences that are like slogans: ‘no animal in England is
free’. Old Major poses a series of questions asking why
Explore the animals lead such appalling lives. This a useful
Compare Old Major’s rhetorical technique for a speaker to use, as he can
techniques with those
provide the right questions and then supply the answers
used by Squealer later he wants. Thus the animals are not required to think for
on in the novel. themselves, merely to agree with what he says.

Old Major moves towards the crux of his speech – the parasitic
nature of Man. Man lives off animals but gives them
virtually nothing in return. Old Major shows sympathy for the
animals’ plight and provides examples of Man’s exploitation.
References to Clover’s lost foals and the stolen milk and eggs
are calculated to arouse the listening animals’ indignation.
He then describes in horrific detail the deaths the animals will
suffer, particularly Boxer.

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This speech is the equivalent of the Communist Manifesto by

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Man represents the capitalist
system, exploiting the labour of the animals/working-classes.
The last sentences of the Communist Manifesto are, ‘The
workers have nothing to lose … but their chains. They have
a world to gain. Workers of the world, unite!’ If you read
Major’s speech carefully, you will find sentences stressing
the need for unity, and others that emphasise the animals’ state
of slavery (‘chains’).

Old Major aims to sow the seeds of revolution, recognising that

it will take several generations to achieve his idea of a utopian
society. He warns the animals to beware of persuasive but

Text commentary
misleading arguments. Ironically, this first warning is the
one they most quickly forget. Things might have turned out
differently if they had taken it to heart. Old Major’s use of very
simple slogans, so that even the dullest animal can grasp his
message, is effective but dangerous. The slogans are open
to various interpretations, as will later be shown.

The scuffle between the dogs and the rats emphasises the
difference between what Old Major says about unity and the
reality of the animals’ natural aggression towards
each other. Old Major offers a simple concept: all
Note how ironic this is
when set against the animals are friends and Man is the common enemy.
later behaviour of the He forgets that some animals naturally prey upon others.
pigs and some of the Most importantly of all, he ignores the fact that some
other animals. Try to
animals are cleverer than others. Old Major’s idealism
decide for yourself
which of Old Major’s fails to take account of the practical difficulties involved
ideals are tossed aside in creating a new society. He warns the animals that once
later, and note when Man is conquered, the animals must be careful not to
each happens. “
copy Man’s vices.

“ Beasts of England

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To conclude his speech, Old Major sings a song, ‘Beasts

of England’. It has simple, emotional appeal and
describes a joyous future for the animals, stressing the
positive aspects of their new life. Its simple rhythm and
rhyme pattern make it easy to remember and it becomes the
animals’ revolutionary anthem. ‘Beasts of England’ represents
the first great song of Communism, ‘The International’, calling
on workers of all lands to rise up.

Chapter 2

Three nights later old Major died peacefully
in his sleep.
Text commentary
The pigs begin to instruct and organise the animals, preparing
them for rebellion. The three pigs, Napoleon, Snowball and
Squealer are described in some detail.
• Napoleon, ‘a fierce-looking Berkshire boar’, is named after one
of Europe’s most famous revolutionaries, who turned a
popular uprising into a dictatorship.
• Snowball is described as ‘more vivacious’ than Napoleon, but
is also considered to have less ‘depth of character’. His name
implies that he will ‘melt away’ or be overshadowed by
Napoleon. He is the brains behind the principles of Animalism.
• Squealer is introduced as a ‘brilliant talker’. His name perhaps
implies treachery: ‘squealer’ is slang for someone who will tell
secrets under pressure.

Napoleon, Snowball and Squealer translate Old Major’s vision

into a workable system but encounter difficulties in
communicating it to the animals. Snowball, for example, tries
to explain to Mollie that ribbons and sugar are not as important
as oats and hay and must be sacrificed if the revolution is to
succeed. It is clear that Mollie is not the stuff from which
revolutionaries are made!

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Moses the raven was absent during Old Major’s assembly in

Chapter 1. He is now introduced as Mr Jones’s special pet. The
author is using Moses as a vehicle to criticise established
Explore churches and their teachings, particularly the Christian
What is the church. There were very strong ties between the Czars
significance of Moses’ and the Russian Orthodox Church. Each had an interest
claim that animals in preserving tradition and was seen as the enemy of
go to Sugarcandy
change. Through Moses, the Russian Orthodox Church in
Mountain when they
die? Is this promise of particular and Christianity in general are attacked for
‘heaven’ nothing more serving the wishes of the ruling classes. Though the pigs
than a bribe to ensure ridicule Moses’ ideas here, notice how they later turn

them to their advantage.

Text commentary
Their most faithful disciples

It is important for the pigs to win the support of Clover and

Boxer, as the other animals have great respect for these two
animals. Unfortunately, Boxer and Clover lack the intelligence or
wit to think for themselves.

Jones was expelled, and the Manor Farm
was theirs

Mr Jones’s harvest was ready for reaping in more ways than one:
he reaps the rewards of getting drunk and neglecting his
animals. Although the secret meetings helped to put the animals
in the right frame of mind for revolution, when the rebellion
happens it is a spontaneous response to anger and
hunger. Compare the lightness of the first skirmish with the
intensity of the later battles. No one is hurt, and the humans look
comical rather than tragic as they take to their heels. Mr Jones is
expelled quickly and easily by the united animals.

The cruel and humiliating methods which Mr Jones used to keep

the animals in submission — nose-rings, dog chains, and so on

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Explore — are easy to identify. It is important to realise that

As the story Animalism (like Russian Communism) is a response to
progresses, consider a real need. This makes the betrayals by Napoleon and
how the pigs manage
Stalin all the more shameful.
to keep the animals
enslaved without such
devices: psychological Snowball has already expressed his disapproval of
‘chains’ can be quite ribbons and the vanity which goes with them. At this
as effective as physical
point he develops his ideas more fully, declaring them the
ones, though the dogs,
in particular, later mark of the hated humans and saying that ‘All animals
exert their own should go naked’.
physical menace.

It is significant that Boxer decides to give up his straw hat — not

worn for reasons of vanity, but to keep away flies in summer —
Text commentary as a demonstration of his wholehearted support for the
revolution. It is typical of Boxer’s lack of self-esteem that,
under Snowball’s influence, he equates his working hat
with Mollie’s silly ribbons. This is an early indication of
Boxer’s naivety and readiness for self-sacrifice, and
contrasts with the calculated self-interest with which the pigs
later go about their work.

It is Snowball who leads the animals to destroy the

hated symbols of oppression. Napoleon assumes the
significant role of provider by giving food to the animals.
Even at this early stage, Napoleon gets a head start in
establishing superiority.

The animals are overjoyed as they view the farm, now under their
control, from the top of the knoll. Remember this scene later, when
the knoll becomes the setting for confessions and executions.
Snowball and Napoleon take the lead in entering the farmhouse.

Mollie has to be cautioned about her fondness for ribbons. There

is evidently a huge difference in the attitudes and hopes of
the different animals. In contrast to the respect shown to the
hams, Boxer kicks in the barrel of beer, seen as the cause of
much suffering. Keep this in mind when the pigs later indulge

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their appetite for food and drink in the farmhouse. Here, the pigs
decree that no animal shall ever live in the farmhouse.

The entry into the farmhouse is Orwell’s version of the famous

attack on the Czar’s Winter Palace in Petrograd. This happened
during the October Revolution, but this is one of several
alterations to the order of events. The mixture of wonder
and disgust at the sights within links the two events.

The pigs now revealed that during the past
three months they had taught themselves
to read and write

Text commentary
Consider the importance that Snowball gives to literacy.
In any modern society, a literate, concerned and involved
population is the key to democracy. When a large
section of the community is illiterate, there are difficulties
involved in understanding politicians’ words, and democratic

institutions face real danger from ambitious men.

in its place painted ANIMAL FARM

Napoleon leads the way to Manor Farm gate, but it

is Snowball who paints in the name Animal Farm.
Notice that, although Napoleon gives the
orders, it is Snowball who has the ability to
write. Throughout this chapter it becomes
increasingly evident that Napoleon and Snowball
have very different ideas about the demands of power and

Place names were significant in the Russian Revolution. For

instance, the city of St Petersburg had been re-named Petrograd in
1914 to sound less German and more Russian. After the
Revolution it was again re-named: Leningrad. Ironically, it has
recently returned to the name St Petersburg, just as in the

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“ closing pages of Animal Farm the name reverts to Manor Farm.

the Seven Commandments

At the next meeting, Snowball and Napoleon introduce the basic

tenets of Animalism and tell the animals that they are to learn
to read and write.

Snowball summarises the ideals of Animalism into Seven

Commandments and writes them up on the barn wall for all to
read and observe as ‘an unalterable law by which all the
animals on Animal Farm must live for ever after’. Although

Text commentary
the Seven Commandments are intended as guidelines, they
are later exploited and used to manipulate the working
animals. Be aware of how and at what point in the story
these alterations occur.

