BS 7th Semester 2019 PDF

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Examipation: B.S, $.

YeerE PrPg\PP

MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

PAPER: Perceptionr Cognition, Learning IVIN(. MARI(S: 10 \.signature
and MemoIY " \\
of SUPdL:

Coutse Code: APSY-401 Part-I (ComPulso-rY) \

Attemet this Papqr,oP thE Ouis{qlShq9t gntv' each-gu

.,!os^.r i" rir", in front of
on. Divbion o
f time mentioned above.

a. Punishment

b. Reinforcement

procedures used in:

I- ar*ri;" " "ne of the conditioning
a. Non-tlirective theraPY
b. FsYchoanalYic theraPY .:,

d. ChemotheraPY
+. fn" fmit for Wo"ti"g Memory is said to be?
a.7 (+l-2) .

d. One thing at a time
S. Stot gy foriuladon i9 probtem soMng includes:
a. AnalYsis and sYnthesis'
b. Divergent and convergent thirking
c. All of the above
d. None of the above
ability to learn material faster the second
tiPt it fs,
6. is the
a. Relearning
b. Recall
' c. Retrieve
_ .
{.-14.-o.Y-- .*,
-7. Io . o," p"i""io" . p"tt"* against a background a figure with
and a ground that is all the rest'
distinct shape and clearly defined edges
a. F&G
'b. G &F
' o. Botha&b
d. None of the Above
8. Yery sensitive to Pressure'
a. EYe :

b. Nose
c. Skin
d. Ear
g. The ,.Persistence" component of motivation
in pursuing one's goals
a. Concentration and vigor
c. Continued effort towards a goal
d. Both a &' c
10. Need achievement theory of
motivation was postulated by
a. Atkinson and McClelland
b. Atkinson and Bandura
c. Davison and Helsen
d. None of these
TIM\{ERSITY OT TIIE PUNJAB \ I Roll No. in Fig. .....'...."..'or"".."
\ ta
Seventh Semester -2019 No' in Words' 'r.."....'o"'
\ Roll
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosram \

MAX. TIME: 15 Min.'.

PAPER: Developmental Psychopathology MN(. MARKS:10
course code: Apsy-404 Part-r (compulsorT) " \,.Signature
of SuPdt. :

Attemnt this Paoer on thi.s Ougstion.She9t 94lY: -a. ^^^r- ^..^o*:^- '.
pl." th ftoot,of tt& oo"fioo""
This Paperwi[ be co[ected back ned above'
allowed' (1xl0=10)
Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and over:writing is not

are carefully watching him'

Ari thinks he shourcr obey his teachers onry if they
f.friU.rg would ,.rggert tfrlt eti demonstrates a(n)
a) Conventional
b) lJnconventional
c) Preeonvclltional
d) Postconventional
during adolescence was
2. J'he pl'ooess of cleveloPing a sense of identity
highlighted bY:
a) Erikson's psychosocial development theory'
b) Piaget's cognitive development theory'
.i fotttUerg's moral development theory'
cl) l{arlow's attachment theory'
3. Which of the tbllowing is the best research
method for developmental
a) Case studY
b) ExPeriment
c) SurveY
d) Longitudinal snrdY
e) Closssectional
is ttnc.nttollably u',t'ried
4. Aciil is arr it'r'it"able, tense, sleepless little boy rvtro
quake, being bitten by his
about his malh tests, getting caught in an earth
at school' He often
neighbot,s clog, ancl'eirbarrassi,',g tnonrents with classrnates
ancl short breath' out o1'
complaips of slolrackr acl"Les, clizziness, heart pournciing,
the follu.o,ing choices, Adil is trrore likely to have:
a ) S;\t)
b) s[)
c) ocD
e) GAD P.T.O.
ROII No ln Fig. .o...........'.......'o..
Seventh Semester -2019 ta Roll N0. in Words. o,r,..rr.t..rr
Exnpinp,g.gqi, B.$, * Xgq T,$ E [q gram \
\\.aa..ra.. raraaalaoa
a a aa aa aaaa a aa..a.

PAPER: Clinical psychology-f MiltTIMEs lSMin.'..

W\RI($: 10 t.
lourse Code: APSY-407 Part-f (Computsory) IVIA)L l:-'....'!...'......,o....
'.Signature of Supdt:

Egttl9tre right answer, cutfing and overwriting is not lllowed. (1x10=10)
, l. If we have two sets of observation ara *"
*rrt t" J"torr* it *r"u"r,rrrip u;;;;;" - -
variables, ruhich method gives a useful "
- a. Case study method solutiin? :

b. correlationar method
rrurruu :. observationarmethod
\ Interview method
Psychological assessrnenr starts witlr
a. Case history
b. Referral question c. Diagnosis guestion
d. Treatment plan
3' The sense of mental trust and harmony
that characte rized agood relationship
is referd as;
a. Friendship
b. Rapport c.
d. AII of the above
4' A type of procedure in which a crinician
assesses the appear ance,behavior
tlre patient is known as; and cognition of
a. Clinical judgrnent
c. Mental state examination
b. Clinical Assessnrent
b. Mental oapability rest
5. rf a clinician commenrs upon the gait,posture, dress, and generar
describing his; hygiene of the crient he is'
a. physical health
b. Consciotrsness
c. General appearance & behavior
d. Cognitive functions
6' thinking, oversirnplification, and projection
are some of the specific errors that
a. Clinical observation
b. Clinical interview
c. Clinical testing
d. All of the above
7. The nrost stressed in behavioral assessment
methods is;
a. Qualification .Frequency
c. of Behavior
b. Quantification
d. None of the above
8. For people ro decide ,uoui p"rti.iputirg
Otr.chological r"r*i.f, tfr.V *rSt U; t;;;
knowledg. of the pote,tiar benefit ::
and risks. This principle is called,
a. Risk and benefit disclosure
b. Informed consent c. Privacy
d. Confidentiality
9- using structured interview when there
is greater diagnostic agreement
say it has high ; between clinician we can
a. Validity
b. Retiability
c. Content validity
d. None of the above
r0. synthesizing crinicar information can
be viewed as;
a. Statistical procedure
b. Creative problem
c. Report writing
solvilg d. None of the above
UNTYERSITY OT THE PUNJAB aa RoII No. in Fig. .,.............r..,..,...
Sevenfh Semesfer - 201'9 ta ROII NO. in WOrdS. ......,........
Examination : B. S._4 .Years, Program \\\aaa .. t """" " ""
"""t'o" " "

MN(. TIME3 15 Min)'.

MAx MARKs;it "i+;;il;ffiilili:'
:fl"iltfi3:lf;l:?H*Hfg(compu*orv) a,

Attempt this Paner on this OuPstlon,Shegt gnlY, - \\

rks is sivlp il f"ontpf \
please encircle the eq.h uestion.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer' cutting and overu'riting is not allowed'

1. Decision making involves

a. Evaluating alternatives and making choices among thern
b. Active efforts to discover what mulst be done to achieve a goal that is not readily
c. .The process which we use when we come up with a new idea
d. None of these
2. A thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring many
possible solutions

a. Divergent Thinking
b. Critical Thinking
c. Lateral Thinking
d. All of these
3. Learning to associate one stimulus with another or with particular consequences
a- Associativelearning
b. Classical conditioning
c. Operantconditioning
d. Observational Conditioning
4. A vcr5, uselul principle of lcarning is that a new rcsponse is strengthcned
a. Punishment
b. Reiuforcement
c. Biofeedback
d. Discriminative Stimulus
5. Aversion is one of the conditioning procedures used in:
a. Non-directive therapy
b. PsychoanalYtic theraPY
c. Beharrior tlrerapy
d. ChemotherapY
Seventh Semester - 2019 af 0 o a t a ao o t o o a o a a oo. o o. o oa
ExamLEatioH,,SrS. 4 Yeary,EnosEm :oo RotlNo..o..o...o.o.o,o.o. '
o o ? a o o t o a a ooo o o o o a a aa o lo

PAPER: Research Methods-Il MAlt TIME:2 Hrs,45 Min.

Course Code: BSCS-f01 Part - II MilLMABI(S:50

Q.2. Give short and comprehensive an$f,rerr of the followlng questions. (514=20)

i. What is difference between independent and depeirdent variable?

7 0i { gV n LvFt
+Depend arr,u illodependent
tJ .l
11. What is the diffenence between hlpothesis and research question?

t7li{rl,)trr,t)tf tr .ii
1ll. What is difference between quantitative and qualitative research?

70i{rffQualitative.,rlQuantitative .iii
lv. What is the difference benreen consfiuct and ooncept?

4A i { dConcept rf Constnrct .iv

v. What is difference between Nominal and Ordinal data?
7 0 i { *UJ ordinaL, Nominal f .v

Q.3' Give deteiled answerr of the following questions. (3xlF30)

i. Disctss in detail the method of survey research in sociel sciences.

n{,>tr,f a}-rrutdal, .i
What is sampling? Discuss in detail the sampting technigues which can be employed by
the researcher while she wants to oollect.

-u1/gb*J{u7vfi)t*t$e,/e4-Li-/vItUt0Yt*{,W .ii
iii. Um{ steps are followed when a scientific research is conducted? Discuss all steps m

detail procedure of a scientific research.

-vt/s1.-vP +rQ),s rf / fv -d o r 4,r v Ld a)

i v .iii
UNT{ERSITY OT THE PUNJAB " t. Roll No. in Fig,
\ '\ tr
Seventh Somester -2019 No. in Words .....o""ot"'
Examination: B.S. 4 Ymrc Prosrsm \Roll
\\ \
\ .....aaaaaa.aaaa aaa

PAPER: Research Methods-Il MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: BSCS-401 Part-I (Compulsory) MA)t IVIARKS: 10 '. \.Slgnafure of SuPdt:
Attempt th-ip Papc,t g+. tliq 9,p?ptipn $heef g+tv'

Q.l. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed' (1x10=10)

i. Subset of population
(a) Population O) Sample
(c) Independent variable (d) A,B&C
- *{suAsetLPopulation
,F (=) tJ'\I Gnt)
Qnl,7,.jll (l) IndependentVariable Q)
ll. Sample is selected mathematioatly and dchances of selection are equal.
(a) Probability sampling (b)
Non probability sampling
(c) Purposive sampling (d)
A', B &C
d,ratrrrt=9tfi.F *a)0W .rl
Non probability sampling (v) ProbabilitY samPling (.-"ll)

Qtil-,-il (r) Purposive sampling Qr)

iii. In-depth interview and Focus groups are:
(a) Quantitative methods (b) Qualitative methods
(c) Mix methods (d) A,B&C
-*vt/,,{i tt{ftrn-Depth .iii
Qualitative methods (=) Quantitative methods (.-.,1)
Uil,-,-ll (r) Mix methods Q)
iv. Represe,lrtative samFle
(a) Qualities of population O) Qualities of sarnple
(c) Presentable (d) A, B &C
:Jf Representative .iv
*?f Lt*,F (rr) ePP,{6t11 (.,rlr)
(7d-,,-ih (r) JvLL1k e?)
v. Summated Rating scale is known as:
(a) Semantic differential scale (b) Likert scale
(c) Guthnan scale (d) Thurstone scale
zTvYdtuF-QrS*mmated .v
(..,) # S differential (.-lr)
'Ft*"n "*antic
Jfn,*tone G) #cot** Q)

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAts ta ROII NO. in Fig. r...'..r..............r..

Seventh Semester - 2019 ta RoII No. in Words' ......--------.

Exalpi4?fig.n; B,S. 4 Years Br,oeram \
\ \
""" "t"t'tt'1""""t""""'

MA}(. TIME: 15 Min.".

PAPER: Media Ethics & Laws MAX.MARI(S:10
Course Code: BSCS-403 Part [ (Compulsory) " \.signature of SuPdt:
Attemnt this Paper on this Ouestion Shept gnlv'
Pl."*, th. pf
"a-th=qotttioo' "'-tt.

Q.l. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not alfoved.
1) In Press Council of Pakistan there are

a) l T.members

b) 18 rnembers

c) 19 mernbers
d) 20 members
2) In The Press Council of Pakistan chairman is appointed by the

4 Prime Minister of Pakistan

b) President ofPakistan
c) Chief Justice of Pakistan
3) CPNE stands for

4) Defanration is namely:

a) Slander
b) Libel
o) Slancler and Libel
d) None of the above ,

5) Libel is

a) Malicious defamatory oral joke

b) Malicious defamatory written accusation
c) False oral statement
d) Injury

6) President Zia ul Haq established National Press Trust

a) True
b) False

7) PEMRA in an independent body and the Federal Government has no power to issue

a) True
b) False
8) The Hutchins Commission was formed by the Government of USA

a) True
b) Ealse

9) In the Defamation Ordinance, 2002"Any publication of statement made in the Federal or

, Provincial legislatures, reports, papers, notes and proceedings ordered to be published by either
house of the Parliament or by the Provincial Assemblies, or relating to judicial proceedings
ordered to'be published by the court or any report, nots or matter written or published by or
under the authorily of a Government." Is

a) Qualified Privilege
b) Absolute privilege
c) None of the above
10) Press and Publication Ordinance was promulgated by President Ayub

a) Tnte
b) False

TINTVERSITY OF THE PTINJAB ta Roll No. ln Flg. ..........o.......'r.....
Seventh Semgter-- 2019
\ \Roll No. ln lVords.

PAPER: Advertising-f IUAIL TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: BSC$408 Part-I (Compulrory) MA)(.MARIG: l0 \
. a. aa a aa.
\\Signature of Supdt
a ta a aa a aa aa a aaaa

Attemot this Paper op thi! Qugstio4 SEeef '.. o4lv.
Pleas-q,encircle the correct ootion. Divbfo4,o{nQrfif ,lt"*pqn
hflpg!gf ery,h oueilion. '..
Thir Paoer will be collected beck alter exoln of dme llnilt mentloned ebove. '.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not tllowed. (lxlFr0)
1. Interlinli is an adycrtising company of
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. America
D. Russia
2' which of the foilowing is not a stage in evolution of advertising:
A. Identification
B. Information
C, Pronrotion
D. pricing
3. which is not thc classification of advertising objectives:
A. To inform
B. To remind
C. To persuade
D. To orcler
4. What is the oyerall objective of advertising
To build customer reiationship
To build public relationsliip
build personal relationship
9. I"
D. To build press relationship
s' have sPecific needs and for whom the communication
Il,*:1",:tilr} must be speciticalry
A. Audience
B. People
C. Cornnrunify
D. 'l'arget
6. Marlceting means:
A. Buryirrg
B. Selling
C Buying & Selling
D. Analyzing
7 ' with tlre advent of Interne[ which one of these
- is considered the most influential medium
for advcrtiscurent thesc aaysf
A. illclp.,,,ision
B. Newspaper
C. E-Commerce
D. Radio
8. Digital marketing is same as
1 Marlceting tbrough emails
B. Marketing on Facebook
C. . Marketing on Twitter
D. Ali of above
g, A stogan inipromotiol is.u$9d:because:
It makesyou uiqoe
' :------
B. It grabs your attention
I It ahvays rernincls of a definite brand
D, Ali
<.rf above
10, 'Which_o_f
these media is not used for adverfisement?
A. Ncq,spapers
B. Magazines
C. Bi[boards
O l-\jorbboolo

P,T.O. Ior Urdu Version

I]NTVERSITY OT TEf, PIINJAB ROll NO h II& ......!...or.....t...'o..
Sovontb Semertor -2019 ". \\r Roll No ln Word* ...'!....t.....
Ermlnrdon: &S. 4 YmF Prcqrqq \\
. \ \-----
PAPER: Publlc Relrdonrl tf{AL T[tilE: 15 Mh.". \
Counc Code: BSIC$40!, Port-I (ConpqFoly) It{lN[. MABI$: l0 \
\.SEn*ure of Supdt:

Q.1. Encircle the rlgbt enrwer, cutfng rd overwdfing is not lllowed. (hfG=10)

l. Public Relations is a
(a) StaffFunction O) Ivlanagement Funstion
(c) MediaFungtion (d) None of the above
ll. the barometsr for publis relations.
(a) Public Opinion O) Media Relations
(c) Pnblic Int€rest (d) All ofthe above
ul. Public Relations is

(a) Communication tvlanagcmcnt o) Imqge l\4anogement

(c) BothA&B (d) None ofthe above
lv. Media Relations is
(a) Role in PR (b) Stategy in PR
(c) Clout in PR (d) All ofthe above
v. is a PR role
(a) Communication Liason O) Dealing with Media
(c) BothA&B (d) None ofthe above
vi. is called the father of public relations.
(a) Etuad Said O) Edward Burnays
(c) Noem Chomsky (d) Ilarold l,asswell.
vii. Public Relations in Pakistan inhcrit€d from of the 1947.
(a) British Legacy O) Indian Legacy
(c) US Legacy (d) Tuftish Legacy
vru. PSA stands for:
(a) Public Senrices rnanage O) Pubc Service Analysis
(c) Public Se,nrices Advertising (d) Public Scanned Advertising
lx. Information Services Academy is in:
(a) IGrachi O) Latrore
(c) Islamabad (d) Peshawar
Symmetisal models in PR are based on:
(a) Perstrative Communication o) Dialogue C ommunicati on
(c) BothA&B (d) None of the above

P,T.O. For Urdu Vergion

\ aa
ROll NO. in Fig. ......r.....o..r.r......o

Seventh Semester - 2019 \\ Roll No. in Words.'........

Examination: 8.S.4 Years Proeram \\

PAPER: Small Business Management MAX. TIME: 15Min.".,

Course Code: BBA-401 Part-f (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 '. t,.Signature of SuPdL:
Attempt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '..
Please en"ircle th t of each question. '.r
This Panerwill be collected back after expirv of time limit mentioped above. 'r.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
I. A business if it is independently owned, operated, and financed; has ferver than 100 employees;
and has relativcly little irnpact on its industry:
il. Srnall Lrusirress
b. Meciir-ul business
c. Large business
d. Serni-large business
2. The business philosopltl' of d.iscovering rvhat consumers want and then providing the good or
service that u'ill satisfl, tlreir neecls:
a. Cost concept
b. Marlteting concept
c. Profit concept
cl. Operation cotlcept
3. Businesses that provide services, rather than tangible goods:
il. Tradir:g sectot'
b. I\4auulacturing sector
c. Service sectol'
d. Nonc of the above
4. The practice of reducing the size of a firm's rvorkforce :
it. Do',vusizing
b. Llpsizing
c. Reoperation
d. None of the above
5. The facet of a husiness that is better than the competition's:
ir. Cornparat.ive advantage
b. Conrpetitive advantage
c. lurper:lrtive aclvanta_{e
d. Least advairtage
6. The replacetnent of existing products, processes, icleas, and businesses rvith nerv and better ones:
a. Creative destruction
b. Non-cleative desffuction
c. Open destrr-rction
cl. Close destrr-rction
7. The valuable skills and knorvlcdge that enrplovees of a business possess:
. a. Fixed capital
b. Intellectr"ral capital
c. Fluctuating capital
d. Trading capital
8. The process of identif'ving opportunities for rvhich marketable neecls exist ancl assuming the risk
of creAting an organization to satisfl, them:
il. Eirtlepreireurship
b. Entreprenelrr '
c. \{arkering
d. Finance
9. The ongoing proce-\s of on'ning irnd operating an establisherl business:
i:t. Capiral busiuess tllartagentertr
b. Snrall br-rsiness r.uallagerneitr
Marketing ntauagenteni
d. None of the atrove
I0. The smnll businessperson u'ho purchases the franchise so as to sell the product or sen,ice of the
rl. Franchisee
b. Franc:hisor
c. i\4ar,kr'ter
d. . Operritor' .
\ aa
ROll NO. in Fig. .....,o..................
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No' in \ilords. ...............
Examination: B,S. 4 Years Proeram \\

PAPER: Managerial Accounting MAX. TIME: 15Min)'.

I\,IN(. MARI(S: 10 '. t.signature of SuPdt.:
Course Code: BBA-404 Part-I (Compulsory)
Attempt thls Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.
Plr"rr.oci."Iu th of u"ch ootttioo'
". tt.

Encircle the right snswer, cutting and overwritiUg,is notallowed. (1x10=10)

l. Managerial accounting is used by:
A) Internal users
B) External usets
C) Stockbrokers
D) Clients
2. Cost incurted in the past, befote a decision is to be niade, is called:
,U Opporturriry cost
B) Strnk cost
C) Direct cost
D) \rariable cost
3. Vhich of the following most likely to be a variable cost?
A) Deprer:iation
B) Cost of .r\'latetial
C) Rent
D) Salary
4 The wages foregone when you give up your iob to attend university full-time is an
example of:
A) Ilixed cost
B) Opportrrniq'cost
C) Sunk c<-rst
I D) Direct cost
5 What is over applied?
A) Actual ovetirearl>Applied overhead
B) Actual over:head(Applied ovedread
C) Actual overhead=,tpplied overhead
D) None
6 In case of absorption costing, product cost incltrdes:
, A) \rariable cost
B) Fixed cost
' C) Variable & Flred cost
D) None
7 What is contdbution margin ratio?
A) 1 -Sales/Variablecost
B) 1-Sales/Illxedcost
C) 1-Sales/Totalcost
D) All of the above
8 Under or over applied arises when:
A) Nounal capacity=Plsduction
B) Norrnal capacity>Production
C) Notmal capacity<Production
D) B&C
9 Conversion cost is the sum of:
A) FOH and Direct Labor
B) Cost and Profit
, C) FOH and Direct Material
tD Direct Labor and Direct tr{aterial
, 10 Bteak-even point indicates the point at which:
A) Firm earns profit
B) Firrns beats loss
C) Firms neither makes any profit nor any loss
: D) None
a o a oa a a a o a o o o o a o a a a a a o oa
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
Examinati-gn: B.S, 4 Years. ProsrPm : RoIl No. o.oo...oo..r.o...oo .

oo o l o oa o o o o o o o o. o o o o o a a o ao

PAPER: Managerial Accounting ITIAX TIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: BBA-404 Part - ff MiltlI{ARIG:50

Q.No .2. Define the followirg Terms: (20)

7. Differentiate betwecn a Fixed and a Flexible Budget.

2, Define'Responsibility Centre'.
3. $That is meant by Break-Even Point?
4. I)efine 'Standard Costing'.
Defin.'Opportunity cost'.
6. Define the term Contribution Margin.
7. Define tDirect costing'.
8. Define 'Differential cost'.
9. Define .Activity-based Costing'.
10. Define Linear Programing.

Give answers to the followirg guestiorls. (3x10=30)

Q.3. A company is considering wi-rether to agree to do a job for a custoflle(. It has sufficient
spate capacity to take on this job. To do the job, three differeut dirgct materials wiil be required,
Material X, Material Y and MalerjalZ.
Data relating to these rnaterials is as follows:
Odginal Cutrent Current
Material Units Units in cost of purchase disposal
needed Stock stock price value
Rs. per unit Rs. per unit Rs. per unit
x 800 2AA 20 23 22
Y (r00 400 15 1,9 12
z s00 30(-) 30 40 2(',)
Material X is regulatlyused by the cofirpany for.other work. Material Y is no longer in regular
use, and the units curtently in stock h"rr. .ro alternative use. Matedal Z is also ,ro i-orrg". irr ,r.,
but if the existing stocks of material are not used for this job, they cal be used as a substirute
material on a different job, where the contribution(saving) would be Rs.25 per unit of MaterlralZ

Calculate the total relevant costs of the materials for this iob.

TII\IVBRSITY OF THE PT]NJAB o a oa a. aa raaa o a a oa oaoa a o.
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
Examination; B.$. 4 Years Pfograp : RoIl No. . .... o.. .. '... o.. '

%. aa aa oa oo o oo. oa.. o a.l.oo

PAPER: X'inancial AnalysiS MAX. IIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: BBA-405 Part - fI
- - - -. - -
SHORT QUESTIONS [5x4=20 M;rk ]
,Q.2 Give short ans\ryers to the foltowing terms:
L) Interirn report of a public company,
b) Notes to the financial statements.
: c) DuPont analysis.
d) Differentiate between liquidity and solvency.
.e) lrnportance of activity ratios.

