DM Reinforced Earth Wall
DM Reinforced Earth Wall
DM Reinforced Earth Wall
Reinforced Earth® Walls
OCT 2005
©2000 The Reinforced Earth Company. This manual is the property of The Reinforced Earth Company.
Any reproduction or distribution without the express written consent of RECo is prohibited.
5.1 Backfill
5.1.1 Select Backfill
5.1.2 Random Backfill
5.1.3 Random Backfill placed Against a Cut Slope
5.2 Reinforcing Steel
5.2.1 Tensile Capacity
5.2.2 Pullout Capacity
5.2.3 Durability
5.3 Facings
5.4 Connections
5.5 Bearing Pads
5.6 Filter Cloth
6.1 External Stability
6.1.1 Sliding and Overturning
6.1.2 Embedment
6.2 Internal Stability
6.2.1 Reinforcement Type
6.2.2 Reinforcement Length
©2000 The Reinforced Earth Company. This manual is the property of The Reinforced Earth Company.
Any reproduction or distribution without the express written consent of RECo is prohibited.
6.2.3 Spacing of Reinforcement
6.3 Overall (Global) Stability
©2000 The Reinforced Earth Company. This manual is the property of The Reinforced Earth Company.
Any reproduction or distribution without the express written consent of RECo is prohibited.
Welcome to the Design Manual for Reinforced Earth® Walls. This manual will explain
what a Reinforced Earth wall is and how it works, as well as outline the many ways your
projects can benefit from this technology. The Manual also defines and discusses the
information needed for the design of a Reinforced Earth retaining wall. It includes an
extensive glossary and numerous references to enhance your knowledge of this exciting
and versatile earth retention system.
There is nothing mysterious about designing a Reinforced Earth wall, but the best and
most economical designs are always the result of experience and judgment. That is why
RECo provides complete Reinforced Earth wall designs, enabling you to benefit from our
experience. Since we do the design, this Manual is not intended to train you to design
Reinforced Earth walls. Instead, it will help you identify situations on your project where
a Reinforced Earth wall is technically appropriate and help you understand the wall
drawings you receive from us. It will also allow you to do a preliminary sizing of the
structure and enable you to understand and estimate not only the loads that a Reinforced
Earth structure can carry, but also the loads the Reinforced Earth structure will apply to
the site where it is built.
Page 1-1
Organization and Numbering System of this Manual
This manual has nine sections including this Introduction. The other sections are
Standard References, Terminology, General Design, Materials, Stability, Foundation
Considerations, Wall Construction Drawings and Typical Design Details. The sections
are numbered 1 through 9, with subsections designated by decimal points, i.e., Section
5.2, with figures at the end of each section for easy reference. Following this format, the
figures for Section 5.2 are numbered Figure 5.2.1, Figure 5.2.2, etc. If a section has a
three-digit designation, as does Section 6.2.3, then the matching figure number has four
digits, i.e., Figure The last digit of the figure number is always that figure's
sequence number within the section.
Although we hope you will read this manual completely, we understand you may refer
only to a particular section to answer a question about a project. Therefore, we have tried
to make each section of text as nearly self-contained as possible so you can easily get the
information you need. Inevitably, this leads to some repetition that you may encounter if
you read several sections or chapters at once. Please let this repetition suggest the
importance of the information and use the repetition to help you better understand the
information presented.
This document is intended to be user friendly, and we welcome your feedback about
improvements that will make it even more so. We expect to issue additions and revisions
to this manual as our technology advances, as well as in response to your feedback.
Whether you use it as a quick reference or as a frequent guide, we hope this Design
Manual for Reinforced Earth Walls helps you reach your design goals on every project.
Page 1-2
Construction and Quality Control Manual for Reinforced Earth Structures, The
Reinforced Earth Company, 1996, Section D - Backfilling.
Soil Mechanics and Engineering Practice, Second Edition, Karl Terzaghi and Ralph B.
Peck, John Wiley & Sons, 1967.
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, AASHTO, 1996 (Sixteenth Edition), 1998
Interim, Division I - Design, Section 5.8.
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, AASHTO, 1996 (Sixteenth Edition), 1998
Interim, Division I – Design, Section 10.32.
Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, AASHTO, 1996 (Sixteenth Edition), 1998
Interim, Division II - Construction, Section
Technical Bulletin MSE-1, Service Life, Allowable Reinforcement Stress and Metal Loss
Rates to be Used in the Design of Permanent MSE Structures, The Reinforced Earth
Company, 1992, revised 1995.
Technical Bulletin: MSE-6, Apparent Coefficient of Friction, f*, to be Used in the Design
of Reinforced Earth Structures, The Reinforced Earth Company, 1995
Page 2-1
Active Zone – The region behind the facing of a Reinforced Earth wall in which the
shear stress along the reinforcing strips is directed toward the facing. In cross section, the
width of the active zone varies from zero at the toe of the structure to 30% of the
structure height from mid-height of the wall to the top of the wall.
Acute Corner – A corner formed by two segments of a Reinforced Earth wall that meet
and form an angle less than or equal to 90o, as measured from the fill side of the wall.
Allowable Tensile Strength – The portion of a material's ultimate tensile strength that
may be used for design. Allowable tensile strength is determined from the yield (or
ultimate) strength, reduced by a specified factor of safety and by a reduction in cross
sectional area to account for service life losses.
Applied Bearing Pressure – Pressure applied to foundation soil by the structure being
B – Symbol for bearing width (at base of wall, measured on the wall cross section).
Page 3-1
Backfill – Soil fill placed behind a structure or replaced in an excavation.
Bishop’s Modified Method of Slices – One of the common methods used to determine
global stability.
Bridge Seat – Reinforced concrete cap that supports bridge beams and transfers loads to
foundation soils or deep foundation elements.
Broken Back Slope – Slope climbing from the top of a wall and leveling out at a
distance from the front face no greater than twice the height of the wall.
Butt Joint - Vertical break in a wall face where wall may change direction (wall panels
are not connected across the joint).
Cast-In-Place (CIP) Concrete – Concrete poured on-site in the location of intended use.
Coefficient of Sliding (soil to soil) - Frictional resistance of soil determined by the term
tan, where is the friction angle of the soil.
Cohesionless Soils – Soils exhibiting strength primarily through friction between soil
particles; granular soils.
Cohesive Soils – Soils exhibiting strength primarily through cohesion; fine-grained soils.
Consolidation Settlement – Settlement occurring over time as void space between soil
particles in the soil mass decreases.
Corner Element – Specialized precast facing units that change wall alignment at a
particular point.
Page 3-2
Corrosion – Process of oxidation in metallic reinforcing strips that leads to loss of
Coulomb Method – More detailed earth pressure theory than Rankine Method; based on
density of retained soil, friction angle of retained soil, height of wall, friction between
soil and wall, and angles of repose of wall and retained slope.
Critical Structure – A structure with a design life of 100 years, such as a bridge
abutment or a structure supporting a railroad; a structure that performs a critical function
where failure would have unacceptable consequences; a structure that has been
designated critical by the owner.
Cruciform Panel – Cross-shaped precast panels used as one type of facing for
Reinforced Earth walls.
Density of Reinforcing Strips – Number of reinforcing strips within a given wall face
area (generally an area of 2.25 sm [24.2 sf]).
Direct Shear Test – Laboratory test to determine the 2-dimensional shear strength of a
soil at a particular normal load, thereby also determining the friction angle and cohesion.
Dunois Coating – Thermal sprayed alloy coating composed of 85% zinc and 15%
Eccentricity – Offset from the center of mass of the resultant force due to external
Effective Length – The length of earth reinforcement that is outside the active zone and
into the resistive zone.
Embedment – Depth from ground surface to the top of the leveling pad of a Reinforced
Earth wall.
EPDM Rubber – Elastomer used to manufacture bearing pads for use between panels of
a Reinforced Earth wall.
External Stability – Stability conditions that are external to the reinforced volume and
affect the structure; includes overturning and sliding.
Page 3-3
Factor of Safety – In global stability applications, the sum of the resisting forces divided
by the sum of the driving forces. In any situation, the amount by which resisting forces
exceed driving forces, expressed as a ratio in decimal number format.
Filter Cloth – Geosynthetic fabric used to cover the backside of the panel joints of
Reinforced Earth walls to contain backfill while allowing drainage.
Finished Grade – Final elevation of ground surface for a given location of construction.
Friction Angle – Angle determined by an envelope plotting shear strength versus normal
stress in laboratory testing, as determined by Mohr-Coulomb theory.
Geosynthetic – The generic term for all synthetic materials used in geotechnical
engineering applications, including geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes and
H – Symbol for wall height (measured from top of leveling pad to top of wall panels).
H' – Symbol for height from top of leveling pad to top of broken back slope surcharge.
Page 3-4
h – For walls with sloping fill on top of wall, symbol for height measured to point where
surface of sloping fill intersects vertical line rising from back end of reinforcing strips.
HA Ladder – A high adherence (HA) reinforcing element used to add tensile strength to
the soil in a Reinforced Earth wall. The HA ladder is 50 mm wide and formed from W10
Inextensible – Term applied to materials such as steel reinforcing strips that deform
much less readily than does the backfill in which they are embedded.
Ka, Active Earth Pressure Coefficient – Coefficient based on the increase of horizontal
pressure, as determined by the formula tan2 (45 - / 2).
Ko, At-Rest Earth Pressure Coefficient - Coefficient based on the horizontal pressures
needed to remain at rest, as determined by the formula 1-sin.
Page 3-5
Large Rectangular Panels – Panels measuring 1.5 meters high by 3 meters wide; one
type of facing for Reinforced Earth walls.
Leveling Pad – Lean concrete pad used as a smooth working surface on which to set the
first level of precast panels when constructing a Reinforced Earth wall.
Live Load – Load applied to a structure, where the load does not remain stationary and
may vary in magnitude.
Marginal Soils – Soils that may not readily support the loads applied by certain
Normal Pool/Flood Level – Statistically derived standard (normal) water level and
elevated (flood) water level for a specific location.
Open-Graded Aggregate – Crushed stone or gravel with a low percentage of sand, silt
or clay (usually less than 10% by weight).
pH - Scale used to indicate the acidity (range 0 to 7) or alkalinity (range 7 to 14) of soil.
Pore Water – Water occupying the void space between particles in a soil mass.
Page 3-6
Precast Concrete – Concrete cast at a plant in standard shapes, such as panels and
coping, for shipment and installation at project sites.
Random Backfill – Backfill located outside the reinforced volume of a Reinforced Earth
Rankine Method – Simplified earth pressure theory based on the density of the retained
soil, the height of the wall and the friction angle of the retained soil.
Reinforcing Bar (Rebar) – Steel bar used in structural concrete to provide tensile
Reinforcing Strip – A high adherence (HA) reinforcing element used to add tensile
strength to the soil in a Reinforced Earth wall. The HA reinforcing strip is 50 mm wide
by 4 mm thick, with 3 mm high ribs on both the top and bottom surfaces.
Resistive Zone – The region behind the active zone in which the shear stress along the
reinforcing strips is directed away from the facing.
Scour Protection – Stabilization material such as stone or riprap placed along the base of
a waterfront structure to prevent undermining and collapse from tides or current.
Service Life – The number of years a structure is expected to remain in service and fully
functional. Specifically, the period of time during which the structural components must
remain in an allowable stress condition (generally 75 or 100 years).
Page 3-7
Shear strength – The resistance of a soil to shear.
Shop Drawings – Drawings prepared to show the dimensions and materials necessary to
fabricate the components of a Reinforced Earth wall.
