Build-Heat-Exchanger: Compose Your Own Heat Exchanger and Make Calculations

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Compose your own heat exchanger and make calculations

For a worked example: see below from row 77 onward.
Initial number D value Reference z value blue = calculation results
in whole pack [in SEC] temp [ C]
F value to be calculated: XXX XXX 121.1 10
Micro-organism 1 1 7.9 140 13.1
Micro-organism 2 1000 12 121.1 10
Nutrient A 100% 7650 120 28.8
Nutrient B 100% 69780 160 32.8
Nutrient C 100% 30 120 56.8

Correction factor for residence time distribution 1) : 0.8 = Vav/Vmax

Multiplication factor for initial fluid flow rate through all sections 2): 1 x initial fluid flow

Step 1: In the left hand column below, give a specific name to each of the stages of the heat exchanger, in the correct orde
Step 2: Complete each stage by filling in the temperatures IN and OUT, and by filling in the actual
Step 3: Next include, in the table above, all required data on F value, on 2 micro-organisms, and on 3 nutrients.
Step 4: Then fill in the correction factor for residence time distribution.
Temp [oC] Average Av. residence
Name the stages residence time, corrected
in the heat exchanger time for flow
in the correct order In Out [s] [s]
Stage 1 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 2 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 3 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 4 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 5 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 6 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 7 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 8 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 9 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 10 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 11 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 12 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 13 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Results: 0 0

For equations to calculate the integrated F value for linear temperature changes in the heating or cooling sections of a hea
see Holdsworth, S.D. (1992): Aseptic Processing and Packaging of Food Products; Elsevier Applied Science; London; p

) Correction factor on F, and on microbial spoilage rates b, when considering residence time distribution
* In case of LAMINAR FLOW (Re < 2100), the velocity of the fastest fluid particle Vmax is 2x as high as the mean fluid p
See graph below: if average Re < 2100 (Re at top horizontal axis), then Vmax/Vav = 2.0 (right vertical axis), so Vm
thus the residence time of the fastest fluid particle is only 0.5x of that of the mean residence
Conclusion in case of laminar flow: To find the F value of the fastest fluid particle,
the F value calculated from the mean fluid residence time, should be corrected by a correction factor
* In case of TURBULENT FLOW, the velocity of the fastest fluid particle Vmax is about 1.43x to 1.11x as fast as the mea
See graph below: if Re = 22000 (Re at top horizontal axis), then Vmax/Vav = 1.25 (right vertical axis), so Vmax = 1
thus the residence time of the fastest fluid particle is only 0.8x of that of the mean residence time (see left vertical
Conclusion in case of turbulent flow: To find the F value of the fastest fluid particle,
the F value calculated from the mean fluid residence time, should be corrected by an approximate

For turbulent flow: correction factor (Vav/Vmax) = 0.0336*logRe + 0.662 (Toledo (1991: 323)).
So if Re = 22000, correction factor (Vav/Vmax) = 0.0336*log22000 + 0.662 = 0.0336*4.34 + 0.662 = 0.81

Adapted from: Perry (1985): Chemical Engineer's Handbook, McGraw-Hill, page 5-12
or Perry (1999): Chemical Engineer's Handbook, McGraw-Hill, page 10-9; fig. 10.7.
) To obtain the effect of a 2x as large fluid flow rate, resulting in a residence time per section which is halved, type 2 in ce

Worked example
A heat exchanger has the following heating, holding and cooling sections:
Section 1: Heating 1 from 4 °C to 95 °C in 72.1 s
Section 2: Holding 1 at 95 °C during 62.5 s
Section 3: Heating 2 from 95 °C to 140 °C in 46.9 s
Section 4: Holding 2 at 140 °C for 4.3 s
Section 5: Cooling from 140 °C to 20 °C in 92.7 s
The flow in all sections is turbulent; ReAV = 22 000. So the correction factor for residence time distribution Vav/Vmax = 0.8

* Calculate the total F0 (so the F at reference temperature of 121.1 oC and a z value of z = 10 oC);
* Calculate the spoilage rate of 1000 ml packs after heating by the following micro-organisms:
Micro-organism 1: Bacillus sporothermodurans; initially 1 spore/1000 ml, D = 7.9 seconds at 1
So D value = 7.9 s; reference temperature = 140 °C; z = 13.1 °C.
Micro-organism 2: Clostridium botulinum; initially 1000 spores/1000 ml; D = 12 seconds at 121
So D = 12 s; reference temperature = 121.1 °C; z = 10 °C
* Calculate the percentage retained (= nutrient retention) of the following nutrients, after heating:
Nutrient A: Thiamine (vit B1), in milk; D = 7650 s at 120 oC and z = 28.8
Nutrient B: Lysin (essential amino acid), in milk; D = 69780 s at 160 oC and z = 32.8
Nutrient C: Plasmin (unwanted protease), in milk; D = 30 s at 120 oC and z = 56.8