LONG QUESTIONS [10x3:30 Marksl

Q.3 Which financial ratios would you most likely to consult if you were the following? Why?

i. As an equity investor
ii. The president of a consumer products firm
iii. As a banker considering the financing of seasonal inventory

Q,4 Answer to the following questions:

a. Net worlting r:apital of a cornpany is 1i250000. Now the con'rpany has paid in advance
irtsurance premiurn of $20000. What is the impact of this transaction on the
cornpany's net working capital?
b. Calcr"rlate Return on Equity (ROE) by using DuPont analysis if assets turnover is 2, net
profit margin is l0oZ, total assets are $400000, and total liabilities are $200000,

Q.5 cornplete the following Balance Sheet

Assets Liabilities 8. Owner's

4ccounts payable
AccoLtnts receivable Long-tenn debt
Inventories Total liabilities
Current assets Conrmon eouit
Net fixed assets
Tota I J'ota I
I- ? IOq

Additional In tornration :

Cun'ent ratio: 6.0

Debt ratio: 20oh
Total assets turnover: I ,0
Average collection period: 30 days
Gross profit margin: 15%
Inventory turnover: 8 times
Calculation must be based on a 365- day year
WRSITY OF THB PT]NJAB \ \ ROll NO. in Fig. ....o...,......r..r.....r
\ ta
Seventh Semester - 2019 Roll No. in Words. ........."""
Examinatign,i B.S. 4 Yeelip Pfogrqln \\
\ \-
\' aaaaaa".."....

PAPER: Financial Analysis MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: BBA-405 Part-I (Compulsory)
MA)(. MARI(S:10 '. \.signature of SuPdL:
Attempt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '..
Pl.a.u enqircle th of
""f4or.ttioB. "

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overvriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

l. lf total assets are $ 100000 & total Liabilities are $40000, how rnuch is stockholder's equity'?
a. $140000
b. $60000
c. $40000
d $r 00000
2. Which of the fbllowing is called a real accourrt?
a. Sales revenue
b. Advertising expense
c: Accounts receivable
d. Cash dividends
3. A staternent which shorvs only cash transactions related to a business flrm is:
a. lncome statement
b. Retained earnings statement
c. Balance sheet
d. Statement of cash flows
4. If we rnLrltiply assets turnover with net profit margin, the resulting figure rvoulcl be:
a. DuPont return on assets
b. DuPont return on eqLrity
c. Return on net worth
d. None ofthe above
5. Which of the tbllowing is called non-cash expense?
a. Interest expense
b. Dividend payments
c. Arnortization oFintangible asset
' d. All ol'the above
o.'il,vhictr of tnu fiuanciaritatements iecognizes ooti t"uo.""iio* i" wnicn ca.l
l,ehanges hands
,il(A) Cash flow statement.
:,r(b) Balance sheet
l';{c) Income Statement
;idd) A & B
Z. liEconomic value added (EvA) is also known as?
I{a) Excess Capacity
i (b) Residual Value
i{c) Excess lncome
- -
ri{d) Accounting value added
'ililhictr is permanent account?
[ {u).R"":
!, (b) Advertising Expense
jd(c) Account Receivable
iitd) Dividend
g. i,trynich Party has the primary r'esponsibility for Financial Statement?
_- i{a) Book Keeper
i,,trb) share Holder
- -i,t(c) Arld itor:
ittai N'lanagernent -

t0'[i,The Current Assets section of the Balance Sheet should - include; ,

i:ri:i .. .- .-

i,(a) Land
,itUl Sundry Creditor
;.h) Patent
rrc) Inventon*
\ a.
Roll No. in Fig. .........................
Seventh Semester - z0l9
r\ Roll No. in Words. .'.............
Ex,amination: B.S. 4 Years Prog,ram \\

PAPER: Sales Management MA)t TIME: 15 Min.'.,.

Course Code: 8BA406 Part-I (Compulsory) MAx. MARKS: l0 '...;.i.;;;;;;ilil;,

Attemot this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.
Pletle-engirclellelarrect oolion. DMrion of marks ls siven itr front of each ouestion. ".'..
This Paoer will be collectcd back after etoiw of time limit metrtioned above. '.

Q.No.l.Encircle the Most Appropriate Answer of the following: (10x1=10)

1. Which of the following statements is true about sales?

Sales and management activities are integrated and both enhance the affectivity of each other.
Sales and management are differentiated and both works in their specific directions without
complementing each other.
c)None of the above
2. When the company uses a low pricing strategy to maximize sates, it is using a
a) Price skimming b) Penetration pricing
c) Leader pricing d) Prestige pricing
3. Which of the following is true about the role of sales managers?
a) The role of sales manager is perceived to be unnecessary.
b) The role of sales manager is getting limited.
c)The role of sales manager has broadened and become more responsible.

4. Salespeople whose main task is to persuade influencers are catled as

a. Missionarics b. Order takers
c. Order rnitkers cl, Order creators
5. which of the tollowing is not a major form of direct marketing?
:, Online shopping b. Direct rnail rnarketing..
c. [ntemrediary d. None of rhese
6. The use of reference'selling in industrial selling can be highly successful since it reduces the
greatest perceived risk for which of the following?
a) Current buyer b) Ex-buyer
c) Potential buyer d) None ofthe above
7. What the lifecycle cost analysis seeks to focus on?
a) From the total cost of owning and using a productto the initial purchase price perspective.
b) From initial purchase price to the total cost of owning and using a product.
c) No Focus on change
d) None ofthe above
8. Which of the lbllowing best describes cold calling?

zr. Viral aclvertising b. Public relations acrivity

c. ,Advertising cl. Sales peopte contacting potential customers.

9. Whictr of the following types the salesman is under greater obligation to provide product
a) New Task b) Modified re-buy
c) Straight re-buy d) None of the above
10.Where advertisement alone is not able to do the job but instead a good rote is supposed to be
played by salesman in providing the client complete information about the product, the situation will
a) High lnvolvement situation b) Moderate involvement situation

c) Low involvement situation d) None ofthe above

Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No. in Words. ...r.o....'..,.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program \\
.\ \
PAPER: Strategic Ifuman Resource Management I\,IAX. TIME: 15 Min.".,
MAX. I\,IARI(,S: 10 '..
Course Code: BBA-408 Part-f (Compulsory) .;i;;;;;;;;pil,
Attempt this Paper on this Ouestign Sheet onlv. ''. .
Plea{e encircle the corect o in front of each question. '..
This Paperwill be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above. '..

Qrl. Encircle the right rnswer, cutting end ovetwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10) ;,

l. Selection process typicatly begins with

A. Testing and reviewing work samples C.
Screening applications and resumes
B. lntervieWing cand idates .D.
Chesking references and background
2. The extent to which something provides economic value greater than its cost is called
A. Reliability C. Ceneralizability
B. Validity D. Utility
3. Which of the following includels in determining effectiveness of a performance measure?
A. Fit with strategy C. Validity
B. Acceptabitity D. Allthe above
4. The purpose/s of performance nranagement system is/are
A. Operational D. Both B&C
B, Administrative
C. Strategic
is the extent to which performance on a measure is related to what the measure is designed to
A. Re,liabitity C. Generalizability
B. Validity D. Utility
6. Contracting with another organizntion to perforrn a broad set of services is known as
A. Offshoring C. BothA&B
B. Outsourcing D. None of the above
7. is defined as a training meth'od that represents a real-life situzrtion, with trainees nral<ing
decisions resulting in outcomes that rniror what would happen on the job.
A. Experiential program . C. Apprenticeship
B. Sirnulation D. Internship

8. Personnel policies are designed to promote in an orga nization.

A. Fair decision making C. Workplace safety
B, Customer service D. Alt of the above
9. Thg basic managerlal skill(s) is (are).
A. To supervise C. To stimulate
B. To motivate D. All of the above
10. Performance development plan is set for the employees by
A. Employer C. Imrnediate boss
B. Department head D. All of the above
o- TINTVERSTTYoFTHEPTINJAB "'.Ro*Norntrr&""""""""""""'
ffi Seventh Semester-20l9
GIEL Examination: B.S. 4 Years Pfoqram ". RorrNo,iowor&. '...".....'."
5ry ^ . .. .ri ---,---^-.
PAPER: OrganizationalDevelopment
CourseCode:BBA-409 Part-I(compulsory)
- \ilil;ffiffiii'

e.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

i. The wordi oiganizatio; uevetop=ment tefuri io tor"thing

organizations and them
a) Administrating (c) Managing
b) Developing (d) None of these
2. The second stem of OD evolution is: i:

a) Action research (c) laboratory training

b) Participative management (d) strategic change
3. Who is called "Father of OD"
a) Adam Srnith (c) Henry FaYol
b) Kurt Lewin (d) F.W Taylor
4. are organized and shared ideas regardinglwhat mem bers
r 'li

a) Culture behavior
(c) ', "! . . ,,, i,',
b) Norms (d) None of these t
'' ,
' :-,ii,
5. A psychological contract may be defined as an agreement i
between individual the organization of which thye are mernF,gll.

a) Unwritten (c) ,' ,

.__ j' j
_ . _.___ _.. -
The self-contained-unit organization represents different way of;
- 9) Organizing (c) Structure
b) Management (d) None of these;
7. The consuttant w,orks with the leader and group to diagnose strengths and
- wea knesses in ;
a) Doctor- patient model
b) Process consultation rnodel
c) Purchase of experlise model
d) All of the above
B' An OD program is long-range and;
='a) Short range (c) Both A&B
,b_)_ Sustained (d) Complex
9. Customary and traditional way of thinking and doing things is known as;
l(r) structure
Organizational (c) Organizational culture
i(b) Leadership (d) Change
lo.Organized and shared ideas regarding what members should do and feel are;
i{a) Beliefs (c) Pqradigms
a a o aa o o aa aoaa a o aaa a a a a oo
Seventh Semester -2AL9 oa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program 3 Rotl No. '. o. !.. o.... t .....
oo rooaoa aa aaa aa oaae aaat oao

PAPBR: Organizational Development MAX. TIME: 2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: BBA-409 Part - II II{AX. II{ARKS: 50


:.,, ..
J,r* ,
vv , vrvlrrrlvfll, '-' vl b(l.lLlLaL)
cr.rl\J t iapacity buitding '
change management.
,J}4r-,hat are various forces responsible for change in organizations? .l

lii iffih"t do you undersrand by OD practitioner?

ii ffiritr short note on leading the change.
characteristics of ideal, healthy and effective organizations.
#, ,ffnre
ll jTn.ople resist change for the sake of resistance,, comment.
1i' :Pefine
systems theory. ;r,.:

'[r i#u f":,r_:loD is on organizarions and making thern functions bette.r..th4.tiifr-an;totarr.sysipm
:, Elaborate the comment. What are the goals of an OD prograrn?:
^ li:anqe'.
is organizational culture created and sustained? Discuss in detail! t,,
, ,
f" ,fp* ,
UMVERSITY OT' TIIE PTINJAB Roll No. in Fig. ................r.r0r..r.
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ tr
\ Roll No. in Words. .......r.....r.
\ \\.....a a oaa a.. aaaaa... aaaaa

PAPER: Air Pollution its Impacts and Control MAX. TIME: 15 Min.'..
Course Code: BOT-401 part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: l0 \ \
aa.. a. aa a... a a. a a a o.. aa aa

\.Signature of Supdt:
ryen m f .a\

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
(i) A deep blanket of gases and suspended liquids and solids that entirely envelop the earth is called:
(a) Troposphere (b) Atmosphere (c) Stratosphere (d) Mesosphere

(ii) Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?

(a) Nitrogen (b) Methane (c) Argon (d) oxygen

(iii) Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by a photochemical reaction of oxygen with

(a) Ultra-violet radiation (b) lnfra-red radiation (c) Visible light (d) All of the above

(iv) The first Nuclear Test in Pakistan was carried out on

(a) 18-May 1988 (b) 28-May 1ee8 (c) 8-May 1998 (d) 28-May 2001

(v) The f unction of automobile catalytic converter is to control emissions of

(a) COz &H (b) co&H (c) COz & co (d) Co & Noz

(vi) CFCs are responsible for

(a) Auroras (b) Depletion of stratospheric ozone (c) creating smog (d) Acid Rain

(vii) The law that regulates Air pollution is known as

(a) Air euality Control Act (b) Atmospheric Pollution Law

(b) Clean Air Act (d) None of a, b or c

(viii) The phenomenon of Acid Rain is.

(a) Global (b) Local (c) Regional (d) National

(ix) Radiation that can travel only a few centimeters in the air is

(a) Beta Particles (b) Alpha particles (c) Gamma Rays (d) Corpuscular radiation

(x) Amount of energy present in residual nuctear r:adiations after atomic explosion is ,

(a) 8% (b) to% (c) 12Yo (d) Ls%

UNI\TERSITY OF TIIE PTNJAB Roll No. in Fig, !.'r""""t"r"r't"o'
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ ta
No. in Words. ..o........o...
Examinafipn: P,S. 4,Years Prqgram \ Roll
\ aaaaaa aaaaaaaaraat".."tttrt"""

PAPER: Biohazards, Biosafety, Bioethics MAX. TIMEs 15 Min)'.

Course Code: BOT-403 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX.MARI(S:10 '..-;il;;;;;;;;;:,
Attempt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.,
Please encircle t of each ouestion'
T[is Paper witTBi collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above. ".
,Encircle the right answer, cutting and overvriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
[. l)olly ]va$ cloned in
a) England b) Germany c) Ssotland d) Aurstralia

lI. The stem cells could be stimulated to differentiate into more than -.-- cell fYPes

(A)too (B) 200

(c) 300 (D) 400

III In 1994 US food has approved first genetically modified

(A)Tomato (B) Potato

(C)Rice (D) Wheat

ry High level respiratory filter used in biosafety method is

(A) N 9s (B) N 94

(c) N e3 (D) N e0

Y Therntus aquaticus is present in hot springs where tomperature isoC

(A) 120 (B) 130

(c) 135 (D) l4o

VI Alcohol used for Aseptic environment is

(A) so% (B) 10%

(c) 60% (D) 20%

WI Smallest virus is
(A) Polio (B) Snrall pox

(C) Influenza (D) AIDS

WII Pro tozoans cause

(A) Amoebic dysentary (B) Pyorrhoea

(C) Sleeping sickness (D) A+B{-C

IX. . Most dangerous waste is

a) Solid \ /aste b) [.ic1uid waste c) Hospital waste d) house hold waste

X. How much percentage of aqueous solution of phenol rapidly kills the vegetative cells of
UI\T\'ERSITY OF THE PTNJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. ..........r.........'....
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta in Words. ..o......'.r.r.
Examinatioq: B.S. 4 Years Prqgram \ Rolt
\ \\aaa aaa aaa a ao aa aa.a...!at'

PAPER: Plant Nutrition and SoiI Fertitity l\dAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: BOT-405 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARI(S: 10 '.. ;il;;;;;;;;;pd;:,
Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet only.
". '..
Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is given in front of each question.
This Paper will be collected back after exoin of time limit mentioned above. '.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overvriting is not allowed. (1xl0=10)
(;) Nitrogen f ixation by micro-organisms i, .att"O

(a) lndustrial Nitrogen Fixation (b) Biological Nitrogen Fixation

(c)Atmospheric Nitrogen Fixation (d) Both b and c

(ii) Water is a medium and matrix of living things because of its

(a) Great Heat Capacity (b) High Surface Tension (c) Best Solvent (d) All a, b and c

(iii) Proportion r:l'Nitrogen in plarrt protein is approximately

(a) 18% (b) ts% (c) zo% (d) 2s%

(iv) Bacteria involved in symbiotic nitrogen fixation in root nodules of legumes is

(a) Rhizobium (b) Clostridium (c)Azobacter (d)Actinomycetes

(v) General chlorosis and etiolated habit are characteristic deficiency symptoms of

(a) Nitrogen (b) Sulpher (c) lro n (d) all a, b and c

(vi) Nitrogen [ixation irr tire nitrogen cycle is broughr about by

(a) Lightening (b) SVmbiosis (c) Free Fixing organisrn (d) All a, b and c

(vii) Which of ttre followrng is ct micronutrient?

(a) co (b) Cd (c) P (d) Zn

(v iii) Gravel has particle size

(b) 0.2 mm -2 mm (b) 0.02 mm - 0.2 mm (c) > 2 mm (d) 0.002 mm - 0.02 mm
(ix) What is percentage proportion of Nitrogen fixed by Microorganisms?

(a) s0% (b) 20% (Q ao% @l so%

(x) Which nutrient is considered as constituent of Nucleic Acid, Nucleotides and Co-enzymes?

(b) P (b) si (c) N (d) s

Seventh Semester aa. a aoa o ao aaoaaaa oa a a o a oaa
- 2019 o1

g-o noU No. ............o...... :

a a ao o a a oo a ao o aa a o aa ooo aa
PAPER: Biodegradation and Bioremediation
MA)L TIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.
C**-. Code: B OT-40T part _ II II,IAX IVIARI(S: 50

Q.2, Exptain the following with examples.

l.--what do you mean bioiganotiophic uacieria?

2' write down the basic requirements for bacterial

growth during Bioremediation?
3' Describe the Process of Sorption and its Effects on Biodegradation.
4. Describe the Rore of co-metaborism
in Bioremediation
5' what is ACTIVATION? Enlist mechanisms
involve in ACTIVATION.
6' what is meant by detoxification'J Enlist
mechanisnrs rnay involve in detoxification.
7, Describe the process of sorption and its
effect on biodegradation.
8. Describe the Effects of Heavy Metals on
9 ' what is meant by bioreactor-based method
of bioremediation? ;q
l0 what is detoxification? En-list me_chanisms
may i1y_olye i1 detoxification

Q.3. Questions with brief answers

- -:-- -. --
i. (a) Write a n ote on anthropogenic inrpact on
enviro,inl.ntal pollution? , tos Marrs;
(b) what is the role of
Genetic rnodification for
process? (05 Marks)

ii' (a) Define Xenobiotics and

their role in our environment.
(05 Marks)

(b) write a note on biocatalyst

selection for bioremediation. (0s Marks)

iii' (a) Define Biotechnology;

describe its role for the removar
of poilutants. (0'.Marks)
(b) what are plasmid' explain
the function of cataboric ptasria
for Biodegradation
UNT\IERSITY OF THE PUNJAB \ \ ROII NO. in Fig. .,o......................
\ ta
Seventh Semester - 2019 RoIl No. in Words' """'o"""'
Examination: B.S. 4 Year$ Pros{am \ \^
\ aaa'''''''ttt''' t't'''''..'!t''I..'

Bioremediation rIME: 15 Min)"

PAPER: Biodegradation and
l-^ lf+r MARKS: rw
MAIL rvr^r\rN'
rvr^Ao 10 ''.lignatureof
course code: Bor-407 part-I (compulsory)
-tt- ". supdt:

f eafl,question'
Please encircle the colrect optionr. Divis "'-
Thir p"r."o, "boY,'
"otioo.d ".
Q.1. Encircle the right snswer' cutting and oversriting is not allowed'
l. The use of mi"roorganisms to degrade environmental pollutants is known

; A. Biostimulation C, Biotransformation

B. Bioremediation D. All of these

2. Microorganisms remove metals by

A. Adsorption C' ComPlexion

B. Formation of new compounds D' All of these

3. Which cleanurp lpproach irrr,olves lc'nrovin!r gror"inclrvater or soil fhlr its nattural setting to

al lorv to r bi oretre,cl i atiotr'.)

A) lrr situ biorentccliation l]) [:x sittr hirrretlteditrtiort

C) tlit-laugnrentatiou D)Phytorerrediatiort

4. Which of the following waste water treatments is most likely to produce carcinogens as a

byproduct? :

A. Chlorination B. lJltraviolet light (UV)

C, Sand filtration D. Carbon filtration
5. The enzyme nitrogenase is produced bY

A. Pathogenic B. Anaerobic bacteria

C. Cyanobacteria D. Both B&C

6. A major organism used in commercial bioleaching for copper recovery is:

'A. Desulfovibrio desuffitricans B. Ps eudomonas oeruginosa

C. Aspergillus niger D. Thiobacillus ferrooxidans

7. Organophorpf,u,. pesticides can be detoxified by which enzymes of microbes.

A. Reductase B. Oxidases C. Hydrolases D. O*ygenases :

t. la"rtif,cation of ih.,.qu.nce of genes in a chromoto*. is tnown as:

A. Gene mapping B. Karyotype C. Gene coding D. Gene linkage

9. Anaerobic bacteria often play important roles in bioremediation. Which of the following

not an electron acceptor used by anaerobes during biodegradation reactions?

10. During which stage of wastewater treatment is the primary effluent aerated to allow for
biodegradation by aerobic microbes?
A, Sedimentation B. Secondary treatrnent C.Sludge digestion

A. Disinfection E. Primary treatment

MRSITY OT TIIE PTINJAB ROll NO. in Xtig. ..........t.....r....o...
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa No, in words. .....r....r....
Examination: B.S. 4 Ypars, Program

PAPER: Physical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-f) MN(. TIME: 15 Min)',

Course Code: CEHM-403 Part I (Compulsory) MA)L I\{ARKS: 10 '. \.signature of SuPdt.:

Attempt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.

Please.encircle th of eqc4o'estion'

Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
(i) When gas is weakll, adsorbed on the solid surface the rate
of reaction depe,idi
(a) Ternperature of gas (b) Pressure of gas
(c) Volume of gas (d) None of these
(ii) Langmuir Adsorption isotherm for single systern is

t +rg (b)
Q! =1*cJP
""'r --

{l _p -1

(c) 1+&p (d) Q:bp

(iii) Tempkin adsorption isotherm is used fbr the deconlposition of
(a) Co (b) co2
(c) NH3 (d) both (a) & (b)
(iv) When the value of h/f is eclual to zero thep the equation will be
(a)R-K (b)R-l
(c) &oecomposirion)Nu:
: O (d) R(Dr.o*pos;riorr)NH3 : Kd
(v) A type of catalysis in which one of the products formed act as catalyst is
(a) Auto - catalysis (b) Enzyrne catalysis
(c) Acid -- base caralysis (d) None of these
(vi) Tlre "I,hibition" in which complex formation does not occur is
(a) Competitive inhibition (b) Un-Competitive inhi bition
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these

(vii) \Y!_.911s, s_t1ogg[ ad s orb e d o n the solid'sur:face the order of reaction is


(a) Zero order reaction


(b) I't order reaction

(c) 2"d order reaction (d) 3"1 order reaction

(viii) In Eiley-Rideal mechanism the number of reactants adsorbed

on catalyst surface

(a) One (b) Two

(c) Three (d) Zero
(ix) Vanishing cream is example ol.
(a) Water in oil emr-rlsion (b) Oil in oil emulsion
(c) Oil in water emulsion (d) None of these
(r) By increasing pressure the adsoi-1>tiorr sjr gas

(a) Increases (b) Decreases

(c) Itemains same (d) None of these
I]NWERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Roll No' in Fig. o.t..'..........r...'....
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ ta
No. in Words. ...,r.,.!..0r.

PAPER: Physical Chemistry (Sp.

aaa aaaaaaa aaaa.a

- Theory_If) MAX. TIME: t5 Min.'..

<Ol p"lr_l (C;_putsory) MA)L MARKS: t0 \ \
a a a a. aa a a a a a oa a oa a..a a a.a

'.,lignature of Supdt:


Q'l' Encircle the right answer, cutting

and overwriting is not allowed.
l -which one of the following is correc,
ro, ry"pt iii" ,orri
(a) ineversible (b) formed by inorganic substances
(c) self-stabilizecl (d) atl

ytltines that instruct you to shake the bottle well

before use are most likely
'- (u)
solution (b
)suspensions (c) colloids (cl)none
\ ./ of rhese
3-which of the foilowing statement is true regarding
(4 It is the measure of stability of Es (b) It is flre
measure of stability of the affinity of
an er]uyme
(c)A high k, indicates weak substrare
s \-/ A1 of above
4- Solution is said to be ideal if it obeys
(a) Gas laws (b) Faraday's laws (c) Roults law (d) None of these
5- Chemical adsorption is .. .