Squealer helps to fix the Seven Commandments on

the big barn wall. Later in the novel, he will not be content
with holding the paint pot, but will actually do the writing
himself, altering the Commandments to convey whatever
meaning the pigs regard as helpful to them
at the time.

Already a gap is widening between ‘the cleverer

ones’ and the other animals in their understanding
of the Seven Commandments. One of the key insights
in Animal Farm is that the language used by governments is
sometimes remote from the language
of the average man. Snowball does his best to simplify the
system of Animalism into the Seven Commandments and
various slogans, but this will not work if the animals are illiterate,
are too busy with other matters, are cynical, or are simply
uninterested in their own welfare. The later changes made to
the Commandments reflect the weakening of Old Major’s original
ideals and the animals’ decline into a way of life worse than

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anything they experienced under Mr Jones.

In calling for the harvest to be gathered

quickly, Snowball shows his practical
nature. By contrast, Napoleon takes charge
of the milk — the first hint of greed. This is
an early indication of how much worse life will be for the animals
under his regime. The animals leave the meeting, inspired by
their new life.

Chapter 3

“ How they toiled and sweated to get the hay in!

Text commentary
The introductory paragraphs of this chapter indicate how the
revolution might have worked. Almost every animal unselfishly
and willingly gives of its best. There is total co-operation
between them and not a grain is stolen. The animals work just as
hard now as they do later under Napoleon’s oppressive
leadership. These chapters also provide an excellent example
of Orwell’s skill in applying human activities to animal

Boxer is essential to the success of the farm, and has such

pride in his work that he earns universal respect. Despite
these good qualities, he is flawed: his view of life is
conditioned by a few simple slogans. By limiting himself in this
way, he becomes the unwitting tool of Napoleon’s corrupt
ambitions to take complete control of the farm.

In contrast, consider how lazy and deceitful Mollie is when

work needs to be done. She is an example of someone who
would be of little practical use to any social system. The cat
is another example of a parasite, feeding on the fruits of
others and contributing nothing.

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Benjamin remains stubbornly unmoved by the revolution in a

way that suggests he has low expectations of the new Animal
Farm. Compare his attitude with Boxer’s, who expects much.

The green flag with hoof and horn is the exact equivalent of the

Soviet flag: the red flag with hammer and sickle (representing

industrial and agricultural workers). You will notice in Animal
Farm, as in real life, many examples of the symbolic use of
flags, decorations and anthems.

But it was noticed that these two were

never in agreement

Text commentary Napoleon and Snowball, the two leaders, are in open disagreement.
Disagreements of this kind do not occur once Snowball has left the
farm. The disagreements are not constructive, but occur because
different points of view are held by different animals. This is
sometimes referred to as ‘confrontation politics’. For all their
shortcomings, open debates on policy and planning at least take
place — they no longer will once Napoleon is in sole command.
Any open system of government, however confrontational,
self-centred and power-seeking, is better than one where
no discussion at all takes place.

Snowball is always busy with schemes that are intended to

benefit the animals, but from which they seem to gain little.
There seems to be a gap between Snowball’s ideals and the
other animals’ simple aspirations. Undeterred by the failure of
some of the animals to learn to read and write, Snowball cleverly
reduces the principles of Animalism to a slogan that even the
dimmest animal can understand: ‘Four legs good, two legs
bad’. Unfortunately, the sheep take this simple saying too much
to heart and later repeat it mindlessly to frustrate Snowball’s
good intentions. Squealer seems to have a better understanding
of his audience: his later comment, ‘surely none of you want
Jones back’, is a more persuasive argument. Note that

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characters’ responses to the new situation are already

being characterised by typical behaviour or slogans, such
as Boxer’s ‘I will work harder’.
Chart the use of slogans throughout the novel.

It is at this point that the puppies are introduced. They

Explore are taken away by Napoleon and educated in isolation. Of
Think about examples course, we later learn that Napoleon is indoctrinating
of indoctrination in
them (teaching them to think the way he wants them to),
today’s society.
One example might and the puppies reappear as Napoleon’s bodyguards
be suicide bombers when
who are heavily they chase Snowball from the farm. It is important to
influenced by
note that Napoleon plans this from the start: the birth
extremist propaganda.

Text commentary
of the litter coincides with Napoleon’s quarrel with

Snowball about Snowball’s increasing popularity with

the other animals.

These two types of education are placed side by side for

comparison: Napoleon’s indoctrination of the puppies and
Snowball’s literacy classes.

The mystery of where the milk went to

soon cleared up.

The mystery of the disappearing milk is

explained. Notice that Snowball is an
accomplice in this injustice, and that he yields to the
pigs’ selfishness in keeping the windfall apples for their own

When Old Major used it, the word ‘comrades’ implied equality
among the animals. Squealer uses the word to conceal the fact
that they are no longer equal: ‘Comrades! … You do not imagine,
I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness or
privilege?’ The ease with which the animals are duped over
something as basic as food shows their passive acceptance of

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Quick quiz 1
Uncover the plot
Delete two of the three alternatives given to find the correct plot.
Beware possible misconceptions and muddles.
Mr Pilkington/Mr Jones/Mr Whymper goes to bed drunk and the
animals all gather on the knoll/in the farmhouse/in the big barn to
hear Old Major/Napoleon/Boxer speak. The pig/horse/dog tells of the
misery Man causes animals and preaches patience/tolerance/rebellion;
finally he relates his dream of a golden future in a song: ‘Animals
Arise!’/‘Beasts of England’/‘Animal Farm’.
Old Major dies, and the animals continue to hold secret meetings
organised by the pigs/dogs/horses, the most intelligent animals.
The rebellion is highly organised/planned as a military operation/
spontaneous; Jones gets drunk again and forgets to feed the animals,
so they drive him, his wife and his men off the farm. They bury/burn/
throw away all the reins, bits, whips and knives, and enter the
farmhouse with triumph/delight/fear.
Quick quiz

Napoleon/Snowball/Squealer changes the name of the farm on

the gate/front door/barn wall and writes up the Five/Seven/Ten
Commandments. The corn/wheat/hay harvest is the best ever and
all summer/autumn/winter the animals are happy. On Saturdays/
Sundays/Mondays there is no work and their flag is hoisted —
a white horn and hoof on a red/blue/green background. Snowball
sums up the Commandments as: ‘Two/four/six legs good, two/four/six
legs bad’, which the cows/sheep/hens repeat endlessly.
Snowball and Napoleon/Squealer/Boxer disagree about everything.
Napoleon/Squealer/Boxer takes four/seven/nine puppies away to
educate them secretly. Apples and milk are reserved for the

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Chapters 4–7

Chapter 4

By the late summer the news of what had
happened on Animal Farm had spread

Mr Jones is portrayed as weak and slightly ridiculous, the pub

bore who cannot win the sympathy of his neighbours. His
character never comes alive in the way that the main animal
characters do. The human beings in the story are little more than
caricatures of unpleasant types of people.

Text commentary
Mr Pilkington of Foxwood and Mr Frederick of Pinchfield are
neighbouring farmers who dislike each other as much as they
dislike the deposed Mr Jones. Their behaviour is a reminder
of why the revolution happened at Manor Farm. As
neighbouring farmers, they have a vested interest in seeing
that the revolution does not succeed. However, being on
Explore bad terms with each other, they fail to join forces and
Even apparently trivial overturn it. Later on, Napoleon makes use of their
details reflect the
mutual hostility to further his own ends.
precision of Orwell’s
political commentary.
From the beginning, The revolution at Animal Farm makes the local farmers
the Russian Revolution anxious. They act with considerable brutality to prevent
produced opposite
similar uprisings on their own farms. Later, however,
reactions: from the
workers and journalists they trade with and even socialise with the
who saw the future in revolutionaries, when they realise that the pigs have
Communism, to the become oppressors, just like themselves. The anthem
Western Powers who
‘Beasts of England’ has a rallying effect when sung by
considered invasion.

animals on the neighbouring farms.

“ Battle of the Cowshed

Mr Jones attempts to recapture the farm, but once more the

humans are dispatched relatively easily. The physical defeat of

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Mr Jones, with his men and their guns, is relatively easy for the
animals. They find it far more difficult to overcome the pigs’
manipulation of their emotions.

Snowball’s mastery of military strategy, his brilliant

leadership and his personal courage during the Battle of
the Cowshed are crucial to the animals’ victory. However,
his brilliance and success also shows Napoleon how much
of a threat Snowball could be to his own ambitions. Ironically,
Snowball’s military prowess here sows the seeds of his later
expulsion from Animal Farm by Napoleon and his henchmen.

The Battle of the Cowshed is another amusing fusion of the

Text commentary animal and the human. Snowball’s tactics may have come from
Julius Caesar, but they are put into operation by very animal-like
behaviour. See how many examples you can find of animal
behaviour being deployed as part of the battle plan.

