This is a non-profit campaign and the purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness
about how industrial hemp can play a major role in reversing climate change.
Hemp can effectively replace many commonly used wood products to prevent further
Hemp absorbs four times more CO2 than trees 2. Let’s try to produce an approximate calculation from
data points we can find through other sources.
Average hemp plant: Absorbs 22 tons of CO2 per year per hectare 1.
Average tree: Absorb 6.4 tons of CO2 per year hectare 3.
22/6.4 = 3.4
Keeping in mind that this calculation was done with very general data points.
Worldwide deforestation over the past 100 years has led many animal and plant species to go extinct. It is
crucial that we preserve our forests for the survival of various species that depend on them. Aside from
the species that are affected by deforestation, trees create an interlink, data transferring connection with
fungus, which allows the forest to communicate with all the tree life within it, also known as the “Wood
Wide Web”. If one tree gets cut, that disrupts the forest’s system.7
Trees take at least 10 years to grow 8 but hemp grows in a matter of 100 days 1. Hemp paper was made
and used long before wood paper came along 10.
If the world starts using hemp paper and hemp toilet paper, we will benefit in many ways.
Hemp can be used to substitute wood in many other ways as well and this can range from furniture,
cabinetry, flooring, specialty products and much more. Hemp can be used in construction for structural
purposes, with products such as hemp wood 6 or modular blocks by a company called “Just Biofiber” 11.
High scale cotton production has significantly contributed to climate change. Contributing to the
climate crisis. Hemp on the other hand can provide healing for soil and remove toxins.
Global cotton farming releases an absurd amount of CO2 into our atmosphere each year and on top of
that it releases N2O which is 310 times more damaging than CO2 26. This environmental damage from
cotton is a direct impact of its production requirements. Hemp has proved to be cheaper, stronger and
easier to produce on a wider range of locations 16.
Unlike cotton, hemp does not require much pesticide in its production process. In terms of usability,
strength and life, hemp is a winner as this is the reason why it was used to make sails for ships that
explored the world or established trade routes 15. Clothing made of hemp fiber is lightweight and
absorbent, with three times the tensile strength of cotton with mold and UV resistance 16. Hemp stood the
test of time as it was used to make sails for ships that played an integral role in the development of
humankind over the centuries 15
Clothing, furniture fabrics, curtain fabrics, carpeting fabrics and many more types of textile products can
be made from hemp. Keeping in mind that hemp blends well with 17 a variety of other fabrics and the idea
is not to get rid of cotton but to reduce it’s use by increasing the use of hemp as a substitute.
The high use of pesticide on cotton farms has led to a great increase in global warming 18. This
doesn’t only affect the soil and water, but it also affects the pollinators like honeybees. Hemp on the
other hand does not require a significant amount of pesticide as it grows with more resiliency 2. It has
even been proven to be a great source of pollen for bees therefore supporting the increase of their
population 19. If we are to prioritize using hemp fabric over cotton fabric, it can play a role in
increasing bee population.
Hemp heals earth’s soil & air while providing humanity with an industrial material and high
nutritious food.
While it grows, it heals the soil (bioremediation) and is often used by farmers to heal soil instead of using
expensive mechanical bioremediation methods 12. It absorbs four time more CO2 than trees 2. When it is
harvested, it can be used to make over 50,000 different types of products 25.
Oil plastics are extremely damaging for our planet. However, hemp plastic can provide us with an
environmentally friendly alternative to replace toxic plastics.
Plastic waste has led to an unprecedented amount of destruction on our planet 20. Plastic is made of oil
which is a finite source and has only been mass produced over the past few decades. It does not bio
decompose, which allows it to tamper with our land, water and animals.
Hemp is a viable and environmentally friendly alternative 2. It has various properties that allow it to be
an excellent substitute for oil plastics, mainly since it is biodegradable 2. Hemp plastic can shape our
future and lead us to the next era of packaging and/or plastic products which serves as a quality material,
while being biodegradable 2.
It has become quite clear that gasoline is damaging our planet. We have been using gasoline
powered cars since the first car was invented. Only now are fully opening the doors for
alternative solutions.
A significant amount of damage has been done to our environment from gasoline production and usage in
cars. We are now exploring the full potential of electric cars as a reliable substitute to gasoline powered
cars. Instead we can offer cars with the option to run on biofuel as a much more environmentally friendly
alternative 22. The best part about hemp biofuel is that it isn’t a finite resource and will not run out of it.
Due to hemp’s incredibly fast growth cycle. It can produce higher yield yearly compared to other
cash crops.
Hemp can produce 250 per cent more fiber than cotton, with less water consumption, and six
times more fiber than flax, using the same amount of land 24.
The chart below contains a large amount of information regarding hemp however it does not
contain everything as this list is still expanding as we experiment with hemp and how it can
provide sustainable alternatives to the products we use daily 25.