Troubleshooting OSI Layers 4 7
Troubleshooting OSI Layers 4 7
Troubleshooting OSI Layers 4 7
In this two-part white paper series, learn to quickly locate and resolve problems across the
OSI layers using the Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet.
Slow Network
Inability to Access Network Resources
Application-Specific Issue
White Paper
Based upon the answers to the questions outlined in the following Troubleshooting Cheat Sheet, you’ll gain a better understanding of
the symptoms and be able to isolate the issue to the correct layer of the OSI model.
Slow Network • What type of application is being used? Is it web-based? • Determines whether the person is accessing local or
Is it commercial, or a homegrown application? external resources.
• How long does it take the user to copy a file from the • Verifies they can send data across the network to a server,
desktop to the mapped network drive and back? and allows you to evaluate the speed and response of the
DNS server.
• How long does it take to ping the server of interest? • Validates they can ping the server and obtain the
response time.
• If the time is slow for a local server, how many hops are • Confirms the number of hops taking place. Look at switch
needed to reach the server? and server port connections, speed to the client, and
any errors.
Inability to • What task is the user attempting to perform? • Indicates whether the action is limited to a specific
Access Network resource such as a mapped drive on a server or multiple
Resources network resources.
• What type of application is the user attempting • Similar to the above question on application type, this
to access? may point to a problem with multiple internal servers.
Application- • What’s the 3-way handshake time? • Identifies potential points where a slowdown might
Specific Issues be occurring.
• What’s the server processing time? • Points to whether the server is taking too long to
process data.
• How much data are you pulling from the application and • Assesses whether the application is sending data in an
sending across the network? expected and efficient way.
For additional information on application-specific issues, check out Mike Motta’s Tech Tips.
When dealing with different layers, understanding how each delivers data
and functions impacts how you will troubleshoot.
Note: The majority of the functions below for Layers 5-7 are logically Below is an example of an abnormal three-way handshake. You can
combined into the “Application Layer” for the purposes of discussion see the client needs to say “Are you there?” (Transmitting a SYN) three
in this paper. Some capabilities, the application connectivity of the times before the server finally responds (with a SYN-ACK). Definitely
session layer in particular, can be thought of as residing within Layer 4. not a good way to start a conversation (and if seen repeatedly should
be investigated).
Session Layer
Establishes, manages, and terminates application connections
Presentation Layer
Application, system, and network independent data formatting
“The first I will refer to as Real. In this case the TCP timeout value
is reached before the data is received and the packet must be
retransmitted (after considerable delay) which may impact app
support the heightened workloads.
Generally, assuming a reasonable value, window sizing is not an issue • Re-architect app deployment
on a local network. However, higher levels of network latencies—often
associated with poor WAN performance—can starve an app.
• Upgrade infrastructure
Care and Feeding of Applications
Considering the round-trip time of the network, whenever a sender
transmits data and the window size reaches zero, it must stop and
wait for its data to:
“I constantly remind my clients that if their app can support it, this is
the segment size that best leverages their network assets and offers a
great way to improve service performance,” says Motta.
Fast Facts:
Windows Scaling
Since the window size control field is limited to no more than 65,535
bytes, a TCP window scale option (defined in RF 1323) can be used to
HTTP status codes are divided into
increase the maximum window size up to a gigabyte. This is a great five groups:
way to significantly increase TCP throughput.
“However, before doing this be sure to confirm your devices can 1XX– Informational
support the added required buffering, otherwise it can corrupt your
drivers,” says Fortunato. “Also, your app must be able to handle the
2XX– Success
increased amount of possible incoming data.”
3XX– Redirection
4XX– Client Error
5XX– Server Error