M.ED Course Syllabus PDF
M.ED Course Syllabus PDF
M.ED Course Syllabus PDF
Kancheepuram District – 603203.
2. Duration
The M.Ed programme shall be of duration of one academic year, it shall not be less
than 180 working days for instruction, field work and dissertation, excluding period of
examination and admission etc.,
3. Eligibility
• Graduate in Education (B.Ed) with 55% of marks, Post Graduate in any
Discipline is desirable.
4. Medium
• Medium of Instruction shall be English / Tamil / Hindi
5. Subjects of Study
• The course consists of (a) Core Subjects (b) Elective Subjects (c) Dissertation
a) Core Subjects:
1. Core Paper – I Research Methodology and Statistics
2. Core Paper – II Advanced Educational Psychology
3. Core Paper – III Technologizing Education
b) Elective Subjects:
Candidates can choose any TWO Electives from the following Subjects.
1. Elective – I Education in the 21st Century
2. Elective – II Philosophical and Sociological basis of Education
3. Elective - III Guidance and Counseling
4. Elective - IV Educational Measurement and Evaluation
5. Elective - V Teacher Education
c) Dissertation:
• The Candidate shall be required to submit a dissertation not exceeding 120
pages which should be a record of his/her original investigation prepared under
the supervision of a guide.
• Candidate pursuing the course shall submit his/her dissertation within One
month after the last date of their theory exam.
• The dissertation shall be written either in English (or) Tamil
• The maximum time limit for submission of thesis will be three years from the date
of joining the course.
6. Examination
Eligibility to appear for Examination:
No candidate shall be admitted to the exam unless he/she has completed the
prescribed course of study with a minimum of 75% attendance.
Scheme of Examination:
The subjects and the scheme of examination will be as follows:
Total 70
• Double valuation one by External Examiner and one by Internal Examiner. The
average of the two examiners will be taken as final marks .
• In the case of , where there is a difference of 10 or more in the marks allotted by
the two evaluators, the paper will be valued by a third evaluator, the marks
coinciding with either Internal or External Examiner will be taken for average
Theory Examination:
• Those who failed in theory examination, can appear for arrear Examinations.
(once in 6 Months) from the date of joining the course the total period of the
programmed shall be reckoned from the commencement of the first year to
which to candidate was admitted and shall not exceed maximum period of three
• Examination fees will have to be paid for each appearance according to the
university rules .
Viva-Voce: Candidates must complete the Dissertation work within the academic
year. Those who failed to appear for Viva-Voce shall be permitted to reappear for the
Viva-Voce examination within the next three months. Candidates re-appearing for
Theory Examination will not be awarded any class / distinction and will be categorized
as Pass in the M.Ed Degree Examination, even though they secure 60% and above
marks in the re-appearance.
Internal Assessment
a. Internal Assessment for 30 marks will be split as
1. Attendance - 10 marks.
2. Test - 10 marks.
3. Seminar & Assignment - 10 marks.
c. Internal Assessment for Dissertation (50 marks)
Sl.No Assessment Weightage Marks
1 Zeroth Review (Selection of the problem ) -
2 I Review (Research proposal ) 10
3 II Review (Data Analysis ) 15
4 III Review (Report Submission ) 25
5 Total 50
Research Methodology and Statistics - TM1301
Objectives :
The Student will be able to –
• Understand the meaning and process of research in Education.
• Understand the features of data gathering tools
• Understand the various designs of sampling technique.
• Understand the different types of research methods.
• Prepare research proposal.
• Understand and apply appropriate statistical technique for data analysis.
• Search for information on internet.
• Draw conclusions from the findings arrived at.
Unit V - Hypothesis and data analysis
Hypothesis – Meaning – Need – type – Null and directional – features – Testing of
Descriptive Statistics: Mean - standard deviation – variance percentile – Chi –
square test – Pearson Correlation – Partial and Multiple Correlation - Regression -
Inferential Statistics : Student ‘t’ test – Analysis of variance – one way and two way
classification – Graphical representation of data.
1. Best, John W & James V. Pearson. ‘”Research in Education” Prentice Hall,
Delhi, 2008.
2. Best, John W & Kahn James V “Research in Education” Prentice Hall of India P
Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
3. Hitesh, Gupta, Gupta, S.L., “Research Methodology” International Book house P
Ltd., Chennai, 2011.
