Build-Heat-Exchanger: Compose Your Own Heat Exchanger and Make Calculations
Build-Heat-Exchanger: Compose Your Own Heat Exchanger and Make Calculations
Build-Heat-Exchanger: Compose Your Own Heat Exchanger and Make Calculations
Step 1: In the left hand column below, give a specific name to each of the stages of the heat exchanger, in the correct orde
Step 2: Complete each stage by filling in the temperatures IN and OUT, and by filling in the actual
Step 3: Next include, in the table above, all required data on F value, on 2 micro-organisms, and on 3 nutrients.
Step 4: Then fill in the correction factor for residence time distribution.
Temp [oC] Average Av. residence
Name the stages residence time, corrected
in the heat exchanger time for flow
in the correct order In Out [s] [s]
Stage 1 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 2 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 3 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 4 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 5 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 6 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 7 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 8 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 9 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 10 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 11 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 12 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Stage 13 of heat exchanger 0 0 0 0
Results: 0 0
For equations to calculate the integrated F value for linear temperature changes in the heating or cooling sections of a hea
see Holdsworth, S.D. (1992): Aseptic Processing and Packaging of Food Products; Elsevier Applied Science; London; p
) Correction factor on F, and on microbial spoilage rates b, when considering residence time distribution
* In case of LAMINAR FLOW (Re < 2100), the velocity of the fastest fluid particle Vmax is 2x as high as the mean fluid p
See graph below: if average Re < 2100 (Re at top horizontal axis), then Vmax/Vav = 2.0 (right vertical axis), so Vm
thus the residence time of the fastest fluid particle is only 0.5x of that of the mean residence
Conclusion in case of laminar flow: To find the F value of the fastest fluid particle,
the F value calculated from the mean fluid residence time, should be corrected by a correction factor
* In case of TURBULENT FLOW, the velocity of the fastest fluid particle Vmax is about 1.43x to 1.11x as fast as the mea
See graph below: if Re = 22000 (Re at top horizontal axis), then Vmax/Vav = 1.25 (right vertical axis), so Vmax = 1
thus the residence time of the fastest fluid particle is only 0.8x of that of the mean residence time (see left vertical
Conclusion in case of turbulent flow: To find the F value of the fastest fluid particle,
the F value calculated from the mean fluid residence time, should be corrected by an approximate
For turbulent flow: correction factor (Vav/Vmax) = 0.0336*logRe + 0.662 (Toledo (1991: 323)).
So if Re = 22000, correction factor (Vav/Vmax) = 0.0336*log22000 + 0.662 = 0.0336*4.34 + 0.662 = 0.81
Adapted from: Perry (1985): Chemical Engineer's Handbook, McGraw-Hill, page 5-12
or Perry (1999): Chemical Engineer's Handbook, McGraw-Hill, page 10-9; fig. 10.7.
) To obtain the effect of a 2x as large fluid flow rate, resulting in a residence time per section which is halved, type 2 in ce
Worked example
A heat exchanger has the following heating, holding and cooling sections:
Section 1: Heating 1 from 4 °C to 95 °C in 72.1 s
Section 2: Holding 1 at 95 °C during 62.5 s
Section 3: Heating 2 from 95 °C to 140 °C in 46.9 s
Section 4: Holding 2 at 140 °C for 4.3 s
Section 5: Cooling from 140 °C to 20 °C in 92.7 s
The flow in all sections is turbulent; ReAV = 22 000. So the correction factor for residence time distribution Vav/Vmax = 0.8
* Calculate the total F0 (so the F at reference temperature of 121.1 oC and a z value of z = 10 oC);
* Calculate the spoilage rate of 1000 ml packs after heating by the following micro-organisms:
Micro-organism 1: Bacillus sporothermodurans; initially 1 spore/1000 ml, D = 7.9 seconds at 1
So D value = 7.9 s; reference temperature = 140 °C; z = 13.1 °C.