,(u) monolayer ( b) Multilayer (c) both a and b (d) none of these


(d) none
(u) Flouresence (b) phosprroresence
(") both, a and b (d)
8- In Freundfich adsorption isothernr 1919
plot of log 'x/mverses log p is linear
, :

with slop. ,

(c) log k (d) k

- -:- -"r"^r'
y of- corresponding .-irrior.
(a) Greater b) Lower c) Equal ,on"
d) IfU
. -*sr
10- The colouring matter is removed
by animal charcoal duringpurification
v ^ ---- of sugar. In this
case sugar act as
a) adsorb,ata

udt..otb:"'. cl absorbance
-,- ,b) d) catalyst
' :: .'.' : l

_ _-
UI\IVERSITY OF' TIIE PUNJAB . \ Roll No. in Fig. ..........r.....r..r..r..
Seventh Semester - 20lg \ \r
Roll No. in Words. ...............

PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-I) MAX. TIME: 15 Miil..

!\ """"""""""""'
Course Code: CIIEM-|06 pert-f (Comioi.."y) MAX. MARKS: l0 lgnrture of Supdt3
e correct option. Irivision of marks is eiven in

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10:10)

(I) An advantage ol organic reagent in inorganic analysis is:

(a) Ease of haudlihg (b) volarility (c) presence bf impurity (d) High rnolecular weight

(2) Which is/are rro;rodcntate ligand(s)

(a) Chloro (b) Aqua (c) Oxime (d) Both (a) zurd (b)

(3) Which has a dz - pn bonrl:

(a) PCls (b) (CHrhPo (c) (CH;)rNO (d) SF+

(4) 8-hydroxyquinoline is also known as

(a) oxine (b) brine (c) Saline (d) Nessler's reagerrt

(5) t,one pair occupies equatorial position ratl'rer than axial (apical) position in:
(a) Tetrahedral (b) Square planar (c) Trigonal biiyranridal (d) Bent/angular

(6) The element that can rnake trivalent positive ion is:
(a) Boron frorn group IIIA (b) Tin f}orl group IVA
(c.) Risnrurh liorl gr.oup VA
(d) Selcuiun-r Frorn groult \/lA
(7) l'he stretching li'eclurency o{'C F O in the brictging carbonyl ligalds in pretal
carbonyls is
(a) 2l .55on -r (b) 2125 -- 1 850cm -r (c) I gOOcnr-.r (d) 2000crn -r

(8) 'Ihe strongest pn.- pzr is:

(a) Si : Si (h)c:(l (c)C:Si (d) Ge : Ge

(9) explains geometries and electronic spectra of small molecules:

(a) Walsh diagrams (b) Molecular Orbital theory (c) Valence bond theory (d)

(10)'l'he symmetry of Bectz is representecl by the point group

(a)Czu (b) C:" (c) D-rr (d) To
IIM\IERSITY OT' TIIE PUNJAB \ \ RoII No. in Fig. ...o. ..........."......,
Seventh Semester - 2019
\ ta
No. in Words. ..o..o.........
Examination: B.S. $ Years Prog[flm \ Roll
\ -\aaa a a a aaa aaataaa aaa aa a a aaaaaa aaaaat

PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-II) MAX. TIME: 15 Min.".-

Course Code: CIIEM-407 Part-I (Compulsory) lt'IAX. MARKS: 10
" ]Snature

Attemnt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet,onlv. '..

Please encircle thq gorrect ootio4, Division of marks is sivenin froni of each question. '..
This Paner will be collected back after oroiry of time limit mentioned above. '...

Q.1: Enciltelhe right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
(il BFr dissolves in NH3 due to:
a) lon-d!pole interactions b ) d ipole fo rces c) hydrogen bohding d) co-ordinate
(ii) Mixing of Ba(NOg)z and AgCl will give precipitates of in liq. NHt.
a) AgCl b) BaCl2 c) AgNOa d) Ba(Nos)z
(iii) High temperature superconductors are:
a) YBa 2Cr3O7 b) CaTiO3 c) MgAlzOa d) all of these
(iv) Dielectric constant of NH3 is:
a) 78.5 b) 22.O c) L7.3 d) 83.6
(v) l-he element used for dating in ancient remains is:
a) C-1"4 b) Ni c) C-12 d) N
(vi) Which is not a parent nuclide?
a ) U ran iu m-238 b) lea d-2a6 c) uranium-235 d) thorium-2lZ
(vii) what is the half-life of an isotope if 1259 of a 5009 sample of thF isotope
remains after 3 years?
a) 1..5 years b) 2.5 years c) 3.5 years d) 4.5 years
(viii) Which of the following has greatest penetrating power?
a) Alpha particles b) beta particles c) gamma rays d) all show same
(ix) Pick out the oxide which is not acidic: l

a) sioz b) P+Oro c) Soz d) Mgo

(x) Moving across the period basic character of oxides:
a) lncreases b) remains same c) decreases d) become zero
TINI\TERSITY OT THE PUNJAB \ \ Roll No. in Fig. ..........o,.....r.......
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ ta
\ \Rolt No. in Words. ..........r....
F,{aryingtion: B,S, 4 Years Prosram \
\ a a a a a a a a a f a a a ! a a a a a a a a a a a a a t f t"
a a a

pApfn: Theory-f) IVIAX. TIME:

MAx' TrME: 15 Mrn"\
ls Min)
Organic Chemistry (Sp. 10
h Lt t------r-^-.\
(COmpUlSory) MAX, rv'.rr\rLs'
rYr^Ar MARKS: :,-:::::^':;l*;;
of Supdt':
COurSe Code: CIIEM-409 Part-I ". t..

Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet qnlv. - "...

Please encircle th pf eash=question'

Encircle the right answer' cutting and overuriting is not allowed' (1x10=10)
l. Molecular RearrangernenI can occurs in
ar) E:l

b) E2
c) sr.,I
cl) Bcth E1 a nc S,.i1
il. Wlrich of the product is predorninant in Saitsev's Rule
a) Less substituteci all<enes
b) tVlore substituted all<enes
c) Unsubstittrted alkenes
d) None of tliese
i[. ln 5p2 substitution, the correct order of reactivity as nucleophile is
a) -OR > -Qn> HzO
b) Hzo > -oR > -oH
-OH> -OR > H?O
d) Ftro > -oH> -oR

lv. Amcng the foliowings which one is the best leaving group
a) Fluoride
b) Chlcride
c) Bromide
d) iodide

v. The weak base (often the soivent) tal<es part in

a) Slow step of E1 reaction
b) Fast step of E1 reaction
c) Slow step of 5p1 reaction
d) None of these
Vl. Tire B- elimination reactions occur in
a) E1
b) .2
c) L1CB
d) All the three
Vll. ln Sr.l.reaction if the concentraticn of nucleophile is doubled, the reaction rate wiil
a) iienrairr tite sarne.
b) lncrease
c) Decrease
d) First increase then deqrease

vilt. lrtwrrich soivenr the ;,ate of S5,1 r'eaction ur'ill be higlrest?

a) 1C0 % water'
b) 50 % water + 50 Yo n'rethanol
c) % water +' B0 % rnerha nol
d) 10C 'A metharrol

tx. i:
L 2 reaction is a
a) Zero o rde r re a ctic n
b) First orcler I'eaction
c) Secctrd order f'eactiorr
d) Third order reaction

X. l\nlong the follor^,'ing vvhich wlll be tlre nrajor prcduct for the i'eaction of 2-bi'omobutane
with sodium ethcxide.
a) 2- Buterre
b) 1-Butene
c) Ethene
d) Propene
Seventh Semestoi - Z0Ig t.
tr, Roll No.
E{aminatio+: B.S. *,,Yearp, prqgralq \ in Words.
a aa aoa aataaaa aa. a.a aaaa aaa raaaaa

PAPER: Organic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-ID ll[AX TIME: 15 Min)..

Course Code: CIIEM-410 Part-I (Computsory) II'IAX MARKS: 10 '.
_ Attempt this Paper gp this Quesfion S[.eet onIIL \\
en ,the corrgct option. Division of markqjs siven in front f each questi \
This Pa ar will be collect tim ed above.

Q.1.' Encircle the right answer, cutting and ovenwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

r) Whicir is urost reactive in arornatic electrophil.ic substiturion?

a) Ethyl benzene
b) Methoxybnenzene
c) ' Chlorobenzene
d) Acetophenone

lD Whiqh of the following is ieast reactive for halogenation of benzene?

a) Fz
t) CIz
c) Brz
d) Iz
IID The reaction in which benzene reacts with alkyl halide in presertce of a iewis acid as a
catalyst to produce alkylbenzene is known as
a) Nitration
b) l lalogenation
c) Friedei-Clafts Acylation
d) Friedel-Crafts Alkylation

IV) Which of the following reactions are favored by polar aprotic solvent?
a) SNI reactions
b) reztctions
c) Both Sr.rl and SNl reactions
d) None of the mentioned

v) V/hich types of isonlers are fonlecl in rearran gement Ieacti ons ?

a) Structural isomers
b) Geornetrical isomers
c) Optical isorners
d) ConformationAl isonters
VI) The benzylic acid rearrangement reaction of a cyclic diketone leads to
a) Ring expansion
t ) Ring contractioh
c) Ring fusion :

d) None of these -p-,i.o.-

Seyenth Sernesfer - 20lg f a a a a oa a a oa..a
ao..a a ar r r,

Exeminehoui B,S, 4 YeglrsPrag{|am : RoIINo.o.o.....oo....or.o. o


%. raa.a a o o... o aooaa aooooo

PAPER: Analytical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-f) MA}(. TfME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: CHEM-412 Part - ff MA)(. MARI(S:50


Q,2- Attempt allShort questiotts: (Zxl 0:20)

(i)Wh at arethe advantages of therrnal conductivity ctetector?

(ii)-What do you understand by temperature programming in gas chromatographic analysis?

(ii'i) -,What are the disadvantages of H2 as carrier gas in gas chromatography?

(iv)-Define retention tinre. On what factors does it depend?

(v)Write down the principles of TCA and DTA.

(vi)-Give difference between normal phase chromatography and reverse phase


(vii)What is the role of liquid junction potential in potentiometery?

(viii)- What are the Characteristics of an ideal reference electrode

(ix)Briefly describe the principle involved in potentiometrio titrations'

(x)What is DTA curve?Give its characteristics.

Q.3 (a)DisoussOpen Tubular Columns in gas chromatograp.hy. (s)

(b)Discuss the construction and working of saturated Calomel electrode (5)

Q.4 (a)Discuss various types of colutnns in HPLC. (s)

(b)Explain solid state membrane electrodes in potentiometry. (5)

Q.5 (a) Write down the applications of differential scanning calorimetry(Dsc) (5)

(b) Explain the working of Eleotron Capture Detector in gas Chromatography. (5)
ta Roll No' in Fig' """"''" .." """""
ta Roll No' in Words' ..'..''o'".."
Seventh Semester - 2019 \\
Erramination: B.S, 4 Y?arq, Brogfam \

MAX. TIME: 15 Min".

pApER: Analytical chemistry (sp. Theory-t) MN(.MARKS:10 " ..signature of SuPdt':
part-r (compulsory)
course code: cHEvr-4rz

Attenqpt th Pape \
Please encircle e corregt it mentioned qbove'
d backefter ex of tim
This r will be coll

overwriting is not allowed' (1x10=10)

Q.l: Encircle the right snswer, cutting and
talcingplace' in DTA is exothermic?
(i)_ which of the following phenomena

(d) chernisorption
(a)Recluction(b) vapo rrzation (c) Desorption
obtained appears as a
(ii)- In therrno gravimetric analysis, the result
(b) ContinLrotls Parabola
(a) ContinLloLls charl
positions (d) Discontinuous chart
, (c) Continuouts circular
(a) zn&.(u) cu62(c1 6os? 16; Ni63'
(iv)- Which is not the quality of open tubular
(a) Shorter analysis tirne (b) l{igher resolution
(c) Higher sample capacity (d) Greater sensitivity

(v)- Which gas possesses thehighest thermal conductivity?

(a) Hz $) Oz (c) COz (d) Ar

Electrodes used in potentiomefic titrations
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) l(d) 4
basic compounds atpH 8-12 in
(vii) Which stationary phase is trsed for separation of
(a) Silica gel (b) Alumina(c) Polystyrene (d) MgSO+
of the following column
(viii) Syringepulxps used in HPLC are most suitable for which
(a) Capillarl/ colurnrl (b) Small bore column

(c) Short-fast column (d) Guard column

in HPLC?
(ix)- Which one is the most common separation mode
(a) I{eversed-phase mode (b) Normal-phase mode

(c) Ligand exchange mode (d) Ion excl'tange mode

18% Alzol, andTlYoSioz is
(x)- . A glass membrane with a composition of I l%NazO,
used as an ion-selective electrode for

(a) et3.(u)H*(r) K* (d) ) Na*

\ t.
Seventh Semester - 2019 N0. in Words. .....r !.rIi*!'
Examinption: B.S. 4 Years Pfggram \Rotl
\\a.a aaa aaa aaaaaat aaa aaa oaataaa

PAPER: Anatytical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) MAX. TIME: 15 Min."..

Course Code: CHEM-413 Part-I (Compulsory) MAlt MARIG:10 '. \.signature of Supdt.:
Attemnt this Paoer on this Ougstion Sheet onlv. '.
Please enciLclp th of eaeh qu,estion.
This Paper will be collected back after exnirv of time limit mentioned above. ". '..

Q.1. Encircle the right rnswer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

(i)- If there is L% transmittance, wlrat is the value of absorbance

(a) ee b) zero c) I00 d)z
(ii)- Whiclr of the following rrrolecules will not show an infrared spectru rn ?
(a) Nz b) co2 c) CO d) Hzo

(iii)- Which substance is both III &Rarnan active

(u) COz b) CH+ c) Nz d) Hz

(iv)- The time required for vibrational relaxatiotr is

(a) 10-'to l0-' ,"" 1t; tOil to l0ra sec

(c) l0-ro to l0-" s"" d; t0r2 to l0l3 sec

(v) In ICP-AES, Nebulizer convert liquid into

(a) ) aerosol (b) droplet c) solid particles d) all

(vi) Vibrational stretching fiequency depends upon:

(a) atomic population b) temperature

(c) magnetic field (d) Force constant

(vii) Scattering efficiency iri Raman increases in presence of

(a) red light b) ll lue light c) orange light (d) green light

(viii) What is the wavelength range of H2 and D2 lamp?

(a) 07-10 uru b) 0.1Ao-0.3Ao (.) 200- 1000 nm (d) 160-380 nrn
(ix) Which of the tbllowing source is suitable only for UV molecular absorption?

(a) I)z larnp (b) Tu ngsten/lral ogerr larn p

(c) Xenon arc lamp (d) Tungsten lamp

(x) Only one vibration exists in

(a) Diatomic molecule (b) Linear triatomic molecule
(c) Nonlinear triatornic tnolecule (d) Single atom
A- UNTVERSITY OF TIIE PT]NJAB . oa. lo o. I i aoot r r'l' t lt t rf
ffi seventh Semester -2019
Examination: B'S' { Yeers Prosram : RoIl No. oo.o..oo.oo't..oo..

oo l oa r o a a o o aa o. a a o o oo.a '
W MAX, TIME:2 Hrs,45 Min.

PAPER: Analfiical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-If)

Course Code: CHEM413 Part- II MA}L MARI(S: 50


[.. .

''':------ --

Q.2 Attempt all Short questions (2x10=20)

(i) Distinguish between Raman scattering and Rayleigh scattering

(ii) Differentiate between vibrational deactivation and intemal conversion.

(iii) How axial torch and radial torch in ICP-AES differ?

. (iv) What is meant by allowed transitions and forbidden transitions in UV/Visible


(v) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of ICP-AES.

(vi) Give the disadvarrtages of coloured glass filters in UV spectroscopy.

(vii) What are the differences between IR spectrurn and Raman spectrurn?
(viii) Explain that rrrostly IR active vibrational modcs are Rarnan inactive and vice versa?
(ix) I-Iow thcrnral deter:tors and photon detectors differ in their operation irr FTIR

(x) Describe Kasha's Rule and Mirror Image Rule in Fluorescence?

Q-3(a) Explain various conrponents of' Raman spectrometer. (s)

(b) Write down the quantitative applications of UV/Visible spectroscopy. (s)

Q.4(a) Draw Jablonski errergy diagram and discuss it's various phenomena. (s)

(b) Explain ditferent zones present in ICP plasma. (s)

Q.s(a) Discuss the working and advantages of Photo multiplier tubes detector. (s)

(b) Discuss the working of FTIR Spectrometer. . (5)

IINIVERSITY OF TIIE PTINJAB a Roll No. in Fi!,. .........,r.r....o......
Seventh Semester
- zLlg t.
\ Roll
No. in Words.
\ \aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraa.aaaaa.aaaaaa

PAPER: Applied Chemistry (Sp. Theory-f) MA)L TIME: 15 Min.'.,.

course code: CHEM-415 part-I (compulsory) MA)(" MARKS: 10 t.. {-"""'o'oo"..r.."ti'
\.Signature of Supdt:
\ tta
*rrrri=*.i".ru * or.r.o ou.rnoo. ...
This Paoe" witl be coltected bacti ..

Q.L. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overrriting iq not allgwed. (1x10=10)
1. Which one of following is fraction of petroleum?
(a) Anthracite (b) Gasoline
(c) Lignite (d) pear
Z, V/hich of the following is acidic ciigestion process?
[a) Sulfite (b) Sutfare
(c) Soda process (d) None of these
3. Which of the following is micronuffient for plants?
[a) Nitrogen tb) Sulfur
[c) Zinc (d) phosphorous
4. Formation of cartons form pulp can be successfully done in
(a) Cyclinderical machine (b) Fourdriener machine
[.) Both a and b (d) vibrational machine
5. Which of the following process was developed in order to avoid the use of TEL
[a) catalytic cracking (b) Catalytic reforming
(.) MEL additicn td) TML addition
6" Among followin& in which form, plants can incorporate Nitrogen?
(aJ N0z'1 (b) NOi-l
(c) Nz (d) Urea
7, Which of the following solid fertilizer contains highest contents of Nitrogen?
[a) Ammonium nitrate tb) Ammonia
(.) Calcium cyanide (d) Urea
B. Which process is used for converting straight chain hydrocarbons into branched hydrocarbons?
[r) Cracking (b) Reforming
[cJ Aromatization (d) Nitration
9, Newspaper can be recycled maximum
[a) Two times tb) four times
[c) Three times (d] Five times
10. Which parameter is indicative of fuel qualiry?
(o) Iodinenumber (b) Octane number
(c] Saponification number (d) Cetane number
UMYERSITY OT THE PT]NJAB Roll No. in Fig. ,...........
\ t.
Seventh Semester -2019 No. in Words. ""'o""""'
\ Roll
\ .... t t t tt t
t t t t
"o" " """

MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

PAPER: Bio Chemistry (Sp. Theory-f)
Course Code: CHEM-418 Part-I (Compulsory)
.. ;;ttt El I ;3 ' i

Attempt this PaDer on this Oue.stion Uheet onry? _ ..

Q.1. Encircle the right answerr cutting and ovem,riting is not alloweil. (1x,10=10)

caused by primary tumors of the anterior'

1. Gigantism, a disease of accelerated Eowth' can be
leveli of growth-irormone-teleasing
pituitar.y glalrd. ln patielts .vitlt tumo"r-induced giganlism,
factor would expected to be:
B: Unchanged
A: Lower than usual
D: Differ bY tumor size
C: Higher than usual
are all exanrples of:
2. Cori,s, McArdle,s, vor]. (iierke's ancl Andersen's cliseases
A: GlYcogenolYsis B: Glucolleogellesls

C' GlYcogenosis D: Glycogenesis

energy from the glycolytic pathway to the
3. Which of the following is important in transferring
TCA cycle'/
B: FADHI C: Citrate D: Acetyl CoA
4. Glucose- I -phosphate is prodr-rced from glycogen via:
A: Oxidative PhosPhorYlation B: Substrate PhosPhorYlation

C: Glycogen Kinase ActivitY D: PhosphcrrolYsis

5. Fatty acicl oxidation occurs in:

A: CYtoPlasm B: MicrosolTe.s

C: Mitochondria D: All of the above

6. A fatty acid that is not synthesized in nran is:

A: Linoleic acid B: Oleic acid

C: Palnritic acid D: Stearic acid

7. Net ATP prodttction of glycolvsis is

3 C:4 D: 5
A.2 B:
8. Largest endocrine gland in human body is called
A: ParathYroid gland B: Adrenal gland

C: Pituitary gland D: Thyroid gland

9. Every cycle of B-oxidation produces

A: I IrAD, 1 NAD' ald 2 COz molecnles
B: 1 FAI)Hz, 1 NADH and I acetYl co-A
C: 1 FADI{2, 1 NAD* and 1 acetYl co-A
D: 1 FAD, 1 NADI{ and 2 COz molecules

lo' f'he substance essential for trans{'er of fatty acids across rnitochondrial nrernbratre
A: Creatine B: Creatinine

C: Carnitine l): CloenzYnre A

MRSITY OF THE PTINJAB Roll No. in Flg. o.....o.r...r...o.'.""'
\ ta
Seventh Semester - 2019 No. in Words. ........".."'
\ Rotl
\\taa aaaaa. oaa.oa.. ..o'r"0"
" """

PAPER: Bio Chemistry (Sp. TheotT-II) MAIL TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: CHEM-419 Part-I (Compulrory)

Encircle the right rnswor, cutting and overrvritlng is not allowed. (1x10=10)
t. I\'lvo;ilobin functions as:

a. Reservoir of Oxygen b, Oxygen Carrier

c,. Uoth a & b d. None of the above

2. tlr.otein th:rt activcly, plrticipatcs in cetl adlcesioti and ccll rnigration is called:

a. liiastin b. Albumin c' Fibrillin d' Fibroriectin

3. l'lrc second most abundant Ig is:

a. IgM b. lgA c. IgG d' IgE

4. lgN{ is a:

a. pcr"rtarler rx'ith l0 antigel binding sites b. Tetramer with 8 antigen binding sitcs

c. Monomer with 2 antigen binding sites d. Dimer rvith 4 antigen binding sites

5.'the lg that mcdiates allergic reaction is:

a. Igt\4 b. IgE c' IgA d' IgC

(r. liab stands for:

a. Irragrnent alltibodY binding

b. Fragment antigen binding
c. Fragment antigen or antibody binding
(1. F'r'agrnent affinity binding

7. Which one of the following diseases is a comntunicahle?

a. Rickets b. Cholera ,' Q, Diatretes d. Scurvy

ti. Scurv5r disease is cause d bY the deficien cy of vitarnin

il \ni
iiagr itr A b. Vitarnin Il
$, The eluent strength is a measure of:

a. Solvent adsorption energy

b. Solvent absorption energy
c. Solvent diffusivity
d. Solvent mixing index
10. HPLC stands for
Ir- t:liglr I)rt:ssure Liquid Clu'onratographv

b. I{igh Performanoe Liquid Cluomatography

c. both (a) ancl (b)

i-l f,lighl), I'laced l-iquid Chrorltatography'

TINI\MRSITY OF TIIE PTINJAB Roll No. in Flg. aaa aaa aaa oaaara aaa aaa aaaa

Seventh SemestGr - 2019 t. No. in tVords.

Examlnatigpj B.S. 4 Yerrc Plqgram \ Roll

PAPER: Human Resource Management MA)L TIME: 15 Min)..

Cource Code: COMM-{02 Part-I (Compulsory) IVIA)LMARKS: l0\ \
t..Srgnature of Supdt:

Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet gnlv,

This Paperwill be collected back rfter eroiry of tlne llmlt nentloned above.

UNI\TERSITY OF TIIE PUNJAB aoooo aa o a o o aa o o a o oo a a o a.

Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Yearslfqgrqm : RollNo..o.o............... ro
t..;;;oo o o o o. o o o. o o. o o o

PAPER: Human Resource Managcment IVIAX. IIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: COMM402 Part-II

Q2. Oivc slrort ansvvcrs: (10x2=20)

I . Wlrat is inr p<lrtancc u [' l'l It M?

Z. Dif't'ercntia[c betrvee n job spccilLcation and _iob desoription,
3. Detrnc.job crrlargemctrt.
4. Srlrat is Lrencl analysis?
5, l)illbrcrrtiatc lrctwccn bchtrviol'ttl arrcl situational intcrviovv.
6. I)rElLn0 0trscrvation,
7 . [)cllnc l)''ograt'tltttccl lcitrttitrg.