4. Kothari , C.R., “ Research Methodology”, New Age International Publishers, New
Delhi, 2009.
5. Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison– “Research Michae” Sulliran
III Pearson, ‘ Statistics ’ 2010 upper saddle River, New Jersey2008.
6. Peter, Yule, Dianna Laurent, Carl vogal “Internet Research Methods: A practical
guide for social and Behavioural Science” SAGE Publications, New Delhi, 2003.
7. Saravanavel, P., “ Research Methodoogy” Kitah Mahal Publishers, New Delhi,
8. Singh Y.K. & Bajpai., R.B. ”Research Methodology – Techniques and Trends”
APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2010.
9. Sumeet, Arora & Arora, S., “ Statistical metho” S. Chand & Company Ltd., New
Delhi – 110055, 2008.
10. Theresa . L. White and Donald H. Me Burney “Research Methodology”
Wadsworth Cengage learning, U S , 2010.
11. William MK Trochim ‘”Research Methods” Biztantra Publications, New Delhi – 2,
Advanced Educational Psychology - TM1302
The Student will be able to –
• Understand and apply methods of psychology
• Understand the role of heredity and environment in human development
• Understand the different aspects of development during various stages
• Understand and apply the measurement of intelligence and creativity for
• Understand the methods of learning
• Understand the importance of motivation in learning
• Develop the personality among students
• Analyze the mental health of students
• Develop adjustment among students
• Understands the causes and specialized approaches and techniques for helping
the learning disabled.
UNIT I - Introduction to Educational Psychology
Introduction to Psychology, Definition, Branches of Psychology, Methods of
Psychology, Meaning, Definition Nature and scope of Educational Psychology,
Implications of Educational Psychology in class room. Heredity and Environment-
Meaning, Nature, Nurture Controversy and supportive studies.
UNIT IV - Nature and theories of Learning and Memory
Nature and Definitions of Learning, Factors affecting Learning, Outcomes of learning,
Theories of Learning (Thorndike’ Trial and Error, Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning,
Skinner’s Operant Conditioning, Kohler’s insightful, Gagne’s hierarchical,
Carl Roger’s Experimental, Bandura’s Social learning and Vigotsky’s theory of
learning) Types of Memory, Training in memory, Ebbinghaus’s curve of forgetting,
Theories of forgetting.
UNIT VI - Personality
Nature, Definition, Type theory (Shelden’s & Jung’s), Trait theory (Alport) Type-Trait
(Eysenck), Freud’s theory of Psycho sexual development, Neo-Freudian Theories,
Integrated personality, Personality Assessment methods- Projective techniques and
non projective techniques.
1. Anne Anastasi: “Psychological Testing” Prentice Hall of India Pvt .Ltd. New
Delhi, 2003.
2. Cattell R.B ,”Theories of Personality”, Wiley publishers, New York. 1970,”
3. Charles E.Skinner Educational Psycholgy Prentice – Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New
Delhi -12003
4. Chauhan S.S , “Advanced Educational Psychology”, Vikas Publishing House,
Pvt, Ltd, Jangpura, New Delhi 110014, 2003.
5. Dandapani S.: A text book of “Advanced Educational Psychology” Anmol
Publications, PVt..Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
6. Elzabeth B. Hurlock “Developmental Psychology” A Life span Approach – Tata
Mc Graw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,– New Delhi – 53, 2003
7. Henry E .Garrett “Statistics In Psychology and Education” Paragon International
Publishers , New Delhi -32, 2005.
8. Mangal S.K ,”Advanced Educational Psychology”, published by Ashok K.G,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi-1, 2002.
9. Mangal S.K, ”Advanced Educational Psychology”, Second Edition published by
PHI Learning Pvt, Ltd, New Delhi-1 ,2010.
10. Pahuja N.P.: “Psychology of Learning and Development” Anmol Publications,
PVt..Ltd., New Delhi., 2004.
11. Sharma R.N. : “Educational Psychology” Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, New
Delhi. 2002.
12. Sinha B.L : “Educational Psychology” An Introduction, Anmol Publications, Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi. 2002.
13. Talawar.M.S. & Benakanal .V.A. “Advanced Educational Psychology”, Centrum
Press ,New Delhi -2, 2009.