Micro-organism 2: Clostridium botulinum; initially 1000 spores/1000 ml; D = 12 seconds at 121
So D = 12 s; reference temperature = 121.1 °C; z = 10 °C
* Calculate the percentage retained (= nutrient retention) of the following nutrients, after heating:
Nutrient A: Thiamine (vit B1), in milk; D = 7650 s at 120 oC and z = 28.8
Nutrient B: Lysin (essential amino acid), in milk; D = 69780 s at 160 oC and z = 32.8
Nutrient C: Plasmin (unwanted protease), in milk; D = 30 s at 120 oC and z = 56.8
Compose your own heat exchanger and make calculations
For a worked example: see document Build-UHT-Indirect - Worked Examples and Validation.doc
Initial number D value Reference z value blue = calculation results
in whole pack [in SEC] temp [ C]
F value to be calculated: XXX XXX 121.1 10
B. sporothermodurans 1 7.9 140 13.1
C. botulinum: 1000 12 121.1 10
Thiamine (vit B1): 100% 7650 120 28.8
Lysin: 100% 69780 160 32.8
Plasmin: 100% 30 120 56.8
Step 1: In the left hand column below, give a specific name to each of the stages of the heat exchanger, in the correct orde
Step 2: Complete each stage by filling in the temperatures IN and OUT, and by filling in the actual
Step 3: Next include, in the table above, all required data on F value, on 2 micro-organisms, and on 3 nutrients.
Step 4: Then fill in the correction factor for residence time distribution.
Temp [oC] Average Corrected
residence av. residence
- Total F0 value (= F at 121.1 oC and z = 10 oC), corrected for residence time distribution: F0 = 757 s = 12.6 min.
- Spoilage rate by micro-organism 1 = Bacillus sporothermodurans after heat processing, is 0.03277 or over 3 packs pe
- Spoilage rate by by micro-organism 2 = Clostridium botulinum after heat processing, is 8.06184E-61, or about 8 packs
- After heat processing, 95.8% or almost 96% of the original amount of nutrient A = Thiamine (vit B1)
- After heat processing, 99.97% or almost 99.97% of the original amount of nutrient B = Lysin (essential amino acid)
- After heat processing, 0.00449%, or over 0.004% of the original amount of nutrient C = Plasmin (unwanted protease
A UHT process operates satisfactorily regarding to shelf life and nutrient quality under the following conditions:
- B* total = 3.73
- B* total (adjusted) = 2.98:
Definition: A process with B* total = 1 produces a 9 log cycle reduction of thermophilic spores, assuming a
A process with B* total = 1 would be equivalent to 10.1 s at 135 °C.
- Conclusion from B* total = 3.73 and from B* total (adjusted) = 2.98: this process destructs thermophilic spoilage spo
- C* total = 1.48:
Definition: A process with a C* total = 1 would reduce the concentration of thiamine by 3%, assuming a z v
A process with a C* total = 1 would be equivalent to 30.5 s at 135 °C.
- Conclusion from C* total = 1.48: this process reduces the concentration of thiamine by over 3%.
This also was concluded above at the findings on nutrient retention: Some 4.2% of the thiamine
Version 2.5 (HAS University of Applied Sciences)
Protected; no password Janwillem Rouweler
yellow = add figures April 02, 2013
blue = calculation results
B* total: a process with B* total = 1 produces a 9 log cycle reduction of thermophilic spores, assuming a z = 10.5 oC. A process with B* total = 1 would b
B* total (adjusted) = B* total, adjusted for the fasted particle (residence time distribution correction)
C* total: a process with a C* total = 1 would reduce the concentration of thiamine by 3%, assuming a z value of 31.5 oC. A process with a C*total = 1 wo
Calculations of 'F corrected', (corrected) Total F, 'B* total (adjusted)', and 'Spoilage rate by micro-oganism 1 and 2' are based on the fastest particle.
'Nutrient retention' and 'C*total' are calculated on basis of mean residence time of the fluid in the heat exchanger.
For an example on T-t of UHT indirect: see: Tran et al. (2008): International Dairy Journal 18 (2008) 939-944
nitial fluid flow (0.5 = half the initial fluid flow rate = double residence times)
1991: 323)).
4.34 + 0.662 = 0.81
of z = 10 oC);
For an example on T-t of UHT indirect: see: Tran et al. (2008): International Dairy Journal 18 (2008) 939-944
nitial fluid flow (0.5 = half the initial fluid flow = double residence times)
e by over 3%.
etention: Some 4.2% of the thiamine was destructed
C. A process with B* total = 1 would be equivalent to 10.1 s at 135 oC.
(2008) 939-944
0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
B * total C *, per stage C * total
0 0
4.442221E-05 0.0188521546 0.018852155
0.0008120043 0.1090673667 0.127919521
1.1289400254 0.6482984738 0.776217995
2.1485346684 0.2034249814 0.979642976
2.9847517612 0.498850764 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 0 1.47849374
2.9847517612 1.47849374