Benjamin is in the front line of attack at the Battle of the

Cowshed. With Benjamin, actions always speak louder than
words — unlike the pigs, who promise much but never
actually deliver. Despite Benjamin’s cynicism, he is the first to
join in defending the farm against attack. You should think
about why Benjamin does not help to defend the animals against
Napoleon’s more sinister ‘attack’ on their revolutionary ideals.

The wounded Snowball demonstrates his bravery by attacking

Mr Jones. He is the hero of the hour, but notice how easily the
animals are led by propaganda to take sides against him later on,
even though they witness his extreme bravery here. In contrast
to Snowball and Boxer, the names of Napoleon and Squealer
are conspicuous by their absence during the battle and its
aftermath. Remember the events of the Battle of the Cowshed as
described here, and Snowball’s moment of glory, because
Napoleon later rewrites history to suit his own needs. This is a
common practice of dictators.

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The incident with the stable boy indicates Boxer’s physical

power, already demonstrated when he destroyed the
beer barrel with one kick earlier in the story. Boxer’s
compassion for the stable boy and his concern about
what the others think about his action give insights into his
character and what is important to him. His words show that
he has no desire to kill anybody, merely to frighten them.
Contrast this with Snowball’s brisk, no-nonsense attitude to
casualities of the battle. Note the maxims he utters from time to
time, for example ‘The only good human being is a dead one’.
They provide an insight into the way his mind works.

The two major conflicts — the Battles of the Cowshed and the

Text commentary
Windmill — come at crucial moments for the animals. Led by
Snowball, the Battle of the Cowshed is co-ordinated and united.
They are proud and dignified in victory. They need no
reassurance, and make their own decisions as to who should
get the honours. After the Battle of the Windmill, they are
depressed and weary, needing reassurance from Squealer.
The victory celebrations after the later battle are carefully
contrived with songs, speeches and the firing of a gun, followed
by the drunken debauchery of the pigs.

Chapter 5 “
“ In January there came bitterly hard weather.

The mood of the novel darkens in this chapter. At the

beginning, Orwell deals with a small-scale personal problem:
Clover counselling Mollie and Mollie’s desertion. This is no real
loss and fits into a pattern of some animals failing to adjust to
the new society. The account of Snowball planning the windmill
is respectfully humorous. However, by the end of this chapter,
Napoleon calls to the dogs and the terror begins.

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Signs of social change and division are becoming apparent at

Animal Farm. The pigs now decide all questions of farm policy.
At first their decisions have to be agreed by a majority vote,
but later this sole remaining check on the pigs’ power is
discarded. A gulf has opened between Snowball and
Napoleon that becomes public during the meetings.
You should note their very different leadership styles.

Snowball wins popularity with ‘his brilliant speeches’,

but fails to see the danger posed by Napoleon. We are
also told that, although he wins the hearts of the animals,
he often fails to gain their votes. Snowball’s plan to build a
windmill to take the drudgery out of the animals’ lives
Text commentary exemplifies his technical ingenuity, enterprise and concern for
the animals’ welfare.

Napoleon spends his time criticising Snowball’s plans

and making sure that the majority vote goes his way.
The sheep play a crucial role in this. Napoleon manipulates
them to disrupt Snowball’s speeches and later on to shout
down all who oppose him. Their inability to think for themselves
and the way they allow themselves to be manipulated at the
meetings mean that the sheep play a vital part in Napoleon’s
rise to power. Napoleon’s crude rejection of the windmill
plans by urinating over them tells us a great deal about him.
It is a coarse comment both on the nature of Napoleon’s
leadership and on the way that intellectuals are often treated
by oppressive dictatorships. “

The animals formed themselves into two factions

The windmill becomes such an important and controversial

issue that it divides the animals. Compare the slogans of
Snowball’s and Napoleon’s supporters. Snowball’s vision of the
animals’ society of the future involves less work. Given the pigs’
greed, it is perhaps predictable that Napoleon’s slogan should

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concentrate on food. Notice its irony: whoever eats well later on,
it is certainly not the working animals.

Explore The debate about defence finds parallels in our

Think about the own society. Unfortunately, because of the way in
function of which political debate at Animal Farm has
propaganda. When degenerated into a matter of simple opposition of
else in history, apart
whatever the other party is saying, the animals are
from the Russian
Revolution, has unable to make a balanced choice between the
propaganda been different points of view. Snowball is keen to use
used effectively to propaganda to spread the revolutionary ideas, but
make people feel as
though they should
fails to see that Napoleon uses exactly the same
act in a certain way? techniques to undermine Snowball’s position with the

Text commentary
animals. Afterwards, when he has driven Snowball
from the farm, Napoleon uses these propaganda techniques
to blacken Snowball’s name and to distort the animals’ memory
of him.

It is clear from the beginning that Napoleon has made up his mind
that his power will never be secure while it can be threatened by
so eloquent and persuasive a speaker as Snowball. The brevity of
Napoleon’s windmill speech is a foretaste of the speed and
brutality of his final response. Snowball tries to use argument
and reason to persuade the animals to support the building of the
windmill. He understands its potential for transforming the
animals’ lives. Compare Snowball’s sincerity and concern for the
common good with Napoleon’s hypocrisy and self-interest later in
the story. Here, Napoleon’s quiet confidence suggests that he has
planned the imminent attack.

Snowball’s passionate appeal for the windmill triggers

Napoleon’s signal for the dogs’ attack, emphasising the
importance of the windmill as an issue. This key scene is
something of a watershed. The mood of the animals’ meetings
changes from now on. The atmosphere becomes one of threat
and fear, rather than of hope.

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“ They dashed straight for Snowball

Snowball’s banishment leaves the animals at Napoleon’s mercy

and his reign of terror and bloodshed begins. Not one of the
animals had the presence of mind to ask Napoleon what he was
doing with the puppies which he had taken into his care.
Napoleon’s gradual change into a ‘human’ is foreshadowed in
the way the dogs obey him, just as other dogs used to obey
Mr Jones. The pigs now separate themselves from the other
animals and take over the management of farm affairs.

The atmosphere of the meetings is also different from now

Text commentary
on. The reference to the platform from which Old Major first
spoke to the animals is a reminder of the way his ideals
have been betrayed by Napoleon. At the Sunday
meeting, what used to be an occasion for the animals to
allocate work for the week has been changed into a
time when they receive their orders. The freedom to
One way you could
debate, and therefore to disagree, is done away
chart the collapse of
Animalism is to draw with in a moment, and with it goes freedom of
a timeline to show choice: the very thing the animals rebelled for.
when each of the Saluting the flag and singing the anthem is no longer
ideals is destroyed.
a pleasure, but a duty.

Some of the animals are unhappy at the turn of events, but they are
unable to express their thoughts clearly. Four young porkers
begin a protest but back down in the face of threats from the dogs.
Napoleon later ensures that they pay the ultimate price for their
opposition to him. The dogs’ threatening growls and the sheeps’
mindless bleating prevent anyone from voicing further concern.

None of the animals question whether Comrade Napoleon

believes that all animals are equal. Nor do they object to
the idea that, while they might make mistakes, Napoleon
cannot. Suddenly, Napoleon has become more than just
an animal.

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“ Squealer spoke so persuasively

Squealer becomes prominent in the

organisation of the new society.
As his spokesman, Squealer ensures
that Napoleon becomes even more
unapproachable and secure. The crucial
importance of literacy and intelligence in the fight against
oppression is shown here. Consider the skill with which
Squealer subtly puts over lies, half-truths and omissions to keep
the animals in docile agreement with the pigs’ plans for them. If
they had been less obedient and more confident of their own

Text commentary
abilities, the other animals might have stood a chance against
Squealer. Squealer’s frequent question: ‘Who wants Jones back?’
reinforces whatever argument he is trying to put across. This is
the ultimate threat and is increasingly the only point upon which
the pigs and the other animals are in agreement.

Boxer and the other animals begin to doubt their own

memories and believe Squealer’s lies instead. His brain
unused to thinking, Boxer decides that Napoleon’s words
must be true. Given the position of respect in which the other
animals hold him, Boxer’s maxim, ‘Napoleon is always
right’, is disastrous. His other maxim, ‘I will work
Note how Boxer’s
loyalty is rewarded harder’, shows that he assumes hard work will solve
later in the novel. every problem. Hard work counts for little if it is
He is sent to the unthinkingly applied: in many ways, Boxer oppresses
knacker’s yard.
himself by his refusal to use his intellect.

The announcement that the windmill is to be built after all comes

as a surprise to the animals after Napoleon’s opposition to it.
This is a calculated move: by announcing that the windmill is to
be built, Napoleon turns the animals’ attention away from the
other announcements which say that during the next two years
the animals must work hard for smaller rations of food.

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The animals … accepted his explanation

Note how the end of

This chapter identifies very clearly the groups that
maintain Napoleon’s position as dictator. The sheep are
this chapter signifies the mindless supporters, but the final lines show two
a major turning point
other elements at work. The history of Snowball is
in the novel. For the
first time evil is already being re-written and the animals believe all,
practised openly. thanks to Squealer’s persuasion (the propaganda
machine, together with the newly-mentioned Minimus)
and the threats of the dogs (secret police).