Slip Joint – Continuous vertical joint placed in a Reinforced Earth wall to allow
differential settlement without facing panel distress, to create a transition from a cast-in-
place to a Reinforced Earth structure, or to accommodate a small-radius curve.
Soil Cement – a mixture of soil and cement used to stabilize weak soils under certain
Soil Dilatency – The tendency of a granular soil to experience a volume increase during
shearing of the soil.
Splice Plate – Steel plate used to connect two reinforcing strips when the design length is
in excess of manufacturing limits.
Stepped – The use of panels of varying heights at either the base or top of a Reinforced
Earth wall to accommodate elevation changes.
T90 – In evaluation of consolidation, the time it takes for 90% of settlement to occur in a
soil mass.
Tie Strip – Steel anchoring device cast into precast panel so reinforcing strip may be
attached for Reinforced Earth wall construction.
Tiered Walls – Reinforced Earth walls stacked atop each other and with each higher wall
stepped back behind the one below (rather than a single vertical wall face).
Toe of Wall – Point at the base of the front face of the Reinforced Earth wall panels at
the top of the leveling pad.
Page 3-8
Traffic Barrier – Precast or cast-in-place barrier placed at top of wall for crash
Triaxial Test – Laboratory test used to determine the 3-dimensional shear strength of
soil at a particular normal load and confining pressure, thereby finding the friction angle
and cohesion.
True Bridge Abutment – Type of Reinforced Earth wall where the bridge foundation is
a spread footing supported directly on top of the Reinforced Earth volume.
Wick Drain – Synthetic strip with open passageways, installed in soil to relieve pore
water pressure during surcharge loading.
Wide Ladder – A reinforcing element used to add tensile strength to the soil in certain
types of Reinforced Earth walls. The wide ladder is 180 mm (7 in) wide and formed
from W7 wires.
Page 3-9
4.1 Description of a Reinforced Earth Wall
A Reinforced Earth wall is a coherent gravity mass that can be engineered to meet
specific loading requirements. It consists of precast concrete facing panels, metallic
(steel) soil reinforcements and granular backfill. Its strength and stability are derived
from the frictional interaction between the granular backfill and the reinforcements,
resulting in a permanent and predictable bond that creates a unique composite
construction material.
4.1.2 Advantages
Page 4-1
4.1.3 Service Life
The service life of a Reinforced Earth structure is the period of time during which the
structure must remain in an allowable stress condition (see Section 4.2.4 for a more
complete discussion of service life). Information about the service life must be provided
by the Owner or engineer in order for The Reinforced Earth Company to properly design
the structure. If the service life is not specified, the typical value of 75 years will be
Plan view showing wall location relative to roadway centerline, bridges, piles,
existing retaining walls, slopes or other objects. Ideally, the plan view should
include offsets from the face of the wall to the centerline, the beginning and
ending wall stations, and the roadway geometry.
Location and sizes of inlets, pipes, signs and light poles, existing or future, which
will impact the design of the Reinforced Earth structure.
Typical cross section at the wall location with all appropriate dimensions.
Top of wall elevations and bottom of wall or finished grade elevations (and/or
embedment criteria). Vertical curve and superelevation data and cross sections at
the wall location can substitute for wall elevations.
Most details needed to construct a Reinforced Earth wall will be provided in the wall
plans prepared by RECo. Details regarding drainage, illumination, sign supports and top
of wall appurtenances should be provided by the Owner in the contract documents.
Page 4-2
4.2.2 Geotechnical Report
When weak soils underlie the project site. In such situations, a Reinforced Earth
wall is often an economical choice specifically because it is flexible and can adjust
to the settlement that sometimes occurs with weak soils, eliminating the need for
deep or massive foundations intended to provide rigidity.
When the Reinforced Earth structure will support a deformation-sensitive structure
such as a bridge abutment. It is often more economical to make (at least the end
span of) a bridge superstructure flexible than it is to make the substructure rigid.
Thus, having good geotechnical data is critical to making informed structure design
These situations and others are discussed in more detail in Section 7, Foundation
Considerations. The bottom line, however, is that more (rather than less) geotechnical
information is always a wise investment.
A geotechnical report should provide specific information about the conditions at the
project site. Typically, borings should be taken to a depth 1.5 to 2 times the wall height,
or to bedrock, whichever is encountered first. They should be located at no greater than
60 m (200 ft) intervals and/or near the ends of each structure. Closer spacing or greater
depth of borings may be required by field conditions or Owner specifications. Alignment
of borings along (or slightly behind) the proposed wall face is preferred.
In the case of weak foundation soils, shear strength and settlement characteristics are of
major importance. If these characteristics are well defined in the geotechnical report, the
RECo designer will not be forced to make conservative assumptions. For more specific
recommendations on the subsurface soil exploration and laboratory testing program, see
Reference 5.
Page 4-3
What is the relationship between the coefficient of sliding and the friction angle of the
foundation soil?
Most geotechnical reports provide information about the coefficient of sliding between
the proposed footing concrete and the underlying soil, to be used for designing traditional
reinforced concrete retaining walls. For sliding of a Reinforced Earth wall to occur,
however, a sliding plane must develop either between the Reinforced Earth backfill and
the foundation soil, or totally within the foundation soil itself. Therefore, the friction
angles of both the Reinforced Earth backfill and the foundation soil must be known. A
reasonable estimate of the friction angle of the specified Reinforced Earth backfill can be
made based on experience with other materials complying with the same granular
specification, but laboratory testing is required to determine the friction angle (shear
strength) and cohesion of the (site-specific) foundation soil.
How is Equivalent Fluid Pressure used in the design of Reinforced Earth walls?
Equivalent fluid pressure, a concept used in the design of concrete retaining walls, is not
applicable to the design of Reinforced Earth walls. Reinforced Earth design procedures
require calculation of the actual vertical and horizontal earth pressures to determine the
load carried by the reinforcing strips and the pressure at the back face of the wall.
What is the importance of pool elevation and/or flood level information for a
Reinforced Earth structure?
Information about normal pool and flood levels is of major importance. If the structure is
partially or substantially submerged, buoyant forces must be accounted for in design.
Under these circumstances, a Reinforced Earth structure will exert less pressure on the
subsoil, thereby reducing the factors of safety against sliding and overturning. Therefore,
a submerged condition affects the overall stability of a Reinforced Earth structure and
must be accounted for in design.
Periodically submerged Reinforced Earth structures are those subject to periodic fresh
water flooding, with the cumulative submerged time no more than two weeks per year.
In this situation, the Reinforced Earth structure is designed with drainage features
appropriate to the 100-year (or other specified) flood condition, as discussed in the next
paragraph. Additional information on submergence and hydrostatic loading is contained
in Section 4.3.3.
Page 4-4
In a rapid drawdown situation (pool elevation drops faster than water can flow out
through the panel joints), water temporarily trapped behind the wall panels can create an
unbalanced head condition and reduce the factor of safety in relatively fine-grained
(sandy to silty) backfills. For such structures along rivers and canals, AASHTO Section requires that a minimum differential hydrostatic pressure equal to 1.0 m (3.3 ft)
of water be considered in design.
As previously defined in Section 4.1.3, the service life of a Reinforced Earth structure is
the period of time during which the structure must remain in an allowable stress
condition. Even at the end of the service life, an allowable stress condition is assured for
continued safe functioning of the structure (Reference 1).
The Owner (or the Owner's engineer) determines the service life required based on the
structure type and a realistic assessment of functional, safety and economic factors. For
transportation structures, the service life is set by AASHTO specifications at 75 or 100
years (see next paragraph). Seventy-five years is also the typical service life for
infrastructure and commercial projects and, if not given a service life requirement, The
Reinforced Earth Company uses 75 years.
A permanent Reinforced Earth structure is defined as one having a 75-year service life.
This definition has evolved through practice and is now required by specification. Most
retaining walls are considered permanent structures, including not only those in marine
environments, but also so-called "false" bridge abutments where the bridge seat sits on
piles that extend down through the Reinforced Earth backfill.
Page 4-5
Critical Reinforced Earth structures are those supporting unusually heavy loads or
structures for which loss of structural function would pose intolerable risk to life and/or
property. By definition, a critical structure has a service life of 100 years. Examples of
critical structures include spread footing (true) bridge abutments, where the beam seat
bears directly on the Reinforced Earth backfill (no piles are used), and walls supporting
railroads. As described above, the Owner makes the final decision with respect to the
service life or criticality of a Reinforced Earth structure.
A temporary Reinforced Earth structure generally has a service life of less than 10 years
and often as little as 1 to 3 years. For these structures, RECo engineers use appropriate
corrosion models and design parameter values to ensure that the structure will remain in
an allowable stress condition throughout the required service life.
A corrosion model has been developed based on over 75 years of field and laboratory
data on the performance of buried galvanized steel (Reference 2, Reference 3).
Reinforced Earth engineers know the metal loss rates for both the zinc (galvanization)
and the underlying carbon steel, and can calculate the metal thickness that will be
sacrificed to corrosion during any specified service life (the sacrificial thickness).
Therefore, the design thickness of the reinforcing strip is the nominal thickness minus the
sacrificial thickness (Reference 4).
What loads need to be considered for design of RE walls? Who provides this data?
Reinforced Earth walls are considered to act as gravity retaining structures, with the
added benefit of accommodating substantial total and differential settlement (see also
Section 7 for a discussion of settlement). As gravity retaining structures, Reinforced
Earth walls may be designed for most of the same loading conditions as are typically
associated with conventional cast-in-place structures. The distribution of the various
loads depends on the geometry of each wall and the type of load, as discussed in the
following subsections.
Page 4-6
4.3.1 Static Loads
As is the case with any gravity retaining wall, the lateral earth pressure induced by the
retained non-reinforced earth mass must be resisted by the mass of the Reinforced Earth
volume (Reference 7). Similarly, the foundation soils beneath the wall must be able to
support the vertical loads imposed by the reinforced mass, including any surcharge loads
such as from traffic or bridge abutment footings supported on the Reinforced Earth
volume. The geometry of the slope above the wall will also influence the static load
condition to be evaluated (Figure In general, the Owner or Consultant should
have the information available to assess static load conditions with respect to the
Reinforced Earth wall, including basic wall geometry, surcharge loads, and backfill
density. Some of this information may be available from State Department of
Transportation specifications or design guidelines for Mechanically Stabilized Earth
(MSE) structures.
The seismic hazard in the United States varies from low to high depending on the part of
the country being considered. Four seismic performance categories (A through D) are
defined in the AASHTO specifications (Reference 8), based on an acceleration
coefficient for the site and an importance classification related to the intended use of the
Reinforced Earth walls along rivers and canals need to be evaluated for the additional
load imposed by hydrostatic pressure. This additional load is due to the head differential
across the Reinforced Earth facing, that is, the difference in elevation between the water
outside the wall and the water inside the granular backfill of the structure. A minimum
differential hydrostatic pressure equal to 3 ft of water is recommended for design. The
load is typically applied at the high-water level (this information supplied by the Owner),
as shown in Figure See Section 4.2.3 for further information on normal and
flood conditions.
Page 4-7
Traffic barriers installed on a Reinforced Earth wall must be designed for vehicular
impact loading. The force delivered to the traffic barrier must be transferred to the
reinforcing strips as shown in Figure Impact loads are generally dictated by State
Department of Transportation requirements.