8. Wlrat is picce wot'lc platr'i

9. I:n ist errors that can underm ine intervierv r-rselLlness.

10. \\'lrat is 'B ig l'ivc' tnoclel'/

I,-ONG QT]ES:I]ION (I 0x3-30)

-lraining and discuscs ntcthods oItraining. (10)

Q3. Dcllnc

Q4. What is poterrtial altpraisal problems and write down the guidelines Ibr effective appraisal.

Q5. Rriefly cliscuss the irrternal soLrrces of t'cct't-titnrent.

lcvcls is callctl
A. Scatter plot
B. Ratio arralysis
C. Trend arrrrlysis
D. Both b and c
10. "'l'he in['lucr)cc o{'a ratcr's gcneral inrpr-cssion orr rl tings of spcci{ic ratc cl ua lities."
A. Llnclear Slander.ed
B. l-lalo el'l'ect
C. Recency ef,1ect
D. U ias
UNIVERSITY OT TI{E PTINJAB \ \ ROll NO. in Ftig. .........................
\ ta
Seventh Semestet -2019 Roll No. in lVords' ...."""""'
Examin?tio4:, B'S. 4,Years PIPgram \
MN(. TIME: 15 Min)'.
PAPER: Insurance & RiskManagement MA)L IVIARI(S: 10 '. \\Signature of SuPd[:
course code: coMM,403 Part-r (compulsory) \

Attqmpl thli PaRggiiilHlll*:Pn#*eie* ouestion ' t'

*iYit of each oottdoo'
,r."r. rh """habove'
,OO raoerw'* Oe co"ee'ed OacU "'
is not allowed' (1x10=10)
Q.1. Encircle the right answ€rr cutting and overwriting
8s ' ;
t. l, pt condition that increases the chance of loss is known
A. Moralhazard
B. PhYsicalhazard
C. Legal hazard \
f). Morale hazard . r,-,-
2. fr risk that affects the entire economy is called:
A. Pure risk
B -
SPeculative risk
C. EnterPrise risk
t D. Fundamental risk
handting risk?
3. which one of the following is not the method of
A. Insurance

B. Non insurance transfer ta

' C. Active retention

D. Direct transter position prior to the occurrence of loss this
stattt i$

t When an indiviclual is restored to his/her financial

known as--
A. Rehabititation
B. lndernnif,rcation .eli
' C. Identification of loss
D. Risk transfer
is the arrangement bY which the primary insurer that initially writes the insurance
transfers to another insurer'
A. Reinsurance
B. Segregating
C. Co-insurance
D. All of the above
6. Risk Pooling is an exarnPle of:
A. a CatastroPhic Loss Event
B. diversifYing risk
C. a speculate risk
D. applying the risk-return trade-off
Insurance rates are determined bY
7. Ratemaking refers to the pricing of insurance'
A. Insured
B. soinsurer
C, reinsurer
D. actuaries
8. Sales and marketing in insurance referred to as
A. Ratemaking
B. underuT iting
C. production
D. reinsurance
9. Atl of the following are claim adjustors except

A. Agent
B. companY adjustor
C. dependenladjustor
D public adjustor

10. 'I-he principle of indemnity states that insurer should not


A Actual loss
R. more than actual loss
C. less tharr actual loss
D. none of above
\ aa
ROll NO. in Fig. ...o.....o...............
Seventh Semester - 2019
ta Roll No. in Words. ......."''or'r
Examination: 8.S.4 Years Program \\
\ \ .... r a. aa a a a aa a a a.. a a... aa a a a a a ataa

PAPER: Managerial Economics MA)(. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: COMM-404 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARI(,S: 10 '. \.signature of Supdt.:
Attempt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.
Plase encircle th of each question'
This Panerwill be collected back after exnirv of time limit mentioned above. ". '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and.ovemriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

i) Which of the following is the best definition of managerial economics? Managerial economics is
a. a distinct field of economic theory. b. a field that applies economic theory and the
tools of decision sciences,
c. a field that combines economic theory and d, none of the a bove.

ii) tf Z = 2X3 + sXY , then the second order direct partial derivative Zxx v^;ould be
a. 5Y b. 6X'
c. 5XY .d, 12X

iii) lf a rise in supply exceeds a rise in demand, then we sho u ld expect

a. theequilibriumpriceandquantitytevels b. the e q u ilib riu m p rice will rise wh ite th e
witl rise. equitibrium quantity will decline
c. The equilibriurn price wiltfall while the d. the equilibriurn price and quantity levels will
equilibrium quantity iaiil! rise, decline.

iv) lf both income elasticity of demand and price elasticity of demand are negative, the good is

a. A normalgood b. An inferior gooci

c. A Giffen Good d. None of the above

v) lsoquant for two substitutable goods is

a. Concave b. Co nve x

c. Stra ig ht Li n e d. L-shaped

vi) ln perfectly com petitive ma rkets

a. Firms can individually set the price b There are few se!lers
c. Firms can enter a nC exit the market freely d. All of ti-re a bove

vi.i) The current worth of a sum of money to be received at a future date is calleC:
a. real value b. future value
c. present value d. salvage v:lue

viii) Following is a relation of Marginal Revenue (MR), Price (P) and Price Elasticity of'der,rand ( E )

a. MR = P(1 + 1,/El b. MR = P(1 - 1/E)

c. MR = E(1- 1/P) d. MR = E$ + 7/P)

ix) lfw=1000,r=2000,andC=10000,wherew=wages,r=rateofinterestandC=Cost,thenthe
absolute value rf the slcpe of the lsocost may be
a. 0.5 b. 2000
c. 10 d. 2,5

x) A Ma rket with large nurnbei'of sellers and differentiated products is called

a. Mono poly b lVlon0polistic C()rrlPetition
C. Perfect Corr Detition d. Mono psonSt
ffi seventh Semester - 2019 oa..
oa oo o o oo. a a aaa o l aoo ooo

Examination: B's' 4 Years Program

W i RoIl No..o...or.......o.... :
ol o a a a aa o o aa
a a. o o oa aaa o lo.
PAPER: Managerial Economics MAX, TIME:2 Hrs.4SMin.
Qourse Qq!9: COMM-404 part-ff MA}L II,IARI(S:50

Question 2' Answer the following in 5 to 1.0 sentences each. Unnecessarily long answers will lead to
negative marking.
Marks: _v (2
r,. 20 each)
l_ Lselr,

i. Discuss what Managerial Economics is about.


ii. Why is the demand curve downward sloping?

iii' Describe the concept of cross price elasticity of demand
using an example.
iv. Which is the planning curve of the firm? Explain it,
v. Find Qwhere MC is minimum if Cost C g +
= Q3 - Q, STe+ Z

vi. Di,fferentiate between Risk Averter and Risk seeker Managers.

vii. What is meant by increasing return to scale?
viii' What is an ISOCOST line? What happens to it is the wage rate decreases?
ix. Explain any two characteristics of Monopolistic competition.
x. Explain what is Marginar Rate of Technical substitution?


Question No. 3 What is the purpose of Managerial Economics as a subject? What ,

- other subjects are rela,ted to,Manager:ial Egonom[cs

Question No. 4 What is Monopoly? Discuss the short run equilibrium of the firm

Question No. 5 Describe various.types of Erasticity of Demand.

consider the following Demand Function and related information

and answer the questions.

a = 200 - 0.15 P + 0.05 /

whereQ = QuantttyDemqnd.ed.,p = prtceond. I - Income

. Let P :- ZS00 and I - 50000

a) Calculate the quantity demanded

b) Calculate andinterpretthepriceelasticityofdernandatthe8iVenValues
c) Ca lcu la te ,ld interpret the income elasticity of demand at the given values
UNTVERSITY OF THE PTINJAB Roll No. in Fig. ......o...o.o....t....'..
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ ta
No. in Words. .......,,.r...
Examination: 8.S.4 Years Prosram \ Roll

PAPER: Corporate Finance (Finance Specialization) MN(.TIME:15 Min)..

Course Code: COMM-406 Part-I (Compulsory) MA)LMARKS: 10 '. t.sigRature of Supdt.:

Attemnt t[is Paoer on thi$ Ouestion Sheet o4lY. '.

Please encircle th o,f each question.
This Paper Tyitl be collected back after expin of time lipit mentioned above. ". '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and ovcrvriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

l. The portion of an asset's risk that can be eliminated through diversit'ication is:
a) Systematic risk
b) Non-systenratic rislt
c) Non diversifiable risk
cl) tsotha&b
2. Theuseoffixedoperatingcoststomagnifytheelfectsofchangesinsalesonthe
'firm's earnings before interest and taxes is:
a) Irinanr-ial leverage
b)Operating leverage
c)Irinancing leverage lrLtltiplier
d)Cost of capital
3; When required rate of return of the investor is less than coupon rate, the bond sells:
a) At par
lr) At preln iunr
c) At d iscor-rnt
d) At {'ace value
4. lf cost ol'capital dec,reases the NPV o1'a project.
a) Also increases
b) I)ecreases
c) Renrains constant
d) NPV cannot be determined
5. -l'he dividend paid in the lbrnl 01'shares is known as:
a) Cash dividend
b) Stock d ividend
c) Property dividend
d) Both a and tl
6. A lease contract which is long term and not cancelable is:
a) Op.ratirrg lease
b) Financ ia I lease
c) Leveraged lease
d) None 01'the above
TINI\IERSITY OF THE PUNJAB oo o a oo o o oa o a a o a o a a o a o o oa
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program :ta RottNo. o.....oo..r.......' o

a a o a aoa aa o o'
oa a a aa a a oo o o

PAPER: Corporate Finance (Finance Specialization) MA>(. TIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: COMM-406 Part - ff MA)(. I\,IARKS:50


Q.2. Give short answen of the following questions. (5x4=20)

a) Mutually exclusive projects vs independent projects

b) Operating lease vs Financial lease

c) Stock dividend vs stock split
cl) Residual theory of dividend
e) Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

LONG QUESTIONS [10xS:30 Marksl

Q.3 ABC Company is considering a new prodLrct line to supplement its existing rarige line. It is
estinrated that the initial investnrerrt ol$100000 is rlacle in tlre beginning [br both pro.iects
A and B. The lbllowing table shows the estirnated cash inflows of both the projects

-E rj*, B.l,rtl*^ --'

_I1qg.i7-lrfl."r -_i_
40000 _{!9q__
_ 4s000 000 I

30000 2oooo -----l

33000 42000

With cost o1'capital ol' I59lo fintl out the tbllowing:

a) Provide payback period fbr botlr the projects,
b) Provide NPV for each and describe the fbasibility of each project.
c) Provide internal rate of retLrrn and its acceptability.
Q.1 As a CEO of"l'he Leather Ltd. a gannent chain, 1,ou have jirst recelved a letter fiottt a ma.ior
stockholder.'fhe stocklrolder-asl<s atrout the conrpany's dividend policy. In f,act. the
stockholder has asked 1,ou to estirnate the amorrnt of the dividend that 1,or-r are likely to pay
nexJ year. You have not yet collected alI lhe intbrrnatiorr aboLrt the expected dividend payrnent
but you do knorv the fbllowirrg: The Cornpany follows a residLral dividend policy. l'he total
capital budget fcr next year is tikely to be one of three amounts, depending on the results of'
capital budgeting sturdies that are currently under way. The capital experrditure amounts are $2
rnillion, $4 milliorr, $7 nrillion and $10 rnillion. The forecasted level of polential retained
earnings ne.xt year is S5 rnillion. l'he target or optimalcapital structure is a debt ratio of 30%.
YoLr have cJeciclec'lto respond by'scncling the stockl-rolder tlre best inl'ormation available to you
a) Describe a residual dividend policy
b) Compute the amount of the dividend (or the amount of nerv cornmon stock needed)
and the dividend payout ratio for each of the three capital expenditure amounts
r r.5 Your flrm's cost analysis sr:pervisor supplies you with the following revenue and cost data:
Sa les $ I 5 00000
Variable costs 900000
Fixeci operating costs 200000
I nterest expenses 40000
Preferred dividend s0000
lnconre tax rate is 4Ao/o.
a) calculate the finn's degree of operating, financial and combined leverages?
b) Detertuitte tlie total arnount of sales if the finrr wants to double its EBIT
TINTI{ERSITY OF THE PT]NJAB ta Roll No ln lflg. oo.o.t.o.r'.oo.......o...
Seventh SeIEs*tGr -20:i9 ta RoIl No in Words. ......o........
ETaqi-nggion: B.S.4 Yeery PfoFrem \\
pffin, consumer Behrvior (Mrrtcting spoclrtturtioO l!{*
J}$:lsr}rin"'.. ooaoaaataaoaaaaaoalaaaaat

Course Code: COMM-407 Part-I (Compdioly) MA)LIUARI(ST 10 \

\\Slgnature of Supdt.:

Q.1. Encircle the right tnsmrer, cutting and ovemriting is not illowed. (fx10=10)

1. What type of segmentation assumes that people who live ctose to one
another are likely to have similar tastes and preferences?
A) Geo-demograPhic
B) Benefits sought
ci c"ographic
D) Demographic

2. is one of the rnost pervasive of all types of consumer

behavior because wg,alf act as personal consumers.
A) End-use consumPtion
B) Organizationat consumPtion
C) Societal consumPtion
D) PhilanthroPic consumPtion

3. Consumers' consistent preference or purchase of same br3nd of a

specific product is called: :

A) Brand loyaltY
B) Brand entertainment
G) Brand Personification
D) Branding

4. When a company can deliver customized messages to a small market i ,..

segment on an ongoing basis, this process is called:

A) Social responsibilitY
B) Narrowcasting
C) Positioning
D) Broadcasting

5. One of the following is not the element of perception:

A) Sensation
B) Retention
C) Differential tlireshold
D) Subliminal perception
T]NIVERSITY OF THE PTINJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. ..............o..........
Seventh Semester - 2019 t.. Roll No. in Words.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program \\

PAPER: International Trade Theory MAX. TIME: 15 Min)..

Course Code: ECON-401 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 \

\.Signature of Supdt.:
Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet '.. ontv.
PlealelDe[clelbe correct option. Division of markg is sivcn itr front of each ouestion. '..
This Paper will be collected back rfter eroirr of time limit mentioned rbove. '. \.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
l. 1'lre Stolper-Samuelson theorem pledicts

a) w'hich firctor"s arc abun<Jant b) the levcl o1'pr.odgctivity c_rl.expgrts

c) rvhiclr goocls rvill be exportecl d) inconre clistr.ibutiorr elfccts of.tracle
2. Tariffs r.e-allocate incorle

a) CJon.sullle l-s to pr.oclLtccl.s b) Prodrrccrs .to .r()nsullcl.s

c) Oovt. l.t-l pr.ocluccl.s cl) Consuntel-s to fcreigrrcr.s

3. A nation eneagirrg irr international tracle according to the Ricarclian rnoclcl r,viil find its
consuntption bundle

a) i,side its p'oduction possibilities frorrtier

b) on ils procluctiorr possibilities fi.ontier
c) outside its procluctio, lrossibilities frortier
d) orr its trade partner-,s procluctjon
;rossibilities fi.ontier

4. Using the FIO tnodel. assume that the Unitecl States is capital abundant
ancl Mexico IS
laboI abtrrtdallt. If st>1'[ear]s ett'e capital intensive ancl avooaclos are labor- irrtcnsivc.
rvorrlcl l'rc rc:asorrable [o cxpect tlie [;'nitecl Statcs lo

a) spccialize corlplerc,ly in sol,bsnn production

b) specittTrc colnplerclv irr avocaclo pr.oduction
, c) irrcrease soybean procluction, but still prodr,rce sopre avocaclos
cl) incrcaser avocaclos procluctiorr, but still pr.ocluce some so1,[rearr

5. Ilrtra-indtlstt'12 tladc depencls on rvhat two characteristics of t5e ipclustr-y

aud *arlcet
a) Diseconornics of scale ancJ homogenolrs proclucts
lr) Nori-taril'f'ba'ric,r's a,cl scale Ioreign investnicrrt
c) Govt. subsiclies arrd industrial policy
d) Econonries of scale and differentiated prod,cts

\ aa
UNI\IER,SITY OF THE PIINJAB ROtt NO. ln Ftig, ...........,r...r......r.
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No. in Words. ,or..'.r..oorr'
Elamination: B.S. 4,Ygrrs Ploeram \\
aa aa. aoaa aa.aa. t a"o"ot' e"

PAPER: Research Methodologf MA)L TIME: 15 Min.". t..

Course Code: ECON-402 Part-I (Compulsory) I\{AX LARKSS l0 ,""".."""""..""'
.signature of SuPdt":

Attemot this Paper on this Ouestio+ Sheet o+lv.

Please encircle th of each question.
This Paoer will be collected after ernin' of tlme llmlt mentioned above. '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and ovorwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
The data collected from the lnternet is called:

(a) Primary data (b) Or-dinal dara

(c) Ratio data (d) Secondary dara

A method, similar to group interviews, used to generate data is called:

II (a) Basic resealch (b) Focus Group

(c) Diagnostic research (d) Fundarnental research

A problenr that n-rotivates the researcher to caruy out research study is called:
(a) Research Hypotheses (b) Research Problem
(.) Research Technique (d) Researoh Methods
Which one of the following is not required in conducting research?
The data collected frorl the Intemet is called:
ry (a) Honesty (b) Misinterpretation of data
(c) lntegrity (d) Confidentiality
Research that takes help of historical sources to caffy out study is called:
(a) Field Research (b) Longitudinal Reseerrch
V (r) Historical Research (d) Quantitative Research

F,]'', , me type of sampling in which the entire universe is divided into groups and
some groups are randomly selected in the sampte is
a. Quota Sampling
b. Gror-lp Sampling
c. Cluster Sarnpling
d. Systematic Sampling
Roll No. in Fl$. .........."""r""""
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No. in Words.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years ProsrFm \\\

PAPER: Public Finance II,IA)L TIME: 15 Min.".

Counse Code: ECON-403 Part-I (Compulsory) IUA)L IVIARKS: 10 \
\.signature of SuPdt:

Attempt thip Paner on this Ouestign Sheet onlv.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not lllowed. (1x10=10)
I . 'l'he economic inciclencc of a unit terx is
(a) Generally borne by the buyers.
(b) Generally borne by sellers.
(c) Gcncrally borne by the government.
(d) Independent of thc statutory incidence lbr the tax.
2. A public good is
(a) A good that the public must pay lbr.
(b) Non rival in consumption.
(c) More costly than a private good.
(d) Paid for by the govcrnment.
i. Which o1' the lbllowing tax is best example o1'ability to pa.v principle of taxcs:
(a) Excise tax on cigarettes (b) I{ighway toll tax
(c) I'}roportional sales tax (d) Personal income tax
4. Govt. budget is balanced when:
(a) Govt. expenditure outstrips tax receipts
(b) Govt. tax receipts outstrips expenditurc
(c) Governnrent expenditure equals tax revenLte
(d) None of the above
,\. Governnrent f inance is called:
(a) National finance (b) Public finance
(c) Private finance (d) (a) and (b) of above

6. l-lolv the government can mcet its expenditure:

(a) lly taxing people
(b) By borrowing from banks and other governments
(c) By printing new money
(d) By all thc three methods

Which tax better conforms to the principle o[ equality in taxatiotr
(a) Progressive tax (b) Regressive tax
(c) Proportional tax (d) Fixed tax

8. Net taxes arc:

(a) Dornestic taxes minus foreign taxes
(b) Ilusiness taxes minus personal taxcs
(c) 1'otal taxes minus goW. transfer payments
(d) Total taxes minus govt. purchases
9 Which is not counted as public expcnditure?
(a) Subsidy given to local cit1, 6ut service
(b) Defcnse expenditure
(c) Invcstmcnt spending by public conrpetnies
(d) Interest payment on national debt.
r0. Progressive taxes:
(a) Increase government revenue
(b) Ilring cclualitv in clistribution of incomes
(c) Compel rich people to be honest
(d) (a) & (b) of above
TTNI\TERSITY OT TIIE PT]NJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. .rr.r.......r....o...o...
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta No. in Words. .......o......r
Examinafion: BJ. 4 Y,eafs,EIogram \ Roll
a. a a a a a a a 4... a a a. a . a . a. a a. o . . o....

PAPER: Monetary Economics MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: ECON-405 Part-I (Compulsory) ,""'!t"o"""""....'
.Slgnature of Supdt.:

Attempt,this Paoer oE this. Q+ppqion Shpgt pqly.

Thir Peoerwill be cqllected backpfter e;roin, of time limlt mentloned above.

Q.1. Encircle the right onswer, cutting and overvriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

i o) hedge against inflation

b) medium of exchange
c) unit of account
d) store of value

2. An example of fiat money is

a) paper euros.
b) gold.
c) silver coins.
d) cigarettes.

3. If the banks in an economy operate with a reserye ratio of 20 per cent

then the money multiplier is:

c) 25
4, Reserve requirements that may be imposed on an economy's banks by its
central bank specify that banks' reseryes must be a minimum percentage of
a) assets.
b) deposits.
c) loans.
d) goverrunent bonds.

5. The three main tools of monetary policy are

a) fiat, commodity, and deposit money.
b) open-market operafions, reserve requirements, and the discount rate.
c) the money supply, government purchases, and taxation.
d) government expenditures, taxation, and reserve requirements.

Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No. in Words. .....!.....rr..
Examination: B,$. 4 Years Program \\

PAPER: Inclusive Education MA}L TIME: 15 Min)'.

MA)(. MARI(S: 10 t.signature of SuPdt.:
Course Code: EDU-401 Part-I (Compulsory) " \\
Attempt this Paper on this Ouestiop S.heet onlv. "

Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10:10)
1) Babbling starts at: 7) In leal'ning clisabilities, the name for
a. 4-6 nlonths nrathenrirtical d isorder is:
b. 6-8 llloltths
c. 8-10 ntonths a.Dyspraxia
d. 10-12 months b. Dyslexia
c. Dyscalculilr
2) In lnclusiott the crlt't'iculum adaptation for d. Dysphasia
sl)ocial ncetls i.s:
il. OIten I'cqtrirctl S) To ittclutlc a sllcciirl chiltl lor lrlll'ttrry in a
b, Alrvays Required regular setting is l<nown as
c. Not rcqttit'ccl a. N{ailtstt'eaming
d. Nonc of itbovc b. Integration
3) L-,1 ( tcrilucc] ol' li r-st rt-tollllinglul u'orcls c. Full inclusitln
tl. NoIre tll'tltenl
il. 12 Ino n tlrs
b. 16 montlts
c. 20 nrotttlts 9) Startlecl re llex is pt'esetrt zrt the age of
(1. 2,4 rlr0nths
il.0-I nlontlrs
4) Prc-r'cqtrisitcs of language tlevelopttrent is: b. 2-3 nlonths
c. 3-4 lll0 n tlrs
a. Attentio rr d. Nonc of above
b,Symbolic u ntlet'stancl ing
c. Situit (io n:r l tt trtlct'stit ttcli ng 10. An itualy.sis ol'ltute ltooks ancl class test to
tl.All of abovc cleternline the pet'forlnzlllce of child, in
:rsscsslllent, is lcttott'It as :
5) 'l'lte sIIrallcsttrltit ol'sourttl thrrt hits a. Portfolio
nlcalling in u languagc is l<uolvn zls: b. \York salnple analysis
it. Phonenre c. Task nnalysis
b. Mol'plteltlc d. Nonc of above
c. Grilpheruc
cl, lionc of abovc

6 Teachcrs rvho utilize questions rvho ltave

orrly one rlrstvcr ilrc using rt'ltich trtetltotl?
a. lnquiry
b. Cotrvergent
c. Dirrergert t
(1. Brairtstol'ming
IINT\IER,SITY OX' THE PTTNJAB \ \ Roll No. ln Flg. ..o......oo..............
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ ta
No. in Wordg. ....o..........
\ RoIl
a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a .a... . o a aa.

PAPER: Pedegogr Methods of Related to lrfunic Studiec II'IA)L IIME: 15 Min.".