Text commentary
Chapter 6 “

All that year the animals worked like slaves.

Look at the way

The novel can be seen as falling into two halves.
Chapters 1 to 5 deal with the rebellion and a new,
a totalitarian democratic way of life for the animals on the farm.
dictatorship has
At the beginning of Chapter 6, the animals are again
been assembled,
with its fawning living under tyrannical rule — although they reassure
courtiers, arbitrary themselves that all is well because at least they are
law enforcement, not working for a ‘pack of idle, thieving human
distortions of truth
beings’. But who are they really working for? Chapters
and maintenance of
rule through fear. 6 to 10 show how their lives become harder and
harder, while the pigs transform themselves precisely
into a ‘pack of idle, thieving human beings’.

The building of the windmill involves enormous effort

from the animals, especially Boxer. Boxer’s Herculean
efforts to move the boulders uphill begin to tell on his
physique. His strength and belief in the ideals of the
revolution help him to carry out the work, but his reliance on
maxims limits his understanding of what is happening to
himself and to the other animals on the farm.

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The ‘new policy’ of trading with neighbouring farms effectively

breaks the animals’ First Commandment. As before, an
announcement about the windmill is used to distract attention
from the announcement about Napoleon’s trading activities
involving the sale of the hens’ eggs. Allowing no discussion,
Squealer simply informs individual animals of decisions
already taken. Any opposition is silenced by using the
sheep’s disruption at meetings and by threatening any individual
who voices opposition.

Note the pride the animals take in the fact that ‘on all fours’
Napoleon gives orders to Mr Whymper. Mr Whymper’s
involvement with the farm is crucial to the development of

Text commentary
Napoleon’s relationships with the neighbouring farmers. The
employment of Whymper is one of several instances
demonstrating the fact that Animal Farm is becoming accepted
by the neighbouring farmers, though not approved.

The rest of the animals might not have attained Utopia, but with
the pigs now moving into the farmhouse and sleeping in beds,
it would appear that they have achieved an ambition of sorts.
Squealer’s use of ‘Leader’ for Napoleon also adds to the distance
between the pigs and the other animals and is part of the
developing ceremonial around Napoleon.

Squealer’s arguments are repetitive: he feels no need

to vary his style of presentation. His justification for using
one of Mr Jones’s beds by defining it merely as a place to
sleep, ignores the luxuriousness and unnaturalness of a
human bed as a place for an animal to sleep. Equally false is
the distinction he draws between sheets and blankets. The
animals find such arguments difficult to refute. Someone with
Snowball’s intelligence might have seen the gaping holes in
Squealer’s arguments.

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Clover vaguely remembers some of the original revolutionary

ideals and she tries to check the Commandments, but she has to
ask Muriel to read them to her. The changes in the
Commandments puzzle her but, because it is written down, she
accepts it. This is the first specific amendment to the Seven
Commandments, a major part of the re-writing of history. This
time it occurs mysteriously; think how it later becomes obvious
what is happening.

The windmill gives the animals a sense of purpose and

commitment. Apart from its mechanical benefits, it might also
give them a sense of equality with human society. It is
important, too, in developing Napoleon’s status among
Text commentary the other farmers. The ruin of the windmill is disastrous
for the animals, though in one sense helpful to Napoleon. It
assists his policy of treating Snowball as an enemy of the
state who can absorb blame for any failures of the leadership.
Like most dictators, Napoleon is unable to admit to any
mistakes or errors of judgement. In Snowball, he now has
someone whom he can blame for whatever goes wrong or for
whatever mistakes he makes. Snowball is also used as an awful
example to the rest of the animals of what happens to those
who oppose Napoleon. The witch-hunt for Snowball distracts
them from more serious matters.

Chapter 7 “

The animals carried on as best they could

Both sides of the new animal society find inspiration in Boxer’s

strength: the pigs for purposes of exploitation and propaganda,
the other animals for reassurance. Suddenly, the simple ‘virtues’
framed in the Seven Commandments take second place to
the need to survive. Napoleon’s deceitfulness misleads
Mr Whymper so that public confidence in Animal Farm is
maintained. Ironically, the animals’ self-sacrifice in supporting

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Napoleon’s deception of Mr Whymper helps to keep him in power

and continues the erosion of the revolution’s original ideals.

Napoleon is becoming increasingly remote. The ceremonial

nature of his infrequent appearances at the Sunday meetings
distances him from the days when he was just one of the
animals. Squealer, the ‘propaganda machine’, is increasingly the
only contact the animals have with the elite class of pigs.

The hens’ revolt is doomed to failure from the start. Note how it
passes unremarked by Boxer, Clover, Benjamin or any other of
the animals. Each animal is now too self-absorbed to worry
about the hens. Boxer’s obsession with using his strength for

Text commentary
only one purpose is a good example of this. The animals no
longer look ‘outward’ to the needs of all their fellow
animals, only ‘inward’ to what they consider important
for themselves. Napoleon’s success in requisitioning the
The hens’ revolt is a
clear demonstration of hens’ eggs is another defeat for the revolution’s high
the lengths to which ideals. The idea of trading presupposes that there is a
Napoleon is willing to surplus to be traded with, which contradicts Old Major’s
go to quell any type of
teaching. Perhaps Orwell is pointing out the genuine
rebellion. What effect
does this have on the difficulties of putting ideals into practice.
other animals?
Napoleon steps up the witch-hunt for Snowball, using
him to excuse his own indecision about the sale of the timber.
The animals are persuaded that Snowball is responsible for the
petty annoyances that occur on the farm. Any animal suspected
of allegiance to Snowball, and therefore betrayal of Napoleon, is

under threat. This practice is, again, a feature of dictatorships.

“ I do not believe that.

At last, Boxer questions Squealer’s reinterpretation of the

past. Bluntly, Boxer challenges Squealer and refuses to back
down. However, when Squealer quotes Comrade Napoleon’s

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confirmation of the story, Boxer immediately accepts

the new version of events. Napoleon’s position is now
so far above ordinary animals that his word is taken,
unquestioningly, as gospel. Boxer’s disagreement has,
however, been noted by Squealer who now sees him as
a potential threat to the security of the pigs’ power.

The manipulation of historical evidence, both written and

remembered, is essential to Squealer’s success. The only
things the animals possess are their memories and the
original Seven Commandments. Squealer offers written
evidence to support his condemnation of Snowball,
knowing that, because of the animals’ illiteracy, such
Text commentary ‘evidence’ is worthless to them. His taunt, ‘if you were able to
read’, shows his callousness.

Napoleon uses medals to enhance his public image. None

represents any real act of bravery, but their cosmetic effect is to
raise him above the rest of the animals. Napoleon’s guard dogs
attack Boxer shortly after he defends Snowball’s memory, yet he
seems unable to grasp that Napoleon planned this attack on him.

After the bloody and public execution of the pigs, the animals’
hysteria makes them confess to ‘crimes’ which are mere
fantasies. Show-trials in modern, real-life dictatorships provide
evidence of similar public confessions, especially by those who
have nothing to gain from them.

The animals return to the knoll, looking for comfort and

reassurance. Boxer, though shocked by the confessions and
executions, misses the significance of what has happened and
again falls back on his resolution to work harder.

Squealer makes light work of banning ‘Beasts of England’.

In abolishing the anthem, Napoleon demonstrates his awareness
of its potential danger. The new song emphasises loyalty and
the animals’ duty to Animal Farm.

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Quick quiz 2
Uncover the plot
Delete two of the three alternatives given to find the correct plot.
Beware possible misconceptions and muddles.
The fame of Animal Farm grows and, in particular, its flag/song/
Commandments. In August/September/October, the hens/pigeons/
geese bring news that Jones is leading an attack. He is defeated with
only one/a few/two animal(s) killed. Snowball and Napoleon/Benjamin/
Boxer are given medals for bravery.
Mollie/Muriel/Clover is the first animal to desert the farm. The frequent
disagreements between Snowball and Napoleon/Benjamin/Boxer
reach a climax over the construction of the farm/sowing/windmill.
The animals are swept away by Snowball’s/Napoleon’s/Squealer’s
eloquent pleading, but are prevented from voting for him by Napoleon’s
dogs who chase him away/kill him/injure him. Napoleon assumes
power and abolishes Sunday meetings/the singing of ‘Beasts of

Quick quiz
Two/three/four weeks later, he announces that the windmill will be
built after all, over two/three/four years. Clover/Muriel/Boxer works
the hardest in this task. Mr Frederick/Mr Whymper/Mr Pilkington is
appointed to act as an intermediary in trading with humans. In
September/October/November, a storm/an attack by Jones/Snowball
destroys the windmill and building begins again. Food is scarce
and eggs are/wheat is/wood is sold to acquire it; meanwhile, Old
Major/Jones/Snowball is blamed for everything that goes wrong.

