Department of Technical Education Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru

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Government of Karnataka

Department of Technical Education

Board of Technical Examinations, Bengaluru
Course Title: PCB Design and Fabrication Lab Course Code : 15EC56P
Semester :5 Credits : 3 Credits
Teaching Scheme in Hrs (L:T:P) : 0:2:4 Course Group : Core
Type of course : Tutorial + Practical Total Contact Hours : 78
CIE : 25 Marks SEE : 50 Marks
Knowledge of analog and digital circuits.
Course Objectives
1. Understand the need for PCB Design and steps involved in PCB Design and Fabrication
2. Familiarize Schematic and layout design flow using Electronic Design Automation (EDA)
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to attain the following COs
Experiments Linked Teaching
Course Outcome CL linked PO Hrs

Appreciate the necessity and evolution Unit-1

CO1 R/U/A 1,2,4,10 03
of PCB, types and classes of PCB. Chapter 1

Understand the steps involved in Unit-1

CO2 schematic, layout, fabrication and R/U/A Chapter 2 and 1,2,3,4,10 12
assembly process of PCB design. practice exercises.

Understand basic concepts of

Unit-1 1,2,3,4,5,
CO3 transmission line, crosstalk and R/U/A 03
Chapter 4 10
thermal issues
Design (schematic and layout) PCB R/U/A
Unit 2: Part A 1,2,3,4,5,
CO4 for analog circuits, digital circuits and /AN/E 45
Exercises1 to 11 10
mixed circuits. V/C
R/U/A Unit 2: Part B,
Design (schematic and layout) and 1,2,3,4,5,
CO5 /AN/E Unit 3 06
fabricate PCB for simple circuits. 10
Two CIE/IA Tests 06
Project Activity 03
Total Sessions 78
Legend: E- Experiment, R-Remember, U-Understand, A-Application, AN-Analyze ,EV-Evaluate, C-Create, CL-
Cognitive Level, PO-Program Outcome

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EC56P Page 1

Note: Total sessions include two tests
Mapping Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes

Programme Outcomes
Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10

CO1 * * * -- -- -- -- -- -- *
CO2 * * * * -- -- -- -- -- *
CO3 * * * * * -- -- -- -- *
CO4 * * * * * -- -- -- -- *
CO5 * * * * * -- -- -- -- *

Course-PO Attainment Matrix

Programme Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PCB Design and
3 3 3 3 3 -- -- -- -- 3
Fabrication Lab
Level 3- Highly Addressed, Level 2-Moderately Addressed, Level 1-Low Addressed.
Method is to relate the level of PO with the number of hours devoted to the COs which address the given PO.
If >40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 3
If 25 to 40% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 2
If 5 to 25% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is addressed at Level 1
If < 5% of classroom sessions addressing a particular PO, it is considered that PO is considered not-addressed.

Course Contents

Unit-1: Tutorials and Practice Exercises 12Hours

Sl. Duration
No. (Hr.)
1 Introduction to PCB
∑ Definition and Need/Relevance of PCB
∑ Background and History of PCB
∑ Types of PCB 03
∑ Classes of PCB Design
∑ Terminology in PCB Design
∑ Different Electronic design automation (EDA) tools and comparison.

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2 PCB Design Process
∑ PCB Design Flow, Placement and routing
∑ Steps involved in layout design
∑ Artwork generation Methods - manual and CAD
∑ General design factor for digital and analog circuits 03
∑ Layout and Artwork making for Single-side, double-side and Multi-
layer Boards.
∑ Design for manufacturability
∑ Design-specification standards
3 Introduction to PCB Fabrication & Assembly
∑ Steps involved in fabrication of PCB.
∑ PCB Fabrication techniques-single, double sided and multilayer
∑ Etching: chemical principles and mechanisms
∑ Post operations- stripping, black oxide coating and solder masking
∑ PCB component assembly processes
4 Transmission lines and crosstalk
∑ Transmission Line:
Transmission lines and its effects
Significance of Transmission line in Board design
Types of Transmission lines.
∑ Crosstalk:
The crosstalk in transmission lines
Crosstalk control in PCB design parts, planes, tracks, connectors,
Minimization of crosstalk.
∑ Thermal issues: Thermal mapping of design

Total Duration (Hr.) 12

Practice Exercises 09Hrs

2 Using any Electronic design automation (EDA) software, Practice following PCB Design
steps (Open source EDA Tool KiCad Preferable)
Example circuit: Basic RC Circuit
∑ Schematic Design: Familiarization of the Schematic Editor, Schematic
creation, Annotation, Netlist generation
∑ Layout Design: Familiarization of Footprint Editor, Mapping of components,
Creation of PCB layout Schematic
∑ Create new schematic components
∑ Create new component footprints

Unit – 2: Graded Exercises 45 Hours

Part-A: Design PCB (schematic and Layout) for following exercises.