Course Code: EDU-402-N Part-I (Computrory) MA)L IIIARKS: '. 10 ofSuPdL:
Attempg.flts PFppf, qn this Ouestiqn,,ghepf pnly, \\

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. ZxJ = l0

,t/w€ M:l) u : : r * {- + :,>!t t .t u a,{t ; ri o{v.L Ll

I 3

?VxV n:l)oltr:(t)t/70
1 . Activates are broad spectrum

rlr ;
.a),J.P I S

A) Problem solving method B) Project rnethod c) Uni tary method

J_)r 4},JP d*t


U.*e I

A) problem solving method ,\
B) proj ect method: C) unitary method

,ri L/,at> *vf q,t,iPCI

3. Students observe during the field trip

gLU \fn ,Lrt$-: o,ts)v l;r/

A) Historical places n) Religious places c)natural scenes D)Ail these

*)/ r.-.r,fffy{e,^q
4. The most effective.way for cleanliness of soul is

A) Book reading B) Religious gathering C)Games o)oeuates

,-{;v, /;rt' t{r.E ,.fi;,
' v0Lu:JiLtA$
J. : persuades to study
A) Educational events n) visits to graves C)Islamite Museum) All these
Srl '4tltP i eq!) (;t-,VtYr y,7
UNIVERSITY OF TIIE PUNJAB ta Roll NO. in Fig. ...o.....................
Seventh Semester - 2019
\ \Roll No. in Words.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years.,Pfogram \\

PAPER: Comparative Education Mil(. TIME: 15 Min.".

Course Code: EDU-403 Part-f (Compulsory) MAX.MARKS:10 '..-;id;i;;;;ilil:,
Attemnt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '..
Please ericircle'th of each question'

Q.l. _E]_gircle
thelgltr:y_.lcutting and over.writing is not allowed. (1x10=10)
'fhe is a basic meAsure ol'a country's overall economic otrtput. [t
is the rnarket value of all flnal goods and services made within the borders of a country in a

a) GDP or GDI b) GrP

b) coP d) norre of the above

2. .. rate is the cliJfererice of imnrigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time,

divided (usually) per I,000 inhabitarrts (considered on midtelm popuiation). A positive value
repreSents more people,enteriug the couirfi than leaving it, while a negative value mean more
people leaving than entering it.
a) Irnrn igration b) Erligration
c) net rnigration d) none of the above

3 ...... the change in a popurlation over time, and can be quantified as the clrange in
tlre nLrrnber of individuals of arly species irr a population using "pe, unit time" for
a) Popu lation b) Population growth
c) Net population d) Norle of the above

4. .,.,.......factor is all important factor wlrich in iirfluence tlre allocation of GDP in education
a) Econornic b) Racial
c) Moral d) none of the above

5, .rate is a nreasure of the number of deatbs (in general, or due to a spocific cause)
irr a population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of tirne. This r'&to is typically
oxpressed in units of deaths per 1000 ir:dividuals per year.
a) Mortality b) Fertitity
c) Population d) none ofthe above

6. ....... rate of a population is the average number of childrerr that would be born to
a woman over her lifetinre
a) Mortality b) Fertility
c) Population d) none ofthe above

7- ...............has beeu described as the ability to read for knowledge and write
coherently and think critically about the written word
a) Literacy b) illiteracy
r9n111t'_",1 d) none of, the above
8. Acoording to Theory ........... people are average human beings prefers
to be directed and
wjsh to avoid responsibilfy
a) XX b)X g)Y d)Z
9' " " "'education provi<le a wide vision of comparison, critical analysis with the
world and oppot'tLrrlity to improve the weak areas in educational .y.i",
a) Cornparative b) Religious c) Morat d) norr

1 0. . .. .. . ... . founded to foster "cross-cu ltural

unders;.;i,;g, ;";.iurrir'0, .r-a.*i. ;;i;#::"ent, aud societal development through the
international stuldy of educatiorlal icleas, systen)s, and practices.,,
a) The Cornparative ancl International Education Soci"ty (CIES)
b) The National Education Foundation
c) The lntemational Foundation (ll;)
d) All of these
MRSITY OF TIIE PUNJAB \\ Roll No. in [tig. ..........r.t..""""'o
Seventh Semester - 2019
\ \Roll No. in Words.
Exami4ation: ErrS.,4 Years PrqgraIF \\

PAPER: Methods of Teaching of Soclal Studies-Ill MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: EDU4O$N Part-f (Compulsory) MA)(. MARIGST l0 \
a aa aa a a ta

\\Signature of Supd[:
a a a a... at aaa a l aa

Attempt thiq Ppper gn tFh CIH?qEqp S,


Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (lxlF10)
. Socratic method is known a-i
a) Irquirl method rdl
c) lecture method
d) question answer method
L, r Lecture method is generally describes as
a) Child cgnrered b) activity centered

c) teacher centered
d) non of the above
o Studelrts are passive in
a) Project method b) discovery method
c) inquiry method
d) Iecture method
o Inquiry method includes
a)Questioning b) observation
c) showing
d) experimentation
' promote science ancJ technology is of ed ucati on
a) Aim b) Goals
c) Objective
o A teacher should lrave, knorryledge oJ'
sr) subject nratter b) teaching methocls
c) students'nc'.ecls d) allof the atrove
'l'he goal
ol teaching is
a) to give information b) To involve pupils in activities
(c) To impart knowledge
o Which is not true about Iesson plan?
a) It clevelolls confidence b) II helps in orclerly content delivery
c)It is developed b), strdents d) It save.s li'oln haph azard teaching
. Ecjucational ob.i..tives have heen <Jiviclecl rnto
a) Two clomains
b) Three clolnains
c) Four dornains d) Five clonrains
lo Teacher performs practically and explains in
a) Lecture nretlrod b) discovery method
c) clentonstration method d) inquiry nrethocl
TINI\TERSITY OF TIIE PUNJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. ....'.o...........r......
Seventh Semester - 2019 '..
\ \ Roll No. in Words. ...............
Examinatio[LB.S. 4,Yeary Pfogram \\
t ra o araaaaoaaoaaa aaaaa.oa...aaaaa

PAPER: Infomation Communication Technology (ICT) MiltTIME: 15 Min.t...

Courue Code: EDU-404 Part-f (Compulsory) IVIAX-IVIARI(S: 10
'.Signature of Supdt.:
Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '..
Pleaqg encirch the correct ootion. Divirion of markt is qiven h frqnt of egch quection. '..
This Paner will be collected back after eroirv of tlne limit Fentioned above. '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cuttlng and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10:10)
i. Arr advantagc of think-pair-sliarc ove. snrall-groupr activc learning is
a) it takes lcss class tinre
b) it plovides the lcarning benefits of both individual reflection ancl interactivity
c,; it Icads to grearcr acquisition of critical thinking skill
d) all ofthe above
ii. 1'cchnology
a. should bc u(ilized by every teachcr aud every subject area
b. is bcst utilizcd by studcnts [or assignnrents outside ofthe classroom
c. can bc overused by both teachers and students
d. will soon rcplace teachers in the classroom
iii. Thc opcrt ccltrcation contcnt that is freely available for university students is referred as
a. C)pcn Contclt
b. OSS
c. OCW
d. OSC
iv. 'l'he tnost ilrtpoltant
lactor on the social dimension of classroonr life is/are
a. pclsonality and individLral needs
b. nrotival.iolr
\.:. personiility and [ornrs
d. tlrc leaming conrrnunity \
v. Teaohcls cttn allerriate some of the negative influences of pcerpressure and create an
environment that meets students'needs for afliliation by
a. initiating competitive reward and goal structures
b. avoicliug group actir'itics in an attenpt to avoid negative influences
--. lris/her strengths and
c. fbcusing ou each stltdent inclividually by detelmining
cl. nrakiug surc that students know each others' names and have personal information
about oltc atrothcr-
vi. Wlmt is mcant by WWW?
a. World West Web
b. World Wcb Widc
c. Wcst Wide Web
d. Web Worlcl Wide
vii' Technology can ltelp in cstablishing cll'ectivc learning
environrnent by bripging
problcms in the classroonr.
b. lniutilgciucrtI
c. real worlcl
d. learner
viii. Electronic porttolios sites is developecl by
at the University of the Alaska.
a. Dr. I-Ioarch I_)urgg
b. Paul [-[crsey
c. Dr. I{obcr.{ l-lousc
d. Dr. I lellcn l_]arret
lx. Itadio is NO't' incclilrm
a. I'lcxible
b. lnoclcnr
c. lcchnical
d. i nrlt,lci-

X. Edgar Schierl research on leanring suggested that despite much pres.s to the
contrilr'! \rcr'12 Iclv institrrtirns arc tr-uly I carrr ing org anizaLiol-rs.
rr. inlbnnarl.ioual
b. Irarnsfor-nrertional
c. c0lltpLltcl'
d. in Lern ai
Roll No. ln Fi$. ........o...oo...........
Seventh Semester - 2019 t
a\ Roll No. in Wotds. .. . ... . .. . . . .. .
Examination: B.S. 4 Yerrs Proeram \\
\ \^

PAPER: Research Methods in Educations IUAIt TIME: 15 Min.'..

Course Code: EDU405-N Part-I (Compulpry) MA}L MARKS: 10 """"""""""""!
.Slgnature of Supdl:

Attempt thiq Paper o.n fhis QuwqigE Fhect qplv. '..

k, f,iygn i4 ffplll gf psch qupstion. '.
Please eneircle the comgct option. Dtviriog qlnerfis
This BeDer will be collected back after frninr of timc limit mcntloned above,

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and ovcrwriting is not lllowed. (1x10=10)

1. What is the aim of educational researqh?

(a) Identifying major problems that need to be solved
(b) Searct i"ff"r the new facts and principles underlying the prQcess of education
(c) tO*ntifying the aims of education
(a; tAentifyinE the values that nccd to be inculcated in the pupils'
2. wt v is res" in education important for teachers?
(a) It adds to their acadsmic qualifications'
(b) It makes them wiser
' (c) It makes them better teachers
taught & horv'
(cl) It enables t6cm to make best possible judgments about what should be
3. What cloes view of related research and literature not do?
(a) provide the researcher with sufficient useful knowledge
(b) IIelp the researcher in identifying needld pigbl.Ts of resealch
(c) Make the researcher competent anO perfeCt in doing r9.sgarch
(d) Make thc research", n*ui. of the piifatts that plagued his

4. which of the following is desirable in a questionnaire?

(a) EmotionallY toned questions
(b) Too broacl questions
(c) Two ideas in one question
(d) etrestions which will elieit valid and reliable answers'
5. What is the mcaning of Data?
(a) Facts
(c) Observation
(d) Marks obtained
6. What is the meaning of population in Educational Research?
(a) Male, Female, Children
(b) Observation of all the units
(c) E1ites
(d) All of these.

UNTTERSITY OF THE PTINJAB Roll No. itr Fig. ................o........
Seventh Semestor - 2019 tr No. ln Wolds'
Eramination: B.S. 4 Yerfr ProFram \Roll
\\ \aaa..aa aa a aaaaaaa aa ! aaa aaaaaataaaaaa

MA)L TIME: 15 Min.".

PAPER: Research Methodology
Course Code: ENG-|OS Part-I (Compulmry)
Attemot ttlr Peoer on ttlr Ouertion Sheet onlv. .

Plearc cnclrcle thc correct option. Irit/bftrn of mrrirl ir sivcn i! front of each ". '..
Thb Peoer rlllbe collectod becl rlter cxots of tinc llmlt ncndonod rbove. '..

Q.l. Encircle the right rnswer, cutting rnd overwrlting ls not allowed. (10r1=10)

i. Broad subject matt€r being addressed in a study is called

(a) Research problem (b) Research topic
(c) Purpose (d) Research question
lt. mixes copied material from multiple from multiple sources.
(a) Mash-up (b) Hybrid -o
(c) Aggregator (d) Re-tweet
iii. Quantitative data is in fotm, such as statistics etc.
(a) Percentage (b) Quadratic
(c) Numerical (d) Quotational
iv. interviews combines both stnrctued and unstnrctured approaches.
(a) Non-stnrctured (b) Co-Relational
(c) Relational (d) Semi-stnrctured
v. List of issues to guide observation is called
(a) Index (b) Reference list
(c) Protocol (d) Content list
vi. The study loosly stnrctured and designed to expand understanding of a topic and
provides insights is
(a) Formal (b) Causal
(c) Exploratory (d) ExPerimental
vii. All of the following are possible goals of an exploratory study except
(a) (b)
Expand understading of a topic Test Hypo,thesis
(c) Provide insight (d) Develop Hlpothesis
(a) Data collection design (b) Sarnpling design
(c) Instnrment development (d) analysis
ix. The goal of a formal study is to :uo
("1 Discover future research tasks (b)
Expand understanding of a topic
(c) Test Hlpothesis (d)
Develop Hypothesis
The primary concern with using qualitative technique is that, qualitative data are too

(a) Expensive (b) Time consuming

(c) Subjective (d) Objective
T]NTVERSITY OT' THE PT]NJAB a\ Roll No. ln Fl$. ......r...'..............
Seventh Semester -2019 \ \r
No. in Words. r......t.......
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program \ Roll

PAPER: Enterprise Application Development MA)L TIME: 15 IVIin.'..

Courre Code: IT-{02 Part-I (Compulsory) MA)L MARI(S: 10 '.

Please encircle-the correct ootion. Divirlonpf naltr lq Fivep h.ffgBf .gf ,efp4 ouestion. '..

Q.1. Encircle the right ansnrer, cutting snd overwrlting is not allowed. (1xf 0=10)

'l-Servlet are used to program which

component in a web application.
a) Tomcat b)Client c) Server d)All of the above

2- Wltich of the following is the format for EJB deployment descriptor files?
a) Xh4 L b) html
c) Java d) Dhtml
3- Which of the following is the format for EJB deployment descriptor files?
a) Application server b) Web server c)DB seruer d)Thin client
4- What type of protocol is HTTP:
a) Statef ui b) State less
c) Transfer protocol d)l nformation protocol
5- What does MIME stand for:
has been applied?
a) Multipurpose lnternet Messaging Extension b)Multipurpose lnternet Mail Extension.
c) Multipurpose lnternet tVledia Extension d) Both a and c
6- Which JSP tag is used to transfer processing to another JSP page
a) <jsp.include> b).jsp:forward>
ccj,sp:redirect> d) <jsp:inclulde:forwarC>
/- Which of the following is true for JNDI?
a) DB service b) Narning and clirectory service c)web service d)Network service.

B- Which method of the servlet is/are called several times in its life?
a) Dopr:st 0 b) init ('r c)destroy$ d)super$

9- Which is not a valid scope for Java beah in JSP

a) Page b) session c) application d) global

l") a) Which of the following allows substitution of code to occur at the translation time
in a JSP page?
h,) <jsp:include> b) <@ page > c) <@ include> d) Nl a,b and c
ooa o a o o oa a o a oo o oo a aa a a a oor
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
ination: : RollNo.

ol .
o a aa oo o a a a oo a o r o oo o o o o oo

PAPER: Project Management Il,Iil(. IIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Cqlne Code: IT-404 Part - II II{AX IVIARKS; 50


Q.2. Explain the short questions. (10 x2 = 20)

- l.
Define 1-riple Constrains?
Define pro.ject Managernent?
Diffbrentiate b/w pro-iect Managenrent
and project portforio management?
1 What do you know about WBS1
1 Narne techniques of cost estirnation?
Llst reasons why Organizations out_source?
:7 ' List the toors and tec.hniqLres p"rronring risk monitoring and contror?
8' Enlist tlre proc:esses invoivecll,ror p.;*r Ijui,an n.rorr.. tutanagement?
9. Explain ITACI charts?
10. What arc bench rnarks?

Q.3. Explain the detailed questions. (3x10=30)

Ilxplain proicct cost lnatragetnent processes. AIso explairr

basic prirrcipal oIthe cost


----=- ^ --- -+---_
l Norle f_tirrirrlt.,t O*: -l

iC 4
,I 7

Calctrlatc Early Start, Early Finislr, I-at'e start,

Late Finish, Free slack, and total slack
lbr abo,e data? Shorv crititar path a,d enrist
result in a raburar fbr,rat?

What is the dilfbrence between brainstorming and the Delphi technique for risk
identification? What are some of the advantages and ctisadvantage of eacl.r approach?
MR,SITY OF TIIE PTINJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. .........................
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No. in Word$. ....o..o..o....
Exapinatiop: 8.S.4 Yggr! Program \\\
PAPER: Set Theory MA)t TIME; 30 Min.". t.
Course Code: lYrArH4Ol Psrt-I (Compulsory) MA)L MARIG: 10 l-""o""'r""..".."
\\Slg[ature of Supdt:

Pleaslflp=ircle the correct,pp$op. Dtv,blon,pf E!r+i t! Cvp,R i4 fip,pl pfgglF oucstion.

This Paoerwitl be co[&ted back afgi grJirv of tirne tlmlt rireiliibned above.

Q. 1 MCQs (lMark each)

(i) An ordered set S is said to be well ordered if every subset of S contains element.

(a) maxirnal (b) minimal (c) first (d) last

(ii) Let A- {o,b\.n - tr, /,2} then cardinality of Attis -:---

(d) s

(iii) Let r*:(+,;), then

3r- =

(a)0 (bl O (c) {O} 1a1 (-"o,.o)

(iv) The bijective mapping / :

[0,1] --+ [a, D]is defined by --------

(r) /(r) =ax+b (ut /(r) =a*bx

t.) "f (*) =(b-a)x+a tat /(r) :(a+b)x+b
(v) A set S is said to be ----------- if it tras the same cardinality as a proper subset of itself.

(a) finite ( b) infin ite (c) countable (d) uncountable

(vi) Let
be a partially ordered set. An element a e,S is called minimal element of S -------- if
(a) x S a Yx e S (b) x!a inrplies x=ct

(c) x2a inrplies x=a (d) x 2 a Yx e S

(vii) Every element in a Well-ordered set has a unique immediate successor except the -----
elerne nt

(a) first (b) Iast (c) rninimal (d) maximal

(viii) LetZ_{...,-3,-2,-l,0,|,2,3,...}thentheinitiatsegment,(0)

(a) {1,2,3,...,10} 1u1 {...,-:,-2,-t} (c) {...,-3,-2,-1,0} (d) None of these

(ix) Let a and 6 are elements of partially ordered set S. We say a and b are --------
if a < bor b> a (i.e. if one of them precedes othei).

(a) Non comparable (b) Compa ra ble (c) minima I (d) Maximal

(x) Let l/ - {1,2,3, } ancJ M(a)= {r: .r 2 a} then M(e) -

(a) {1,2,3,...,9} (b) {9, t o, I I, ...} (c) {t o, I 1,1 2,...} (d) None of these
a o o o oo a o o o aaa o. oa

Seventh Semester - 2019 oa

oo a
Examination: 8.S.4 Years Prgeram : Ro[No. o...oor.o.....o..o. o
t . .;;;o o o o o o o o. o o o. o o o ..o

PAPER: Numerical Analysis-I IVIA>(. TIME z 2 lJlrs. 30 Min.

MN(. MARI(S:50
Course Code: MATII-403 Part - fI

4x.5 - Zfr
Q2: Answer the following short questions.

(i). Define Truncation Errof, Relative Error and Order of Convergence

(ii). Suppose tirat ! is an approximate solution of the system A x : b, A is a non-singular

matrix and the residual vector for { then show that for any natural.nor m

lll- lll < lEll llx-lll a,d

x + 0,L+
ffi < fld1; [H-1ll
ffi nroviaea

lr 2:l
(iii). Formatrix o=lo s 6l
tl , compute ll,all, ana ll,all,.

(iv). Prove that

[," +\
| + 1-t'5' _

V+ a:alY -vla
Long Questions

l/ is a positive number and hence, find

e3: Find an iterative formula to find (ru)"' ,*here
(Z)"'correct to fo,r decirnal places'
to three decimal places'
e4: Find a real root of equation x3-3x-5:0 by secant methocl corect
Interpolation formula'
e5 :'Derive the Gre gory-Newton Backward Difference
correct to two decimal
e6: Solve the following system of equations using Gauss Seidel method

. x$4Y*22:t-5
emd zinc, wirere /0c is the
e7: The tbllowilg data gives the mclting point oi an alloy of lead
temperature and P is the percentage of lead in the alloy. Using Gauss's forward
interpolation formula, lnd the melting point of the alloy containing 65%o otlead
UM\TERSITY OF TIIB PUNJAB a a a o a o ta a aoaaao o a ao a a aoa
Seventh Semester - 2019 oa
Examination: 8.S.4 Years P{ogram : RolI No. . o. o o.. o... o o. o.. ..

ta a ta a ra o a a a ao oao a o.. a a ao''

PAPER: Mathematical Statistics-I IVIA>(. TIME:2 Hrs.30 Min.

Course Code: MATH-404 Part - II MAx MARKS: 50


(i) Five cards are drawn from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards. What is the (4)
probability the chosen 5 cards contain

(i) J ust one ace (ii) at least one ace.

(i i) A class contains 10 boys and 20 girls of which 4 boys and 6 girls use contact (4)
lenses. lf a person is selected at random from the class. What is the probability
that the person selected is 'a girl' or 'a contact lens user'?

(iii) For what value of c the function 4)

r(x)=,(:) , x : 0, 1,2,3,4,5
can be served as probability distribution function.

(iv) Write down the Moment generating function of Poisson distribution and derive (4)
its mean and variance.

(v) ll20% of the bolts produced by a machine are defective, determine the
probability that out of 6 bolts chosen at random

(a) less tha n 2 are defective (b) at Ieast 4 bolts will be defective

Q.3 Prove that the recurrence formula for the Poisson distribution is given by (10)

Fr+t : rfl(rpr-, + #), where m is the parameter of the Poisson


Q.4 A continuous has PDF (10)

f(x) - lnO-xXx-5),2<x<5
o, elsewhere
Find k, mean, vana nce, median and mode of the distribution.

An oil company conducts a geological study that indicates that an

F; exploratory oil well should have a 2oo/o chance of striking oil. what
is the

probability that the third strike comes on the seventh well.drilled?

Also find
the probability of three strikes when there are seven possible well

UNTVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB \ \ Roll No. in Fig. ......................"'
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ ta
No. in Words. ,..............
Examination: B.S. 4 Yeafs Pros,ram \ Roll
\ aaaaaaaa.aaaa"""..t""""""'

PAPER: Mathematical Statistics-f MA)(. TIME:30Min.".

Course Code: MATH-404 Part-I (CompulsorT)
MN(. IVIARI(,S: l0 \
aaa aaa

\\SigRature of SuPdt.:
aaa aaa aaa aaaaaa at"

.- \\
Attempt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.
Pl.ase enci"cle th of uapLquestion'
Paper will be c ".
Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
(i) For a Poisson distribution, mean and variance are related by
(a) p:oz (b) ploz (c)p)oZ (d) none of these

The MGF of binomial distribution about the origin is

(a) (p + qe')n (b) (p + qet)-x (c) (p * qr')-n (d) (p + qe')*

(iii) lf E(X) =15 and Y - 3X- 9, then E(Y,) is

(a) 15 (b) 30 (cl 2a (d) 36

(iv) The conditional probability of an event A given event B is given by

(a) P(/ n B) : P(A) P(B\/) (b) P(A\B) - P(A)

(c) P(/\ts) - fli:i)

(d) P(Aun) -P(/) +P(B)

i (r) The probability of an event cannot be equal to

(b) 0 (c) 1 .3s (d) 0 36
(a) 0.82

A discrete probability distribution rnay be represented by

(a) a table (b) a histogram (c) a mathematical function (d) alt of these

(r,i i)
It M(t): e-Bt+z4tz is the m.g.f. of a norrnal distribution, the mean and variance of this

distribution are:

(a) B and 48 (b) 16 and 48 (c) -B and 48 (d) -B and 48

(viii) The probability of continuous random variable X at x = a is

(a) between 0 and 1 (b) 1 (c) o (d) less than 1

(ix) The normal distribution will be less spread out when

(a) the mean is small (b) the median is small

(c) the mode is small (d) the standard deviation is small

All odd order moments of normal distribution are

(a) positive (b) equal (c) O (d) negative

o o a a o a a o o o a a o o o a a o aa o o oo
Seventh Semester - 2019 Oa
Examinations B.S. 4 Yeerc Prosram : RollNo, ooooo.oooo...oooooo '

% oa o i a o a o. a o o. o o o ... o l. oo

PAPER: Number Theory-I MA}(.TIME:2 Hre.30Min.

Course Code: IUATH-{08 Part- U MA)LMARI(S:50

Q.2 Short Questions ( 5x4 :20 Marks)

(i) Solve the linear congruence

36x = 7(mod157)

(ii Prove that there are infinitely many primes. (4)


(iii) (4)

(iv) By means of theory of exponent, Prove that " p, and 'c,both are integers.