No special considerations are necessary with low-level vibratory loads, such as from
vehicular traffic or railroads. Construction loads are controlled by keeping heavy
equipment at least 1 m (3 ft) from the wall face and allowing only lightweight equipment
within this zone for compaction of backfill (Reference 9). Ideally, pile driving or other
shock/vibration loading should be conducted at least 30 m (100 ft) from a Reinforced
Earth wall. Where pile driving must be closer than 30 m, the wall should be monitored
for vibration-induced disturbance. Pile installation should not be allowed within the
reinforced volume except under predetermined and carefully controlled conditions.
Page 4-8
1. Technical Bulletin MSE-1, Service Life, Allowable Reinforcement Stress and Metal
Loss Rates to be Used in the Design of Permanent MSE Structures, The Reinforced
Earth Company, 1992, revised 1995.
9. Construction and Quality Control Manual for Reinforced Earth Structures, The
Reinforced Earth Company, 1996, Section D - Backfilling, pages 13-14.
Page 4-9
5.1 Backfill
Specifications for Reinforced Earth select backfill are typically prepared by the Owner,
the Consultant, or by RECo engineers, based on project-specific requirements. Backfill
selection also requires consideration of the relative economies of imported versus locally
available materials, previous experience with similar materials, and local construction
practice. Reinforced Earth select backfill may be a natural soil and rock material, a
recycled material, or an industrial by-product.
All select backfill material, no matter what its origin, must meet the following general
performance requirements:
Page 5-1
The material must not be aggressive to galvanized steel.
Based on statistical analysis of projects throughout the world, RECo has found that
approximately 95% of the backfill materials that meet the physical requirements for
Reinforced Earth structures also meet the Reinforced Earth electrochemical requirements.
The electrochemical properties of industrial by-product backfills must be carefully
evaluated in every instance, however, since the properties of these materials depend on
details of the manufacturing process and may vary significantly from material to material
and from region to region.
In general, select backfill materials should meet the requirements and conform to the
specifications shown in Table 5.1.1. In very special circumstances, exceptions may be
made to these requirements after careful review by a RECo engineer.
How does the behavior of a Reinforced Earth structure change if the amount of fines
in the select backfill increases?
Although the standard specification for Reinforced Earth select backfill requires less than
or equal to 15% passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve, materials with up to 40% passing
may be considered under limited circumstances and after careful testing. The Owner/
Consultant must weigh the potential cost advantage of using such fine-grained backfill
against the possibly significant increase in the number and length of steel reinforcements
required, as well as the resulting increase in the Reinforced Earth backfill volume. In
order to justify using a soil with greater than 15% fines as select backfill, the designer
must evaluate short term stability factors, including saturation/drainage behavior, and
develop construction procedures appropriate to that material. Under no circumstances
should a backfill with greater than 15% fines be used in a periodically submerged
structure (see Section 4.2.3).
Page 5-2
TABLE 5.1.1
Select Backfill Requirements Test Method Test Method
(AASHTO Specification - Reference 1) (AASHTO) (ASTM)
Particle size 150 mm (6 in) T 27 D 422
Amount passing the 0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve 15% T 27 D 422
Plasticity index 6 T 90 D 4318
Angle of internal friction 34° T 236 * D 3080
The material shall be essentially free of organic and None D 2974
other deleterious materials
The material shall be essentially free of poor T 104 none
durability particles, and the magnesium sulfate
soundness loss shall be less than 30% after four cycles
pH between 5 and 10 T 289-91 I G51
Resistivity (at 100% saturation) 3000 ohm-cm T 288-91 I G57
Water soluble chloride content 100 ppm T 291-91 I D512
Water soluble sulfate content 200 ppm T 290-91 I D516
* Test to be performed on the portion finer than the 2 mm (No. 10) sieve, utilizing a sample
of the material compacted to 95% of AASHTO T 99, Methods C or D (with oversize
correction as outlined in note 7) at optimum moisture content.
As shown in Figure 5.1.1, random backfill is the soil retained by the Reinforced Earth
structure (the soil behind the Reinforced Earth volume). Random backfill may be
granular or cohesive soil, crushed rock, industrial by-products or recycled materials.
How are design parameters and earth pressure coefficients determined for random
The shear strength properties (friction angle and cohesion) and the unit weight of the
random backfill are used to evaluate the pressure exerted at the back of the Reinforced
Earth volume. Shear strength properties of random backfills are generally provided by
Page 5-3
the project Geotechnical Consultant based on familiarity with local geology and similar
materials. When these parameters must be developed in the laboratory, tests such as the
direct shear test (ASTM D 3080) and/or the unconsolidated undrained triaxial test with
pore pressure measurements (ASTM D 4767) are conducted as part of the project
geotechnical exploration.
How are strength parameters determined if the random backfill is a stiff cohesive soil?
Finite element studies and measurements on full-scale Reinforced Earth structures have
shown that the pressure exerted at the back of the structure corresponds closely to the
active state. Therefore the pressure at the back of the structure can be calculated based
on the coefficient of active earth pressure, Ka, the unit weight of the random backfill, and
the magnitude of any surcharge loads.
In the case of Reinforced Earth structures constructed against steep cuts into very
cohesive soils, the long term shear strength properties of those soils should be used to
evaluate the earth pressure forces. Although the short term strength of a stiff cohesive
soil is usually high enough that the material can stand by itself during construction,
design parameters which consider the geologic origin of such materials will provide a
better indication of the earth pressure expected during the life of the structure.
When the random backfill wedge is very narrow near the lower portion of the Reinforced
Earth volume, it may be more cost-effective to place select backfill beyond the end of the
reinforcing strips and all the way back to the face of the excavated slope, rather than
trying to place and compact random backfill in this narrow area. Placement of the two
backfill types in their respective zones may commence once the structure is high enough,
and the random backfill wedge wide enough, to permit economical placement operations
for each material.
Many contractors recognize the increased cost of placing and compacting a narrow
wedge of random backfill, viewing the easier placement of select backfill as an
economical trade-off against the select material's higher cost. This practice is typically at
the contractor's discretion, but the Owner or engineer is also free to specify this
backfilling method, in which case the additional select backfill should be included in the
bid quantity.
Page 5-4
5.2 Reinforcing Steel
What type of reinforcement is used in the Reinforced Earth volume? What is meant by
the term "inextensible"?
Reinforced Earth walls use inextensible steel reinforcements in the reinforced volume.
The term "inextensible" refers to a type of MSE reinforcement, typically galvanized steel,
which deforms much less readily than the backfill that envelops the reinforcement.
RECo currently uses two main reinforcement types:
Strips - 50 mm wide high adherence (HA) ribbed strips (Figure 5.2.1) and
Ladders - 100 mm wide HA ladders (Figure 5.2.2), and 180 mm wide ladders
(Figure 5.2.3).
These reinforcements vary in their tensile capacity and pullout capacity. The following
subsections discuss the characteristics of the steel reinforcing systems used in Reinforced
Earth walls.
Ribbed reinforcing strips are hot rolled from bars to the required shape and dimensions.
The steel used in the reinforcing strips conforms to ASTM A-572 Grade 65 (AASHTO
M-223). Allowable tensile capacity of the ribbed strips can be determined in a variety of
ways depending upon whether AASHTO (Reference 2), individual State Department of
Transportation or other codes are followed. The allowable capacity is typically based on
the gross area of the ribbed strip, the specified factor of safety, and the net area of the
strip after reduction for corrosion losses.
Reinforcing ladders (both HA ladders and wide ladders) are manufactured from cold
drawn steel wire conforming to ASTM A-82 Grade 65 and welded in accordance with
ASTM A-185. Allowable tensile capacity for ladders is determined in the same manner
as for ribbed reinforcing strips, i.e., calculations are made by evaluating the stress in the
longitudinal wires after reducing the cross section to account for corrosion losses.
Page 5-5
5.2.2 Pullout Capacity
P = f*zAs
P = pullout capacity
f* = friction factor
= backfill density
z = depth of reinforcement
As = cross-sectional area of reinforcement
(net, after accounting for corrosion loss)
Values for f* vary depending on the type of backfill used in the reinforced volume, as
discussed in Section 5.1. For ribbed strips and HA ladders, friction factor values are
based upon extensive laboratory pullout testing conducted by RECo. HA ladders exhibit
pullout behavior similar to that of ribbed strips because the ladder's cross bars are closely
and uniformly spaced (every 150 mm (6 in)). By comparison, cross bar spacing on wide
ladders varies from 150 to 600 mm (6 to 24 in), making wide ladders behave as wire mat
reinforcement rather than as strip reinforcement.
5.2.3 Durability
Page 5-6
Practically speaking, reinforcing strips are manufactured in a single, standard cross
section and design requirements are met by varying the number rather than the size of the
reinforcements. The design process takes into account the maximum stress each
reinforcement can carry given the project's service life requirement and the metal loss
rates discussed above.
The backfill characteristics that affect the service life of buried galvanized steel are pH,
soil resistivity at 100% saturation, and the levels of dissolved sulfate and chloride ions.
Submergence in fresh or salt water increases the potential for corrosion loss, but
submerged behavior is well understood and design adjustments can be made to produce
safe and durable structures. For normal dry-land construction, the acceptable ranges for
pH, resistivity, chlorides and sulfates are (repeated here from Table 5.1.1):
pH 5 - 10
Resistivity 3000 ohm-cm
Chlorides 100 ppm
Sulfates 200 ppm.
Temporary Reinforced Earth walls generally consist of wire facing and black
(ungalvanized) steel reinforcements. Corrosion service life calculations, when required
for temporary structures, are performed on a case-specific basis.
A new coating developed by RECo under the name "Dunois" combines zinc and
aluminum and offers superior durability in aggressive backfill and marine environments.
The Dunois coating has undergone 20 years of testing by RECo and is currently being
used in demonstration projects in the United States. Dunois is a thermal sprayed coating
which, when applied, forms a microscopic matrix of aluminum in which the spaces
within the matrix are filled with zinc. The matrix structure provides superior resistance
to construction damage. Test results show that this interlocked zinc/aluminum coating
does not appreciably deplete over time, providing a protective coating in almost all wall
environments with the exception of those which are highly alkaline (aggressive to
aluminum). Thermal sprayed coatings are only economical for strip-type reinforcements,
however, since much of the spray is lost while being applied to the wires of HA and wide
ladder reinforcements.
Page 5-7
5.3 Facings
Reinforced Earth walls can be constructed with any of three major facing types: precast
panels, wire facings and concrete masonry blocks. Since the facing is the only visible
feature of a Reinforced Earth wall, selection of the right facing type, including size,
shape, color and texture, is an important design decision.
Precast concrete panels are the most common facing elements used for permanent
structures. They are installed vertically, although a batter of 5°-10° may be permitted in
limited and carefully considered situations. The panels may be cast in cruciform (Figure
5.3.1), rectangular (Figure 5.3.2) or square (Figure 5.3.3) shapes to meet project
engineering and aesthetic requirements.
When up to 1% differential settlement is expected along the length of the wall (Section
7.4), the cruciform panel is the best choice because of its joint design and panel edge lip.
Where more than 1% differential settlement must be accommodated, vertical slip joints
are provided, typically located every 10 to 20 panels along the wall length (Section 9.1).
Block facing (Figure 5.3.4) may be appropriate in certain permanent wall applications,
especially where batter of as much as 15° is required. However, blocks have a smaller
unit area and require more effort not only to construct, but also to align and keep aligned
during construction (as compared to the significantly larger precast panels). In addition,
block facings do not have open joints between blocks, resulting in direct block-to-block
contact and, therefore, virtually no tolerance for differential settlement. Block facings
should not be used where differential settlement is expected.