How to proceed: Follow the steps 1 to 4 to "compose" the heat exchanger

Compose your own heat exchanger and make calculations
For a worked example: see document Build-UHT-Indirect - Worked Examples and Validation.doc
Initial number D value Reference z value blue = calculation results
in whole pack [in SEC] temp [ C]
F value to be calculated: XXX XXX 121.1 10
B. sporothermodurans 1 7.9 140 13.1
C. botulinum: 1000 12 121.1 10
Thiamine (vit B1): 100% 7650 120 28.8
Lysin: 100% 69780 160 32.8
Plasmin: 100% 30 120 56.8

Correction factor for residence time distribution 1) : 0.8 = Vav/Vmax

Multiplication factor for initial fluid flow through all sections: 1 x initial fluid flow

Step 1: In the left hand column below, give a specific name to each of the stages of the heat exchanger, in the correct orde
Step 2: Complete each stage by filling in the temperatures IN and OUT, and by filling in the actual
Step 3: Next include, in the table above, all required data on F value, on 2 micro-organisms, and on 3 nutrients.
Step 4: Then fill in the correction factor for residence time distribution.
Temp [oC] Average Corrected
residence av. residence

Name the stages in heat exchanger time time

in the correct order In Out [s] [s]
Section 1: Heating 1 4 95 72.1 72.1
Section 2: Holding 1 95 95 62.5 62.5
Section 3: Heating 2 95 140 46.9 46.9
Section 4: Holding 2 140 140 4.3 4.3
Section 5: Cooling 140 20 92.7 92.7
Stage 6 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 7 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 8 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 9 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 10 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 11 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 12 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 13 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Results: 278.5 278.5

- Total F0 value (= F at 121.1 oC and z = 10 oC), corrected for residence time distribution: F0 = 757 s = 12.6 min.
- Spoilage rate by micro-organism 1 = Bacillus sporothermodurans after heat processing, is 0.03277 or over 3 packs pe
- Spoilage rate by by micro-organism 2 = Clostridium botulinum after heat processing, is 8.06184E-61, or about 8 packs
- After heat processing, 95.8% or almost 96% of the original amount of nutrient A = Thiamine (vit B1)
- After heat processing, 99.97% or almost 99.97% of the original amount of nutrient B = Lysin (essential amino acid)
- After heat processing, 0.00449%, or over 0.004% of the original amount of nutrient C = Plasmin (unwanted protease

A UHT process operates satisfactorily regarding to shelf life and nutrient quality under the following conditions:

- B* total = 3.73
- B* total (adjusted) = 2.98:
Definition: A process with B* total = 1 produces a 9 log cycle reduction of thermophilic spores, assuming a
A process with B* total = 1 would be equivalent to 10.1 s at 135 °C.
- Conclusion from B* total = 3.73 and from B* total (adjusted) = 2.98: this process destructs thermophilic spoilage spo

- C* total = 1.48:
Definition: A process with a C* total = 1 would reduce the concentration of thiamine by 3%, assuming a z v
A process with a C* total = 1 would be equivalent to 30.5 s at 135 °C.
- Conclusion from C* total = 1.48: this process reduces the concentration of thiamine by over 3%.
This also was concluded above at the findings on nutrient retention: Some 4.2% of the thiamine
Version 2.5 (HAS University of Applied Sciences)
Protected; no password Janwillem Rouweler
yellow = add figures April 02, 2013
blue = calculation results
B* total: a process with B* total = 1 produces a 9 log cycle reduction of thermophilic spores, assuming a z = 10.5 oC. A process with B* total = 1 would b
B* total (adjusted) = B* total, adjusted for the fasted particle (residence time distribution correction)
C* total: a process with a C* total = 1 would reduce the concentration of thiamine by 3%, assuming a z value of 31.5 oC. A process with a C*total = 1 wo

Calculations of 'F corrected', (corrected) Total F, 'B* total (adjusted)', and 'Spoilage rate by micro-oganism 1 and 2' are based on the fastest particle.
'Nutrient retention' and 'C*total' are calculated on basis of mean residence time of the fluid in the heat exchanger.

For an example on T-t of UHT indirect: see: Tran et al. (2008): International Dairy Journal 18 (2008) 939-944

nitial fluid flow (0.5 = half the initial fluid flow rate = double residence times)

e heat exchanger, in the correct order.

n the actual average residence time of the fluid in that stage.
nisms, and on 3 nutrients.