(v) wing congruence

11x3 =Z(mod 23)

Long Questions (6x5 = 30 Marks)

(i) Let n > I be a composite integer then show that there exists a prime p such that
pln and pSJ;
(ii) lf k integers o17ct2,...,ak form a Complete Residue System modulo m then show

thatk=m. (2+3)

Q.4 St"
of linear congruences

x =2 (mods)
x-3(mod7) (3+2)


State and prove Wilson Theorem. Apply it to find remainder of 35!

when it is divided by 37. (3+2)

Q.6 Define mu ltiplicative arithmetic functions, Let n be an integer > t. Show that o(n) is
odd if and only if nis a perfect square or twice a perfect square. (5)

Q"7 Let a be primitive root modulo n and b,c be integers, then show that

Ind bc = Ind b + Ind c (rno dg(m)) ,

I nrovethat every prime number has a primitive root.

(ii) Find all primitive roots of 50. (3+Z)
NRSITY OF THE PUNJAB ta Roll No. in Flg.
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta No. in lVoldg. o...o..........
\ Roll
4,xqmination: B.S. 4,YefT,s 4fBsTam

PAPER: Number Theory-I MA)(. TIME:30Min)'.

Course Code: MATH-408 Part-I (Compulsory) MA)tLARI(S: l0 '. \\Signature of Supdt:
Attemot ttis Paoer on this Ouesggn Shpet gnlv. \,\

1 Q. 1 MCQs ( 1x10 = 10 Marks) r;=:,,;,

(i) 641 divides

a) Fs b)1 c)Fz d)4

(i i) The least colnrrron multiple of 60 and N
could be the prime factoiization of N?

a) b) 23 .5.7 c) 32 ,5.7 d) 2.5.72

ar l.) .
(iii) What is the remainder when ZlS divided by ls?

a) i0 b) 13 c)8 d) none
l,r) The sum of positive divisors of 28 is

a) 28 b) s6 c) 60 d) None of (u),(b),(.)

(v) The number of primitive root rnod 55 are

(a) z (b) I (c) 1 (d) o

(vi) If 1 5x+7y:210, then

a) x:2, y-5 b) x:7, v-l5 c) x-2, y-l5 d) x:7,

(vii) If 2 has exponent 3'mod 7, t@

If cr(
n) = Zn,then
n is
(c) 5 (d) 7

(a) Composite (b) Perfect (c) prime (d) Mersenn

(ix) Ifp is a prime number and d is a factor of p-l then the number of iotutions
of the congruence xd-t:0 (mod p) is

a) p-r b) p c) d-L d)d

ix) ,Qs>
(a) 2 (b) 3 (") s (d) 2s
Q.3 Long Questions (10 X I . 20 Marks)

[ (i) V/rite the dual of the following primal LP model and determine the values of dual variables
and prirnal variables.
Maxineize z = 4x1* ?xz l

'subject to

xt*Lxz- B

(i i) A firm has two bottling plants, one located at CoirnUit

pioduces three drinks, coca-cola, Fanta and rhumps-up, named A, B, and c, respectivCly.
The numberof bottles produced per day are aS follows:

Plant at
Combatore(E) Chennai(F)
Cocacola(A) 15,000 15.000
Fanta(B 30,000 10.000
l Thunrps-up(,C) _ _
20.000 s0.000

$ rn-a1k9!'lurvey indicates that during the month of April, there will be a demand of 200,000
bottles ofCoga-cola" 400,000 bottles of Fanta and 440,00 bottles ofThumps-up. The opgrating
gqst pe-r dpy for plants at Combatore and Chennai is 600 and 400 monet4ry units respictively.
For how many days each plant be run in April so as to rninimize the production cost while
still meeting the rnarket demand?

(iii) A military equipment is to be transported from origins 1,2,3 to destinations 1,2,3,4, The
supply'at the origins, the dernand at the destinations and time of shipment is given below.
Work out a transportation plan so that the time required for the shipment is the minimum.

Destination Supply

Origin l3


Demand tl 8
\ aa
MRSITY OF THE PTINJAB ROII NO. in Fig. .........o.....r.........
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ \ Roll No. in Words. ......o........
Ex,aminatig+: B.S. 4 .Yearq Prog{am \\

PAPER: Operations Research-I MAX. TIME:30Min.".

Course Code: MATH-412 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 '..
.signature of Supdt.:
Attemot this Paper on this Ouwtion Sheet '.. onlv.
Please encircle th of ea"h quettioo'
This Paperwill be collecfed back after exninr of fime limit me4tioned above. ". '.

Q.l. Encircle the right arswer, cutting and overvriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

Ql. MCQs (Marks:l0)

(i) Surplus variable is associated to type constraint

,/- b)> c): d) none

For LP model with n Yarlables and m constraints, the maximum number of corner


b) nnt c) Ch d) none

In LP probletn, the @"co,r.sdndt


(a)minimum non-negative (b) minirnum non-positive (c) maximum non-

negative (d) maximum non-positive
(iv) fhe non-negative variable in dual corresponds to -----. type constraint
(a) < (b) > (c): (d) zero

(v) The rule assoslated with selection of enteringvariable is referred as

(a) optimality condition (b)Gauss Jordan row operation (c) feasibility

condition (d) None

technique is_
(a) +1 (b) -1 (c) +M (d) -M

(vii) The most suitable algorithrn for solving assignment model is

(a) North-West Corner Method (b) Simplex Method

.:...-. r.
@ (d)RevieedSimplexMethod
(viii) ffi in an mx n transportation table is

a) m+n b) m-n c) m+n-l d) m*nt l

(ix) shortest route problem between two nodes

(a) Dijkstra's algorithm (b) Floyd's algorithrn

(d) None l

-L@ith| * : : -- I | :' '- ': -- :

(x) constraints have no solution

c) fYPe 2 d) tYPe S
UNIVERSITY OF THE PIINJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. .!r.................r....
Seventh Semester - 2019 t. Roll No. in Words. .o.o.r.........
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program \\
\ a a a a a a aa a.a aaaaa aa a oa a aaaa a a a t a aaaa

PAPER: Theory of Approximation & Splines -I MAX. TIME: 30 Min)'.

Course Code: MATH-413 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 '. \.Signature aaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaa.a

of Supdt.:
Attempt this Papg!'on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.
". '..
in front of each question.
Please encircle the correct option. Division of marks is gi,yen
This Paper will be collected back after exniry of time limit mentioBed abovg. '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overriting is not allowed. (1x10:10)
'fhe comprosition of twrl retlections
is a
a) Reflection b) Rotation c) Translation
d) Shear
2. ..... is thc method of finding value outside the givcn clata points
a) lnterpolation b) Approximation c) Extrapolation
d) curve fitting

3. l3very isornetry is -------

a) One-one b) Onto c) Into d) none of these

4. The Lagrange polynornial for the points (0,0) and (1,1) is

a) 2x b)x' c)x/2 d) AII ol'these

5. The operator used in the Gauss's Bac kward interpolation lbntula is

a) E b)d c) V d) All ol'these

6. The matrix of rotation is

' f':'^'l
I sin
"" 1
cos 2lJ
I ul
-' [""' 2t
2t sin 2r II
- cos 2l J
cos 2l

[sin 2r cos
lcos t _sin rl
d) I I

[sinr cosl -J

c) !t-lz d)None of these

- E''' * B-rrz grtz _ B-trz

a) E+t b)A+V c)--
'2 d)
d) None of these

9. T'hc composition of reflection and rotation is

a)llotation b) Reflection c) Translation d) None of these

10. If 1;. is a polynomial of'nth degree, tlren its rrlfi differ-ences are..
a) clne b) zero c) constant d),
TINIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB o a oa oao oooa o o o oo a a oo ooao
Seventh Semester - 2019
Examination: B.S.4 Years tEogram : Roll No. o.... o o. ,.. o.. o... '

t . . .;;. . . o o o o . o o . . . o . o o oo

PAPER: Theory of Approximation & Splines -I MAX. TIMEz2 Hrs.30 Min.

Course Code: MATH-413 Part - ff MA)(. IVIARKS3 50


Q2. Solve the fullowing short questions (4x5:20)

[. An affine transformation preserves ratios of lengths along parallel straight lines.
2. Drive the normal equations for finding the least-squares polynomial

!: A+ BX + CXz
3. Find the cubic polynomial which takes the following set of values (0, I ), (l ,2), (2, l),
(3, 1o).
4. Show that translation is distance preserving transforn'ration.

Q3. Solve the lbllorving Long Questions.

l. The area A of a circle of diameter d is given for the following values

w l24et I 2s05
Calculate the area of a circle of diarneter rcZ.

) Find an affine transformation which rnaps the points (0,0), (1,0), (0,1) onto the points
(5,0), (0,5) and (0,6), (07)
Find the power fits y = Axz and y : Bx' for the following data and use E, (,f) to
deteuuine which curve fits best. (0S)

4. Find the equation arlier stretching the circle x2 + y= -I parallel to x-axis by factor 2 and
parallel to y-axrx by factor 3. (07)
\ ta
Roll No. in Fig...........o..............
Seventh Semester - 2019 tr Words. ...............
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Progrgm \ Roll
No. in
\ \
\ ... a aa a.. aa aa... a.o aao....t
" " "t'

PAPER: Web Survey & SPSS MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: SOC-402 Part-I (Compulsory) ,"""'r""""""""'
Signature of Supdt.:
Attemnt this Peoer on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.
Please encircle th iront of each ouestion'
This Paoer will be collected back after eroiry of time limit mentioned above ". '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and oyerwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

1. What is tfie advantagc o1'using SPSS over caloulating statistics by hand?

a. It equips you with a useful transf-erable skill.
b. lt rcduces the chance of nraking errors in yclur calculations.
c. Mauy researchers use SPSS as it is a recognized soflware package.
d. All of the above.
2. In SPSS, what is the "Data Viewer"?
a. r\ table sunllllarizing thc tiequencies of data fbr onc variable.
b. A spreadsheet into which data can be entered.
c. A clialog box that allows you to choose a statistical test.
d. A screen in which variables can be defined and labeled.
3. Horv is a variable name different fiorn a variable label?
a. It is shorter and less detailed.
b. It is Ionger and more cletailed.
c. It is abstract aud unspecific.
d. It refbrs to codes rather than variables.
4. ln which sub-dialog box can the Chi Square test be found?
a. F requrencies: Percentages
b. Crosstabs: Statistics
c. Bivariate: Pearson
d. Gender: Female
5. Functional components of a databzrse system can be broaclly divided into
a. 2 components
b. 3 conrponents
c. 4 components
d. 5 components P.T.O.
ROlt NO. in Fig. ......'......o.....r.....
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ \ Rotl No. in Words. o......o..'r "'
Examinatign: B.S. 4 Years,Prog:,am, \\
\ ..t.aaaaaa"r"!"tft"t""t"'1..

MA)(. TIME: 15 Min)'.

PAPER: Electronic Media and Yirtual Society '..-;il;;;;;;ilil.,
Course Code: SOC-403 Part-I (Compulsory)

,r."r. .o"r".r; ro '"'rtttoot'oool"". tt.

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

l. The correlation function of mass communication is important because

a. The media can help maintain social stability.
b. The media can keep audienees informed about issues, events, and other
developments in society.
c. The media help people learn society's rule and how to fit into society.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
2. Intra-personal communication is:
a. Communicatioh with personal friend.
b. With people
c. With self,
d. With family
e. None of the above.
. .: .. :.

3. Who was the first editor of daily Nawai e'waqt?

a. Majee d nizami
b. Mujeeb nizami
c. I lameed ni2ami
d. None of the' pbove
e. All of the above
4. The communication based on purchased time,of space is oalled:
a. Publicity
b. Advertising
c. Propaganda.
d. AII of the above
e. None
5. press and Publication Ordinance was introduced in:
a. 1963
b 196s
c. 1 995

d. 1974
e. l'5 80

UNTVERSITY OF TIIE PTINJAB . Roll No. in Fig. .---...-.-......""""'
Seventh Semester - 20L9 \ t.
Roll No. in Words. .r....."'i !' ' '

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program \\

\ ..aa.a.oraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt't'tt

PAPER: Statistical lnference-I (theory) MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'. t..

Course Code: STAT-401 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARIiS: 10 """""""""'o""'
Signature of SuPdt:
Attemot this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet '.- onlv.
Ple"so encirclc th of esch ou"stion. '..
Thir Paner will be collecteil back after ernirv of time limit mentioued above '..

Q.L. Encircle the right answer, cutting and oyerwriting is not allowed. (1x10:10)

t. The B is the probability of

A -l-ype-[ Error B. Rejection Region
C. Acceptance Regiorr D. Type-lI Error

2. A cluarrtity obtairred by applying certain rule or formula is known as

,\. Estinratiorr B. 'fest Statistics
C llstirriaLc D. I:sIirtri.rtor

What is the probat:ilit-v oFa ty,trtc ll error wlren a:0.05?


A. 0.025 B. 0.0s
c. 0.9s D. Cannot be deterrnined without tnore inforrnation

r+- estirlator is callcd el]lcierrt il it has nrinilriuru ---------
A. Mean B. Variance
(1. Nr,rnrber clf Values D. None oIthe above

5. Suppose X represents the sarnple rnean, the cxpected value of X woulcl be equal to --------
A.o B,rr
CX- D. None of abovs

6. I''hc level ol-signil'icance is represented by

A.u B.p
C. i- s D. 1- B

7. 'l'lic linear unbiased csl.inrator ivhich has also nrinirrruttr verrizttrcc is <;ailccl -------
A. B[,UE, B. Better estimator
C. Biased estiurator I). Norre of the above

ti. ll'tlre rninimunr variarrcc estirlrator exists, it would essentially be

A. Zcro Il. Greater thatt otre
C. Ncgative D. Unique

9. Parameter is a --- quantity.

A. Constant B. Variable
C. Botlr (A) and (B) D. Norre o1'the above

10. Criteria to checl< a point estirnator to be good are ------------------.

A Corrsistency B. Unbiasedness
C. Efficiency D. All above
\ aa
UNTIERSITY OF THE PTINJAB ROll NO. in Fig. .........r.......o.......
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ \Roll No. in Words.
Examination:-,B.S. 4 Years Program \\

PAPER: Research Methodologf MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: 5TAT-406 Part-I (Compulsory) I\,IAXMARKS:10 '..-;id;;;;;ilil:,
Attemot this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.
Pleare enci"cle th of each quuttion'
This Paperwill be collected back after exnirv of time limit mentioned fbove. "..'..

Q.1. Encircle the right answerr cutting and overtriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

t. Sannpling is advantageous as it
a) Saves time
b) Saves money
c) Both (a)and (b)
d ) lncrease accu racy
il. Randonr sarnpling is helpful as it is
a) Reasonably accurate
b) Free from personal biases
c) An economical rnethod of d ala collection
d) All the above
ili Survey research studres
a) Events
b) Population
c) Processes
d) Circumstances
iv Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research?
a) Research is systematic
b) Research is not passive
c) Research is not a process
d) Research is problem oriented
The process of selecting the fractional part of a population is
a) universe
b) sampling
c) sample
d) fraction
Vi When the sample is not related to the unit of the target population and involves
personal judgment, it is called
a) disproport,onate sampling )
b) proportionate sampling
c) probability sampliiig
d) non-probabilitysampling
vil Bibliography given in a research report:
a) has no relevance to research
b) shows vast knowledge of the researcher
c) helps those interested in further research
d) all the above
viii Which of the following is included in the main body of the report?
a) Bibliography
b) List of tables
c) lntroduction
d) List of figures
tx. Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling?
a) Sample units must be clearly defined
b) Sample units must be dependent on each other
c) Same units of sample should be used throughout the study
d) Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and objective manner
The research is always -
a) exploring new knowledge
b) verifying the old knowledge
c) filing the gap
d) all of the above
a o o, o o a oa ro o o a" t oa

Seventh Semester - 2019 a'

Examination: B.$..4 Years Proqram :t RottNo.....'o......o.o.o,r. '
.r;..aa oaa o o a oooaa.oIlto

PAPER: Time Series Analysis-I MAX, TIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Efiil t
vvgv. STAT-4LI !Part
tEA E=
- fI
*tr**r*t t
"**"tt*, "I\It*
Q.2. Answer these short questions. (axF20)

a) Differentiate between weak and strict stationarity.

b) Consider an AR(p) process. Xt :
etXt-t * qzX*z + "'+ qkx?k + Zt,
Show that,

c) Define random walk process; show that its mean and variance are time dependent.
d) Define Partial autocorr'elation, Given the autocorrelations at lag 1,2 & 3 of a time series
as -0.55,0.25 & - 0.014 respectively. Calculate partial autocorrelation at lag-3.

Question No. 3. A tirne series rnodel is given below, (12 )

(1 *B)(1 -0.28)Xt=(1 -0.58)Zt

a) ldentify the model of Xy
b) Check stationarity and invertibility of the model.
c) Obtain first three y -weights of the model when expressed as an MA model.
d) Obtain first three zr - ',r'eights of the model when expressed as an AR model.

Question No. 4. Shorv that AR(2) process , (08)

r'- r'i' * zt' wlr be stationarv if;
Qz) -L

Question No. 5. Consider the infinite order MA process {Xr}, defined by ( 10 )

Xt = Zt+ C(ZF1* Zr-z + "'), where C is aconstant. Showthatprocess isnon-stationary.
Also show that the series of first differences {Ir}, defined by Yt = Xt - Xr-r, is a first order
process and is stationary. Also find the ACF of {yr}.
ROtl NO. in Fig. .......o...o.............

Seventh Semester - 2019 t., Roll No. in Words.

E:F?.n{!ratign: B.S. 4 Years Prosram \\
\ \\aa ataaat
a aaa aoa ta

PAPER: Time Series Analysis-I MAX, TIIIE: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: STAT-4ll Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 ""'o""!"r""..'o"'
Signature of Supdt.:
Attemnt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. ".. '..
Please encircle the comect option. Division oimarks is given in front of each question.
This Paner wiII be collected back after exnin, of time limit mentioned aboye. '..

Q.l: Encircle the right answer, cutting and overvriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

1) For a good time series analysis, successive obs".uutions of time ,"ri", data must be ,
a) Dependent
b) Independent.
c) Identical.
d) None ofabove.

2) rhe lrean and variance of are time depe,dent.

a) Purely randonr process.
b) Random walk process. :

c) Moving average process.

d) Autoregressive plocess.
3) An MA(q) process with MA polynomial 0(B), is considered invertible if
the roots of the
Equation,0(B) : g,

a) Must all lie on the unit circle.

b) Must all lie inside the unit circle.
c) Must all Iie outside the unit circle.
d) MA process o{. finite order is always invertible.

4) Consider a titne series that follows an AR(l) process with mean 4.5
and an auto regressive
coetficient of 0.4, what is trre value of autocorrelation atlag-2?

a) 0.4
b) 4.66
c) 0.16
d) Not possible to determine the value of auto correlation without knowing error variance.

5) An ARMA(1,,1) process given by, y, - ytt: Zt O.SZFr,can be considered as,

a) Stationary and invertible both.
b) Stationary but not invertible.
c) Invertible but not stationary.
d) Neitirer stationary nor invertible.
6) Partial autocorrelation at lag-l is equal to,

a) Zero
b) Autocomelation at lag- I .
c) - 1-.
d) +1. P.T.O.
TINTVER,SITY OB THE PIINJAB \ \RoltN0. h Fig. .,,.r'r.r.,.r...,.*r
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ t.
ExamiBption: 8.S,, 4 yeqTq,BfpHrflB Roll No. in Words
\ \\aa
a aar a a. aaa.a. a t a...a

PAPER: Operation Research MA)L TIME: 15 Min.'..

Q.1.(r)Encircle the right rnswer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (5x1=5)
1- All the parameters in linear programing model
are assurned to be
a) variables b) constraints c) functions
d) None of the above
2' Graphic rnethocl can be appliecl to solve
a linear programming problem when
only there are
-- b) More than
a) One one c) Two d) Three

3' If the feasible region of the rinear programming probrem

is empty , the sorution is

a) infeasible b) unbolurcled c) alternative d) None of the above

4. If there al'e "m" oriqinal variables and "n" introduced

(slack) variables , then there will
be .-...-- columns in tf," simplex table
a) m-n b) rn+n+3 .)**n_I d) m+n
fifi',.:11#?l'::J#,lj:#;T H"*"verred into a maximization probrem by changing
a) constraints b) Objective function - c) Both A and B d) None of the above

Q'l'&)State weather following statemenh are Tnre or False.

i. raphical rnethod can be used
for more than two decision variaues
,, lir' simplex Method, the outgoing
variabte has largest value of
iii. Business can have unconstrained
probrems :

iv. Definition of probrern is first phase of oR Study

UNI\IERSITY OF THE PT]NJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. ...............r.........
Seventh Semester - 2Al9 ta Roll No. in Words. ......o........
Examination: B,S, 4 Years \ragrar l \\
\ aoaaa"t""""""""r".."""

PAPER: Statistical Mechanics MA)(. TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: PHY-401 Part-I (Compulsory) MA)tMARIG:10
Attempt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '.
Pluas. th of qo"*tioo' t'..
"nci"clu "ach tt.

Q.f. Encircle the right answer, cutting and over:writing is not allowed. (1x10=10)

(i) The probability cf finding a system in one of its micro statsis

(a) zero (b) equal (c) unequal (d) negative

(ii) In Bose-Einstein condensate the number of particles iu ground state is

( a) zero (b) very large (c) half of that of first excitecl state (cl) r'ery'small but
non zero

(iii) Bose Einstein condensate is formed at

(a) very high temperature (b) room temperattue (c) very low temperature (d) ali

(iv) The chemical potential of photon is

(a) I (b) 0 (c) undefined (d) negative

(v) The number of particles and energy both are exchanged in

(a) microcanonical ensemble (b) grand canonical ensemble (c) canonical enesembie (d)

both a and b

(vi) In carlonical enselnble, the fluctuation occurs in

(a) Energy (b) temperature (c) concentration (d) All of these

(vii) U- PV equals to

(a) enthalpy (b) Helmholtz free energy (c) entropy (c) None of these
(viii) Electrons in a metal obeY
(c) ) F'ermi-Dirac Statist'ics
(a) Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics(b) Bose-Einstein.statistics
(d) None of these

(ix) The particles with integral spin are described by

(c) Bose-ijirrstein statistics
(a) Fermi-Dirac Statistics (b) Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics
(d) All of these
(a) a circle (b) an ellipse (c) a straight line (d) a hyperbola
Seventh $emester - 2019 t.,
\ Rotl
No. in Words

a a a. a. a. a. a aa a a a t a a a a a a aa... r..l.a

PAPER: classical Electrodynamics-r MAIL TIME:15Min,'..

Course code' PrrY-402 part-I (Compulsory) II,IA)LMARKS:10 \ \

\,.Signature of Supdl:
aaaaaa aaaaaaa


Encircle the right auswer, cutting and overvriting is

not allowed.
The difterential form o? C"*rrs law
a. V,E:0 c ixE - o
b. i .E : p/€o
2' In sphericil coordinates, where the g is a function
of one variable only say q(r), then the
general solution of Laplace equation becomes
a. p(r): ar +b
b. p(r).- alnr + b c. q(r): -o +b T

d. q(r) = I +b
3. If the conductivify of a material is extremely low, the electrostatic

equitibrium is obtained
a. extremely rapidly
c. In an infirrite time
b. extremely slowly d. None of these
4- For a homogeneous, isotropic medium chara cterized by
conductivity g and perrnittivity
e, the relaxation tirn c t, is defined
a- tc : €g
c. tc: g/e
5- The magnetic dipore rnoment d. tc-: €+g
of the circuit is
a )f r " d"i c ),0i x di
b f i x di d I $i x d"i
6. € olto
a. Has the din:ensions of velocity
b. tlas the dimensions of velocity squared
c. Has a dimensions of an inverse velocity
d. IIas a dimension of an inverse velociry squared
7' Thc equation which impries that there
is no isotated magnetic monopores
a. i'E:o {
c. vxB=o
b. i.E=p/eo
8' The magnetic field at a distance
d. V.d=6
"a" due to a long straight currenf
carrying wire is
a. B Fo' - 2a to'
c. B- 2ttal
b. B-ro'zna
d. g=--tz!-
9' d1*s1'"" of any curl is zero, itis reasonable
B may be written as
to assum
rrl{{1'^rroetic induction

a. E- V x,i
E= vzi
b. E* v.i c.

d. $ = [toJ
10- For paramagnetic materials
the magnetic susceptibility
a. Negative Xrn is
c. Zero
b, Positive
d. None of these
oa. aa a t at ooa. aa ooa o oa a ao
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program ! o
RoU No. .
'o r oo aa a aoaa oaoaooa oooo oao

PAPER: Nuclear Physics-I MAX, TIME: 2 Hrs,45 Min.