For temporary walls, significant economy may be realized through the use of flexible
wire facing (Figure 5.3.5). The flexibility of the wire mesh allows the facing to deform
and effectively accommodate large settlements. In addition, the wire facing may be
converted to a permanent facing after primary settlement and deflections have occurred,
either by using cast-in-place concrete or by attaching precast concrete panels. Although
less economical than a Reinforced Earth wall built only using precast panels, the
temporary-to-permanent wire face system may be justified where significant total and
differential settlement is anticipated.
Page 5-8
5.4 Connections
How are the Reinforced Earth wall facings attached to the reinforcing strips in the
reinforced volume?
Each facing type uses a different method for attaching the reinforcements. Precast panels
have a tie strip cast into the back face and use a single A325 bolt acting in double shear.
The reinforcing strip or HA ladder is held between the top and bottom plates of the tie
strip (Figures 5.4.1, 5.4.2), and the connection is made with the bolt.
In the case of block facing, vertical holes are formed in the top and bottom of each block
during precasting operations. Galvanized steel pins are inserted in the holes and the end
loops of a wide ladder reinforcement are placed over the pins to make a positive
connection (Figure 5.4.3).
Wire facings use either a handlebar connector (Figure 5.4.4) to accommodate regular
ladder reinforcements, or a hairpin connector (slotted version, Figure 5.4.5) for HA
ladder or ribbed strip reinforcements. The handlebar is woven through the wire facing
during construction and the two free ends engage the loops of the regular ladder just as
the galvanized pins do in the block facing discussed above. The hairpin (with a slot, as
shown in Figure 5.4.5), wraps around the double horizontal wire of the wire facing panel
and connects to the ribbed strip or HA ladder by a bolt inserted through holes in the
The slotted version of the hairpin also allows an additional connection from the front face
of the wire-facing panel for attaching a precast panel (Figure 5.4.6). The space between
panels is generally filled with open-graded 20 - 25 mm (¾ - 1 in) aggregate. This slot
may also serve as the anchorage point for conventional reinforcing bars in a cast-in-place
concrete facing (Section 5.3).
How is spalling or damage to the concrete prevented at joints between precast concrete
Page 5-9
behavior was generally limited to very high or heavily loaded structures, significant
settlement of the backfill sometimes resulted in the same joint closure. It was therefore
necessary to select an alternative pad material.
The new pad is fabricated from an EPDM rubber that is highly resistant to ozone
oxidation. Most important, it retains its resiliency and does not crack. The pad design
consists of a 10 mm thick solid layer topped by four 10 mm high ribs, for a total height of
20 mm (3/4 in), Figure 5.5.1 (there is also a 25 mm (1 in) thick pad used in walls over 6
m (20 ft) high). This design demonstrates a two-phase stress-strain behavior. Low
loading produces a relatively large value of strain, corresponding in the field to a
flattening of the ribs. As the load increases, corresponding to an increasing height of
panels above the bearing pad elevation, the strain rate diminishes as the bearing load is
distributed into the full thickness of the pad. Testing indicates only 10 to 15% thickness
loss for pads at the bottom of a wall 10.5 m (34.5 ft) high. This pad provides the needed
balance between compressibility under increased load and the ability to maintain the
panel joint in an open condition. For the few higher walls or higher load-to-compression
needs, the 25 mm (1 in) thick pad may be used.
How is backfill prevented from flowing through the joints between the facing panels?
Reinforced Earth precast panels have shiplap edges and horizontal lips to allow water to
drain from the backfill and flow down through the panel joints. Migration of backfill
fines into the joints is prevented by 0.5 m (1.5 ft) wide strips of filter cloth glued over the
joints on the back face of the wall (Figure 5.6.1). The filter cloth, supplied by RECo, is a
non-woven, needlepunched geotextile having the appropriate physical properties to
control migration of fines from the types of backfill typically specified for Reinforced
Earth structures, while permitting drainage to prevent buildup of hydrostatic pressure.
The filter cloth must have the properties shown in Table 5.6.1 (next page).
Page 5-10
TABLE 5.6.1
Property and Specification Value Property and Specification Value
Weight, g/m2 (oz/yd2) Min. 153 (4.5) Tensile Strength, kg (lb) Min. 0.533
ASTM D-3776 ASTM D-4632 (120)
Elongation @ Break (%) Max. 50 Mullen Burst, kPa (psi) Min. 1,792
ASTM D-4632 ASTM D-3786 (260)
Puncture Strength, kN (lb) Min. 0.311 Trapezoidal Tear, kN (lb) Min. 0.244
ASTM D-4833 (70) ASTM D-4533 (55)
AOS - US Std. Sieve Max. No. 70 Permittivity (sec-1) Min. 1.8
ASTM D-4751 ASTM D-4491
UV Resistance (% Min. 70
ASTM D-4355
Page 5-11
Page 5-12
Stability of Reinforced Earth structures is dependent upon many factors. The number and
length of the reinforcing strips is determined by considering the combined effects of the
select and random backfills, the foundation and backslope materials, surcharge loads,
service life requirements and, if applicable, submergence conditions and seismic
acceleration. Construction methods must also be considered, along with both site and
subsoil drainage and scour protection. Ultimately, stability is assured by providing a
reinforced granular mass of sufficient dimensions and structural capacity, bearing on
adequate foundation material, having a durable facing material, well-chosen drainage
systems, and proper embedment of the toe of the wall.
Reinforced Earth structures are evaluated for external stability and internal stability.
External stability considers the behavior of the site under the loading imposed by the
Reinforced Earth structure, and is primarily influenced by site geotechnical and hydraulic
conditions. Internal stability refers to the behavior of and interrelationship among the
components of the Reinforced Earth structure itself - the facing, the reinforcing strips and
the select backfill. Each type of stability will be discussed separately.
A Reinforced Earth wall is a flexible gravity structure that resists sliding and overturning
due to its mass. The sliding and overturning calculations also consider the effect of
hydrostatic and seismic forces that are anticipated to be applied during the life of the
structure. Reinforced Earth walls are generally embedded a minimum depth below
finished grade, with the depth depending on the wall height and the slope of the finished
grade in front of the wall. Actual embedment may exceed the minimum due to grade
variations along the wall face.
What are the assumptions used in the sliding and overturning calculations?
Although a Reinforced Earth structure is actually a flexible mass, the sliding and
overturning calculations assume it behaves as a rigid body (Reference 1). This is a
reasonable assumption in the typical design case where the reinforcement length equals
or exceeds approximately 70 percent of the wall height. The horizontal forces and
moments due to both the random backfill (behind the reinforced volume) and the
surcharge loads (above it) are calculated based on the active earth pressure coefficient,
Ka, of the random backfill, while passive pressure exerted by the soil in front of the wall
Page 6-1
is neglected in the stability calculations. The coefficient of sliding friction at the base of
the structure is the tangent of the friction angle of either the Reinforced Earth backfill or
the foundation material, whichever is less.
TABLE 6.1.1
Failure Mode Load Combination
Static Only Static + Seismic Static + Drawdown
Sliding 1.5 1.1 1.2
Overturning 2.0 1.5 1.5
6.1.2 Embedment
The embedment of a Reinforced Earth structure is defined as the distance from the base
of the Reinforced Earth mass (this is the elevation at the top of the leveling pad) to the
finished grade in front of the wall. Embedment is required to:
Page 6-2
What are the minimum embedment requirements recommended by RECo?
TABLE 6.1.2
Structure Type Slope in Front of Wall Embedment (Minimum)*
Walls and False Horizontal H/20 (0.3 m / 1 ft)
Abutments (with piles) 3H:1V slope H/12 (0.45 m / 1.5 ft)
2H:1V slope H/7 (0.6 m / 2.0 ft)
True abutments (no piles) Horizontal H/5 (0.9 m / 3 ft)
* For a Reinforced Earth wall with finished grade sloping down and away from the facing,
there should be a minimum 1 m (3 ft) wide level surface (bench) between the wall face and the
beginning of the slope. The minimum embedment required for a Reinforced Earth true
abutment with a slope in front is determined for each structure based on a detailed geotechnical
evaluation. For walls constructed along bodies of flowing water, foundation elevation must be
a minimum of 0.6 m (2 ft) below potential scour depth as determined by site-specific hydraulic
There are no known instances of damage to a Reinforced Earth structure due to frost
heave. This is because
the reinforced granular backfill is well drained and not susceptible to frost heave,
the facing panels are free to move relative to each other, and
the leveling pad is too narrow for significant frost forces to develop in the
foundation soil.
There is no more threat of frost heave under a Reinforced Earth structure than there is
under an ordinary soil embankment.
Page 6-3
6.2 Internal Stability
In special cases, alternative soil reinforcement types may be used (see Section 5.2.3). In
such situations, the type of soil reinforcement must be selected based on project-specific
considerations, but the general procedure for internal stability design remains the same.
What is the material and shape of the HA reinforcing strips and HA ladders?
Standard Reinforced Earth high adherence reinforcing strips are fabricated of hot rolled
steel conforming to the physical and mechanical properties of ASTM A-572 Grade 65 or
equivalent. The HA strips are 50 mm wide by 4 mm thick, with 3 mm high ribs oriented
perpendicular to the long axis and arranged in pairs on both the top and bottom of the
strip, as shown in Figure After fabrication, the reinforcing strips are hot dip
galvanized in accordance with ASTM A-123, which provides a minimum of 0.61 kg/sq m
(2.0 oz/sq ft) of zinc (0.86 m minimum thickness layer).
HA ladders are fabricated from cold drawn steel wire conforming to ASTM A-82 Grade
65. The ladders consist of two longitudinal bars spaced 50 mm (2 in) on center with 100
mm (4 in) long transverse bars spaced 150 mm (6 in) on center. The transverse bars are
welded in accordance with ASTM A-185. Like the HA strips, the HA ladders are hot dip
galvanized according to ASTM A-123 (0.61 kg/sq m [2.0 oz/sq ft] of zinc).
How do the ribs on the HA reinforcing strip (cross bars on the HA ladder) enhance the
soil-reinforcement interaction?
The high adherence reinforcing strip (ladder) is an efficient soil load transfer device
because the soil particles are compacted between and against the faces of the ribs
(transverse bars). Horizontal soil stresses are transferred to the steel by direct bearing of
soil against the rib (bar) faces, and movement of the strip (ladder) is resisted by soil-to-
soil friction across the tops of the ribs (between and across the bars), rather than simply
by soil-to-steel friction along the surfaces of the strip (ladder). In addition, soil dilatancy
Page 6-4
leads to apparent friction, f*, that is greater than the soil shear strength (f* > tan ). The
importance of the ribs (bars) can be seen by comparing the two coefficients of friction for
a typical Reinforced Earth backfill having an internal friction angle = 34:
For plane friction based only on soil shear strength, f* = tan = 0.675.
For HA strips (HA ladders), f* = 2.0 at the top of the structure, decreasing
linearly to tan at a depth of 6.0 m (20 ft) and remaining constant at tan for
depths greater than 6.0 m.
This means that, due to dilatancy and f*, more frictional strength is available in the upper
part of the structure even though there is less confining pressure. Therefore, it is not
necessary to have more reinforcements near the top of the panel to compensate for the
lower confining pressure. In addition, since the HA ladder is twice as wide as the HA
strip, it offers twice the pullout resistance and is more efficient near the top of the wall
where pullout controls the design.
The first step in determining reinforcement length is to satisfy the requirements for
external stability (sliding and overturning, see Section 6.1). In general, the reinforcement
length resulting from the external stability analysis will prove to be the minimum
reinforcement length for the structure. Satisfying internal stability requirements is the
next step.
