Attachment 5.1 Traffic Analysis Tool Selection: Notes
Attachment 5.1 Traffic Analysis Tool Selection: Notes
Attachment 5.1 Traffic Analysis Tool Selection: Notes
1. If the project consists of both uninterrupted and interrupted flow facilities, follow the path for each type of flow independently.
Utilize the tool that will best address both flow regimes and will result in the most efficient use of resources.
This may require the use of the most comprehensive tool (Vissim) or it may require the use of multiple traffic analysis tools.
2. Use this flowchart as a guide only. The final determination of the most appropriate traffic analysis tool depends on the specific details,
needs, and goals of the project. Professional judgment and coordination with WisDOT regional traffic staff need to factor into the selection
of the most cost effective and efficient traffic analysis tool.
Last Updated: 06/27/2019 Sheet 1 of 3
Attachment 5.1 Traffic Analysis Tool Selection
Vissim No
Freeway or
HCS Simple
What components
(a) Basic segment includes those segments with HOV/managed lanes
Merge/Diverge or
HCS or Vissim Intermediate Level of need to be
complexity? addressed?
Segment (b) Conduct multi‐period analysis
Corridor or (d) Conduct multi‐period, facility‐level analysis
Level of
HCS (c) or Vissim Under Capacity
At or Above
HCS (d) or Vissim No
Is there a need to
consider multiple
Yes routes, diversion,
Consider DTA
or temporal
Last Updated: 06/27/2019 Sheet 2 of 3
Attachment 5.1 Traffic Analysis Tool Selection
Synchro (e) or
(f) If lane utilization is critical (e.g., closely spaced intersections
where more than 50% of the exiting traffic from the intersection Is the HCM methodology
will make a turn movement (left or right) from a single lane at the applicable (RCUT/J- Level of At or Above
Intersections or Yes Vissim
Turn, MUT, DLT, DDI, congestion? Capacity
downstream intersection), utilize SimTraffic or Vissim to verify Ramp Terminals
there are no queuing or other operational concerns not
addressed by the HCM‐methodology within Synchro or Vistro.
Under Capacity HCS
Do not utilize HCS in these situations. Mixed Corridor
Synchro with
Vistro with Vissim
SimTraffic or Vistro SimTraffic or Vissim Vistro with
Vissim Consider DTA
with Vissim Vissim Consider DTA Vissim
Last Updated: 06/27/2019 Sheet 3 of 3