F F, per stage, (corrected) Total F Spoilage rate Spoilage rate

per stage corrected for value for this and b by b by
residence time previous stages [s] Micro-organism 1 Micro-organism 2
[s] distribution [s] 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 0 0 1 1000
0 1 1000

heating or cooling sections of a heat exchanger (= the trapezoidal rule),

Elsevier Applied Science; London; p 48.

nce time distribution of fluid particles:

max is 2x as high as the mean fluid particle velocity Vav.
/Vav = 2.0 (right vertical axis), so Vmax = 2*Vav;
mean residence time (see left vertical axis).

d by a correction factor = 0.5 (see left vertical axis).

ut 1.43x to 1.11x as fast as the mean particle velocity Vav.
1.25 (right vertical axis), so Vmax = 1.25*Vav;
ean residence time (see left vertical axis).
d by an approximate correction factor = 0.8 (see left vertical axis).

1991: 323)).
4.34 + 0.662 = 0.81

Hill, page 10-9; fig. 10.7.

section which is halved, type 2 in cell E14.

nce time distribution Vav/Vmax = 0.8 (see graph above)

of z = 10 oC);

pore/1000 ml, D = 7.9 seconds at 140 oC and z = 13.1 oC.

= 140 °C; z = 13.1 °C.
res/1000 ml; D = 12 seconds at 121.1 oC and z = 10 oC.
.1 °C; z = 10 °C

C and z = 28.8 oC.

0 s at 160 oC and z = 32.8 oC.
at 120 oC and z = 56.8 oC .

Version 2.5 (HAS University of Applied Sciences; March 08, 2013)

Protected; no password Janwillem Rouweler
yellow = add figures
blue = calculation results

Calculations of 'F corrected', (corrected) Total F, and 'Spoilage rate by

micro-organism 1 and 2' are based on the fastest particle.
'Nutrient retention', however, is calculated on basis of the
mean residence time of the fluid in the heat exchanger.

For an example on T-t of UHT indirect: see: Tran et al. (2008): International Dairy Journal 18 (2008) 939-944

nitial fluid flow (0.5 = half the initial fluid flow = double residence times)

e heat exchanger, in the correct order.

n the actual average residence time of the fluid in that stage.
nisms, and on 3 nutrients.

F F, per stage, (corrected) Total F Spoilage rate Spoilage rate

per stage corrected for for this and b by b by

residence time previous stages [s] B. sporothermodurans C. botulinum:

[s] distribution [s] 0 1 1000
0.008456020673 0.006764816538187 0.006764816538187 0.9996137064405 998.70279495565
0.15341930723 0.122735445784252 0.129500262322438 0.9942789470181 975.45740844277
351.7375701585 281.390056126796 281.519556389119 0.249230590927 3.4676636629E-21
333.7862601503 267.02900812027 548.548564509389 0.0914446515187 1.9391867016E-43
260.7177815631 208.574225250458 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
0 0 757.122789759846 0.0327793016177 8.0618402235E-61
757.122789759846 0.0327793015739 8.0618402232E-61

on: F0 = 757 s = 12.6 min.

ssing, is 0.03277 or over 3 packs per 100 packs of 1 Liter.
ng, is 8.06184E-61, or about 8 packs per 10 61 liter packs.
Thiamine (vit B1) is still retained in the product after heating.
B = Lysin (essential amino acid), is still retained in the product after heating.
t C = Plasmin (unwanted protease), is still retained in the product after heating.

the following conditions: B* > 1; C* < 1.

of thermophilic spores, assuming a z = 10.5 °C.

destructs thermophilic spoilage spores sufficiently.

n of thiamine by 3%, assuming a z value of 31.5 °C.

e by over 3%.
etention: Some 4.2% of the thiamine was destructed
C. A process with B* total = 1 would be equivalent to 10.1 s at 135 oC.

5 oC. A process with a C*total = 1 would be equivalent to 30.5 s at 135 oC.

e based on the fastest particle.

(2008) 939-944

Retention Retention Retention B *, per stage B * total B *, per stage

Nutrient A Nutrient B Nutrient C (adjusted)
[%] [%] [%]
100 100 100 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0 0 0
100 100 100 0
(2008) 939-944

Retention Retention Retention B *, per stage B * total B *, per stage

Thiamine (vit B1): Lysin: Plasmin: (adjusted)

[%] [%] [%]

100 100 100 0
99.95957326505 99.999611773 58.774382807 5.552776E-05 5.552776E-05 4.442221E-05
99.70509557924 99.99746072 10.304353138 0.0009594776 0.0010150053 0.0007675821
97.83792599757 99.985927442 0.2479444673 1.4101600264 1.4111750318 1.1281280211
97.21335117693 99.982443039 0.1180065955 1.2744933037 2.6856683355 1.019594643
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 1.045271366 3.7309397015 0.8362170928
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 0 3.7309397015 0
95.8229703327 99.973518575 0.004491264 3.7309397015
B * total C *, per stage C * total

0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
B * total C *, per stage C * total

0 0
4.442221E-05 0.0188521546 0.018852155
0.0008120043 0.1090673667 0.127919521
1.1289400254 0.6482984738 0.776217995
2.1485346684 0.2034249814 0.979642976
2.9847517612 0.498850764 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 1.47849374

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