For internal stability, the soil reinforcement length must be sufficient to provide the
minimum required factor of safety against pullout. AASHTO (Reference 3) requires that
the length of reinforcing strips for Reinforced Earth structures be at least 70 percent of
the wall height, with a minimum length of 2.4 m (8 ft). These limits are primarily to
ensure a stable ratio of base width to wall height, thereby validating the gravity stability
calculation assumptions, and to satisfy constructibility considerations.
The ribbed surfaces of the reinforcing strip provide an adherence characteristic greater
than that of a smooth strip (as discussed above in Section 6.2.1). Extensive testing of
Reinforced Earth high adherence reinforcing strips shows that the adherence can be
accurately estimated by the frictional parameter known as the apparent coefficient of
friction, f* (Reference 4). The value of f* varies by soil type and overburden pressure,
and AASHTO (Reference 5) specifies a maximum f* value of 2.0 at the ground surface,
decreasing linearly to tan at a depth of 6 m (20 ft) and remaining constant at tan for
Page 6-5
greater depths. Since high adherence strips exhibit greater apparent friction in well
graded soils than in fine sands, the f* value used for design of any project must be
derived from the type of backfill material to be used (or specified) for that project.
For internal stability design, the number and length of the reinforcements must be
sufficient to provide an adequate factor of safety against pullout at every reinforcement
level. Testing of Reinforced Earth structures shows that a failure plane develops within
the reinforced mass, dividing the mass into an active zone and a resistive zone (Figure The active zone is where earth pressure is mobilized and its force transferred to
the reinforcements through friction (significant earth pressure is also applied to the facing
panels). The resistive zone is where the soil/strip adherence characteristics are mobilized
to resist pullout of the strips. The length of the strip within the resistive zone is called the
effective length.
Earth pressure on the back of a Reinforced Earth structure (at the back of the reinforced
soil mass) is calculated by the Rankine method. The effect of a live load traffic surcharge
on the calculation of strip pullout factor of safety is determined as shown in Figure, while earth pressure for sloping surcharges is determined as shown in Figures and At each level of soil reinforcement, the vertical stress is determined
by evaluating all forces acting at and above that level. The summation of forces is
considered to be distributed uniformly over an effective width B = L – 2e, as defined in
AASHTO (Reference 6) and shown in Figure The horizontal stress is then
determined by multiplying the vertical stress by an earth pressure coefficient, K
(Reference 7). The earth pressure coefficient is K = Ko (at-rest pressure) at the top of the
structure, decreasing linearly to K = Ka (active pressure) at a depth of 6 m (20 ft). K
remains constant and equal to Ka below 6 m (right side of Figure
Resistive forces are developed along the effective length of the strip and are calculated as
the product of the apparent coefficient of friction, f*, the overburden soil pressure and the
surface area of strip in the resistive zone (Reference 5). The factor of safety against strip
pullout at each level is calculated by the equation
f *S v A s N
FS pullout
ShA p
Page 6-6
6.2.3 Spacing of Reinforcement
For internal stability considerations, the cumulative cross sectional area of the steel
reinforcing strips must be sufficient to carry the soil loads. After subtracting the
thickness of steel which will be sacrificed to corrosion during the life of the structure, the
reinforcement cross sectional area remaining at the end of the service life is designed to
be greater than that required to carry the allowable tensile stress, 0.55Fy (Reference 8).
As discussed in the previous section, the earth pressure on the back of a Reinforced Earth
structure is determined by the Rankine method. For the strip stress calculation, the effect
of any live load surcharge is determined as shown in Figure, while the earth
pressure for sloping surcharges is determined in accordance with Figures and
The procedure for determining earth pressures at each level of reinforcement within the
structure is the same as the procedure outlined for reinforcing strip pullout safety in
Section 6.2.2, except that the live load surcharge is applied directly over the reinforced
zone. This results in higher vertical and horizontal stresses within the Reinforced Earth
structure and, therefore, higher stresses in the reinforcement. The result is a more
conservative reinforcement design.
Once the horizontal stress transfer at a reinforcement level is determined, the number of
strips required at that level is calculated by the following equation:
(S h A p )
A s (0.55Fy )
N = number of strips per tributary wall area (rounded up to the nearest integer)
Sh = horizontal earth pressure at that level
Ap = tributary wall area
As = cross sectional area of reinforcing strip (at end of service life)
Fy = yield strength of steel reinforcing strips.
The tributary wall area used in the calculation above is typically 2.25 sq m (24.2 sq ft) for
Reinforced Earth structures using standard cruciform panels. This corresponds to half a
panel high (0.75 m [2.46 ft]), by two panels wide (3.0 m [9.84 ft]). The number of strips
Page 6-7
required per tributary area is then provided across that panel area. Thus, as shown in
Figure, a required number of strips N = 5 results in panels A5 and B2 across the
bottom of a Reinforced Earth structure. The three bottom-most reinforcing strips of the
A5, along with the two reinforcing strips of the B2, total 5 strips for the 2.25 sq m
tributary area (the shaded area in Figure For other panel types, the number of
strips provided per panel is determined as the ratio of the actual panel area to the 2.25
sq m tributary area.
First consideration is always given to the use of standard precast facing panels and the
efficient use of steel strips when designing a Reinforced Earth structure. The selection of
tributary wall area to be used for design and the determination of the distribution of strips
attached to the panels maximizes the efficiency of the system. The Reinforced Earth
design methodology provides for the uniform distribution of soil reinforcements
throughout the reinforced mass, the optimal use of steel reinforcing strips, and the use of
standard facing panels.
What is the definition of "Factor of Safety" with respect to a global stability analysis?
In a stable slope, only a portion of the total available resistance along a potential shear
(slip) surface will be required to balance the driving force. Therefore, the factor of safety
against shear failure is simply the ratio.
Page 6-8
Available Shear Resistance
Driving Force
In designing for global stability, it is customary to have a predetermined acceptance value
for the factor of safety and to adjust the design until the factor of safety calculated for the
design equals or exceeds the predetermined value. A value of 1.3 is customary for most
applications, but a value of 1.5 may be required for applications such as bridge abutments
or structures supporting railways (critical structures).
What are the methods to determine the Factor of Safety against a global failure?
Bishop's Modified Method of Slices is the most widely used method for determining the
global factor of safety along a potential slip circle. In special cases, such as when there is
an inclined fault layer or a weak zone beneath the Reinforced Earth volume, a non-
circular analysis may be required to investigate other possible failure modes. RECo uses
a modified version of the computer program STABL to perform global stability analysis.
Using this program, a non-circular analysis can be performed and stability resulting from
the tensile and adherence properties of the reinforcements can be taken into account.
Page 6-9
Page 6-10
This section discusses Reinforced Earth structure foundation issues pertaining to bearing
capacity, settlement and differential settlement. The bearing capacity of true abutments is
discussed in a separate subsection (Section 7.2) to emphasize its importance and the need
for project-specific design information on this topic.
What is the difference between applied bearing pressure and allowable bearing
The applied bearing pressure is the pressure exerted on the foundation soil by a structure
such as a Reinforced Earth wall. For a typical Reinforced Earth structure not having a
sloping surcharge, the applied bearing pressure can be approximated as 135% of the
combined dead weight of the reinforced volume and the surcharge (Reference 1). The
allowable bearing pressure, on the other hand, is the value obtained by applying a factor
of safety to the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation soil, where the ultimate
bearing capacity has been calculated using the Terzaghi bearing capacity equation
(Reference 2) or by a similar method. Bearing capacity primarily depends on the shear
strength of the foundation soil, the embedment depth of the structure, and the effect of
submerged conditions, if present. Designing a Reinforced Earth structure based on a
properly determined ultimate bearing capacity, with a factor of safety applied, is the
preferred design method to avoid foundation shear failure.
How can bearing capacity theories be applied to a Reinforced Earth Structure? Are
there differences in the method of application?
Bearing capacity theories are best applied to rigid structures. For semi-flexible structures
such as those constructed of Reinforced Earth, one must use engineering judgment in
interpreting the results of the bearing capacity equation, since the structure's flexibility
both permits and justifies a higher allowable bearing pressure than the calculations
Based on the bearing pressure distribution under the reinforced volume, an equivalent
footing width can be assigned to the structure. As illustrated in Figure 7.1.1, Meyerhof
has shown that this footing width is equal to the reinforcement length minus two times
the eccentricity of the structure. For a cohesionless bearing soil, this width is used in the
determination of the ultimate bearing capacity using conventional bearing capacity
theory. In the case of cohesive bearing soil, the width of the footing plays a lesser role in
determining the bearing capacity.
Page 7-1
Due to the uncertainties inherent in any calculation of soil strength (since soil properties
can vary significantly even a few meters away from where a sample was taken), the
allowable bearing pressure for footings supporting rigid structures is commonly
determined by applying a factor of safety of 3.0 to the ultimate bearing capacity. The
comparative flexibility of a Reinforced Earth structure, however, justifies the use of a
lower factor of safety against bearing failure (Reference 1, Reference 3), as follows:
a factor of safety of 2.0 for projects with detailed geotechnical information, and
a factor of safety 2.5 for projects with general geotechnical information.
When insufficient bearing capacity is available, Owners and Consultants sometimes ask
about using longer reinforcements in an effort to reduce the applied bearing pressure
under the structure. Since the bearing pressure calculation depends, in part, on the base
width of the structure, they reason that longer reinforcements (a larger base width) will
reduce the calculated bearing pressure. The relationship between the Reinforced Earth
volume and retained lateral loads, however, results in eccentricity (Figure 7.1.2) that
requires the bearing width (introduced in Section 6.2.2) to be calculated as follows:
B = L – 2e
As the reinforcement length (L) increases, there is a decrease in eccentricity (e), such that
bearing pressure width (B) approaches L. The resulting bearing pressure, therefore,
cannot be reduced to less than the load of the soil mass, irrespective of the reinforcement
length (see figure 7.1.2).
Page 7-2
7.2 True Abutment Bearing Capacity
A true abutment is a Reinforced Earth structure with a bridge abutment spread footing
bearing directly on top of the reinforced soil (Figure 7.2.1). The footing bears only on the
reinforced soil and is not supported by piles or other structural members. Abutment
bearing pressure is transferred directly into the reinforced soil and, depending on the
height of the Reinforced Earth structure, either is fully dissipated within the reinforced
soil or is distributed through it to the site foundation soil below.
The following must be considered when designing a Reinforced Earth true abutment:
The bearing capacity of the site foundation soil, as discussed in Section 7.1.
The allowable bearing pressure of the beam seat atop the Reinforced Earth select
backfill. The allowable bearing pressure is set at 190 kPa (4000 psf), consistent
with good engineering practice for footings on compacted granular fill.
The pressure under the abutment footing is dissipated with depth through the Reinforced
Earth volume according to the Boussinesq pressure distribution (Reference 2). For
computational simplicity, and because it is conservative (it envelopes the Boussinesq
distribution), a 1:2 (Horizontal to Vertical) linear pressure distribution is used instead
(Figure 7.2.2). In order to limit the pressure applied directly to the wall facing panels, the
abutment's centerline of bearing must be at least 1 m (3 ft) behind the facing. Where the
1:2 distribution intersects the face of the Reinforced Earth wall, the load from the
abutment is transferred through the reinforcing strips back to the reinforced soil mass as
horizontal stress. This increased horizontal stress in a Reinforced Earth true abutment
may require additional reinforcing strips as compared to a retaining wall design.
What is the affect of the abutment footing on the applied bearing pressure beneath the
Reinforced Earth structure?
When the Reinforced Earth wall height exceeds three times the width of the abutment
footing, the bearing pressure from the abutment is almost completely dissipated within
the Reinforced Earth volume according to the 1:2 pressure distribution discussed above.