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Chapters 8–10

Chapter 8

No animal shall kill any other animal
without cause

Muriel again helps Clover by reading the Sixth

Commandment to her. As always, Clover can remember
more clearly than the others, but not quite clearly
enough. The general inability to read and write has
ensured that there has only ever been one copy of the

Text commentary Commandments, so there is nothing to verify what they

originally said. Remember the tremendous importance which
Snowball attached to literacy.

Napoleon now distances himself from the other animals, even

the pigs. He has used Animalism and the revolution to feed his
ego and has instituted a regime which will serve his every wish.
His authority is now absolute. The hens’ ‘conspiracy’ is simply
an excuse for the pigs to carry out a ritual slaughter. Its purpose
is to provide a public demonstration of their power and so to
keep the other animals in fear and terror. It is intended to deter
animals who might be contemplating revolution. The death of a
few hens out of so many will not have any adverse affect on egg
production and is not so controversial as the deaths of Boxer or
Clover might have been. It is typical of such a society that the
weakest are the most oppressed.

Napoleon’s public declaration that he is to sell timber to

Pilkington is accompanied by a series of rumours about
Frederick’s cruelty to his animals. These rumours are similar to
those about Animal Farm which were spread in its early days.
The details sound like a product of Squealer’s propaganda
machine. The rumours are put about to provide ‘justification’ for

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Napoleon’s decision to deal with Pilkington rather than with

Frederick. As yet, the reader has not met Frederick and Pilkington
face to face. Most of what we know of them is hearsay.

Note Squealer’s sinister role in the post-revolution society —

emphasised here by the ‘suicide’ of the gander. The ‘suicides’
of political activists form another feature of oppressive regimes.
Apart from work, the only social events at the farm are the
continued blackening of Snowball’s character, death-threat
slogans directed against Frederick and news of plots and suicide.
Compare this with the hive of creative activity which Snowball
encouraged. The animals’ social and cultural environment is
dreary indeed.

Text commentary
The completion of the windmill is a triumph for the
animals, but it presents something of a problem for
Napoleon. Until now he has been able to keep the animals
occupied with this tremendous enterprise so as not to give
them time to consider their situation. Napoleon identifies
himself with the success of the windmill by appearing at the
ceremony in order to name it ‘Napoleon Mill’.

Frederick removes the timber from Animal Farm with almost

indecent haste. In Frederick, Napoleon seems to have met his
equal in ruthlessness. In an endeavour to salvage prestige
among the animals, Napoleon pronounces the death sentence
on Frederick. Perhaps Napoleon has made the mistake of
thinking that he is dealing with illiterate, bemused animals rather
than with a fellow ‘dictator’.

Explore The bargaining with Pilkington and Frederick, coupled

This section is a good with a propaganda war against whoever is out of favour,
example of Orwell’s echoes Stalin’s dealings with Hitler’s Germany and the
ability to write both a West in the late 1930s. Napoleon’s deal with Frederick
story about animals
matches Stalin’s pact with Hitler, which was also
and a political satire.

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followed by betrayal and invasion. Due to characters like Boxer

we feel sympathy for the animals. Yet, even though we hate the
regime, we are still led to appreciate Orwell’s precise reflection of
real-life events. “

even Napoleon seemed at a loss

During the Battle of the Windmill, Napoleon seems unable to

cope for the first time. The superior weapons used by the
humans easily repel the animals. This time Boxer and Napoleon
come together in the defence of the farm, as Boxer and Snowball
did in the Battle of the Cowshed. The destruction of the windmill
by Frederick justifies Napoleon’s warnings to the animals about
Text commentary the threat posed by humans. It helps us to understand why they
continue to tolerate Napoleon’s domination.

The Battle of the Windmill unites the animals in one last effort.
The mood of this battle is quite different, with its ‘savage, bitter’
fighting resulting in a high casualty rate. Despite his courage
when the windmill is blown up, Napoleon is soon back in his
accustomed place, directing operations from the rear while
the battle is being fought.

Squealer’s actions again contradict his words. Although

absent from the battle, he claims it a glorious victory for the
long-suffering animals. However, Boxer’s memory of the battle
is still fresh, and he challenges Squealer. For the first time,
Boxer appears to be thinking about the implications of what
has happened.

The post-battle propaganda by Napoleon, and the whisky

celebration by the pigs, which excludes the working animals,
show the division between the leaders and the led. Alcohol
caused the animals to suffer in the past. Has this really been a
‘victory’ of the pigs over the animals?

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Does the drunken Napoleon reveal his true ambition by

wearing Farmer Jones’s bowler hat? Typical of his now
bankrupt leadership is Napoleon’s ‘illness’, obviously a
severe hangover, and the resultant decree that drinking
alcohol is punishable by death. This decree is soon annulled
when it is announced that Napoleon has ordered brewing
equipment. Animal Farm is now being run for the convenience
of the pigs. Even Napoleon’s hangover is blamed on Snowball.
The pigs’ contempt for the animals’ welfare is further shown
when Napoleon uses the intended retirement grazing ground to
grow barley from which whisky can be made.

a strange incident which hardly anyone

Text commentary
was able to understand

Look at the detailed description of what the animals

see when they investigate the cause of the loud crash.
With the evidence of Squealer’s activities so plain,
the animals’ casual reaction is almost unbelievable.
It shows the degree to which they are now unable to think
for themselves. Only Benjamin still has the presence of mind to
realise what is going on. Muriel’s unquestioning acceptance of
the new Fifth Commandment highlights the fact that the animals
no longer trust their own memories.

Chapter 9 “
“ Boxer refused to take even a day off work

Despite their callous treatment by the pigs, the animals

still have real concern for each other. Boxer’s
unselfishness and pride in his work again cause concern
to his lifelong companions, Clover and Benjamin. Again,
Boxer dreams of the completion of the windmill and the
fulfilment of a promised retirement.

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The use of Jones’s return as a threat is still effective in subduing

the animals, as is the comparison between post-revolution life
and the bad old days under Farmer Jones. By now, the animals
are too confused to trust their own memories, after submitting
to so much propaganda and so many distortions of the truth.

The young pigs are kept apart from the other animals and are
trained to become the new elite. Note how the privileges and
status which the pigs now enjoy create a ‘superior’ class
within the animals’ society. It is clear that Napoleon’s
standard of living far exceeds that enjoyed by Farmer
Jones. In some respects, Old Major was right when he said
the animals could manage the farm better than Man. But he failed
Text commentary to allow for the worst side of the pigs’ character coming into play
so strongly, or for the different levels of ambition and ability
among the various animals.

Notice how wistfully the animals long for better treatment from
the pigs. Notice too how brutally indifferent the pigs are to the
emotions of the working animals. Compare this with Jones’s
careless kindness in putting surplus milk in the hens’ mash.

Though this chapter contains one of the most moving incidents

of the novel, the death of Boxer, much of it consists of
descriptions of what life is like now that a certain stability has
come to Animal Farm and the dictatorship remains
unchallenged. Squealer’s propaganda reaches new heights,
with his ‘readjustment’ of rations and documentary proof
that the animals are not short of food. Hand in hand with
propaganda goes ceremonial. Again you can find several
examples, but the most striking is probably the compulsory
Spontaneous Demonstration which echoes the dramatic
military parades in Red Square, Moscow.

Moses returns to Animal Farm and tells the animals of the

delights of Sugarcandy Mountain. Remember that Moses
represents, to some extent, Orwell’s view of the more corrupt

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aspects of organised religion. The pigs, like Jones, treat Moses

like a pet. The pigs are quite happy for the animals to spend
their time striving for a better afterlife, so long as it doesn’t
affect their work here and now. In addition, they perhaps
welcome the distraction that Moses provides, as it helps the
animals to forget their empty bellies.

Boxer’s physical decline comes at a time when the pigs’

power is virtually unchallenged and the revolutionary
ideals, at least for the majority of the animals, are long-
forgotten. All that Boxer can look forward to is his
retirement. Squealer’s response to Boxer’s illness gives
the animals a moment of concern. However, Squealer has

Text commentary
little difficulty in reassuring them.

Benjamin demonstrates his love for Boxer by staying with

him and keeping the flies away. No doubt he feels he is being
very helpful, but certainly it would have been more helpful
if he’d tried to warn the animals, particularly Boxer, about
the pigs’ erosion of their revolutionary ideals.

Napoleon shows his callousness and his indifference to suffering

in his premeditated disposal of Boxer. Even for the sake of a
public relations exercise he cannot bring himself to visit Boxer,
merely ordering a bottle of pink medicine from Jones’s medicine

chest to be sent over — medicine that is of little use to Boxer.

“ They are taking Boxer to the knacker’s!

Benjamin pushes Muriel aside and reads the clearly written

message out to the assembled animals. For so long inactive,
when he does stir himself to action it is too late. Clover
races after the van and calls Boxer to try and escape
— but in vain.