Course Code: PIIY-403 Part - II II,IAX. MARKS: 50


Q. 2 Write short answers of following questions. (10 x 2 = 20)

(l)- The nucleons constantly emit and absorb pions. Why the neutons and protons are never found with other than
their usual masses?
(ii)- Explain why the sum of masses of two protons and two neutrons is not equal to the mass of alpha particle.
(iii)-Give a comparison of proportional and ionization chambers.
(iv)-What are the limitations of nuclear emulsion technique?
(v)- Why neuhon number tends to exceed proton number in stable nuclei?
(vi)-The observed spin of 7[rlil is h. Show that it cannot be explained on eleckon-proton model of nucleus.
(vii)-What are achievements and failures ol shell nuclear model?
(viii)- What is meant by range of alpha particles? On what factors it depend upon?
'(ix)- Eleotrons as such do not exist in the nucleus. What then islhe cause of beta decay?
(x)-Can a cyclohon be used to accelerate electrons? lf not, why?

Q. 3: (a)-Wnat is meant by magnetic dipole moment? By giving an example show that magnetic moments are not
additive. 01+02
(b)-Give principle, construction and working of synchro-cyclotron. 01+03+03
Q, 4: (a)-Discuss Fermi theory of beta decay and calculate momentum and energy distributions of emitted
electrons. Draw the expected shape of these distributions and also draw Fermi-Kurie plot. 06
(b)-Highlight the achievements and failures of liquid drop model. Also give similarities between nucleus and liquid
drop model. 04
Q. 5: (a)-How Gamow-Gurney-Condon theory explains the problems of alpha decay raised by 05
classical theory?
(b)- Wnat is proton-proton scattering? What does information it give about nuclear forces? Also differentiate
between proton-proton and neutron-proton scattering.
TINTVERSITY OF TIIE PIINJAB .\ Roll No. in Fig. ...........r.'............
Seventh Semester -2019 \ tr
in Words. -..............
\ RolI No.
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeram \
\ \ . . . . . . . . t t
t t
" "
" "

PAPER: Nuclear Physics-I MA)L TIME: 15 Min."..

MA)L MARKS: 10 '. \.sigoature of SuPdt.:
Course Code: PIIY-403 Part-I (Compulsory)

Attemot this Paper on this Question Shget onlv.

Please f merks is siven in

Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (lx10=10)
(i)- Each nucleon in a nucleus interacts chiefly with the general force field p.O*uO by all other nucleons' This is
assurnption of:
(a) liquid drop model (b) shell model
(c) collective model (d) all of above

(ii)- The ionization energy of an atom as compared to binding energy of its nucleus is:
(a) greater (b) same
(c) less (d) none of above
'(iii)- The existence of neutrino was postulated to explain the contradictions in law / laws of conservation of:
(a) energy (b) rnomentum
(c) mass (d) both a and b
(iv)- lf a radioactive nuclide zXA decays by emitting a gamma ray, then the resulting nuclide has:
(a) adifferentZvalue (b) the same Z and A values
(c) adifferentAvalue (d) none of these
(v)- lf electric dipole field has odd parity then magnetic dipole field wlll have --- parity.
(a) even (b) odd
(c) mixed (d) zero
(vi)- ln scintillation counter, electrons are accelerated by:
(a) electric fietd (b) magnetic field
(c) oscillating field (d) both a and b
(vii)- Number of protons in a nucleus is called its:
(a) mass number (b) atomic number
(c) quantum number (d) none of above
(viii)- For spherically symmetric charge distribution, electric quadrupole moment is:
(a) positive (b) negative
(c) zero (d) not predicted yet
(ix)- Nuclear forces are:
(a) charge independent (b) spin dependent
(c) short range (d) all of above
(x). ln cyclotron, the frequency of rotation of charged particle decreases as the velocity:
(a) increases (b) decreases
(:) relails constant (d) none of above
_ _
ROlt NO. in Fig.

Seventh Semester - 2019 .a N0. in WOfdS. or...r.r.r,.rr

E4amination: 8.S.,4 Years Prpgram \ROll

a.a aao a..aaaa..a aaa aaaaaaa ataaaa

PAPER: Relativity and Cosmology MAX. TIME: 15 Min)..

Course Code: ptry-lO+ fart-I (Compulsory) MA)t MARKS: l0
Attemnt this Paner on this Ouestion Shpet
". '.. onlv.
Please encircle the correct ootion. Division oimarks is eiven in front of each ouestion.
This Paoerwill be collected backafter exoirv of time limit mentioned above. '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

i. Which of tlre following particles is subluminal? - - - -. -

(a) tachyo^ (b) eleme.tary particles (c) photons (d) Gravito.s

ii' Under which condition Lorentztransfonnation reduces to Galilean transformation?
(a) '' t (b)''':0 (c)r,,,.,
--= c (d) r,<{c
iii. For 'AsZ - c2 Atz - Axz , tl^te interval will be time like interval if :

(a) L,s2 : 0
iv. If l7 v,, is orthogonal tl-ren

(a) l;r v,,: I ft) 17: vr,= -I (c) F, v,,: 0 (d) 77, vr* 0
v' The red shift jn tlre spechal lines of light reaching us from
other galaxies implies that these galaxies
(a) are nlovillg cloSer to one anotlrer (b) are rnoving farther apart fionr one another
(c) are in rapid rotation (d) consist predonrinantly of red giant stars
vi. Cravitational red shift coresponds to
(a) Longel wavelength (b) Srnaller frequency (c) Observer in
weaker gravitational fielcl
(d) All of t}e above

vii' Theory which states that black hole is formed when sufficient
compact mass ca, defonn space time is
known as
(a) theory of general r-elativity (b) theory of electrornaguetic fields
(c) theory of gravitatio,al fiercrs (d) theory of particle ruiiatio,r
viii.which one is true for the fourth component of cument density

(a)Jn=is, (b)J+=ic/p (c)J+=icp/c (d)J+=tcrp

ix. Simultaneity is
(a) dilated (b) absolute (c) invariant (d) relative

x. Which one has zero divergence

(a) Four cument density
(b) Electromagnetic field tensor (c) Four iector pote,tial
(d) All of these (e) None of th-ese
Seventh Semester - 2019 ..0 r toa.. 0 I l.l a ar
Exa.Bination: B.S. 4 .Yearc-.progfam o:
: Rotl No..o...o....o..r..... .
ol l o a aa a o a ooa a o o oo
aa aa l r ao

PAPER: Particle Physics-f MA>(. TIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Coqrse Code: PI[Y-407 Part - II MA)(. TVIARKS: 50
au"sti" n Z:
(2x 10:20)
Write short answers of the following questions.

(i) Dra,w the Feynrrau, srrowing

the r,echa,isr, trf .fi--crecav.
- (ii) Define baryons and me.sons. How are [hey
different? Give t]reir exa,mpres.
(iii) Give the rerative strengths and the mediating
particres of the .r.orr*, weak and
(iv) Define parity operation' what are the eigenvalues of the corresponding operator?
(v) what are the values of the spin, isospin, cha'ge
and strange,ess quantirm numbers
of the charm quar!?

(vi) State CpT theorem.

(vii) Give an exanrple of stra,ge particles.

Explain why are they called strange parti-

(viii) which interaction is responsible for the

decay I(o -+zr+zr.- and rvrry?
(ix) How many and which quarks does
(x) Briefly explain the phenomena of asyrnptotic
freeclom a'd quark confi,ement.
Question S:
( 10)
Wrat is parity? Deterrrine the intriusic par.ity
of pio, (n-) by cor$ the reac-

?t- +d+,r7,*,n,
Qupstion 4: I

show that fou, Miwweil eq,atio,s (ro)

are eqrliva'leilt to the following
field equation i' L'r.e\tz

JzAp: JF
Question b:
wha't is charge con.iugation operation ( 10)
what a,re the eigen va,lues of the
opel at or? Shorv that a pr.otor)_antiproton corresponding
system in a state of defirrite orbital
momentum , l, arld spin,ts, is a,gular.
an eigen state of the charge
corljugation operator with eigen
value (:1 rs )t
\ aa
UM\{ERSITY OT THB PUNJAB ROll NO. in Fig. ,...r..o.................
Seventh Semester -2019 ta RoII No' in Words' " """"""'
Exanrination. Bos. 4 Years Program \ \\tt"
""".." "t "tt""""'

MN(. TIME: 15 Min)'..

P^APER: Particle PhYsics-I MN(.MABKS:10 " ..signature of SuPdt.:
course code: prry
part-r (compulsory)
407 \

Attempt this Paoer o,n thls Oulstion,she?t gntvt - \^

h oo"tdoo'
*r.",h.,ur."r..t-orlio-* Diy "'. t.
ilhispapero,i[ be co[ected back aftet
Encircle the right answer, cutting and
overwriting is not allowed'
Question 1:
(i) Th.1pherroro.rroii-oi q"orL .orrfittement is rela,ted to t'he fa'ct [hat'
(o) asbeconres \rery }arge at large distances

(lr) (as [ccomes verY large at short dista]]ccs

(.) as becomes very small at ]arge distances

(.1) as becotnes very smail at short distances

(ii) In p*,Cecay an up quark converts into
(") strange cluark (b) anti down
(.) trnti uP (d) down quark

r vioIa,tiorr of cor].sel'\ratiorr of ---

(iii) The pl'ocess 'P
-> r'' To is rrot aJlou,ecl due t,cl

(u) lePt,on lto (b) barYon no

(.) electric charge (d) meson no

(iu) Ha,drons can exist if

(r) total electric charge is zero (b) tota,l isosPin is 7'ero

(.) tota,l color charge is zero (d) color sPin is zero

(") Isospin is syllrtttctr,u-- ctf

(n) weak interactiort (t-,) strottg iuteract'iou

(.) electrolnagnetic interaction (rl) all of these

(vi) The anti-top quark (/) carries a charge of

(u) +Ll3 (b) +213
(.) -Lls (d) -213
(vii) Which of the following forces have infinite range?

(u) Electromagnetic and Gravitationa'l forces

(b) Elcctrornagrtetic and Weak forces

(") Stroirg and Gravitational forces

(<.1) Weak aud Gravitational forces

(viii) Using Lorentz gauge, the Maxwell equations can be,wril,ten in the following 4-vector
(u) DzAb : jr' (b) D2Ar': d'
. (") A2AP :0 (d) AzAP: -it'
(ix) Tbe G-paritv o[ charged and rtcrutral pions is

(o) +1 (b) -1

(.) O (d) noue of them

(") For ground state all the baryons have
(o) otld paritl, (b) rnixed parity
(") cven parity (.1) consel'ved parity
Seventh Semester -2019 in Words' "'o" ""..'r'

\- ttt"r"tt""'rt"""o"t""""

IUA)LTIME:15 IVIitr.".
PAPER: Particle PhYsics'II MAILMCBI(S; l0
Course Code: PIIY*{0E Part-I (Compuhofy) "

Q.t. Enclrclc the right lj3wor' culdng rnd oyerrvriting ir not rllowed'

I fl ;ru"i"-i;rii1,r; cqgution rlcscr"ibcs tlre particle which is movingrclativisticall5' u'itlr spin 1

(L) ',/^

(') Lcro
(S)I :

({) lrone o['Lhese


Golclcn rrllc is clcsu'ibccl [r5' thc l-elation

6) W,,'-Zrc[V,1lp(Fl1)
(b) Wri"2nlV,'l'p(li,)
(c) W,i, 2rlv,,lp(li,)
(4) none of these

Scalar product of trvo fotu: vectot is clelinecl :rs

(4) A.lJ'-, A.,j3,'-A.]J

(b) A.B-.. A"B.,-i-r\.B
(c) A.B='r\.8 -Aollu
(d) none ol'Lhese
4) ,tmcuiii"Ide.nsity
i' "l
outained from the'i(i;irfc".dffi",irrir", ;rtpi, -
"'zero particle represented by state
- Q
(0-V O - +V
, (a) O") (c) -i ( Ov 0- {,-V O)
_ _ (b) -(+-V O - OV,l-) (d) none of these
5) I One example of Lorentz invariaut quantity is

(b) probability density (d) relative velocity

6) The time dependent Schrddinger equation for a particle is
,. i (a) Lorentz invariant but non relativistic
. , (b) relativistic but non invariant
(c) non relativistic and non invariant under Lorentz transfonnation

7) The result of firllorving anti-commutation rclation {yt', Yu }is

(a) o (c) Zgt"
(b) 1 (d) 6r
8) The Dirac equation is
(a) I't order diftbrerrtial (c) Non relativistic
(b) }nd order differentiai (d) Non linear
9) In Dirac equation all alphas are
(a) Identity (c) Non traceless
(b) Traceless (d) Inverse of other
10) *tyoyP Q represents
(a) four vector current (") probabilitydensity
O) Dirac matrices (d) Adjoint spinor
IINTYERSITY OF THE PTINJAB aI Roll No. in Fig. ...........i......o......
Seventh Semester -2019 \ \a
[xeminsfion: B.S. 4 Yeerc Program \ \Roll No. in Words. ...............
\ \ ....aaaaaaaa'at""t""t""t""'

PAPER: Advanced Electronics-I (Iheory) MAlt TIME: 15 Min)'.

Course Code: PIIY-411 Part-I (Compulsory) MA}t MARKS: 10
" \.signrture of SuPdt:
Attemot thir Proer on thlr Ouerdon Sheet oplv. '. tta
Ihir Proer will be collected back rfter erotv of dmo llmlt ncntloned above. '..

Q.1. Encircle the right onrwer, cuttlng rnd ovelvriting is not allowed. (kllFl0)
i. An operational amplifier u-741 internally consist of tansistors.
a) 24 b) l0 c) 34 d) None of these

11. - ROMis tlpe of memory.

a) Data b) Progrant c) -
Control d) None of these
iii. Counter is
a) Combinational circuit b) Sequential circuit
c) BothA&B d) None of these
lv. Digital data is type of data.
a) Discrete b) Analog c) Function d) None of these
v. The storage element for a static RAIvI is:
a) Resistor b) Inductor c) Capacitor d) None of these
vi. The ideally input impedance of an operational amplifier is:
a) Maximum b) Minimm c) Infinity d) Zero
vll. Lotch is tlpe of multivibrator.
a) Bistable b) Monostable c) Astable d) None of these
vlll. The gain of an inverting amplifier depends upon
a) Internal structue b) External resistances
c) BothA&B d) None of these
lx. Which gate is known as Universal gata _,
a) AI.ID b) xoR c) NoR d) OR
Which gate is known as comparator gate
a) XOR b) AlrD c) NOR d) )C{OR
ra t o oa
aoao a o a a a aa a o a a a a a.o
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
Ex?minatiop: B.S. 4 Years PrggraF
: RolINo. '
t . .;;;. .. . . o o . . o o o o. o o o.!

PAPER: Solid State Physics-f MAX. TIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: PHY-4I9 Part- fI MN(.MARKS:50

Write short ansrve rs to thc following questions. [2x10-20]

,i. Why do we call free electrons in metal as forming a clense gas?
ii. ' ol'the trvo Fermi Spheres, one is bigger than the other. why is it due to?
iii. What is the effect of free electron approximation on the behavior of electrons in

iv. Ilr Oppenheimer approxirlation, what are the consiclerations which led to fincl
out an effuctive FJanriltonian?
v. I'low is the conce;rt of Orthogo nalzed Plane Wave (OPW) evolved for band
calculation ol'solid?
t'i. State any two physical phenomena which caluot be explairrecl on the basis of
fi'ec electron nrodel.
vii. Writc thc components of thc Flamiltorrian l0r fi'ee clectlorrs in thc Flartcc
viii. Ll'ttr. rotiJ rtutc problents, which properties does a solicl exlribit cluring its
ix. What lactors make the electron lighter or heavier in solid as compared to its
nrass rvhcn it is ftcc?
x.' What is the form ol'wave function to be used in Augmented Plane Wave (APW)
methocl and give its properties?
Q.3. l:low do fi'ee electrons in metal contribute to heat conciLrctivity? Derive an
expression lbr-the theulal conductivity coefficient of metal.

Q.4. How is the wave function for electron, in a periodic'potential, constructed in the
f ight llir:dirrg Approxirnation ([,CAo)?Show that such wave function satisf'jes
the Bloch condition and is norrnalized

Q.5. a brief description of the pseudopotential method to construct wave

function. tt0l
UNI\TERSITY O[' TIIE PTINJAB \ RolI No. in Xtig. .o.......o!........r.rtrr
Seventh Semester - 2019 t., Roll No. in Words.
Examinatiqqi B.S,4 Years Prqeram \\
a a a a a o. a . a o a a a a a .. .. a a a aa a a a a a aa..

PAPER: Solid State Physics-I MAX, TfME: 15 Min).,.

Course Code: PHY-419 Part-r (Compulsory) IUAX. I\{ARKS: l0 \
a a a aaaa aa

t.Signature of Supdt.:
aaa taa aaa a a. aaaa

Attempt this Paper on thls Ouqstion Sheef onlv. '.. .

Please=lnlircle the,qqrecJlootion. Division of qarks is sivin in frpnt of each ouestion. '..'...
This Paperwill be co[ected back after eIniry of time lipit mentigned above.

Q.1: Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

' A. tlncrgy bands are formed at the zone boundary

l]. Mctals catr bc diffcrentiated insulators
C. Superconductivity phenomenon can be explained
I D. No concept of,energy bancls is evolved
2' 'I'he l-inear Conrbination
of Atonric orbital (LCAO) rnethocl for ba,cl calclr lation of
solid is suitable lbr.
n. Mctals

C. Poly crysralline solicl

3. which is not true fur etectrons in a periodic boundary condition

A. Continr"rous k states
B. Discrcte k states or quasi-continuous
C. fhere afe finite k stdtes possible
D. 'fhc P.E ol- [i:cc eloctron is
' 4' When sanrple of a solid is subjected to electric field,
the free'electrons in solid
A. Gain velocity increurent greater than their thermal --- -.
: t],The rret r,orne'tunr accluired by the crectrons is
c, 'l'hc driri veroc:ity of liee electron is of the order of r-r0 cin/s
D. i{ou" mean l.ree path equal to lhe lengtf, rf,"."*;;;,
5. The ratio of thennal "f
to etectiicai";";;;;rri*",o,ru,n
"on.luctivity -Frar:z law)
depends on
A. DcnsiLy ol.electrons
B. Mass of elcctrons
C, Itelaxatlon time
D,, None of the above
' 6. In the x-ray diffraction from cr,vstalline solid, the diffraction paffern " '

I B. :ls a map of the reciprocal lattice of the crystal

' . C. Shows the position of electrons is solid :

, D, Glves the surlace rnorphology otthe crystal , I
, ,

TINI\TERSITY OF THE PTINJAB oo o a ao o a o o o o o a o o a a a a a a o.
Seventh Semester - 2019 a'
Examination-!-8. S. 4 Yearq Proer4m :'o'o'ot""t '
tl o l o a a a a oa o a a to
" "o " "l
MN(. TIMEz2Hrs.45 Min'
PAPER: Solid State Physics-Il
Course Code: PHY-421 Part - fI

(2*10 = 20)
Q.2: pleasc givc short anstycrs to thc following questions-
a) Difl'erentiate the ground state of a superconductor and normal conductor.
b) Which of the two (normal or superconclucting) states of a metal are more ordered'?
c) Describe the role of
mass of nuclei on the critical temperature of the superconductors?

cl) Hou, does the Type-l to Type-II superconclucting transition occurs due to doping?
e) DitTeroltiate between single particle tunneling and pair particle ttrnnelitrg.

0 Wl'rat are the seqltences of events when electron-hole drop is forlned?

g) Describe the possible ways used to calculate the binding energy of excitorm?
h) Define excitons ancl describe exanples of clystals having Frenkel excitons-
i) Write clorvn importarrt lengths that play important role in theory of sl{lercotrcltrctivity.
j) Discuss felroeleotlic clotnains.
Question no.3
(a) I{orv woulcl you leaclr to rnathematical expression which sltows that a DC culrent flows
across the junction in the absence of any electric ol magnetic field.

(b) Describe microwave and infrared properties of superconductors

Question no.4
(a) Derive the expressiotr used to estimate Hc r and l-Icz for a Type-II superconductors

(b) using the definition of atomic pol arlzability, derive C1ausi r-rs-Mossotti relation-
UMYERSITY OF TIIE PT]NJAB \ \ ROll NO. in Fig. .,..t........o...........
\ ta
Seventh Semester - 2019 Words' "..o..""....
\ Rolt No. in
Examination: B.S. 4 YeargPfosram
\ aata"t"

MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'. t..

PAPER: Method of Study & Research
I\{AX, MAFIKS: 10 ,""".'".."""...."'
Course Code: POI-401 Part-I (Compulsory) , .srgnature of SuPdt.:
Attempt this Paper on this Ouestion Sh?et gplv. "..-
Pleasu.o.i"cl. th f
"lt\ootttioo' "' tt.

Encircle the right answer, cutting and over"writing is not allowed' (1x10=10)
1) Researclr design includes all of tlre following, except----,,r'-rb
a) Data collection b)Samplirrg design c) Analysis of data

2) Which type of study is loosely structured to understand topic---------

a) Explanatory b) Causal c) Descriptive

3) The goal of a formal study is to --------

a) Develop hypothesis b) Test hypothesis c) Discover future

4) A quantitative Research focuses on

a) Numerical explanation b)Verbal explanation c) Descriptive analYsis

5) Field Studies are conducted in-----

a) Actual environment b) Artificial environment c) controlled environ ment

6) Literature Review helps to know-------

a) What is already l<nown b) l(ey'contributors c) Both a & b

7) ln Qualitative research Theory is

a) Tested b) develoPed c) Both are wrong

B) Which of the following is not data collection method

a) Research questions b) Participant observation c) Structured lnterview

9) A proposal is known as ----

a) Work plan b) Out line c) Both are wrong

10) M ethod in which researcher uses qualitative and quantitative techniques are called

a ) M ixed rn eth od b) Multi method c) Both are correct

MRSITY OT THE PTINJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. ..'..........'o,t"'t""
\ \'
Seventh Semester - 2019 t
., Roll No. in \Mords. ... ... . " ' " " '
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Bfogram \
\\aaa a..o""" t"
""""" "to..

PAPER: Foreign Policy Analysis MAX. TIME: 15 Min)'r

Course Code: POL402 Part-I (Compulsoty)
MAX.MARI(S:10 '...;idil;;;ilili:,
Attemnt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '...
Pl."r. eo.ircle th ,of

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and ovemriting is not allowed. (lx10=10)

1 . Diplom acy is an instrutnent 111

a) International politics b) Government of Pakistan c) IJK.

2. Who wtts the writer of new Directions in the study oi Foreign Polity
a) Morgenthau b) Charles Stephen c) David Lavis d)Charles F. Harmans

3. Geography and Economic are major determinants of

a) Foreign Policy b) World c) Interual PolicY d) Local Policy

4. Agra Sutnnrit was held in

a) 1998 b) t999 c) 2001 d) tee6

Cricket Diplomacy comes uuder the head of

a) l.racli-l b) Tr ack- 1 5 c) Track-lI d)Track-lll

6. Pakistau's Atnbasador to IJS llow a days is

a) Dr. Asad Majeed l(han b) Abdul Hassan Isphani c) Jahangir Khan

7 . Foreign I't-rlicy analysis trelps to

a) Decicle b) Prourote c) States d) none of above

ri l{ovv muuy basic appl'ottches of Foreign Policy

a) One b) fwo c) Three d) Irour

Pakistan India Composite Dialoglre were initiated in

a) 2001 b)2002 c) 2003 d) 2004

10 Post 9l I I fclreign policy of many states ts more

a) hard b) Coercive c) abstract
TINI\IERSITY OT'THE PT]NJAB a\ Roll No. ln H!. ...............o.........
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ \r
\ Roll
No. in Wordg.