Therefore, the foundation soil does not receive significant additional bearing pressure due
to the presence of the abutment. This is an important advantage in the case of marginal
foundation soils that can accept the distributed load of a Reinforced Earth wall but not the
additional concentrated load of an abutment footing. This bearing pressure advantage
offered by a Reinforced Earth abutment may allow the abutment to be built without piles.
Page 7-3
For abutment walls of lesser height (those less than twice as high as the abutment footing
is wide), the total bearing pressure at the foundation will be the sum of the undissipated
portion of the 1:2 pressure distribution (the portion which extends below the base of the
reinforced volume) and the bearing pressure determined by conventional Reinforced
Earth design calculations. Therefore, the allowable bearing pressure for the site must be
sufficient to support this increased load.
What is the "total settlement" of a Reinforced Earth structure and what behavior
contributes to this settlement?
Since the settlement of a Reinforced Earth structure during construction is adjusted for
incrementally in the wall construction process, the structure's allowable post-construction
settlement is typically limited only by the deformability of the facing. In some cases,
post-construction settlement may also affect structures adjacent to or supported by the
Reinforced Earth mass, such as true bridge abutments or major sign structures. If post-
construction settlement is anticipated to exceed 75 mm (3 in), an appropriate waiting
period (typically at least 2 months) may be recommended before installing the adjacent or
supported structure and before adjusting the final design elevations along the top of the
Reinforced Earth facing. Settlement expected to be in excess of 300 mm (12 in) may
require a waiting period too long for the project timeline, in which case two-stage
construction or foundation stabilization techniques should be investigated.
Page 7-4
What is the tolerable total settlement for a Reinforced Earth structure?
There is no formal definition of the tolerable total settlement for a Reinforced Earth
structure. Some Reinforced Earth walls have experienced as much as 0.6 m (2 ft) of total
settlement. While this might be acceptable for a retaining wall not having a roadway or
other elevation-sensitive structure on top, it would be totally unacceptable for an
abutment or a wall connecting to another structure (unless the settlement could be
compensated for in some manner). In general, settlement is not much of a concern if it is
not accompanied by an unacceptable amount of differential settlement (see Section 7.4),
since it is excessive differential settlement that can lead to wall damage.
Immediate settlement is settlement that occurs (and ends) during or very soon after wall
construction, usually within the time during which the overall project is still under
construction. This timing often permits the wall components, the project grading, or both
to be adjusted to make up for the elevation "lost" due to settlement, allowing the project
to be completed to the originally specified grades. If it occurs uniformly under the whole
structure and is properly corrected, immediate settlement should have no effect on the
long-term behavior or performance of a Reinforced Earth structure.
Note that immediate and consolidation settlement are not necessarily harmful to the
structural integrity and performance of a Reinforced Earth wall, as long as they occur
evenly under the whole structure. If the magnitude of settlement varies along the length
of a wall, however, this differential settlement could, under certain circumstances, pose a
problem. This issue is addressed fully in Section 7.4.
Page 7-5
7.4 Differential Settlement
There are four principal causes of differential settlement of Reinforced Earth walls:
Significant variation in the strength characteristics of the foundation soils along the
length of the wall,
A sudden change in wall height or structure geometry such that there is a sudden
change in the load imposed on the foundation,
The presence of a large, rigid structure adjacent to the Reinforced Earth wall, and
An acute corner unavoidably located where foundation soils are less competent
(although an acute corner may be lighter than the adjacent "normal" wall, bearing
pressure is more concentrated, leading to increased bearing stress). See also
Sections 9.3 and 9.13.
Page 7-6
7.5 Foundation Stabilization Methods
In marginal soil conditions, how can bearing capacity be improved and how can total
and/or differential settlement be minimized?
In some cases, the bearing soils located beneath planned Reinforced Earth structures are
in such a marginal state that improvement is necessary to provide adequate bearing
capacity and/or to reduce both immediate and consolidation settlement (see Sections 7.3
and 7.4 for discussions of settlement). Several foundation soil improvement methods that
have been successfully used to increase bearing capacity and reduce large-scale
settlements beneath Reinforced Earth structures are discussed below.
Undercut and Replace. The simplest (and most frequently used) method is to
undercut the weak soil and replace it with select granular material (Figure 7.5.1). If
the required depth of undercut exceeds 2 - 2.5 m (6.5 - 8 ft) or if groundwater is
near the surface, however, undercutting may be impractical and/or uneconomical.
Page 7-7
Controlled Modulus Columns (CMC) or Dynamic Replacement Columns. These
technologies are available from Menard LLC, Soil Improvement Specialists, a
wholly owned subsidiary of The Reinforced Earth Company. More information on
Menard technologies can be obtained through any RECo office.
Page 7-8
2. Soil Mechanics and Engineering Practice, Second Edition, Karl Terzaghi and Ralph
B. Peck, John Wiley & Sons, 1967.
Page 7-9
The Reinforced Earth Company (RECo) provides Owners with two types of drawing sets
for approval and use during construction:
This section describes the wall construction drawings and identifies the information
needed by RECo to produce them.
For completeness and clarity, Reinforced Earth drawings typically include RECo notes
and details necessary to accurately, completely and clearly show how to construct the
Reinforced Earth walls. In order for the wall construction drawings to provide this
accuracy, completeness and clarity, it is crucial that the Owner or Consultant provide
comparably accurate, complete and clear information in the contract documents or other
pre-bid communications. Often the contract documents contain a section devoted
exclusively to wall control data; this arrangement makes for efficient communication of
the necessary information.
The wall construction drawings include a complete elevation view of the wall, as well as
one or more cross sections and all necessary details. RECo's wall construction drawings
will only include a complete plan view of the wall if one of the following is true:
RECo has had to modify the plan view provided in the contract documents.
The Reinforced Earth volume must be shown in relation to the location of specific
loads (such as building foundations).
A wall plan view is required by the Owner’s specifications.
Bid quantities are provided prior to bid. However, wall construction drawings are not
provided prior to bid if the Owner's plans include wall location, geometry and
dimensions, unless there are unusual or complex issues that must be clarified by RECo or
if submission of wall construction drawings is required by the Owner.
Since there is a wide range of wall design details, any of which may or may not be used
in a particular set of wall construction drawings, these details are itemized and discussed
separately in Section 9.0.
The Reinforced Earth Company does not prepare rebar bending diagrams or materials
lists for cast-in-place concrete structures.
Page 8-1
8.1 General Notes
8.2 Elevation
The following information is required in order for The Reinforced Earth Company to
produce a complete elevation drawing for construction use:
Page 8-2
the system being designed and should clearly indicate the minimum depth (not
elevations - see Section 8.6 for explanation) of top of leveling pad below finished
grade, the point on the structure where top of wall elevations are given, and the
points to which offsets are referenced (e.g., front face of panels or face of barrier
or coping).
B. Other Contract Plans - Only required by RECo if this information is not provided in
Wall Control Drawings (see above):
After receiving the information outlined in the two lists above, The Reinforced Earth
Company is able to produce wall elevation drawings. The sample wall elevation drawing
in Figure 8.2.1 illustrates what is typically provided:
Contractor's construction lengths and elevations for each section of leveling pad.
Precast panel configuration (both standard panels and special cut panels), including
number of tie strips per panel.
Top of wall elevations (may be given at gutter, top of barrier or top of coping).
Type of structure to be constructed on top of the wall.
Location of drainage structures.
Length and location of the reinforcing strips (see Section 8.5 for more information
concerning reinforcing strips).
Maximum applied bearing pressure under the wall for each reinforcing strip length
(to aid the reviewer of the design calculations).
Panel columns numbers - an especially useful tool when discussing the wall over
the telephone or tracking construction progress in the field.
Page 8-3
8.3 Typical Sections
It is very helpful to RECo when the Owner or Consultant provides a typical cross section
through the wall(s) showing the information listed below. If a cross section is not
provided, however, it is essential that the listed information be provided in writing.
In general, the Reinforced Earth typical section will include the following information
(see Figures 8.3.1 through 8.3.4):
Details to supplement the cross section will be added as needed. Typical details found in
wall construction drawings are discussed in Section 9.0.
Precast concrete facing panels for Reinforced Earth walls are produced in a variety of
sizes and shapes so that some combination of them will conform to nearly any wall
configuration or dimensions. With the exception of the special configuration Square or
Large Rectangular Panels, Reinforced Earth panels can be recognized by their
Page 8-4
characteristic cruciform shape. The panels have “ears” protruding from each side, so the
centerline of the panel joint is the centerline of the overlapping ears of adjacent panels
(Figure 8.4.1). This shape allows panels to interlock in the plane of the wall without
compromising facing flexibility.
Flexibility of the facing is achieved by using relatively small panels having shiplap joints
but no other panel-to-panel connections. This flexibility is maintained by specially
fabricated elastomeric bearing pads that support the panel above while preventing panel-
to-panel contact. There is no other connection between panels. The flexibility of this
joint system allows the panels to be adjusted horizontally during installation as well as
move vertically in case of settlement (note that walls using larger panels are less flexible
and are, therefore, somewhat less tolerant of differential settlement). The dimensional
tolerance designed into the joints also permits panel rotation about the joint centerline,
allowing a wall to follow a curved alignment made up of a series of short chords of
length equal to a panel's nominal width.
In addition to creating facing flexibility, the panel joints are an important part of the wall
drainage system. To prevent soil particles from clogging them, the joints are protected by
strips of filter cloth, 0.45m (18 in) wide, applied as the panels are erected. The filter
cloth cannot be seen from the front of the wall due to the shiplap design of the panel
Three types of facing panels make up the majority of the panels in any wall - center,
bottom and top panels. Each is described below and shown in Figures 8.4.2a and 8.4.2b.
Center Panels
The majority of the panels in most walls are center panels, designated type A. An
A panel is 1.5 m (4.92 ft) high and measures 1.5 m wide between the centerlines of
the panel ears. A panels generally cover the internal wall area, away from the
periphery, and are typically shown as squares on the elevation view in the wall
construction drawings.
Bottom Panels
A panels can also be bottom panels, in which case type B panels are used at
alternate panel locations along the leveling pad (between the As). The B panel is
exactly the top half of an A panel and, because it sits in the same orientation as the
A panels, it fills the gaps between them. When dictated by wall height and
foundation elevation requirements, panel types P and Q (a P is 1.25 times the
height of an A, while a Q is 1.5 times the height of a B) may be used instead - or in
combination with - A and B panels. When used in combination with A and B
Page 8-5
panels, P and Q panels also allow the leveling pad to step up or down in increments
of 0.375 m (1.23 ft) instead of a half panel step height of 0.75 m (2.46 ft) (Figure
8.4.2). All bottom panels are shown in Figure 8.4.3.
Top Panels
Panel types C, D, E, F, G, H, K and L are always used at the top of the wall,
ensuring a horizontal top line where that is required. A stepped wall top can be
achieved by the pairing of a C panel with a G panel, a D with an H, an E with a K,
and an F with an L, producing a series of 0.187 m (0.615 ft) steps (these steps are
especially useful for following a grade beneath a cast-in-place coping or barrier).
Panels HN and HM are used when a specific 2:1 slope is required. All top panels
are shown in Figure 8.4.3.
The panels described above are those used most frequently. Non-typical panel types,
such as corner elements, slip joints and other slope-top panels, are discussed in Section 9.
Reinforcing strips are connected to panels using galvanized steel tie strips (Figure 8.4.4.).