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The death of Boxer is full of ironies: the fact that

Benjamin finally acts decisively and displays passion and
anguish, only to be ignored until it is too late, is just one of
them. There is the fact that Boxer is taken to his death by
his own kind who are too ‘stupid’ and ‘ignorant’ to respond,
but who could be seen as doing their duty. Of course, there is
the irony that Boxer’s strength has been spent in the
service of Animal Farm and now he lacks the power to
Watch this scene in
the animated film break out of the van. The knacker’s van which takes
version of the novel. Boxer is horribly reminiscent of the mobile
The animals (aside extermination vans used by Hitler to transport Jews
from Benjamin) are
to the concentration camps.
simply unaware of
what is happening to
Text commentary Boxer. It is probably In the speech he makes after Boxer has been taken
the most moving away, Squealer is at his most hypocritical, callous and
moment in both the
novel and the film.
cunning. Quickly glossing over Boxer’s death, he
merely uses it as an excuse for a hymn in praise of
Napoleon. Napoleon takes care to associate himself with the
grief felt by the animals at Boxer’s death and he expediently
reminds them of Boxer’s two maxims. The pigs have organised
Boxer’s death and they are the only animals who derive benefit
from it, although they manage hypocritical tributes to his

Chapter 10

A time came when there was no one who

The windmill is at last complete. Look back to Snowball’s original

vision of the benefits it would bring the animals and compare it
with the reality.

The animals cling to Old Major’s vision and ‘Beasts of

England’ is sung in secret. Perhaps the revolution is coming
full circle? Squealer takes the sheep away to learn a new
song, a preparation for the pigs’ abandonment of animal
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status: a reminder, perhaps, of Napoleon removing the

puppies to ‘educate’ them.

The appearance of Napoleon, walking on two legs and

carrying a whip in his trotter, openly shows the true nature of
his power. He has finally achieved what he most envied in man
— to be able to walk on two legs. Once again, the animals’
protest is drowned by the sheep’s carefully rehearsed chanting.


Text commentary
Ironically, the first time Benjamin is persuaded to read
aloud, he reads the death-knell of the animals’ revolutionary
ideals. He, of all the animals, is the most likely to understand
the implications of what the remaining Commandment says,
yet he makes no comment. Why?

Napoleon now wears Farmer Jones’s clothes: he has succeeded

in replacing him in every respect. This foreshadows the final
scene of the novel, when Napoleon is indistinguishable from his
insolent human guests. Having received Pilkington’s praise for
the wretched conditions endured by the animals, Napoleon
removes the last of the revolution’s effects: the animals are no
longer to address each other as ‘Comrade’; the parades to
honour Old Major are to be abandoned (his skull has already
been buried); the flag is to be changed to a plain green. The
signs are that the future for the animals will be far worse than
anything they knew under Farmer Jones. Things come full
circle with the renaming of the farm, Manor Farm. “
“ already it was impossible to say which was which.

The final vision, presented through Clover’s dim old eyes, is of

pigs and men becoming indistinguishable. Does Clover

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Explore understand the betrayal that has taken place? The

Make sure you can cycle of corruption is complete. For the animals, it
express your own seems there is little to choose between one master
opinions about the
and another. The story ends as it began, with the
lessons today’s society
should learn from masters of Animal Farm drinking too much, but this
Animal Farm. time the animals hear no optimistic dream of a new
future with a just society. ‘All power corrupts, and
absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ (Lord Acton)

Text commentary

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Quick quiz 3
Uncover the plot
Delete two of the three alternatives given to find the correct plot.
Beware possible misconceptions and muddles.
Napoleon continues to become less tyrannical/accessible/reasonable.
He plays Pilkington/Whymper/Jones and Frederick against each other over
the proposed sale of eggs/land/timber, and is disappointed/hysterical/
enraged when he discovers he has been tricked.
Frederick/Pilkington/Jones attacks the farm and destroys the windmill
with gunpowder/sledgehammers/bulldozers. Six animals are killed but
the humans are defeated. To celebrate, the pigs drink rum/gin/whisky.
Boxer/Benjamin/Napoleon has injured his leg/hoof/back but is due to retire
on his 10th/11th/12th birthday. Rations are reduced/adjusted/increased
and Animal Farm becomes a monarchy/Republic/Democracy.
Benjamin/Clover/Boxer collapses and is sold to the slaughterhouse by the
pigs/humans/other horses, who hold a memorial service/banquet/meeting

Quick quiz
in his honour.
Weeks/months/years pass and the farm grows richer/poorer/smaller.
Many/few/none of the animals remember life before the rebellion and
they still have pride/joy/comfort in their farm. This is destroyed when
the pigs begin to wear clothes/stand upright/walk on their hind legs.
Only one/two/three of the Commandments remain(s) and in the final scene,
pigs and humans are shown in a serious meeting/at a party/at a dance.
Animal Farm is now to be called Napoleon Farm/Windmill Farm/Manor
Farm. When the pigs and men start to agree/argue/drink together, they
become indistinguishable from each other.

3177_001-080:3177_001-080 16/5/07 12:49 Page 56

on Animal
on 1984Farm


G The first essential requirement is thorough revision. If you are

studying for an ‘open book’ examination, you will have time to
look up quotations and references, but only if you know where
to look.
G Read the questions carefully, making sure you underline key
words that tell you what to do, e.g ‘compare’, ‘contrast’, ‘explore’,
‘explain’. Retelling the story will get you no credit.
G Jot down the main points, make an essay plan that shows what
you are going to include in each paragraph, then stick to it (see
page 62). Make sure you link the paragraphs to each other and
refer back to the question so as not to digress.
G Summarise in your introduction how you plan to approach the
question, then jump straight into your argument. Ensure you
answer all of the question, not just part of it.
Writing essays

G Take care with spelling, punctuation and grammar. Avoid using

slang or abbreviations. Write in paragraphs, starting a new line
and indenting quotations of more than a few words.
G Quotations should be used to increase the clarity of your answer,
but extended quotations (more than a few sentences) are
usually unhelpful.
G It is important to back up what you say. Remember:
point–quotation–comment (see page 58). This will ensure that
your work stays analytical.
G Finally, use your conclusion to sum up your points and relate them
back to the question. If you have missed something, put it in now.
Leave five minutes to proofread your work for mistakes.

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G Timing is not so crucial for coursework essays, so this is your

chance to show what you can really do without having to write
under pressure.
G You can obviously go into far more detail than you are able to in
an examination. Essays will generally be expected to be
1000–1500 words in length, but follow the advice of your teacher.
G You should develop an argument, avoiding becoming too
narrative. Make an essay plan and stick to it (see page 62).
Refer back to the question while writing the essay to avoid
digressing. When writing a comparative piece, the comparison
should be made throughout the essay, not just at the end.
G Use your plan to decide what each paragraph is about, as far as
possible signalling this to the reader in the opening sentence
(often called a topic sentence), this will ensure that your work

Writing essays
remains focused on the question.
G It is essential to make reference to the novel being an allegory of
the Russian Revolution. Parallels to the political situation are of
vital importance.
G As with examination essays, use quotations frequently but
carefully, and try to introduce them smoothly. It is often effective
to quote just one or two words.
G Make sure your conclusion summarises your arguments. Only at
this stage can you consider giving your opinion (e.g. ‘I think’). The
main body of the essay should not contain personal pronouns.
G Take advantage of being able to draft your essay so that the neat
copy is as polished as possible. Don’t forget to proofread.
G It is a good idea, if possible, to word process your essay. This will
enable you to make changes and improvements to your final draft
more easily.

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Key quotations

The following are examples of points, quotations and

comments that could be used in an essay on Animal Farm.

1 Old Major has a dream about a world where the animals are
responsible for their own lives and no longer work for man. It is an
ideal for a better life:

I merely repeat, remember always your duty of

enmity towards Man and all his ways. Whatever goes
upon two legs, is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four
legs, or has wings, is a friend.

He warns the animals not to fight among themselves but to

unite in their hatred of man and free themselves from his
oppressive regime.
Key quotations
Key quotations

2 Immediately, it becomes apparent that Napoleon will be a force to

be reckoned with once the animals have overthrown the humans:

Napoleon was a large, fierce-looking Berkshire boar,
the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker,
but with a reputation for getting his own way.

He immediately seems to be different to the other animals and

sounds like an imposing figure. Even under the rule of humans he
has been getting his own way. The reader can tell that this is likely
to continue to be the case.

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3 Snowball explains the Seven Commandments in one sentence for

those animals who cannot read or understand easily: “

This is a very simplistic version of what is written but is accessible

to all the animals. It is the fact that the pigs are the most educated
that allows them to gain supremacy over the other animals.

4 Napoleon rules through fear and crushes any chance of rebellion

by murdering a few rebels as an example to others:

“ He ordered the hens’ rations to be stopped, and

decreed that any animal giving so much as one grain
of corn to a hen should be punished by death. The
dogs saw to it that these orders were carried out.