Technologizing Education - TM1303
• to know the basics of ET, ICT, Technology in Education and other Teaching-
Learning approaches.
• to understand the concept of e-learning, elements of e-learning and e-learning
• to understand the patterns of e-content design and its validation
• to gain knowledge in the various technology based teaching approaches
• to learn the applications of audio-visual media in education
• to applicate the technical aspects of e-content
• to understand the content management system, systems approach,
communication technology in intranet and internet environments
• to understand the evaluation of on-line learning materials and process of on-line
Communication Technology
Definition – meaning – scope – communication process – models of communication –
Shanon’s Model – Westly and Machean Model – Leagan’s Model and Berlo’s Model.
1. Aggarwal, J. C. Essentials of educational technology: Teaching and learning.
New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2006.
2. Chauhan.S.S. “Innovations in Teaching Learning Process”. New Delhi: Vikas
Publishing House, 1981.
3. Gaurav Chadha, S.M. Nafay Kumail E-Learning: An Expression of the
Knowledge Economy, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2002.
4. Hemalatha, T., & Ruhela, S. P.. Educational management-innovative global
patterns. New Delhi: Regency Publication, 1997,
5. Jagannath,M, “Educational administration, supervision and school
management”. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications, 1990.
6. Kumar, K.L. Educational technology. New Delhi: New Age International
Publishers, 1996.
7. Lakshmi. S. “Innovations in Education”. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private
Limited, 1993,
8. P.P. Singh, Sandhir Sharma , E-Learning: New Trends and Innovations, New
Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications, 2005.
9. Panneerselvam, A. Introduction to educational technology. New Delhi:Sterling
Publishers Private Limited, 2006,
10. Rejesekaran S.: “Computer Education and Educational Computing”, New Delhi:
Neel Kamal Publishing Pvt. Ltd. 2007.
11. Robert, G. W., & Robert, D. Management: Comprehension, analysis, and
application. New York: Richard D .Irwin Inc. Publication, 1995.
12. Vanaja, M. Educational technology. Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publications Pvt.
Ltd. 2006.
Education in the 21st Century - TM1304
• To create an elaborate understanding on global views and perspectives of
• To instill awareness of various social, economic, policy related and other
problems that affect Education
• To stimulate comprehension and critical thinking towards various problems and
challenges that behold Education
• To understand the Role of UNO, UNESCO AND UNICEF in the field of
Education and World Peace
• To create a sense of understanding on the concepts of Non-violence, National
Integration and International understanding
• To develop an appreciation for the role of sociology the teaching learning
process of education.
• To develop abilities to make comparisons between different cultures
• To enable students to analyze education from different sociological perspectives
and theoretical frameworks.
• To enable students to analyze the relationship of education with culture, social
stratification and social mobility.
• To enable students to understand educational institution as an agency of
• To enable students to understand the relationship between education and 21st
century society.
• To enable the students to understand the relation between education and social
change and the necessity of Peace Education.
• To understand the process of social change, social progress and the difference
between social change and cultural change.
• To applies the knowledge towards the promotion of National Integration and
International understanding.
• To make them understand the impact of population growth on the various
aspects of human life.
• To understand the inter-relationship of community and education
Education with reference to three language formula and medium of instruction -
Specific problems regarding finance, organization, administration, students
enrolment, quality of instruction in case of the following : Pre-Primary, Primary
education and basic education - Secondary education - Higher Education - Teacher
Education - Role of Education in Empowerment of Women and Weaker Sections
including SC, ST, OBC and Minorities.
- National policy on education ( NPE ) – elementary education – Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan ( SSA ) – RMSA Adult Education – Reasons for dropouts and stagnation –
how do we go about improving the quality of education throughout the nation – Total
quality management ( TQM).
Unit V - Education and population Issues, environment, ecology and
sustainable development, world hunger
Population as a world problem – Population increase and quality of life – Need for
population education – Population as a resource - Population education in India –
Objectives of population education – Measures of population control - Introduction –
Problems of the environment – Role of Universities in environmental development –
Social forestry – Methods – Conclusion – sustainable development – conservation
and preservation of nature – Role of Educational institutions in sustainable
development - Awareness and literacy programmes - population Issues,
environment, ecology and sustainable development – Mediums of promoting
awareness and literacy programmes on population Issues, environment, ecology and
sustainable development – Awareness through Seminar – Group Discussions –
participant programmes - Historical Geographical, Sociological and Philosophical
aspects of World Hunger- Role of F.A.O. in removing World Hunger-Culture- Meaning
of poverty in different nations-Education and Poverty - Tribal and village people.