Sl. Graded Exercises Duration

Directorate of Technical Education Karnataka State 15EC56P Page 3

No. (Hr.)
1 Regulator circuit using 7805. 3
2 Inverting Amplifier or Summing Amplifier using op-amp 3
3 Full-wave Rectifier 3
4 Astable or Monostable multivibrator using IC555 3
5 RC Phase-shift or Wein-bridge Oscillator using transistor. 3
6 Full-Adder using half-adders. 3
7 4 bit binary /MOD N counter using D-Flip flops. 3
One open-ended (analog/ digital/mixed circuit) experiments of similar
8 nature and magnitude of the above are to be assigned by the teacher 3
(Student is expected to solve and execute/simulate independently).
Design a 8051 Development board having
∑ Power section consisting of IC7805, capacitor, resistor, headers, LED
∑ Serial communication section consisting of MAX 232, Capacitors,
DB9 connector, Jumper, LEDs 9
∑ Reset & Input/ output sections consisting of89C51 Microcontroller,
Electrolytic Capacitor, Resistor, Jumper, Crystal Oscillator, Capacitors
Note: For SEE any one section among three shall be considered as one exercise.
Part-B: Fabricate single-side PCB for simple network
Sl. Duration
Graded Exercises (Hr.)
Fabricate single-sided PCB, mount the components and assemble in a
1 6
cabinet for any one of the circuits mentioned in Part-A of graded exercises.
Two Internal Assessment Tests 6
Total Duration (Hr.) 45

Tools and materials required for PCB fabrication:

1. Open source EDA Tool KiCad.
2. Single-sided copper clad sheet.
3. Diluted Acidic solution for copper etching purpose with plastic tray.
4. Tapes and pads for layout design of different dimensions.
5. Hand drilling/Power drilling machine.
6. Tool kit (tong, hand gloves etc.)

Unit – 3: Project/Student Activities [CIE- 05 Marks]

Note:The following activities or similar activities for assessing CIE (IA) for 5 marks (Any one)

Sl. Duration
No. (Hrs)

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Design and fabricate PCB for any one project, mount the components and
assemble in a cabinet:
Some of the projects are listed below which is just a guideline for selecting
the project. Students can also select any other project with the advice of his
List of sample circuit:
1. Touch plate switches – transistorized or 555 based
1 2. Doorbell/cordless bell 03
3. Clapping switch and IR switch
4. Blinkers
5. Cell charger, battery charger, mobile charger
6. Fire/smoke/intruder alarm
7. Liquid level controller
8. Counters
9. Audio amplifiers
Execution Mode
1. Every student should perform Project activity independently as assigned by the teacher
based on interest of the student. Student can also choose any other similar activity with a
prior approval from the concerned teacher.
2. Project activities shall be carried out throughout the semester and present the project
report at the end of the semester.
3. Report-size shall be qualitative and not to exceed 6 pages;
4. Each of the activity can be carried out off-class; however, demonstration/presentation
should be done during laboratory sessions.
5. Assessment shall be made based on quality of activity, presentation/demonstration and
6. Assessment is made based on quality of work as prescribed by the following rubrics

Institutional Activity (No marks)

The following are suggested institutional activities, to be carried out at least one during the
semester. The course teacher/coordinator is expected to maintain the relevant record (Containing,
Activity name, Resource persons and their details, duration, venue, student feedback, etc)
pertaining to Institutional activities
Sl. No. Activity
1 Organize seminar on free-open source EDA software
2 Conduct quiz on PCB Design fundamentals.

1. Printed Circuit Board by RS Khandpur, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt Ltd., New Delhi
2. Electronic Product Design Volume-I by S D Mehta, S Chand Publications
3. Open source EDA Tool KiCad Tutorial:
4. PCB Fabrication user guide page: , ,

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5. PCB Fabrication at home(video):,

Course Delivery
The idea behind this course delivery is to provide relevant tutorial and hands-on practice
concurrently. The course will be normally delivered through two-hour tutorials and four-hour
hands-on practice per week; hands-on practice shall include practice exercises and graded
exercises. Normally, one-hour tutorial followed by two-hour hands-on practice is recommended in
each class. In Unit-1, tutorials and practice may be carried out concurrently. However, graded
exercise (Unit-II) can also be covered at appropriate point of tutorials of Unit-1. Activities are
carried-out off class.
Course Assessment and Evaluation Scheme
Master Scheme
Assessment To mode Max. Evidence Course
Method Whom /Frequency Marks Collected Outcomes
Two tests+ 10 Blue Books 1 to 5
CIE IA Record 10 Record Book 1 to 5
Activity 05 Report/Sheets 1 to 5
End of the Answer Scripts
End 50 1 to 5
SEE course at BTE
Total 75
Student 1 to 2 &
Middle of Feedback
feedback on Nil Delivery of
the Course Forms
course course
1 to 5,
Effectiveness of
End of
End of the delivery
course Nil Questionnaires
Course instructions &
Legends: CIE-Continuous Internal Evaluation, SEE- Semester End-exam Evaluation

1. I.A. test shall be conducted as per SEE scheme of valuation. However obtained marks shall be reduced to 10
marks. Average marks of two tests shall be rounded off to the next higher digit.
2. Rubrics to be devised appropriately by the concerned faculty to assess Student activities.
*Students should do activity as per the list of suggested activities/ similar activities with prior approval of the teacher.
Activity process must be initiated well in advance so that it can be completed well before the end of the term.
Record Writing: Average of marks allotted for each experiment; fractional part of average shall be rounded-off to next
higher integer.