A tie strip's triangular head and the adjacent portion of its twin connection tabs are cast
into the concrete, with the balance of the tabs protruding from the back of the panel. The
tabs, separated by just enough space for insertion of a reinforcing strip, have prepunched
holes through which the strip is bolted. The number of tie strips cast into a panel is
indicated in the panel nomenclature by a numerical suffix to the panel designation (a
panel designated "A4 is a type A panel with 4 tie strips).
All Reinforced Earth wall panels contain rebar. The quantity of rebar is determined from
the reinforcement designation, "Rx," where "x" is the number of vertical bars in the
panel. R4 is the minimum configuration (Figure 8.4.5), while R6 reinforcement adds a
pair of vertical bars flanking the center tie strips. Reinforcement types R4 and R6 are the
most common, with other configurations used for heavier loading conditions. Therefore,
a complete panel nomenclature would be A4R4, and this information is shown on the
panel casting drawings and used as the piece mark for manufacturing and field
Page 8-6
8.5 Reinforcing Strips
Reinforced Earth high adherence (HA) reinforcing strips are fabricated of structural steel
conforming to ASTM A572, Grade 65, and are galvanized according to ASTM A123.
The cross section is constant at 50 x 4 mm (1.969 x 0.157 in). The strips are called "high
adherence" due to the high strip-to-soil shear resistance created by the ribs on the top and
bottom surfaces (Figure 8.5.1). The strip lengths vary according to the structure's design.
The supplied length is never shorter than the nominal length shown on the drawings, but
may exceed it by as much as 0.15m (6 in).
Reinforcing strips are attached to the tie strips by ASTM A325 bolts, 12.5 mm diameter
by 32 mm long (0.5 in by 1.25 in). For design, the controlling cross section of the strip is
the full cross section, not the reduced section at the bolt hole (because the reduced section
is protected against corrosion on both the top and bottom by the tie strip). Figure 8.5.2
illustrates the connection of the reinforcing strip to the tie strip.
What determines the configuration of the leveling pad? What information is needed to
choose the location of the pad steps?
The 150 m thick by 300 m wide (6 in by 12 in) unreinforced concrete leveling pad is
designed with steps positioned to minimize the amount of wall material below the
Owner-specified minimum embedment line (Figure 8.6.1). To give wall designers the
flexibility to achieve this goal, The Reinforced Earth Company recommends that the
Owner or Consultant not specify leveling pad lengths and elevations but simply define
the finished grade in front of the wall and the minimum required embedment depth.
RECo engineers can then select the most cost-efficient combination of panels and steps
consistent with the Owner's requirements.
What is the relationship between the leveling pad step and the panel joint centerline?
The leveling pad lengths shown on the elevation drawing are not physical lengths of the
leveling pad, but rather nominal distances from the centerline of the panel joint to the end
of that particular pad section. The relationship between the actual end of pad and
centerline of panel joint is shown on the standard design drawings in the "Typical
Leveling Pad Step Detail" (Figure 8.6.2).
Page 8-7
The economy, safety and aesthetics of a Reinforced Earth structure can be greatly
enhanced by positive and consistent interaction among the Owner, the Consultant and
The Reinforced Earth Company. This interaction should start at the earliest stage of the
project and continue through the design and construction phases. Such communication
not only maximizes the Owner's/Consultant's understanding of the Reinforced Earth
system's possibilities and benefits for the project, but it also enables the Reinforced Earth
designers to suggest approaches which will enhance the value and functionality of the
finished product.
Based on the above idea of maximizing understanding of the Reinforced Earth system,
this section reviews the various design details that enable a Reinforced Earth structure to
best meet the design and functionality needs of a project. Section 9 is broken down into
four general categories of details, as follows:
*These structures and details are designed by the Owner or Owner's Consultant. They
are shown on RECo's drawings for completeness.
System Accessories
9.1 Slip Joints
Slip joints are continuous vertical joints provided at selected locations along a Reinforced
Earth structure. A slip joint replaces the normal vertical joint system, substituting a
vertical separation between adjacent panels that extends the full height of the wall. The
sections of wall on either side of the slip joint are, therefore, able to behave
independently of each other. The slip joint design uses either an exposed slip joint panel
having its own reinforcing strips (Figure 9.1.1) or a hidden "backup" panel in the backfill
behind the facing panels (Figure 9.1.2). Both panel types prevent loss of backfill through
the joint.
Page 9-1
There are four primary reasons to use slip joints:
A butt joint is a vertical break in the wall face where a wall abruptly changes direction (a
corner or angle), or where a wall ends adjacent to another structure. Butt joints resulting
from direction change are not covered (whereas most slip joints are covered - see Section
9.1). Butt joints generally consist of a 20 mm (3/4 in) open joint between two columns of
precast panels, or between the precast panels and the adjacent structure. Geotextile fabric
is adhered to the fill side of the joint to prevent loss of backfill. While butt joints are
typically used for changes in wall alignment in excess of 180, they may also be used for
90 bends on low walls where aesthetics is not a concern.
Wall with a 270 bend (Figure 9.2.1). Note that this configuration allows the use of
standard cruciform panels in one column and panels cut to fit a vertical plane in the
Page 9-2
adjacent column, reducing the number of special panel types and simplifying the
wall erection process.
Wall with an obtuse bend (Figure 9.2.2). This configuration also allows for the use
of one column of standard panels and one column of cut panels, but the cut panels
for an obtuse bend must be mitered to ensure proper wall alignment.
Wall with a 90 butt joint (Figure 9.2.3). This detail works well for low walls, but
requires that panels on both sides of the joint be cut panels. When aesthetics
counts, a corner element (see section 9.15) gives a more finished look. A 90 butt
joint may also be used for medium height walls, but certain modifications to the
detail are required and must be determined on a job-specific basis.
At the interface between a Reinforced Earth wall and an existing structure (Figure
9.2.5), where no lip is available (as described immediately above) and where the
front face alignments must be offset, preventing use of a slip joint panel (see
Section 9.1).
Corner elements are specialized facing panels that change the wall alignment at a
particular point (Figure 9.3.1). Their shape is similar to that of slip joints (see Section
9.1) except they are folded about their vertical centerlines. The adjacent regular facing
panels are cut off vertically, just like the panels flanking a regular slip joint. Angles less
than 162 are handled well by corner elements, while angles between 162 and 180 are
best handled as curves (see Section 9.14). Full size corner elements are the same height
as regular facing panels and have two tie strips at elevations matching those on the
regular panels. Therefore, corner elements are held in place by their own reinforcing
Any corner element turning an angle of less than 90° is, by geometric definition, acute
(Figure 9.3.1). Since some acute corners require special design treatment, depending on
Page 9-3
the relationship between the angle turned and the height of the wall, the reader is referred
to Section 9.13, Acute Corners, to determine if this special design treatment is required
on a particular project.
Although almost any angle can be achieved using a butt joint (Figures 9.2.1, 9.2.2 and
9.2.3), a more finished appearance results from using a corner element as shown in
Figures 9.3.1, 9.3.2, and 9.3.3.
9.4 Coping
In section, the precast coping unit is an inverted letter U (Figure 9.4.5), with lifting
anchors for placement (Figure 9.4.6). Precast coping units are typically cast in 3.0 m (10
ft nominal, 9.84 ft actual) sections having square ends (Figure 9.4.4). The 3.0 m length
exactly matches the spacing of every second vertical joint along the top of the wall.
Before installing precast coping, the top of the wall must be smooth and free of steps or
irregularities. To accomplish this, level-up concrete fill is cast on top of the panels. The
smooth finished grade of this concrete fill must follow a line 0.23 m (9 in) below the top
of coping elevation. Top panels that are to receive precast coping are manufactured with
dowels protruding from their tops to tie in the level-up concrete (these dowels may have
to be field-cut to fit). Once the level-up concrete is set, the precast coping units are
placed on the top of wall, separated by the 13 mm (0.5 in) open joints discussed above.
Cast in place coping is recommended in situations where the wall follows a significant
horizontal or vertical curve. Since precast coping sections are cast with square ends,
joints between coping sections (as seen from the front of the wall) may become too tight
or too wide, depending on whether the radius point is in front or behind the wall face,
respectively. Cast-in-place coping should be used at slip joints so the in-place
characteristics and measurements of the slip joint can be accommodated (Figure 9.4.7).
Refer to Figures 9.4.1 and 9.4.2 for cast-in-place coping details. Cast-in-place coping
should also be used where a wall has a horizontal or vertical bend.
Page 9-4
Figure 9.4.8 shows cast-in-place coping that supports fence posts, while Figure 9.4.9
shows how coping works with a drainage ditch. A cast-in-place coping enclosure is often
used at the ends of sloping walls (Figure 9.4.10). This coping enclosure actually retains
the lowest grade differential and extends the architectural lines of the coping to the
intersection of the front-of-wall and back-of-wall ground lines.
What are the standard sloping top-of-wall treatments for Reinforced Earth walls?
Significant top-of-wall slopes are required at the ends of many walls. Reinforced Earth
facing panels are manufactured in standard slopes of 2:1, 4:1 and 8:1 (Figures 9.5.1, 9.5.2
and 9.5.3, respectively). It is highly recommended that, whenever possible, walls be
designed with one of these slopes for best aesthetics and ease of construction. Although a
coping is often recommended as the top-of-wall treatment, walls which use any of these
three slopes may be acceptable without a coping since the tops of the panels are all in
9.6 Connections
The anchorage device to which reinforcing strips are bolted is the tie strip. Each tie strip
is cast into the facing panel with its pair of connection tabs protruding 90 mm (3.5 in)
from the back face of the panel (Figure 9.6.1). Attachment of a reinforcing strip simply
requires inserting the reinforcement between the connection tabs so the bolt holes align,
placing a bolt up from the bottom, installing a washer and nut and tightening the nut. The
result is a positive, double shear connection.
When the reinforcing strip design length exceeds the manufacturing length limit, 9.75 m
(32 ft), two reinforcing strips must be connected together in the field to achieve the
design length. These reinforcing strips can be connected in either of two ways,
depending on the finished length required and the load to be carried. Figure 9.6.2 shows
a splice created by lapping one reinforcing strip over the other and connecting them with
one bolt (a single shear connection). The splice in Figure 9.6.3 requires the two
reinforcing strips to be placed nearly end-to-end, sandwiches them between two splice
plates and uses two bolts in double shear, each passing through both splice plates and one
reinforcing strip.
Page 9-5
Another type of connection is used when reinforcing strips must be shifted in the field to
avoid obstacles such as drainage inlets or pipes in the backfill. In these situations, a
length of galvanized angle iron is bolted to two or more horizontally adjacent tie strips on
two adjacent panels. A reinforcing strip can then be bolted anywhere along the length of
the angle simply by drilling or punching a bolt hole at that location. Figures 9.6.4a and
9.6.4b show how the angle is bolted to the tie strip, how a reinforcing strip-to-tie strip
connection can include an angle, and how a reinforcing strip is attached directly to an
angle away from the tie strip.
Related Structures
What types of traffic barriers are used with Reinforced Earth structures? Are there
any special design considerations?
Two types of traffic barriers are typically used on top of Reinforced Earth walls. Each
must meet particular design requirements and requires that certain design modifications
be made to the wall as well.
Page 9-6
type of barrier must be designed for an additional load of 29 kN/m (2000 lb/ln ft) of
wall, with the additional load carried entirely by the top layer of reinforcing strips
(Reference 3).
Before installing a precast barrier, the top of the wall must be smooth and free of
steps or irregularities. To accomplish this, level-up concrete fill is cast on top of the
panels (just as is done with precast coping – see Figures 9.4.4 and 9.4.5).