Key quotations
Key quotations
Napoleon incites fear in the animals and enforces his threats through
his own version of the secret police, the dogs he has trained to serve
him. He establishes a regime that cannot easily be threatened.

5 By the end of the novel there is no difference between the pigs

and the men:

The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and
from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but
already it was impossible to say which was which.

The novel has gone in a full circle and the animals’ ideas of equality
are shattered. They are even more helpless than at the start of
the novel.

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Exam questions

1 In Chapter 2 there were Seven Commandments. By Chapter 10

there is only one Commandment: ‘ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL, BUT
SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS.’ Describe and explain
how the Seven Commandments were replaced by one.

2 Animal Farm is subtitled ‘A Fairy Story’. It was published in 1945

at the end of the Second World War. What do you think the novel
says about the time it was written and other times in history?

3 Compare and contrast the ways in which two of the following

characters deal with their situation on the farm:

G Napoleon
G Snowball
G Boxer

G Mollie

G Squealer

You should consider:

G their motives
G their methods of trying to achieve what they want

G what Orwell wants you to think about them.

Exam questions

4 How does the character of Squealer exercise control over the

other animals?

5 ‘All power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely’.

To what extent can this be said of Animal Farm?

6 How could the character of Benjamin have altered the situation

faced by the animals at the end of the novel?

7 To what extent does Animal Farm end where it began?

8 Discuss why the revolution is ultimately unsuccessful.

9 What is Orwell trying to show the reader through the characters

of Boxer and Clover? Can they be blamed for their own situation?

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10 Why do you think the animals’ revolution ends in failure?


11 To what extent is the novel nothing more than an allegory for the
Russian Revolution?
12 Discuss the ways in which Napoleon gains power and then
creates and maintains his dictatorship.
13 Compare the approaches of Snowball and Napoleon to
leadership and power. Would Snowball have made a better
15 leader?

14 Explore the descent of Animalism from the ideals from which it

began to its unrecognisable state by the end of the novel. Could it
16 ever have worked?

15 Orwell claimed his purpose in writing Animal Farm was ‘to fuse
political and artistic purpose into one whole’. To what extent do
17 you think he succeeded?

16 Discuss to what degree propaganda is responsible for the success

of Napoleon’s dictatorship.
17 Why do you think that Orwell used animals as his characters
when writing Animal Farm?

Exam questions
18 How important is it that the characters are fully developed
throughout the novel? Could it be argued that they are two
dimensional but that this does not matter?

19 What lesson should the reader learn from reading Animal Farm?
20 In your opinion, is it possible for all animals to be equal or will
some always be more equal than others?
Spidergram essay plans for questions 1, 3 and 10 are given on
pages 63–65.

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Planning an essay

There are several ways of planning an essay either for coursework or

as part of an examination. One of the quickest, simplest and easiest to
follow is the spidergram. Creating a spidergram is easy, just complete
the following steps.
G Put the key words of the essay question in the centre of your map
and work outwards from this.
G Make sure you use different colours if the essay asks you to look at
either different characters or different themes. This will make them
easy to isolate at a glance.
G Draw lines out from the centre that relate directly to the question.
From these lines, draw further lines and write anything specifically
related to this area of the question.
G Remember, only have one idea at the end of each line or your
drawing may become confusing.
G The next few pages show you how you could use spidergrams to
plan the answers to three of the sample essay questions.

If you find that using spidergrams is not for you, don’t panic, there are
other ways of planning your answers.
G You can underline the key words in the title to ensure that you
Planning an essay

understand the focus of the essay.

G Then use bullet points to write down what will be included in each
paragraph, from the introduction to the conclusion.
G Next, try to find relevant quotations to support your points and
either write down the quotation or page reference so that it can be
found easily.
G Ensure that you stick to your plan and refer back to the question so
as not to digress from it.
G In an examination, always hand in any plan that you have written as
you may be given some credit for it if you are unable to complete
the full essay.

dogs attack
revolutionary idealism Snowball and pigs wear pigs sleep in
spirit Boxer clothes farmhouse in beds
pigs behave like

Old Major’s
pigs drink whisky

time of and beer


Describe and explain destruction of

codifies the how the Seven Commandments

animals’ ideals one by one

Commandments were
animals starved
replaced by one. . and executed

propaganda change:
Boxer hens
Page 63

why? pigs are pigs give

elitist themselves better


more food steal food

the dogs tragic

get up later

Spidergram essay plans

Spidergram essay plans


employ others
character propaganda


single minded Napoleon dogs


Compare and contrast

the ways in which motives
motives two of the characters security
deal with their
Page 64

situation on
the farm.
ambition power

lust for
power Orwell’s
self serving


treat other both no
animals badly despicable integrity
become self- get rid of dogs as
Snowball secret police false

get rid of ambitions


hope for better
Why do you

think the
revolution ends propaganda

in failure? reasons for


Old Major’s
Page 65

‘Beasts of most animals
England’ song too passive
become One
most animals Commandment
too trusting

the ideals a utopia

idealism pigs are more

pigs are


Spidergram essay plans

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Sample response
C Grade

Why do you think the animals’ revolution ends in failure?

There are a number of reasons why the animals’ revolution ends in

failure by the end of ‘Animal Farm’. These include the selfish
nature of the pigs, Napoleon’s ambition to be the only one in
charge, the animals’ lack of realisation that they are being
oppressed until it is too late and the use of propaganda to
convince the animals of the version of events those in charge want
them to believe.  Each of these contributes to the eventual
failure of the revolution that was born from the ideal that animals
could live in a state of equality away from slavery by man, and that
because of this all their lives would be improved. 
Old Major’s dream  is where the ideas for the revolution begin.
He tells of a world where all animals unite to overthrow man and
to work for better lives for themselves. He explains:
‘Whatever goes upon two legs, is an enemy. Whatever goes upon
four legs, or has wings, is a friend.’
He urges the animals to remember this but dies before the
revolution begins and is replaced by Snowball and Napoleon, who
Sample responses

together become the leaders and take over the farm. They have
different skills. Snowball is a good speaker and is brave and wants to
carry on Old Major’s ideals. Napoleon is quieter but believed to be a
deeper character and thus soon they are disagreeing on how to run
the farm.  Snowball becomes obsessed with the windmill project
and does not realise Napoleon is plotting to overthrow him. 
He recognises the importance of the animals learning to read and

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write and tries his best to teach them. Napoleon would prefer they
remained ignorant and therefore easier to manipulate. 
The ability or lack of it to communicate becomes very important on
the farm.  It is the inability of the animals to read or
understand what is going on that contributes to the failure of their
revolution. Snowball reads the Seven Commandments to the
animals, but some do not understand them and so they are
simplified down to ‘FOUR LEGS GOOD, TWO LEGS BAD’. This
does not compensate for the pigs being more educated, which
through the course of the novel gives them power. When the
animals question anything, their inability to read is held against
them. Boxer refuses to believe that Snowball was in league with
Jones and says that Snowball was shot by Jones. Squealer claims
that Snowball confessed this in writing. 
‘Jones’s shot only grazed him. I could show you this in his own
writing, if you comments
were able to read it.’
This is a solid response which shows good understanding of the
This comment is intended to make Boxer feel inferior and deter
novel and cultural context. The candidate demonstrates insight
into from questioning
how meaning andSquealer
ideas arefurther. Whenthrough
conveyed the Seven
language, and

Sample responses
Commandments are altered, the animals are led to believe
refers to textual evidence to support views. Quotations are that
they havedeveloped
always not remembered
and the them accurately.
response could bemore exploratory in
places. It is rather simplistic. The essay has a good, clear
Napoleon remains in power by recruiting animals with certain skills
structure and the candidate attempts to remain focused on the
to beThere
title. loyal to
is ahim. One
neat such animal
conclusion. is a porker
Overall, this is called Squealer,
an accurate,
who is a good
pleasing, speaker
if slightly with a persuasiveresponse
under-developed, manner.toNapoleon is not a
the question.
good orator so Squealer becomes his ‘propaganda machine’.  He
lies to the animals and rewrites certain events that have taken

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place to suit what Napoleon wants them to believe. The animals’

willingness to believe everything they are told and not realising that
they are being manipulated, contributes to the failure of the
Once the animals believe in Napoleon as their leader, he maintains
his rule through fear.  He uses the dogs as a kind of secret
police who are willing to kill anyone who questions his rule. It is
they who chase Snowball off the farm and they who make sure no
one helps the hens when they rebel. By the time the animals realise
what is happening it is too late and Napoleon is too strong to be
got rid of.  His supporters like the lifestyle he offers them and
are determined to keep it no matter what. Eventually Napoleon
shows his true colours, but by then it is too late.  Orwell says:
‘out came Napoleon himself, majestically upright, casting haughty
glances from side to side, and with his dogs gambolling round him.
He carried a whip in his trotter.’
This shows how he is definitely not one of them any more. He is
carrying a weapon to make them work harder and is willing to hurt
Sample responses

them if they do not.

