The Importance of Financial Well
The Importance of Financial Well
The Importance of Financial Well
Financial Well-being. What is it and what does it mean? Are you
earning enough? Are you saving enough?
These are questions we all ask ourselves. And they are the reason money is such a
huge source of stress for Americans.
In my experience, everyone wants to be able to provide for their family and plan for their
future. We often believe if we could make more money, we would be better off. But the
truth is that income alone does not determine financial well-being. Just as you learn
skills to perform at your chosen career, we all must develop the skills needed to
effectively manage our financial lives.
Financial well-being is the foundation on which so many other aspects of a family’s life
are built. United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg believes that strong Financial
Well-Being has positive implications on educational achievement, contributes to better
health outcomes and builds a stronger community for all. Financially stable families are
able to work through all of our Steps to Success—from Basic Needs all the way to
Connected and Healthy Older Adults. It’s the life cycle United Way’s strategic framework
is built upon.
The rule of thumb has been a family should not spend more than 30% of their income on
housing. The problem is many low-income families and individuals are “housing cost
burdened,” which means much of their income is used to maintain housing, providing
very little room for other expenses such as food, healthcare, childcare and
transportation. Within the United Way region, 51% of renters are spending 30% or more
of their income on housing.
Savings. To create long term financial sustainability, families and individuals must invest
in savings and build assets as a part of their financial well-being plan. Emergency
savings funds allow you to handle unexpected emergencies. Lack of such funds can
create tremendous setbacks—both for monthly expenses and long-term financial
planning. Asset development is the process of increasing financial or tangible resources
such as savings, a home or investment in education or businesses. These resources are
an investment in your future and the future of your children. Similarly, retirement
accounts are an investment in your quality of life as an older adult. For more about
saving and asset development, read our companion piece, Saving: Why it Matters.
Generate more resources and support (financial, volunteer and otherwise) for
local initiatives that work to increase access to the key building blocks of financial
opportunity for low-income residents. We do this via the THRIVE Financial
Stability Fund.
Increase public awareness of financial stability issues and advocate for greater
access to financial stability opportunities. United Way serves as a Community
Champion for Prosperity Now, a national non-profit with a mission to ensure
everyone in our country has a clear path to financial stability, wealth and
prosperity. Community Champions are groups that coordinate a network or
coalition and are committed to advancing policy.
Volunteer. Our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is always looking for
volunteers. Find opportunities here.
Achieving and maintaining financial well-being is important for families and individuals,
as well as our entire region. Stronger families make for stronger communities. Stronger
communities encourage stronger schools. Stronger schools lead to better prepared
students, which leads to better prepared adults.