Unit VII - Peace Education
Concept and Philosophy of Peace Education - Aims of Peace Education –
Approaches to Peace Education - Need and Components of Peace Education :Peace
for self, others and environment – Gandhian Ideas and approaches to Peace
Education - Characteristics of a Culture of Peace - Types of Peace Education
(International Peace Education, Developmental Peace-Education – Human Rights
Peace Education (Concepts of Peace in Human Rights Education) – Conflict
Resolutions – Improved versus consensual Peace) - Education for peace:
Knowledge, skills, values and attitudes.
1. Aggarwal, J. C., “The progress of Education” in Free India, New Delhi, Arya
Book Depot, 1960.
2. Mishra, “Loknath Peace Education Framework for Teachers”. New Delhi: A.P.H
Publishing Corporation, 2009.
3. Mohanty, Jagannath ,”Teaching of Sociology New Trends and Innovations”. New
Delhi: Deep and Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd. 2005.
4. Mujibul Hasan Siddiqui Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives in Educatio
n. New Delhi A.P.H Publishing Corporation, 2009.
5. Mukerji, S. N.: “ Education in India To-Day and tomorrow” Baroda, Acharya Book
Depot, 1968.
6. NJ: Erlbaum. Dearden R. F. . “Theory and practice in Education”. Routledge K
Kegan & Publishers, 1984.
7. Ramanath Kishan, N. Global Trends in Teacher Education, APH Publishing
Corporation, New Delhi. 2007.
8. Rao V.K. and R.S. Reddy Instructional Objectives and Teacher Education,
Commonwealth Publishers, New Delhi, 1992.
9. Srivastava R.C. and Dr. (Miss) K. Bose Theory and Practice of Teacher
Education in India, Chug Publications, Allahabad, India, 1973.
Philosophical and Sociological Bases of Education - TM1305
To Enable the Scholars to Develop:
• To understand the meaning and nature of Educational Philosophy.
• To understand the application of Indian school of philosophy with special
reference to their values.
• Critical appraisal of contribution made to education by prominent educational
thinker- Indian and Western.
• Understand the relationship of school and the society.
• Logical analysis, interpretation and synthesis of various concepts, proposition
and philosophical assumption about educational phenomenon.
• Critical appreciation of issue relating to social change, determinants of social
change, equity and equality of educational opportunity.
• Analysis constitutional provisions, national integration and international
understanding with the help of philosophical and sociological insight paradigms
Unit V - Sociological Foundation of Education
Meaning, Concept and nature of educational sociology and sociology of education,
Relationship between sociology and education, Social organization, Social group
Social stratification
1. Broudy,H.S. “Type of knowledge and purpoe of education”. In R.C Anderson,
R.J., NCERT (2005) “National Curriculum Framework”. New Delhi. 1977.
2. Bruner,J.S, “The culture of education”. Cambridge, M.A.:Hardward University
press. 1996.
3. Dewey, J. Democracy and Education: “An Introduction to the philosophy of
education”, New York: Macmillan. 1916/17.
4. Krishnakumar, R., “Evolution of Educational thoughts in India”.Priyadharshani
Publications, Chidambaram. 2009.
Guidance and Counseling - TM1306
To recall the principles underlying guidance
• To recognize the need of guidance and counseling in schools
• To describe the different services in the school guidance programme
• To acquire the skills necessary to administer and interpret standardized tools
• To know the qualities required for a good counselor
Unit VI - Management and Organisation of Guidance at Various Levels
Requisites policy marking, Administration, Guidance Centre – set up and co
ordination, Supervision, Evaluation, Guidance Personnel. Stage – Primary,
Secondary, Higher Secondary. Roles – Counsellors Qualities and attitudes , Role of
the Principal, Headmaster, In-charge, Counsellor, Class Teacher, Teachers In-
charge, the consultant, the Counselled. Perspective- Guidance Movement in the
world, Guidance Movement in India.