In conclusion, the reasons the revolution ends in failure is a
mixture of the greed of the pigs, Napoleon’s ambition to be leader
and the animals not realising what is going on until it is too late
to do anything about it.  He is able to rule by fear and manages
to get enough supporters to make sure he cannot be got rid of.

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By the end of the novel all the ideas of Old Major are nothing
more than a dream. 

Examiner’s comments
This essay demonstrates some understanding of what caused the
revolution to fail but is not sufficiently analytical. The candidate
needs to highlight that all the animals are to some extent to
blame and that Old Major was unaware that his teachings could
be deliberately misinterpreted by those with ambition. The
conclusion is not really sufficient in summing up the main points
of the essay and could answer the original question more clearly.

Sample responses
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Sample response A Grade

Why do you think the animals’ revolution ends in failure?

‘Animalism’, the revolutionary doctrine adopted by the animals is

based on the ideas of Old Major and is translated into the Seven
Commandments, a document which Orwell based on the ideas of
the Communist Manifesto.  Ironically, these ideas stem from Old
Major’s dream of a world where animals would unite, overthrow
humans and live worthwhile lives in a Utopia. Sadly, by the end of
the novel that is all it is — a dream.  There are a number of
reasons for this and a number of animals to whom blame can be
attributed, both those who lead the rebellion and those who follow.
‘Animal Farm’ is an allegory of the Russian Revolution and mirrors
the reasons it failed. 
Old Major’s ideas offer an alternative for the animals to their lives
under the rule of Mr and Mrs Jones.  Old Major is adamant
that there is a better existence available to the animals away from
the tyranny of man, and that in order to achieve this all animals
must become united.  He explains:
‘And among us animals let there be perfect unity, perfect comradeship
Sample responses

in the struggle. All men are enemies. All animals are comrades.’
This demonstrates his understanding that the only way there is any
chance of success is for all animals to unite and rebel against the
oppression under which they currently live.  He asks animals to
set aside their disputes with other animals to achieve a greater
good. Unfortunately, Old Major does not consider the notion that

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his teachings might be used for individual animals to fulfil their

own greedy ambitions at the expense of others.  He also fails to
consider that such ideals are open to a number of different
interpretations. His death before the rebellion means that it is not
he that will ultimately lead the animals. 
One of the leaders, Snowball, clearly prioritises the importance of
educating the animals. The pigs have taught themselves to read and
write and Snowball actively encourages all animals to attain literacy
skills.  However, a number of the animals have neither the
intelligence nor the inclination to learn, and this is the first step
away from the ideal of the Utopia. When the Seven Commandments
are written, it is the fact that some of the animals cannot read
them, understand them properly or in time remember them that
make it so easy to alter them without the animals realising. 
The Commandments codify the ideals of the animals and their
Examiner’s comments
comradeship. The alteration of these by the pigs as and when it
This is a solid response which shows good understanding of the
suits them and the blind acceptance of this by the other animals,
novel and cultural context. The candidate demonstrates insight
shows that those who are more educated are automatically
into how meaning and ideas are conveyed through language, and

Sample responses
refers to textual evidence and the other
to support pigs Quotations
views. are aware ofare
use it todeveloped
always their advantage,
and thebutresponse
to hisbecredit
moreattempts to in
simplify Ittheis Commandments
places. rather simplistic.toThe
has a‘FOUR
clear GOOD,
structure and the candidate attempts to remain focused
TWO LEGS BAD’. This is unfortunately not sufficient to prevent on thethe
title. There is a neat conclusion. Overall, this is an accurate,
animals’ memories from being manipulated and certain events on
the farm from, in time, being rewritten.  After Napoleon expels
pleasing, if slightly under-developed, response to the question.

Snowball from the farm and gains sole leadership of the newly

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named ‘Animal Farm’, Snowball is used as a scapegoat when

anything goes wrong. Squealer explains:
‘Snowball has sold himself to Frederick of Pinchfield Farm, who is
now plotting to attack us and take our farm away from us!’
This makes the animals believe that Napoleon is a better
leader, who protects them from the threat of Snowball who
was destroying their ideals from within.  In actual fact it is
Napoleon who is self-serving and wants to ‘brainwash’ the
animals into compliance.
Squealer is the means by which Napoleon convinces the animals
that their lives are better under his rule.  The animals are lured
into false consciousness and believe that they are working as equals
when from the beginning all the pigs do is oversee the hard work
and issue orders. Squealer’s job is to spread propaganda and to
stifle the animals’ understanding or awareness of real events. 
He is extremely important to Napoleon as an instrument with which
to misinform the animals in the most convincing way. Squealer, like
Snowball, is an accomplished orator and has a very convincing
Sample responses

manner. Napoleon does not possess this skill and therefore ensures
that Squealer shows him total loyalty by offering him a life of
luxury. Squealer will not risk this as he wants to remain one of
the privileged few.  Unlike Snowball he is motivated by his own
desires for a comfortable life and is the equivalent of the vast
media machines that present the government version of events in

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any dictatorship.  He constantly uses the threat that Jones might

return when any animal questions decisions made. The animals’
willingness to believe his lies and half-truths certainly contribute
to the failure of the revolution as the animals cease to question
anything the pigs say and do. When Boxer questions Squealer’s
assertion that Snowball was in league with Jones from the
beginning, Squealer explains that Napoleon has decreed it to be
so and Boxer immediately believes him.  Unfortunately, Squealer
now perceives Boxer as a threat to the security of the pigs’ power.
Orwell describes how
‘it was noticed that he cast a very ugly look at Boxer with his
twinkling little eyes.’
It becomes increasingly apparent that after this incident it is only a
matter of time until Squealer will rid the farm of Boxer, as any
risk to the survival of the regime must be dealt with. Boxer is also
partially responsible for the failure of the revolution as he is
unquestioningly loyal to Napoleon and naively believes that every
animal’s intentions are as noble as his own.  The animals’ failure

Sample responses
to question the pigs’ rule early enough is one of the major reasons
the revolution fails. 
From the beginning, while Snowball is obsessed with the windmill
project, Napoleon is amassing a group of loyal supporters such as
Squealer, Minimus and the dogs. He takes the dogs from their
mothers shortly after they are born and trains them to be his

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‘secret police’. It is they who chase Snowball from the farm, they
who execute animals as an example to others and they who ensure
that the other animals do not feed the hens when they rebel,
and are willing to kill anyone who violates this order. They are
unquestioningly loyal to Napoleon, and by the time that some
of the animals realise that the pigs are oppressors not comrades,
it is too late, Napoleon cannot be deposed. The farm has become
a dictatorship but the animals are powerless to do anything
about it. 
Benjamin, the oldest animal on the farm only chooses to air the
cynical views he has felt from the start when he realises that Boxer
is being sent to the knacker’s yard. Throughout the novel, there
have been incidents where Benjamin could have confided his
misgivings about their situation to others, but he chooses not to.
As he reads the outside of the van Boxer is in and watches the
illiterate ignorant animals waving to Boxer, he finally finds
his voice: 
‘Do you not understand what that means? They are taking Boxer
Sample responses

to the knacker’s.’
It is too late and nothing can be done. Most of the animals have
either been indoctrinated into thinking the way the pigs want them
to, like the sheep, or are too afraid to do anything. Had Benjamin
spoken up sooner, as a well-respected animal on the farm he may
have been able to alter the course of events. 

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Ultimately, there are a number of reasons for the failure of the

revolution. The pigs are immediately not equal to the other animals
as they have learnt to read and write, which automatically places
them at an advantage. They are able to manipulate the written word
so that the other animals, unsure whether alterations have been
made or not, become confused and distrust their own memories.
One by one the pigs break the Commandments and alter them to
benefit themselves, and gradually this corruption leads to the
destruction of all their original ideals.  In addition to this there
is the blind loyalty of characters such as Boxer to the leader and
the supposed ideals of what they are trying to achieve. But Boxer is
simply an example: the animals’ unwillingness, or in some cases
inability, to think for themselves makes them easy to manipulate.
They allow themselves to be lured into a state of false
consciousness where they believe that their lives are better under
this new regime and are convinced by propaganda and the
dictator’s rewriting of history.  At the point where some of them
realise that their conditions are far from ideal, Napoleon and his
followers start to rule by fear and have too much power to usurp.

Sample responses
The animals’ revolution is a failure because of the greed and
ambition of some animals and the inability of other animals to
recognise this quality in others. The pigs become elitist and no
challenge is made to this until it is too late, by which time the
animals are already living in a worse regime than before. Their
revolution and ideals are a thing of the past, a dream, and they are

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once more living in a nightmare where ‘ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL,


Examiner’s comments
This essay shows a good knowledge of why the revolution failed.
The candidate has effectively analysed the events, as well as
discussing how certain animals can have blame attributed to
them. There could have been closer examination of how Squealer
uses language to convince the animals, and the contrast between
his methods of persuasion and Old Major’s. The essay would also
have benefited from an examination of the role Moses has to play
as a representative of organised religion.
Sample responses


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