A flexible post and beam barrier system (Figure 9.7.2), with posts driven directly
into the Reinforced Earth backfill or installed in concrete-filled forms placed during
backfill placement and compaction. The posts should be no closer than 1 m (3 ft)
to the back face of the panels. Walls supporting this type of barrier must be
designed for an additional load of 4.38 kN/m (300 lb/ft) of wall, with the additional
load carried entirely by the top two layers of reinforcing strips (Reference 3).
9.8 Parapets
What are Parapets? Where are Parapets used? What is the difference between a
Parapet and a Traffic Barrier?
The easiest way to detail a Reinforced Earth wall around a bridge seat is to use horizontal
and vertical coping. As shown in Fig 9.9.1, coping covers the exposed edges of the
Reinforced Earth panels and part of the end of the bridge seat. With this treatment, the
coping is continuous around the entire end bent (down the end of the backwall and across
the end of the seat, across the front face, then across the other end of the seat and back up
the backwall). Using this method gives both the designer and the contractor some
flexibility since wall panels abut the outer edges of the backwall and bridge seat,
permitting vertical adjustments in the field if required.
Page 9-7
Another way to detail a Reinforced Earth wall at a bridge seat is to use a cheekwall. In
this design, the cut edges of the Reinforced Earth panels butt up against the back face of
the bridge seat. The cheekwall is cast perpendicular to and as an extension of the bridge
seat, with a lip which hides the butt joints between the cheekwall and the adjacent
Reinforced Earth panels (Figure 9.9.2 and Figure 9.9.3). The coping ends at the front
edge of the bridge seat (which is also the front edge of the cheekwall) and the front face
of the cheekwall is flush with the outside face of the coping.
What should be the clearance between a Reinforced Earth wall and bridge piles within
the reinforced backfill?
When a bridge seat is supported on piles, it is necessary to provide clearance between the
piles and the back face of the Reinforced Earth wall panels (Figure 9.9.4). To prevent
interference between the reinforcing strips and the piles, the panel-to-pile clearance
should be a minimum of 0.5 m (1.5 ft), but more clearance may be required depending on
the pile type and size.
Can reinforcing strips be added to the bridge seat to resist earth pressures and
horizontal loads imposed by the bridge?
Tie strips cast into the back of a bridge seat (Figure 9.9.5) permit installation of
reinforcing strips to resist lateral forces (both earth pressure and bridge loads) applied to
the seat. In order for The Reinforced Earth Company to design this detail, however, the
Owner/Consultant must provide information about the loads coming from the bridge
Horizontal inclusions are structures which sit in or extend horizontally through the
backfill of a Reinforced Earth structure and which may interfere with the normal
placement (either horizontal or vertical) of the reinforcing strips. Figure 9.10.1 shows the
most common horizontal inclusion encountered in Reinforced Earth wall design, the
drainage structure.
Drainage structures usually are located close to the back face of the precast wall panels.
In this situation, galvanized angles are used not only to structurally connect adjacent
precast facing panels, but also to reposition the reinforcing strips so they can go around
the drainage structure (see also Section 9.6 and Figures 9.6.4a and 9.6.4b). The ideal
Page 9-8
location for a drainage structure, as shown in Figure 9.10.2, is far enough behind the wall
panels to allow the reinforcing strips to be skewed to clear the obstacle without requiring
angles to reposition the strips.
Pipelines are often encountered in combination with drainage structures located behind
Reinforced Earth walls. In these situations, the clear distance between the pipe and the
back face of the Reinforced Earth wall panels is critical in determining the placement of
the reinforcing strips. If at all possible, the location of the pipe should be as shown in
Figure 9.10.3.
Figure 9.10.4 shows a method that allows a drainage structure to remain at a standard
location while moving the horizontal pipeline further back into the Reinforced Earth
volume to minimize reinforcing strip-to-pipeline interference.
Figure 9.10.5 shows the detail for a pipe passing through a wall.
Vertical inclusions are structures that sit in or extend vertically through the backfill of a
Reinforced Earth structure and potentially interfere with several layers of reinforcing
strips. Some examples of vertical inclusions are manholes and deep inlets, piles, or other
deep foundations supporting roadside appurtenances.
When interference between vertical inclusions and reinforcing strips cannot be avoided,
the placement of the reinforcing strips can be adjusted. Frequently this can be done
simply by rotating the strips around the bolt, up to a maximum skew of 15° (Figure
9.11.1). If reinforcing strips need to be skewed more than 15 degrees, calculations must
be performed to determine if additional strips must be added near the vertical inclusion to
make up for the reduced stress-carrying and pullout capabilities of the skewed strips.
The positions of the reinforcing strips may also be adjusted by shifting the tie strips
horizontally prior to casting the panels. This method is recommended only if locations of
vertical inclusions are known in advance. Alternatively, to allow more flexibility during
construction, panels to be located at vertical inclusions can be cast with extra tie strips. A
Page 9-9
panel requiring only four tie strips by design (two per level) could be cast with six instead
(Figure 9.11.2). In the field, reinforcing strips could be attached to any two of the three
tie strips per level, depending on the precise location of the vertical inclusion.
The final option for adjusting reinforcing strip locations is to use an angle attached to the
tie strips, as discussed in Section 9.6 and shown in Figures 9.6.4a and 9.6.4b. Field-
drilled holes in the angle create reinforcing strip attachment locations that are free of
interference from the vertical inclusion.
As shown in Figure 9.11.3, walls with vertical inclusions, especially those at corners, can
become very complex both to design and to build. For this reason it is important that the
RECo designer and the Owner/Consultant be in close communication during the design
process. This will lead to construction drawings that clearly show the contractor how to
coordinate placement of the inclusions with erection of the wall while avoiding field
changes that might reduce design safety or increase costs.
Drainage Details
Good drainage is critical to the proper functioning of Reinforced Earth walls. External
(to the wall) site drainage design depends on the structure's location and local
hydrological factors. Typical external drainage features include swales behind the
Reinforced Earth wall and/or catch basins and pipelines. See Section 9.10 for typical
methods of integrating drainage structures with Reinforced Earth walls.
The internal drainage of Reinforced Earth walls depends on the characteristics of the
backfill used in the structure. For walls built in fill, the presence of the numerous
horizontal and vertical open joints in the wall facing, in combination with the free
draining nature of the granular backfill, provides adequate drainage. To prevent finer
backfill particles from migrating into and clogging the joints, the backfill side of each
joint is covered with a geotextile filter cloth. (Figure 9.12.1)
For a Reinforced Earth wall built in a cut or in an area where the ground water level is (or
may be) higher than the foundation elevation of the wall, a perforated drainage pipe may
be installed immediately behind the facing panels at the base of the wall (Figure 9.12.2).
In addition, if recommended by the project geotechnical engineer, a gravel chimney drain
or other special drainage device may be required on the back slope of the excavation to
intercept ground water and channel it down behind and through or under the Reinforced
Earth wall (Figure 9.12.3).
Page 9-10
Geometric Details
When two Reinforced Earth wall segments are joined by a corner element to form an
acute angle (Figure 9.13.1), the standard design approach may be acceptable or a special
design may be required, depending on the magnitude of the included angle and the height
of the walls (which determines the length of the reinforcing strips). Standard design
requires reinforcing strips to be perpendicular to the back face of the structure but allows
for up to 15° skewing. However, if the included angle is small or the wall is high
(requiring long reinforcing strips), the perpendicular or up-to-15°-skewed strips may not
fit within the confines of the corner. Thus, a Reinforced earth acute corner is a special
design in which the reinforcing strips close to the corner element are bolted to the panels
on both legs of the angle and the cross-bolted portion is isolated from adjacent panels by
slip joints (Figure 9.13.2). A modified version of the standard acute corner design, with
skewed and possibly extra reinforcing strips, is used where walls form acute corners with
bridge abutments or other skewed obstructions.
The portion of the acute corner separated by slip joints is called the "nose." Since the
cross bolting of the reinforcing strips makes the nose much stiffer than the rest of the
wall, it is actually designed as a binwall. The nose is attached to the rest of the
Reinforced Earth mass by reinforcing strips bolted to panels in the nose section and
extending past the slip joints into the backfill of the standard design portion of the wall.
The slip joints are located after the last column of panels requiring cross-bolted
reinforcing strips, and the slip joints' strips themselves are designed by the standard
design method (strips perpendicular or skewed up to 15°).
9.14 Curves
A Reinforced Earth wall approximates a curve using a series of 1.5 m (4.92 ft) long
chords (1.5 m is the nominal width of the panels and is the actual distance between the
centerlines of the panel joints). This procedure changes the wall length slightly, due to
the difference between the actual length of the curve and the sum of the lengths of the
chords, but this difference is minimal. For example, for a radius of 30 m (100 feet), the
length difference would be 1.6 mm (1/16 in) per panel. Since panel joints are
approximately 20 mm (3/4 in) wide, this difference usually can be accommodated by
adjusting the joint widths as the wall is being built. When a precise fit is required, such
as for a curved wall that must fit exactly between two bridge abutments or other fixed
objects, special cut-to-fit panels are required at the ends of the wall.
Page 9-11
What curvature limits should be considered?
A Reinforced Earth wall can be built on a curve with a radius as small as 15 m (50 ft)
without any special adjustments. In addition, if the front face of the wall faces the center
of the curve, even smaller radii can be achieved with a minor fabrication change in the
panel joints or by using back-up panels (Figure 9.14.1). Since curves are so easily built
with Reinforced Earth panels, angles in wall alignment are often replaced with curves
(Figure 9.14.2).
Occasionally the distance between the back face of a wall and the right-of-way limit
leaves insufficient room for the normal Reinforced Earth cross sectional dimension
(reinforcing strip length). In other locations, geotechnical conditions make excavation
for the required Reinforced Earth cross section difficult, risky and/or costly, or bearing
pressure or rotational stability concerns argue against a single, very high wall.
Sometimes simply architectural considerations preclude using a single, high wall face.
In such circumstances, walls may be stacked or tiered to reach the required height.
Depending on the setback distance between the tiers, the reinforcement lengths for each
tier can be less than for a single wall of the same total height, reducing excavation and
select backfill costs. A further cost reduction results from the shorter reinforcement
lengths required for certain tiered walls as compared to a single wall of the same total
height. Since structural loading may be less severe for the individual tiers than for a
single wall, the reinforcing strip density may also be reduced, providing an additional
economic benefit.
When the demand for tiered walls arises from architectural/landscaping considerations,
Reinforced Earth is an ideal choice because of the numerous architectural options
available to the designer through the various facing panel types and finishes. One
example of this type of tiered wall is the planter wall shown in Figure 9.15.1.
Minimum offset of the tiers, where the offset distance is less than 1/20th of the total
height of the structure. In this case, each tier is designed as if it were part of a
single wall as high as the total height of the tiers. The reinforcing strips are as long
as they would be in a single, full-height wall, and there is no reduction in
excavation and backfill quantities.
Page 9-12
Full offset of the tiers, in which each upper tier is located fully behind the Rankine
active zone of the tier below. In this case, each wall is designed independently
based on the loads applied by any walls or other surcharges above it.
Partial offset of the tiers, a situation between minimum and full offset. Design for
this case is complex and an attempt is made to simplify such walls to either a
minimum or full offset condition.
All tiered wall cases require specialized consideration by Reinforced Earth Company
engineers and should always be brought to the attention of The Reinforced Earth
Company for further discussion.
Page 9-13
2. Technical Bulletin MSE -8, Crash Testing of a Precast Traffic Barrier Atop a
Reinforced Earth Wall, The Reinforced Earth Company, 1995.
Page 9-14