Educational Measurement and Evaluation - TM1307
• To acquaint the students with the basic concepts and practices adopted
ineducational measurement and educational evaluation.
• To help the students understand relationship between measurement and
evaluation in education and the existing models of evaluation.
• To orient the students with tools and techniques of measurement and evaluation.
• To develop skills and competencies in constructing and standardizing a test.
• To make the students understand how various requirements of education
are measured, evaluated, interpreted and their results are recorded to help
Unit VI - Test Construction
General principles of test construction and its standardization (Norm-reference
and criterion referenced). Writing test items -- Objective type, Essay type and
Interpretive type – steps in the standardization of a test.
1. Anastasi, “A. Psychology testing: Macmillan” New York, 1988.
2. Asthan, B. “Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education” Vinod
pustak mandir, Agra. 2000.
3. Gronland, N.F & Lion R.L.. Measurement and evaluation in Teaching, Macmillan,
Newyork, 1990.
4. Mohanty and Das, .”Educational Guidance, Measurement and statistics”
Takshyashilla publication, Cuttack. 1996.
5. Patel.R.N. . “Educational Evaluation” (Theory and Practice) Himalaya
Publication. 2004.
6. Rath. R.K “Fundamental of Educational Statistics and Measurement.Taratarini”
Pustakalya, Berhampur. 2004.
7. Satpathy, M.C. and Sarangi. .”Evaluation Measurement and Statistics” Books
and Books, Cuttack. 1987.
8. Sharma.R.A. . “Measurement and evaluation”, Layal Book Depo.Meerut. 1993.
9. Singh Arun Kumar: . “Tests, Measurement and Research Methods in Behavioral
Science” Bharati, Bhawan Publications, Patna. 1997.
10. Stanley, J.C. and K.D. Aopkins . “Educational and Psychological Measurement
and Evaluation” Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi. 1978.
Teacher Education - TM1308
After Completion of this course the perspective Teacher Educators will be able to:
• Gain insight about the concept, need, objectives and scope of Teacher
Education and Teacher Educators.
• Accustom with the evolution of Teacher Education in India from Vedic Period to
the present scenario.
• Distinguish with the recommendations of various Indian Commissions
• Identify the statutory bodies of Teacher Education Programme and role &
responsibilities of Teacher Education Programme.
• Classify the different levels of the teaching of Teacher Education.
• Bring into the light the different methods of teaching and prepare them for a good
teacher educator to diagnose the problems and to give remedies accordingly.
• Reallocate the analytical approaches of different types of Teaching styles
• Reflect the various issues and innovations of Teacher Education for research.
Selection of Student Teachers
Need for Admission Tests, Interests, Aptitude, Attitude and Achievement Tests, and
Interviews – Changing role of teachers in the modern world.
Development of Future Faculty
Work Force Education, New Possibilities with Information Technology ,
Computational Thinking, Educating the mobile generation – Applications, ipads in the
classroom, e – learning technologies and remedial measures
1. Caggart, G.L. : “Promoting Reflective Thinking in Teachers” Crowin Press.,
2. Gupta, S.P. & Gupta, Alka: History, “Development and Problems of Indian
Education”. Sharda Pustak Bhawan, Allahabad.
3. Irvine, J.J. : Educating teachers for diversity: “Seeing with a cultural eye”. New
York: Teachers College Press, 2003.
4. Joyce, B., and Weal, M. . “Modals of Teaching” (7th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon
, 2003.
5. National Curriculum Framework for “Teacher Education” 2009.
6. NCTE :” Policy Perspectives in Teacher Education”. New Delhi, 1998.
7. NCTE Competency Based and Commitment Oriented Teacher Education for
Quality School education: “Pre-Service Education”. New Delhi. 1998.
8. Radhamohan: Teacher Education Sharma, Shashi Prabha: Teacher Education:
“Principles, Theories and Practices”
9. Ram, S. : “Current Issues in Teacher Education”. Sarup & Sons Publications,
New Delhi, 1999.
10. Regulation, “Master in Educatio” NCTE 2010.
11. Sharma, R.A.: “Core Programmes” for Prospective Teachers
12. Singh, V. B. & Pahuja, Sudha: “Development of Educational System” in India