\.aaa aaaaaa,ataaaoataoaa !aaaaaaaaaaaa

PAPER: F'oreign poticy of paldstan MA)L TIME: 15 Min.'..

course code: P0IF{04 part-I (compulsory) MA)L IIIARI(S: 10 t. 't""r""""t'!t......
\.Signature of Supdt:

Q.r. Encircte the right rnrwer, cutthg eld ovemdting rs rot alowed. - (rrlFr0)
i. 4't'U'1"'d \t')''
GenevaAcoords (l9gg) rvas sig,ed
Afglianistaoandparistan (b) Indiaaodpakistan (c) usAandpakishn
LyLoV l L,lv u {d, :rrusifit 6 t
ody,llrt @) odt ,,tt bt (rr) udl,tgu1t$t (Jt)
u. Captain IGrnal Sher Khan received Nishan-e-Haider for showing geat
(a) ,.to* in the war of:
tndo-f1$stao war (196s) (b)
Indo-pakistan war llglD
(c) Kargil War (1999)
*Li-/rttVL>I g, t,,t&'{/ct|; J /rr{,r*gg .ii
Qggg)&tfr( e) Og7},&ud!,erv. (:,,) Ogail,,&ud*erv. (._,lr)
ll1. Pakistan announced its withdrawal from Cental Treaty Organization (CENTO)
(a) l e6s (b) teTz (c) tgtg
$F q,*I;*,)v{:-ud! .iii
teTe (o) 1972 (.,r,) 1965 (.-rll)
lv. Afte1 K^argil Wat, the boundaries between India and Pakistan got settled
according to the terms
decided in:
(a) Creneva Accord (1938) (b)
Lahore Resolution (1940)
(c) Simla Agreement (1972)
,wJ.tb, L u /,1t t Ll LlLut uqv r/,1
$, - 1!gdg,r, t o.,v., ld L -r? rf, r .lv
Ogtz),ttv); @) Ogqo)rxil2utf (=) (rgsg)l, Wit (.-,lr)
v. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor plans to firther contrect to
which region:
Et,op" (b) Central Asia (c)
:' ,7{r./(L)a/8,,{+r1fu4bg:Littfi_udy .v
l/ Q) ,P-,,,?, (rr) v4 e-a)D
vl. Tashkent Declagation was signed between:
(a) Uzbekistan and Pakistan (b) India and pakistan
(c) Kazakshtan and pakistan

t!*L,*t LJv r{or,v.,#y .vi

Udlrilc)vJ:V Qr) gdltt*tv. (=) od!,rrto*:t (_;tt)
UNI\MRSITY OF THE PTINJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. o.r.....D............r..o
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No. in Words. ...............
Examination: B.S.4 Years Prpsram \\
\ \\..a....a..aaaaaa
oaa aa...!a.aa aa(raaa

PAPER: Diplomacy MA)L TIME: 15 Min.".

Course Code: POL-405 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paner on this Ouestion Sheet onlv. '..
This Panerwill be collected back after expilv of time limit mentioned above. "..
Q.1: Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

I. China is more focused on

i) Public Diplornacy ii) Coercive Diplomacy iii) Dollar Diplomacy

Economic diplornacy is the use of the full spectrutn econolnic tools of a state to achieve
i) National Interests ii) International Interest iii) Local Interest
'l'he ir:lirsiotr of interest grorrps.
legislatures. ancl public opinion into tlre fcrreign policy
process is referred to as
i)Operl cliplonraclr ii)Dcnrocratized,,liploruacl, i i i)l'arl iamentar)' diplom ac>/

Direct contact 01'the heads of govenlment or states lalls Lrnder the category of
(i) New (ii) OIcl (iii) Sumurit

During 1960 the relationship between open and secret diplomacy was introduce by
i) Nicolson ii) Mechiavelli iii) George Bush
lt'lodern diptotrlac)' emerged as an organised professiol ip
(i) Greece (ii) Italy (iii) Britain

IS l'esponsible for contztcting lore ign polic1, ancl coordirrati on between lbrei gn
ministry, and diplomats
(i) Secretary ol'State (ii) Interior Minister (iii) Diplonrar

Till the end of century traditional diplomacy continued

(i) 17th iiitiF- (iii) tefi,

method of diplolnacy is ttsually larown as traclitional method

(i) Italian (ii) French (iii) Gennan
l0 Tn:mp believes in Diplomacy
i) Coercive 4 e.,Ufi. iii) Secret

UNf\{ERSITY OF THE PIINJAB'.. Roll No. in Fig. ..!.,..!.........,.....,.

Seventh Semester - 2019 '. \t.Roll No' in
Examination: B.s. 4 yparr progrem words' """""""'
\aaaaaaa aaa aaaa.aa aaa aaa.aaaaaaaaaaaa

PAPER: Foreign Policies of USA rnd tIK MA)C TIME: 15 Min.",.

Course Code: POL406 Prrt-I (Compulmry) MAK MARKS: """"""""""""'
\.Slgnrturc l0 \\
of Supdt:
Attemot thiq Proer ol thlr Oucgdon Shcet ontv. ..
Pleerge=nqrch -
tnelltrrectpoaql o@or ercn ouegrion.'\=
Thlr P"*.*tl b..oLcd b".k rft.r '..

Q.1. Encircle the right arswcr, cuttlng rud ovcryrltlng ir not rllowed. - (r'1(Fl0)
i. NATO was established in the yec:
Aop,ile€ ,tlJty
(a) te49 (b) tesz (c) 1953
t{6u,,t'e'ri/tiJvtl{ .i
11953 (O i952 (=) ,tg4g L;tt)
ii. Richsd Nixon visited Beliing in rhe year:
(a) tnt G) r97z (c) ts73
t{,r"$ry(&r)vt/t-tf4, .ii
tt973 @) ,.r9t2 (v) ,tglt Gtl)
iii. American President Woodrow Wilson beloaged to:
(a) RepublicanParty (b) Dcmocraticparty (c) Libertarianparty
rz{,,f-i4u/t/unu,',trt .iii
iWS e) j4a/r-t (.,,,) j4,*, <-t>
iv. Who is the head of Commonuealth?
(a) DavidCameron (b) TheresaMay (c) eueenElizebethll
tav{e4(!y'!, .iv
ll?.il-fr Q) 4UJ (v) Ur,/'l' (
v. Which country did not invade Eglpt during Suez Canal Crisis:
(a) Israel (b) Britain (c) USA
fl{t rt Yr/L-6,"{gtuLlir,iv .v

l/ Q) iVt, (=) ,.F,ft (
Complete diplomatic relations between USA and China were established in:
(a) te4e (b) re62 (c) tsTz
t Z-nJV r,t r)Vu{*Wi Lrti. Ltfi ,rt Lft .vi
rte72 @) ie62 (:,,) ie4e (Jr)
Roll No. in,Fig. .....,..........o........
Seventh Semestor - 2019 ta Roll No. in Wotdg. ..r..o....,.,r.
Exapination: B.S. 4,Yga|s.PToeram \ \\
aaa a aa aaraa. o. ra aa..r aoar a. aa..a

PAPER: Lisaniyaat MA}L TIME: 15Min)..

course code: urdu-{Ol part-I (compulsory) MAXMARIG: l0 '. \\Slgnature of Supdt:
Attg,mpt.this P,pper op !,his Quegfign Shpel pqlV,

(t o) I '
-{=vt{=Ll,vts*1/,,:,1.81+: :tr)te,
Q1.r Select correct answer amongst the given four. '

- .
a/ /

? -)PLj.,g/'$y,:;* I (t

1) Who is the author of Ashtadhayayi?


A) Patanjali B) rpanini ' c) chandragupta D) chanakya

; yy<-LyjtvLgt;fivibLiu,J.6Lt=l (r
\>/*, \ -r tJittr:(O eb(- 0rQ
2) 'Comparative Linguistics' initiated in Europe with the introduction
of ...

? *er*r/rl*V e Ot"('*t! il:"' (r |

t>L-{o ,>t!e6f e2 *L,Urfrr(v ' o VUjlrF(r

3) 'Morpho Phonemics, belongs to which ;,r;ch ,insuistics?
A) Computational Linguistics B) Historical Linguistics
C) Descriptive Linguistics D) Syntax

4) Who lntroduces word 'Nizamiyaat' to describe
:: :
Gramrn er?

B) salim Akhter c) Gayan chund -Jane
C) Suhail Bukhari :

! a- ;7;511' :
6t t (c | ) s st t' (o

,/-u,,-f<, 6rt'/-:/PfliQ) ,,jry,JtrG/ JirT{':t,


O Wl'ro is the author of 'Urdu Zuban Ka lrteq a'?


A)i Dr. Mehar Abdul Huq B) Molvi Abdul Huq

C)l Dr. Shaukat Sabzwari D) Khalil Siddiqui
aoa o. oo ao o a oa oaa oa o a o a oo
Seventh Semester - 2019 aa
: 3
oo o l o a o a o aa o o a o o a o a a o o. o o'

PAPER: Lisaniyaat I|IA)L TIME:2 Hrs.45 Min.

Course Code: Urdu-{Ol

- * si,,7,
ltt L/ iFL,> t)t 4,; r)- ;(t, t,r1,,

- { cV.q i r!c |; +, r',{o,V u (

1) According to Lirrguistics what does Language mean?

{ E ,,1Lct4VJrt,v{ct;,.q(r
2) Write the

d O, ov 6rt ieA {. ; s ?t : t | (f
3) tiignify vowels of urdu alphabets
I? )t./ {- r.l D tt a .// fu t;lr :, {r, ? u;) fu ) r/6. I t}i (/

4) 'Philology' is derived from which language, made up of which

two words,
and what does it rne an? :

.:. ;

- {,- a, t!, (o i | : L oV,U rf-rr ( o


O Define Historical Linguistics. :

?0, r,,t L I' u{c t, ;', )fL.'('r
6) 'Bangerhoo'language is spoken in which area?

, t?rfro,*{,n<-1tgr=ft!,gl;yrrgtt,P<-*leG

n what is the narne of Grierson's book on Linguistics, and how many

volumes it has?

tU {r,t Ll, \- :t /t V tfr,

t r
/,C V fi fi f* i J, d U
8) AinrUl-Huq Fareedkoti proves which language as the base language of
Urdu and why? i

. (10x3=30)r _*rvr*CVLUIVSA:fie,
-:, -- -- =. ,{*vtr!:drtfrVT$*yu\7:7t{<-Lp-t).'(t - -
1) What does Linguistics mean? Define its branch 'Morphology'.

' 2) Who has carved word 'Western Hindi'? Explain its five languages.
- { rh i b,J,o
(* L/ Q L* t V * Lt eL t,p.t r! o | t (r
o )t: r

3) Present critical analysis of acnciet theories ragarding the beginning of

Urdu Language. :
UNI\TERSITY OF THE PUNJAB ta Roll No. in Fig. r....'.........'.........
Seventh Semester - 2019 ta Roll No. in lVords. .....r..o'.r..t
Examination: B.$. 4 Years Program \\
\ \\aa
a aoa ara aaaaaaa aaaaaroaaoa.a taatraa

PAPER: Urdu Adab Kay Muntakhib Komi o Byno uI MA){. TIME: 15 Min)..
AqwamiMaraknz It{Ax. MARr(s: 10
Course Code: Urdu-410 Part-I (Compulsory)
\vv4rsr!vrJ/, \

Attemot this Pangr on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.

Pleas€,encircle the corr of each quesfion. '..
This Paperwill be colleetes back after exoirv of time limit mentiope{ above.

-q/Jf <(sheet) 4 6 {-> y L?1rfl ilt

UIo) (v
- :., F,-,.,,
{u{/v {,:, L { *6t ( w s vD (- r.t,J.; ep, j, -o t t

-*,,Ft.{'L L-trv,
r:7 f v(rldttrr,6Jr, (r) 6ifuit)oi)@) r)t(=) u\r6*Al

?-+ (CCZ( "r)ri'-,ltlJb" (r)
ii,6l1zO) ,tLfrtvuStk) 6SV,f(zG),SvrF1zO)
rTvf(uttz-A,,|tq (r)
$(Yr:t t|-r(r)
,\,!t;/,/c) (,;yGftd,<(=) {,J:r,A,4A)
t)c- uF r( t,/t.d, i, sir: ,,t *( v t),r ( r)
,_i,l-U, Vi(.,) IJF;EQ) *,V,j, :a(*) f,VrvT())
'C?vfi,eLw?,rf i (o)
,tG -(try-/ (r) Z-DFttfQr) tr)y,.lif,) iu*iJ.0)

rc-ag)(,f f r/V>rt' (r)

,f ,.P(r) rnt)@) :,rigu (y ) ,5-t/())
| ;t,JU L n o,tV(/, sstt (t)

uittrstt{(,) q)t bff @) ,J/hsl.soC (=) t)tr{ir, 0)

?* J r/rfr{ L,
-;p 6r* ( n)

L.u(.,) clV@) o{y(=) L);Q1

t<_((=v,H6;,f,,,, (q)
,>1,!tAV(r) )))t=)tLrYQ) ->tV) !-lt: (=) ,>l,LtriO)
tUt rl{fv o,iVL J,) yLtt,fu (r.)
6.t,/(r) .rt,P@) Ltfr,r/(.7) 6)Vl())
TINIVERSITY OF THE PT]NJAB aa ROII NO. ln F'ig. .........................
Seventh Semester '2019 ta No. in Words. ....o.""""'
Exaqrinatiqq: B.S, 4 YePrs Progra,P \ Rotl
\\..a oaa aaa t""to ..""

PAPER: Principle of SYstematics MAX. TIME: 15 Min.".

a aa a aa aaoa.. aaa aa a t
" " "

Course Codez ZOOL401 _Errt:-I,

Part-I (9qt ry
(gompulsory) t.signature of SuPdt :

Attemnt this Paper on thip Question Sheet onlv. '..
Plu"r..o.i".I. th of eashooestion'

Encircle the right answer, cutting and overryriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

Neurogenic variations incltrcle:

A) chnnge in cotour B) changes aller death C) polynrorphisnr D) sexrrnl difl'elences

ll. ln with sexual climorphisnr malc nnd female belong to tu'o tliffercnt
a species
A) taxon B) phenon C) category D) subspecies

lll. The component species of a super species is known as

A) allospecies B) super specics C) sernispecies D) species

iv. Subspecies belong to -------------czrtegory.

A) specific B) higher C) infraspecific D) none

v, At time onlv one name will be

a given for a taxon.
A) valid B) available C) valid and available D) none

vl. The properties'of I'axa names are uniqueness, urtiversality and

A) eitflblishmeut B) stability C) commonness D) none

A) monophytuti" B) paraplryletic C) polyphyletic D) All

viii, Every specimen in type series frorn which no holotype is designated is known as
A) hototype B) parafype C) syntype D) lectotype

Taxa intermediate behveen subspecies and species are refered As


A) semispecies B) allospecis C) subspecies D) superspecies

x, Morphologically similar but reproductive isolated species are called

A) subspecies B) type species C) sibling species D) superspecies
UNIVERSITY OF THE PTINJAB \ \ ROll NO. in Fig. ..o............r.........
Seventh Semester - 20Lg \ ta
Rolt No. in Words. .o.............
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Program \\
\ \
\ !....a.. a a a aaa aa aa a aa' o
t"" t

PAPER: Palaeontology MN(. TIME: 15 Min.".

Course Code: ZOOL-403 Part-f (Compulsory) MA>(. I\,IARKS3 10 '..-;id;il;;;;;il;,
Attemnt this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet o+lv. '..
Please encircle th of each question'
This Paper will be collected back after expiiv of time limit mentioned above. ". '..

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting and overwriting is not allowed. (1xl0=10)

(i) SLATE is the metarnorphic forrn of

11. S hale b. Qu artz c. Mr-rclstone d. Sartdstoncr

(ii) 'f he conversion of plant fossi li zed rnhterial into coal is called

a Sh'ati i'iciltion b. Irlpressiorr c. Sedirlcrttation cl. Fossil i z,ation

(iii) Marnrnals are inclex fos.sils of Ilra

a. Paleozoic b. Mesozoic c. Cenozoic d. Archaeozoic

(ir,; 'T'tre
IGNEOUS rocks produced by LAVA called

a. Plutonic b. Volcanic c. Contact d. Regional

(v) 't'he gcological changes underrvent on eartli are documented as

c. llon d. Epoch
(vi) 'l hc- tirur glaciation e\/eltts are reported in the Epoch
tl. I) leistocene b. I{olocene c. Miocene d. Pliocene
(r,i i) Fiirst rcccrrcl of' Pr-obt)scidca is lllo\\/n zrs
a. Pt'ott'lopus b. Prolo t17 er))x c. Mctmtnuthus d. Iv{oeritheri,un't
(viii) T'[re basal t1,1te in l][orse E,volution is known as

Lt. /-{ ippu rio tt b. f[yracother'ir,tm c. Pliohippus' d. Siv alh ipptts'

(ix t tbssils are rnostly tburnd in the rocks
rl. Scclirncrrtary b. Plr-rtonic c. Metamorphic d Volcanic
(x) 'fhe crltst ancl upper rnost part of the rnantle constitutes the

it. I I ydrosphere b. Biosphere c. Lithosphere d Atmosphere

IINTI{ERSITY OF THE PTINJAB a Roll No' ln Fl$, ......,.........o......"
Seventh Semester - 2019 \r No ln lYor&. .....or.,r...r
Examipafioqi B.S. 4 Yefrp Program \ Roll

PAPER: Economic Zoologt MA)L TIME; 15 Min)'.

II,IAX lldARIG: 10
t.. """'t""t"""'!"'o
Course Code: 7.OOl-405 Part-I (Compulsory) .Slguature of SuPdL:
Attempt this Proer on thb Oucttion Sheet onlv. tta
Thir Procr wlll bc collected beck rftor erntv of tlme llmlt mindored rbovc. '..

Q.f. Encircle the right rnrwer, cuttlng rnd ovcrrrlting b not elloned. (kf0=10)
i. The Moth Gnorimoschema operculella is apest of:
(a) Cloths (b)
(c) Potato (d)
ii. Microtennes obesi is a pest of:
(a) Wood (b) Stored Grains
(c) Books (d) Fruits
iii. The intermediate host of the Filaria wonn Wuchereria bancrofti is one of these
(a) Anopheles (b) Culex
(c) Aedes (d) Plasmodium
iv. Taenia solium is commonly known as:
(a) Hydated Worm (b) Pork Tapeworm
(c) Beef Tapewonn (d) Silk wonn
v. Espundia disease is caused by:
(a) Leishmania brasiliensis (b) Leishmania donovani
(c) Leishmania topica (d) None of these
vi. The Mangemite Sarceptes scabiei is a pest of:
(a) Human beings (b) Horses and sheep
(c) Human beings, Horses and Sheq (d) poultry
vii. The fat of Pig is termed as:
(a) Ham (b) Lard
(c) Sausage (d) None of these
viii. The cattle, horses, goats and deer are attacked by one of the following:
.(a) Argas perscus (b) Boophilw microplus
(c) Eutombicula alfreddugesi (d) None of these
ix. Sahiwal breed refers to:
(a) Btrffaloes (b) Goats
(c) Sheep (d) Cow
x. The Rat Flea is tansmitter of Bubonic Plague by one of the following Bacterium:
(a) Pasteurella irritans (b) Bacillus spp.
(c) Pasteurella pestis (d) All of these
UNTVER,SITY OF THE PTINJAB \ \ Roll No. in Fig. .....o..o................
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ t.,
Exapinatigq: B.S. 4,YeEqs, PJqgrqm \ Roll
No. in Words.

PAPER: General Microbiology MAX.TIME: f5Min,'..

course Code: ZooL-415 Part-I (Compulsory) IUARIG: l0 \

\\Slgneture of Supdi:
-luA)L l\
Attu-pt tFqlrygf pp tFis QBqrfiop Shp,et pil,y, \

Q.1. Encircle the right answer, cutting snd overwrtting is not allowed. (1x10=10)

....----=------ Bacteria require low level of oxygin foi growth

and cannot tolerate atrnospheric oxygen level
A) Aerobic
B) Anaerobic
C) Facultative
D) Microaerophilic
E) None of these
Numerical Taxonorny depends on
p % similarity indlx of strains to be compared
B) Intuitive method of classifying bacteria
D) Predictability of a classification scheme
E) None of these
iii. The descendants of a single isolation m pure culture are

called as
: A) Species
C) strain
D) None of these
iv' Endospores are heat resistant because it contains:

None of these
v. Which microorganism cannot be grown on
', A) artificial media?
Y-- wa 'l

Pro tozoi
B) Yeast
C) Algae
D) Virus
E) None of these
vl. viable bacterial cells can be counted by,
A) Turbidimetric rnethod
' B) , Direct microscopic count ,

C) Membrane filtef count

D) Electronic enumeration of cells

MRSITY OF THE PTTNJAB o a o a a a a o a o o a o o o o a o oo o a
Seventh Semester - Z0lg aa

ETalrlr,inefio.nJ 4.S. {, IfeaH, B{ggffl,,m

: Roll No. ro.oooo...rroo.o..o o
'ol oa ooa a o a o oa a a o ao ooo o. lo
PAPER: Applied Microbiolory MAX. TIMEs 2 Hrs.4ilvfin.
Colrrse Code: ZOOb4lT part-If MAITMABIG; s0

|, '',i' Wrile the namo4of bacteria involved in fooJ and water born infeltiJn.,
,,ii. , Ylu, is meant by microbiur ,polugs ;ii;"fl;;;;;td#:;}wv:ruu
scheme for derection of microorganis; of food.
rv: ' Yl*.t:*ral
what is meant by antibiotic? write the name olfou, *:r'lrvrY!'vr'
,.. piffeignlile between:endotoxin unO J*Jto*inl^'""' antibiotics.
vii. ':Whutischemoth"rrn"lti"aI"nZCiu.r*amples,, ,, ' , r ....,, ,

viii- - How alcohol mff ,ne *iC;ooigurir*.
r*,. rate of death of microorganism. i,' -:
. , ,"
,'x.i ,, filcyss
," Brieflywriteabouthrimantheraiy. ,,,i , ,.

, : , , -

. ' .':
brief note on the following

I ' a'' Role of microorfanism in minirg.

,. :.


...,. metals to control the


detail note on fypes of hypersensitivify.

,, l0
UMWRSITY OF TIIE PT]NJAB \ \ Roll No, in fig. .......'...............o.
Seventh Semester - 2019 \ ta
No. ln \tords. ........,......
Examinatio+: B.S.4 Yepfq PrEqfap \ Roll

PAPER: Applied Microbiolory MA)L TIME: 15Min.'..

Couree Code: Zool-417 Part-I (Compuloory) MAXMARKS:10 \
\\Sigreture of Supdt:

Attempt this Paoer g+ thls Quesfion Shqpffl$ly,
f tio
This Paoer will be co[ected back sfter irpin, of tlmi lidii mlitloied rbove. .\

Q.1. Encircle the right onswer, cq.f!!-ngand ovemriting is not allowed. (1x10=10)
i. The rurcrpiiuitiry- ;f ;- ,rrirrob;' to, antibiotic

and other
chemotherapeutic agent can be determined by
A) Paper disk plate method
B) Tube dilution *"thod
C) Streakirg method
D) Both A and B
E) None of these
ii. Which is mot, .ff.t,ive physical method to kill bactcria
A) Dry heat
B) Moist heat

D)' BothA,&B " ,, ,, '

E) None of these
iii. Ti. in *ti.r, dewatered srudge undergoes decomposition,
lluallr y',ithin the thermophilic temperat,ii" r*g. i-, termed as
A) Composting ' '. -
B) Sludge digestion

D) None of these ;...

ir. During BIOFILM forrnation,'specific'adhesion is formed
by means of:
A) Starch
; B) Water channels 1

Ci I-ectins
D) Proteins
E) None of these

v. 'technique improves the recovery of metars from an

A) Adsorption
B) Commensalisrn

D) Bioleaching
E) None of these :

vi. The term antibiosis was first defined by a

, lll I 889

B) Paul Ehrlich
, , C) Tyndall
, .QL , _None of these

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