Composition of CLs

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Sl. No. Cognitive Levels (CL) Weightage (%)
1 Remembering 10
2 Understanding 20
3 Applying 30
4 Analyze 15
5 Evaluate 15
6 Create 10
Total 100

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) pattern

(i) Student Activity (5 marks):The student activities in Unit-3 or similar activities can be assigned by
the teacher
Execution Notes:
1. Each student assigned at least one activity listed in Unit-3 based on interest of the students. Student can also
choose any other similar /relevant activity with prior approval from the concerned teacher.
2. Teacher is expected to observe and record the progress of students’ activities
3. Assessment is made based on quality of work as prescribed by the following rubrics table

(ii) Model of rubrics for assessing student activity (for every student)
Dimension 1 2 3 4 5
Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Good Exemplary
Collects Collects Collects a
1. Research Does not Collects more
very limited basic great deals of
and collect information,
information, information, information, 3
gathering information most refer to
some relate most refer to all refer to the
information relate to topic the topic
to topic the topic topic
Does not
Performs all
2. Full-fills perform any Performs Performs Performs
duties of
team roles duties assigned very little nearly all almost all 2
assigned team
and duties to the team duties duties duties
Rarely does Always does Always does
does the
3. Shares Always relies the assigned the assigned the assigned
work on others to do work, often work, rarely work, without 5
work, rarely
equality the work needs needs needing
reminding reminding. reminding
Usually does
Is always most of the Listens, but Listens and
4. Listen to Listens and
talking, never talking, sometimes talks a little
other team talks a fare 3
allows anyone rarely allows talk too more than
mates amount
to else to speak others to much, needed.
Total marks ceil(13/4)= 4
(iii) CIE/IA Tests (10 Marks)
Two tests shall be conducted in accordance with SEE pattern and the marks shall be scaled down to 10.
Average of two tests, rounding-off any fractional part thereof to next higher integer, shall be
considered for CIE/IA.

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(iv) Record Evaluation (10 Marks)
Every experiment shall be given marks, in the scale of 10, after its conduction based on student’s
performance and quality of write-up. Average of them, by rounding-off any fractional part thereof to
next higher integer, shall be considered for CIE/IA.
Semester end-exam evaluation (SEE) Scheme

Sl. No. Scheme Max. Marks

1 Short questions onUnit-1 (only write-up) 05
2 Design PCB (schematic and layout) for any given circuit (similar
complexity as in graded exercises)
Schematic Design-10 Marks
Layout Design-15 Marks
Fabrication–10 Marks
Component mounting & soldering-5Marks
5 Viva-voce 05
1. Candidate shall submit lab-record for the examination.
2. Student shall be allowed to design even if she/he is unable to write the
3. Candidate must be given the relevant circuit diagram.

Model Questions for Practice and Semester End Examination

Graded Exercises

Design and Fabricate PCB for the given circuit in the following list. Also, mount and solder the
1. Full-wave bridge Rectifier.
2. Astable or mono-stable multivibrator using IC555
3. RC Phase shift Oscillator using transistor
4. BJT Amplifier in Common Emitter Configuration
5. Full Adder using half adder.
6. 4-bit binary or MOD N counter using D Flip-flop or JK flip-flop.
7. 4-bit shift-register using JK Flip-flop in any one of PIPO/SIPO/PISO/SISO modes.
8. 89C51/8051 Development board Serial communication section consist of MAX 232,
Capacitors, DB9 connector, Jumper, LEDs
9. PCB for-89C51/8051 Development board Reset & Input/ output sections consist of 89C51
Microcontroller, Electrolytic Capacitor, Resistor, Jumper, Crystal Oscillator, Capacitors
10. Regulated power supply (Only filter and regulation sections).
11. Sinosoidal Oscillator using Op-amp.
12. Sinosoidal Oscillator using BJT.
13. Sinosoidal Oscillator using JFET.
14. Active filter circuit using Op-amp
∑ Paperback: 496 pages

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∑ Publisher: McGraw Hill Education (16 June 1983)
∑ Language: English
∑ ISBN-10: 0074515497
∑ ISBN-13: 978-0074515495

Printed Circuit Boards

Walter Bosshart

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